Philippians 3 Cross References - WEB_Strongs

  1 G3063 Finally, G3450 my G80 brothers, G5463 rejoice G1722 in G2962 the Lord. G1125 To write G846 the same things G5213 to you, G1698 to me G3303 indeed G3756 is not G3636 tiresome, G1161 but G5213 for you G804 it is safe.
  2 G991 Beware G2965 of the dogs, G991 beware G2040 of G2556 the evil G2040 workers, G991 beware G2699 of the false circumcision.
  3 G1063 For G2249 we G2070 are G4061 the circumcision, G3000 who worship G2316 God G4151 in the Spirit, G2532 and G2744 rejoice G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus, G2532 and G3982 have G3756 no G3982 confidence G1722 in G4561 the flesh;
  4 G2539 though G1473 I G2192 myself might G2532   G2192 have G4006 confidence G1722 even in G4561 the flesh. G1487 If G5100 any G243 other G5100 man G1380 thinks G3982 that he has confidence G1722 in G4561 the flesh, G1473 I G3123 yet more:
  5 G4061 circumcised G3637 the eighth G1537 day, G1085 of the stock G2474 of Israel, G5443 of the tribe G1537 of G958 Benjamin, G1445 a Hebrew G1445 of Hebrews; G2596 concerning G3551 the law, G5330 a Pharisee;
  6 G2596 concerning G2205 zeal, G1377 persecuting G1577 the assembly; G2596 concerning G1343 the righteousness G3588 which G1096 is G1722 in G3551 the law, G273 found blameless.
  7 G235 However, G3748 what things G2258 were G2771 gain G3427 to me, G5023 these G2233 have I counted G2209 loss G1223 for G5547 Christ.
  8 G235 Yes G3304 most certainly, G2532 and G2233 I count G3956 all things G1511 to be G2209 loss G1223 for G5242 the excellency G1108 of the knowledge G5547 of Christ G2424 Jesus, G3450 my G2962 Lord, G1223 for G3739 whom G2210 I suffered the loss of G3956 all things, G2532 and G2233 count G4657 them nothing but refuse, G2443 that G1511 I G2770 may gain G5547 Christ
  9 G2532 and G2147 be found G1722 in G846 him, G3361 not G2192 having G1343 a righteousness G1537 of G1699 my own, G3588 that which is G1537 of G3551 the law, G235 but G3588 that which is G1223 through G4102 faith G5547 in Christ, G1343 the righteousness G3588 which is G2316 from God G1909 by G4102 faith;
  10 G3588 that G1097 I may know G846 him, G2532 and G1411 the power G386 of G846 his G386 resurrection, G2532 and G2842 the fellowship G3804 of G846 his G3804 sufferings, G4833 becoming conformed to G846 his G2288 death;
  11 G1487 if G4459 by any means G2658 I may attain G1519 to G1815 the resurrection G3498 from the dead.
  12 G3756 Not G3754 that G2983 I have G2235 already G2983 obtained, G2228 or G5048 am G2235 already G5048 made perfect; G1161 but G1377 I press on, G1487 if G2532 it is so that G2638 I may take hold G1909 of that for G3739 which G2532 also G2638 I was taken hold G5259 of G5547 by Christ G2424 Jesus.
  13 G80 Brothers, G1473 I G3756 don't G3049 regard G1683 myself G2638 as yet having taken hold, G1161 but G1520 one thing G1950 I do. Forgetting G3303 the things G3588 which are G3694 behind, G1161 and G1901 stretching forward G3588 to the things which are G1715 before,
  14 G1377 I press G2596 on toward G4649 the goal G1909 for G1017 the prize G2821 of the G507 high G2821 calling G2316 of God G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus.
  15 G5426 Let us G3767 therefore, G3745 as many as G5046 are perfect, G5426 think G5124 this G5426 way. G2532   G1487 If G5100 in anything G5426 you think G2088 otherwise, G2316 God G601 will also reveal G2532   G5124 that G5213 to you.
  16 G4133 Nevertheless, G1519 to G3739 the extent G5348 that we have already attained, G4748 let us walk G2583 by the G846 same G2583 rule. G846 Let us be of the G5426 same mind.
  17 G80 Brothers, G1096 be G4831 imitators together G3450 of me, G2532 and G4648 note G4043 those who walk G3779 this way, even as G2192 you have G2248 us G2531 for G5179 an example.
  18 G1063 For G4183 many G4043 walk, G3739 of whom G3004 I told G5213 you G4178 often, G1161 and G3568 now G3004 tell you G2532 even G2799 weeping, G2190 as the enemies G4716 of the cross G5547 of Christ,
  19 G3739 whose G5056 end G684 is destruction, G3739 whose G2316 god G2836 is the belly, G2532 and G3739 whose G1391 glory G1722 is in G846 their G152 shame, G3588 who G1919 think about earthly things.
  20 G1063 For G2257 our G4175 citizenship G5225 is G1722 in G3772 heaven, G1537 from G3739 where G2532 we also G553 wait G4990 for a Savior, G2962 the Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ;
  21 G3739 who G3345 will change G4983 the body G2257 of our G5014 humiliation G846   G1519 to G1096 be G2596 conformed to G4983 the body G846 of his G1391 glory, G2596 according to G1753 the working G3588 by which G846 he G1410 is able G2532 even G5293 to subject G3956 all things G1438 to himself.

Genesis 7:23

  23 H3351 Every living thing H4229 was destroyed H6440 that was on the surface H127 of the ground, H120 including man, H929 livestock, H7431 creeping things, H5775 and birds H8064 of the sky. H4229 They were destroyed H776 from the earth. H389 Only H5146 Noah H7604 was left, H834 and those who H8392 were with him in the ship.

Genesis 14:13

  13 H6412 One who had escaped H935 came H5046 and told H87 Abram, H5680 the Hebrew. H7931 Now he lived H436 by the oaks H4471 of Mamre, H567 the Amorite, H251 brother H812 of Eshcol, H251 and brother H6063 of Aner; H1167 and these were allies H87 of Abram.

Genesis 17:5-11

  5 H8034 Neither will your name H7121 any more be called H87 Abram, H8034 but your name H85 will be Abraham; H5414 for I have made you H1 the father H1995 of a multitude H1471 of nations.
  6 H6509 I will make H3966 you exceedingly H6509 fruitful, H5414 and I will make H1471 nations H4428 of you. Kings H3318 will come out of you.
  7 H6965 I will establish H1285 my covenant H2233 between me and you and your seed H310 after you H1755 throughout their generations H5769 for an everlasting H1285 covenant, H430 to be a God H2233 to you and to your seed H310 after you.
  8 H5414 I will give H2233 to you, and to your seed H310 after you, H776 the land H4033 where you are traveling, H776 all the land H3667 of Canaan, H5769 for an everlasting H272 possession. H430 I will be their God."
  9 H430 God H559 said H85 to Abraham, H8104 "As for you, you will keep H1285 my covenant, H2233 you and your seed H310 after you H1755 throughout their generations.
  10 H1285 This is my covenant, H8104 which you shall keep, H310 between me and you H2233 and your seed H310 after you. Every male among you H4135 shall be circumcised.
  11 H5243 You shall be circumcised H1320 in the flesh H6190 of your foreskin. H226 It will be a token H1285 of the covenant between me and you.
  12 H8083 He who is eight H3117 days H1121 old H4135 will be circumcised H2145 among you, every male H1755 throughout your generations, H3211 he who is born H1004 in the house, H4736 or bought H3701 with money H1121 from any foreigner H2233 who is not of your seed.

Genesis 19:17

  17 H3318 It came to pass, when they had taken H2351 them out, H559 that he said, H4422 "Escape H5921 for H5315 your life! H5027 Don't look H310 behind you, H5975 and don't stay H3603 anywhere in the plain. H4422 Escape H2022 to the mountains, H5595 lest you be consumed!"

Genesis 19:26

  26 H802 But his wife H5027 looked back H310 from behind him, H5333 and she became a pillar H4417 of salt.

Genesis 40:15

  15 H1589 For indeed, I was stolen away H776 out of the land H5680 of the Hebrews, H6213 and here also have I done H3972 nothing H7760 that they should put H953 me into the dungeon."

Genesis 41:12

  12 H5288 There was with us there a young man, H5680 a Hebrew, H5650 servant H8269 to the captain H2876 of the guard, H5608 and we told H6622 him, and he interpreted H2472 to us our dreams. H376 To each man H2472 according to his dream H6622 he interpreted.

Numbers 14:30

  30 H518 surely you shall not H935 come H776 into the land, H3027 concerning which I swore H7931 that I would make you dwell H3612 therein, except Caleb H1121 the son H3312 of Jephunneh, H3091 and Joshua H1121 the son H5126 of Nun.

Deuteronomy 10:16

  16 H4135 Circumcise H6190 therefore the foreskin H3824 of your heart, H6203 and be no more stiff-necked.

Deuteronomy 12:18

  18 H398 but you shall eat H6440 them before H3068 Yahweh H430 your God H4725 in the place H3068 which Yahweh H430 your God H977 shall choose, H1121 you, and your son, H1323 and your daughter, H5650 and your male servant, H519 and your female servant, H3881 and the Levite H8179 who is within your gates: H8055 and you shall rejoice H6440 before H3068 Yahweh H430 your God H4916 in all that you put H3027 your hand to.

Deuteronomy 16:11

  11 H8055 and you shall rejoice H6440 before H3068 Yahweh H430 your God, H1121 you, and your son, H1323 and your daughter, H5650 and your male servant, H519 and your female servant, H3881 and the Levite H8179 who is within your gates, H1616 and the foreigner, H3490 and the fatherless, H490 and the widow, H7130 who are in the midst H4725 of you, in the place H3068 which Yahweh H430 your God H977 shall choose, H8034 to cause his name H7931 to dwell there.

Deuteronomy 19:3-4

  3 H3559 You shall prepare H1870 you the way, H1366 and divide the borders H776 of your land, H3068 which Yahweh H430 your God H5157 causes you to inherit, H8027 into three parts, H7523 that every manslayer H5127 may flee there.
  4 H1697 This is the case H7523 of the manslayer, H5127 that shall flee H2425 there and live: H5221 whoever kills H7453 his neighbor H1097 unawares, H8130 and didn't hate H8543 him in time H8032 past;

Deuteronomy 27:26

  26 H779 ‘Cursed H6965 is he who doesn't confirm H1697 the words H8451 of this law H6213 to do H5971 them.' All the people H559 shall say, H543 ‘Amen.'"

Deuteronomy 30:6

  6 H3068 Yahweh H430 your God H4135 will circumcise H3824 your heart, H3824 and the heart H2233 of your seed, H157 to love H3068 Yahweh H430 your God H3824 with all your heart, H5315 and with all your soul, H2416 that you may live.

1 Samuel 2:1

  1 H2584 Hannah H6419 prayed, H559 and said: H3820 "My heart H5970 exults H3068 in Yahweh! H7161 My horn H7311 is exalted H3068 in Yahweh. H6310 My mouth H7337 is enlarged H341 over my enemies, H8055 because I rejoice H3444 in your salvation.

1 Samuel 2:11-16

  11 H511 Elkanah H3212 went H7414 to Ramah H1004 to his house. H5288 The child H1961   H8334 served H3068 Yahweh H6440 before H5941 Eli H3548 the priest.
  12 H1121 Now the sons H5941 of Eli H1100 were base H1121 men; H3045 they didn't know H3068 Yahweh.
  13 H4941 The custom H3548 of the priests H5971 with the people H376 was that when any man H2076 offered H2077 sacrifice, H3548 the priest's H5288 servant H935 came, H1320 while the flesh H1310 was boiling, H4207 with a fork H7969 of three H8127 teeth H3027 in his hand;
  14 H5221 and he struck H3595 it into the pan, H1731 or kettle, H7037 or caldron, H6517 or pot; H4207 all that the fork H5927 brought up H3548 the priest H3947 took H6213 therewith. So they did H7887 in Shiloh H3478 to all the Israelites H935 who came there.
  15 H6999 Yes, before they burnt H2459 the fat, H3548 the priest's H5288 servant H935 came, H559 and said H376 to the man H2076 who sacrificed, H5414 "Give H1320 meat H6740 to roast H3548 for the priest; H3947 for he will not accept H1310 boiled H1320 meat H2416 from you, but raw."
  16 H376 If the man H559 said H6999 to him, "Let H2459 the fat H6999 be burned H3117 first, H3947 and then take H5315 as much as your soul H183 desires;" H559 then he would say, H5414 "No, but you shall give H3947 it to me now; and if not, I will take H2394 it by force."

1 Samuel 2:29

  29 H1163 Why do you kick H2077 at my sacrifice H2077 and at my offering, H6680 which I have commanded H4583 in my habitation, H3513 and honor H1121 your sons H1254 above me, to make yourselves fat H7225 with the best H4503 of all the offerings H3478 of Israel H5971 my people?'

1 Samuel 4:6

  6 H6430 When the Philistines H8085 heard H6963 the noise H8643 of the shout, H559 they said, H6963 "What does the noise H1419 of this great H8643 shout H4264 in the camp H5680 of the Hebrews H3045 mean?" They understood H727 that the ark H3068 of Yahweh H935 had come H4264 into the camp.

2 Samuel 21:2

  2 H4428 The king H7121 called H1393 the Gibeonites, H559 and said H1393 to them (now the Gibeonites H1121 were not of the children H3478 of Israel, H3499 but of the remnant H567 of the Amorites; H1121 and the children H3478 of Israel H7650 had sworn H7586 to them: and Saul H1245 sought H5221 to kill H7065 them in his zeal H1121 for the children H3478 of Israel H3063 and Judah);

1 Kings 8:46

  46 H2398 If they sin H120 against you (for there is no man H2398 who doesn't sin), H599 and you are angry H5414 with them, and deliver H341 them to the enemy, H7617 so that they carry them away H7617 captive H6440 to H776 the land H341 of the enemy, H7350 far H7138 off or near;

1 Kings 14:10

  10 H935 therefore, behold, I will bring H7451 evil H1004 on the house H3379 of Jeroboam, H3772 and will cut off H3379 from Jeroboam H8366 everyone who urinates H7023 on a wall, H6113 he who is shut up H5800 and he who is left H3478 at large in Israel, H310 and will utterly H1197 sweep away H1004 the house H3379 of Jeroboam, H1197 as a man sweeps away H1557 dung, H8552 until it is all gone.

2 Kings 9:37

  37 H5038 and the body H348 of Jezebel H1828 shall be as dung H6440 on the face H7704 of the field H2506 in the portion H3157 of Jezreel, H559 so that they shall not say, H348 "This is Jezebel."'"

2 Kings 10:16

  16 H559 He said, H3212 "Come H7200 with me, and see H7068 my zeal H3068 for Yahweh." H7392 So they made him ride H7393 in his chariot.

1 Chronicles 15:28

  28 H3478 Thus all Israel H5927 brought up H727 the ark H1285 of the covenant H3068 of Yahweh H8643 with shouting, H6963 and with sound H7782 of the cornet, H2689 and with trumpets, H4700 and with cymbals, H8085 sounding aloud H5035 with stringed instruments H3658 and harps.

1 Chronicles 16:10

  10 H1984 Glory H6944 in his holy H8034 name. H3820 Let the heart H1245 of those who seek H3068 Yahweh H8055 rejoice.

1 Chronicles 16:31-33

  31 H8064 Let the heavens H8055 be glad, H776 and let the earth H1523 rejoice! H559 Let them say H1471 among the nations, H3068 "Yahweh H4427 reigns!"
  32 H3220 Let the sea H7481 roar, H4393 and its fullness! H7704 Let the field H5970 exult, and all that is therein!
  33 H6086 Then the trees H3293 of the forest H7442 will sing for joy H6440 before H3068 Yahweh, H935 for he comes H8199 to judge H776 the earth.

1 Chronicles 29:22

  22 H398 and ate H8354 and drink H6440 before H3068 Yahweh H3117 on that day H1419 with great H8057 gladness. H8010 They made Solomon H1121 the son H1732 of David H4427 king H8145 the second time, H4886 and anointed H3068 him to Yahweh H5057 to be prince, H6659 and Zadok H3548 to be priest.

2 Chronicles 30:26-27

  26 H1419 So there was great H8057 joy H3389 in Jerusalem; H3117 for since the time H8010 of Solomon H1121 the son H1732 of David H4428 king H3478 of Israel H3389 there was not the like in Jerusalem.
  27 H3548 Then the priests H3881 the Levites H6965 arose H1288 and blessed H5971 the people: H6963 and their voice H8085 was heard, H8605 and their prayer H935 came H6944 up to his holy H4583 habitation, H8064 even to heaven.

2 Chronicles 32:25

  25 H3169 But Hezekiah H7725 didn't render again H1576 according to the benefit H3820 done to him; for his heart H1361 was lifted up: H7110 therefore there was wrath H3063 on him, and on Judah H3389 and Jerusalem.

2 Chronicles 32:31

  31 H3651 However H3887 concerning the ambassadors H8269 of the princes H894 of Babylon, H7971 who sent H1875 to him to inquire H4159 of the wonder H776 that was done in the land, H430 God H5800 left H5254 him, to try H3045 him, that he might know H3824 all that was in his heart.

Nehemiah 8:10

  10 H559 Then he said H3212 to them, "Go your way. H398 Eat H4924 the fat, H8354 drink H4477 the sweet, H7971 and send H4490 portions H3559 to him for whom nothing is prepared; H3117 for this day H6918 is holy H113 to our Lord. H6087 Don't be grieved; H2304 for the joy H3068 of Yahweh H4581 is your strength."

Job 2:4

  4 H7854 Satan H6030 answered H3068 Yahweh, H6030 and said, H5785 "Skin H5785 for skin. H376 Yes, all that a man H5414 has he will give H5315 for his life.

Job 9:28-31

  28 H3025 I am afraid H6094 of all my sorrows, H3045 I know H5352 that you will not hold me innocent.
  29 H7561 I shall be condemned. H3021 Why then do I labor H1892 in vain?
  30 H7364 If I wash H7950 myself with H4325 snow, H2141 and cleanse H3709 my hands H1252 with lye,
  31 H227 yet H2881 you will plunge H7845 me in the ditch. H8008 My own clothes H8581 shall abhor me.

Job 10:14-15

  14 H2398 if I sin, H8104 then you mark H5352 me. You will not acquit H5771 me from my iniquity.
  15 H7561 If I am wicked, H480 woe H6663 to me. If I am righteous, H5375 I still shall not lift up H7218 my head, H7649 being filled H7036 with disgrace, H7202 and conscious H6040 of my affliction.

Job 15:14-16

  14 H582 What is man, H2135 that he should be clean? H3205 What is he who is born H802 of a woman, H6663 that he should be righteous?
  15 H539 Behold, he puts no trust H6918 in his holy H8064 ones. Yes, the heavens H2141 are not clean H5869 in his sight;
  16 H376 how much less one H8581 who is abominable H376 and corrupt, a man H8354 who drinks H5766 iniquity H4325 like water!

Job 17:9

  9 H6662 Yet shall the righteous H270 hold H1870 on his way. H2890 He who has clean H3027 hands H3254 shall grow H555 stronger and stronger.

Job 20:7

  7 H6 yet he shall perish H5331 forever H1561 like his own dung. H7200 Those who have seen H559 him shall say, H335 ‘Where is he?'

Job 22:26

  26 H6026 For then you will delight H7706 yourself in the Almighty, H5375 and shall lift up H6440 your face H433 to God.

Job 42:5-6

  5 H8085 I had heard H8088 of you by the hearing H241 of the ear, H5869 but now my eye H7200 sees you.
  6 H3988 Therefore I abhor H5162 myself, and repent H6083 in dust H665 and ashes."

Psalms 4:6-7

  6 H7227 Many H559 say, H7200 "Who will show H2896 us any good?" H3068 Yahweh, H216 let the light H6440 of your face H216 shine on us.
  7 H5414 You have put H8057 gladness H3820 in my heart, H6256 more than when H1715 their grain H8492 and their new wine H7231 are increased.

Psalms 5:11

  11 H2620 But let all those who take refuge H8055 in you rejoice, H5769 Let them always H7442 shout for joy, H5526 because you defend H157 them. Let them also who love H8034 your name H5970 be joyful in you.

Psalms 14:3

  3 H5493 They have all gone aside. H3162 They have together H444 become corrupt. H6213 There is none who does H2896 good, H259 no, not one.

Psalms 16:11

  11 H3045 You will show H734 me the path H2416 of life. H6440 In your presence H7648 is fullness H8057 of joy. H3225 In your right hand H5273 there are pleasures H5331 forevermore.

Psalms 17:14

  14 H4962 from men H3027 by your hand, H3068 Yahweh, H4962 from men H2465 of the world, H2506 whose portion H2416 is in this life. H4390 You fill H990 the belly H6840 of your cherished H1121 ones. Your sons H7646 have plenty, H3240 and they store H3499 up wealth H5768 for their children.
  15 H2372 As for me, I shall see H6440 your face H6664 in righteousness. H7646 I shall be satisfied, H6974 when I awake, H8544 with seeing your form.

Psalms 19:12

  12 H995 Who can discern H7691 his errors? H5352 Forgive H5641 me from hidden errors.

Psalms 22:16

  16 H3611 For dogs H5437 have surrounded H5712 me. A company H7489 of evildoers H5362 have enclosed H3738 me. They have pierced H3027 my hands H7272 and feet.

Psalms 22:20

  20 H5337 Deliver H5315 my soul H2719 from the sword, H3173 my precious H3027 life from the power H3611 of the dog.

Psalms 25:8-9

  8 H2896 Good H3477 and upright H3068 is Yahweh, H3384 therefore he will instruct H2400 sinners H1870 in the way.
  9 H1869 He will guide H6035 the humble H4941 in justice. H3925 He will teach H6035 the humble H1870 his way.

Psalms 27:4

  4 H259 One H7592 thing I have asked H3068 of Yahweh, H1245 that I will seek H3427 after, that I may dwell H1004 in the house H3068 of Yahweh H3117 all the days H2416 of my life, H2372 to see H3068 Yahweh's H5278 beauty, H1239 and to inquire H1964 in his temple.

Psalms 32:11-33:1

  11 H8055 Be glad H3068 in Yahweh, H1523 and rejoice, H6662 you righteous! H7442 Shout H3477 for joy, all you who are upright H3820 in heart!

Psalms 37:4

  4 H6026 Also delight H3068 yourself in Yahweh, H5414 and he will give H4862 you the desires H3820 of your heart.

Psalms 37:37

  37 H8104 Mark H8535 the perfect H7200 man, and see H3477 the upright, H319 for there is a future H376 for the man H7965 of peace.

Psalms 42:1

  1 H354 As the deer H6165 pants H4325 for the water H650 brooks, H5315 so my soul H6165 pants H430 after you, God.

Psalms 42:4

  4 H2142 These things I remember, H8210 and pour out H5315 my soul H5674 within me, how I used to go H5519 with the crowd, H1718 and led H1004 them to the house H430 of God, H6963 with the voice H7440 of joy H8426 and praise, H1995 a multitude H2287 keeping a holy day.

Psalms 45:10

  10 H8085 Listen, H1323 daughter, H7200 consider, H5186 and turn H241 your ear. H7911 Forget H5971 your own people, H1 and also your father's H1004 house.

Psalms 49:7

  7 H376 none of them can H6299 by any means H6299 redeem H251 his brother, H5414 nor give H430 God H3724 a ransom for him.

Psalms 52:1

  1 H1984 Why do you boast H7451 of mischief, H1368 mighty H410 man? God's H2617 loving kindness H3117 endures continually.

Psalms 63:1-3

  1 H430 God, H430 you are my God. H7836 I will earnestly seek H5315 you. My soul H6770 thirsts H1320 for you. My flesh H3642 longs H6723 for you, in a dry H5889 and weary H776 land, H1097 where there is no H4325 water.
  2 H2372 So I have seen H3519 you in the sanctuary, H7200 watching H5797 your power H3519 and your glory.
  3 H2617 Because your loving kindness H2896 is better H2416 than life, H8193 my lips H7623 shall praise you.

Psalms 63:8

  8 H5315 My soul H1692 stays close H310 to H3225 you. Your right hand H8551 holds me up.

Psalms 71:15-16

  15 H6310 My mouth H5608 will tell H6666 about your righteousness, H8668 and of your salvation H3117 all day, H3045 though I don't know H5615 its full measure.
  16 H935 I will come H1369 with the mighty H136 acts of the Lord H136 Yahweh. H2142 I will make mention H6666 of your righteousness, even of yours alone.

Psalms 73:24-26

  24 H5148 You will guide H6098 me with your counsel, H310 and afterward H3947 receive H3519 me to glory.
  25 H8064 Whom do I have in heaven? H776 There is no one on earth H2654 whom I desire besides you.
  26 H7607 My flesh H3824 and my heart H3615 fails, H430 but God H6697 is the strength H3824 of my heart H2506 and my portion H5769 forever.

Psalms 84:2

  2 H5315 My soul H3700 longs, H3615 and even faints H2691 for the courts H3068 of Yahweh. H3820 My heart H1320 and my flesh H7442 cry out H2416 for the living H410 God.

Psalms 94:15

  15 H4941 For judgment H7725 will return H6664 to righteousness. H3477 All the upright H3820 in heart H310 shall follow it.

Psalms 97:1

  1 H3068 Yahweh H4427 reigns! H776 Let the earth H1523 rejoice! H7227 Let the multitude H339 of islands H8055 be glad!

Psalms 100:1-2

  1 H7321 Shout H3068 for joy to Yahweh, H776 all you lands!
  2 H5647 Serve H3068 Yahweh H8057 with gladness. H935 Come H6440 before his presence H7445 with singing.

Psalms 105:3

  3 H1984 Glory H6944 in his holy H8034 name. H3820 Let the heart H1245 of those who seek H3068 Yahweh H8055 rejoice.

Psalms 110:2-3

  2 H3068 Yahweh H7971 will send H4294 forth the rod H5797 of your strength H6726 out of Zion. H7287 Rule H7130 in the midst H341 of your enemies.
  3 H5971 Your people H5071 offer themselves willingly H3117 in the day H2428 of your power, H6944 in holy H1926 array. H7358 Out of the womb H4891 of the morning, H2919 you have the dew H3208 of your youth.

Psalms 119:5

  5 H305 Oh that H1870 my ways H3559 were steadfast H8104 to obey H2706 your statutes!

Psalms 119:115

  115 H5493 Depart H7489 from me, you evildoers, H5341 that I may keep H4687 the commandments H430 of my God.

Psalms 119:136

  136 H6388 Streams H4325 of tears H3381 run down H5869 my eyes, H8104 because they don't observe H8451 your law. TZADI

Psalms 119:173-176

  173 H3027 Let your hand H5826 be ready to help H977 me, for I have chosen H6490 your precepts.
  174 H8373 I have longed H3444 for your salvation, H3068 Yahweh. H8451 Your law H8191 is my delight.
  175 H5315 Let my soul H2421 live, H1984 that I may praise H4941 you. Let your ordinances H5826 help me.
  176 H8582 I have gone astray H6 like a lost H7716 sheep. H1245 Seek H5650 your servant, H7911 for I don't forget H4687 your commandments.

Psalms 126:6

  6 H3212 He who goes H1980 out H1058 weeping, H5375 carrying H2233 seed H4901 for sowing, H935 will certainly H935 come H7440 again with joy, H5375 carrying H485 his sheaves.

Psalms 130:3-4

  3 H3050 If you, Yah, H8104 kept a record H5771 of sins, H136 Lord, H5975 who could stand?
  4 H5547 But there is forgiveness H3372 with you, therefore you are feared.

Psalms 138:8

  8 H3068 Yahweh H1584 will fulfill H2617 that which concerns me; your loving kindness, H3068 Yahweh, H5769 endures forever. H7503 Don't forsake H4639 the works H3027 of your own hands.

Psalms 143:2

  2 H935 Don't enter H4941 into judgment H5650 with your servant, H6440 for in your sight H2416 no man living H6663 is righteous.

Psalms 149:2

  2 H3478 Let Israel H8055 rejoice H6213 in him who made H1121 them. Let the children H6726 of Zion H1523 be joyful H4428 in their King.

Proverbs 2:3-6

  3 H7121 Yes, if you call H998 out for discernment, H5414 and lift up H6963 your voice H8394 for understanding;
  4 H1245 If you seek H3701 her as silver, H2664 and search H4301 for her as for hidden treasures:
  5 H995 then you will understand H3374 the fear H3068 of Yahweh, H4672 and find H1847 the knowledge H430 of God.
  6 H3068 For Yahweh H5414 gives H2451 wisdom. H6310 Out of his mouth H1847 comes knowledge H8394 and understanding.

