Rust (Noun and Verb) - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Rust (Noun and Verb)
[ A-1,Noun,G1035, brosis ]an eating" (akin to bibrosko, "to eat"), is used metaphorically to denote "rust" in Matthew 6:19-Matthew 6:20. See EAT, B, No. 1, FOOD, MEAT, MORSEL.
[ A-2,Noun,G2447, ios ]
"poison," denotes "rust" in James 5:3. See POISON.
[ B-1,Verb,G2728, katioo ]
an intensive form of ioo, "to poison" (akin to A, No. 2), strengthened by kata, "down," "to rust over," and in the Passive Voice, "to become rusted over," occurs in James 5:3, RV, "are rusted" (AV, "are cankered"). Cp. gangraina, "a gangrene," 2 Timothy 2:17, RV.