Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
- Abase
- Abba
- Abhor
- Abide, Abode
- Ability, Able
- Aboard
- Abolish
- Abominable, Abomination
- Abound
- About
- Above
- Abroad
- Absence, Absent
- Abstain, Abstinence
- Abundance, Abundant, Abundantly, Abound
- Abuse, Abusers
- Abyss
- Accept, Accepted, Acceptable
- Access
- Accompany
- Accomplish, Accomplishment
- Accord
- According as
- According to
- Account (-ed) (Verbs and Noun)
- Accurately
- Accursed
- Accusation, Accuse
- Accuser
- Acknowledge (-ment)
- Acquaintance
- Across
- Act
- Active
- Actually
- Add
- Addicted
- Adjure
- Administer, Administration (AV)
- Admiration, Admire (AV)
- Admonition, Admonish
- Ado
- Adoption
- Adorn, Adorning
- Adulterer (-ess), Adulterous, Adultery
- Advance
- Advantage
- Adventure
- Adversary
- Adversity
- Advice, Advise
- Advocate
- Afar
- Affair (-s)
- Affect
- Affection (-s), Affected
- Affirm
- Afflict (-ed), Affliction
- Affrighted
- Afoot
- Afore, Aforehand
- Aforepromised
- Aforetime
- Afraid
- Afresh
- After, Afterward (-s)
- Again
- Against
- Age
- Aged
- Ago
- Agony
- Agree, Agreement
- Aground
- Ah!
- Aim
- Air
- Alabaster
- Alas!
- Albeit
- Alien
- Alienate
- Alike
- Alive
- All
- Allege
- Allegory
- Alleluia
- Alloted
- Allow
- Allure
- Almighty
- Almost
- Alms, Almsdeeds
- Aloes
- Alone (Let Alone)
- Along
- Aloud
- Already
- Also
- Altar
- Altered
- Although
- Altogether
- Alway, Always
- Amaze, Amazement
- Ambassador, Ambassage
- Amen
- Amend
- Amethyst
- Amidst
- Amiss
- Among
- Anathema
- Anchor
- Anew
- Angel
- Anger, Angry (to be)
- Anguish
- Animals
- Anise
- Ankle-bones
- Announce
- Anoint, Anointing
- Anon
- Another
- Answer
- Antichrist
- Anxiety and Anxious
- Any
- Anything
- Apart
- Apiece
- Apostle, Apostleship
- Apparel, Apparelled
- Apparition
- Appeal
- Appearance
- Appear, Appearing
- Appease
- Appoint, Appointed
- Apportioned
- Apprehend
- Approach
- Approve, Approved
- Apron
- Apt
- Archangel
- Aright
- Arise, Arose, Arouse, Raise, Rise, Rouse
- Ark
- Arm (physical)
- Arms (weapons), Armor, to Arm
- Army
- Around
- Array
- Arrive
- Art, Arts
- As
- Ascend
- Ashamed (to be), Shame
- Ashes
- Ashore
- Aside
- Ask
- Asleep, Sleep
- Asp
- Ass
- Assassin
- Assault
- Assay
- Assemble
- Assembly
- Assent
- Assist
- Assurance, Assure, Assuredly
- Astonish, Astonishment
- Astray
- Asunder
- At
- Athirst
- Atonement
- Attain
- Attend, Attendance, Attendant
- Attentive
- Audience
- Aught
- Austere
- Author
- Authority
- Autumn
- Avail
- Avenge, Avenger
- Avoid
- Await
- Awake
- Aware
- Away
- Awe
- Axe
- Babbler, Babblings
- Babe
- Back (Adverb), Backside, Backward
- Backbiter, Backbiting
- Back (Noun)
- Bad
- Bade
- Bag
- Baggage
- Balance
- Band
- Banded
- Bank, Bankers
- Banqueting
- Baptism, Baptist, Baptize
- Barbarian, Barbarous
- Bare (Adjective)
- Bare (Verb)
- Barley
- Barn
- Barren
- Base, Baser
- Basket, Basketful
- Bason
- Bastard
- Bathed
- Battle
- Bay
- Be
- Beach
- Beam
- Bear
- Bear (animal)
- Beast
- Beat
- Beautiful
- Became
- Because
- Beckon
- Become (to be fitting)
- Bed
- Befall
- Befit, Befitting
- Before, Beforetime
- Began
- Beg, Beggar, Beggarly
- Beget, Bear (of begetting), Born
- Beggar
- Begin, Beginning, Beginner
- Begotten
- Beguile
- Behalf
- Behave, Behavior
- Behead
- Behind, come Behind
- Behold, Beheld
- Behove
- Being
- Belial
- Belief, Believe, Believers
- Belly
- Belong
- Beloved
- Beneath
- Benefit, Benefactor
- Benevolence
- Bereaved, Bereft
- Beryl
- Beseech
- Beset
- Beside, Besides
- Beside oneself (to be)
- Best
- Bestow
- Betray, Betrayer
- Betroth
- Better
- Better (be)
- Bettered (to be)
- Between
- Bewail
- Beware
- Bewitch
- Bewray
- Beyond
- Bid, Bidden, Bade, Bid again
- Bid Farewell
- Bier
- Bill
- Billows
- Bind, Binding (see also Bound)
- Bird (fowl)
- Birth
- Birthday
- Birthright
- Bishop (overseer)
- Bit
- Bite
- Bitter, Bitterly, Bitterness
- Black, Blackness
- Blade
- Blame, Blameless
- Blaspheme, Blasphemy, Blasphemer, Blasphemous
- Blaze abroad
- Blemish
- Bless, Blessed, Blessedness, Blessing
- Blew
- Blind, Blindness
- Blindfold
- Blood
- Blot out
- Blow (Noun)
- Blow (Verb)
- Board
- Boast, Boaster, Boastful
- Boat
- Body, Bodily
- Boisterous
- Bold, Boldness, Boldly
- Bond
- Bondage
- Bondman, Bondmaid
- Bondservant
- Bone
- Book
- Boon
- Border
- Born
- Borne
- Borrow
- Bosom
- Both
- Bottle
- Bottom, Bottomless
- Bought
- Bound (Noun)
- Bound (to be)
- Bounty, Bountifully
- Bow, Bowed (Verb)
- Bowels
- Bowl
- Bow (Noun)
- Box
- Boy
- Braided (AV, Broided)
- Brake
- Bramble bush
- Branch
- Branded
- Brass, Brazen
- Brawler
- Bread (loaf)
- Breadth
- Break, Breaker, Breaking, Brake
- Breast
- Breastplate
- Breath, Breathe
- Bride, Bridechamber, Bridegroom
- Bridle
- Briefly
- Brier
- Bright, Brightness
- Brim
- Brimstone
- Bring, Bringing, Brought
- Broad, Breadth
- Broided
- Broiled
- Broken
- Brokenhearted
- Brood
- Brook
- Brother, Brethren, Brotherhood, Brotherly
- Brought
- Brow
- Bruise
- Brute
- Bud
- Buffet
- Build, Builder, Building
- Bull
- Bundle
- Burden, Burdened, Burdensome
- Burial, Bury, Burying
- Burn, Burning
- Burnished
- Burnt (offering)
- Burst (asunder)
- Bury
- Bush
- Bushel
- Business
- Busybody
- Buy, Bought
- By
- Cage
- Calf
- Call, Called, Calling
- Calm
- Calvary
- Came
- Camel
- Camp
- Can (Canst, Could, Cannot)
- Candle and Candlestick
- Canker
- Captain
- Captive, Captivity
- Carcase
- Care (Noun and Verb), Careful, Carefully, Carefulness
- Carnal, Carnally
- Carousings
- Carpenter
- Carriage
- Carry
- Carrying away
- Case
- Cast
- Castle
- Catch
- Cattle
- Cause (Noun and Verb)
- Cave
- Cease
- Celestial
- Cell
- Cellar
- Censer
- Centurion
- Certain, Certainty, Certainly, Certify
- Chaff
- Chain
- Chalcedony
- Chambering
- Chamberlain
- Chamber (Store-chamber)
- Chance
- Change (Noun and Verb)
- Changer (Money-changer)
- Charge (Nouns, Adjective and Verbs), Chargeable
- Charger
- Chariot
- Charity
- Chaste
- Chasten, Chastening, Chastise, Chastisement
- Cheek