Proverbs 3:5-6

  5 H982 Trust H3068 in Yahweh H3820 with all your heart, H8172 and don't lean H998 on your own understanding.
  6 H1870 In all your ways H3045 acknowledge H734 him, and he will make your paths H3474 straight.

Proverbs 4:18

  18 H734 But the path H6662 of the righteous H5051 is like the dawning H216 light, H215 that shines H1980 more H3559 and more until the perfect H3117 day.

Proverbs 13:8

  8 H3724 The ransom H376 of a man's H5315 life H6239 is his riches, H7326 but the poor H8085 hear H1606 no threats.

Proverbs 15:24

  24 H734 The path H2416 of life H4605 leads upward H7919 for the wise, H5493 to keep H4295 him from going downward H7585 to Sheol.

Proverbs 23:23

  23 H7069 Buy H571 the truth, H4376 and don't sell H2451 it. Get wisdom, H4148 discipline, H998 and understanding.

Proverbs 26:11

  11 H3611 As a dog H7725 that returns H6892 to his vomit, H3684 so is a fool H8138 who repeats H200 his folly.

Ecclesiastes 7:20

  20 H6662 Surely there is not a righteous H120 man H776 on earth, H6213 who does H2896 good H2398 and doesn't sin.

Isaiah 6:5

  5 H559 Then I said, H188 "Woe H1820 is me! For I am undone, H376 because I am a man H2931 of unclean H8193 lips, H3427 and I dwell H8432 in the midst H5971 of a people H2931 of unclean H8193 lips: H5869 for my eyes H7200 have seen H4428 the King, H3068 Yahweh H6635 of Armies!"

Isaiah 8:11

  11 H3068 For Yahweh H559 spoke H2393 thus to me with a strong H3027 hand, H3256 and instructed H3212 me not to walk H1870 in the way H5971 of this people, H559 saying,

Isaiah 12:2-3

  2 H410 Behold, God H3444 is my salvation. H982 I will trust, H6342 and will not be afraid; H3050 for Yah, H3050 Yahweh, H5797 is my strength H2176 and song; H3444 and he has become my salvation."
  3 H8342 Therefore with joy H7579 you will draw H4325 water H4599 out of the wells H3444 of salvation.

Isaiah 25:8

  8 H1104 He has swallowed up H4194 death H5331 forever! H136 The Lord H3069 Yahweh H4229 will wipe away H1832 tears H6440 from off all faces. H2781 He will take the reproach H5971 of his people H5493 away H776 from off all the earth, H3068 for Yahweh H1696 has spoken it.

Isaiah 26:1-2

  1 H3117 In that day, H7892 this song H7891 will be sung H776 in the land H3063 of Judah: H5797 "We have a strong H5892 city. H7896 God appoints H3444 salvation H2346 for walls H2426 and bulwarks.
  2 H6605 Open H8179 the gates, H6662 that the righteous H1471 nation H935 may enter: H8104 the one which keeps H529 faith.

Isaiah 26:19

  19 H4191 Your dead H2421 shall live. H5038 My dead bodies H6965 shall arise. H6974 Awake H7442 and sing, H7931 you who dwell H6083 in the dust; H2919 for your dew H2919 is like the dew H219 of herbs, H776 and the earth H5307 will cast forth H7496 the dead.

Isaiah 35:8

  8 H4547 A highway H1870 will be there, a road, H7121 and it will be called H6944 The Holy H1870 Way. H2931 The unclean H5674 shall not pass over H1980 it, but it will be for those H191 who walk in the Way. Wicked fools H8582 will not go there.

Isaiah 41:16

  16 H2219 You will winnow H7307 them, and the wind H5375 will carry them away, H5591 and the whirlwind H6327 will scatter H1523 them. You will rejoice H3068 in Yahweh. H1984 You will glory H6918 in the Holy One H3478 of Israel.

Isaiah 45:24-25

  24 H559 They will say H6666 of me, ‘There is righteousness H5797 and strength H3068 only in Yahweh.'" H935 Even to him shall men come; H2734 and all those who were incensed H954 against him shall be disappointed.
  25 H3068 In Yahweh H2233 shall all the seed H3478 of Israel H6663 be justified, H1984 and shall glory.

Isaiah 45:25-25

  25 H3068 In Yahweh H2233 shall all the seed H3478 of Israel H6663 be justified, H1984 and shall glory.

Isaiah 46:13

  13 H7126 I bring near H6666 my righteousness, H7368 it shall not be far off, H8668 and my salvation H309 shall not wait; H5414 and I will place H8668 salvation H6726 in Zion H3478 for Israel H8597 my glory.

Isaiah 51:1

  1 H8085 "Listen H7291 to me, you who follow after H6664 righteousness, H1245 you who seek H3068 Yahweh: H5027 look H6697 to the rock H2672 you were cut H4718 from, and to the hold H953 of the pit H5365 you were dug from.

Isaiah 53:6

  6 H6629 All we like sheep H8582 have gone astray. H376 Everyone H6437 has turned H1870 to his own way; H3068 and Yahweh H6293 has laid H5771 on him the iniquity of us all.

Isaiah 53:11

  11 H5999 After the suffering H5315 of his soul, H7200 he will see H7646 the light and be satisfied. H6662 My righteous H5650 servant H6663 will justify H7227 many H1847 by the knowledge H5445 of himself; and he will bear H5771 their iniquities.

Isaiah 56:10-11

  10 H6822 His watchmen H5787 are blind, H3045 they are all without knowledge; H483 they are all mute H3611 dogs, H3201 they can't H5024 bark; H1957 dreaming, H7901 lying down, H157 loving H5123 to slumber.

Isaiah 56:10-12

  10 H6822 His watchmen H5787 are blind, H3045 they are all without knowledge; H483 they are all mute H3611 dogs, H3201 they can't H5024 bark; H1957 dreaming, H7901 lying down, H157 loving H5123 to slumber.
  11 H3611 Yes, the dogs H5794 are greedy, H3045 they can H3045 never have H7654 enough; H7462 and these are shepherds H995 who can't understand: H6437 they have all turned H1870 to their own way, H376 each one H1215 to his gain, H7097 from every quarter.

Isaiah 56:11-12

  11 H3611 Yes, the dogs H5794 are greedy, H3045 they can H3045 never have H7654 enough; H7462 and these are shepherds H995 who can't understand: H6437 they have all turned H1870 to their own way, H376 each one H1215 to his gain, H7097 from every quarter.
  12 H857 "Come," H3947 say they, "I will get H3196 wine, H5433 and we will fill H7941 ourselves with strong drink; H4279 and tomorrow H4279 shall be as this day, H3966 great H3499 beyond H1419 measure."

Isaiah 61:10

  10 H7797 I will greatly H7797 rejoice H3068 in Yahweh, H5315 my soul H1523 shall be joyful H430 in my God; H3847 for he has clothed H899 me with the garments H3468 of salvation, H3271 he has covered H4598 me with the robe H6666 of righteousness, H2860 as a bridegroom H3547 decks H6287 himself with a garland, H3618 and as a bride H5710 adorns H3627 herself with her jewels.

Isaiah 64:5-6

  5 H7797 You meet him who rejoices H6213 and works H6664 righteousness, H2142 those who remember H1870 you in your ways. H7107 Behold, you were angry, H2398 and we sinned. H2398 We have been in sin H5769 for a long time; H3467 and shall we be saved?
  6 H2931 For we have all become as one who is unclean, H6666 and all our righteousness H5708 is as a polluted H899 garment: H5034 and we all fade H5929 as a leaf; H5771 and our iniquities, H7307 like the wind, H5375 take us away.

Isaiah 65:14

  14 H5650 behold, my servants H7442 shall sing H2898 for joy H3820 of heart, H6817 but you shall cry H3511 for sorrow H3820 of heart, H3213 and shall wail H7667 for anguish H7307 of spirit.

Isaiah 66:11-12

  11 H3243 that you may nurse H7646 and be satisfied H8575 at the comforting H7699 breasts; H4711 that you may drink deeply, H6026 and be delighted H2123 with the abundance H3519 of her glory."
  12 H559 For thus says H3068 Yahweh, H5186 "Behold, I will extend H7965 peace H5104 to her like a river, H3519 and the glory H1471 of the nations H7857 like an overflowing H5158 stream: H3243 and you will nurse. H5375 You will be carried H6654 on her side, H8173 and will be dandled H1290 on her knees.

Jeremiah 4:4

  4 H4135 Circumcise H3068 yourselves to Yahweh, H5493 and take away H6190 the foreskins H3824 of your heart, H376 you men H3063 of Judah H3427 and inhabitants H3389 of Jerusalem; H2534 lest my wrath H3318 go forth H784 like fire, H1197 and burn H3518 so that none can quench H6440 it, because H7455 of the evil H4611 of your doings.

Jeremiah 9:1

  1 H5414 Oh that H7218 my head H4325 were waters, H5869 and my eyes H4726 a spring H1832 of tears, H1058 that I might weep H3119 day H3915 and night H2491 for the slain H1323 of the daughter H5971 of my people!

Jeremiah 9:23-24

  23 H559 Thus says H3068 Yahweh, H2450 Don't let the wise H1984 man glory H2451 in his wisdom, H1368 neither let the mighty H1984 man glory H1369 in his might, H6223 don't let the rich H1984 man glory H6239 in his riches;
  24 H1984 but let him who glories H1984 glory H7919 in this, that he has understanding, H3045 and knows H3068 me, that I am Yahweh H6213 who exercises H2617 loving kindness, H4941 justice, H6666 and righteousness, H776 in the earth: H2654 for in these things I delight, H5002 says H3068 Yahweh.

Jeremiah 9:26

  26 H4714 Egypt, H3063 and Judah, H123 and Edom, H1121 and the children H5983 of Ammon, H4124 and Moab, H6285 and all that have the corners H7112 of their hair cut off, H3427 who dwell H4057 in the wilderness; H1471 for all the nations H6189 are uncircumcised, H1004 and all the house H3478 of Israel H6189 are uncircumcised H3820 in heart.

Jeremiah 13:17

  17 H8085 But if you will not hear H5315 it, my soul H1058 shall weep H4565 in secret H6440 for H1466 your pride; H5869 and my eye H1830 shall weep H1830 bitterly, H3381 and run down H1832 with tears, H3068 because Yahweh's H5739 flock H7617 is taken captive.

Jeremiah 23:6

  6 H3117 In his days H3063 Judah H3467 shall be saved, H3478 and Israel H7931 shall dwell H983 safely; H8034 and this is his name H7121 by which he shall be called: H3072 Yahweh our righteousness.

Jeremiah 33:16

  16 H3117 In those days H3063 shall Judah H3467 be saved, H3389 and Jerusalem H7931 shall dwell H983 safely; H7121 and this is the name by which she shall be called: H3072 Yahweh our righteousness.

Ezekiel 13:19

  19 H2490 You have profaned H5971 me among my people H8168 for handfuls H8184 of barley H6595 and for pieces H3899 of bread, H4191 to kill H5315 the souls H4191 who should not die, H2421 and to save H5315 the souls H2421 alive H2421 who should not live, H3576 by your lying H5971 to my people H8085 who listen H3577 to lies.

Ezekiel 34:3

  3 H398 You eat H2459 the fat, H3847 and you clothe H6785 yourself with the wool, H2076 you kill H1277 the fatlings; H1277 but you don't feed H6629 the sheep.

Daniel 4:37

  37 H3705 Now H576 I, H5020 Nebuchadnezzar, H7624 praise H7313 and extol H1922 and honor H4430 the King H8065 of heaven; H3606 for all H4567 his works H7187 are truth, H735 and his ways H1780 justice; H1981 and those who walk H1467 in pride H3202 he is able H8214 to abase.

Daniel 9:24

  24 H7657 Seventy H7620 weeks H2852 are decreed H5971 on your people H6944 and on your holy H5892 city, H3607 to finish H6588 disobedience, H8552 and to make an end H2403 of sins, H3722 and to make reconciliation H5771 for iniquity, H935 and to bring in H5769 everlasting H6664 righteousness, H2856 and to seal up H2377 vision H5030 and prophecy, H4886 and to anoint H6944 the most H6944 holy.

Hosea 4:7

  7 H7230 As they were multiplied, H2398 so they sinned H4171 against me. I will change H3519 their glory H7036 into shame.

Hosea 6:3

  3 H3045 Let us acknowledge H7291 Yahweh. Let us press H3045 on to know H3068 Yahweh. H3559 As surely H7837 as the sun rises, H3068 Yahweh H935 will appear. He will come H3384 to us like the rain, H4456 like the spring H3384 rain H776 that waters the earth."

Hosea 13:14

  14 H6299 I will ransom H3027 them from the power H7585 of Sheol. H1350 I will redeem H4194 them from death! H4194 Death, H1698 where are your plagues? H7585 Sheol, H165 where is H6987 your destruction? H5164 "Compassion H165 will H5641 be hidden H5869 from my eyes.

Joel 2:23

  23 H1523 "Be glad H1121 then, you children H6726 of Zion, H8055 and rejoice H3068 in Yahweh, H430 your God; H5414 for he gives H4175 you the former rain H6666 in just measure, H1653 and he causes the rain H3381 to come down H4175 for you, the former rain H4456 and the latter rain, H7223 as before.

Jonah 1:9

  9 H559 He said H5680 to them, "I am a Hebrew, H3373 and I fear H3068 Yahweh, H430 the God H8064 of heaven, H6213 who has made H3220 the sea H3004 and the dry land."

Micah 3:5

  5 H559 Thus says H3068 Yahweh H5030 concerning the prophets H5971 who lead my people H8582 astray; H5391 for those who feed H8127 their teeth, H7121 they proclaim, H7965 "Peace!" H5414 and whoever doesn't provide H6310 for their mouths, H6942 they prepare H4421 war against him:

Micah 3:11

  11 H7218 Her leaders H8199 judge H7810 for bribes, H3548 and her priests H3384 teach H4242 for a price, H5030 and her prophets H7080 of it tell fortunes H3701 for money: H8172 yet they lean H3068 on Yahweh, H559 and say, H3068 "Isn't Yahweh H7130 in the midst H7451 of us? No disaster H935 will come on us."

Habakkuk 2:15-16

  15 H1945 "Woe H7453 to him who gives his neighbor H8248 drink, H5596 pouring H2573 your inflaming wine H7937 until they are drunk, H5027 so that you may gaze H4589 at their naked bodies!
  16 H7646 You are filled H7036 with shame, H3519 and not glory. H8354 You will also drink, H6188 and be exposed! H3563 The cup H3068 of Yahweh's H3225 right hand H5437 will come around H7022 to you, and disgrace H3519 will cover your glory.

Habakkuk 3:17-18

  17 H8384 For though the fig tree H6524 doesn't flourish, H2981 nor fruit H1612 be in the vines; H4639 the labor H2132 of the olive H3584 fails, H7709 the fields H6213 yield H400 no food; H6629 the flocks H1504 are cut off H4356 from the fold, H1241 and there is no herd H7517 in the stalls:
  18 H5937 yet I will rejoice H3068 in Yahweh. H1523 I will be joyful H430 in the God H3468 of my salvation!

Zephaniah 3:14

  14 H7442 Sing, H1323 daughter H6726 of Zion! H7321 Shout, H3478 Israel! H8055 Be glad H5937 and rejoice H3820 with all your heart, H1323 daughter H3389 of Jerusalem.

Zephaniah 3:17

  17 H3068 Yahweh, H430 your God, H7130 is in the midst H1368 of you, a mighty H3467 one who will save. H7797 He will rejoice H8057 over you with joy. H2790 He will calm H160 you in his love. H1523 He will rejoice H7440 over you with singing.

Zechariah 10:7

  7 H669 Ephraim H1368 will be like a mighty H3820 man, and their heart H8055 will rejoice H3196 as through wine; H1121 yes, their children H7200 will see H1523 it, and rejoice. H3820 Their heart H8055 will be glad H3068 in Yahweh.

Malachi 1:11

  11 H4217 For from the rising H8121 of the sun H3996 even to the going down H8034 of the same, my name H1419 is great H1471 among the nations, H4725 and in every place H6999 incense H5066 will be offered H8034 to my name, H2889 and a pure H4503 offering: H8034 for my name H1419 is great H1471 among the nations," H559 says H3068 Yahweh H6635 of Armies.
  12 H2490 "But you profane H559 it, in that you say, H3068 ‘Yahweh's H7979 table H1351 is polluted, H5108 and its fruit, H400 even its food, H959 is contemptible.'

Malachi 2:3

  3 H1605 Behold, I will rebuke H2233 your seed, H2219 and will spread H6569 dung H6440 on your faces, H6569 even the dung H2282 of your feasts; H5375 and you will be taken away with it.

Matthew 5:12

  12 G5463 Rejoice, G2532 and G21 be exceedingly glad, G3754 for G4183 great G5216 is your G3408 reward G1722 in G3772 heaven. G1063 For G3779 that is how G1377 they G4396 persecuted the prophets G3588 who were G4253 before G5216 you.

Matthew 5:20

  20 G1063 For G3004 I tell G5213 you G3754 that G1437 unless G5216 your G1343 righteousness G4052 exceeds G3754 that G4119 of G1122 the scribes G2532 and G5330 Pharisees, G3756 there is no G3361 way G1525 you will enter G1519 into G932 the Kingdom G3772 of Heaven.

Matthew 5:48

  48 G3767 Therefore G5210 you G2071 shall be G5046 perfect, G5618 just as G5216 your G3962 Father G1722 in G3772 heaven G2076 is G5046 perfect."

Matthew 6:19-21

  19 G3361 "Don't G2343 lay G2343 up G2344 treasures G5213 for yourselves G1909 on G1093 the earth, G3699 where G4597 moth G2532 and G1035 rust G853 consume, G2532 and G3699 where G2812 thieves G1358 break through G2532 and G2813 steal;
  20 G1161 but G2343 lay up G5213 for yourselves G2344 treasures G1722 in G3772 heaven, G3699 where G3777 neither G4597 moth G3777 nor G1035 rust G853 consume, G2532 and G3699 where G2812 thieves G3756 don't G1358 break through G2532 and G2813 steal;
  21 G1063 for G3699 where G5216 your G2344 treasure G2076 is, G1563 there G5216 your G2588 heart G2071 will G2071 be G2532 also.

Matthew 7:6

  6 G3361 "Don't G1325 give G40 that which is holy G2965 to the dogs, G3366 neither G5216 throw your G3135 pearls G1715 before G5519 the pigs, G3379 lest G2662 perhaps they trample G846 them G1722 under G846 their G4228 feet, G4762 and G4762 turn and G4486 tear G5209 you to pieces.

Matthew 7:15

  15 G4337 "Beware G575 of G5578 false prophets, G3748 who G2064 come G4314 to G5209 you G1722 in G4263 sheep's G1742 clothing, G1161 but G2081 inwardly G1526 are G727 ravening G3074 wolves.

Matthew 7:22-23

  22 G4183 Many G2046 will tell G3427 me G1722 in G1565 that G2250 day, G2962 "Lord, G2962 Lord, G3756 didn't G4395 we G4395 prophesy G3686 in G4674 your G3686 name, G3686 in G4674 your G3686 name G1544 cast out G1140 demons, G2532 and G3686 in G4674 your G3686 name G4160 do G4183 many G1411 mighty works?"
  23 G5119 Then G2532 I will tell G3754 them, G1097 "I G3763 never G1097 knew G5209 you. G672 Depart G575 from G1700 me, G5209 you G2038 who work G458 iniquity."

Matthew 9:13

  13 G1161 But G4198 you go and G3129 learn G5101 what G2076 this means: G2309 ‘I desire G1656 mercy, G2532 and G3756 not G2378 sacrifice,' G1063 for G2064 I came G3756 not G2564 to call G1342 the righteous, G235 but G268 sinners G1519 to G3341 repentance."

Matthew 11:25-27

  25 G1722 At G1565 that G2540 time, G2424 Jesus G611 answered, G2036 "I G1843 thank G4671 you, G3962 Father, G2962 Lord G3772 of heaven G2532 and G1093 earth, G4671 that you G613 hid G5023 these things G575 from G4680 the wise G2532 and G4908 understanding, G2532 and G601 revealed G846 them G3516 to infants.
  26 G3483 Yes, G3962 Father, G3754 for G3779 so G1096 it was G2107 well-pleasing G1715 in G4675 your sight.
  27 G3956 All things G3860 have been delivered G3427 to me G5259 by G3450 my G3962 Father. G2532 No G3762 one G1921 knows G5207 the Son, G1487 except G3361 the G3962 Father; G3761 neither G5100 does anyone G1921 know G3962 the Father, G1487 except G3361 the G5207 Son, G2532 and G3739 he to whom G1437 the G5207 Son G1014 desires G601 to reveal him.

Matthew 13:44-46

  44 G3825 "Again, G932 the Kingdom G3772 of Heaven G2076 is G3664 like a G2344 treasure G2928 hidden G1722 in G68 the field, G3739 which G444 a man G2147 found, G2928 and hid. G846 In G575 his G5479 joy, G5217 he goes G2532 and G4453 sells G3956 all G3745 that G2192 he has, G2532 and G59 buys G3745 that G68 field.
  45 G3825 "Again, G932 the Kingdom G3772 of Heaven G2076 is G3664 like a G444 man G1713 who is a merchant G2212 seeking G2570 fine G3135 pearls,
  46 G3739 who G2147 having found G1520 one G3135 pearl G4186 of great price, G565 he went G4097 and sold G3956 all G3745 that G2192 he had, G2532 and G59 bought G846 it.

Matthew 16:16-17

  16 G4613 Simon G4074 Peter G611 answered, G4771 "You G1488 are G5547 the Christ, G5207 the Son G2316 of the G2198 living G2316 God."
  17 G2424 Jesus G611 answered G846 him, G3107 "Blessed G1488 are you, G4613 Simon G2495 Bar Jonah, G3754 for G4561 flesh G2532 and G129 blood G601 has G3756 not G601 revealed G4671 this to you, G235 but G3450 my G3962 Father G3588 who is G1722 in G3772 heaven.

Matthew 16:23

  23 G1161 But G4762 he turned, G2036 and said G4074 to Peter, G3694 "Get behind G3450 me, G4567 Satan! G5217 You G1488 are G4625 a stumbling G3450 block to me, G3754 for G3756 you are not G5426 setting your mind G3588 on the things of G2316 God, G235 but G3588 on the things G444 of men."

Matthew 16:26

  26 G1063 For G5101 what G5623 will G5623 it profit G444 a man, G1437 if G2770 he gains G2889 the G3650 whole G2889 world, G1161 and G2210 forfeits G846 his G5590 life? G2228 Or G5101 what G1325 will G444 a man G1325 give G465 in exchange G5590 for G846 his G5590 life?

Matthew 17:2

  2 G2532 He G3339 was transfigured G1715 before G846 them. G846 His G4383 face G2989 shone G5613 like G2246 the sun, G2532 and G846 his G2440 garments G1096 became G5613 as G3022 white G5613 as G5457 the light.

Matthew 19:21

  21 G2424 Jesus G5346 said G846 to him, G1487 "If G2309 you want G1511 to be G5046 perfect, G5217 go, G4453 sell G5224 what G4675 you G5224 have, G2532 and G1325 give G4434 to the poor, G2532 and G2192 you will have G2344 treasure G1722 in G3772 heaven; G2532 and G1204 come, G190 follow G3427 me."

Matthew 19:27-29

  27 G5119 Then G4074 Peter G611 answered, G2400 "Behold, G2249 we G863 have left G3956 everything, G2532 and G190 followed G4671 you. G5101 What G687 then G2071 will G2249 we G2071 have?"
  28 G2424 Jesus G2036 said G846 to them, G281 "Most certainly G3004 I tell G5213 you G3754 that G5213 you G190 who have followed G3427 me, G1722 in G3824 the regeneration G3752 when G5207 the Son G444 of Man G2523 will sit G2362 on the throne G1391 of G846 his G1391 glory, G5210 you G2532 also G2523 will sit G1909 on G1427 twelve G2362 thrones, G2919 judging G1427 the twelve G5443 tribes G2474 of Israel.
  29 G3956 Everyone G3739 who G863 has left G3614 houses, G80 or brothers, G2228 or G79 sisters, G2228 or G3962 father, G2228 or G3384 mother, G2228 or G1135 wife, G2228 or G5043 children, G2228 or G68 lands, G1752 for G3450 my G3686 name's G1752 sake, G2983 will receive G1542 one hundred G2532 times, and G2816 will inherit G166 eternal G2222 life.

Matthew 20:23

  23 G2532 He G3004 said G846 to them, G3303 "You will indeed G4095 drink G3450 my G4221 cup, G2532 and G907 be baptized G908 with the baptism G3739 that G1473 I G907 am baptized with, G1161 but G2523 to sit G1537 on G3450 my G1188 right hand G2532 and G1537 on G3450 my G2176 left G2076 hand is G3756 not G3450 mine G1325 to give; G235 but G3739 it is for whom G2090 it has been prepared G5259 by G3450 my G3962 Father."

Matthew 22:29

  29 G2424 But Jesus G611 answered G846 them, G4105 "You are mistaken, G3361 not G1492 knowing G1124 the Scriptures, G3366 nor G1411 the power G2316 of God.

Matthew 23:25

  25 G3759 "Woe G5213 to you, G1122 scribes G2532 and G5330 Pharisees, G5273 hypocrites! G3754 For G2511 you clean G1855 the outside G4221 of the cup G2532 and G3953 of the platter, G1161 but G2081 within G1073 they are full G1537 of G724 extortion G2532 and G192 unrighteousness.

Matthew 24:10

  10 G5119 Then G4183 many G4624 will G4624 stumble, G2532 and G4624 will G3860 deliver G240 up one another, G2532 and G3404 will hate G240 one another.

Matthew 25:41

  41 G5119 Then G2046 he will say G2532 also G3588 to those G1537 on G2176 the left hand, G4198 ‘Depart G575 from G1700 me, G2672 you cursed, G1519 into G166 the eternal G4442 fire G2090 which is prepared G1228 for the devil G2532 and G846 his G32 angels;

Matthew 28:18

  18 G2424 Jesus G4334 came G2980 to them and spoke G846 to them, G3004 saying, G3956 "All G1849 authority G1325 has been given G3427 to me G1722 in G3772 heaven G2532 and G1909 on G1093 earth.

Mark 10:20-21

  20 G1161 He G611 said G846 to him, G1320 "Teacher, G5442 I have observed G3956 all G5023 these G1537 things from G3450 my G3503 youth."
  21 G2424 Jesus G1689 looking G846 at him G25 loved G846 him, G2532 and G2036 said G846 to him, G1520 "One thing G4671 you G5217 lack. Go, G4453 sell G3745 whatever G2192 you have, G2532 and G1325 give G4434 to the poor, G2532 and G2192 you will have G2344 treasure G1722 in G3772 heaven; G2532 and G1204 come, G190 follow G3427 me, G142 taking up G4716 the cross."

Luke 1:6

  6 G1161 They G2258 were G297 both G1342 righteous G1799 before G2316 God, G4198 walking G273 blamelessly G1722 in G3956 all G1785 the commandments G2532 and G1345 ordinances G2962 of the Lord.

Luke 1:43

  43 G4159 Why G5124 am I so favored, G2443 that G3384 the mother G2962 of G3450 my G2962 Lord G2064 should come G4314 to G3165 me?

Luke 1:47

  47 G3450 My G4151 spirit G21 has rejoiced G1909 in G2316 God G3450 my G4990 Savior,

Luke 1:59

  59 G2532 It G1722 happened on G3590 the eighth G2250 day, G1096 that G2064 they came G4059 to circumcise G3813 the child; G2532 and G2564 they would have called G846 him G2197 Zacharias, G1909 after G3686 the name G3962 of G846 the G3962 father.

Luke 2:21

  21 G3753 When G3638 eight G2250 days G4130 were fulfilled G4059 for the circumcision G3813 of the child, G846 his G3686 name G2564 was called G2424 Jesus, G2564 which was given G5259 by G32 the angel G4253 before G846 he G4815 was conceived G1722 in G2532 the womb.

Luke 9:62

  62 G1161 But G2424 Jesus G2036 said G4314 to G846 him, G3762 "No one, G1911 having put G846 his G5495 hand G1909 to G723 the plow, G2532 and G991 looking G1519   G3694 back, G2076 is G2111 fit G1519 for G932 the Kingdom G2316 of God."

