Never - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ 1,,G3763, oudepote ]
from oude, not even," and pote, "at any time," is used in definite negative statements, e.g., Matthew 7:23; 1 Corinthians 13:8; Hebrews 10:1, Hebrews 10:11, or questions, e.g., Matthew 21:16, Matthew 21:42; in Luke 15:29 (1st part), RV, "never" (AV, "neither ... at any time"); AV and RV, "never" (2nd part).

[ 2,,G3368, medepote ]
virtually the same as No. 1, the negative me, however, conveying a less strong declarative negation, 2 Timothy 3:7.

[ 3,,G3764, oudepo ]
"not yet," is translated "never (man) yet" in John 19:41 ("man" representing the idiomatically used negative pronoun oudeis, "no one"); some mss. have it in Luke 23:53, instead of oupo, "not yet."


(1) In Mark 14:21, AV the negative particle ouk, "not," is translated "never" (RV, "not"); the negative particle me, "not" (which suggests non-existence when the existence was after all possible, or even probable, in contrast to ou, which implies non-existence absolutely) is translated "never" in John 7:15, AV and RV

(2) The phrase eis ton aiona, "for ever" (not to be rendered literally, "unto the age," See ETERNAL), preceded by the double negative ou me, denotes "never," John 4:14; John 8:51-John 8:52; John 10:28; John 11:26; John 13:8; so preceded by ouk, "not," in Mark 3:29

(3) In 2 Peter 1:10, "never" is the translation of ou me pote, i.e., "by no means ever;" so with the double negative followed by the extended word popote, i.e., "by no means not even at any time," John 6:35 (2nd part).

(4) Popote follows oudeis, "no one," in the dative case ("to no man"); so in Luke 19:30, where oudeis is in the nominative case, RV, "no man ever yet" (AV, "yet never man").

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words