Above - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
* The following adverbs have this meaning (prepositions are omitted here):--[ 1,,G507, ano ]
denotes above, in a higher place," Acts 2:19 (the opposite to kato, "below"). With the article it means "that which is above," Galatians 4:26; Philippians 3:14, "the high calling" (RV marg., "upward"); with the plural article, the things above," John 8:23, lit., "from the things above;" Colossians 3:1-Colossians 3:2. With heos, "as far as," it is translated "up to the brim," in John 2:7. It has the meaning "upwards" in John 11:41 and Hebrews 12:15 See BRIM, HIGH, UP.
[ 2,,G511, anoteron ]
the comparative degree of No. 1, is the neuter of the adjective anoteros. It is used
(a) of motion to a higher place, "higher," Luke 14:10;
(b) of location in a higher place, i.e., in the preceding part of a passage, "above" Hebrews 10:8. See HIGHER.
[ 3,,G1883, epano ]
epi, "over," ano, "above," is used frequently as a preposition with a noun; adverbially, of number, e.g., Mark 14:5, RV; 1 Corinthians 15:6.
Note: In Acts 4:22, AV, the adjective pleion, "more," is translated "above," the RV corrects to "more than (forty years)."
[ 4,,G509, anothen ]
"from above," is used of place,
(a) with the meaning "from the top," Matthew 27:51; Mark 15:38, of the temple veil; in John 19:23, of the garment of Christ, lit., "from the upper parts" (plural);
(b) of things which come from heaven, or from God in Heaven, John 3:31; John 19:11; James 1:17; James 3:15, James 3:17. It is also used in the sense of "again." See AGAIN.