Throw - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ 1,,G906, ballo ]
to cast, to throw," is rendered "to throw" in Mark 12:42, AV (RV, "cast"); so Acts 22:23 (2nd part); "to throw down," Revelation 18:21 (2nd part), AV (RV, "cast down"). See CAST, No. 1.

[ 2,,G4496, rhipto ]
"to hurl, throw, throw off," is rendered "had thrown... down" in Luke 4:35, RV (AV, "had thrown"). See CAST, No. 2.

[ 3,,G2630, katakremnizo ]
"to throw over a precipice" (kremnos), "cast down headlong," is rendered "throw ... down" in Luke 4:29 (AV, "cast ... down headlong").

[ 4,,G2647, kataluo ]
lit., "to loosen down," is rendered "to throw down" (of the stones of the Temple) in Matthew 24:2 and parallel passages. See DESTROY, No. 5.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words