Strive - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ 1,,G75, agonizomai ]
to contend" (Eng., "agonize"), is rendered "to strive" in Luke 13:24; 1 Corinthians 9:25; Colossians 1:29; Colossians 4:12, RV (AV, "laboring fervently"). In 1 Timothy 4:10, the best texts have this verb (RV, "strive") for oneidizomai, "to suffer reproach," AV; See FIGHT, B, No. 1.

[ 2,,G3164, machomai ]
"to fight, to quarrel, dispute," is rendered "to strive" in John 6:52; Acts 7:26; 2 Timothy 2:24. See FIGHT, B, No. 3.

[ 3,,G1264, diamachomai ]
"to struggle against" (dia, intensive, and No. 2), is used of "contending" in an argument, Acts 23:9, "strove."

[ 4,,G2051, erizo ]
"to wrangle, strive" (eris, "strife"), is used in Matthew 12:19.

[ 5,,G3054, logomacheo ]
"to strive about words" (logos, "a word," and No. 2), is used in 2 Timothy 2:14.

[ 6,,G464, antagonizomai ]
"to struggle against" (anti), is used in Hebrews 12:4, "striving against."

[ 7,,G4865, sunagonizomai ]
"to strive together with" (sun), is used in Romans 15:30.

[ 8,,G4866, sunathleo ]
"to strive together," Philippians 1:27, See LABOR, B, No. 3.


(1) In 2 Timothy 2:5, AV, athleo, "to contend in games, wrestle" (athlos, "a contest") is rendered "strive." See CONTEND.

(2) For philotimeomai, Romans 15:20, See AIM.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words