- Cheer, Cheerful, Cheerfully, Cheerfulness
- Cherish
- Cherubim
- Chicken
- Chief, Chiefest, Chiefly
- Child, Children, Childbearing, Childish, Childless
- Choice, Choose, Chosen
- Choke
- Christ
- Christian
- Christs (false)
- Chrysolite
- Chrysoprasus
- Church
- Cinnamon
- Circuit
- Circumcision, Uncircumcision, Circumcise
- Circumspectly
- Citizen, Citizenship
- City
- Clamor
- Clanging
- Clay
- Clean, Cleanness, Cleanse, Cleansing
- Clear, Clearing, Clearly
- Cleave, Clave
- Clemency
- Clerk
- Climb up
- Cloke (garment)
- Cloke (pretense)
- Close (Adverb)
- Closet
- Close (Verb)
- Cloth
- Clothe
- Clothing, Cloths, Clothes, Cloke, Coat
- Cloud
- Cloven
- Cluster
- Coals
- Coast, Coasting
- Coat
- Cock, Cock-crowing
- Cold
- Collection
- Colony
- Color
- Colt
- Come Behind
- Come, Came (see also Coming)
- Comeliness, Comely
- Comfort, Comforter, Comfortless
- Coming (Noun)
- Commandment
- Command (Verbs)
- Commend, Commendation
- Commit, Commission
- Commodius (not)
- Common, Commonly
- Commonwealth
- Commotion
- Commune
- Communicate, Communication
- Communion
- Compacted
- Companion
- Company (Noun and Verb)
- Compare, Comparison
- Compass
- Compassion, Compassionate
- Compel
- Complainer, Complaint
- Complete, Completion, Completely
- Comprehend
- Conceal
- Conceits
- Conceive
- Concern (-eth)
- Concerning
- Concision
- Conclude
- Concord
- Concourse
- Concupiscence
- Condemn, Condemnation
- Condescend
- Conditions
- Conduct
- Confer, Conference
- Confess, Confession
- Confidence (Noun, or Verb with have"), Confident (-ly)"
- Confirm, Confirmation
- Conflict (Noun)
- Conformed, Conformable
- Confound, Confuse, Confusion
- Confute
- Congregation
- Conquer, Conqueror
- Conscience
- Consecrate
- Consent
- Consider
- Consist
- Consolation, Console
- Consort (with)
- Conspiracy
- Constantly
- Constrain, Constraint
- Consult, Consultation
- Consume
- Contain
- Contemptible
- Contend (-ing)
- Contention, Contentious
- Content (to be), Contentment
- Continency
- Continual, Continually (see also Continue)
- Continue, Continuance
- Contradict, Contradiction
- Contrariwise
- Contrary
- Contribution
- Controversy (without)
- Convenient, Conveniently
- Conversation
- Convert, Conversion
- Convey
- Convict (including the AV, Convince)
- Cool
- Coppersmith
- Copy
- Corban
- Cord
- Corn, Cornfield
- Corner, Cornerstone
- Corpse
- Correct, Correction, Corrector, Correcting
- Corrupt, Verb and Adjective. Corruption, Corruptible, Incorruption, Incorruptible
- Cost, Costliness, Costly
- Couch
- Could
- Council, Councillor
- Counsel
- Count
- Countenance
- Country
- Countrymen
- Coupled
- Courage
- Course
- Court
- Courteous, Courteously
- Cousin
- Covenant-breakers
- Covenant (Noun and Verb)
- Cover, Covering
- Covet, Covetous, Covetousness
- Craft, Craftsman
- Craftiness, Crafty
- Crave
- Create, Creation, Creator, Creature
- Creditor
- Creek
- Creep, Creeping, Crept
- Crime
- Cripple
- Crooked
- Cross, Crucify
- Cross (Verb)
- Crow (Crew)
- Crowd
- Crown (Noun and Verb)
- Crucify
- Crumb
- Cruse
- Crush
- Cry (Noun and Verb), Crying
- Crystal
- Cubit
- Cumber
- Cummin
- Cunning (AV)
- Cup
- Cure (Noun and Verb)
- Curious
- Curse, Cursing (Noun and Verb), Cursed, Accursed
- Cushion
- Custom (toll)
- Custom (usage), Accustom (Verb)
- Cut
- Cymbal
- Daily (Adjective)
- Dainty
- Damage
- Damnable, Damnation, and Damned
- Damsel
- Dance
- Dancing
- Danger, Dangerous
- Dare, Daring, Durst
- Dark, Darken, Darkly, Darkness
- Dart
- Dash
- Daughter, Daughter-in-law
- Dawn
- Day
- Daybreak
- Dayspring
- Day-star
- Dazzling
- Deacon
- Dead
- Dead, half Dead
- Deadly
- Deadness
- Deaf
- Deal
- Deal, great Deal
- Deal with, have Dealings with
- Dear
- Dearly
- Dearth
- Death, Death-stroke (see also Die)
- Debate (AV)
- Debt
- Debtor
- Decay
- Decease
- Deceit, Deceitful, Deceitfully, Deceitfulness, Deceive, Deceivableness
- Deceiver
- Decently
- Decide, Decision
- Deck (Verb)
- Declare, Declaration
- Decrease (Verb)
- Decree (Noun and Verb)
- Dedicate, Dedication
- Deed, Deeds
- Deem
- Deep (Noun and Adjective), Deepness, Deeply, Depth
- Defame
- Defect
- Defence
- Defend
- Defer
- Defile, Defilement
- Define
- Defraud
- Degree
- Delay
- Delicacies
- Delicately (live)
- Deliciously
- Delight in
- Deliver, Deliverance, Deliverer
- Delude, Delusion
- Demand
- Demeanor
- Demon, Demoniac
- Demonstration
- Den
- Deny
- Depart
- Departing, Departure
- Depose
- Deposit
- Depth
- Deputy
- Deride
- Descend
- Descent
- Describe
- Desert (Noun and Adjective)
- Desire (Noun and Verb), Desirous
- Desolate (Verb and Adjective), Desolation
- Despair
- Despise, Despiser
- Despite, Despiteful, Despitefully (use)
- Destitute (be, etc.)
- Destroy, Destroyer, Destruction, Destructive
- Determine, Determinate
- Device
- Devil, Devlish
- Devised (cunningly)
- Devotion
- Devour
- Devout
- Diadem
- Die, Dead (to be, become), Dying
- Differ, Differing, Different, Difference
- Difficulty
- Dig, Dig down
- Dignity, Dignities
- Diligence, Diligent, Diligently
- Diminishing
- Dine, Dinner
- Dip, Dipped, Dippeth
- Direct
- Disallow
- Disannul, Disannulling
- Disbelieve
- Discern, Discerner, Discernment
- Discharged
- Disciple
- Discipline
- Discourage (-d)
- Discourse
- Discover
- Discreet, Discreetly
- Disease, Diseased (be)
- Disfigure
- Dish
- Dishonesty
- Dishonor
- Dismiss (-ed)
- Disobedience, Disobedient
- Disorderly
- Disparagement
- Dispensation
- Disperse, Dispersion
- Displeased
- Disposed (to be)
- Disposition
- Disputation
- Dispute, Disputer, Disputing
- Disrepute
- Dissemble
- Dissension
- Dissimulation, Dissemble
- Dissolve
- Distinction (diastole)
- Distraction (without)
- Distress, Distressed
- Distribute, Distribution
- District
- Ditch
- Divers
- Diversity, Diversities
- Divide, Divider, Dividing
- Divination
- Divine
- Divinity
- Division
- Divorce, Divorcement
- Doctor
- Doctrine
- Do, Done
- Doer
- Dog
- Doing
- Dominion (have ... over)
- Doomed
- Door
- Dote
- Double
- Double-minded
- Double-tongued
- Doubt (be in, make to), Doubtful, Doubting
