Feast - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ A-1,Noun,G1859, heorte ]
a feast of festival," is used
(a) especially of those of the Jews, and particularly of the Passover; the word is found mostly in John's Gospel (seventeen times); apart from the Gospels it is used in this way only in Acts 18:21;
(b) in a more general way, in Colossians 2:16, AV, "holy day," RV, "a feast day."

[ A-2,Noun,G1173, deipnon ]
(a) "the chief meal of the day," dinner or supper, taken at or towards evening; in the plural "feasts," Matthew 23:6; Mark 6:21; Mark 12:39; Luke 20:46; otherwise translated "supper," Luke 14:12, Luke 14:16-Luke 14:17, Luke 14:24; John 12:2; John 13:2, John 13:4; John 21:20; 1 Corinthians 11:21 (of a social meal);
(b) "the Lord's Supper," 1 Corinthians 11:20;
(c) "the supper or feast" which will celebrate the marriage of Christ with His spirtual Bride, at the inauguration of His Kingdom, Revelation 19:9;
(d) figuratively, of that to which the birds of prey will be summoned after the overthrow of the enemies of the Lord at the termination of the war of Armageddon, Revelation 19:17 (cp. Ezekiel 39:4, Ezekiel 39:17-Ezekiel 39:20). See SUPPER.

[ A-3,Noun,G1403, doche ]
"a reception feast, a banquet" (from dechomai, "to receive"), Luke 5:29; Luke 14:13 (not the same as No. 2; See Luke 14:12).

[ A-4,Noun,G1062, gamos ]
"a wedding," especially a wedding "feast" (akin to gameo, "to marry"); it is used in the plural in the following passages (the RV rightly has "marriage feast" for the AV, "marriage," or "wedding"), Matthew 22:2-Matthew 22:4, Matthew 22:9 (in verses Matthew 22:11-Matthew 22:12, it is used in the singular, in connection with the wedding garment); Matthew 25:10; Luke 12:36; Luke 14:8; in the following it signifies a wedding itself, John 2:1-John 2:2; Hebrews 13:4; and figuratively in Revelation 19:7, of the marriage of the Lamb; in Revelation 19:9 it is used in connection with the supper, the wedding supper (or what in English is termed "breakfast"), not the wedding itself, as in Revelation 19:7.

[ A-5,Noun,G26, agape ]
"love," is used in the plural in Jude 1:12, signifying "love feasts," RV (AV, "feasts of charity"); in the corresponding passage, 2 Peter 2:13, the most authentic mss. have the word apate, in the plural, "deceivings."


(1) In 1 Corinthians 10:27 the verb kaleo, "to call," in the sense of inviting to one's house, is translated "biddeth you (to a feast);" in the most authentic texts there is no separate phrase representing "to a feast," as in some mss., eis deipnon (No. 2).

(2) In Mark 14:2; John 2:23 the AV translates heorte (See No. 1) by "feast day" (RV, "feast").

(3) For the "Feast of the Dedication," John 10:22, See DEDICATION.

[ B-1,Verb,G1858, heortazo ]
"to keep festival" (akin to A, No. 1) is translated "let us keep the feast," in 1 Corinthians 5:8. This is not the Lord's Supper, nor the Passover, but has reference to the continuous life of the believer as a festival or holy-day (See AV, margin), in freedom from "the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth."

[ B-2,Verb,G4910, suneuocheo ]
"to entertain sumptuously with," is used in the Passive Voice, denoting "to feast sumptuously with" (sun, "together," and euochia, "good cheer"), "to revel with," translated "feast with" in 2 Peter 2:13; Jude 1:12.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words