Luke 10:21-22

  21 G1722 In G846 that G5610 same hour G2424 Jesus G21 rejoiced G4151 in the Holy Spirit, G2532 and G2036 said, G1843 "I thank G4671 you, G3962 O Father, G2962 Lord G3772 of heaven G2532 and G1093 earth, G3754 that G613 you have hidden G5023 these things G575 from G4680 the wise G2532 and G4680 understanding, G2532 and G601 revealed G846 them G3516 to little children. G3483 Yes, G3962 Father, G3754 for G3483 so G1096 it was G2107 well-pleasing G1715 in G4675 your G1715 sight."
  22 G3956 Turning to the disciples, he said, "All things G3860 have been delivered G3427 to me G5259 by G3450 my G3962 Father. G2532 No G3762 one G1097 knows G5101 who G5207 the Son G2076 is, G1487 except G3361   G3962 the Father, G2532 and G5101 who G3962 the Father G2076 is, G1487 except G3361   G5207 the Son, G2532 and G1437 he to G3739 whomever G5207 the Son G1014 desires G601 to reveal him."

Luke 10:25-29

  25 G2532   G2400 Behold, G5100 a certain G3544 lawyer G450 stood up G2532 and G1598 tested G846 him, G3004 saying, G1320 "Teacher, G5101 what G4160 shall I do G2816 to inherit G166 eternal G2222 life?"
  26 G2036 He said G4314 to G846 him, G5101 "What G1125 is written G1722 in G3551 the law? G4459 How G314 do you read it?"
  27 G1161   G2036 He G611 answered, G2036   G25 "You shall love G2962 the Lord G4675 your G2316 God G1537 with G3650 all G4675 your G2588 heart, G2532   G1537 with G3650 all G4675 your G5590 soul, G2532   G1537 with G3650 all G4675 your G2479 strength, G2532 and G1537 with G3650 all G4675 your G1271 mind; G2532 and G4675 your G4139 neighbor G5613 as G4572 yourself."
  28 G1161 He G2036 said G846 to him, G611 "You have answered G3723 correctly. G4160 Do G5124 this, G2532 and G2198 you will live."
  29 G1161 But G2036 he, G2309 desiring G1344 to justify G1438 himself, G2036 asked G4314   G2424 Jesus, G2532   G5101 "Who G2076 is G3450 my G4139 neighbor?"

Luke 10:42

  42 G1161 but G1520 one thing G2076 is G5532 needed. G1161   G3137 Mary G1586 has chosen G3310 the G18 good G3310 part, G3748 which G851 will G3756 not G851 be taken away G575 from G846 her."

Luke 11:13

  13 G1487 If G5210 you G3767 then, G5225 being G4190 evil, G1492 know how G1325 to give G18 good G1390 gifts G5043 to G5216 your G5043 children, G4214 how much G3123 more G1537 will your G3772 heavenly G3962 Father G1325 give G4151 the G40 Holy G4151 Spirit G154 to those who ask G846 him?"

Luke 11:20

  20 G1161 But G1487 if G1544 I G1722 by G1147 the finger G2316 of God G1544 cast out G1140 demons, G932 then the Kingdom G2316 of God G686 has G5348 come G1909 to G5209 you.

Luke 12:19

  19 G2532 I G2046 will tell G5590   G3450 my G5590 soul, G5590 "Soul, G2192 you have G4183 many G18 goods G2749 laid up G1519 for G4183 many G2094 years. G373 Take your ease, G5315 eat, G4095 drink, G2165 be merry."'

Luke 12:21

  21 G3779 So G2343 is he who lays up treasure G1438 for himself, G2532 and G4147 is G3361 not G4147 rich G1519 toward G2316 God."

Luke 12:32-34

  32 G3361 Don't G5399 be afraid, G3398 little G4168 flock, G3754 for G2106 it is G5216 your G3962 Father's G2106 good pleasure G1325 to give G5213 you G932 the Kingdom.
  33 G4453 Sell G5224 that G5216 which you G5224 have, G2532 and G1325 give G4160 gifts G4160 to the needy. Make G1438 for yourselves G905 purses G3361 which don't G3822 grow G3822 old, G2344 a treasure G1722 in G3772 the heavens G413 that doesn't G3699 fail, where G3756 no G2812 thief G1448 approaches, G3761 neither G4597 moth G1311 destroys.
  34 G1063 For G3699 where G5216 your G2344 treasure G2076 is, G1563 there G2071 will G5216 your G2588 heart G2071 be G2532 also.

Luke 12:45-46

  45 G1161 But G1437 if G1565 that G1401 servant G2036 says G1722 in G846 his G2588 heart, G3450 ‘My G2962 lord G5549 delays G2064 his coming,' G2532 and G756 begins G5180 to beat G3816 the menservants G2532 and G3814 the maidservants, G5037 and G2068 to eat G2532 and G4095 drink, G2532 and G3182 to be drunken,
  46 G2962 then the lord G1401 of G1565 that G1401 servant G2240 will come G1722 in G2250 a day G3739 when G4328 he G3756 isn't G4328 expecting G2532 him, and G1722 in G5610 an hour G3739 that G1097 he G3756 doesn't G1097 know, G2532 and G1371 will cut G846 him G1371 in two, G2532 and G5087 place G846 his G3313 portion G3326 with G571 the unfaithful.

Luke 14:14

  14 G2532 and G4671 you G2071 will be G3107 blessed, G3754 because G3756 they don't G2192 have G467 the resources to repay G4671 you. G1063 For G467 you will be repaid G1722 in G386 the resurrection G1342 of the righteous."

Luke 14:26

  26 G1487 "If G5100 anyone G2064 comes G4314 to G3165 me, G2532 and G3756 doesn't G3404 disregard G1438 his G3962 own father, G2532   G3384 mother, G2532   G1135 wife, G2532   G5043 children, G2532   G80 brothers, G2532 and G79 sisters, G2089 yes, G2532 and G1438 his own G5590 life G3756 also, G1410 he can't G1511 be G3450 my G3101 disciple.

Luke 14:33

  33 G3767 So G3779 therefore G1537 whoever of G5216 you G3739 who G3756 doesn't G657 renounce G3956 all G3739 that G3756 he has, G1410 he can't G1511 be G3450 my G3101 disciple.

Luke 16:8

  8 G2532 "His G2962 lord G1867 commended G93 the dishonest G3623 manager G3754 because G4160 he had done G5430 wisely, G3754 for G5207 the children G5127 of this G165 world G1526 are, G1519 in G1438 their G1074 own generation, G5429 wiser G5228 than G5207 the children G5457 of the light.

Luke 16:16

  16 G3551 The law G2532 and G4396 the prophets G2193 were until G2491 John. G575 From G5119 that time G932 the Good News of the Kingdom G2316 of God G2097 is preached, G2532 and G3956 everyone G971 is forcing G1519 his way into G846 it.

Luke 16:19

  19 G2258 "Now there was G5100 a certain G4145 rich G444 man, G2532 and G1737 he was clothed G4209 in purple G2532 and G1040 fine linen, G2165 living G2988 in luxury G2596 every G2250 day.

Luke 17:31-33

  31 G1722 In G1565 that G2250 day, G3739 he who G2071 will be G1909 on G1430 the housetop, G2532 and G846 his G4632 goods G1722 in G3614 the house, G2597 let him G3361 not G2597 go down G142 to take G846 them G142 away. G2532 Let G1994 him G3588 who is G1722 in G68 the field G3668 likewise G3361 not G1994 turn G1519   G1994 back.
  32 G3421 Remember G3091 Lot's G1135 wife!
  33 G3739   G1437 Whoever G2212 seeks G4982 to save G846 his G5590 life G622 loses G846 it, G2532 but G1437 whoever G3739   G622 loses G846 his life G2225 preserves G846 it.

Luke 18:4

  4 G2532 He G2309   G3756 wouldn't G1909 for G5023 a G5550 while, G1161 but G3326 afterward G5023   G2036 he said G1722 to G1438 himself, G2532   G1487 ‘Though G5023 I G5399 neither fear G2532 God, G3756 nor G1788 respect G444 man,

Luke 19:41

  41 G2532   G5613 When G1448 he drew near, G1492 he saw G4172 the city G2799 and wept G1909 over G846 it,

Luke 20:35-36

  35 G1161 But G3588 those who G2661 are considered worthy G5177 to attain G1565 to that G165 age G2532 and G386 the resurrection G1537 from G3498 the dead, G3777 neither G1060 marry, G3777 nor G1548 are given in marriage.
  36 G3777 For G1410 they can't G599 die G2089 any more, G1063 for G1526 they are G2465 like the angels, G2532 and G1526 are G5207 sons G2316 of God, G5607 being G5207 sons G386 of the resurrection.

Luke 20:42-44

  42 G2532   G1138 David G846 himself G3004 says G1722 in G976 the book G5568 of Psalms, G2962 ‘The Lord G2036 said G3450 to my G2962 Lord, G2521 "Sit G1537 at G3450 my G1188 right hand,
  43 G2193 until G302   G5087 I make G4675 your G2190 enemies G4228 the footstool G4675 of your feet."'
  44 G1138 "David G3767 therefore G2564 calls G846 him G2962 Lord, G4459 so how G2076 is he G2532   G846 his G5207 son?"

John 4:23-24

  23 G235 But G5610 the hour G2064 comes, G2532 and G3568 now G2076 is, G3753 when G4353 the G228 true G4353 worshippers G4352 will worship G3962 the Father G1722 in G4151 spirit G2532 and G2532 truth, G1063 for G3962 the Father G2212 seeks G5108 such G846 to be his G4352 worshippers.
  24 G2316 God G4151 is spirit, G2532 and G4352 those who worship G846 him G1163 must G4352 worship G1722 in G4151 spirit G2532 and G225 truth."

John 5:21-29

  21 G1063 For G5618 as G3962 the Father G1453 raises G3498 the dead G2532 and G2227 gives them life, G2532 even G3779 so G5207 the Son G2227 also gives life G3739 to whom G2309 he desires.
  22 G1063 For G3962 the Father G2919 judges G3761 no G3762 one, G235 but G1325 he has given G3956 all G2920 judgment G5207 to the Son,
  23 G2443 that G3956 all G5091 may honor G5207 the Son, G2531 even as G5091 they honor G3962 the Father. G3361 He who doesn't G5091 honor G5207 the Son G3756 doesn't G5091 honor G3962 the Father G3992 who sent G846 him.
  24 G281 "Most G281 certainly G3004 I tell G3754 you, G3588 he who G191 hears G3450 my G3056 word, G2532 and G4100 believes G3992 him who sent G3165 me, G2192 has G166 eternal G2222 life, G2532 and G2064   G3756 doesn't G2064 come G1519 into G2920 judgment, G235 but G3327 has passed G1537 out G2288 of death G1519 into G2222 life.
  25 G281 Most G281 certainly, G3004 I tell G3754 you, G5610 the hour G2064 comes, G2532 and G3568 now G2076 is, G3753 when G3498 the dead G191 will hear G5207 the Son G2316 of God's G5456 voice; G2532 and G191 those who hear G2198 will live.
  26 G1063 For G5618 as G3962 the Father G2192 has G2222 life G1722 in G1438 himself, G2532 even G3779 so G1325 he gave G5207 to the Son G2192 also to have G2222 life G1722 in G1438 himself.
  27 G2532 He G1325 also gave G846 him G1849 authority G4160 to execute G2920 judgment, G2532   G3754 because G2076 he is G5207 a son G444 of man.
  28 G3361 Don't G2296 marvel G5124 at this, G3754 for G5610 the hour G2064 comes, G1722 in G3739 which G3956 all G3588 that are G1722 in G3419 the tombs G191 will hear G846 his G5456 voice,
  29 G2532 and G1607 will come out; G4160 those who have done G18 good, G1519 to G386 the resurrection G2222 of life; G1161 and G4238 those who have done G5337 evil, G1519 to G386 the resurrection G2920 of judgment.

John 7:17

  17 G1437 If G5100 anyone G2309 desires G4160 to do G846 his G2307 will, G1097 he will know G4012 about G1322 the teaching, G4220 whether G1473 it is G1537 from G2316 God, G2228 or G1473 if I G2980 am speaking G575 from G1683 myself.

John 7:21-24

  21 G2424 Jesus G611 answered G846 them, G2532   G2036   G4160 "I did G1520 one G2041 work, G2532 and G2296 you G3956 all G2296 marvel because of it.
  22 G3475 Moses G5124 has G1223   G1325 given G5213 you G4061 circumcision G3756 (not G3754 that G2076 it is G1537 of G3475 Moses, G235 but G1537 of G3962 the fathers), G2532 and G1722 on G4521 the Sabbath G4059 you G4059 circumcise G444 a boy.
  23 G1487 If G444 a boy G2983 receives G4061 circumcision G1722 on G4521 the Sabbath, G2443 that G3551 the law G3475 of Moses G3089 may G3361 not G3089 be broken, G5520 are you angry G1698 with me, G3754 because G4160 I made G444 a man G3650 completely G5199 healthy G1722 on G4521 the Sabbath?
  24 G3361 Don't G2919 judge G2596 according to G3799 appearance, G235 but G2919 judge G1342 righteous G2920 judgment."

John 10:18

  18 G3762 No one G142 takes G846 it G5087 away G575 from G1700 me, G235 but G1473 I G5087 lay G846 it G5087 down G575 by G1683 myself. G2192 I have G1849 power G5087 to lay G846 it G5087 down, G2532 and G2192 I have G1849 power G2983 to take G846 it G3825 again. G2983 I received G3778 this G1785 commandment G3450 from my G3962 Father."

John 11:24

  24 G3136 Martha G3004 said G846 to him, G1492 "I know G3754 that G450 he will rise again G1722 in G386 the resurrection G1722 at G2078 the last G2250 day."

John 11:24-26

  24 G3136 Martha G3004 said G846 to him, G1492 "I know G3754 that G450 he will rise again G1722 in G386 the resurrection G1722 at G2078 the last G2250 day."
  25 G2424 Jesus G2036 said G846 to her, G1473 "I G1510 am G386 the resurrection G2532 and G2222 the life. G4100 He who believes G1519 in G1691 me G2579 will still G2198 live, G2579 even if G599 he dies.
  26 G2532   G3956 Whoever G2198 lives G2532 and G4100 believes G1519 in G1691 me G599 will G3756 never G599 die. G4100 Do you G165 believe this?"

John 14:7

  7 G1487 If G1097 you had known G3165 me, G1097 you would have known G302   G3450 my G3962 Father G2532 also. G2532   G575 From G737 now G1097 on, you know G846 him, G2532 and G3708 have seen G846 him."

John 14:20

  20 G1722 In G1565 that G2250 day G5210 you G1097 will know G3754 that G1473 I G1722 am in G3450 my G3962 Father, G2532 and G5210 you G1722 in G1698 me, G2504 and I G1722 in G5213 you.

John 16:3

  3 G2532   G4160 They will do G5023 these things G5213   G3754 because G1097 they have G3756 not G1097 known G3962 the Father, G3761 nor G1691 me.

John 16:8-11

  8 G2532   G2064 When G1565 he G2064 has come, G1651 he will convict G2889 the world G2532   G4012 about G266 sin, G4012 about G1343 righteousness, G2532 and G4012 about G2920 judgment;
  9 G4012 about G3303 sin, G3754 because G3756 they don't G4100 believe G1519 in G1691 me;
  10 G4012 about G1343 righteousness, G3754 because G5217 I am going G4314 to G3450 my G3962 Father, G2532 and G3756 you won't G2334 see G3165 me G1161 any more;
  11 G4012 about G2920 judgment, G3754 because G758 the prince G5127 of this G2889 world G2919 has been judged.

John 17:3

  3 G1161   G3778 This G2076 is G166 eternal G2222 life, G2443 that G1097 they should know G4571 you, G3441 the only G228 true G2316 God, G2532 and G3739 him whom G649 you sent, G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.

John 17:8

  8 G3754 for G4487 the words G3739 which G1325 you have given G3427 me G1325 I have given G846 to them, G2532 and G846 they G2983 received G2532 them, and G1097 knew G230 for sure G3754 that G1831 I came forth G3844 from G4675 you, G2532 and G4100 they have believed G3754 that G4771 you G649 sent G3165 me.

John 20:13

  13 G2532   G1565 They G3004 told G846 her, G1135 "Woman, G5101 why G2799 are you G3004 weeping?" She said G846 to them, G3754 "Because G142 they have taken away G3450 my G2962 Lord, G2532 and G3756 I don't G1492 know G4226 where G5087 they have laid G846 him."

John 20:28

  28 G2532   G2381 Thomas G611 answered G2532   G2036   G846 him, G3450 "My G2962 Lord G2532 and G3450 my G2316 God!"

Acts 1:11

  11 G3739 who G2532 also G2036 said, G2476 "You G435 men G1057 of Galilee, G5101 why G2476 do you G1689 stand looking G1519 into G3772 the sky? G2424 This Jesus, G353 who was received up G575 from G5216 you G1519 into G3772 the sky G2064 will G2064 come G3779 back in the same G5158 way G3739 as G2300 you saw G846 him G4198 going G1519 into G3772 the sky."

Acts 2:31-38

  31 G4275 he foreseeing this G2980 spoke G4012 about G386 the resurrection G5547 of the Christ, G3754 that G3756 neither G2641 was G846 his G5590 soul G2641 left G1519 in G86 Hades, G3761 nor G846 did his G4561 flesh G1492 see G1312 decay.
  32 G5126 This G2424 Jesus G450   G2316 God G450 raised up, G3739 to which G2249 we G3956 all G2070 are G3144 witnesses.
  33 G5312 Being G3767 therefore G5312 exalted G1188 by the right hand G2316 of God, G5037 and G2983 having received G3844 from G3962 the Father G1860 the promise G4151 of the G40 Holy G4151 Spirit, G1632 he has poured out G5124 this, G3739 which G5210 you G3568 now G991 see G2532 and G191 hear.
  34 G1063 For G1138 David G305   G3756 didn't G305 ascend G1519 into G3772 the heavens, G1161 but G3004 he says G846 himself, G2962 ‘The Lord G2036 said G2962 to G3450 my G2962 Lord, G2521 "Sit G1537 by G3450 my G1188 right hand,
  35 G2193 until G5087 I make G4675 your G2190 enemies G4228 a footstool G4675 for your feet."'
  36 G1097 "Let G3956 all G3624 the house G2474 of Israel G3767 therefore G1097 know G806 certainly G3754 that G2316 God G4160 has made G846 him G2532 both G2962 Lord G2532 and G5547 Christ, G5126 this G2424 Jesus G3739 whom G5210 you G4717 crucified."
  37 G1161 Now when G191 they heard G2660 this, they were cut G2588 to the heart, G5037 and G2036 said G4314 to G4074 Peter G2532 and G3062 the rest G652 of the apostles, G435   G80 "Brothers, G5101 what G4160 shall we do?"
  38 G4074 Peter G5346 said G4314 to G846 them, G3340 "Repent, G2532 and G907 be baptized, G1538 every one G5216 of you, G1909 in G3686 the name G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ G1519 for G859 the forgiveness G266 of sins, G2532 and G2983 you will receive G4151 the G1431 gift G4151 of the G40 Holy G4151 Spirit.

Acts 6:1

  1 G1161 Now G1722 in G3778 those G2250 days, G4129 when the number G3101 of the disciples G4129 was multiplying, G1112 a complaint G1096 arose G1675 from the Hellenists G4314 against G1445 the Hebrews, G3754 because G846 their G5503 widows G3865 were neglected G1722 in G2522 the daily G1248 service.

Acts 8:3

  3 G1161 But G4569 Saul G3075 ravaged G1577 the assembly, G1531 entering into G2596 every G3624 house, G2532 and G4951 dragged G435 both men G5037 and G1135 women G3860 off G1519 to G5438 prison.

Acts 9:1-19

  1 G1161 But G4569 Saul, G2089 still G1709 breathing G547 threats G1161 and G5408 slaughter G1519 against G3101 the disciples G2962 of the Lord, G4334 went to G749 the high priest,
  2 G154 and asked G1992 for letters G3844 from G846 him G1519 to G4864 the synagogues G3844 of G1154 Damascus, G3704 that G1437 if G2147 he found G5100 any G5607 who were G3598 of the Way, G5037 whether G435 men G2532 or G1135 women, G71 he might bring G1210 them bound G1519 to G2419 Jerusalem.
  3 G1161   G1722 As G4198 he traveled, G846 it happened that he G1096 got G1448 close G1154 to Damascus, G2532 and G1810 suddenly G5457 a light G575 from G3772 the sky G4015 shone around G846 him.

Acts 9:3-6

  3 G1161   G1722 As G4198 he traveled, G846 it happened that he G1096 got G1448 close G1154 to Damascus, G2532 and G1810 suddenly G5457 a light G575 from G3772 the sky G4015 shone around G846 him.
  4 G2532 He G4098 fell G1093 on the earth, G2532 and G191 heard G5456 a voice G3004 saying G846 to him, G4549 "Saul, G4549 Saul, G5101 why G1377 do you persecute G3165 me?"

Acts 9:4-6

  4 G2532 He G4098 fell G1093 on the earth, G2532 and G191 heard G5456 a voice G3004 saying G846 to him, G4549 "Saul, G4549 Saul, G5101 why G1377 do you persecute G3165 me?"
  5 G1161 He G2036 said, G5101 "Who G1488 are you, G2962 Lord?" G2962 The Lord G2036 said, G1473 "I G1510 am G2424 Jesus, G3739 whom G4771 you G1377 are persecuting.

Acts 9:5-6

  5 G1161 He G2036 said, G5101 "Who G1488 are you, G2962 Lord?" G2962 The Lord G2036 said, G1473 "I G1510 am G2424 Jesus, G3739 whom G4771 you G1377 are persecuting.
  6 G450 But rise G2532 up, and G1519 enter into G4172 the city, G2532 and G2309 you G2980 will be told G5101 what G4571 you G1163 must G4160 do."

Acts 9:6-6

  6 G450 But rise G2532 up, and G1519 enter into G4172 the city, G2532 and G2309 you G2980 will be told G5101 what G4571 you G1163 must G4160 do."
  7 G1161 The G435 men G3588 who G4922 traveled G846 with him G2476 stood G1769 speechless, G191 hearing G3303   G5456 the sound, G1161 but G2334 seeing G3367 no one.
  8 G4569 Saul G1453 arose G575 from G1093 the ground, G1161 and G1161 when G846 his G3788 eyes G455 were opened, G991 he saw G3762 no one. G1161 They G5496 led G846 him G5496 by the hand, G1521 and brought G1519 him into G1154 Damascus.
  9 G2532 He G2258 was G3361 without G991 sight G5140 for three G2250 days, G2532 and G3756 neither G5315 ate G3761 nor G4095 drank.
  10 G1161 Now G2258 there was G5100 a certain G3101 disciple G1722 at G1154 Damascus G3686 named G367 Ananias. G2532 The G2962 Lord G2036 said G4314 to G846 him G1722 in G3705 a vision, G367 "Ananias!" G1161 He G2036 said, G2400 "Behold, G1473 it's G2962 me, Lord."
  11 G1161 The G2962 Lord G4314 said to G846 him, G450 "Arise, G4198 and go G4314 to G4505 the street G3588 which G2564 is called G2117 Straight, G2532 and G2212 inquire G1722 in G3614 the house G2455 of Judah G2212 for G3686 one named G4569 Saul, G5018 a man of Tarsus. G1063 For G2400 behold, G4336 he is praying,
  12 G2532 and G1722 in G3705 a vision G1492 he has seen G435 a man G3686 named G367 Ananias G1525 coming in, G2532 and G2007 laying G5495 his hands G846 on him, G3704 that G308 he might receive his sight."
  13 G1161 But G367 Ananias G611 answered, G2962 "Lord, G191 I have heard G575 from G4183 many G4012 about G5127 this G435 man, G3745 how much G2556 evil G4160 he did G4675 to your G40 saints G1722 at G2419 Jerusalem.
  14 G2532   G5602 Here G2192 he has G1849 authority G3844 from G749 the chief priests G1210 to bind G3956 all G1941 who call on G4675 your G3686 name."
  15 G1161 But G2962 the Lord G2036 said G4314 to G846 him, G4198 "Go your way, G3754 for G3778 he G2076 is G3427 my G1589 chosen G4632 vessel G941 to bear G3450 my G3686 name G1799 before G1484 the nations G5037 and G935 kings, G2532 and G5207 the children G2474 of Israel.

Acts 9:15

  15 G1161 But G2962 the Lord G2036 said G4314 to G846 him, G4198 "Go your way, G3754 for G3778 he G2076 is G3427 my G1589 chosen G4632 vessel G941 to bear G3450 my G3686 name G1799 before G1484 the nations G5037 and G935 kings, G2532 and G5207 the children G2474 of Israel.
  16 G1063 For G1473 I G5263 will show G846 him G3745 how many things G846 he G1163 must G3958 suffer G5228 for G3450 my G3686 name's sake."
  17 G1161   G367 Ananias G565 departed, G1161 and G1525 entered G1519 into G3614 the house. G2532   G2007 Laying his G5495 hands G1909 on G846 him, G2036 he said, G80 "Brother G4549 Saul, G2962 the Lord, G3588 who G3700 appeared G4671 to you G1722 on G3598 the road G3739 by which G4671 you G2064 came, G649 has sent G3165 me, G3704 that G308 you may receive your sight, G2532 and G4130 be filled G40 with the Holy G4151 Spirit."
  18 G2532   G2112 Immediately G3013 something like scales G634 fell G575 from G846 his G3788 eyes, G5037 and G308 he received his sight. G3916   G2532   G450 He arose G2532 and G907 was baptized.
  19 G2532 He G2983 took G5160 food G1765 and was strengthened. G1161   G4569 Saul G1096 stayed G5100 several G2250 days G3326 with G3101 the disciples G3588 who were G1722 at G1154 Damascus.

Acts 20:19

  19 G1398 serving G2962 the Lord G3326 with G3956 all G5012 humility, G2532 with G4183 many G1144 tears, G2532 and G3986 with trials G4819 which happened G3427 to me G1722 by G1917 the plots G2453 of the Jews;

Acts 20:24

  24 G235 But G3056 these things G3762 don't G4160 count; G3761 nor G2192 do I G3450 hold my G5590 life G5093 dear G1683 to myself, G5613 so G2192 that I G5048 may finish G3450 my G3326 race with G5479 joy, G2532 and G1248 the ministry G3739 which G2983 I received G2962 from the Lord G2424 Jesus, G1263 to fully testify G2098 to the Good News G5485 of the grace G2316 of God.

Acts 20:30-31

  30 G2532   G435 Men G435 will G450 arise G1537 from among G5216 your G846 own selves, G2980 speaking G1294 perverse things, G645 to draw away G3101 the disciples G3694 after G846 them.
  31 G1352 Therefore G1127 watch, G3421 remembering G3754 that G5148 for a period of three years G3756 I didn't G3973 cease G3560 to admonish G1538 everyone G1520   G3571 night G2532 and G2250 day G3326 with G1144 tears.

Acts 21:20

  20 G1161 They, G191 when they heard G1392 it, glorified G2962 God. G2036 They said G846 to him, G2334 "You see, G80 brother, G4214 how many G3461 thousands G1526 there are G2453 among the Jews G3588 of those who G4100 have believed, G2532 and G5225 they are G3956 all G2207 zealous G3551 for the law.

Acts 22:3

  3 G1473 "I G1510 am G3303 indeed G435 a G2453 Jew, G1080 born G1722 in G5019 Tarsus G2791 of Cilicia, G1161 but G397 brought up G1722 in G3778 this G4172 city G3844 at G4228 the feet G1059 of Gamaliel, G3811 instructed G2596 according to G195 the strict tradition G3551 of the law G3971 of our fathers, G5225 being G2207 zealous G2316 for God, G2531 even as G5210 you G3956 all G2075 are G4594 this day.

Acts 22:3-4

  3 G1473 "I G1510 am G3303 indeed G435 a G2453 Jew, G1080 born G1722 in G5019 Tarsus G2791 of Cilicia, G1161 but G397 brought up G1722 in G3778 this G4172 city G3844 at G4228 the feet G1059 of Gamaliel, G3811 instructed G2596 according to G195 the strict tradition G3551 of the law G3971 of our fathers, G5225 being G2207 zealous G2316 for God, G2531 even as G5210 you G3956 all G2075 are G4594 this day.
  4 G3739   G1377 I persecuted G3778 this G3598 Way G891 to G2288 the death, G1195 binding G2532 and G3860 delivering G1519 into G5438 prisons G5037 both G435 men G2532 and G1135 women.

Acts 23:6

  6 G1161 But G3972 when Paul G1097 perceived G3754 that G1520 the one G3313 part G2076 were G4523 Sadducees G1161 and G2087 the other G5330 Pharisees, G2896 he cried out G1722 in G4892 the council, G435 "Men G80 and brothers, G1473 I G1510 am G5330 a Pharisee, G5207 a son G4012 of G5330 Pharisees. G1680 Concerning the hope G2532 and G386 resurrection G4012 of G3498 the dead G1473 I am being judged!"

