Fade (away) - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Fade (away)
[ A-1,Verb,G3133, maraino ]was used
(a) to signify to quench a fire," and in the Passive Voice, of the "dying out of a fire;" hence
(b) in various relations, in the Active Voice, "to quench, waste, wear out;" in the Passive, "to waste away," James 1:11, of the "fading" away of a rich man, as illustrated by the flower of the field. In the Sept., Job 15:30; Job 24:24.
[ B-1,Adjective (negative),G263, amarantos ]
"unfading" (a, negative, and A, above), whence the "amaranth," an unfading flower, a symbol of perpetuity (See Paradise Lost, iii. 353), is used in 1 Peter 1:4 of the believer's inheritance, "that fadeth not away." It is found in various writings in the language of the Koine, e.g., on a gladiator's tomb; and as a proper name (Moulton and Milligan, Vocab.).
[ B-2,Adjective (negative),G262, amarantinos ]
primarily signifies "composed of amaranth" (See No. 1); hence, "unfading," 1 Peter 5:4, of the crown of glory promised to faithful elders. Cp. rhodinos, "made of roses" (rhodon, "a rose").