Accuser - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ 1,,G1228, diabolos ]
an accuser" (cp. ACCUSE, B, No. 1), is used 34 times as a title of Satan, the Devil (the English word is derived from the Greek); once of Judas, John 6:70, who, in his opposition of God, acted the part of the Devil. Apart from John 6:70, men are never spoken of as devils. It is always to be distinguished from daimon, "a demon." It is found three times, 1 Timothy 3:11; 2 Timothy 3:3; Titus 2:3, of false accusers, slanderers.

[ 2,,G2725, kategoros ]
"an accuser," (See ACCUSATION, ACCUSED, B. 4.) is used in John 8:10; Acts 23:30, Acts 23:35; Acts 24:8; Acts 25:16, Acts 25:18. In Revelation 12:10, it is used of Satan. In the Sept., Proverbs 18:17.


(1) Sukophantia, "a false accusation or oppression," is used in Ecclesiastes 5:7; Ecclesiastes 7:8; Psalms 119:134; Amos 2:8 (not in the NT). See No. 5, above.

(2) Sukophantes, "a false accuser, or oppressor," occurs in Psalms 72:4; Proverbs 28:16 (not in the NT).

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words