Close (Verb) - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Close (Verb)
[ 1,,G2576, kammuo ]derived by syncope (i.e., shortening and assimilation of t to m) from katamuo, i.e., kata, down," and muo, from a root mu---, pronounced by closing the lips, denotes "to close down;" hence, "to shut the eyes," Matthew 13:15; Acts 28:27, in each place of the obstinacy of Jews in their opposition to the Gospel.
[ 2,,G4428, ptusso ]
"to fold, double up," is used of a scroll of parchment, Luke 4:20. Cp. anaptusso, "to open up," Luke 4:17.
(1) For "close-sealed," Revelation 5:1, See SEAL.
(2) In Luke 9:36, sigao, "to be silent," is translated "they kept it close," AV (RV, "they held their peace").