Desolate (Verb and Adjective), Desolation - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Desolate (Verb and Adjective), Desolation
[ A-1,Verb,G2049, eremoo ]signifies to make desolate, lay waste." From the primary sense of "making quiet" comes that of "making lonely." It is used only in the Passive Voice in the NT; in Revelation 17:16, "shall make desolate" is, lit., "shall make her desolated;" in Revelation 18:17,19, "is made desolate;" in Matthew 12:25; Luke 11:17, "is brought to desolation." See NOUGHT (come to). Cp. DESERT.
[ A-2,Verb,G3443, monoo ]
"to leave alone" (akin to monos, "alone"), is used in 1 Timothy 5:5, in the Passive Voice, but translated "desolate," lit., "was made desolate" or "left desolate."
[ B-1,Adjective,G2048, eremos ]
is translated "desolate" in the Lord's words against Jerusalem, Matthew 23:38; some mss. have it in Luke 13:35; in reference to the habitation of Judas, Acts 1:20, and to Sarah, from whom, being barren, her husband had turned, Galatians 4:27. See DESERT.
[ B-2,Adjective,G3737, orphanos ]
(Eng., "orphan;" Lat., "orbus"), signifies "bereft of parents or of a father." In James 1:27 it is translated "fatherless." It was also used in the general sense of being "friendless or desolate." In John 14:18 the Lord uses it of the relationship between Himself and His disciples, He having been their guide, teacher and protector; RV, "desolate," AV, "comfortless." Some mss. have the word in Mark 12:40. See FATHERLESS.
[ C-1,Noun,G2050, eremosis ]
akin to A, No. 1, denotes "desolation,"
(a) in the sense of "making desolate," e.g., in the phrase "the abomination of desolation," Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14; the genitive is objective, "the abomination that makes desolate;"
(b) with stress upon the effect of the process, Luke 21:20, with reference to the "desolation" of Jerusalem.