Regard - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ 1,,G991, blepo ]
to behold, look, perceive, See," has the sense of "regarding" by way of pariality, in Matthew 22:16; Mark 12:14. See BEHOLD, No. 2.

[ 2,,G1788, entrepo ]
"to turn about" (en, "in," trepo, "to turn"), is metaphorically used of "putting to shame," e.g., 1 Corinthians 4:14; in the Middle Voice, "to reverence, regard," translated "regard" in Luke 18:2, Luke 18:4. See ASHAMED, REVERENCE, SHAME.

[ 3,,G5426, phroneo ]
"to think, set the mind on," implying moral interest and reflection, is translated "to regard" in Romans 14:6 (twice); the second part in the AV represents an interpolation and is not part of the original. The Scripture does not speak of not "regarding" a day. See CARE, B, No. 6, MIND, SAVOR, THINK, UNDERSTAND.

[ 4,,G1914, epiblepo ]
"to look upon" (epi, "upon," and No. 1), in the NT "to look on with favor," is used in Luke 1:48, AV, "hath regarded" (RV, "hath looked upon"); in James 2:3, RV, "ye have regard to" (AV, "ye have respect to"). See LOOK, No. 6, RESPECT.

[ 5,,G3643, oligoreo ]
denotes "to think little of" (oligos, "little," ora, "care"), "to regard lightly," Hebrews 12:5, RV (AV, "despise"). See DESPISE, Note
(3). In the Sept., Proverbs 3:11.

[ 6,,G4337, prosecho ]
"to take or give heed," is translated "they had regard" in Acts 8:11, AV (RV, "they gave heed"). See ATTEND, No. 1.

[ 7,,G272, ameleo ]
"not to care," is translated "I regared ... not" in Hebrews 8:9. See NEGLECT.


(1) In Galatians 6:4, RV, eis, "into," is translated "in regard of (himself)," AV, "in;" so in 2 Corinthians 10:16; Ephesians 5:32.

(2) In Romans 6:20, the dative case of dikaiosune, "righteousness," signifies, not "from righteousness," AV, but "in regard of righteousness," RV, lit., "free to righteousness;" i.e., righteousness laid no sort of bond upon them, they had no relation to it in any way.

(3) In 2 Corinthians 8:4 the accusative case of charis and koinonia is, in the best texts, used absolutely, i.e., not as the objects of an expressed verb; hence the RV, "in regard to" (AV, "that we would receive," where the verb is the result of a supplementary gloss).

(4) For "not regarding" in Philippians 2:30, AV (RV, "hazarding"), See HAZARD, No. 2.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words