Benefit, Benefactor - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Benefit, Benefactor
[ 1,,G2108, euergesia ]lit., good work" (eu, "well," ergon, "work"), is found in Acts 4:9, "good deed," and 1 Timothy 6:2, "benefit."
[ 2,,G2110, euergetes ]
"a benefactor," expresses the agent, Luke 22:25.
[ 3,,G5485, charis ]
"grace," is once rendered "benefit," 2 Corinthians 1:15; it stresses the character of the "benefit," as the effect of the gracious disposition of the benefactor. See ACCEPTABLE, FAVOR, GRACE, LIBERALITY, PLEASURE, THANK.
[ 4,,G18, agathon ]
the neuter of agathos, used as a noun in Philemon 1:14, is translated "benefit," AV; RV, "goodness." See GOOD.