Acts 26:4-5

  4 G3303 "Indeed, G3956 all G2453 the Jews G2467 know G3450 my G3767 way of life G1537 from G3503 my youth G3588 up, which G1096 was G575 from G746 the beginning G1722 among G3450 my own G1484 nation G1722 and at G2414 Jerusalem;
  5 G4267 having known G3165 me G509 from the first, G1437 if G2309 they are willing G3140 to testify, G3754 that G2596 after G196 the strictest G139 sect G2251 of our G2356 religion G2198 I lived G5330 a Pharisee.

Acts 26:5

  5 G4267 having known G3165 me G509 from the first, G1437 if G2309 they are willing G3140 to testify, G3754 that G2596 after G196 the strictest G139 sect G2251 of our G2356 religion G2198 I lived G5330 a Pharisee.

Acts 26:7

  7 G1519   G3739 which G2257 our G1722 twelve tribes, G1616 earnestly G3000 serving G3571 night G2532 and G2250 day, G1679 hope G2658 to attain. G4012 Concerning G3739 this G1680 hope G1458 I am accused G5259 by G2453 the Jews, G935 King G67 Agrippa!

Acts 26:9-10

  9 G1473 "I G1683 myself G3767 most certainly G3303   G1380 thought G1163 that I ought G4238 to do G4183 many things G1727 contrary G4314 to G3686 the name G2424 of Jesus G3480 of Nazareth.
  10 G3739 This G4160 I G2532 also G4160 did G1722 in G2414 Jerusalem. G2532   G1473 I G2623 both G2623 shut up G4183 many G40 of the saints G5438 in prisons, G2983 having received G1849 authority G3844 from G749 the chief priests, G5037 and G846 when they G337 were put to death G2702 I gave G5586 my vote G2702 against them.

Acts 27:12

  12 G1161 Because G3040 the haven G5225 was G428 not suitable G4314 to G3915 winter in, G4119 the majority G5087 advised G1012   G321 going to sea G2547 from there, G1513 if by any means G1410 they could G2658 reach G1519   G5405 Phoenix, G3914 and winter G3040 there, which is a port G2914 of Crete, G991 looking G2596   G3047 northeast G2532 and G2596   G5566 southeast.

Acts 27:18-19

  18 G1161 As G2257 we G4971 labored exceedingly G5492 with the storm, G1836 the next G4160 day they began G1546 to throw things overboard.
  19 G2532 On G5154 the third G4496 day, they threw out G4143 the ship's G4631 tackle G849 with their own hands.

Acts 27:38

  38 G1161 When G2880 they had eaten G5160 enough, G2893 they lightened G4143 the ship, G1544 throwing out G4621 the wheat G1519 into G2281 the sea.

Romans 1:9

  9 G1063 For G2316 God G2076 is G3450 my G3144 witness, G3739 whom G3000 I serve G1722 in G3450 my G4151 spirit G1722 in G2098 the Good News G846 of his G5207 Son, G5613 how G89 unceasingly G4160 I make G3417 mention G5216 of you always in my prayers,

Romans 1:17

  17 G1063 For G1722 in G846 it G601 is G601 revealed G2316 God's G1343 righteousness G1537 from G4102 faith G1519 to G4102 faith. G2531 As G1125 it is written, G1342 "But the righteous G2198 shall live G1537 by G4102 faith."

Romans 2:25-29

  25 G1063 For G4061 circumcision G3303 indeed G5623 profits, G1437 if G4238 you are a doer G3551 of the law, G1161 but G1437 if G1510 you are G3848 a transgressor G3551 of the law, G4675 your G4061 circumcision G1096 has become G203 uncircumcision.
  26 G1437 If G3767 therefore G203 the uncircumcised G5442 keep G1345 the ordinances G3551 of the law, G3780 won't G846 his G203 uncircumcision G3049 be accounted G1519 as G4061 circumcision?
  27 G2532   G2919 Won't G203 the uncircumcision G1537 which is by G5449 nature, G5055 if it fulfills G3551 the law, G2919 judge G4571 you, G3588 who G1223 with G1121 the letter G2532 and G4061 circumcision G3848 are a transgressor G3551 of the law?
  28 G1063 For G3588 he G2076 is G3756 not G2453 a Jew G3588 who is one G1722   G5318 outwardly, G3761 neither G1722 is that circumcision G5318 which is outward G1722 in G4561 the flesh;

Romans 2:28-29

  28 G1063 For G3588 he G2076 is G3756 not G2453 a Jew G3588 who is one G1722   G5318 outwardly, G3761 neither G1722 is that circumcision G5318 which is outward G1722 in G4561 the flesh;
  29 G235 but G3588 he G2453 is a Jew G3588 who is one G1722   G2927 inwardly, G2532 and G4061 circumcision G2588 is that of the heart, G1722 in G4151 the spirit G3756 not G1121 in the letter; G3739 whose G1868 praise G3756 is not G1537 from G444 men, G235 but G1537 from G2316 God.

Romans 3:19-22

  19 G1161 Now G1492 we know G3754 that G3745 whatever G3551 things the law G3004 says, G3004 it speaks G3588 to those who are G1722 under G3551 the law, G2443 that G3956 every G4750 mouth G5420 may be closed, G2532 and G3956 all G2889 the world G1096 may be brought G5267 under the judgment G2316 of God.
  20 G1360 Because G1537 by G2041 the works G3551 of the law, G3756 no G4561 flesh G1344 will G1344 be justified G1799 in G846 his G1799 sight. G1063 For G1223 through G3551 the law G1922 comes the knowledge G266 of sin.
  21 G1161 But G3570 now G5565 apart G3551 from the law, G1343 a righteousness G2316 of God G5319 has been revealed, G3140 being testified G5259 by G3551 the law G2532 and G4396 the prophets;
  22 G1161 even G1343 the righteousness G2316 of God G1223 through G4102 faith G2424 in Jesus G5547 Christ G1519 to G3956 all G2532 and G1909 on G3956 all G4100 those who believe. G1063 For G2076 there is G3756 no G1293 distinction,

Romans 4:5-6

  5 G1161 But G3361 to him who doesn't G2038 work, G1161 but G4100 believes G1909 in G1344 him who justifies G765 the ungodly, G846 his G4102 faith G3049 is accounted G1519 for G1343 righteousness.
  6 G2509 Even as G1138 David G2532 also G3004 pronounces G3108 blessing G444 on the man G3739 to whom G2316 God G3049 counts G1343 righteousness G5565 apart G2041 from works,

Romans 4:11-12

  11 G2532 He G2983 received G4592 the sign G4061 of circumcision, G4973 a seal G1343 of the righteousness G4102 of the faith G1722 which G1722 he had while he was in G203 uncircumcision, G1519 that G846 he G1511 might be G3962 the father G3956 of all G4100 those who believe, G1223 though they might be G203 in uncircumcision, G1519 that G1343 righteousness G2532 might also G3049 be accounted G846 to them.
  12 G2532 He G3962 is the father G4061 of circumcision G3756 to those who not G3440 only G3588 are G1537 of G4061 the circumcision, G235 but G4748 who G2532 also G4748 walk G2487 in the steps G3962 of G4102 that faith G3962 of G2257 our G3962 father G11 Abraham, G1722 which G203 he had in uncircumcision.
  13 G1063 For G1860 the promise G11 to Abraham G2228 and G4690 to G846 his G4690 seed G846 that he G1511 should be G2818 heir G2889 of the world G3756 wasn't G1223 through G3551 the law, G235 but G1223 through G1343 the righteousness G4102 of faith.
  14 G1063 For G1487 if G3588 those who are G1537 of G3551 the law G2818 are heirs, G4102 faith G2758 is made void, G2532 and G1860 the promise G2673 is made of no effect.
  15 G1063 For G3551 the law G2716 works G3709 wrath, G1063 for G3757 where G2076 there is G3756 no G3551 law, G3761 neither G3847 is there disobedience.

Romans 5:2-3

  2 G1223 through G3739 whom G2532 we also G2192 have G4318 our access G1223 by G4102 faith G1519 into G3778 this G5485 grace G1909 in G1722 which G2476 we stand. G2744 We rejoice G1909 in G1680 hope G1391 of the glory G2316 of God.
  3 G1161   G3756 Not G3440 only G235 this, but G2532 we also G2744 rejoice G1722 in G2347 our sufferings, G1492 knowing G3754 that G2347 suffering G2716 works G5281 perseverance;

Romans 5:11

  11 G1161   G3756 Not G3440 only G235 so, but G2744 we G2532 also G2744 rejoice G1722 in G2316 God G1223 through G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G1223 through G3739 whom G2983 we have G3568 now G2983 received G2643 the reconciliation.

Romans 5:21

  21 G2443 that G5618 as G266 sin G936 reigned G1722 in G2288 death, G2532 even G3779 so G5485 grace G936 might G936 reign G1223 through G1343 righteousness G1519 to G166 eternal G2222 life G1223 through G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G2257 our G2962 Lord.

Romans 6:3-11

  3 G50 Or don't G3754 you know that G3754 all we who G907 were baptized G1519 into G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus G907 were baptized G1519 into G846 his G2288 death?
  4 G4916 We were buried G3767 therefore G846 with him G1223 through G908 baptism G1519 to G2288 death, G2443 that G5618 just like G5547 Christ G1453 was raised G1537 from G3498 the dead G1223 through G1391 the glory G3962 of the Father, G3779 so G2249 we G2532 also G4043 might walk G1722 in G2538 newness G2222 of life.
  5 G1063 For G1487 if G1096 we have become G4854 united with G3667 him in the likeness G846 of his G2288 death, G2071 we will G2532 also G235 be G386 part of his resurrection;
  6 G1097 knowing G5124 this, G3754 that G2257 our G3820 old G444 man G4957 was crucified with G2443 him, that G4983 the body G266 of sin G2673 might be done away G3588 with, so that G2248 we G1398 would G3371 no G1398 longer be G1398 in bondage G266 to sin.
  7 G1063 For G599 he who has died G1344 has been freed G575 from G266 sin.
  8 G1161 But G1487 if G599 we died G4862 with G5547 Christ, G4100 we believe G3754 that G4800 we will G2532 also G4800 live with G846 him;
  9 G1492 knowing G3754 that G5547 Christ, G1453 being raised G1537 from G3498 the dead, G599 dies G3765 no more. G2288 Death G3765 no more G2961 has G2961 dominion G846 over him!
  10 G1063 For G3739 the death that G599 he died, G599 he died G266 to sin G2178 one time; G1161 but G3739 the life that G2198 he lives, G2198 he lives G2316 to God.
  11 G3779 Thus G5210   G3049 consider G1438 yourselves G2532 also G1511 to be G3498 dead G3303   G266 to sin, G1161 but G2198 alive G2316 to God G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus G2257 our G2962 Lord.

Romans 6:21

  21 G5101 What G2590 fruit G5119 then G2192 did you G1909 have at that time in G3739 the things of which G1870 you are G3568 now G1870 ashamed? G1063 For G5056 the end G1565 of those things G2288 is death.

Romans 7:5-13

  5 G1063 For G3753 when G1510 we were G1722 in G4561 the flesh, G266 the sinful G3804 passions G3588 which were G1223 through G3551 the law, G1754 worked G1722 in G2257 our G3196 members G1519 to G2592 bring forth fruit G2288 to death.
  6 G1161 But G3570 now G2673 we have been discharged G575 from G3551 the law, G599 having died G1722 to that in G3739 which G2722 we were held; G5620 so that G2248 we G1398 serve G1722 in G2538 newness G4151 of the spirit, G2532 and G3756 not G3821 in oldness G1121 of the letter.

Romans 7:6-13

  6 G1161 But G3570 now G2673 we have been discharged G575 from G3551 the law, G599 having died G1722 to that in G3739 which G2722 we were held; G5620 so that G2248 we G1398 serve G1722 in G2538 newness G4151 of the spirit, G2532 and G3756 not G3821 in oldness G1121 of the letter.
  7 G5101 What G2046 shall we say G3767 then? G3551 Is the law G3361 sin? G1096 May it never be! G235 However, G3756 I wouldn't G1097 have G1097 known G1487 sin, G3361 except G1223 through G3551 the law. G1063 For G3756 I wouldn't G1492 have G1492 known G1487 coveting, G3361 unless G3551 the law G3004 had said, G1937 "You shall G3756 not G1937 covet."
  8 G1161 But G266 sin, G2983 finding G874 occasion G1223 through G1785 the commandment, G2716 produced G1722 in G1698 me G3956 all kinds of G1939 coveting. G1063 For G5565 apart G3551 from the law, G266 sin G3498 is dead.
  9 G1161   G1473 I G2198 was alive G5565 apart G3551 from the law G4218 once, G1161 but G2064 when G1785 the commandment G2064 came, G266 sin G326 revived, G1161 and G1473 I G599 died.

Romans 7:9-13

  9 G1161   G1473 I G2198 was alive G5565 apart G3551 from the law G4218 once, G1161 but G2064 when G1785 the commandment G2064 came, G266 sin G326 revived, G1161 and G1473 I G599 died.
  10 G2532 The G1785 commandment, G3588 which G1519 was for G2222 life, G3427 this I G2147 found G1519 to be for G2288 death;
  11 G1063 for G266 sin, G2983 finding G874 occasion G1223 through G1785 the commandment, G1818 deceived G3165 me, G2532 and G1223 through G846 it G615 killed me.
  12 G5620 Therefore G3551 the law G40 indeed is holy, G2532 and G1785 the commandment G40 holy, G2532 and G1342 righteous, G2532 and G18 good.
  13 G1096 Did G3767 then G18 that which is good G1096 become G2288 death G3361 to me? G1096 May it never be! G235 But G266 sin, G2443 that G5316 it might be shown G266 to be sin, G2716 by working G2288 death G3427 to me G1223 through G18 that which is good; G2443 that G1223 through G1785 the commandment G266 sin G1096 might become G2596   G5236 exceeding G268 sinful.

Romans 7:19-24

  19 G1063 For G18 the good G3739 which G2309 I desire, G3756 I don't G4160 do; G235 but G2556 the evil G3739 which G3756 I don't G2309 desire, G5124 that G4238 I practice.
  20 G1161 But G1487 if G5124 what G3756 I don't G2309 desire, G3739 that G1473 I G4160 do, G3765 it is no more G1473 I G3765 that G2716 do G846 it, G235 but G266 sin G3611 which dwells G1722 in G1698 me.
  21 G2147 I find G686 then G3551 the law, G3754 that, G2309 to G1698 me, G1698 while I G2309 desire G4160 to do G2570 good, G2556 evil G3873 is present.
  22 G1063 For G4913 I delight G2316 in God's G3551 law G2596 after G444 the G2080 inward G444 man,
  23 G1161 but G991 I see G2087 a different G3551 law G1722 in G3450 my G3196 members, G497 warring against G3551 the law G3563 of G3450 my G3563 mind, G2532 and G163 bringing G3165 me G163 into captivity G3551 under the law G266 of sin G5607 which is G1722 in G3450 my G3196 members.
  24 G5005 What a wretched G444 man G1473 I am! G5101 Who G4506 will deliver G3165 me G1537 out of G4983 the body G5127 of this G2288 death?

Romans 8:1

  1 G686 There is therefore G3568 now G3762 no G2631 condemnation G3588 to those who are G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus, G3361 who don't G4043 walk G2596 according G4561 to the flesh, G235 but G2596 according G4151 to the Spirit.

Romans 8:3

  3 G1063 For G3588 what G3551 the law G102 couldn't do, G1722 in G3739 that G770 it was weak G1223 through G4561 the flesh, G2316 God G3992 did, sending G1438 his own G5207 Son G1722 in G3667 the likeness G266 of sinful G4561 flesh G2532 and G4012 for G266 sin, G2632 he condemned G266 sin G1722 in G4561 the flesh;

Romans 8:5-7

  5 G1063 For G5607 those who live G2596 according G4561 to the flesh G5426 set their minds G3588 on the things G4561 of the flesh, G1161 but G2596 those who live according G4151 to the Spirit, G3588 the things G4151 of the Spirit.
  6 G1063 For G5427 the G5427 mind G4561 of the flesh G2288 is death, G1161 but G5427 the G5427 mind G4151 of the Spirit G2222 is life G2532 and G1515 peace;
  7 G1360 because G5427 the mind G4561 of the flesh G2189 is hostile G1519 towards G2316 God; G1063 for G5293 it is G3756 not G5293 subject G2316 to God's G3551 law, G3761 neither G1063 indeed G1410 can it be.

Romans 8:10-11

  10 G1161   G1487 If G5547 Christ G1722 is in G5213 you, G4983 the body G3498 is dead G1223 because of G266 sin, G1161 but G4151 the spirit G2222 is alive G1223 because of G1343 righteousness.
  11 G1161 But G1487 if G4151 the Spirit G1453 of him who raised up G2424 Jesus G1537 from G3498 the dead G3611 dwells G1722 in G5213 you, G1453 he who raised up G5547 Christ G1537 Jesus from G3498 the dead G2227 will G2532 also G2227 give life G5216 to your G2349 mortal G4983 bodies G1223 through G846 his G4151 Spirit G1774 who dwells G1722 in G5213 you.

Romans 8:15

  15 G1063 For G2983 you G3756 didn't G2983 receive G4151 the spirit G1397 of bondage G3825 again G1519 to G5401 fear, G235 but G2983 you received G4151 the Spirit G1722 of adoption, G3739 by G2896 whom we cry, G5 "Abba! G3962 Father!"

Romans 8:17

  17 G1161 and G1487 if G5043 children, G2532 then G2818 heirs; G2818 heirs G2316 of God, G1161 and G4789 joint heirs G5547 with Christ; G1512 if indeed G4841 we suffer with G1512 him, that G2532 we may also G4888 be G4888 glorified with him.
  18 G1063 For G3049 I consider G3754 that G3804 the sufferings G2540 of G3568 this present G2540 time G3756 are not G514 worthy G4314 to be compared with G1391 the glory G3195 which will G601 be revealed G1519 toward G2248 us.

Romans 8:26-27

  26 G5615 In the same G4151 way, the Spirit G2532 also G4878 helps G2257 our G769 weaknesses, G1063 for G3756 we don't G1492 know G5101 how G4336 to pray G2526 as G1163 we ought. G235 But G4151 the Spirit G846 himself G5241 makes intercession G5228 for G2257 us G4726 with groanings G215 which can't be uttered.
  27 G1161 He G2045 who searches G2588 the hearts G1492 knows G5101 what G4151 is on the Spirit's G5427 mind, G3754 because G1793 he makes intercession G5228 for G40 the saints G2596 according to G2316 God.
  28 G1161   G1492 We know G3754 that G3956 all things G4903 work together G1519 for G18 good G25 for those who love G2316 God, G5607 to those who are G2822 called G2596 according to G4286 his purpose.
  29 G3754 For G3739 whom G4267 he foreknew, G4309 he G2532 also G4309 predestined G4832 to be conformed to G1504 the image G5207 of G846 his G5207 Son, G1519 that G846 he G1511 might be G4416 the firstborn G1722 among G4183 many G80 brothers.

Romans 8:29-30

  29 G3754 For G3739 whom G4267 he foreknew, G4309 he G2532 also G4309 predestined G4832 to be conformed to G1504 the image G5207 of G846 his G5207 Son, G1519 that G846 he G1511 might be G4416 the firstborn G1722 among G4183 many G80 brothers.
  30 G1161   G3739 Whom G4309 he predestined, G5128 those G2532 he also G2564 called. G2532   G3739 Whom G2564 he called, G5128 those G1344 he G2532 also G1344 justified. G1161   G3739 Whom G1344 he justified, G5128 those G1392 he G2532 also G1392 glorified.

Romans 9:2

  2 G3754 that G3427 I G2076 have G3173 great G3077 sorrow G2532 and G88 unceasing G3601 pain G2588 in G3450 my G2588 heart.

Romans 9:23-24

  23 G2532 and G2443 that G1107 he might make known G4149 the riches G846 of his G1391 glory G1909 on G4632 vessels G1656 of mercy, G3739 which G4282 he prepared G1519 beforehand for G1391 glory,
  24 G2532   G2248 us, G3739 whom G2564 he also called, G3756 not G1537 from G2453 the Jews G3440 only, G235 but G2532 also G1537 from G1484 the Gentiles?

Romans 9:30-32

  30 G5101 What G2046 shall we say G3767 then? G3754 That G1484 the Gentiles, G3361 who didn't G1377 follow G1377 after G1343 righteousness, G2638 attained to G1343 righteousness, G1161 even G1343 the righteousness G3588 which is G1537 of G4102 faith;
  31 G1161 but G2474 Israel, G1377 following after G3551 a law G1343 of righteousness, G5348   G3756 didn't G5348 arrive G1519 at G3551 the law G1343 of righteousness.
  32 G5101 Why? G3754 Because G3756 they didn't G1537 seek it by G4102 faith, G235 but G5613 as it were G1537 by G2041 works G3551 of the law. G1063   G4350 They stumbled G3037 over the G4348 stumbling stone;

Romans 10:1-6

  1 G80 Brothers, G1699 my G2588 heart's G2107 desire G2532 and G1162 my prayer G4314 to G2316 God G2076 is G5228 for G2474 Israel, G1519 that G4991 they may be saved.
  2 G1063 For G3140 I testify G3140 about G846 them G3754 that G2192 they have G2205 a zeal G2316 for God, G235 but G3756 not G2596 according to G1922 knowledge.

Romans 10:2-6

  2 G1063 For G3140 I testify G3140 about G846 them G3754 that G2192 they have G2205 a zeal G2316 for God, G235 but G3756 not G2596 according to G1922 knowledge.
  3 G1063 For G50 being ignorant of G2316 God's G1343 righteousness, G2532 and G2212 seeking G2476 to establish G2398 their own G1343 righteousness, G5293 they G3756 didn't G5293 subject themselves G1343 to the righteousness G2316 of God.

Romans 10:3-6

  3 G1063 For G50 being ignorant of G2316 God's G1343 righteousness, G2532 and G2212 seeking G2476 to establish G2398 their own G1343 righteousness, G5293 they G3756 didn't G5293 subject themselves G1343 to the righteousness G2316 of God.
  4 G1063 For G5547 Christ G5056 is the fulfillment G3551 of the law G1519 for G1343 righteousness G3956 to everyone G4100 who believes.

Romans 10:4-6

  4 G1063 For G5547 Christ G5056 is the fulfillment G3551 of the law G1519 for G1343 righteousness G3956 to everyone G4100 who believes.
  5 G1063 For G3475 Moses G1125 writes G1343 about the righteousness G1537 of G3551 the law, G3754   G444 "The one G3754 who G4160 does G846 them G2198 will live G1722 by G846 them."

Romans 10:5-6

  5 G1063 For G3475 Moses G1125 writes G1343 about the righteousness G1537 of G3551 the law, G3754   G444 "The one G3754 who G4160 does G846 them G2198 will live G1722 by G846 them."
  6 G1161 But G1343 the righteousness G1537 which is of G4102 faith G3004 says G3779 this, G3361 "Don't G2036 say G1722 in G4675 your G2588 heart, G5101 ‘Who G305 will ascend G1519 into G3772 heaven?' G5124 (that G2076 is, G2609 to bring G5547 Christ G2609 down);

Romans 10:10

  10 G1063 For G2588 with the heart, G4100 one believes G1519 unto G1343 righteousness; G1161 and G4750 with the mouth G3670 confession is made G1519 unto G4991 salvation.

Romans 11:1

  1 G3004 I ask G3361 then, G683 did G2316 God G683 reject G846 his G3361 people? G1096 May it never be! G1063 For G1473 I G2532 also G1510 am G2475 an Israelite, G4690 a descendant G1537 of G11 Abraham, G5443 of the tribe G958 of Benjamin.

Romans 11:14

  14 G1487 if G4459 by any means G3863 I may provoke to jealousy G3450 those who are my G4561 flesh, G2532 and G4982 may save G5100 some G1537 of G846 them.

Romans 12:16

  16 G5426 Be of G846 the same G5426 mind G240 one G1519 toward G240 another. G3361 Don't G5426 set your mind G5308 on high things, G235 but G4879 associate G5011 with the humble. G3361 Don't G1096 be G5429 wise G3844 in G1438 your own conceits.

Romans 15:1

  1 G1161 Now G2249 we G1415 who are strong G3784 ought G941 to bear G771 the weaknesses G102 of the weak, G2532 and G3361 not G700 to please G1438 ourselves.

Romans 15:5

  5 G1161 Now G2316 the God G5281 of patience G2532 and G3874 of encouragement G1325 grant G5213 you G846 to be G5426 of the same mind G1722 one G240 with another G2596 according to G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus,

Romans 15:17

  17 G2192 I have G3767 therefore G2746 my boasting G2746 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus G2746 in G3588 things pertaining G4314 to G2316 God.

Romans 15:23-29

  23 G1161 but G3570 now, G2192 no longer having G5117 any place G1722 in G5125 these G2824 regions, G1161 and G2192 having G575 these G4183 many G2094 years G1974 a longing G4314 to G2064 come G4314 to G5209 you,
  24 G1437 whenever G4198 I journey G1519 to G4681 Spain, G2064 I will come G4314 to G5209 you. G1063 For G1679 I hope G2300 to see G5209 you G1279 on my journey, G2532 and G4311 to be helped on my way G1563 there G5259 by G5216 you, G1437 if G4412 first G1705 I may G3313   G1705 enjoy G575   G5216 your company for a while.
  25 G1161 But G3570 now, G4198 I say, I am going G1519 to G2419 Jerusalem, G1247 serving G40 the saints.
  26 G1063 For G2106 it has been the good pleasure G3109 of Macedonia G2532 and G882 Achaia G4160 to make G2842 a G5100 certain G2842 contribution G1519 for G4434 the poor G40 among the saints G3588 who are G1722 at G2419 Jerusalem.
  27 G1063 Yes, G2106 it has been their good pleasure, G2532 and G1526 they are G846 their G3781 debtors. G1063 For G1487 if G1484 the Gentiles G2841 have been made partakers of G846 their G4152 spiritual things, G3784 they owe G2532 it to them also G3008 to serve G846 them G1722 in G4559 fleshly things.
  28 G2005 When G3767 therefore G2005 I have accomplished G5124 this, G2532 and G4972 have sealed G846 to them G5126 this G2590 fruit, G565 I will go G1223 on by G5216 way of you G1519 to G4681 Spain.
  29 G1161   G1492 I know G3754 that, G2064 when I come G4314 to G5209 you, G2064 I will come G1722 in G4138 the fullness G2129 of the blessing G2098 of the Good News G5547 of Christ.

Romans 16:7

  7 G782 Greet G408 Andronicus G2532 and G2458 Junia, G3450 my G4773 relatives G2532 and G3450 my G4869 fellow prisoners, G3748 who G1526 are G1978 notable G1722 among G652 the apostles, G3739 who G2532 also G1096 were G1722 in G5547 Christ G4253 before G1700 me.

Romans 16:17

  17 G1161 Now G3870 I beg G5209 you, G80 brothers, G4648 look G4160 out for those who are causing G1370 the divisions G2532 and G4625 occasions of stumbling, G3844 contrary to G1322 the doctrine G3739 which G5210 you G3129 learned, G2532 and G1578 turn away G575 from G846 them.
  18 G1063 For G5108 those who are such G3756 don't G1398 serve G2257 our G2962 Lord, G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G235 but G1438 their own G2836 belly; G2532 and G1223 by G5542 their smooth G2532 and G2129 flattering speech, G1818 they deceive G2588 the hearts G172 of the innocent.

1 Corinthians 1:7

  7 G5620 so that G5209 you G5302 come behind G1722 in G3361 no G3367   G5486 gift; G553 waiting for G602 the revelation G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ;

1 Corinthians 1:18

  18 G1063 For G3056 the word G4716 of the cross G2076 is G3303   G3472 foolishness G3588 to those G622 who are dying, G1161 but G2254 to us G4982 who are saved G2076 it is G1411 the power G2316 of God.

1 Corinthians 1:29-31

  29 G3704 that G3361 no G3956   G4561 flesh G2744 should boast G1799 before G846 God.
  30 G1161 But G1537 of G846 him, G5210 you G2075 are G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus, G3739 who G1096 was made G2254 to us G4678 wisdom G575 from G2316 God, G5037 and G1343 righteousness G2532 and G38 sanctification, G2532 and G629 redemption:

1 Corinthians 1:30

  30 G1161 But G1537 of G846 him, G5210 you G2075 are G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus, G3739 who G1096 was made G2254 to us G4678 wisdom G575 from G2316 God, G5037 and G1343 righteousness G2532 and G38 sanctification, G2532 and G629 redemption:
  31 G2443 that, G2531 according as G1125 it is written, G3588 "He G2744 who boasts, G2744 let him boast G1722 in G2962 the Lord."