- Doubt (no), Doubtless
- Dove, Turtle-dove
- Down
- Drag
- Dragon
- Drank
- Draught
- Drave and Drove
- Draw (away, back, nigh, on, out, up)
- Dream (Noun and Verb), Dreamer
- Dressed
- Dresser
- Dried
- Drift
- Drink (-eth, -er, -ing), Drank
- Drive, Driven, Drave, Drove
- Drop (Noun)
- Dropsy
- Drown
- Drunk, (-en, be), Drunkard, Drunkenness
- Dry
- Due
- Dull
- Dumb
- Dung
- Dunghill
- Dure
- During
- Durst
- Dust
- Duty
- Dwell, Dwellers, Dwelling (place)
- Dying
- Dysentery
- Each, Each man, Each one
- Each other
- Eagle
- Early
- Earnest, Earnestness, Earnestly
- Earnest (Noun)
- Ear (of corn)
- Ear (of the body)
- Earth
- Earthen, Earthly, Earthy
- Earthquake
- Ease, Eased
- Easily
- East
- Easter
- Easy, Easier, Easily
- Eat, Eat with, Eating
- Edge, Edged
- Edification, Edify, Edifying
- Effect (of none)
- Effectual
- Effeminate
- Effulgence
- Egg
- Eight, Eighteen, Eighth
- Either
- Elder, Eldest
- Elect, Elected, Election
- Elements
- Eleven, Eleventh
- Eloquent
- Else
- Elsewhere
- Embark
- Embolden
- Embrace
- Emerald
- Emperor
- Empty
- Emulation, AV
- Enable
- Enact
- Enclose
- Encounter
- Encourage, Encouragement
- Endeavor
- End, Ending
- Endless
- Endue
- Endure, Enduring
- Enemy
- Engrafted
- Engrave
- Enjoin
- Enjoy
- Enlarge
- Enlighten
- Enmity
- Enough
- Enquire
- Enrich
- Enroll, Enrollment
- Ensample
- Enslaved
- Ensnare
- Ensue
- Entangle
- Enter, Entering, Entrance
- Entertain
- Entice, Enticing
- Entire
- Entreat (to deal with, to treat)
- Entreat, to request
- Envy, Envying
- Ephphatha
- Epileptic
- Epistle
- Equal, Equality
- Ere
- Err
- Error
- Escape
- Eschew
- Especially
- Espoused
- Establish
- Estate, State
- Esteem
- Eternal
- Eunuch
- Evangelist
- Even (Adjective)
- Even (Adverb, etc.), Even as, Even so
- Even (Noun), Evening, Eventide
- Ever, for Ever, Evermore
- Everlasting
- Every, Everyone (man), Everything
- Everywhere, Every quarter, Every side
- Every whit
- Evidence
- Evident, Evidently
- Evil, Evil-doer
- Evil speaking
- Exact, Exactly
- Exact (Verb)
- Exalt, Exalted
- Examination, Examine
- Example
- Exceed, Exceeding, Exceedingly
- Excel, Excellency, Excellent
- Except, Excepted
- Excess
- Exchange
- Exchangers
- Exclude
- Excuse
- Excute
- Executioner
- Exercise
- Exhort, Exhortation
- Exist
- Exorcist
- Expect, Expectation
- Expedient
- Expelled
- Experience (without), Experiment
- Expert
- Expire
- Explain
- Expound
- Express
- Expressly
- Extort, Extortion, Extortioner
- Eye
- Eye-salve
- Eye-service
- Eye (with one)
- Eyewitness
- Fable
- Face
- Faction, Factious
- Fade (away)
- Fail
- Fain
- Faint
- Fainthearted
- Fair
- Faith
- Faithful, Faithfully, Faithless
- Faithfulness
- Faith (of little)
- Fall, Fallen, Falling, Fell
- False, Falsehood, Falsely
- Fame
- Family
- Famine
- Fan
- Far
- Fare, Farewell
- Farm
- Farther side
- Farthing
- Fashion
- Fasten
- Fast, Fasting
- Fast (to make)
- Father
- Father-in-law
- Fatherless
- Fathom
- Fatling, Fatted
- Fatness
- Fault, Faultless
- Favor, Favored
- Fear, Fearful, Fearfulness
- Feast
- Feeble
- Feed, Fed
- Feel, Feeling, Felt
- Feet
- Feign, Feigned
- Fell
- Fellow
- Fellowship
- Felt
- Female
- Fervent, Fervently
- Fetch
- Fetter
- Fever (to be sick of)
- Few
- Fickleness
- Fidelity
- Field, Cornfield
- Fierce, Fierceness
- Fiery
- Fifteen, Fifteenth
- Fifth
- Fifty
- Fig
- Fight
- Fighting
- Fig tree
- Figure
- Fill, Fill up
- Filth
- Filthiness, Filthy (to make)
- Final, Finally
- Find, Found
- Fine
- Finger
- Finish
- Fire
- Firkin
- Firm
- First
- First-begotten, Firstborn
- Firstfruit(s)
- Fish
- Fish (Verb), Fisher, Fisherman
- Fit (Adjective and Verb), Fitly, Fitting
- Five, Five times
- Fix
- Flame, Flaming
- Flattery (-ing)
- Flax
- Flee, Fled
- Flesh
- Fleshly, Fleshly
- Flight
- Flock
- Flood
- Floor
- Flour
- Flourish
- Flow
- Flower
- Flute-players
- Flux
- Fly
- Foal
- Foam
- Foe
- Fold
- Fold up
- Folk
- Follow, Follow after
- Folly
- Food
- Fool, Foolish, Foolishly, Foolishness
- Foot, Feet
- Footstool
- For and Forasmuch
- Forbade
- Forbear, Forbearance
- Forbid, Forbade
- Force
- Forefather
- Foregoing
- Forehead
- Foreign, Foreigner
- Foreknow, Foreknowledge
- Foreordain
- Forepart
- Forerunner
- Foresail
- Foresee, Foreseen
- Foreshew
- Foreship
- Foretell
- Forewarn
- Forfeit
- Forget, Forgetful
- Forgive, Forgave, Forgiveness
- Formed
- Former
- Form (Noun)
- Fornication, Fornicator
- Forsake
- Forsomuch
- Forswear
- Forth
- Forthwith
- Forty
- Forward (be), Forwardness
- Foster-brother
- Foul
- Foundation (to lay), Founded
- Fountain
- Fourfold
- Fourfooted
- Fourscore
- Foursquare
- Four (-th), Fourteen (-th), Four Hundred
- Fowl
- Fox
- Fragments
- Frame (Verb)
- Frankincense
- Frankly
- Fraud
- Free, Freedom, Freely, Freeman, Freedman, Freewoman
- Freight
- Frequent
- Fresh
- Friend (make one's)
- Friendship
- Fro and From
- Frog
- Froward
- Fruit (bear), Fruitful, Unfruitful
- Frustrate
- Fulfill, Fulfilling, Fulfillment
- Full
- Fuller
- Fullgrown
- Fullness
- Fully
- Furlong
- Furnace
- Furnish
- Further
- Furtherance
- Furthermore
- Gain (Noun and Verb)
- Gainsay, Gainsayer, Gainsaying
- Gall
- Games
- Gangrene
- Garden
- Gardener
- Garland
- Garment
- Garner
- Garnish
- Garrison
- Gate
- Gather, Gathering
- Gay
- Gaze
- Gazingstock
- Gear
- Gender
- Genealogy
- General (assembly)
- Generation
- Gentiles
- Gentle, Gentleness, Gently
- Get, Got, Gotten
- Ghost
- Ghost (give up the)
- Gift, Giving
- Gird, Girded, Girt (about, up)
- Girdle
- Give
- Giver
- Glad (be, make), Gladly
- Gladness
- Glass, Glassy
- Glistering
- Glorify
- Glory, Glorious
- Glory (to boast), Glorying
- Glutton
- Gluttonous
- Gnash, Gnashing
- Gnat
- Gnaw
- Goad
- Goal
- Goat
- Goatskin
- God
- Goddess
- Godhead
- Godliness, Godly
- God-speed
- Godward
- God (without)
- Gold, Golden
- Gold ring
- Good, Goodly, Goodness
- Goodman
- Goods
- Gorgeous, Gorgeously
- Gospel (Noun and Verb: to preach)
- Got and Gotten
- Government
- Governor
- Go (went), Go onward, etc.
