Manna - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ 1,,G3131, manna ]
the supernaturally provided food for Israel during their wilderness journey (for details See Exod. 16 and Num. 11). The Hebrew equivalent is given in Exodus 16:15, RV marg., man hu." The translations are, RV, "what is it?;" AV and RV marg., "it is manna." It is described in Psalms 78:24-Psalms 78:25 as "the corn of heaven" and "the bread of the mighty," RV text and AV marg. ("angels' food," AV text), and in 1 Corinthians 10:3, as "spiritual meat." The vessel appointed to contain it as a perpetual memorial, was of gold, Hebrews 9:4, with Exodus 16:33. The Lord speaks of it as being typical of Himself, the true Bread from Heaven, imparting eternal life and sustenance to those who by faith partake spiritually of Him, John 6:31-John 6:35. The "hidden manna" is promised as one of the rewards of the overcomer, Revelation 2:17; it is thus suggestive of the moral excellence of Christ in His life on earth, hid from the eyes of men, by whom He was "despised and rejected;" the path of the overcomer is a reflex of His life.

None of the natural substances called "manna" is to be identified with that which God provided for Israel.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words