G18 ἀγαθός - Strong's Greek Lexicon Number

LSJ Gloss:
intrinsically good, good in nature, good whether it be seen to be so or not, the widest and most colorless of all words with this meaning.
"good" (in any sense, often as noun)
Derivation: a primary word;

KJV Usage: benefit, good(-s, things), well.

Compare G2570. G2570
ἀγαθός, -ή, -όν,
[in LXX chiefly for טוֹב ;]
in general, good, in physical and in moral sense, used of persons, things, acts, conditions, etc., applied to that which is regarded as "perfect in its kind, so as to produce pleasure and satisfaction, . . . that which, in itself good, is also at once for the good and the advantage of him who comes in contact with it" (Cremer, 3): γῆ, Luk.8:8; δένδρον, Mat.7:18; καρδία, Luk.8:15; δόσις, Jas.1:17; μέρις, Luk.10:42; ἔργον (freq. in Pl.), Php.1:6; ἐλπίς, 2Th.2:16; θησαυρός, Mat.12:35; μνεία, 1Th.3:6 (cf. 2Ma.7:20); as subst., τὸ ἀ, that which is morally good, beneficial, acceptable to God, Rom.12:2; ἐργάζεσθαι τὸ ἀ,
Refs Rom.2:10, Eph.4:28
; πράσσειν,
Refs Rom.9:11, 2Co.5:10
; διώκειν, 1Th.5:15; μιμεῖσθαι, III Jo 11; κολλᾶσθαι τῷ ἀ, Rom.12:9; ερωτᾶν περὶ τοῦ ἀ., Mat.19:17; διάκονος εἰς τὸ ἀ., Rom.13:4; τὸ ἀ. σου, thy favour, benefit, Phm 14; pl., τὰ ἀ., of goods, possessions, Luk.12:18; of spiritual benefits,
Refs Rom.10:15, Heb.9:11, 10:1
. ἀ is opp. to πονηρός,
Refs Mat.5:45, 20:5
; κακός, Rom.7:19; φαῦλος,
Refs Rom.9:11, 2Co.5:10
(cf. MM, VGT, see word).
SYN.: καλός, δίκαιος. κ. properly refers to goodliness as manifested in form: ἀ. to inner excellence (cf. the cl. καλὸς κἀγαθός and ἐν καρδία κ. καὶ ἀ., Luk.8:15). In Rom.5:7, where it is contrasted with δ., ἀ. implies a kindliness and attractiveness not necessarily possessed by the δίκαιος, who merely measures up to a high standard of rectitude (cf. ἀγαθωσύνη). (AS)
1) of good constitution or nature
2) useful, salutary
3) good, pleasant, agreeable, joyful, happy
4) excellent, distinguished
5) upright, honourable

First 30 of 101 occurrences of G18 ἀγαθός

Matthew 5:45 on the good,
Matthew 7:11 good
Matthew 7:11 good things
Matthew 7:17 good
Matthew 7:18 A good
Matthew 12:34 good things?
Matthew 12:35 A good
Matthew 12:35 the good
Matthew 12:35 good things:
Matthew 19:16 Good
Matthew 19:16 good thing
Matthew 19:17 good?
Matthew 19:17 good
Matthew 20:15 good?
Matthew 22:10 good:
Matthew 25:21 thou good
Matthew 25:23 good
Mark 10:17 Good
Mark 10:18 good?
Mark 10:18 good
Luke 1:53 with good things;
Luke 6:45 A good
Luke 6:45 the good
Luke 6:45 that which is good;
Luke 8:8 good
Luke 8:15 good
Luke 10:42 that good
Luke 11:13 good
Luke 12:18 goods.
Luke 12:19 goods

Distinct usage

36 good
4 good?
4 good thing
4 good,
4 a good
3 A good
3 the good
3 good.
2 that which is good;
2 of good
2 of good things
1 good things
1 good things?
1 good things:
1 with good things;
1 that good
1 goods.
1 good things,
1 is good,
1 and he was a good
1 a good man
1 that which is good
1 is that good,
1 to that which is good.
1 his good
1 good things.
1 is good
1 good;
1 the thing which is good,
1 to the good
1 good:
1 on the good,
1 of a good
1 goods
1 in well
1 is good,
1 thou good
1 thou good
1 that which is good,
1 of that which is good?
1 that which is good.
1 good thing:
1 of good things!
1 a good man:
1 of a good

Corresponding Hebrew Words

agathos H995 bin ni.
agathos H1116 bamah
agathos H1880 deshen
agathos H2869 tav
agathos H2896 tov,tovah
agathos H3303 yapheh
agathos H3477 yashar
agathos H3559 kun ni.
agathos H5228 nakhoach
agathos H6143 iqqeshut
agathos H7060 qamal
agathos H8003 shalem
agathos H8389 toar
agathos H8615 tiqvah

Related words

G18 ἀγαθός

G14 ἀγαθοεργέω
From G18 and G2041; to work good

KJV Usage: do good.