- Grace
- Gracious
- Graff, Graft (RV)
- Grain
- Grandchildren
- Grandmother
- Grant
- Grape
- Grass
- Gratulation
- Grave (Adjective)
- Grave-clothes
- Graven
- Grave (Noun)
- Gravity
- Great
- Greater
- Greatest
- Greatly
- Greatness
- Greedily
- Greediness
- Greedy
- Green
- Greet, Greeting
- Grief, Grieve
- Grievous, Grievously
- Grind
- Groan, Groaning
- Gross (to wax)
- Ground, Grounded
- Grow
- Grudge
- Grudgingly
- Guardian
- Guard (Noun and Verb)
- Guest
- Guest-chamber
- Guide (Noun and Verb)
- Guile
- Guileless (without Guile)
- Guiltless
- Guilty (Adjective)
- Gulf
- Gush out
- Ha
- Habitation
- Hades
- Hail (Noun)
- Hail (Verb)
- Hair
- Hale (Verb)
- Half
- Half dead
- Half-shekel
- Hall
- Hallelujah
- Hallow
- Halt
- Hand
- Hand (at hand)
- Handed down
- Handkerchief
- Handle
- Hand (lead by the)
- Handmaid and Handmaiden
- Hands (lay hands on)
- Hands (made by, not made with)
- Hand (take in)
- Hand (with one's own)
- Handwriting
- Hang
- Haply (if, lest)
- Happen
- Happy, Happier
- Hard, Harden, Hardening, Hardness
- Hardly
- Hardship (to suffer)
- Harlot
- Harm
- Harmless
- Harp
- Harper
- Harvest
- Haste, with Haste, Hastily
- Hate, Hateful, Hater, Hatred
- Haughty
- Have
- Haven
- Havoc
- Hay
- Hazard
- He
- Head
- Headlong (to cast to fall)
- Headstrong (RV), Heady (AV)
- Head (to wound in the)
- Heal, Healing
- Health (to be in)
- Heap (to)
- Hearer
- Hear, Hearing
- Hearken
- Heart (hardness of)
- Heart, Heartily
- Heart (knowing the)
- Heat
- Heathen
- Heaven, Heavenly (-ies)
- Heavy, Heaviness
- Hedge
- Heed (to give, to take)
- Heel
- He himself
- Heifer
- Height
- Heir
- Hell
- Helm
- Helmet
- Helper, Fellow-helper
- Help, Holpen
- Hem
- Hen
- Hence
- Henceforth (from, and negatives), Henceforward
- Her and Herself
- Herb
- Herd
- Here
- Hereafter
- Hereby
- Herein
- Hereof
- Heresy
- Heretical
- Here (to be, be present)
- Heretofore
- Hereunto
- Herewith
- Heritage
- He that
- Hew, Hew down, Hewn
- Hide, Hid, Hidden
- Higher
- Highest
- High (from on, Most), Highly
- Highly
- High-minded
- Highway, Highwayside
- Hill
- Him and Himself
- Hinder, Hindrance
- Hinder (part)
- Hired house
- Hired servant, Hireling
- Hire, Hired
- His, His own
- Hither
- Hitherto
- Hoise up, Hoist up
- Hold (down, fast, forth, on, to, up), Held, Holden, (take) Hold
- Hold (Noun)
- Hole
- Holiness, Holy, Holily
- Holyday
- Holy Ghost
- Home, at Home (to be; workers)
- Honest, Honestly, Honesty
- Honey
- Honeycomb
- Honorable, without Honor
- Honor (Noun and Verb)
- Hook
- Hope (Noun and Verb), Hope (for)
- Horn
- Horse
- Horsemen
- Hosanna
- Hospitality
- Host (of angels, etc.)
- Host (of guests)
- Hot
- Hour
- House
- House (goodman of the House)
- Household
- Householder
- Household-servant
- House (master of the House)
- Housetop
- How and Howbeit
- How great
- Howl
- Humble (Adjective and Verb)
- Humbleness of mind, Humility
- Humiliation
- Hundred, Hundredfold
- Hunger (Noun and Verb), Hungered, Hungry
- Hurt (Noun and Verb), Hurtful
- Husband
- Husbandman
- Husbandry
- Husks
- Hymn (Noun and Verb)
- Hypocrisy
- Hypocrite
- Hyssop
- I
- Idle
- Idle tales
- Idol
- Idolater
- Idolatry
- Idolatry (wholly given to)
- Idols (full of)
- Idols (offered to, sacrificed to)
- Idol's temple
- If
- Ignorance, Ignorant, Ignorantly
- Ill
- Illuminated
- Image
- Imagination
- Imagine
- Imitate, Imitator
- Immediately
- Immortal, Immortality
- Immutable, Immutability
- Impart
- Impediment
- Impenitent
- Implacable
- Implanted
- Implead
- Importunity
- Imposed
- Impossible
- Impostors
- Impotent
- Imprison, Improsonment
- Impulse
- Impute
- In
- Inasmuch as
- Incense (burn)
- Inclose
- Incontinency, Incontinent
- Incorruptible and Incorruption
- Increase (Noun)
- Increase (Verb)
- Incredible
- Indebted (to be)
- Indeed
- Indignation
- Indulgence
- Inexcusable
- Infallible
- Infant
- Inferior
- Infidel
- Infirmity
- Inflicted
- Inform
- Inhabitants, Inhabiters
- Inherit, Inheritance
- Iniquity
- Injure, Injurious, Injury
- Ink
- Inn
- Inner
- Innocent
- Innumerable
- Inordinate
- Inquire, Inquiry (make)
- Inscription
- Inside
- Insolent
- Insomuch that, or as
- Inspiration of God, Inspired of God
- Instant, be Instant, Instantly
- Instruct, Instruction, Instructor
- Instruments
- Insurrection
- Intend
- Intent
- Intercessions
- Interest
- Interposed
- Interpret, Interpretation, Interpreter
- Interrogation
- Into
- Intreat, Intreaty
- Intrude
- Intrust
- Inventors
- Invisible
- Inward (man, part), Inwardly
- Irksome
- Iron
- Island, Isle
- Issue
- It
- Itching
- Itself
- Ivory
- Jacinth
- Jailer
- Jangling
- Jasper
- Jealous, Jealousy
- Jeopardy
- Jesting
- Jesus
- Jewels
- Jew(-s) (live as do the), Jewess, Jewish, Jewry, Jews' religion
- Join
- Joint
- Joint-heir
- Jot
- Journey (Noun and Verb), Journeyings
- Joy (Noun and Verb), Joyfulness, Joyfully, Joyous
- Judge (Noun and Verb)
- Judgment
- Judgment (Hall of), Judgment Hall
- Judgment Seat
- Juridiction
- Justice
- Justification, Justifier, Justify
- Just, Justly
- Keeper
- Keep, Keeping (Noun)
- Key
- Kick
- Kid
- Kill
- Kind (Adjective), Kind (be), Kindly, Kindness
- Kindle
- Kind (Noun)
- Kindred
- King
- Kingdom
- Kin, Kinsfolk, Kinsman, Kinswoman
- Kinsfolk and Kinsman
- Kiss (Noun and Verb)
- Knee
- Kneel
- Knit Together
- Knock
- Know, Known, Knowledge, Unknown
- Laborer, fellow Laborer
- Labor (Noun and Verb)
- Lack, Lacking
- Lad
- Lade, Laden
- Lading
- Lady
- Laid
- Lake
- Lama
- Lamb
- Lame
- Lament
- Lamp
- Lampstand
- Land
- Lane
- Language
- Lantern
- Large
- Lascivious, Lasciviousness
- Last
- Latchet
- Late
- Lately
- Later
- Latin
- Latter
- Laud
- Laugh, Laugh to Scorn
- Laughter
- Launch
- Law
- Lawful, Lawfully
- Lawgiver
- Lawless, Lawlessness
- Lawyer
- Lay
- Laying
- Laying on
- Lay wait
- Lay waste
- Leaders
- Lead, Led
- Leaf
- Lean
- Leap
- Learining (Noun)
- Learn, Learned (be)
- Least
- Leathern
- Leave, Left
- Leaven (Noun and Verb)
- Led
- Lee
- Left (Adjective)
- Left (Verb)
- Leg
- Legion
- Leisure (to have)
- Lend, Lender
- Length
- Length (at)
- Leopard
- Leper
- Leprosy
- Less
- Lest
- Let
- Let (alone, go)
- Let down
- Let out
- Letter
- Level
- Lewd
- Liar
- Liberal, Liberality, Liberally
- Liberty
- Licence
- Lick
- Lie (Falsehood: Noun and Verb)
- Lie in wait
- Lie (to lie down, on, upon)
- Life, Living, Lifetime, Life-giving
- Lift
- Light, Lighten (as to weight)
- Lightning
- Light, Noun, and Verb (bring to, give), Lighten
- Light of (make), Lightly
- Light (to light upon)
- Like (did not)
- Like, Like (as to, unto), (be) Like, (make) Like, Like (things), Liken
- Likeminded
- Likeness, Likeness of (in the)
- Likewise
- Lily
- Limit
- Line
- Lineage
- Linen, Linen cloth, fine Linen
- Linger
- Lion
- Lip
- List (Verb)
- Little
- Little (no little)
- Live
- Live long
- Lively
- Living
- Living creatures
- Lo!
