Bind, Binding (see also Bound) - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

Bind, Binding (see also Bound)

[ 1,,G1210, deo ]
to bind," is used
(a) literally, of any sort of "binding," e.g., Acts 22:5; Acts 24:27,
(b) figuratively, of the Word of God, as not being "bound," 2 Timothy 2:9, i.e., its ministry, course and efficacy were not hindered by the bonds and imprisonment suffered by the Apostle. A woman who was bent together, had been "bound" by Satan through the work of a demon, Luke 13:16. Paul speaks of himself, in Acts 20:22, as being "bound in the spirit," i.e., compelled by his convictions, under the constraining power of the Spirit of God, to go to Jerusalem. A wife is said to be "bound" to her husband, Romans 7:2; 1 Corinthians 7:39; and the husband to the wife, 1 Corinthians 7:27. The Lord's words to the Apostle Peter in Matthew 16:19, as to "binding," and to all the disciples in Matthew 18:18, signify, in the former case, that the Apostle, by his ministry of the Word of Life, would keep unbelievers outside the kingdom of God, and admit those who believed. So with regard to Matthew 18:18, including the exercise of disciplinary measures in the sphere of the local church; the application of the Rabbinical sense of forbidding is questionable. See BOND, KNIT, Note. TIE.

[ 2,,G4019, perideo ]
peri, "around," with No. 1, "to bind around," is used in John 11:44 of the napkin around the face of Lazarus. Cp. Job 12:18, Sept.

[ 3,,G5265, hupodeo ]
hupo, "under," with No. 1, "to bind underneath," is used of binding of sandals, Acts 12:8; rendered "shod" in Mark 6:9; Ephesians 6:15. See SHOD.

[ 4,,G2611, katadeo ]
kata, "down," with No. 1, "to bind or tie down, or bind up," is used in Luke 10:34 of the act of the good Samaritan.

[ 5,,G4887, sundeo ]
sun, "together," and No. 1, "to bind together," implying association, is used in Hebrews 13:3 of those bound together in confinement.

[ 6,,G1195, desmeuo ]
signifies "to put in fetters or any kind of bond," Luke 8:29; Acts 22:4, or "to bind a burden upon a person," Matthew 23:4. The verb is connected with No. 1.


(1) Cp. desmos, "a band, bond, fetter," e.g., Luke 13:16, and desmios, "bound," Acts 25:14, AV (RV, "a prisoner"); Hebrews 13:3, "them that are in bonds." See BOND, CHAIN, PRISONER, STRING.

(2) Sundesmos (See No. 5, above), "that which binds together," is translated "bands," in Colossians 2:19. See BONDS.

[ 7,,G4385, proteino ]
lit., "to stretch forth" (pro, "forth," teino, "to stretch"), is used in Acts 22:25, AV, "they bound;" RV, "they had tied (him) up," in reference to the preparations made for scourging, probably, to stretch the body forward, to make it tense for severer punishment. See TIE.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words