Wall - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ 1,,G5038, teichos ]
a wall," especially one around a town, is used
(a) literally, Acts 9:25; 2 Corinthians 11:33; Hebrews 11:30;
(b) figuratively, of the "wall" of the heavenly city, Revelation 21:12, Revelation 21:14-Revelation 21:15, Revelation 21:17-Revelation 21:19.

[ 2,,G5109, toichos ]
"a wall," especially of a house, is used figuratively in Acts 23:3, "(thou whited) wall."

[ 3,,G3320, mesotoichon ]
"a partition wall" (mesos, "middle," and No. 2), occurs in Ephesians 2:14, figuratively of the separation of Gentile from Jew in their unregenerate state, a partition demolished by the Cross for both on acceptance of the Gospel. Cp. PARTITION.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words