Bow, Bowed (Verb) - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Bow, Bowed (Verb)
[ 1,,G2578, kampto ]to bend," is used especially of bending the knees in religious veneration, Romans 11:4; Romans 14:11; Ephesians 3:14; Philippians 2:10.
[ 2,,G4781, sunkampto ]
signifies "to bend completely together, to bend down by compulsory force," Romans 11:10.
[ 3,,G4794, sunkupto ]
"to bow together" (sun, "together with," kupto, "to bow"), is said, in Luke 13:11, of the woman crippled with a physical infirmity.
[ 4,,G2827, klino ]
"to incline, to bow down," is used of the women who in their fright "bowed" their faces to the earth at the Lord's empty tomb, Luke 24:5; of the act of the Lord on the Cross immediately before giving up His Spirit. What is indicated in the statement "He bowed His head," is not the helpless dropping of the head after death, but the deliberate putting of His head into a position of rest, John 19:30. The verb is deeply significant here. The Lord reversed the natural order. The same verb is used in His statement in Matthew 8:20; Luke 9:58, "the Son of Man hath not where to lay His head." It is used, too, of the decline of day, Luke 9:12; Luke 24:29; of turning enemies to flight, Hebrews 11:34. See LAY, SPENT. No. 7, TURN, WEAR.
[ 5,,G5087, tithemi ]
"to put, or place," is said of the soldiers who mockingly bowed their knees to Christ, Mark 15:19. See APPOINT.
Note: For gonupeteo, "to bow the knee," Matthew 27:29, See KNEEL.