1 Corinthians 2:2

  2 G1063 For G2919 I determined G3756 not G1492 to know G5100 anything G1722 among G5213 you, G1487 except G3361   G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G2532 and G5126 him G4717 crucified.

1 Corinthians 2:6

  6 G2980 We speak G4678 wisdom, G1161 however, G1722 among G3588 those G5046 who are full grown; G1161 yet G4678 a wisdom G3756 not G5127 of this G165 world, G3761 nor G758 of the rulers G5127 of this G165 world, G3588 who G2673 are coming to nothing.

1 Corinthians 3:3

  3 G1063 for G2075 you are G2089 still G4559 fleshly. G3699 For G3699 insofar G2205 as there is jealousy, G2532   G2054 strife, G2532 and G1370 factions G1722 among G5213 you, G3780 aren't G2075 you G4559 fleshly, G2532 and G4043 don't you walk G2596 in the ways G444 of men?

1 Corinthians 4:9-13

  9 G1063 For, G1380 I think G3754 that G2316 God G584 has displayed G2248 us, G652 the apostles, G2078 last G5613 of all, like G1935 men sentenced to death. G3754 For G1096 we are made G2302 a spectacle G2889 to the world, G2532 both G32 to angels G2532 and G444 men.
  10 G2249 We G3474 are fools G1223 for G5547 Christ's sake, G1161 but G5210 you G5429 are wise G1722 in G5547 Christ. G2249 We G772 are weak, G1161 but G5210 you G2478 are strong. G5210 You G1741 have honor, G1161 but G2249 we G820 have dishonor.
  11 G891 Even to G737 this present G5610 hour G3983 we G2532   G3983 hunger, G2532   G1372 thirst, G2532   G1130 are naked, G2532   G2852 are beaten, G2532 and G790 have no certain dwelling place.
  12 G2532   G2872 We toil, G2038 working G2398 with our own G5495 hands. G3058 When people curse G2127 us, we bless. G1377 Being persecuted, G430 we endure.
  13 G987 Being defamed, G3870 we entreat. G1096 We are made G5613 as G4027 the filth G2889 of the world, G4067 the dirt G3956 wiped off by all, G2193 even until G737 now.

1 Corinthians 4:16

  16 G3870 I beg G5209 you G3767 therefore, G1096 be G3402 imitators G3450 of me.

1 Corinthians 5:2

  2 G2532   G5210 You G2075 are G5448 puffed up, G2532 and G3996   G3780 didn't G3123 rather G3996 mourn, G2443 that G4160 he who had done G5124 this G2041 deed G1808 might be removed G1537 from G3319 among G5216 you.

1 Corinthians 5:6

  6 G5216 Your G2745 boasting G3756 is not G2570 good. G3756 Don't G1492 you G3754 know that G3398 a little G2219 yeast G2219 leavens G3650 the whole G5445 lump?

1 Corinthians 6:9

  9 G3756 Or don't G1492 you G3754 know that G94 the unrighteous G2816 will G3756 not G2816 inherit G932 the Kingdom G2316 of God? G3361 Don't G4105 be G4105 deceived. G3777 Neither G4205 the sexually immoral, G3777 nor G1496 idolaters, G3777 nor G3432 adulterers, G3777 nor G3120 male G3777 prostitutes, nor G733 homosexuals,

1 Corinthians 9:10

  10 G2228 or G3004 does he G3843 say it assuredly G1223 for G2248 our sake? G1063 Yes, G1125 it was written G1223 for G2248 our sake, G3754 because G3588 he G722 who plows G3784 ought G722 to plow G1909 in G1680 hope, G2532 and G3588 he who G248 threshes G1909 in G1680 hope G3348 should partake G846 of his G1680 hope.

1 Corinthians 9:22

  22 G772 To the weak G1096 I G5613 became as G772 weak, G2443 that G2770 I might gain G772 the weak. G1096 I have become G3956 all things G3956 to all G2443 men, that G4982 I may G3843 by all means G4982 save G5100 some.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

  24 G3756 Don't G1492 you G3754 know that G3588 those who G5143 run G1722 in G4712 a race G3303 all G5143 run, G1161 but G1520 one G2983 receives G1017 the prize? G5143 Run G2443 like that, G2443 that G2638 you may win.

1 Corinthians 9:24

  24 G3756 Don't G1492 you G3754 know that G3588 those who G5143 run G1722 in G4712 a race G3303 all G5143 run, G1161 but G1520 one G2983 receives G1017 the prize? G5143 Run G2443 like that, G2443 that G2638 you may win.
  25 G1161   G3956 Every man G75 who strives in the games G1467 exercises self-control G3956 in all things. G3767 Now G1565 they G3303   G2443 do it to G2983 receive G5349 a corruptible G4735 crown, G1161 but G2249 we G862 an incorruptible.
  26 G1473 I G5106 therefore G5143 run G3779 like G5613 that, as G3756 not G84 uncertainly. G4438 I G3779 fight like G5613 that, as G3756 not G1194 beating G109 the air,
  27 G235 but G3450 I beat my G4983 body G2532 and G1396 bring it into submission, G3381 lest by any means, G4458   G4458 after I G2784 have preached G243 to others, G846 I myself G1096 should be G96 rejected.

1 Corinthians 9:27-27

  27 G235 but G3450 I beat my G4983 body G2532 and G1396 bring it into submission, G3381 lest by any means, G4458   G4458 after I G2784 have preached G243 to others, G846 I myself G1096 should be G96 rejected.

1 Corinthians 10:32-11:1

  32 G1096 Give G677 no occasions for stumbling, G2532 either G2453 to Jews, G2532 or G1672 to Greeks, G2532 or G1577 to the assembly G2316 of God;

1 Corinthians 13:10

  10 G1161 but G3752 when G3588 that which is G5046 complete G2064 has come, G5119 then G3588 that which is G1537   G3313 partial G2673 will be done away with.

1 Corinthians 14:20

  20 G80 Brothers, G1096 don't be G3813 children G5424 in thoughts, G235 yet G2549 in malice G1096 be G3515 babies, G235 but G5424 in thoughts G1096 be G5046 mature.

1 Corinthians 15:9

  9 G1063 For G1473 I G1510 am G1646 the least G652 of the apostles, G3739 who G1510 is G3756 not G2425 worthy G2564 to be called G652 an apostle, G1360 because G1377 I persecuted G1577 the assembly G2316 of God.

1 Corinthians 15:21-23

  21 G1063 For G1894 since G2288 death G1223 came by G444 man, G386 the resurrection G3498 of the dead G2532 also G1223 came by G444 man.
  22 G1063 For G5618 as G1722 in G76 Adam G3956 all G599 die, G3779 so G2532 also G1722 in G5547 Christ G3956 all G2227 will G2227 be made alive.
  23 G1161 But G1538 each G1722 in G2398 his own G5001 order: G5547 Christ G536 the first fruits, G1899 then G3588 those who are G5547 Christ's, G1722 at G846 his G3952 coming.

1 Corinthians 15:25-28

  25 G1063 For G846 he G1163 must G936 reign G891 until G3739 he G302   G5087 has put G3956 all G2190 his enemies G5259 under G846 his G4228 feet.
  26 G2078 The last G2190 enemy G2673 that will be abolished G2288 is death.
  27 G1063 For, G5293 "He put G3956 all things G5259 in subjection under G846 his G4228 feet." G1161 But G3752 when G2036 he says, G3754   G3956 "All things G5293 are put in subjection," G1212 it is evident G3754 that G1622 he is excepted G3588 who G5293 subjected G3956 all things G5293 to G846 him.
  28 G1161   G3752 When G3956 all things G5293 have been subjected G846 to him, G5119 then G5293   G5207 the Son G2532 will also G846 himself G5293 be subjected G3588 to him G5293 who subjected G3956 all things G846 to him, G2443 that G2316 God G5600 may be G3956 all G1722 in G3956 all.

1 Corinthians 15:42-56

  42 G3779 So G2532 also G386 is the resurrection G3498 of the dead. G4687 It is sown G1722 in G5356 corruption; G1453 it is raised G1722 in G861 incorruption.
  43 G4687 It is sown G1722 in G819 dishonor; G1453 it is raised G1722 in G1391 glory. G4687 It is sown G1722 in G769 weakness; G1453 it is raised G1722 in G1411 power.
  44 G4687 It is sown G5591 a natural G4983 body; G1453 it is raised G4152 a spiritual G4983 body. G2076 There is G5591 a natural G4983 body G2532 and G2076 there is G4152 also a spiritual G4983 body.
  45 G3779 So G2532 also G1125 it is written, G4413 "The first G444 man, G76 Adam, G1096 became G1519   G2198 a living G5590 soul." G2078 The last G76 Adam G1519 became G2227 a life-giving G4151 spirit.
  46 G235 However that G3588 which G4152 is spiritual G3756 isn't G4412 first, G235 but G3588 that which G5591 is natural, G3588 then that which G4152 is spiritual.
  47 G4413 The first G444 man G1537 is of G1093 the earth, G1537 made of G5517 dust. G1208 The second G444 man G2962 is the Lord G1537 from G3772 heaven.
  48 G3634 As G5517 is the one made of dust, G5108 such G3588 are those G2532 who are also G5517 made of dust; G2532 and G3634 as G2032 is the heavenly, G5108 such G3588 are they G2532 also G2032 that are heavenly.
  49 G2532   G2531 As G5409 we have borne G1504 the image G5517 of those made of dust, G5409 let's G2532 also G5409 bear G1504 the image G2032 of the heavenly.
  50 G1161 Now G5346 I say G5124 this, G80 brothers, G3754 that G4561 flesh G2532 and G129 blood G3756   G1410 can't G2816 inherit G932 the Kingdom G2316 of God; G3761 neither G2816 does G5356 corruption G2816 inherit G861 incorruption.
  51 G2400 Behold, G3004 I tell G5213 you G3466 a mystery. G2837 We will G3756 not G3956 all G3303   G2837 sleep, G1161 but G236 we will G3956 all G236 be changed,
  52 G1722 in G823 a moment, G1722 in G4493 the twinkling G3788 of an eye, G1722 at G2078 the last G4536 trumpet. G1063 For G4537 the trumpet will sound, G2532 and G3498 the dead G1453 will be raised G862 incorruptible, G2532 and G2249 we G236 will be changed.
  53 G1063 For G5124 this G5349 corruptible G1163 must G1746 put on G861 incorruption, G2532 and G5124 this G2349 mortal G1746 must put on G110 immortality.
  54 G1161 But G3752 when G5124 this G5349 corruptible G1746 will have put on G861 incorruption, G2532 and G5124 this G2349 mortal G1746 will have put on G110 immortality, G5119 then G3056   G3588 what G1125 is written G1096 will happen: G2288 "Death G2666 is swallowed up G1519 in G3534 victory."
  55 G2288 "Death, G4226 where G4675 is your G2759 sting? G86 Hades, G4226 where G4675 is your G3534 victory?"
  56 G2759 The sting G2288 of death G266 is sin, G1161 and G1411 the power G266 of sin G3551 is the law.

2 Corinthians 1:5

  5 G3754 For G2531 as G3804 the sufferings G5547 of Christ G4052 abound G1519 to G2248 us, G3779 even so G2257 our G3874 comfort G2532 also G4052 abounds G1223 through G5547 Christ.

2 Corinthians 1:10

  10 G3739 who G4506 delivered G2248 us G1537 out G5082 of so great G2288 a death, G2532 and G4506 does deliver; G1519 on G3739 whom G1679 we have set our hope G3754 that G4506 he will G2532 also G2089 still G4506 deliver us;

2 Corinthians 2:4

  4 G1063 For G1537 out of G4183 much G2347 affliction G2532 and G4928 anguish G2588 of heart G1125 I wrote G5213 to you G1223 with G4183 many G1144 tears, G3756 not G2443 that G3076 you should be made sorry, G235 but G2443 that G1097 you might know G26 the love G3739 that G2192 I have G4056 so abundantly G1519 for G5209 you.

2 Corinthians 4:4

  4 G1722 in G3739 whom G2316 the god G5127 of this G165 world G5186 has blinded G1519   G3540 the minds G571 of the unbelieving, G3361 that G5462 the light G2098 of the Good News G1391 of the glory G5547 of Christ, G3739 who G2076 is G1504 the image G2316 of God, G826 should not dawn G846 on them.

2 Corinthians 4:6

  6 G3754 seeing G2316 it is God G3739 who G2036 said, G5457 "Light G2989 will shine G1537 out of G4655 darkness," G2989 who has shone G1722 in G2257 our G2588 hearts, G4314 to G5462 give the light G1108 of the knowledge G1391 of the glory G2316 of God G1722 in G4383 the face G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:10-13

  10 G3842 always G4064 carrying G1722 in G4983 the body G3500 the putting to death G2962 of the Lord G2424 Jesus, G2443 that G2222 the life G2424 of Jesus G2532 may also G5319 be revealed G1722 in G2257 our G4983 body.
  11 G1063 For G2249 we G2198 who live G104 are always G3860 delivered G1519 to G2288 death G1223 for G2424 Jesus' G2443 sake, that G2222 the life G2532 also G2424 of Jesus G5319 may be revealed G1722 in G2257 our G2349 mortal G4561 flesh.
  12 G5620 So then G2288 death G3303   G1754 works G1722 in G2254 us, G1161 but G2222 life G1722 in G5213 you.
  13 G2249 But G2192 having G846 the same G4151 spirit G4102 of faith, G2596 according to that G1125 which is written, G4100 "I believed, G1352 and therefore G2980 I spoke." G4100 We G2532 also G4100 believe, G2532 and G1352 therefore G2980 also we speak;

2 Corinthians 4:17-5:1

  17 G1063 For G2257 our G1645 light G2347 affliction, G3910 which is for the moment, G2716 works G2254 for us G2596   G5236 more and G1519 more G5236 exceedingly G166 an eternal G922 weight G1391 of glory;
  18 G2257 while we G3361 don't G4648 look G3588 at the things G991 which are seen, G235 but G3588 at the things G991 which are G3361 not G991 seen. G1063 For G3588 the things G991 which are seen G4340 are temporal, G1161 but G3588 the things G991 which are G3361 not G991 seen G166 are eternal.

2 Corinthians 5:8

  8 G2292 We are courageous, G2532 I say, and G2106 are willing G3123 rather G1553 to be absent G1537 from G4983 the body, G2532 and G1736 to be at home G4314 with G2962 the Lord.

2 Corinthians 5:16

  16 G5620 Therefore G575   G2249 we G1492 know G3762 no one G2596 after G4561 the flesh G3568 from now on. G1161   G2532 Even G1487 though G1097 we have known G5547 Christ G2596 after G4561 the flesh, G235 yet G3568 now G1097 we G3765 know him so no more.
  17 G5620 Therefore G1487 if G5100 anyone G1722 is in G5547 Christ, G2537 he is a new G2937 creation. G744 The old things G3928 have passed away. G2400 Behold, G3956 all things G1096 have become G2537 new.

2 Corinthians 5:21

  21 G1063 For G4160 him G1097 who knew G3361 no G266 sin G266 he made to be sin G2257 on our G5228 behalf; G2443 so that G1722 in G846 him G2249 we G1096 might become G1343 the righteousness G2316 of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1

  1 G2192 Having G3767 therefore G3778 these G1860 promises, G27 beloved, G2511 let us cleanse G1438 ourselves G575 from G3956 all G3436 defilement G4561 of flesh G2532 and G4151 spirit, G2005 perfecting G42 holiness G1722 in G5401 the fear G2316 of God.

2 Corinthians 11:3

  3 G1161 But G5399 I am afraid G3381 that somehow, G5613 as G3789 the serpent G1818 deceived G2096 Eve G1722 in G846 his G3834 craftiness, G3779 so G5216 your G3540 minds G5351 might be corrupted G575 from G572 the simplicity G3588 that is G1519 in G5547 Christ.

2 Corinthians 11:12

  12 G1161 But G3739 what G2532 I do, G4160 that I will do, G2443 that G1581 I may cut off G874 occasion G3588 from them G2309 that desire G874 an occasion, G2443 that G1722 in G3739 which G2744 they boast, G2147 they may be found G2532 even G2531 as G2249 we.
  13 G1063 For G5108 such G5570 men are false apostles, G1386 deceitful G2040 workers, G3345 masquerading G1519 as G5547 Christ's G652 apostles.

2 Corinthians 11:15

  15 G3756 It is no G3173 great thing G3767 therefore G1487 if G846 his G1249 servants G2532 also G3345 masquerade G5613 as G1249 servants G1343 of righteousness, G3739 whose G5056 end G2071 will be G2596 according to G846 their G2041 works.

2 Corinthians 11:18-22

  18 G1893 Seeing that G4183 many G2744 boast G2596 after G4561 the flesh, G2504 I G2504 will also G2744 boast.
  19 G1063 For G430 you bear G878 with the foolish G2234 gladly, G5607 being G5429 wise.
  20 G1063 For G430 you bear G1487 with a man, if G5100 he G2615 brings G5209 you G2615 into bondage, G1487 if G5100 he G2719 devours G1487 you, if G5100 he G2983 takes G1487 you captive, if G5100 he G1869 exalts himself, G1487 if G5100 he G1194 strikes G5209 you G1519 on G4383 the face.
  21 G3004 I speak G2596 by way G819 of disparagement, G5613 as G3754 though G2249 we G770 had been weak. G1161 Yet G1722   G3739 however G302   G5100 any G5111 is bold G3004 (I speak G1722 in G877 foolishness), G2504 I G5111 am bold G2504 also.
  22 G1526 Are they G1445 Hebrews? G2504 So G2504 am I. G1526 Are they G2475 Israelites? G2504 So G2504 am I. G1526 Are they G4690 the seed G11 of Abraham? G2504 So G2504 am I.

2 Corinthians 11:22

  22 G1526 Are they G1445 Hebrews? G2504 So G2504 am I. G1526 Are they G2475 Israelites? G2504 So G2504 am I. G1526 Are they G4690 the seed G11 of Abraham? G2504 So G2504 am I.
  23 G1526 Are they G1249 servants G5547 of Christ? G2980 (I speak G3912 as one beside G1473 himself) I G5228 am more G1722 so; in G2873 labors G5234 more abundantly, G1722 in G5438 prisons G4056 more abundantly, G1722 in G4127 stripes G4056 above measure, G1722 in G2288 deaths G4178 often.
  24 G3999 Five times G5259 from G2453 the Jews G2983 I G5062 received forty G3844 stripes minus G1520 one.
  25 G5151 Three G4463 times I was beaten with rods. G530 Once G3034 I was stoned. G5151 Three G3489 times I suffered shipwreck. G4160 I have been G3574 a night and a day G1722 in G1037 the deep.
  26 G3597 I have been in travels G4178 often, G2794 perils G4215 of rivers, G2794 perils G3027 of robbers, G2794 perils G1537 from G1085 my countrymen, G2794 perils G1537 from G1484 the Gentiles, G2794 perils G1722 in G4172 the city, G2794 perils G1722 in G2047 the wilderness, G2794 perils G1722 in G2281 the sea, G2794 perils G1722 among G5569 false brothers;
  27 G1722 in G2532 labor and G1722 travail, in G70 watchings G4178 often, G1722 in G3042 hunger G2532 and G1373 thirst, G1722 in G3521 fastings G4178 often, G1722 and in G5592 cold G2532 and G1132 nakedness.

2 Corinthians 11:29

  29 G5101 Who G770 is weak, G2532 and G770 I am G3756 not G770 weak? G5101 Who G4624 is caused to stumble, G2532 and G1473 I G3756 don't G4448 burn with indignation?

2 Corinthians 13:4

  4 G1063 For G2532   G4717 he was crucified G1537 through G769 weakness, G235 yet G2198 he lives G1537 through G1411 the power G2316 of God. G1063 For G2249 we also G770 are weak G846 in G235 him, G2198 but G4862 we will live G846 with G1537 him G1411 through G2316 the power G1519 of God G5209 toward G1722 you.

2 Corinthians 13:9

  9 G1063 For G2249 we G5463 rejoice G3752 when G770 we are weak G1161 and G5210 you G5600 are G1415 strong. G1161 And G5124 this G2532 we also G2172 pray G5216 for, even your G2676 perfecting.

2 Corinthians 13:11

  11 G3063 Finally, G80 brothers, G5463 rejoice. G2675 Be perfected, G3870 be comforted, G5426 be G846 of the same G5426 mind, G1514 live in peace, G2532 and G2316 the God G26 of love G2532 and G1515 peace G2071 will be G3326 with G5216 you.

Galatians 1:7

  7 G3739 and G2076 there G3756 isn't G1487 another G3361 "good news." G1526 Only there are G5100 some G3588 who G5015 trouble G5209 you, G2532 and G2309 want G3344 to pervert G2098 the Good News G5547 of Christ.

Galatians 1:13-14

  13 G1063 For G191 you have heard of G1699 my G391 way of living G4218 in time past G1722 in G2454 the Jews' religion, G3754 how that G2596 beyond G5236 measure G1377 I persecuted G1577 the assembly G2316 of God, G2532 and G4199 ravaged G846 it.
  14 G2532 I G4298 advanced G1722 in G2454 the Jews' religion G5228 beyond G4183 many G4915 of my own age G1722 among G3450 my G1085 countrymen, G5225 being G4056 more exceedingly G2207 zealous G3967 for the traditions G3450 of my G3862 fathers.

Galatians 1:16

  16 G601 to reveal G846 his G5207 Son G1722 in G1698 me, G2443 that G2097 I might preach G846 him G1722 among G1484 the Gentiles, G3756 I didn't G2112 immediately G4323 confer G4561 with flesh G2532 and G129 blood,

Galatians 2:3-4

  3 G235 But G3761 not even G5103 Titus, G3588 who was G4862 with G1698 me, G5607 being G1672 a Greek, G315 was compelled G4059 to be circumcised.
  4 G1223 This was because of G5569 the false brothers G3922 secretly G3920 brought in, G3748 who G3920 stole in G2684 to spy out G2257 our G1657 liberty G3739 which G2192 we have G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus, G2443 that G2615 they might bring G2248 us G2615 into bondage;

Galatians 2:14

  14 G235 But G3753 when G1492 I saw G3754 that G3756 they didn't G3716 walk G3716 uprightly G4314 according to G225 the truth G2098 of the Good News, G2036 I said G4074 to Peter G1715 before G3956 them all, G1487 "If G4771 you, G5225 being G2453 a Jew, G2198 live G1483 as the Gentiles G2532 do, and G3756 not G2452 as the Jews G5101 do, why G315 do you G1484 compel the Gentiles G2450 to live as the Jews do?
  15 G2249 "We, G2453 being Jews G5449 by nature, G2532 and G3756 not G268 Gentile sinners,
  16 G1492 yet knowing G3754 that G444 a man G1344 is G3756 not G1344 justified G1537 by G2041 the works G3551 of the law G1437 but G3361   G1223 through G4102 faith G1519 in G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G2532 even G2249 we G4100 believed G1519 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus, G2443 that G1344 we might be justified G1537 by G4102 faith G5547 in Christ, G2532 and G3756 not G1537 by G2041 the works G3551 of the law, G3756 because no G4561 flesh G1344 will G1344 be justified G1360 by G2041 the works G1537 of G3551 the law.

Galatians 2:16

  16 G1492 yet knowing G3754 that G444 a man G1344 is G3756 not G1344 justified G1537 by G2041 the works G3551 of the law G1437 but G3361   G1223 through G4102 faith G1519 in G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G2532 even G2249 we G4100 believed G1519 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus, G2443 that G1344 we might be justified G1537 by G4102 faith G5547 in Christ, G2532 and G3756 not G1537 by G2041 the works G3551 of the law, G3756 because no G4561 flesh G1344 will G1344 be justified G1360 by G2041 the works G1537 of G3551 the law.

Galatians 2:20

  20 G4957 I have been crucified with G5547 Christ, G1161 and G3765 it is no G1473 longer I G2198 that live, G1161 but G5547 Christ G2198 living G1722 in G1698 me. G1161 That G3739 life which G2198 I G3568 now G2198 live G1722 in G4561 the flesh, G2198 I live G1722 by G4102 faith G5207 in the Son G2316 of God, G3588 who G25 loved G3165 me, G2532 and G3860 gave G1438 himself G5228 up for G1700 me.
  21 G114 I G3756 don't G114 make void G5485 the grace G2316 of God. G1063 For G1487 if G1343 righteousness G1223 is through G3551 the law, G686 then G5547 Christ G599 died G1432 for nothing!"

Galatians 3:10-13

  10 G1063 For G3745 as many as G1526 are G1537 of G2041 the works G3551 of the law G1526 are G5259 under G2671 a curse. G1063 For G1125 it is written, G1944 "Cursed G3956 is everyone G3588 who G3756 doesn't G1696 continue G1722 in G3956 all things G3739 that G1125 are written G1722 in G975 the book G3551 of the law, G4160 to do G846 them."
  11 G1161 Now G3754 that G3762 no man G1344 is justified G1722 by G3551 the law G3844 before G2316 God G1212 is evident, G3754 for, G1342 "The righteous G2198 will live G1537 by G4102 faith."
  12 G1161 The G3551 law G2076 is G3756 not G1537 of G4102 faith, G235 but, G444 "The man G4160 who does G846 them G2198 will live G1722 by G846 them."
  13 G5547 Christ G1805 redeemed G2248 us G1537 from G2671 the curse G3551 of the law, G1096 having become G2671 a curse G5228 for G2257 us. G1063 For G1125 it is written, G1944 "Cursed G3956 is everyone G3588 who G2910 hangs G1909 on G3586 a tree,"

Galatians 3:21-22

  21 G3551 Is the law G3767 then G2596 against G1860 the promises G3361 of God? G1096 Certainly not! G1063 For G1487 if G1325 there had been G3551 a law G1325 given G3588 which G1410 could make G2227 alive, G3689 most certainly G302   G1343 righteousness G2258 would have been G1537 of G3551 the law.
  22 G235 But G1124 the Scriptures G4788 imprisoned G3956 all G5259 things under G266 sin, G2443 that G1860 the promise G1537 by G4102 faith G2424 in Jesus G5547 Christ G1325 might be given G3588 to those who G4100 believe.

Galatians 4:26

  26 G1161 But G2419 the Jerusalem G3588 that is G507 above G2076 is G1658 free, G3748 which G2076 is G3384 the mother G2257 of us G3956 all.

Galatians 5:1-3

  1 G4739 Stand firm G3767 therefore G1657 in the liberty G3739 by which G5547 Christ G1659 has made G2248 us G1659 free, G2532 and G3361 don't G1758 be G1758 entangled G3825 again G2218 with a yoke G1397 of bondage.
  2 G1492 Behold, G1473 I, G3972 Paul, G3004 tell G5213 you G3754 that G1437 if G4059 you receive circumcision, G5547 Christ G5623 will profit G5209 you G3762 nothing.

Galatians 5:2-5

  2 G1492 Behold, G1473 I, G3972 Paul, G3004 tell G5213 you G3754 that G1437 if G4059 you receive circumcision, G5547 Christ G5623 will profit G5209 you G3762 nothing.
  3 G1161 Yes, G3143 I testify G3825 again G3956 to every G444 man G4059 who receives circumcision, G3754 that G2076 he is G3781 a debtor G4160 to do G3551 the G3650 whole G3551 law.

Galatians 5:3-5

  3 G1161 Yes, G3143 I testify G3825 again G3956 to every G444 man G4059 who receives circumcision, G3754 that G2076 he is G3781 a debtor G4160 to do G3551 the G3650 whole G3551 law.
  4 G2673 You are alienated G575 from G5547 Christ, G2673 you G3748 who desire G1344 to be justified G1722 by G3551 the law. G1601 You have fallen away from G5485 grace.
  5 G1063 For G2249 we, G4151 through the Spirit, G1537 by G4102 faith G553 wait for G1680 the hope G1343 of righteousness.
  6 G1063 For G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus G3777 neither G4061 circumcision G2480 amounts G5100 to anything, G3777 nor G203 uncircumcision, G235 but G4102 faith G1754 working G1223 through G26 love.
  7 G5143 You were running G2573 well! G5101 Who G348 interfered G5209 with you G3982 that you should G3361 not G3982 obey G1465 the truth?

Galatians 5:10

  10 G1473 I G3982 have confidence G1519 toward G5209 you G1722 in G2962 the Lord G3754 that G5426 you will G5426 think G3762 no G243 other G1161 way. But G3588 he who G5015 troubles G5209 you G941 will bear G3588 his G3748 judgment, G302 whoever G5600 he is.

