Mark (Verb) - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

Mark (Verb)

[ 1,,G1907, epecho ]
lit., to hold upon" (epi, "upon," echo, "to hold"), signifies (like parecho) "to hold out," Philippians 2:16, of the word of life; then, "to hold one's mind towards, to observe," translated "marked" in Luke 14:7, of the Lord's observance of those who chose the chief seats. See HEED, HOLD, STAY.

[ 2,,G4648, skopeo ]
"to look at, behold, watch, contemplate," (akin to skopos, "a mark," See Noun above), is used metaphorically of "looking to," and translated "mark" in Romans 16:17, of a warning against those who cause divisions, and in Philippians 3:17, of observing those who walked after the example of the Apostle and his fellow workers, so as to follow their ways. See HEED, Note
(1), LOOK.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words