G17 ἀγαθοποιός
From G18 and G4160; a well-doer, that is, virtuous

KJV Usage: them that do well.

G19 ἀγαθωσύνη
From G18; goodness, that is, virtue or beneficence

KJV Usage: goodness.

G957 βελτίον
Neuter of a compound of a derivative of G906 (used for the compound of G18); better

KJV Usage: very well.

G2570 καλός
Of uncertain affinity; properly beautiful, but chiefly (figuratively) good (literally or morally), that is, valuable or virtuous (for appearance or use, and thus distinguished from G18, which is properly intrinsic)

KJV Usage: X better, fair, good (-ly), honest, meet, well, worthy.

G5358 φιλάγαθος
From G5384 and G18; fond of good, that is, a promoter of virtue

KJV Usage: love of good men.

G2570 καλός

Of uncertain affinity; properly beautiful, but chiefly (figuratively) good (literally or morally), that is, valuable or virtuous (for appearance or use, and thus distinguished from G18, which is properly intrinsic)

KJV Usage: X better, fair, good (-ly), honest, meet, well, worthy.

G2566 καλλίον
Neuter of the (irregular) compound of G2570; (adverbially) better than many

KJV Usage: very well.

G2567 καλοδιδάσκαλος
From G2570 and G1320; a teacher of the right

KJV Usage: teacher of good things.

G2568 Καλοὶ Λιμένες
Καλοὶ Λιμένες
Kaloi Limenes
kal-oy' lee-man'-es
Plural of G2570 and G3040; Good Harbors, that is, Fairhaven, a bay of Crete

KJV Usage: fair havens.

G2569 καλοποιέω
From G2570 and G4160; to do well, that is, live virtuously

KJV Usage: well doing.

G2573 καλῶς
Adverb from G2570; well (usually morally)

KJV Usage: (in a) good (place), honestly, + recover, (full) well.