- Loaf
- Locust
- Lodge, Lodging
- Loft
- Loins
- Long (Adjective and Adverb)
- Longer
- Longsuffering (Noun and Verb)
- Long (Verb), Long (after, for), Longing
- Look
- Look (for), Looking (after, for)
- Look (to)
- Loose
- Lord, Lordship
- Lose, (suffer) Loss, Lost
- Loss
- Lot, Lots
- Loud
- Love feasts
- Lovely
- Love (Noun and Verb)
- Lover
- Lower (Adjective, and Verb, to make), Lowest
- Lower (Verb, to let down)
- Lowliness, Lowly
- Lowring (to be)
- Low (to bring, to make), Low (estate, degree)
- Lucre (filthy)
- Lukewarm
- Lump
- Lunatic
- Lust (Noun and Verb)
- Lying (Falsehood)
- Lying (in wait)
- Made (be)
- Mad, Madness
- Magistrate
- Magnificence
- Magnify
- Maid, Maiden, Maidservant
- Maimed
- Mainsail
- Maintain
- Majesty
- Make
- Maker
- Male
- Malefactor
- Malice, Maliciousness, Malicious
- Malignity
- Mammon
- Man-child
- Manger
- Manifest (Adjective and Verb)
- Manifestation
- Manifold
- Mankind
- Manna
- Manner
- Man (see also Men)
- Manservant
- Mansions
- Manslayers
- Man's, of Man, Mankind (see also Men)
- Mantle
- Many
- Maran-atha
- Marble
- Mariners
- Market, Market-place
- Mark (Noun)
- Mark (Verb)
- Marred
- Marriage (give in), Marry
- Marrow
- Martyr
- Marvel (Noun and Verb), Marvellous
- Masterbuilder
- Master (Noun and Verb)
- Matter, Matters
- May, Mayest, Might
- Me
- Meal
- Mean (Adjective)
- Meaning
- Means (by all, by any, etc.)
- Mean (Verb)
- Meanwhile
- Measure (Noun and Verb)
- Meat
- Meddler
- Mediator
- Meditate
- Meek, Meekness
- Meet (Adjective and Verb)
- Meet (Verb), Meet with, Met
- Melody (Verb)
- Melt
- Member
- Memorial
- Memory (keep in)
- Men
- Mend
- Men-pleasers
- Menservants
- Men-stealers
- Mention (Noun and Verb)
- Merchandise (Noun, and Verb, to make)
- Merchant
- Merciful (Adjective, and Verb, to be), Mercy (Noun, and Verb, to have, etc.)
- Mercy Seat
- Merry (to be, to make)
- Mess
- Message
- Messenger
- Mete
- Mid
- Midday
- Middle
- Midnight
- Midst
- Might (Noun), Mighty, Mightily, Mightier
- Mile
- Milk
- Mill
- Millstone
- Minded
- Mindful of (to be)
- Mind (Noun and Verb)
- Mine, Mine own (self)
- Mingle
- Ministering, Ministration, Ministry
- Minister (Noun and Verb)
- Ministrel
- Mint
- Miracle
- Mire
- Mirror
- Mischief
- Miserable, Miserably, Misery
- Mist
- Mite
- Mixed (with)
- Mixture
- Mock, Mocker, Mocking
- Moderation
- Modest
- Moisture
- Moment
- Money
- Money-changer, changer of Money
- Money (love of)
- Month, Months
- Moon
- Moor
- More
- Moreover
- Morning (in the, early in the)
- Morrow
- Morsel
- Mortal, Mortality
- Mortify
- Most
- Mote
- Moth
- Moth-eaten
- Mother
- Mother-in-law
- Motion
- Mount, Mountain
- Mourn, Mourning
- Mouth
- Move, Moved, Mover, Moving, Unmovable
- Mow
- Much
- Much (as)
- Multiply
- Multitude
- Murder
- Murderer
- Murmurer
- Murmur, Murmuring
- Music
- Musician
- Musing
- Must
- Mustard
- Mutual
- Muzzle
- My (mine)
- Myrrh
- Myself
- Mystery
- Nail (Noun and Verb)
- Naked (Adjective and Verb), Nakedness
- Name
- Namely
- Napkin
- Narrative
- Narrow
- Nation
- Natural, Naturally
- Nature
- Naughtiness
- Nay
- Near (Adverb), Near (come, draw), Nearer
- Necessary
- Necessity (-ties)
- Neck
- Needle
- Need, Needs, Needful
- Neglecting
- Neglect, Negligent
- Neighbor
- Neighborhood
- Neither
- Neither at any time
- Nephews
- Nest
- Net
- Never
- Nevertheless
- New
- Newborn
- Newness
- Next
- Next day
- Nigh
- Night and a day (a)
- Night (by, in the)
- Nine
- Ninety
- Ninth
- No
- Noble
- Nobleman
- Noise
- Noisome
- No longer, No more
- No man, No one, Neither any man
- None
- Noon
- Nor
- North
- North East, North West
- Not
- Notable, of Note
- * Notes on Anti and Huper
- * Notes on Apo and Ek
- * Notes on De
- * Notes on En
- * Notes on Kai
- Note (Verb)
- Nothing
- Notice before
- Notwithstanding
- Nought (for, bring to, come to, set at)
- Nourishment ministered
- Nourish, Nourishment
- Novice
- Now
- No wise (in), Anywise (in)
- Number
- Nurse
- Nurture
- Oath
- Obedience, Obedient, Obey
- Objects
- Object (Verb)
- Observation, Observe
- Obtain, Obtaining
- Occasion
- Occupation
- Occupy
- Odor
- Of
- Off
- Offence
- Offend
- Offender
- Offer, Offering
- Office
- Officer
- Offscouring
- Offspring
- Oft, Often, Oftener, Oftentimes, Oft-times
- Oil
- Ointment
- Old
- Oldness
- Old wives'
- Olives (Olive berries), Olive tree
- Omitted
- Omnipotent
- On
- Once (at; for all)
- One
- One another or One ... another, One ... the other
- Only
- Only Begotten
- Onset
- Onward
- Openly
- Open, opening
- Operation
- Opportunity (lack)
- Oppose
- Oppositions
- Oppress
- Or
- Oracle
- Oration
- Orator
- Ordain
- Orderly
- Order (Noun and Verb)
- Ordinance
- Other
- Other side and Other way
- Otherwise
- Ought (Pronoun)
- Ought (Verb)
- Our, Ours
- Our own
- Ourselves
- Outer
- Outgo
- Out, Out of
- Outrun
- Outside
- Outward, Outwardly
- Oven
- Overboard
- Overcharge
- Overcome
- Overflow, Overflowing
- Overlay
- Overlook
- Overmuch
- Over, Over against
- Over-ripe
- Overseer
- Overshadow
- Oversight (exercise, take)
- Overtake
- Overthrow (Noun and Verb)
- Over (to be, to have)
- Owe
- Own (Adjective)
- Owner
- Owneth
- Ox
- Painfulness
- Pain (Noun and Verb)
- Pair
- Palace
- Pale
- Palm (of the hand)
- Palm (palm tree)
- Palsy (sick of)
- Pangs
- Paper
- Paps
- Parable
- Paradise
- Parcel
- Parchment
- Parents
- Partake, Partaker
- Partial, Partiality
- Particular and Particularly
- Parting
- Partition
- Partly
- Partner
- Part (Noun, a portion; Verb, to give or divide, partake)
- Part (Verb, to separate)
- Pass, come to Pass
- Passing over
- Passion
- Passover
- Past
- Pastor
- Pasture
- Path
- Patience, Patient, Patiently
- Patriarch
- Pattern
- Pavement
- Pay (Verb), Payment
- Peace (hold one's)
- Peacemaker
- Peace, Peaceable, Peaceably
- Pearl
- Peculiar
- Pen
- Pence, Penny, Pennyworth
- Pentecost
- Penury
- People
- Peradventure
- Perceive
- Perdition
- Perfect (Adjective and Verb), Perfectly
- Perfection, Perfecting (Noun), Perfectness
