Nigh - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ A-1,Adverb,G1451, engus ]
nigh" or "near," is translated in both ways in Matthew 24:32-Matthew 24:33; Mark 13:28-Mark 13:29, AV (RV, "nigh" in both); in Acts 1:12, with echon, present participle neuter of echo, "to have," RV, "nigh unto ... off" (AV, "from"). See NEAR, No. 1.

[ A-2,Adverb,G3897, paraplesion ]
the neuter of the adjective paraplesios, para, "beside," plesios, "near, nearly resembling," is translated "nigh unto," with reference to death, in Philippians 2:27.

[ B-1,Verb,G1448, engizo ]

[ C-1,Preposition,G3844, para ]
"beside, alongside of," is translated "night unto" in Matthew 15:29; in Mark 5:21, RV, "by" (AV, "nigh unto").

Note: In Mark 5:11, AV, pros, "towards, on the side of," is translated "night unto (the mountain)," RV, "on (the mountain) side;" the swine were not simply "near" the mountain.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words