Greek Synonym Index ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Strong's No. Definition No.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{ G25} agapao { [G5914]}
{ G40} agios { [G5878]}
{ G51} agnoema { [G5879]}
{ G53} agnos { [G5878]}
{ G97} adolos { [G5880]}
{ G126} aidos { [G5801]}
{ G127} aidos { [G5882]}
{ G139} airesis { [G5916]}
{ G148} aischrologia { [G5881]}
{ G152} aischyne { [G5882]}
{ G154} aiteo { [G5802] [G5920]}
{ G155} aitema { [G5883]}
{ G156} aitia { [G5884]}
{ G157} aitiama { [G5803]}
{ G165} aion { [G5921]}
{ G166} aionios { [G5801]}
{ G172} akakos { [G5880]}
{ G185} akeraios { [G5880]}
{ G213} alazon { [G5885]}
{ G214} alalazo { [G5804]}
{ G218} aleipho { [G5805]}
{ G243} allos { [G5806]}
{ G260} ama { [G5807]}
{ G262} amarantinos { [G5886]}
{ G263} amarantos { [G5886]}
{ G265} amartema { [G5879]}
{ G266} amartia { [G5879]}
{ G273} amemptos { [G5887]}
{ G283} amiantos { [G5896]}
{ G293} amphiblestron { [G5808]}
{ G299} amomos { [G5887]}
{ G342} anakainosis { [G5888]}
{ G364} anamnesis { [G5809]}
{ G372} anapausis { [G5810] [G5922]}
{ G410} anenkletos { [G5887]}
{ G417} anemos { [G5923]}
{ G423} anepileptos { [G5887]}
{ G425} anesis { [G5810] [G5922]}
{ G443} anthropoktonos { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G458} anomia { [G5879]}
{ G499} antitypos { [G5919]}
{ G500} antichristos { [G5890]}
{ G573} aplous { [G5880]}
{ G601} apokalypto { [G5812]}
{ G649} apostello { [G5813]}
{ G692} argos { [G5814]}
{ G737} arti { [G5815]}
{ G744} archaios { [G5816] [G5924]}
{ G754} architelones { [G5942]}
{ G763} asebeia { [G5879]}
{ G766} aselgeia { [G5891]}
{ G786} aspondos { [G5892]}
{ G791} asteios { [G5893]}
{ G802} asynthetos { [G5892]}
{ G810} asotia { [G5891]}
{ G827} auge { [G5817]}
{ G840} austeros { [G5925]}
{ G862} aphthartos { [G5886]}
{ G887} achlys { [G5926]}
{ G898} bathmos { [G5818]}
{ G922} baros { [G5819]}
{ G970} bia { [G5820]}
{ G979} bios { [G5821]}
{ G991} blepo { [G5822]}
{ G994} boao { [G5823]}
{ G1006} bosko { [G5824]}
{ G1014} boulomai { [G5915]}
{ G1021} bradys { [G5814]}
{ G1097} ginosko { [G5825]}
{ G1105} gnophos { [G5926]}
{ G1108} gnosis { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G1145} dakryo { [G5804]}
{ G1155} daneizo { [G5827]}
{ G1162} deesis { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G1163} dei { [G5829] [G5940]}
{ G1167} deilia { [G5835]}
{ G1175} deisidaimon { [G5895]}
{ G1189} deomai { [G5802]}
{ G1203} despotes { [G5830]}
{ G1209} dechomai { [G5877]}
{ G1212} delos { [G5812]}
{ G1213} deloo { [G5831]}
{ G1218} demos { [G5832] [G5927]}
{ G1238} diadema { [G5833]}
{ G1249} diakonos { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G1271} dianoia { [G5917]}
{ G1323} didrachmon { [G5941]}
{ G1325} didomi { [G5836]}
{ G1348} dikastes { [G5838]}
{ G1350} diktyon { [G5808]}
{ G1378} dogma { [G5918]}
{ G1380} dokeo { [G5837]}
{ G1389} doloo { [G5929]}
{ G1390} doma { [G5839]}
{ G1394} dosis { [G5839]}
{ G1401} doulos { [G5928]}
{ G1402} douloo { [G5834]}
{ G1411} dynamis { [G5820]}
{ G1431} dorea { [G5839]}
{ G1433} doreomai { [G5836]}
{ G1435} doron { [G5839]}
{ G1462} enklema { [G5803]}
{ G1484} ethnos { [G5927]}
{ G1492} eido { [G5825]}
{ G1506} eilikrines { [G5840] [G5896]}
{ G1577} ekklesia { [G5897]}
{ G1605} ekplesso { [G5841]}
{ G1650} elenchos { [G5884]}
{ G1651} elencho { [G5884]}
{ G1653} eleeo { [G5842]}
{ G1656} eleos { [G5913]}
{ G1718} emphanizo { [G5831]}
{ G1753} energeia { [G5820]}
{ G1763} eniautos { [G5843]}
{ G1781} entellomai { [G5844]}
{ G1783} enteuxis { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G1785} entole { [G5918]}
{ G1791} entrope { [G5882]}
{ G1849} exousia { [G5820]}
{ G1922} epignosis { [G5894]}
{ G1932} epieikeia { [G5899]}
{ G1939} epithymia { [G5845] [G5906]}
{ G1987} epistamai { [G5825]}