- Perform, Performance
- Perhaps
- Peril
- Perish
- Perjured person
- Permission
- Permit
- Pernicious
- Perplex, Perplexity
- Persecute, Persecution
- Persecutor
- Perserverance
- Person
- Persons (respect of)
- Persuade
- Persuasion
- Persuasive, Persuasivness
- Pertain to
- Perverse, Pervert
- Pestilence, Pestilent fellow
- Petition
- Pharisees
- Philosopher
- Philosophy
- Phylactery
- Physician
- Piece
- Pierce
- Piety (to shew)
- Pigeon
- Pilgrim
- Pillar
- Pillow
- Pine away
- Pinnacle
- Pipe (Noun and Verb)
- Pipers
- Pit
- Pitcher
- Pitch (Verb)
- Pitiable (most)
- Pitiful, Pity
- Place (Noun, Verb, Adverb)
- Plague
- Plain (Adverb), Plainly, Plainness
- Plain (Noun)
- Plait
- Plaiting (of the hair)
- Plank
- Plant (Noun, Verb, Adjective)
- Platter
- Play
- Plead
- Please, Pleasing (Noun), Well-Pleasing, Pleasure
- Pleasure
- Plenteous
- Plentifully
- Plot
- Plough, Plow
- Pluck (out)
- Poet
- Point, Points
- Poison
- Pollute
- Pollution
- Pomp
- Ponder
- Pool
- Poor
- Porch
- Porter
- Portion
- Possessor
- Possess, Possession
- Possible
- Pot
- Potentate
- Potter
- Pound
- Pour
- Poverty
- Powder
- Powerful, Powerfully
- Power (Noun, and Verb, to have, bring under)
- Practice
- Practices
- Praetorium and Praetorian Guard
- Praise
- Prate
- Pray, Prayer
- Preacher
- Preach, Preaching
- Precede
- Precept
- Precious, Preciousness
- Predestinate
- Preeminence (to have the)
- Prefer, Preferring
- Prejudice
- Premeditate
- Preparation, Prepare, Prepared
- Presbytery
- Presence
- Presently
- Present (to be)
- Present (Verb)
- Preserve
- Press (Noun)
- Press (Verb)
- Presumptuous
- Pretense
- Prevail
- Prevent
- Price
- Prick (Noun)
- Prick (Verb)
- Pride
- Priest
- Priesthood, Priest's Office
- Prince
- Principal
- Principality
- Principles
- Prisoner
- Prison Keeper
- Prison, Prison-house
- Private, Privately
- Privily
- Privy
- Prize
- Probation
- Proceed
- Proclaim
- Proconsul
- Profane (Adjective and Verb)
- Profess, Profession
- Profit (Noun and Verb), Profitable, Profiting
- Progress
- Prolong
- Promise (Noun and Verb)
- Pronounce
- Proof
- Proper
- Prophecy, Prophesy, Prophesying
- Prophet
- Prophetess
- Propitiation
- Proportion
- Proselyte
- Prosper
- Protest
- Proud
- Prove
- Proverb
- Provide, Providence, Provision
- Province
- Proving
- Provocation, Provoke
- Prudence, Prudent
- Psalm
- Publican
- Public, Publicly
- Publish
- Puff (up)
- Pull (down)
- Punish
- Punishment
- Purchase
- Pure, Pureness, Purity
- Purge
- Purification, Purity, Purifying
- Purloin
- Purple
- Purple (seller of)
- Purpose (Noun and Verb)
- Purse
- Pursue
- Put
- Putting
- Quake
- Quarrel
- Quarter
- Quaternion
- Queen
- Quench, Unquenchable
- Question (Noun and Verb), Questioning
- Quick
- Quicken
- Quickly
- Quicksands
- Quiet, Quietness
- Quit
- Rabbi
- Rabble
- Rabboni
- Raca
- Race (contest)
- Race (kindred)
- Rage, Raging
- Rail, Railer, Railing
- Raiment
- Rainbow
- Rain (Noun and Verb)
- Raise (up)
- Ran
- Ranks
- Ransom
- Rash, Rashly
- Rather
- Raven
- Ravening
- Reach
- Readiness
- Read, Reading
- Ready
- Reap
- Reap down
- Reaper
- Rear up
- Reasonable
- Reason (by reason of)
- Reasoning
- Reason (Noun)
- Reason (Verb)
- Rebuke (Verb and Noun)
- Receipt
- Receive, Receiving
- Reckon, Reckoning
- Recline
- Recommend
- Recompence, Recompense
- Reconcile, Reconciliation
- Reconciliation (make)
- Record
- Recover
- Red
- Redeem, Redemption
- Redound
- Reed
- Refined
- Reflecting
- Reformation
- Refrain
- Refresh, Refreshing
- Refuge
- Refuse (Verb)
- Regard
- Regeneration
- Region
- Regret
- Regular
- Rehearse
- Reign (Verb and Noun)
- Reins
- Reject
- Rejoice
- Release
- Relief
- Relieve
- Religion
- Religious
- Remain
- Remember, Remembrance, Reminded
- Remission, Remit
- Remnant
- Remove, Removing
- Render
- Rend, Rent (Verb and Noun)
- Renew, Renewing (Verb and Noun)
- Renounce
- Repay
- Repent, Repentance
- Repetitions (use vain)
- Reply
- Report (Noun and Verb)
- Reproach (Noun and Verb), Reproachfully
- Reprobate
- Reproof, Reprove
- Reputation, Repute
- Request (Noun and Verb)
- Require
- Requite
- Rescue
- Resemble
- Reserve
- Residue
- Resist
- Resolve
- Resort
- Respect (Noun and Verb)
- Restitution
- Restless
- Rest (Noun and Verb)
- Restoration
- Restore
- Restrain
- Rest (the)
- Resurrection
- Retain
- Return
- Reveal
- Revelation
- Revel, Reveling
- Revenge and Revenger
- Reverence (Noun and Verb)
- Reverent
- Revile, Reviling, Reviler
- Revive
- Rewarder
- Reward (Noun and Verb)
- Rich, Riches, Richly, Rich man
- Rid
- Ride
- Righteousness
- Righteous, Righteously
- Right (not wrong--Noun and Adjective), Rightly
- Right (opp. to left), Right hand, Right side
- Ring
- Ringleader
- Riot, Rioting, Riotous, Riotously
- Ripe (to be fully)
- Rise, Rising
- River
- Roar, Roaring
- Rob
- Robber
- Robbery
- Robe
- Rock
- Rocky
- Rod
- Roll (Noun and Verb)
- Roman
- Roof
- Room
- Root
- Rope
- Rose
- Rough
- Round, Round about
- Rouse
- Row (Verb)
- Royal
- Rub
- Rudder
- Rude
- Rudiments
- Rue
- Ruin
- Rule (Noun and Verb)
- Ruler
- Rumor
- Run, Ran
- Rush, Rushing
- Rust (Noun and Verb)
- Sabachthani
- Sabaoth
- Sabbath
- Sackcloth
- Sacred
- Sacrifice (Noun and Verb)
- Sacrilege
- Sad
- Sadducees
- Safe, Safely, Safety
- Sailing
- Sail (Noun)
- Sailors
- Sail (Verb)
- Saint(s)
- Sake (for the)
- Salt (Noun, Adjective and Verb), Saltness
- Salutation and Salute
- Salvation
- Same
- Sanctification, Sanctify
- Sanctuary
- Sand
- Sandal
- Sapphire
- Sardius, Sardine (AV)
- Sardonyx
- Satan
- Satisfy
- Satisfying
- Save (Preposition)
- Save, Saving
- Saving (Preposition)
- Savior
- Savor (Noun and Verb)
- Saw asunder
- Say
- Saying
- Scale
- Scarce, Scarcely
- Scarlet
- Scatter
- Sceptre
- Schism
- School
- Schoolmaster
- Science
- Scoff
- Scoffers
- Scorch, Scorching
- Scorn
- Scorpion
- Scourge (Noun and Verb)
- Scourging (-s)
- Scribe (-s)
- Scrip
- Scripture
- Scroll
- Sea
- Seal (Noun and Verb)
- Seam (without)
- Search
