Unawares - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
* Notes:(1) In Hebrews 13:2, lanthano, to escape notice," is used with the aorist participle of xenizo, "to entertain," signifying "entertained ... unawares" (an idiomatic usage common in classical Greek).
(2) For aiphnidios, "unawares," in Luke 21:34, AV, See SUDDENLY.
(3) In Galatians 2:4, pareisaktos, "brought in secretly," is rendered "unawares brought in." See PRIVILY, Note: cp. BRING, No. 17.
(4) In Jude 1:4, AV, pareisduno, "to slip in secretly," is rendered "crept in unawares." See CREEP, A, No. 2.