{ G2008} epitimao { [G5884]}
{ G2064} erchomai { [G5818]}
{ G2065} erotao { [G5802] [G5920]}
{ G2087} eteros { [G5806]}
{ G2094} etos { [G5843]}
{ G2124} eulabeia { [G5835]}
{ G2126} eulabes { [G5895]}
{ G2152} eusebes { [G5895]}
{ G2160} eutrapelia { [G5881]}
{ G2169} eucharistia { [G5883]}
{ G2171} euche { [G5883]}
{ G2217} zophos { [G5926]}
{ G2222} zoe { [G5821]}
{ G2226} zoon { [G5846] [G5930]}
{ G2233} egeomai { [G5837]}
{ G2235} ede { [G5815]}
{ G2270} esychazo { [G5847]}
{ G2275} ettema { [G5879]}
{ G2281} thalassa { [G5931]}
{ G2300} theaomai { [G5848]}
{ G2305} theiotes { [G5849]}
{ G2309} thelo { [G5915]}
{ G2318} theosebes { [G5895]}
{ G2320} theotes { [G5849]}
{ G2324} therapon { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G2334} theoreo { [G5848]}
{ G2342} therion { [G5846] [G5930]}
{ G2347} thlipsis { [G5907]}
{ G2352} thrauo { [G5850]}
{ G2354} threneo { [G5804] [G5932]}
{ G2357} threskos { [G5895]}
{ G2359} thrix { [G5851]}
{ G2366} thyella { [G5923]}
{ G2397} idea { [G5933]}
{ G2411} ieros { [G5878]}
{ G2428} iketeria { [G5883]}
{ G2440} imation { [G5934]}
{ G2441} imatismos { [G5934]}
{ G2479} ischys { [G5820]}
{ G2513} katharos { [G5840] [G5896]}
{ G2537} kainos { [G5852] [G5935]}
{ G2540} kairos { [G5853]}
{ G2549} kakia { [G5855]}
{ G2556} kakos { [G5908]}
{ G2564} kaleo { [G5823]}
{ G2570} kalos { [G5893]}
{ G2585} kapeleuo { [G5929]}
{ G2608} katagnymi { [G5850]}
{ G2723} kategoreo { [G5803]}
{ G2730} katoikeo { [G5854]}
{ G2753} keleuo { [G5844]}
{ G2766} keramos { [G5858]}
{ G2778} kensos { [G5941]}
{ G2799} klaio { [G5804]}
{ G2812} kleptes { [G5856]}
{ G2830} klydon { [G5857]}
{ G2851} kolasis { [G5859] [G5909]}
{ G2864} kome { [G5851]}
{ G2873} kopos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G2875} koptomai { [G5932]}
{ G2889} kosmos { [G5921]}
{ G2894} kophinos { [G5939]}
{ G2896} krazo { [G5823]}
{ G2897} kraipale { [G5937]}
{ G2904} kratos { [G5820]}
{ G2905} kraugazo { [G5823]}
{ G2923} krites { [G5838]}
{ G2949} kyma { [G5857]}
{ G2962} kyrios { [G5830]}
{ G2970} komos { [G5937]}
{ G2978} lailaps { [G5923]}
{ G2983} lambano { [G5877]}
{ G2992} laos { [G5832] [G5927]}
{ G3027} lestes { [G5856]}
{ G3076} lypeomai { [G5932]}
{ G3115} makrothymia { [G5861]}
{ G3163} mache { [G5938]}
{ G3178} methe { [G5937]}
{ G3338} metamellomai { [G5862]}
{ G3339} metamorpeoo { [G5863]}
{ G3340} metanoeo { [G5862]}
{ G3345} metaschematizo { [G5863]}
{ G3392} miaino { [G5864] [G5910]}
{ G3396} mignymi { [G5858]}
{ G3435} molyno { [G5864] [G5910]}
{ G3444} morphe { [G5865] [G5933]}
{ G3449} mochthos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G3473} morologia { [G5881]}
{ G3501} neos { [G5852] [G5935]}
{ G3507} nephele { [G5866]}
{ G3509} nephos { [G5866]}
{ G3543} nomizo { [G5837]}
{ G3551} nomos { [G5918]}
{ G3563} nous { [G5917]}
{ G3568} nyn { [G5815]}
{ G3576} nothros { [G5814]}
{ G3591} onkos { [G5819]}
{ G3602} odyrmos { [G5804]}
{ G3610} oiketes { [G5928]}
{ G3614} oikia { [G5867]}
{ G3624} oikos { [G5867] [G5944]}
{ G3628} oiktirmos { [G5842] [G5913]}
{ G3632} oinophlygia { [G5937]}
{ G3633} oiomai { [G5837]}
{ G3674} omou { [G5807]}
{ G3708} orao { [G5822]}
{ G3715} orexis { [G5906]}
{ G3730} orme { [G5906]}
{ G3741} osios { [G5878]}
{ G3784} opheilei { [G5940]}
{ G3793} ochlos { [G5927]}
{ G3806} pathos { [G5845] [G5906]}
{ G3808} paidarion { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3813} paidion { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3814} paidiske { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3816} pais { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G3820} palaios { [G5816] [G5924]}
{ G3824} palingenesia { [G5888]}
{ G3831} panegyris { [G5897]}
{ G3847} parabasis { [G5879]}
{ G3853} parangello { [G5844]}