- Seared
- Season (Noun)
- Season (Verb)
- Seat (Noun and Verb)
- Second, Secondarily, Secondly
- Secret, Secretly
- Sect
- Secure (Verb)
- Security
- Sedition
- Seducers
- Seduce, Seducing
- Seed
- Seeing, Seeing that (conjunction)
- Seek
- Seem
- Seemly, RV
- See, Seeing
- Seize
- Self-condemned
- Self-control (without)
- Selfsame
- Self, Selves
- Self-willed
- Sell
- Seller
- Senate
- Send
- Senseless
- Senses
- Sensual
- Sentence
- Separate
- Separations
- Sepulchre
- Sergeant (-s)
- Serpent
- Servant
- Serve
- Service, Serving
- Set
- Setter forth
- Settle
- Seven
- Seventh
- Seven times
- Seventy
- Seventy times
- Sever
- Several
- Severally
- Severity
- Sew
- Shadowing
- Shadow (Noun)
- Shake
- Shall
- Shambles
- Shamefastness (AV, Shamefacedness)
- Shamefully (entreat)
- Shame (Noun, and Verb)
- Shape
- Sharers
- Sharp, Sharper, Sharply, Sharpness
- Shave
- She
- Shear, Shearer, Shorn
- Sheath
- Shed
- Sheep
- Sheepfold
- Sheep Gate, Sheep Market
- Sheepskin
- Sheet
- Shekel, half Shekel
- Shepherd
- Shepherd (chief)
- Shew before
- Shewbread
- Shewing
- Shew (show)
- Shield
- Shine, Shining
- Shipmaster
- Shipmen
- Ship (owner of the)
- Ship, Shipping
- Shipwreck
- Shivers
- Shod
- Shoe
- Shoot forth
- Shore
- Short (Adjective and Adverb)
- Short (come, cut), Shorten
- Shortly
- Should
- Shoulder
- Shout (Noun and Verb)
- Shower
- Show (make a)
- Show (Noun)
- Show (Verb)
- Shrank and Shrink
- Shrine
- Shudder
- Shun
- Shut, Shut up
- Sickle
- Sick, Sickly, Sickness
- Side
- Sift
- Sigh
- Sight
- Sight of (in the)
- Sign
- Signification
- Signify
- Signs (to make)
- Silence
- Silent
- Silk
- Silly
- Silver
- Silversmith
- Similitude
- Simple
- Simplicity
- Since
- Sincere, Sincerely, Sincerity
- Sinful
- Single
- Singleness
- Sing, Singing
- Sink
- Sinner
- Sin (Noun and Verb)
- Sir(-s)
- Sister
- Sit
- Six
- Sixth
- Sixty, Sixtyfold
- Skin
- Skull
- Sky
- Slack (Verb), Slackness
- Slain beasts
- Slandered
- Slanderously
- Slaughter
- Slave
- Slay, Slain, Slew
- Sleep
- Sleight
- Slip
- Slothful
- Slow
- Slowly (sailed)
- Sluggish
- Slumber (Noun)
- Slumber (Verb)
- Small
- Smell
- Smelling
- Smite
- Smoke (Noun and Verb)
- Smooth
- Snare
- Snatch
- Snow
- So
- Soberness, Sobriety
- Sober, Soberly, Soberminded
- Soft
- Softly
- Sojourn, Sojourner, Sojourning
- Soldier
- Solid
- Solitary
- Some, Someone, Something, Somewhat
- Sometimes
- Somewhere
- Son
- Song
- Soon
- Soon (as soon as)
- Sooner
- Soothsaying
- Sop
- Sorcerer
- Sorcery
- Sore (Noun, Adjective, Adverb), Sorer
- Sorrow (Noun and Verb), Sorrowful
- Sorry
- Sort
- Sought
- Soul
- Sound (Adjective), be Sound
- Soundness
- Sound (Noun and Verb)
- South, South wind
- Southwest
- Sow (Noun)
- Sow (Verb), Sower
- Space
- Spare, Sparingly
- Sparrow
- Speak
- Speaker (chief)
- Speaking (evil, much)
- Spear
- Spearman
- Special
- Specially
- Spectacle
- Speech
- Speechless
- Speed, Speedily
- Spend, Spent
- Spew (AV, Spue)
- Spice(s)
- Spikenard
- Spill
- Spin
- Spirit
- Spiritual
- Spit
- Spitefully (entreat)
- Spittle
- Spoil (Noun and Verb), Spoiling
- Sponge
- Sporting
- Spot (Noun and Verb)
- Spread
- Spring (Noun and Verb)
- Sprinkle, Sprinkling
- Spue
- Spy (Noun and Verb)
- Stablish
- Staff, Staves
- Stagger
- Stair
- Stall
- Stanch
- Stand (Noun and Verb), Standing, Stood
- Star
- State
- Stature
- Staves
- Stay
- Steadfast
- Steal
- Stedfast, Stedfastly, Stedfastness
- Steep
- Steersman
- Step (Noun and Verb)
- Stern
- Steward, Stewardship
- Stick
- Stick fast
- Stiffnecked
- Still (Adverb)
- Still (Verb)
- Sting
- Stink
- Stir, Stir up (Noun and Verb)
- Stock
- Stocks
- Stomach
- Stone (Noun, Verb, and Adjective)
- Stony
- Stoop
- Stop
- Storehouse, Storechamber
- Store (Verb)
- Storm
- Story
- Straight
- Straight course
- Straightway
- Strain out
- Strait (Adjective)
- Strait (be in a), Straitened
- Straitest
- Straitly
- Strake
- Strange
- Stranger
- Strangled
- Strawed
- Stream
- Street
- Strength, Strengthen
- Stretch
- Stricken (in years)
- Strict
- Strife
- Strike
- Striker
- String
- Strip
- Stripe
- Strive
- Strivings
- Strolling
- Strongholds
- Strong, Stronger
- Stubble
- Stuck
- Study
- Stuff
- Stumble
- Stumbling, Stumbling Block, Stumbling-Stone
- Stupor
- Subdue
- Subject, Subjection (Verb, Adjective, Noun)
- Submit
- Suborn
- Substance
- Subtilly
- Subtilty
- Subvert, Subverting
- Succeed
- Succor
- Succorer
- Such
- Such as
- Suck (give suck), Suckling
- Sudden, Suddenly
- Sue
- Suffer
- Suffering
- Suffice, Sufficient
- Sufficiency
- Suit
- Summer
- Sum (Noun), Sum up
- Sumptuous, Sumptuously
- Sun
- Sunder (asunder)
- Sundry
- Sup
- Superfluity
- Superfluous
- Superscription
- Superstition
- Superstitious
- Supper
- Supplication
- Supply (Noun and Verb)
- Support
- Suppose
- Supreme
- Sure
- Surely
- Surety
- Surety (Noun)
- Surfeiting
- Surge
- Surmise
- Surname
- Surpass
- Suspense
- Sustenance
- Swaddling clothes
- Swallow (Verb)
- Swear, Sworn
- Sweat
- Sweep
- Sweet
- Sweet smelling
- Swelling
- Swell, Swollen
- Swerve
- Swift, Swiftly
- Swim
- Swine
- Sword
- Sycamine
- Sycamore
- Synagogue
- Synagogue (put out of the)
- Synagogue (ruler of the)
- Syrophoenician
- Tabernacle
- Table
- Table (at the)
- Tablet
- Tackling
- Tail
- Take
- Talent
- Tales
- Talitha
- Talkers (vain)
- Talking (vain, foolish)
- Talk (Noun and Verb)
- Tame
- Tanner
- Tares
- Tare (Verb)
- Tarry
- Taste
- Tattler
- Taught (Adjective)
- Taxed, Taxing
- Teach
- Teacher, false Teachers
- Teaching (Noun)
- Tears
- Tear, Torn
- Tedious (to be)
- Teeth
- Tell
- Temperance, Temperate
- Temper together
- Tempest
- Tempestuous
- Temple
- Temple Keeper
- Temporal
- Tempt
- Temptation
- Tempter
- Ten
- Tend
- Tender
- Tender-hearted
- Tenth
- Tent-makers
- Tents
- Terrestrial
- Terrible
- Terrify
- Terror
- Testament
- Testator
- Testify
- Testimony
- Tetrarch
- Than
- Thank, Thanks (Noun and Verb), Thankful, Thankfulness, Thanksgiving, Thankworthy
- That (Conjunction, etc.)