Galatians 5:13

  13 G1063 For G5210 you, G80 brothers, G2564 were called G1063 for G1657 freedom. G3440 Only G3361 don't G1657 use your freedom G1519 for G874 gain G4561 to the flesh, G235 but G1223 through G26 love G1398 be servants G240 to one another.

Galatians 5:15

  15 G1161 But G1487 if G1143 you bite G2532 and G2719 devour G240 one another, G991 be careful G355 that you G3361 don't G355 consume G240 one G5259   G240 another.

Galatians 5:17

  17 G1063 For G4561 the flesh G1937 lusts G2596 against G4151 the Spirit, G1161 and G4151 the Spirit G2596 against G4561 the flesh; G1161 and G5023 these G480 are contrary G240 to one another, G2443 that G4160 you G3361 may not G4160 do G5023 the things G3739 that G302   G2309 you desire.

Galatians 5:21

  21 G5355 envyings, G5408 murders, G3178 drunkenness, G2970 orgies, G2532 and G5125 things G3664 like G3739 these; of which G4302 I forewarn G5213 you, G4302 even G2531 as G4277 I G2532 also G4277 forewarned G3754 you, that G3588 those who G4238 practice G5108 such things G2816 will G3756 not G2816 inherit G932 the Kingdom G2316 of God.

Galatians 5:25

  25 G1487 If G2198 we live G4151 by the Spirit, G4748 let's G2532 also G4748 walk G4151 by the Spirit.

Galatians 6:12

  12 G3745 As G3745 many as G2309 desire G1722 to look good in G4561 the flesh, G3778 they G315 compel G5209 you G4059 to be circumcised; G3440 only G2443 that G3361 they may G1377 not be persecuted G4716 for the cross G5547 of Christ.
  13 G1063 For G3588 even they G3588 who G4059 receive circumcision G3761 don't G5442 keep G3551 the law G846 themselves, G235 but G2309 they desire G4059 to have G5209 you G4059 circumcised, G2443 that G2744 they may boast G1722 in G5212 your G4561 flesh.

Galatians 6:13

  13 G1063 For G3588 even they G3588 who G4059 receive circumcision G3761 don't G5442 keep G3551 the law G846 themselves, G235 but G2309 they desire G4059 to have G5209 you G4059 circumcised, G2443 that G2744 they may boast G1722 in G5212 your G4561 flesh.
  14 G1161 But G3361 far G1698 be it from me G1096 to G1487 boast, G3361 except G1722 in G4716 the cross G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G1223 through G3739 which G2889 the world G4717 has been crucified G1698 to me, G2504 and I G2889 to the world.
  15 G1063 For G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus G3777 neither G2480 is G4061 circumcision G5100 anything, G3777 nor G203 uncircumcision, G235 but G2537 a new G2937 creation.
  16 G3745 As G3745 many as G4748 walk G5129 by this G2583 rule, G1515 peace G2532 and G1656 mercy G1909 be on G846 them, G2532 and G1909 on G2316 God's G2474 Israel.

Ephesians 1:4

  4 G2531 even as G1586 he chose G2248 us G1722 in G846 him G4253 before G2602 the foundation G2889 of the world, G2248 that we G1511 would be G40 holy G2532 and G299 without blemish G2714 before G846 him G1722 in G26 love;

Ephesians 1:17-18

  17 G2443 that G2316 the God G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G3962 the Father G1391 of glory, G1325 may give G5213 to you G4151 a spirit G4678 of wisdom G2532 and G602 revelation G1722 in G1922 the knowledge G846 of him;
  18 G3788 having the eyes G5216 of your G1271 hearts G1519 enlightened, G3588 that G5209 you G1492 may know G5101 what G2076 is G1680 the hope G846 of his G2821 calling, G2532 and G5101 what G4149 are the riches G1391 of the glory G846 of his G2817 inheritance G1722 in G40 the saints,
  19 G2532 and G5101 what G5235 is the exceeding G3174 greatness G846 of his G1411 power G1519 toward G2248 us G3588 who G4100 believe, G2596 according to G1753 that working G2479 of the strength G846 of his G2904 might

Ephesians 1:19-20

  19 G2532 and G5101 what G5235 is the exceeding G3174 greatness G846 of his G1411 power G1519 toward G2248 us G3588 who G4100 believe, G2596 according to G1753 that working G2479 of the strength G846 of his G2904 might
  20 G3739 which G1754 he worked G1722 in G5547 Christ, G1453 when he raised G846 him G1537 from G3498 the dead, G2532 and G846 made him G2523 to sit G1722 at G1188 his right hand G1722 in G2032 the heavenly places,

Ephesians 1:20-20

  20 G3739 which G1754 he worked G1722 in G5547 Christ, G1453 when he raised G846 him G1537 from G3498 the dead, G2532 and G846 made him G2523 to sit G1722 at G1188 his right hand G1722 in G2032 the heavenly places,
  21 G5231 far above G3956 all G746 rule, G2532 and G1849 authority, G2532 and G1849 power, G2532 and G2963 dominion, G2532 and G3956 every G3686 name G3687 that is named, G3756 not G3440 only G1722 in G5129 this G165 age, G235 but G2532 also G1722 in G3588 that which is G3195 to come.

Ephesians 2:6

  6 G2532 and G4891 raised G4891 us up with him, G2532 and G4776 made G4776 us to sit with him G1722 in G2032 the heavenly G1722 places in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus,

Ephesians 2:19

  19 G3767 So G686 then G2075 you are G3765 no longer G3581 strangers G2532 and G3941 foreigners, G235 but G4847 you are fellow citizens G40 with the saints, G2532 and G3609 of the household G2316 of God,

Ephesians 3:8-9

  8 G1698 To me, G3588 the G1647 very least G3956 of all G40 saints, G1325 was G3778 this G5485 grace G1325 given, G2097 to preach G1722 to G1484 the Gentiles G421 the unsearchable G4149 riches G5547 of Christ,
  9 G2532 and G5461 to make G3956 all G5461 men see G5101 what G2842 is the administration G3466 of the mystery G3588 which G575 for G165 ages G613 has been hidden G1722 in G2316 God, G3588 who G2936 created G3956 all things G1223 through G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ;

Ephesians 3:18-19

  18 G1840 may be strengthened G2443 to G2638 comprehend G4862 with G3956 all G40 the saints G5101 what G4114 is the breadth G2532 and G3372 length G2532 and G5311 height G2532 and G899 depth,
  19 G5037 and G1097 to know G5547 Christ's G26 love G3588 which G5235 surpasses G1108 knowledge, G2443 that G4137 you may be filled G1519 with G3956 all G4138 the fullness G2316 of God.

Ephesians 4:12

  12 G4314 for G2677 the perfecting G40 of the saints, G1519 to G2041 the work G1248 of serving, G1519 to G3619 the building G4983 up of the body G5547 of Christ;
  13 G3360 until G2658 we G3956 all G2658 attain G1519 to G1775 the unity G4102 of the faith, G2532 and G1922 of the knowledge G5207 of the Son G2316 of God, G1519 to G5046 a full grown G435 man, G1519 to G3358 the measure G2244 of the stature G4138 of the fullness G5547 of Christ;

Ephesians 4:17

  17 G5124 This G3004 I say G3767 therefore, G2532 and G3143 testify G1722 in G2962 the Lord, G5209 that you G3371 no G2532 longer G4043 walk G2531 as G3062 the rest G1484 of the Gentiles G4043 also walk, G1722 in G3153 the futility G846 of their G3563 mind,

Ephesians 5:2-8

  2 G2532   G4043 Walk G1722 in G26 love, G2531 even as G5547 Christ G2532 also G25 loved G2248 you, G2532 and G3860 gave G1438 himself G5228 up for G2248 us, G4376 an offering G2532 and G2378 a sacrifice G2316 to God G1519 for G2175 a sweet-smelling G3744 fragrance.
  3 G1161 But G4202 sexual immorality, G2532 and G3956 all G167 uncleanness, G2228 or G4124 covetousness, G3687 let it G3366 not even G3687 be mentioned G1722 among G5213 you, G2531 as G4241 becomes G40 saints;
  4 G2532 nor G151 filthiness, G2532 nor G3473 foolish talking, G2228 nor G2160 jesting, G3588 which G433 are G3756 not G433 appropriate; G235 but G3123 rather G2169 giving of thanks.
  5 G1097 Know G5124 this G1063 for G2075 sure, G3754 that G3956 no G4205 sexually immoral G2228 person, nor G169 unclean person, G2228 nor G4123 covetous man, G3739 who G2076 is G1496 an idolater, G2192 has G3756 any G2817 inheritance G1722 in G932 the Kingdom G5547 of Christ G2532 and G2316 God.

Ephesians 5:5-6

  5 G1097 Know G5124 this G1063 for G2075 sure, G3754 that G3956 no G4205 sexually immoral G2228 person, nor G169 unclean person, G2228 nor G4123 covetous man, G3739 who G2076 is G1496 an idolater, G2192 has G3756 any G2817 inheritance G1722 in G932 the Kingdom G5547 of Christ G2532 and G2316 God.
  6 G538 Let G3367 no one G538 deceive G5209 you G1223 with G2756 empty G3056 words. G1063 For because of G5023 these things, G3709 the wrath G2316 of God G2064 comes G1909 on G5207 the children G543 of disobedience.

Ephesians 5:6-6

  6 G538 Let G3367 no one G538 deceive G5209 you G1223 with G2756 empty G3056 words. G1063 For because of G5023 these things, G3709 the wrath G2316 of God G2064 comes G1909 on G5207 the children G543 of disobedience.
  7 G3767 Therefore G3361 don't G1096   G1096 be G4830 partakers G846 with them.
  8 G1063 For G2258 you were G4218 once G4655 darkness, G1161 but G3568 are now G5457 light G1722 in G2962 the Lord. G4043 Walk G5613 as G5043 children G5457 of light,

Ephesians 6:10

  10 G3063 Finally, G3450   G80   G1743 be strong G1722 in G2962 the Lord, G2532 and G1722 in G2904 the strength G846 of his G2479 might.

Ephesians 6:18

  18 G1223 with G3956 all G4335 prayer G1722   G2540   G3956   G2532 and G1162 requests, G4336 praying G1722 at all times in G4151 the Spirit, G2532 and G846 being G69 watchful G1519 to this end G5124   G1722 in G3956 all G4343 perseverance G2532 and G1162 requests G4012 for G3956 all G40 the saints:

Philippians 1:4

  4 G3842 always G1722 in G3956 every G1162 request G3450 of mine G5228 on behalf G5216 of you G3956 all G4160 making G1162 my requests G3326 with G5479 joy,

Philippians 1:10

  10 G1381 so that G5209 you G1381 may approve the things G1308 that are excellent; G2443 that G5600 you may be G1506 sincere G2532 and G677 without offense G1519 to G2250 the day G5547 of Christ;

Philippians 1:15-16

  15 G5100 Some G3303 indeed G2784 preach G5547 Christ G2532 even G1223 out of G5355 envy G2532 and G2054 strife, G1161 and G5100 some G2532 also G1223 out of G2107 good will.
  16 G3588 The former G3303 insincerely G2605 preach G5547 Christ G1537 from G3756   G55 selfish G2052 ambition, G3633 thinking G2018 that they add G2347 affliction G1199 to G3450 my G1199 chains;

Philippians 1:18-21

  18 G5101 What G1063 does it matter? G4133 Only that G3956 in every G5158 way, G1535 whether G5463 in G1535 pretense or G225 in truth, G5547 Christ G2605 is proclaimed. G2532   G5463 I G5463 rejoice G5129   G1722 in G235 this, yes, G2532 and G5463 will rejoice.
  19 G1063 For G1492 I know G3754 that G5124 this G576 will turn G1519 out to G3427 my G4991 salvation, G1223 through G5216 your G1162 supplication G2532 and G2024 the supply G4151 of the Spirit G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ,
  20 G2596 according to G3450 my G603 earnest expectation G2532 and G1680 hope, G3754 that G1722 I will in G3762 no G153 way be disappointed, G235 but G1722 with G3956 all G3954 boldness, G5613 as G3842 always, G3568 now G2532 also G5547 Christ G3170 will be magnified G1722 in G3450 my G4983 body, G1535 whether G1223 by G2222 life, G1535 or G1223 by G2288 death.
  21 G1063 For G1698 to me G2198 to live G5547 is Christ, G2532 and G599 to die G2771 is gain.

Philippians 1:27

  27 G3440 Only G4176 let your way of life G516 be worthy G2098 of the Good News G5547 of Christ, G2443 that, G1535 whether G2064 I come G2532 and G1492 see G5209 you G1535 or G548 am absent, G191 I may hear G5216 of your G4012 state, G3754 that G4739 you stand firm G1722 in G1520 one G4151 spirit, G5590 with G1520 one G5590 soul G4866 striving G4102 for the faith G2098 of the Good News;

Philippians 2:2

  2 G3450 make my G5479 joy G4137 full, G2443 by G5426 being G846 like- G5426 minded, G2192 having G26 the G846 same G26 love, G4861 being of one accord, G5426 of G1520 one G5426 mind;

Philippians 2:12

  12 G5620 So G3450 then, my G27 beloved, G2531 even as G5219 you have G3842 always G5219 obeyed, G3361 not G3440 only G5613   G1722 in G3450 my G3952 presence, G235 but G3568 now G4183 much G3123 more G1722 in G3450 my G666 absence, G2716 work out G1438 your own G4991 salvation G3326 with G5401 fear G2532 and G5156 trembling.

Philippians 2:17-18

  17 G235 Yes, G2532 and G1487 if G4689 I am poured G1909 out on G2378 the sacrifice G2532 and G3009 service G4102 of G5216 your G4102 faith, G5463 I rejoice, G2532 and G4796 rejoice G5213 with you G3956 all.
  18 G1161 In G846 the same way, G5463   G5210 you G2532 also G5463 rejoice, G2532 and G4796 rejoice with G3427 me.

Philippians 2:21

  21 G1063 For G3956 they all G2212 seek G1438 their own, G3756 not G3588 the things of G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.

Philippians 3:3

  3 G1063 For G2249 we G2070 are G4061 the circumcision, G3000 who worship G2316 God G4151 in the Spirit, G2532 and G2744 rejoice G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus, G2532 and G3982 have G3756 no G3982 confidence G1722 in G4561 the flesh;
  4 G2539 though G1473 I G2192 myself might G2532   G2192 have G4006 confidence G1722 even in G4561 the flesh. G1487 If G5100 any G243 other G5100 man G1380 thinks G3982 that he has confidence G1722 in G4561 the flesh, G1473 I G3123 yet more:

Philippians 3:4-6

  4 G2539 though G1473 I G2192 myself might G2532   G2192 have G4006 confidence G1722 even in G4561 the flesh. G1487 If G5100 any G243 other G5100 man G1380 thinks G3982 that he has confidence G1722 in G4561 the flesh, G1473 I G3123 yet more:
  5 G4061 circumcised G3637 the eighth G1537 day, G1085 of the stock G2474 of Israel, G5443 of the tribe G1537 of G958 Benjamin, G1445 a Hebrew G1445 of Hebrews; G2596 concerning G3551 the law, G5330 a Pharisee;

Philippians 3:5-6

  5 G4061 circumcised G3637 the eighth G1537 day, G1085 of the stock G2474 of Israel, G5443 of the tribe G1537 of G958 Benjamin, G1445 a Hebrew G1445 of Hebrews; G2596 concerning G3551 the law, G5330 a Pharisee;
  6 G2596 concerning G2205 zeal, G1377 persecuting G1577 the assembly; G2596 concerning G1343 the righteousness G3588 which G1096 is G1722 in G3551 the law, G273 found blameless.

Philippians 3:6-6

  6 G2596 concerning G2205 zeal, G1377 persecuting G1577 the assembly; G2596 concerning G1343 the righteousness G3588 which G1096 is G1722 in G3551 the law, G273 found blameless.

Philippians 3:6

  6 G2596 concerning G2205 zeal, G1377 persecuting G1577 the assembly; G2596 concerning G1343 the righteousness G3588 which G1096 is G1722 in G3551 the law, G273 found blameless.
  7 G235 However, G3748 what things G2258 were G2771 gain G3427 to me, G5023 these G2233 have I counted G2209 loss G1223 for G5547 Christ.

Philippians 3:7

  7 G235 However, G3748 what things G2258 were G2771 gain G3427 to me, G5023 these G2233 have I counted G2209 loss G1223 for G5547 Christ.
  8 G235 Yes G3304 most certainly, G2532 and G2233 I count G3956 all things G1511 to be G2209 loss G1223 for G5242 the excellency G1108 of the knowledge G5547 of Christ G2424 Jesus, G3450 my G2962 Lord, G1223 for G3739 whom G2210 I suffered the loss of G3956 all things, G2532 and G2233 count G4657 them nothing but refuse, G2443 that G1511 I G2770 may gain G5547 Christ

Philippians 3:8-10

  8 G235 Yes G3304 most certainly, G2532 and G2233 I count G3956 all things G1511 to be G2209 loss G1223 for G5242 the excellency G1108 of the knowledge G5547 of Christ G2424 Jesus, G3450 my G2962 Lord, G1223 for G3739 whom G2210 I suffered the loss of G3956 all things, G2532 and G2233 count G4657 them nothing but refuse, G2443 that G1511 I G2770 may gain G5547 Christ

Philippians 3:8

  8 G235 Yes G3304 most certainly, G2532 and G2233 I count G3956 all things G1511 to be G2209 loss G1223 for G5242 the excellency G1108 of the knowledge G5547 of Christ G2424 Jesus, G3450 my G2962 Lord, G1223 for G3739 whom G2210 I suffered the loss of G3956 all things, G2532 and G2233 count G4657 them nothing but refuse, G2443 that G1511 I G2770 may gain G5547 Christ
  9 G2532 and G2147 be found G1722 in G846 him, G3361 not G2192 having G1343 a righteousness G1537 of G1699 my own, G3588 that which is G1537 of G3551 the law, G235 but G3588 that which is G1223 through G4102 faith G5547 in Christ, G1343 the righteousness G3588 which is G2316 from God G1909 by G4102 faith;

Philippians 3:9

  9 G2532 and G2147 be found G1722 in G846 him, G3361 not G2192 having G1343 a righteousness G1537 of G1699 my own, G3588 that which is G1537 of G3551 the law, G235 but G3588 that which is G1223 through G4102 faith G5547 in Christ, G1343 the righteousness G3588 which is G2316 from God G1909 by G4102 faith;

Philippians 3:9-10

  9 G2532 and G2147 be found G1722 in G846 him, G3361 not G2192 having G1343 a righteousness G1537 of G1699 my own, G3588 that which is G1537 of G3551 the law, G235 but G3588 that which is G1223 through G4102 faith G5547 in Christ, G1343 the righteousness G3588 which is G2316 from God G1909 by G4102 faith;
  10 G3588 that G1097 I may know G846 him, G2532 and G1411 the power G386 of G846 his G386 resurrection, G2532 and G2842 the fellowship G3804 of G846 his G3804 sufferings, G4833 becoming conformed to G846 his G2288 death;

Philippians 3:10

  10 G3588 that G1097 I may know G846 him, G2532 and G1411 the power G386 of G846 his G386 resurrection, G2532 and G2842 the fellowship G3804 of G846 his G3804 sufferings, G4833 becoming conformed to G846 his G2288 death;

Philippians 3:12

  12 G3756 Not G3754 that G2983 I have G2235 already G2983 obtained, G2228 or G5048 am G2235 already G5048 made perfect; G1161 but G1377 I press on, G1487 if G2532 it is so that G2638 I may take hold G1909 of that for G3739 which G2532 also G2638 I was taken hold G5259 of G5547 by Christ G2424 Jesus.

Philippians 3:12-14

  12 G3756 Not G3754 that G2983 I have G2235 already G2983 obtained, G2228 or G5048 am G2235 already G5048 made perfect; G1161 but G1377 I press on, G1487 if G2532 it is so that G2638 I may take hold G1909 of that for G3739 which G2532 also G2638 I was taken hold G5259 of G5547 by Christ G2424 Jesus.
  13 G80 Brothers, G1473 I G3756 don't G3049 regard G1683 myself G2638 as yet having taken hold, G1161 but G1520 one thing G1950 I do. Forgetting G3303 the things G3588 which are G3694 behind, G1161 and G1901 stretching forward G3588 to the things which are G1715 before,
  14 G1377 I press G2596 on toward G4649 the goal G1909 for G1017 the prize G2821 of the G507 high G2821 calling G2316 of God G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus.

Philippians 3:16

  16 G4133 Nevertheless, G1519 to G3739 the extent G5348 that we have already attained, G4748 let us walk G2583 by the G846 same G2583 rule. G846 Let us be of the G5426 same mind.

Philippians 3:19

  19 G3739 whose G5056 end G684 is destruction, G3739 whose G2316 god G2836 is the belly, G2532 and G3739 whose G1391 glory G1722 is in G846 their G152 shame, G3588 who G1919 think about earthly things.

Philippians 4:2

  2 G3870 I exhort G2136 Euodia, G2532 and G3870 I exhort G846 Syntyche, G5426 to G1722 think the same way in G2962 the Lord.

Philippians 4:4

  4 G5463 Rejoice G1722 in G2962 the Lord G3842 always! G3825 Again G2046 I will say, G5463 "Rejoice!"

Philippians 4:8

  8 G3063 Finally, G80 brothers, G3745 whatever things G2076 are G227 true, G3745 whatever things G4586 are honorable, G3745 whatever things G1342 are just, G3745 whatever things G53 are pure, G3745 whatever things G4375 are lovely, G3745 whatever things G2163 are of good report; G1487 if G5100 there is any G703 virtue, G2532 and G1487 if G5100 there is any G1868 praise, G3049 think about G5023 these things.
  9 G5023 The things G3739 which G3129 you G2532   G3129 learned, G2532   G3880 received, G2532   G191 heard, G2532 and G1492 saw G1722 in G1698 me: G4238 do G2532 these things, and G2316 the God G1515 of peace G2071 will be G3326 with G5216 you.

Philippians 4:11-13

  11 G3756 Not G3754 that G3004 I speak G1473 in G5304 respect to lack, G1063 for G1473 I G3129 have learned G1722 in G3739 whatever G1510 state I am, G1511 to be G842 content in it.
  12 G1492 I know G2532   G1492 how G5013 to be humbled, G2532 and G1492 I know also how G1722 to abound. G3956 In everything G2532 and G1722 in G3956 all things G3453 I have learned G2532 the secret both G5526 to be filled G2532 and G3983 to be hungry, G2532 both G4052 to abound G2532 and G5302 to be in need.
  13 G2480 I can do G3956 all things G1722 through G5547 Christ, G3588 who G1743 strengthens G3165 me.

Colossians 1:5

  5 G1223 because G1680 of the hope G606 which is laid up G5213 for you G1722 in G3772 the heavens, G5213 of which you G4257 heard before G1722 in G3056 the word G225 of the truth G2098 of the Good News,

Colossians 1:24

  24 G3568 Now G3739 I G5463 rejoice G1722 in G3450 my G3804 sufferings G5228 for G5216 your G2532 sake, and G466 fill up G5303 on my part that which is lacking G2347 of the afflictions G5547 of Christ G1722 in G3450 my G4561 flesh G5228 for G846 his G4983 body's G5228 sake, G3739 which G2076 is G1577 the assembly;

Colossians 1:28

  28 G3739 whom G2249 we G2605 proclaim, G3560 admonishing G3956 every G444 man G2532 and G1321 teaching G3956 every G444 man G1722 in G3956 all G4678 wisdom, G2443 that G3936 we may present G3956 every G444 man G5046 perfect G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus;

Colossians 2:2-3

  2 G2443 that G846 their G2588 hearts G3870 may be comforted, G4822 they being knit together G1722 in G26 love, G2532 and G1519 gaining G3956 all G4149 riches G4136 of the full assurance G4907 of understanding, G1519 that G1922 they may know G3466 the mystery G2316 of God, G2532 both G3962 of the Father G2532 and G5547 of Christ,
  3 G1722 in G3739 whom G1526 are G3956 all G2344 the treasures G4678 of wisdom G2532 and G1108 knowledge G614 hidden.

Colossians 2:6

  6 G5613 As G3767 therefore G4043 you G3880   G3880 received G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus, G2962 the Lord, G1722 walk in G846 him,

Colossians 2:11

  11 G1722 in G3739 whom G2532 you were also G4059 circumcised G4061 with a circumcision G886 not made with hands, G1722 in G555 the putting off G4983 of the body G266 of the sins G4561 of the flesh, G1722 in G4061 the circumcision G5547 of Christ;

Colossians 2:13

  13 G2532   G5209 You G5607 were G3498 dead G1722 through G3588 your G3900 trespasses G2532 and G203 the uncircumcision G5216 of your G4561 flesh. G4806 He made you alive together G4862 with G846 him, G5483 having forgiven G5213 us G3956 all G3900 our trespasses,

Colossians 3:1

  1 G1487 If G3767 then G4891 you G4891 were raised G5547 together with Christ, G2212 seek G3588 the things that are G507 above, G3757 where G5547 Christ G2521 is, seated G1722 on G1188 the right hand G2316 of God.

Colossians 3:1-3

  1 G1487 If G3767 then G4891 you G4891 were raised G5547 together with Christ, G2212 seek G3588 the things that are G507 above, G3757 where G5547 Christ G2521 is, seated G1722 on G1188 the right hand G2316 of God.
  2 G5426 Set your mind G3588 on the things G507 that are above, G3361 not G3588 on the things G1909 that are on G1093 the earth.

Colossians 3:2-3

  2 G5426 Set your mind G3588 on the things G507 that are above, G3361 not G3588 on the things G1909 that are on G1093 the earth.
  3 G1063 For G599 you died, G2532 and G5216 your G2222 life G2928 is hidden G4862 with G5547 Christ G1722 in G2316 God.
  4 G3752 When G5547 Christ, G2257 our G2222 life, G5319 is revealed, G5119 then G5210 you G5319 will G2532 also G5319 be revealed G4862 with G846 him G1722 in G1391 glory.

Colossians 4:12

  12 G1889 Epaphras, G3588 who is G1537 one of G5216 you, G1401 a servant G5547 of Christ, G782 salutes G5209 you, G3842 always G75 striving G5228 for G5216 you G1722 in G4335 his prayers, G2443 that G2476 you may stand G5046 perfect G2532 and G4137 complete G1722 in G3956 all G2307 the will G2316 of God.

1 Thessalonians 1:6

  6 G2532   G5210 You G1096 became G3402 imitators G2257 of us, G2532 and G2962 of the Lord, G1209 having received G3056 the word G1722 in G4183 much G2347 affliction, G3326 with G5479 joy G40 of the Holy G4151 Spirit,

1 Thessalonians 1:10

  10 G2532 and G362 to wait for G846 his G5207 Son G1537 from G3772 heaven, G3739 whom G1453 he raised G1537 from G3498 the dead — G2424 Jesus, G3588 who G4506 delivers G2248 us G575 from G3709 the wrath G2064 to come.

1 Thessalonians 2:10-14

  10 G5210 You G3144 are witnesses G2532 with G2316 God, G5613 how G3743 holy, G2532   G1346 righteously, G2532 and G274 blamelessly G1096 we behaved ourselves G5213 toward you G3588 who G4100 believe.
  11 G2509 As G1492 you know, G5613   G3870 we exhorted, G2532   G3888 comforted, G2532 and G3140 implored G1538 every G1520 one G5216 of you, G5613 as G3962 a father G1438 does his G5043 own children,
  12 G1519 to the end that G5209 you G4043 should walk G516 worthily G2316 of God, G3588 who G2564 calls G5209 you G1519 into G1438 his G932 own Kingdom G2532 and G1391 glory.

1 Thessalonians 2:12-14

  12 G1519 to the end that G5209 you G4043 should walk G516 worthily G2316 of God, G3588 who G2564 calls G5209 you G1519 into G1438 his G932 own Kingdom G2532 and G1391 glory.
  13 G1223 For G5124 this G1223 cause G2249 we G2532 also G2168 thank G2316 God G89 without ceasing, G3754 that, G3880 when you received G2257 from us G3056 the word G3844 of G3844 the message of G2316 God, G1209 you accepted G3756 it not G2531 as G3056 the word G444 of men, G235 but, G2531 as G2076 it is G230 in truth, G3056 the word G2316 of God, G3739 which G2532 also G1754 works G1722 in G5213 you G4100 who believe.
  14 G1063 For G5210 you, G80 brothers, G1096 became G3402 imitators G1577 of the assemblies G2316 of God G3588 which G5607 are G1722 in G2449 Judea G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus; G3754 for G5210 you G2532 also G3958 suffered G5024 the same things G5259 from G2398 your own G4853 countrymen, G2532 even G2531 as G846 they G5259 did from G2453 the Jews;

1 Thessalonians 3:5

  5 G1223 For G5124 this G1223 cause G2504 I also, when I G4722 couldn't G4722 stand G3371 it any longer, G3992 sent G1519 that G1097 I might know G5216 your G4102 faith, G3381 for fear that by any means G3985 the tempter G3985 had tempted G5209 you, G2532 and G2257 our G2873 labor G1096 would have been G1519 in G2756 vain.

