Discreet, Discreetly - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

Discreet, Discreetly

[ A-1,Adjective,G4998, sophron ]
of sound mind, self-controlled" (for the derivation, See DISCIPLINE), is translated "sober-minded," in its four occurrences in the RV, 1 Timothy 3:2 (AV, "sober"); Titus 1:8 (AV, "ditto"); Titus 2:2 (AV, "temperate"); Titus 2:5 (AV, "discreet"). See SOBER, TEMPERATE.

[ B-1,Adverb,G3562, nounechos ]
lit., "mind-possessing" (nous, "mind, understanding," echo, "to have"), hence denotes "discreetly, sensibly, prudently." Mark 12:34.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words