- That (demonstrative Pronoun)
- Theater
- Thee
- Theft
- Their, Theirs
- Them, Themselves
- Then
- Thenceforth
- Thence (from)
- Thereabout
- Thereat
- Thereby
- Therefore
- Therein, Thereinto, Thereof, Thereon, Thereout, Thereto, Thereunto, Thereupon, Therewith
- There, Thither
- These
- They, They themselves
- Thick
- Thief, Thieves
- Thigh
- Thine
- Things(s)
- Think
- Third, Thirdly
- Thirst (Noun and Verb), Thirsty (to be), Athrist
- Thirty, Thirtyfold
- This, These
- Thistle
- Thither, Thitherward
- Thong
- Thorn, Thorns (of)
- Thoroughly (thoroughly)
- Those
- Thou
- Though
- Thought (Noun)
- Thought (to take)
- Thought (Verb)
- Thousand (-s)
- Threaten
- Threatening
- Three
- Three Hundred
- Threescore
- Three Thousand
- Thresh
- Threshing floor
- Threw
- Thrice
- Throat (Noun), to take by the (Verb)
- Throne
- Throng (Verb)
- Through and Throughout
- Throughly
- Throw
- Thrust
- Thunder, Thundering
- Thus
- Thyine (wood)
- Thy, Thine, Thine own, Thyself
- Tidings
- Tie
- Tiles, Tiling
- Till (Conjunction)
- Till (Verb)
- Time
- Tinkling
- Tip
- Tithes (Noun)
- Tithe (Verb)
- Title
- To
- Today, this day
- Together
- Toil (Verb and Noun)
- Token
- Tolerable
- Toll
- Tomb
- Tomorrow
- Tongue (-s)
- Tooth, Teeth
- Top
- Topaz
- Torch
- Torment (Noun and Verb)
- Tormentor
- Torture (Verb)
- Toss
- Touching (Preposition)
- Touch (Verb)
- Toward
- Towel
- Tower
- Town
- Town Clerk
- Trace
- Trade (Noun and Verb)
- Tradition
- Train
- Traitor
- Trample
- Trance
- Tranquil
- Transfer
- Transfigure
- Transform
- Transgressor
- Transgress, Transgression
- Translate, Translation
- Transparent
- Trap
- Travail (Noun and Verb)
- Travel
- Travel (companions in), and Travel with
- Treading out the corn
- Tread, Trode, Trodden
- Treasure (Noun and Verb)
- Treasurer
- Treasury
- Treated
- Treatise
- Tree
- Tremble, Trembling
- Trench
- Trespass (Noun and Verb)
- Trial
- Tribe (-s)
- Tribulation
- Tribute
- Trim
- Triumph
- Trode
- Trouble (Noun and Verb)
- Trow
- Truce breakers
- True, Truly, Truth
- Trumpeter
- Trump, Trumpet
- Trust (Noun and Verb)
- Truth
- Try, Tried
- Tumult
- Turn
- Turning
- Turtledove
- Tutor
- Twain, Two
- Twelfth
- Twelve
- Twenty
- Twice
- Twinkling
- Two
- Two-edged
- Twofold more
- Two Hundred
- Two Thousand
- Unapproachable
- Unawares
- Unbelief
- Unbeliever
- Unbelieving
- Unblameable, Unblameably
- Unceasing
- Uncertain, Uncertainly, Uncertainty
- Unchangeable
- Uncircumcised and Uncircumcision
- Unclean
- Unclothed
- Uncomely
- Uncondemned
- Uncorruptible
- Uncover
- Uncovered
- Unction
- Undefiled
- Undergird
- Understanding
- Understand, Understood
- Under, Underneath
- Undone (leave)
- Undressed
- Unequally
- Unfaithful
- Unfeigned
- Unfruitful
- Ungodliness, Ungodly
- Unholy
- United
- Unity
- Unjust
- Unknown
- Unlade
- Unlawful
- Unlearned
- Unleavened
- Unless
- Unlifted
- Unloose
- Unmarried
- Unmerciful
- Unmixed
- Unmovable
- Unprepared
- Unprofitable, Unprofitableness
- Unquenchable
- Unreasonable
- Unrebukeable
- Unrighteous
- Unrighteousness
- Unripe, Untimely
- Unruly
- Unsearchable
- Unseemliness, Unseemly
- Unsettle
- Unskillful
- Unspeakable
- Unspotted
- Unstable, Unsteadfast
- Untaken Away
- Unthankful
- Until and Unto
- Untimely
- Untoward
- Unveiled
- Unwashed
- Unwilling
- Unwise
- Unworthily, Unworthy
- Up
- Upbraid
- Uphold
- Upon
- Upper
- Uppermost
- Upright
- Uprightness
- Uproar (Noun)
- Uproar (Verbs)
- Upside down
- Urge
- Us
- Use (Noun), Useful
- Use (Verb)
- Using
- Usurp
- Usury
- Utmost part
- Utter
- Utterance
- Utterly
- Uttermost
- Vagabond
- Vail
- Vainglory, Vainglorious
- Vain, in Vain, Vainly
- Valiant
- Valley
- Value
- Vanish, Vanishing
- Vanity
- Vapor
- Variableness, Variation
- Variance
- Vauntings
- Vaunt (oneself)
- Vehement
- Vehemently
- Veil
- Vengeance
- Venomous
- Verily
- Verity
- Very
- Vessel
- Vesture
- Vex
- Vial
- Victory, Victorious
- Victuals
- Vigilant
- Vile
- Village
- Villany
- Vinedresser
- Vinegar
- Vine, Vintage
- Vineyard
- Violence, Violent, Violently
- Viper
- Virgin
- Virginity
- Virtue
- Visible
- Vision
- Visit
- Visitation
- Vocation
- Voice
- Void
- Volume
- Voluntary
- Vomit
- Vote
- Vouchsafe
- Vow
- Voyage
- Wag
- Wages
- Wail, Wailing
- Wait
- Wake
- Walk
- Wall
- Wallet
- Wallow (Verb and Noun)
- Wander
- Want (Noun and Verb)
- Wantonness, Wanton, Wantonly
- Ward
- Ware of
- Warfare
- Warm (Verb)
- Warn
- War (Verb and Noun)
- Wash
- Washing
- Waste (Noun and Verb)
- Was, Wast, Were, Wert
- Watch (Noun and Verb), Watchers, Watchful, Watchings
- Water (Noun and Verb) Watering, Waterless
- Waterpot
- Wave
- Waver, Wavering
- Wax
- Way
- We
- Weak, Weakened, Weaker, Weakness
- Wealth
- Weapons
- Weariness
- Wear, Wearing
- Weary
- Weather
- Wedding
- Week
- Weep, Weeping
- Weigh, Weight, Weighty, Weightier
- Welcome
- Well (Adverb)
- Well-beloved
- Well (do), Well-doing
- Well-nigh
- Well (Noun)
- Well pleased
- Well-pleasing
- Went
- West
- Wet
- Whale
- What
- Whatsoever
- Wheat
- Wheel
- When
- Wherefore
- Wheteher
- Which
- While, Whiles, Whilst
- Whisperer, Whispering
- Whit
- White (Adjective and Verb)
- Whither, Whithersoever
- Whole (made), Wholly, Wholesome
- Whore, Whoremonger
- Whoso, Whosoever
- Who, Whom, Whose
- Why
- Wicked
- Wickedness
- Wide
- Widow
- Wife's mother
- Wife, Wives
- Wild
- Wilderness
- Wiles
- Wilfully, Willfully
- Willing (Adjective and Verb)
- Willingly
- Willing mind
- Will, Would
- Win
- Wind (Noun)
- Window
- Wind (Verb)
- Wine
- Winebibber
- Winebibbings
- Wine (given To)
- Winepress, Wine-vat
- Wineskins
- Wing
- Wink at
- Winter (Noun and Verb)
- Wipe
- Wisdom
- Wise (in No)
- Wise (on This)
- Wise, Wiser, Wisely
- Wish
- Wist
- Witchcraft
- With
- Withal
- Withdraw
- Wither (away)
- Withhold
- Within
- Without
- Withstand
- Witness (Noun and Verb)
- Wit (to)
- Woe
- Wolf
- Woman
- Womb
- Wonderful (thing, Work)
- Wonder (Noun and Verb)
- Wont
- Wood
- Wool
- Word
- Worker, Workfellow, fellow Workers, Workman
- Working
- Workmanship
- Work (Noun and Verb), Wrought
- World
- Worldly
- World rulers
- Worm
- Wormwood
- Worse
- Worshiper
- Worship (Verb and Noun), Worshiping
- Worthy deeds
- Worthy, Worthily
- Wot
- Would
- Wound (Noun and Verb)
- Wound (wrapped)
- Woven
- Wranglings
- Wrap
- Wrath
- Wrest
- Wrestle, Wrestling
- Wretched
- Wrinkle
- Write, Wrote, Written
- Writing
- Writing tablet (AV, Writing table)
- Wrongfully
- Wrong (Noun and Verb), Wrongdoer, Wrongdoing
- Wroth (be)
- Wrought
- Year
- Yea, Yes
- Yes
- Yesterday
- Yet
- Ye, You, Yourselves, Your own selves
- Yield
- Yokefellow
- Yoke, Yoked
- Yonder
- You
- Younger
- Young, Young (children, daughter, man, men, woman, women)
- Your, Yours
- Youth
- Youthful
- Zeal
- Zealous
- [Notes on the prepositions anti (ἀντί, 473) and huper (ὑπέρ, 5228)]
- [Notes on the prepositions apo (ἀπό, 575) and ek (ἐκ, 1537)]
- [Notes on the particle de (δέ, 1161)]
- [Notes on the preposition en (ἐν, 1722)]
- [Notes on the particle kai (καί, 2532)]
Vine's Dictionary module from Douglas Hamp