1 Thessalonians 4:1

  1 G3063 Finally G3767 then, G80 brothers, G2065 we beg G2532 and G3870 exhort G5209 you G1722 in G2962 the Lord G2424 Jesus, G2531 that as G5209 you G3880 received G2257 from us G4459 how G5209 you G1163 ought G4043 to walk G2532 and G700 to please G2316 God, G2443 that G4052 you abound G3123 more and more.

1 Thessalonians 4:6

  6 G3588 that G3361 no G5233 one should take advantage G2532 of and G4122 wrong G846 a G80 brother G1722 or sister in G4229 this matter; G1360 because G2962 the Lord G1558 is an avenger G4012 in G3956 all G5130 these things, G2531 as G2532 also G4277 we G4277 forewarned G5213 you G2532 and G1263 testified.

1 Thessalonians 4:14-15

  14 G1063 For G1487 if G4100 we believe G3754 that G2424 Jesus G599 died G2532 and G450 rose again, G3779 even so G2316 God G71 will G71 bring G4862 with G846 him G2532   G3588 those G2837 who have fallen asleep G1223 in G2424 Jesus.
  15 G1063 For G5124 this G3004 we tell G5213 you G1722 by G3056 the word G2962 of the Lord, G3754 that G2249 we G2198 who are alive, G4035 who are left G1519 to G3952 the coming G2962 of the Lord, G5348 will G3361 in no G5348 way precede G3756 those who have fallen asleep.
  16 G3754 For G2962 the Lord G846 himself G2597 will descend G575 from G3772 heaven G1722 with G2752 a shout, G1722 with G5456 the voice G743 of the archangel, G2532 and G1722 with G2316 God's G4536 trumpet. G2532   G3498 The dead G1722 in G5547 Christ G450 will rise G4412 first,

1 Thessalonians 5:15

  15 G3708 See G3361 that no one G591 returns G2556 evil G473 for G2556 evil G5100 to anyone, G235 but G3842 always G1377 follow G18 after that which is good, G2532 for G1519 one G240 another, G2532 and G1519 for G3956   G5100 all.
  16 G5463 Rejoice G3842 always.

2 Thessalonians 1:7-8

  7 G2532 and G425 to give relief G5213 to you G2346 who are afflicted G3326 with G2257 us, G1722 when G2962 the Lord G2424 Jesus G602 is revealed G575 from G3772 heaven G3326 with G846 his G1411 mighty G32 angels G1722 in G5395 flaming G4442 fire,
  8 G1325 giving G1557 vengeance G3361 to those who don't G1492 know G2316 God, G2532 and G3361 to those who don't G5219 obey G2098 the Good News G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus,

2 Thessalonians 2:3

  3 G1818 Let G3361 no G5100 one G1818 deceive G5209 you G2596 in G3367 any G5158 way. G3754 For G1437 it will not be, unless G646 the departure G2064 comes G4412 first, G2532 and G444 the man G266 of sin G601 is revealed, G5207 the son G3361 of destruction,

2 Thessalonians 2:8

  8 G2532   G5119 Then G459 the lawless G601 one will G601 be revealed, G3739 whom G2962 the Lord G355 will kill G4151 with the breath G846 of his G4750 mouth, G2532 and G2673 destroy G2015 by the manifestation G846 of his G3952 coming;

2 Thessalonians 2:12

  12 G2443 that G2919 they G3956 all G2919 might be judged G3361 who didn't G4100 believe G225 the truth, G235 but G2106 had pleasure G1722 in G93 unrighteousness.
  13 G1161 But G2249 we G3784 are bound G3842 to always G2168 give thanks G2316 to God G4012 for G5216 you, G80 brothers G25 loved G5259 by G2962 the Lord, G3754 because G2316 God G138   G138 chose G5209 you G575 from G746 the beginning G1519 for G4991 salvation G1722 through G38 sanctification G4151 of the Spirit G2532 and G4102 belief G225 in the truth;

2 Thessalonians 2:13-14

  13 G1161 But G2249 we G3784 are bound G3842 to always G2168 give thanks G2316 to God G4012 for G5216 you, G80 brothers G25 loved G5259 by G2962 the Lord, G3754 because G2316 God G138   G138 chose G5209 you G575 from G746 the beginning G1519 for G4991 salvation G1722 through G38 sanctification G4151 of the Spirit G2532 and G4102 belief G225 in the truth;
  14 G1519 to which G2564 he called G5209 you G1223 through G2257 our G2098 Good News, G1519 for G4047 the obtaining G1391 of the glory G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.

2 Thessalonians 3:7

  7 G1063 For G846 you G1492 know G4459 how G1163 you ought G3401 to imitate G2248 us. G3754 For G3756 we didn't G812 behave G812 ourselves rebelliously G1722 among G5213 you,

2 Thessalonians 3:9

  9 G3756 not G3754 because G2192 we don't have G235 the right, but G2443 to G1325 make G1438 ourselves G1519 an example to G5213 you, G5213 that you G2248 should imitate us.

2 Thessalonians 3:11

  11 G1063 For G191 we hear G4043 of G5100 some G4043 who walk G1722 among G5213 you G814 in rebellion, G2038 who don't work G3367 at all, G235 but G4020 are busybodies.

2 Thessalonians 3:14

  14 G1161   G1487 If G5100 any man G3756 doesn't G5219 obey G2257 our G3056 word G1223 in G1992 this letter, G3756 note G5126 that man, G2532 that G4874 you have G3361 no G4874 company with G846 him, G2443 to the end that G1788 he may be ashamed.

1 Timothy 1:13

  13 G5607 although I was G4386 before G989 a blasphemer, G2532 a G1376 persecutor, G2532 and G5197 insolent. G235 However, G1653 I obtained mercy, G3754 because G4160 I did G50 it ignorantly G1722 in G570 unbelief.

1 Timothy 1:19

  19 G2192 holding G4102 faith G2532 and G18 a good G4893 conscience; G3739 which G5100 some G683 having thrust away G3489 made a shipwreck G4012 concerning G4102 the faith;

1 Timothy 4:12

  12 G2706 Let G3367 no man G2706 despise G4675 your G3503 youth; G235 but G1096 be G5179 an example G4103 to those who believe, G1722 in G3056 word, G1722 in G1722 your way G1722 of life, in G26 love, G1722 in G4151 spirit, G1722 in G4102 faith, G1722 and in G47 purity.

1 Timothy 5:10

  10 G3140 being approved G3140 by G2570 good G2041 works, G1487 if G5044 she has brought up children, G1487 if G3580 she has been hospitable to strangers, G1487 if G3538 she has washed G40 the saints' G4228 feet, G1487 if G1884 she has relieved G2346 the afflicted, G1487 and if G1872 she has diligently followed G3956 every G18 good G2041 work.

1 Timothy 6:5

  5 G3859 constant friction G444 of people G1311 of corrupt G3563 minds G2532 and G650 destitute G225 of the truth, G3543 who suppose that G2150 godliness G1511 is G4200 a means of gain. G868 Withdraw yourself G575 from G5108 such.

1 Timothy 6:11-12

  11 G1161 But G4771 you, G444 man G5599 of G2316 God, G5343 flee G5023 these things, G1161 and G1377 follow after G1343 righteousness, G2150 godliness, G4102 faith, G26 love, G5281 patience, G4236 and gentleness.
  12 G75 Fight G2570 the good G73 fight G4102 of faith. G1949 Lay hold of G166 the eternal G2222 life G1519 to G3739 which G2564 you were G2532   G2564 called, G2532 and G3670 you confessed G2570 the good G3671 confession G1799 in the sight G4183 of many G3144 witnesses.

1 Timothy 6:19

  19 G597 laying up in store G1438 for themselves G2570 a good G2310 foundation G1519 against G3195 the time to come, G2443 that G1949 they may lay hold of G166 eternal G2222 life.

2 Timothy 1:9

  9 G4982 who saved G2248 us G2532 and G2564 called G40 us with a holy G2821 calling, G3756 not G2596 according to G2257 our G2041 works, G235 but G2596 according to G2398 his own G4286 purpose G2532 and G5485 grace, G1325 which was given G2254 to us G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus G4253 before G166 times G5550 eternal,

2 Timothy 2:11-12

  11 G3056 This saying G4103 is faithful: G1063 "For G1487 if G4880 we died with G4800 him, we will G2532 also G4800 live with him.
  12 G1487 If G5278 we endure, G4821 we will G2532 also G4821 reign with G1487 him. If G720 we deny G2548 him, he also G720 will deny G2248 us.

2 Timothy 3:1-6

  1 G1161 But G1097 know G5124 this, G3754 that G1722 in G2078 the last G2250 days, G5467 grievous G2540 times G1764 will come.
  2 G1063 For G444 men G2071 will be G5367 lovers of self, G5366 lovers of money, G213 boastful, G5244 arrogant, G989 blasphemers, G545 disobedient G1118 to parents, G884 unthankful, G462 unholy,
  3 G794 without natural affection, G786 unforgiving, G1228 slanderers, G193 without self-control, G434 fierce, G865 no lovers of good,
  4 G4273 traitors, G4312 headstrong, G5187 conceited, G5369 lovers of pleasure G3123 rather G2228 than G5377 lovers of God;

2 Timothy 3:4

  4 G4273 traitors, G4312 headstrong, G5187 conceited, G5369 lovers of pleasure G3123 rather G2228 than G5377 lovers of God;
  5 G2192 holding G3446 a form G2150 of godliness, G1161 but G720 having denied G846 its G1411 power. G665 Turn away G665 from G5128 these, also.
  6 G1063 For G1537 some of G5130 these G1526 are G1744 people who creep G1519 into G3614 houses, G2532 and G162 take captive G1133 gullible women G4987 loaded G266 down with sins, G71 led away G4164 by various G1939 lusts,

2 Timothy 3:17

  17 G2443 that G444 the man G2316 of God G5600 may be G739 complete, G1822 thoroughly equipped G4314 for G3956 every G18 good G2041 work.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

  3 G1063 For G2540 the time G430 will G2071 come G3753 when G430 they will G3756 not G5198 listen to the sound G1319 doctrine, G235 but, G2833 having itching G189 ears, G2002 will heap G1438 up for themselves G1320 teachers G2596 after G2398 their own G1939 lusts;
  4 G2532 and G654 will turn away G189 their ears G575 from G225 the truth, G1161 and G1624 turn G1909 aside to G3454 fables.

2 Timothy 4:6

  6 G1063 For G1473 I G4689 am G2235 already G4689 being offered, G2532 and G2540 the time G1699 of my G359 departure G2186 has come.
  7 G75 I have fought G2570 the good G73 fight. G5055 I have finished G1408 the course. G5083 I have kept G4102 the faith.
  8 G3063 From now on, G606 there is stored up G3427 for me G4735 the crown G1343 of righteousness, G3739 which G2962 the Lord, G1342 the righteous G2923 judge, G591 will give G3427 to me G1722 on G1565 that G2250 day; G1161 and G3756 not G1698 to me G3440 only, G235 but G2532 also G3956 to all G25 those G25 who have loved G846 his G2015 appearing.

2 Timothy 4:8

  8 G3063 From now on, G606 there is stored up G3427 for me G4735 the crown G1343 of righteousness, G3739 which G2962 the Lord, G1342 the righteous G2923 judge, G591 will give G3427 to me G1722 on G1565 that G2250 day; G1161 and G3756 not G1698 to me G3440 only, G235 but G2532 also G3956 to all G25 those G25 who have loved G846 his G2015 appearing.

2 Timothy 4:14-15

  14 G223 Alexander, G5471 the coppersmith, G1731 did G4183 much G2556 evil G3427 to me. G2962 The Lord G591 will repay G846 him G2596 according to G846 his G2041 works,
  15 G5442 of G3739 whom G4771 you G2532 also G5442 must beware; G1063 for G436 he G3029 greatly G436 opposed G2251 our G3056 words.

Titus 1:11-12

  11 G3739 whose G1993 mouths G1163 must G1993 be stopped; G3748 men who G396 overthrow G3650 whole G3624 houses, G1321 teaching G3739 things which G1163 they ought G3361 not, G5484 for G150 dishonest G2771 gain's G5484 sake.
  12 G5100 One G1537 of G4396 them, a prophet G1537 of G846 their G2398 own, G2036 said, G2912 "Cretans G104 are always G5583 liars, G2556 evil G2342 beasts, G692 and idle G1064 gluttons."

Titus 1:16

  16 G3670 They profess G1492 that they know G2316 God, G1161 but G2041 by their works G720 they deny G5607 him, being G947 abominable, G545 disobedient, G2532 and G96 unfit G4314 for G3956 any G18 good G2041 work.

Titus 2:13

  13 G4327 looking for G3588 the G3107 blessed G1680 hope G2532 and G2015 appearing G1391 of the glory G2257 of our G3173 great G2316 God G2532 and G4990 Savior, G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ;

Titus 3:5

  5 G3756 not G1537 by G2041 works G1722 of G1343 righteousness, G3739 which G2249 we G4160 did G235 ourselves, but G2596 according to G846 his G1656 mercy, G4982 he saved G2248 us, G1223 through G3067 the washing G3824 of regeneration G2532 and G342 renewing G40 by the Holy G4151 Spirit,

Hebrews 3:1

  1 G3606 Therefore, G40 holy G80 brothers, G3353 partakers G2032 of a heavenly G2821 calling, G2657 consider G652 the Apostle G2532 and G749 High Priest G3671 of G2257 our G3671 confession, G2424 Jesus;

Hebrews 3:14

  14 G1063 For G1096 we have become G3353 partakers G5547 of Christ, G1437 if G2722 we hold G746 fast the beginning G5287 of our confidence G949 firm G3360 to G5056 the end:

Hebrews 5:14

  14 G1161 But G4731 solid G5160 food G2076 is for G5046 those who are full grown, G2192 who G1223 by reason of G1838 use G2192 have G145 their senses G1128 exercised G4314 to G1253 discern G5037   G2570 good G2532 and G2556 evil.

Hebrews 6:1

  1 G1352 Therefore G863 leaving G3056 the teaching G746 of G746 the first principles G5547 of Christ, G5342 let us press on G1909 to G5047 perfection — G3361 not G2598 laying G3825 again G2310 a foundation G3341 of repentance G575 from G3498 dead G2041 works, G4102 of faith G1909 toward G2316 God,

Hebrews 6:6-8

  6 G2532 and G3895 then fell away, G102 it is impossible G1519 to G340 renew them G3825 again G1519 to G3341 repentance; G388 seeing they crucify G5207 the Son G2316 of God G1438 for themselves G2532 again, and G3856 put him to open shame.
  7 G1063 For G1093 the land G3588 which G4095 has drunk G5205 the rain G2064 that comes G4178 often G1909 on G846 it, G2532 and G5088 brings forth G2532 a G2111 crop suitable G1565 for them G2532   G1223 for G3739 whose G1090 sake it is also tilled, G3335 receives G2129 blessing G575 from G2316 God;
  8 G1161 but G1627 if it bears G173 thorns G2532 and G5146 thistles, G96 it is rejected G2532 and G1451 near G2671 being cursed, G3739 whose G5056 end G1519 is to G2740 be burned.

Hebrews 6:18

  18 G2443 that G1223 by G1417 two G276 immutable G4229 things, G1722 in G3739 which G102 it is impossible G2316 for God G5574 to lie, G2192 we may have G3874 a G2478 strong G3874 encouragement, G2703 who have fled for refuge G2902 to take hold G1680 of the hope G4295 set before us.

Hebrews 9:28

  28 G3779 so G5547 Christ G4374 also, having been G4374 offered G530 once G1519 to G399 bear G266 the sins G4183 of many, G3700 will appear G1537   G1208 a second time, G5565 without G266 sin, G553 to those who are eagerly waiting G846 for him G1519 for G4991 salvation.

Hebrews 10:34-35

  34 G1063 For G4834 you both had compassion G3450 on me G1199 in my chains, G2532 and G5479 joyfully G4327 accepted G3326   G724 the plundering G5224 of G5216 your G5224 possessions, G1097 knowing G1722 that G2192 you have G1438 for yourselves G2909 a better G2532 possession and G3306 an enduring G5223 one G1722 in G3772 the heavens.
  35 G3767 Therefore G3361 don't G577 throw G577 away G5216 your G3954 boldness, G3748 which G2192 has G3173 a great G3405 reward.

Hebrews 10:38-39

  38 G2532 But G1342 the righteous G2198 will live G1537 by G4102 faith. G2532   G1437 If G5288 he shrinks back, G3450 my G5590 soul G2106 has G3756 no G2106 pleasure G1722 in G846 him."
  39 G1161 But G2249 we G2070 are G3756 not G5289 of those who shrink back G1519 to G684 destruction, G235 but G4102 of those who have faith G1519 to G4047 the saving G5590 of the soul.

Hebrews 11:35

  35 G1135 Women G2983 received G846 their G3498 dead G1537 by G386 resurrection. G243 Others G5178 were tortured, G3756 not G4327 accepting G629 their deliverance, G2443 that G5177 they might obtain G2909 a better G386 resurrection.

Hebrews 12:1-2

  1 G5105 Therefore G659 let G2249 us G2532 also, G2254 seeing we G2192 are G4029 surrounded G5118 by so great G3509 a cloud G3144 of witnesses, G659 lay aside G3956 every G3591 weight G2532 and G266 the sin G2139 which so easily entangles G5143 us, and let us run G1223 with G5281 patience G73 the race G4295 that is set before G2254 us,
  2 G872 looking G1519 to G2424 Jesus, G747 the author G2532 and G5051 perfecter G4102 of G4102 faith, G3739 who G473 for G5479 the joy G4295 that was set before G846 him G5278 endured G4716 the cross, G2706 despising G152 its shame, G5037 and G2523 has sat down G1722 at G1188 the right hand G2362 of the throne G2316 of God.

Hebrews 12:14

  14 G1377 Follow G1515 after peace G3326 with G3956 all G2532 men, and G38 the sanctification G5565 without G3739 which G3762 no man G3700 will see G2962 the Lord,

Hebrews 12:22

  22 G235 But G4334 you have come G3735 to Mount G4622 Zion, G2532 and G4172 to the city G2198 of the living G2316 God, G2032 the heavenly G2419 Jerusalem, G2532 and G3461 to innumerable multitudes G32 of angels,
  23 G3831 to the general assembly G2532 and G1577 assembly G4416 of the firstborn G583 who are enrolled G1722 in G3772 heaven, G2532   G2316 to God G2923 the Judge G3956 of all, G2532   G4151 to the spirits G1342 of just men G5048 made perfect,

Hebrews 13:7

  7 G3421 Remember G5216 your G2233 leaders, G3748 men who G2980 spoke G5216 to you G3056 the word G2316 of God, G333 and considering G1545 the results G3739 of their G391 conduct, G3401 imitate G4102 their faith.

Hebrews 13:21

  21 G2675 make G5209 you G2675 complete G1722 in G3956 every G18 good G2041 work G1519 to G4160 do G846 his G2307 will, G4160 working G1722 in G5213 you G2101 that which is well pleasing G1799 in G846 his G1799 sight, G1223 through G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G3739 to whom G1391 be the glory G1519   G165 forever G165 and ever. G281 Amen.

James 1:2

  2 G2233 Count it G3956 all G5479 joy, G3450 my G80 brothers, G3752 when G4045 you fall G4164 into various G3986 temptations,

James 1:4-5

  4 G1161   G5281 Let endurance G2192 have G5046 its perfect G2041 work, G2443 that G5600 you may be G5046 perfect G2532 and G3648 complete, G3007 lacking G1722 in G3367 nothing.
  5 G1487 But if G5100 any G5216 of you G3007 lacks G4678 wisdom, G154 let him ask G3844 of G2316 God, G1325 who gives G3956 to all G574 liberally G2532 and G3361 without G3679 reproach; G2532 and G1325 it will be given G846 to him.

James 2:9-11

  9 G1161 But G1487 if G4380 you show partiality, G2038 you commit G266 sin, G1651 being convicted G5259 by G3551 the law G5613 as G3848 transgressors.
  10 G1063 For G3748 whoever G5083 keeps G3650 the whole G3551 law, G1161 and yet G4417 stumbles G1722 in G1520 one G1096 point, he has G1777 become guilty G3956 of all.
  11 G1063 For G2036 he who said, G3431 "Do G3361 not G3431 commit adultery," G2532 also G2036 said, G5407 "Do G3361 not G5407 commit murder." G1161 Now G1487 if G3756 you do not G3431 commit G3431 adultery, G1161 but G5407 murder, G1096 you have become G3848 a transgressor G3551 of the law.

James 3:2

  2 G1063 For G4183 in many things G537 we all G4417 stumble. G1487 If G5100 anyone G3756 doesn't G4417 stumble G1722 in G3056 word, G3778 the same G5046 is a perfect G435 man, G1415 able G5468 to bridle G3650 the whole G4983 body G2532 also.

James 4:16

  16 G1161 But G3568 now G2744 you glory G1722 in G5216 your G212 boasting. G3956 All G5108 such G2746 boasting G2076 is G4190 evil.

1 Peter 1:3

  3 G2128 Blessed G2316 be the God G2532 and G3962 Father G2962 of G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G3588 who G2596 according to G846 his G4183 great G1656 mercy G313 became G2248 our G313 father again G1519 to G2198 a living G1680 hope G1223 through G386 the resurrection G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ G1537 from G3498 the dead,

1 Peter 1:3-4

  3 G2128 Blessed G2316 be the God G2532 and G3962 Father G2962 of G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G3588 who G2596 according to G846 his G4183 great G1656 mercy G313 became G2248 our G313 father again G1519 to G2198 a living G1680 hope G1223 through G386 the resurrection G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ G1537 from G3498 the dead,
  4 G1519 to G862 an incorruptible G2532 and G283 undefiled G2817 inheritance G2532 that G263 doesn't fade away, G5083 reserved G1722 in G3772 Heaven G1519 for G5209 you,

1 Peter 1:6-8

  6 G1722 Wherein G21 you greatly rejoice, G737 though now G3641 for a little while, G1487 if G1163 need be, G2076 you have been G3076 put to grief G1722 in G4164 various G3986 trials,
  7 G2443 that G1383 the proof G5216 of your G4102 faith, G4183 which is more G5093 precious G5553 than gold G3588 that G622 perishes G1161 even though G1381 it is tested G1223 by G4442 fire, G2147 may be found G1519 to G1519 result in G1868 praise, G1391 glory, G2532 and G5092 honor G1722 at G602 the revelation G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ—
  8 G3739 whom G3756 not G1492 having G1492 known G25 you love; G1519 in G3739 whom, G737 though now G3361 you don't G3708 see G1161 him, yet G4100 believing, G21 you rejoice G5479 greatly with joy G412 unspeakable G2532 and G1392 full of glory —

1 Peter 1:13

  13 G1352 Therefore, G328 prepare G3751   G5216 your G1271 minds G3525 for action, be sober G1679 and set your hope G5049 fully G1909 on G5485 the grace G5342 that will be brought G5213 to you G1722 at G602 the revelation G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ—

1 Peter 1:23-25

  23 G313 having been born again, G3756 not G1537 of G5349 corruptible G4701 seed, G235 but G862 of incorruptible, G1223 through G3056 the word G2316 of God, G2198 which lives G2532 and G3306 remains G1519   G165 forever.
  24 G1360 For, G3956 "All G4561 flesh G5613 is like G5528 grass, G2532 and G3956 all G444 of man's G1391 glory G5613 like G438 the flower G5528 in the grass. G5528 The grass G3583 withers, G2532 and G846 its G438 flower G1601 falls;
  25 G1161 but G2962 the Lord's G4487 word G3306 endures G1519 forever." G165   G1161   G5124 This G2076 is G4487 the word G3588 of Good News which G2097 was preached G1519 to G5209 you.

1 Peter 2:7

  7 G5213 For you G3588 who G4100 believe G3767 therefore G5092 is the honor, G1161 but G544 for those who are disobedient, G3037 "The stone G3739 which G3618 the builders G593 rejected, G3778   G1519 has G1096 become G2776 the chief G1137 cornerstone,"

1 Peter 3:8

  8 G5056 Finally, G3956 be all G3675 like-minded, G4835 compassionate, G5361 loving as brothers, G2155 tenderhearted, G5391 courteous,

1 Peter 3:11-13

  11 G1578 Let him turn away G575 from G2556 evil, G2532 and G4160 do G18 good. G2212 Let him seek G1515 peace, G2532 and G1377 pursue G846 it.
  12 G3754 For G3788 the eyes G2962 of the Lord G1909 are on G1342 the righteous, G2532 and G846 his G3775 ears G1519 open to G846 their G1162 prayer; G1161 but G4383 the face G2962 of the Lord G1909 is against G4160 those who do G2556 evil."
  13 G2532 Now G5101 who G2559 is he who will harm G5209 you, G1437 if G1096 you become G3402 imitators G18 of that which is good?

1 Peter 3:19-20

  19 G1722 in G3739 which G2532 he also G4198 went G2784 and preached G4151 to the spirits G1722 in G5438 prison,
  20 G4218 who before G544 were disobedient, G3753 when G2316 God G530   G1551 waited G3115 patiently G1722 in G2250 the days G3575 of Noah, G2787 while the ship G2680 was being built. G1519 In G3739 it, G3641 few, G5124 that G2076 is, G3638 eight G5590 souls, G1295 were saved G1223 through G5204 water.

1 Peter 4:1-2

  1 G3767 Forasmuch then as G5547 Christ G3958 suffered G5228 for G2257 us G4561 in the flesh, G3695 arm G5210 yourselves G2532 also G846 with the same G1771 mind; G3754 for G3958 he who has suffered G1722 in G4561 the flesh G3973 has ceased G266 from sin;
  2 G1519 that G980 you G3371 no longer G980 should live G1954 the rest G5550 of G5550 your time G1722 in G4561 the flesh G1939 for the lusts G444 of men, G235 but G2307 for the will G2316 of God.

1 Peter 4:13

  13 G235 But G2526 because G2841 you are partakers G5547 of Christ's G3804 sufferings, G5463 rejoice; G2443 that G1722 at G602 the revelation G846 of his G1391 glory G2532 you also G5463 may rejoice G21 with exceeding joy.

1 Peter 4:13-14

  13 G235 But G2526 because G2841 you are partakers G5547 of Christ's G3804 sufferings, G5463 rejoice; G2443 that G1722 at G602 the revelation G846 of his G1391 glory G2532 you also G5463 may rejoice G21 with exceeding joy.
  14 G1487 If G3679 you are insulted G1722 for G3686 the name G5547 of Christ, G3107 you are blessed; G3754 because G4151 the Spirit G1391 of glory G2532 and G2316 of God G373 rests G2596 on G5209 you. G2596 On G846 their G2596 part G987 he is blasphemed, G1161 but G2596 on G5209 your G2596 part G1392 he is glorified.

1 Peter 5:3

  3 G3366 neither G5613 as G2634 lording it over G2819 those entrusted G235 to you, but G1096 making G5179 yourselves examples G4168 to the flock.

1 Peter 5:10

  10 G1161 But G2316 may the God G3956 of all G5485 grace, G3588 who G2564 called G2248 you G1519 to G846 his G166 eternal G1391 glory G1722 by G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus, G3958 after you have suffered G3641 a little while, G846   G2675   G5209   G2675 perfect, G4741 establish, G4599 strengthen, G2311 and settle you.

2 Peter 1:1

  1 G4826 Simon G4074 Peter, G1401 a servant G2532 and G652 apostle G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ, G2975 to those who have obtained G2472 a like precious G4102 faith G2254 with us G1722 in G1343 the righteousness G2257 of our G2316 God G2532 and G4990 Savior, G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ:

2 Peter 1:3

  3 G5613 seeing that G846 his G2304 divine G1411 power G1433 has granted G2254 to us G3956 all things G3588 that G4314 pertain to G2222 life G2532 and G2150 godliness, G1223 through G1922 the knowledge G2564 of him who called G2248 us G1223 by G1391 his own glory G2532 and G703 virtue;

2 Peter 1:5-8

  5 G1161 Yes, G2532 and G846 for G5124 this G2023 very cause adding G5216 on your G3956 part all G4710 diligence, G5216 in your G4102 faith G3923 supply G703 moral excellence; G1161 and G1722 in G703 moral excellence, G1108 knowledge;
  6 G1161 and G1722 in G1108 knowledge, G1466 self-control; G1161 and G1722 in G1466 self-control G5281 patience; G1161 and G1722 in G5281 patience G2150 godliness;
  7 G1161 and G1722 in G2150 godliness G5360 brotherly affection; G1161 and G1722 in G5360 brotherly affection, G26 love.
  8 G1063 For G5225 if G5023 these things G5225 are G5213 yours G2532 and G4121 abound, G2525 they make G5213 you G3756 to be not G692 idle G3761 nor G175 unfruitful G1922 to the knowledge G2962 of G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.

