Incense (burn) - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

Incense (burn)

[ A-1,Noun,G2368, thumiama ]
denotes fragrant stuff for burning, incense" (from thuo, "to offer in sacrifice"), Luke 1:10-Luke 1:11; in the plural, Revelation 5:8; Revelation 18:13, RV (AV, "odors"); Revelation 8:3-Revelation 8:4, signifying "frankincense" here. In connection with the tabenacle, the "incense" was to be prepared from stacte, onycha, and galbanum, with pure frankincense, an equal weight of each; imitation for private use was forbidden, Exodus 30:34-Exodus 30:38. See ODOR. Cp. thumiaterion, "a censer," Hebrews 9:4, and libanos, "frankincense," Revelation 18:13; See FRANKINCENSE.

[ B-1,Verb,G2370, thumiao ]
"to burn incense" (See A), is found in Luke 1:9.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words