Lade, Laden - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

Lade, Laden

[ 1,,G4987, soreuo ]
(a) to heap on" (from soros, "a heap," not in the NT; in the Sept., e.g., Joshua 7:26; Joshua 8:29; 2 Samuel 18:17; 2 Chronicles 31:6-9), Romans 12:20, of coals of fire; 2 Timothy 3:6, said of sily women ("womanlings") "laden" with sins. See HEAP. In the Sept., Proverbs 25:22.

[ 2,,G1073, gemo ]
"to be full," is translated "laden" in Revelation 21:9, RV. See FULL.

[ 3,,G5412, phortizo ]
"to load" (akin to phero, "to bear"), is used in the Active Voice in Luke 11:46, "ye lade;" in the Passive Voice, metaphorically, in Matthew 11:28, "heavy laden." See BURDEN. In the Sept., Ezekiel 16:33.

Note: In Acts 28:10, AV, epitithemi, "to put on" (epi, "on," tithemi, "to put"), is translated "they laded (us) with," RV, "they put on (board)."

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words