Green - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
[ 1,,G5515, chloros ]akin to chloe, tender foliage" (cp. the name "Chloe," 1 Corinthians 1:11, and Eng., "chlorine"), denotes
(a) "pale green," the color of young grass, Mark 6:39; Revelation 8:7; Revelation 9:4, "green thing;" hence,
(b) "pale," Revelation 6:8, the color of the horse whose rider's name is Death. See PALE.
[ 2,,G5200, hugros ]
denotes "wet, moist" (the opposite of xeros, "dry"); said of wood, sappy, "green," Luke 23:31, i.e., if they thus by the fire of their wrath treated Christ, the guiltless, holy, the fruitful, what would be the fate of the perpetrators, who were like the dry wood, exposed to the fire of Divine wrath.