{ G3876} parakoe { [G5879]}
{ G3892} paranomia { [G5879]}
{ G3900} paraptoma { [G5879]}
{ G3939} paroikeo { [G5854]}
{ G3965} patria { [G5944]}
{ G3967} patrikos { [G5869]}
{ G3971} patroos { [G5869]}
{ G3989} pelagos { [G5931]}
{ G3992} pempo { [G5813]}
{ G3993} penes { [G5870]}
{ G3996} pentheo { [G5932]}
{ G4151} pneuma { [G5923]}
{ G4157} pnoe { [G5923]}
{ G4158} poderes { [G5934]}
{ G4160} poieo { [G5871\ [G5911]}
{ G4165} poimaino { [G5824]}
{ G4171} polemos { [G5938]}
{ G4189} poneria { [G5855]}
{ G4190} poneros { [G5908]}
{ G4192} ponos { [G5860] [G5936]}
{ G4198} poreuomai { [G5818]}
{ G4224} potos { [G5937]}
{ G4236} praotes { [G5898] [G5899]}
{ G4238} prasso { [G5871] [G5911]}
{ G4335} proseuche { [G5828] [G5883]}
{ G4422} ptoeo { [G5841]}
{ G4434} ptochos { [G5870]}
{ G4486} regnymi { [G5850]}
{ G4522} sagene { [G5808]}
{ G4559} sarkikos { [G5912]}
{ G4560} sarkinos { [G5912]}
{ G4586} semnos { [G5878]}
{ G4601} sigao { [G5847]}
{ G4607} sikarios { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G4623} siopao { [G5847]}
{ G4642} skleros { [G5925]}
{ G4648} skopeo { [G5822]}
{ G4655} skotos { [G5926]}
{ G4678} sophia { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G4680} sophos { [G5872]}
{ G4711} spyris { [G5939]}
{ G4727} stenazo { [G5804]}
{ G4730} stenochoria { [G5907]}
{ G4735} stephanos { [G5833]}
{ G4749} stole { [G5934]}
{ G4832} symmorphos { [G5873]}
{ G4864} synagoge { [G5897]}
{ G4907} synesis { [G5826]}
{ G4908} synetos { [G5872]}
{ G4920} syniemi { [G5825]}
{ G4964} syschematizo { [G5873]}
{ G4976} schema { [G5865] [G5933]}
{ G4978} schisma { [G5916]}
{ G4997} sophrosyne { [G5882]}
{ G5012} tapeinophrosyne { [G5898]}
{ G5021} tasso { [G5844]}
{ G5043} teknon { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G5056} telos { [G5941]}
{ G5057} telones { [G5942]}
{ G5083} tereo { [G5874]}
{ G5098} timoria { [G5859] [G5909]}
{ G5117} topos { [G5875]}
{ G5141} tremo { [G5841]}
{ G5179} typos { [G5919]}
{ G5197} ybristes { [G5885]}
{ G5207} yios { [G5868] [G5943]}
{ G5215} ymnos { [G5876]}
{ G5244} yperephanos { [G5885]}
{ G5257} yperetes { [G5834] [G5928]}
{ G5280} ypomnesis { [G5809]}
{ G5281} ypomone { [G5861]}
{ G5316} phaino { [G5837]}
{ G5319} phaneroo { [G5812]}
{ G5337} phaulos { [G5908]}
{ G5338} phengos { [G5817]}
{ G5368} phileo { [G5914]}
{ G5398} phoberos { [G5835]}
{ G5399} phobeo { [G5841]}
{ G5406} phoneus { [G5811] [G5889]}
{ G5411} phoros { [G5941]}
{ G5413} phortion { [G5819]}
{ G5428} phronesis { [G5826] [G5894]}
{ G5429} phronimos { [G5872]}
{ G5442} phylasso { [G5874]}
{ G5443} phyle { [G5944]}
{ G5457} phos { [G5817]}
{ G5509} chiton { [G5934]}
{ G5511} chlamys { [G5934]}
{ G5531} chrao { [G5827]}
{ G5534} chre { [G5829]}
{ G5548} chrio { [G5805]}
{ G5550} chronos { [G5853]}
{ G5561} chora { [G5875]}
{ G5562} choreo { [G5818]}
{ G5564} chorion { [G5875]}
{ G5568} psalmos { [G5876]}
{ G5580} pseudochristos { [G5890]}
{ G5591} psychikos { [G5912]}
{ G5603} ode { [G5876]}
{ G5611} oraios { [G5893

Synonyms for Beautiful, Graceful. See Definition for asteios { [G791]}
See Definition for oraios { [G5611]}
See Definition for kalos { [G2570]}

asteios is properly one living in a city, urban. It soon acquires
the meaning urbane, polite, elegant. Then it obtains to a limited
extent the meaning beautiful, although never in the highest degree.

oraios, from ora, hour, period, means properly timely.
From that comes the idea of being beautiful, since nearly everything
is beautiful in its hour of fullest perfection.

kalos is a much higher word. It means beautiful, physically or
morally. It is, however, distinctly the beauty which comes from
harmony, the beauty which arises from a symmetrical adjustment in
right proportion, in other words, from the harmonious completeness of
the object concerned.