Sever - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
[ 1,,G2673, katargeo ]lit., to reduce to inactivity" (See ABOLISH, where all the ocurrences are given), is rendered "ye are severed (from Christ)" in Galatians 5:4, RV; the aorist tense indicates that point of time at which there was an acceptance of the Judaistic doctrines; to those who accepted these Christ would be of no profit, they were as branches severed from the tree.
[ 2,,G873, aphorizo ]
"to separate from," is used of the work of the angels at the end of this age, in "severing" the wicked from among the righteous, Matthew 13:49, a premillennial act quite distinct from the rapture of the Church as set forth in 1 Thess. 4. See DIVIDE, No. 1.