Potter - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ A-1,Noun,G2763, kerameus ]
a potter" (from kerannumi, "to mix," akin to keramos, "potter's clay"), is used
(a) in connection with the "potter's field," Matthew 27:7, Matthew 27:10;
(b) illustratively of the "potter's" right over the clay, Romans 9:21, where the introductory "or" suggests the alternatives that either there must be a recognition of the absolute discretion and power of God, or a denial that the "potter" has power over the clay. There is no suggestion of the creation of sinful beings, or of the creation of any simply in order to punish them. What the passage sets forth is God's right to deal with sinful beings according to His own counsel.

[ B-1,Adjective,G2764, keramikos ]
denotes "of (or made by) a potter" (Eng., "ceramic"), "earthen," Revelation 2:27.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words