2 Peter 1:12-15

  12 G1352 Therefore G272 I will G3756 not G272 be negligent G5279 to G5279 remind G5209 you G104   G4012 of G5130 these things, G2539 though G1492 you know G2532 them, and G4741 are established G1722 in G3918 the present G225 truth.
  13 G1161 I G2233 think it G1909 right, G3745 as long as G1510 I am G1722 in G5129 this G4638 tent, G1326 to stir G5209 you G1326 up G1722 by G5280 reminding G5209 you;
  14 G1492 knowing G3754 that G595 the putting off G3450 of my G4638 tent G5031 comes swiftly, G2532 even G2531 as G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G1213 made clear G3427 to me.
  15 G5209 Yes, G4704 I will make every effort G4704 that G5209 you G1539 may always G4160 be able G3420 to remember G5130 these things G3326 even after G1699 my G1841 departure.

2 Peter 2:1

  1 G1161 But G5578 false prophets G2532 also G1096 arose G1722 among G2992 the people, G5613 as G5572 false teachers G2532 will also G2071 be G1722 among G5213 you, G3748 who G3919 will secretly bring in G684 destructive G139 heresies, G720 denying G2532 even G1203 the Master G59 who bought G846 them, G1863 bringing on G1438 themselves G5031 swift G684 destruction.

2 Peter 2:3

  3 G2532   G1722 In G4124 covetousness G1710 they G1710 will exploit G5209 you G3056 with deceptive words: G3739 whose G2917 sentence G691 now G1710 from of G1597 old G3756 doesn't G691 linger, G2532 and G846 their G684 destruction G3756 will not G3573 slumber.

2 Peter 2:10-20

  10 G1161 but G3122 chiefly G4198 those who walk G3694 after G4561 the flesh G1722 in G1939 the lust G3394 of defilement, G2532 and G2706 despise G2963 authority. G5113 Daring, G829 self-willed, G5141 they are G3756 not G5141 afraid G987 to speak evil G1391 of dignitaries;

2 Peter 2:10

  10 G1161 but G3122 chiefly G4198 those who walk G3694 after G4561 the flesh G1722 in G1939 the lust G3394 of defilement, G2532 and G2706 despise G2963 authority. G5113 Daring, G829 self-willed, G5141 they are G3756 not G5141 afraid G987 to speak evil G1391 of dignitaries;
  11 G3699 whereas G32 angels, G5607 though G3173 greater G1411 in might G2532 and G2479 power, G3756 don't G5342 bring G989 a railing G2920 judgment G2596 against G846 them G3844 before G2962 the Lord.
  12 G1161 But G3778 these, G5613 as G249 unreasoning G1080 creatures, born G5446 natural G2226 animals G1519 to G259 be taken G2532 and G5356 destroyed, G987 speaking evil G1722 in G3739 matters about which G50 they are ignorant, G1722 will in G846 their G5356 destroying G2704 surely be destroyed,
  13 G2865 receiving G3408 the wages G93 of unrighteousness; G2233 people who count G2237 it pleasure G5172 to revel G1722 in G2250 the daytime, G4696 spots G2532 and G3470 blemishes, G1792 reveling G1722 in G846 their G539 deceit G4910 while they feast G5213 with you;

2 Peter 2:13

  13 G2865 receiving G3408 the wages G93 of unrighteousness; G2233 people who count G2237 it pleasure G5172 to revel G1722 in G2250 the daytime, G4696 spots G2532 and G3470 blemishes, G1792 reveling G1722 in G846 their G539 deceit G4910 while they feast G5213 with you;
  14 G2192 having G3788 eyes G3324 full G3428 of adultery, G2532 and G180 who can't cease G266 from sin; G1185 enticing G793 unsettled G2192 souls; G2588 having a heart G1128 trained G4124 in greed; G5043 children G2671 of cursing;
  15 G2641 forsaking G2117 the right G3598 way, G4105 they went astray, G1811 having followed G3598 the way G903 of Balaam G1007 the son of Beor, G3739 who G25 loved G3408 the wages G93 of wrongdoing;
  16 G1161 but G2192 he was G1649 rebuked G3892 for G2398 his G3892 own disobedience. G880 A mute G5268 donkey G5350 spoke G1722 with G444 a man's G5456 voice G2967 and stopped G3913 the madness G4396 of the prophet.
  17 G3778 These G1526 are G4077 wells G504 without water, G3507 clouds G1643 driven G5259 by G2978 a storm; G3739 for whom G2217 the blackness G4655 of darkness G5083 has been reserved G1519   G165 forever.

2 Peter 2:17-19

  17 G3778 These G1526 are G4077 wells G504 without water, G3507 clouds G1643 driven G5259 by G2978 a storm; G3739 for whom G2217 the blackness G4655 of darkness G5083 has been reserved G1519   G165 forever.
  18 G1063 For, G5350 uttering G5246 great swelling G3153 words of emptiness, G1185 they entice G1722 in G1939 the lusts G4561 of the flesh, G766 by licentiousness, G3689 those who are indeed G668 escaping G390 from those who live G1722 in G4106 error;

2 Peter 2:18-19

  18 G1063 For, G5350 uttering G5246 great swelling G3153 words of emptiness, G1185 they entice G1722 in G1939 the lusts G4561 of the flesh, G766 by licentiousness, G3689 those who are indeed G668 escaping G390 from those who live G1722 in G4106 error;
  19 G1861 promising G846 them G1657 liberty, G846 while they themselves G5225 are G1401 bondservants G5356 of corruption; G1063 for G5100 a man G1402 is brought into bondage G5129 by G3739 whoever G2274 overcomes him.

2 Peter 2:19-19

  19 G1861 promising G846 them G1657 liberty, G846 while they themselves G5225 are G1401 bondservants G5356 of corruption; G1063 for G5100 a man G1402 is brought into bondage G5129 by G3739 whoever G2274 overcomes him.
  20 G1063 For G1487 if, G668 after they have escaped G3393 the defilement G2889 of the world G1722 through G1922 the knowledge G2962 of the Lord G2532 and G4990 Savior G2424 Jesus G1161 Christ, G1707 they are G3825 again G1707 entangled G5125 in G2274 it and overcome, G2078 the last state G1096 has become G5501 worse G846 for them G4413 than the first.

2 Peter 2:22

  22 G1161 But G4819 it has happened G846 to them G3942 according to the G227 true G3942 proverb, G2965 "The dog G1994 turns G1909 to G2398 his own G1829 vomit G1994 again," G2532 and G5300 "the sow G3068 that has washed G1519 to G2946 wallowing G1004 in the mire."

2 Peter 3:1

  1 G5026 This G1125 is G2235 now, G27 beloved, G1208 the second G1992 letter G1125 that I G1125 have written G5213 to you; G1722 and in G3739 both of them G1326 I stir up G5216 your G1271 sincere mind G1722 by G5280 reminding you;

2 Peter 3:8

  8 G1161 But G5209   G3361 don't G2990 forget G1520 this one G5124 thing, G27 beloved, G3754 that G3391 one G2250 day G3844 is with G2962 the Lord G5613 as G5507 a thousand G2094 years, G2532 and G5507 a thousand G2094 years G5613 as G3391 one G2250 day.

2 Peter 3:12-14

  12 G4328 looking for G2532 and G4692 earnestly desiring G3952 the coming G2250 of the day G3739 of God, G1223 which G4448 will cause the burning G3772 heavens G3089 to be dissolved, G2532 and G4747 the elements G5080 will melt G2741 with fervent heat?
  13 G1161 But, G2596 according to G846 his G1862 promise, G4328 we G4328 look for G2537 new G3772 heavens G2532 and G2537 a new G1093 earth, G1722 in G3739 which G1343 righteousness G2730 dwells.
  14 G1352 Therefore, G27 beloved, G4328 seeing that you look for G5023 these things, G2147 be diligent to be found G1722 in G1515 peace, G784 without blemish G2532 and G298 blameless G1722 in G846 his sight.

2 Peter 3:18

  18 G1161 But G837 grow G1722 in G5485 the grace G2532 and G1108 knowledge G2962 of G2257 our G2962 Lord G2532 and G4990 Savior G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ. G846 To him G1391 be the glory G2532 both G3568 now G2532 and G1519   G165 forever. G2250   G281 Amen.

1 John 1:3

  3 G3739 that which G518 we G3708 have seen G2532 and G191 heard G518 we G5213 declare to you, G2443 that G5210 you G2532 also G2192 may have G2842 fellowship G3326 with G2257 us. G2532 Yes, and G2251 our G2842 fellowship G3326 is with G3962 the Father, G2532 and G3326 with G846 his G5207 Son, G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.

1 John 1:8-10

  8 G1437 If G2036 we say G3754 that G2192 we have G3756 no G266 sin, G4105 we deceive G1438 ourselves, G2532 and G225 the truth G2076 is G3756 not G1722 in G2254 us.
  9 G1437 If G3670 we confess G2257 our G266 sins, G2076 he is G4103 faithful G2532 and G1342 righteous G2443 to G863 forgive G2254 us G266 the sins, G2532 and G2511 to cleanse G2248 us G575 from G3956 all G93 unrighteousness.
  10 G1437 If G2036 we say G3754 that G264 we haven't G3756   G264 sinned, G4160 we make G846 him G5583 a liar, G2532 and G846 his G3056 word G2076 is G3756 not G1722 in G2254 us.

1 John 2:3

  3 G2532 This G5129 is how G1097 we G1097 know G3754 that G1097 we G1097 know G846 him: G1437 if G5083 we keep G846 his G1785 commandments.

1 John 2:5

  5 G1161 But G3739 whoever G302   G5083 keeps G846 his G3056 word, G2316 God's G26 love G230 has most certainly G5048 been G5048 perfected G1722 in G5129 him. G1722 This is how G1097 we G3754 know that G846 we G2070 are G1722 in G5129 him:

1 John 2:19

  19 G1831 They went G1537 out from G2257 us, G235 but G2258 they didn't G3756   G1537 belong G2257 to us; G1063 for G1487 if G2258 they had belonged G1537 to G2257 us, G302 they would G3306 have continued G3326 with G2257 us. G235 But G2443 they left, that G5319 they might be revealed G3754 that G3756 none G1537 of G3956 them G1537 belong to G2257 us.

1 John 3:2

  2 G27 Beloved, G3568 now G2070 we G5043 are children G2316 of God, G2532 and G5319 it is G3768 not yet G5319 revealed G5101 what G2071 we will be. G1161 But G1492 we know G3754 that, G1437 when G5319 he is revealed, G2071 we will be G3664 like G846 him; G3754 for G3700 we will see G846 him G2531 just as G2076 he is.

1 John 3:4

  4 G3956 Everyone G4160 who G266 sins G2532 also G4160 commits G458 lawlessness. G2532   G266 Sin G2076 is G458 lawlessness.

1 John 5:20

  20 G1161 We G1492 know G3754 that G5207 the Son G2316 of God G2240 has come, G2532 and G1325 has given G2254 us G1271 an understanding, G2443 that G1097 we know G228 him who is true, G2532 and G2070 we are G1722 in G228 him who is true, G1722 in G846 his G5207 Son G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ. G3778 This G2076 is G228 the true G2316 God, G2532 and G166 eternal G2222 life.

Jude 1:4

  4 G1063 For G3921 there are G5100 certain G444 men G3921 who crept in secretly, G4270 even those who were G3819 long G4270 ago written G1519 about for G5124 this G2917 condemnation: G765 ungodly men, G3346 turning G5485 the grace G2316 of G2257 our G2316 God G1519 into G766 indecency, G2532 and G720 denying G2316 our G3441 only G1203 Master, G2316 God, G2532 and G2257   G1203 Lord, G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.

Jude 1:10-13

  10 G3303 But G3778 these G987 speak evil G3745 of whatever G3756 things they don't G1492 know. G3745 What G1987 they understand G5447 naturally, G5613 like G2226 the creatures G249 without reason, G1161 they are destroyed G1722 in G5125 these things.
  11 G3759 Woe G846 to them! G3754 For G4198 they went G3598 in the way G2535 of Cain, G2532 and G1632 ran riotously G4106 in the error G903 of Balaam G3408 for hire, G2532 and G622 perished G2879 in Korah's G485 rebellion.
  12 G3778 These G1526 are G4694 hidden rocky reefs G1722 in G5216 your G26 love G4910 feasts when they feast with G5213 you, G870 shepherds who without fear G4165 feed G1438 themselves; G3507 clouds G504 without water, G4064 carried along G5259 by G417 winds; G5352 autumn G1186 leaves G175 without fruit, G1364 twice G599 dead, G1610 plucked up by the roots;
  13 G66 wild G2949 waves G2281 of the sea, G1890 foaming out G1438 their own G152 shame; G4107 wandering G792 stars, G3739 for whom G2217 the blackness G4655 of darkness G5083 has been reserved G1519   G165 forever.

Jude 1:13

  13 G66 wild G2949 waves G2281 of the sea, G1890 foaming out G1438 their own G152 shame; G4107 wandering G792 stars, G3739 for whom G2217 the blackness G4655 of darkness G5083 has been reserved G1519   G165 forever.

Jude 1:16

  16 G3778 These G1526 are G1113 murmurers G3202 and complainers, G4198 walking G2596 after G1939 their lusts G2532 (and G846 their G4750 mouth G2980 speaks G5246 proud G2296 things), showing G2296 respect G5484 of G4383 persons G5484 to gain G5622 advantage.

Jude 1:20

  20 G1161 But G5210 you, G27 beloved, G2026 keep building up G1438 yourselves G4102 on G5216 your G40 most holy G4102 faith, G4336 praying G1722 in G4151 the G40 Holy G4151 Spirit.

Revelation 1:7

  7 G2400 Behold, G2064 he is coming G3326 with G3507 the clouds, G2532 and G3956 every G3788 eye G3700 will see G846 him, G2532 including G3748 those who G1574 pierced G846 him. G2532   G3956 All G5443 the tribes G1093 of the earth G2875 will mourn G1909 over G846 him. G3483 Even so, G281 Amen.
  8 G1473 "I G1510 am G1 the Alpha G2532 and G5598 the Omega," G3004 says G2962 the Lord G5607 God, "who is G2532 and G2258 who was G2532 and G2064 who is to come, G3841 the Almighty."

Revelation 1:13-20

  13 G2532 And G1722   G3319 among G2033 the G3087 lampstands G3664 was one like G5207 a son G444 of man, G1746 clothed G4158 with a robe reaching down to his feet, G2532 and G5552 with a golden G4024   G2223 sash G4314 around G3149 his chest.
  14 G846   G846 His G2776 head G2532 and G2359 his hair G3022 were white G5613 as G3022 white G2053 wool, G5510 like snow. G2532   G846 His G3788 eyes G5613 were like G5395 a flame G1161 of fire.
  15 G2532   G846 His G4228 feet G3664 were like G5474 burnished brass, G5613 as if G4448 it had been refined G1722 in G2575 a furnace. G2532   G846 His G5456 voice G5613 was like G5456 the voice G5204 of G4183 many G5204 waters.
  16 G2532   G2192 He had G2033 seven G792 stars G1722 in G846 his G1188 right G5495 hand. G2532   G1537 Out of G846 his G4750 mouth G1607 proceeded G3691 a sharp G1366 two-edged G4501 sword. G2532   G846 His G3799 face G5613 was like G2246 the sun G5316 shining G1722 at G846 its G1411 brightest.
  17 G2532   G3753 When G1492 I saw G846 him, G4098 I fell G4314 at G846 his G4228 feet G5613 like G3498 a dead G2532 man. G2007 He laid G846 his G1188 right G5495 hand G1909 on G1691 me, G3004 saying, G3427   G3361 "Don't G5399 be afraid. G1473 I G1510 am G4413 the first G2532 and G2078 the last,
  18 G2532 and G2198 the Living G2532 one. G1096 I was G3498 dead, G2532 and G2400 behold, G1510 I am G2198 alive G1519 forevermore. G165   G281 Amen. G2532   G2192 I have G2807 the keys G2532 of Death G2532 and G86 of Hades.

Revelation 1:18-20

  18 G2532 and G2198 the Living G2532 one. G1096 I was G3498 dead, G2532 and G2400 behold, G1510 I am G2198 alive G1519 forevermore. G165   G281 Amen. G2532   G2192 I have G2807 the keys G2532 of Death G2532 and G86 of Hades.
  19 G1125 Write G3739 therefore the things which G1492 you have seen, G2532 and G3739 the things which G1526 are, G2532 and G3739 the things which G3195 will G1096 happen G3326   G5023 hereafter;
  20 G3466 the mystery G2033 of the seven G792 stars G3739 which G1492 you saw G1909 in G3450 my G1188 right hand, G2532 and G2033 the seven G5552 golden G3087 lampstands. G2033 The seven G792 stars G1526 are G32 the angels G2033 of the seven G1577 assemblies. G2532   G2033 The seven G3087 lampstands G3739   G1492   G1526 are G2033 seven G1577 assemblies."

Revelation 2:4-5

  4 G235 But G2192 I have G2596 this against G4675 you, G4675 that you G863 left G4675 your G4413 first G26 love.
  5 G3421 Remember G3767 therefore G4159 from where G1601 you have fallen, G2532 and G3340 repent G2532 and G4160 do G4413 the first G2041 works; G4190 or else G2064 I am coming G4671 to you G5035 swiftly, G2532 and G2795 will move G4675 your G3087 lampstand G1537 out of G846 its G5117 place, G3362 unless G3340 you repent.

Revelation 2:9

  9 G1492 "I know G4675 your G2041 works, G2347 oppression, G2532 and G4432 your poverty G1161 (but G1488 you are G4145 rich), G2532 and G988 the blasphemy G3588 of those who G3004 say G1438 they G1511 are G2453 Jews, G2532 and G1438 they G1526 are G3756 not, G235 but G4864 are a synagogue G4567 of Satan.

Revelation 3:3

  3 G3421 Remember G3767 therefore G4459 how G2983 you have received G2532 and G191 heard. G2532   G5083 Keep G2532 it, and G3340 repent. G1437 If G3767 therefore G3361 you won't G1127 watch, G2240 I will come G1909   G4571   G5613 as G2812 a thief, G2532 and G4571 you G3756 won't G3361   G1097 know G4169 what G5610 hour G2240 I will come G1909 upon G4571 you.

Revelation 3:9

  9 G2400 Behold, G1325 I give G1537 of G4864 the synagogue G4567 of Satan, G3004 of those G3004 who say G1438 they G1511 are G2453 Jews, G2532 and G1526 they are G3756 not, G235 but G5574 lie. G2400 Behold, G4160 I will make G846 them G2443 to G2240 come G2532 and G4352 worship G1799 before G4675 your G4228 feet, G2532 and G1097 to know G3754 that G1473 I G25 have loved G4571 you.

Revelation 3:21

  21 G846 He G3528 who overcomes, G1325 I will give G2523 to him to sit G3326 down with G1700 me G1722 on G3450 my G2362 throne, G5613 as G2504 I also G3528 overcame, G2532 and G2523 sat down G3326 with G3450 my G3962 Father G1722 on G846 his G2362 throne.

Revelation 18:7

  7 G3745 However much G1392 she glorified G1438 herself, G2532 and G4763 grew wanton, G5118 so much G1325 give G846 her G929 of torment G2532 and G3997 mourning. G3754 For G3004 she says G1722 in G846 her G2588 heart, G2521 ‘I sit G938 a queen, G2532 and G1510 am G3756 no G5503 widow, G2532 and G3756 will in no G3361 way G1492 see G3997 mourning.'

Revelation 19:20

  20 G2532   G2342 The beast G4084 was taken, G2532 and G3326 with G5127 him G5578 the false prophet G4160 who worked G4592 the signs G846 in his G1799 sight, G1722 with G3739 which G4105 he deceived G2983 those who had received G5480 the mark G2342 of the beast G2532 and G4352 those who worshiped G846 his G1504 image. G1417 These two G906 were thrown G2198 alive G1519 into G3041 the lake G4442 of fire G2545 that burns G1722 with G2303 sulfur.

Revelation 20:5

  5 G1161   G3062 The rest G3498 of the dead G3756 didn't G326 live G326   G2193 until G5507 the thousand G2094 years G5055 were finished. G3778 This G4413 is the first G386 resurrection.

Revelation 20:9-10

  9 G2532   G305 They went up G1909 over G4114 the breadth G1093 of the earth, G2532 and G2944 surrounded G3925 the camp G40 of the saints, G2944   G2532 and G25 the beloved G4172 city. G2532   G4442 Fire G2597 came down G1537 out of G3772 heaven G575 from G2316 God, G2532 and G2719 devoured G846 them.
  10 G2532   G1228 The devil G4105 who deceived G846 them G906 was thrown G1519 into G3041 the lake G4442 of fire G2532 and G2303 sulfur, G3699 where G2342 the beast G2532 and G5578 the false prophet G2532 are also. G928 They will be tormented G2250 day G2532 and G3571 night G1519   G165 forever G165 and ever.
  11 G2532   G1492 I saw G3173 a great G3022 white G2362 throne, G2532 and G2521 him who sat G1909 on G846 it, G575 from G3739 whose G4383 face G1093 the earth G2532 and G3772 the heaven G5343 fled away. G2532   G2147 There was found G3756 no G5117 place G846 for them.
  12 G2532   G1492 I saw G3498 the dead, G3173 the great G2532 and G3398 the small, G2476 standing G1799 before G2316 the throne, G2532 and G455 they opened G975 books. G2532   G243 Another G975 book G455 was opened, G3739 which G2076 is G2222 the book of life. G2532   G3498 The dead G2919 were judged G1537 out of G3588 the things G1125 which were written G1722 in G975 the books, G2596 according to G846 their G2041 works.
  13 G2532   G2281 The sea G1325 gave up G3498 the dead G1722 who were in G846 it. G2532   G2288 Death G2532 and G86 Hades G1325 gave up G3498 the dead G1722 who were in G846 them. G2532   G2919 They were judged, G1538 each one G2596 according to G846 his G2041 works.
  14 G2532   G2288 Death G2532 and G86 Hades G906 were thrown G1519 into G3041 the lake G4442 of fire. G3778 This G2076 is G1208 the second G2288 death, the lake of fire.
  15 G2532   G1487 If G5100 anyone G2147 was G3756 not G2147 found G1125 written G1722 in G976 the book G2222 of life, G906 he was cast G1519 into G3041 the lake G4442 of fire.

Revelation 21:8

  8 G1161 But G1169 for the cowardly, G2532   G571 unbelieving, G2532 sinners, G948 abominable, G2532   G5406 murderers, G2532   G4205 sexually immoral, G2532   G5332 sorcerers, G2532   G1496 idolaters, G2532 and G3956 all G5571 liars, G846 their G3313 part G1722 is in G3041 the lake G3588 that G2545 burns G4442 with fire G2532 and G2303 sulfur, G3739 which G2076 is G1208 the second G2288 death."

Revelation 21:10-27

  10 G2532   G667 He carried G3165 me G667 away G1722 in G4151 the Spirit G1909 to G3173 a great G2532 and G5308 high G3735 mountain, G2532 and G1166 showed G3427 me G3173 the G40 holy G4172 city, G2419 Jerusalem, G2597 coming down G1537 out of G3772 heaven G575 from G2316 God,
  11 G2192 having G1391 the glory G2316 of God. G2532   G846 Her G5458 light G3664 was like G5093 a most precious G3037 stone, G5613 as G2393 if it were a jasper G3037 stone, G2929 clear as crystal;
  12 G5037   G2192 having G3173 a great G5037 and G5308 high G5038 wall; G2192 having G1427 twelve G4440 gates, G2532 and G1909 at G4440 the gates G1427 twelve G32 angels; G2532 and G3686 names G1924 written G3739 on them, which G2076 are G1427 the names of the twelve G5443 tribes G5207 of the children G2474 of Israel.
  13 G575 On G395 the east G5140 were three G4440 gates; G575 and on G1005 the north G5140 three G4440 gates; G575 and on G3558 the south G5140 three G4440 gates; G575 and on G1424 the west G5140 three G4440 gates.
  14 G2532   G5038 The wall G4172 of the city G2192 had G1427 twelve G2310 foundations, G2532 and G1722 on G846 them G3686 twelve names G1427 of the twelve G652 Apostles G721 of the Lamb.
  15 G2532   G3588 He G3326 who spoke with G1700 me G2192 had G5552 for G3354 a measure, G5552 a golden G2563 reed, G2443 to G3354 measure G4172 the city, G4440 its gates, G2532 and G5038 its walls.
  16 G2532   G4172 The city G2749 lies G5068 foursquare, G2532 and G846 its G3372 length G2076 is G5118 as great G3745 as G2532   G4114 its breadth. G2532   G3354 He measured G4172 the city G2563 with the reed, G1909   G1427 Twelve G5505 thousand G4712 stadia. G2532   G846 Its G3372 length, G4114 breadth, G2532 and G5311 height G2076 are G2470 equal.
  17 G2532   G3354   G846 Its G5038 wall G1540 is one hundred G5062 forty - G5064 four G4083 cubits, G3358 by the measure G444 of a man, G3739 that G2076 is, G32 of an angel.
  18 G2532   G1739 The construction G846 of its G5038 wall G2258 was G2393 jasper. G2532   G4172 The city G2513 was pure G5553 gold, G3664 like G2513 pure G5194 glass.
  19 G2532   G2310 The foundations G4172 of the city's G5038 wall G2885 were adorned G3956 with all kinds G5093 of precious G3037 stones. G4413 The first G2310 foundation G2393 was jasper; G1208 the second, G4552 sapphire; G5154 the third, G5472 chalcedony; G5067 the fourth, G4665 emerald;
  20 G3991 the fifth, G4557 sardonyx; G1623 the sixth, G4556 sardius; G1442 the seventh, G5555 chrysolite; G3590 the eighth, G969 beryl; G1766 the ninth, G5116 topaz; G1182 the tenth, G5556 chrysoprasus; G1734 the eleventh, G5192 jacinth; G1428 and the twelfth, G271 amethyst.
  21 G2532   G1427 The twelve G4440 gates G1427 were twelve G3135 pearls. G1520 Each one G1537 of G303 the G4440 gates G2258 was G1537 made of G1520 one G3135 pearl. G2532   G4113 The street G4172 of the city G2513 was pure G5553 gold, G5613 like G1307 transparent G5194 glass.
  22 G2532   G1492 I saw G3756 no G3485 temple G1722 in G846 it, G1063 for G2962 the Lord G2316 God, G3841 the Almighty, G2532 and G721 the Lamb, G2076 are G846 its G3485 temple.
  23 G2532   G4172 The city G2192 has G3756 no G5532 need G2246 for the sun, G3761 neither G4582 of the moon, G2443 to G5316 shine, G1722   G846   G1063 for G1391 the very glory G2316 of God G5461 illuminated G846 it, G2532 and G846 its G3088 lamp G721 is the Lamb.
  24 G2532   G1484 The nations G4982   G4043 will walk G1722 in G846 its G5457 light. G2532   G935 The kings G1093 of the earth G5342 bring G1391 the glory G2532 and G5092 honor G846 of the nations G1519 into G846 it.
  25 G2532   G846 Its G4440 gates G2808 will G3756 in no G3361 way G2808 be shut G2250 by day G1063 (for G2071 there will be G3756 no G3571 night G1563 there),
  26 G2532 and G5342 they shall bring G1391 the glory G2532 and G5092 the honor G1484 of the nations G1519 into G846 it so that they may enter.
  27 G2532   G1525 There will G3756 in no G3361 way G1525 enter G1519 into G846 it G3956 anything G2840 profane, G2532 or G4160 one who causes G946 an abomination G2532 or G5579 a lie, G1487 but G3361 only G1125 those who are written G1722 in G721 the Lamb's G975 book G2222 of life.

Revelation 22:15

  15 G1161   G1854 Outside G2965 are the dogs, G2532   G5333 the sorcerers, G2532   G4205 the sexually immoral, G2532   G5406 the murderers, G2532   G1496 the idolaters, G2532 and G3956 everyone G5368 who loves G2532 and G4160 practices G5579 falsehood.

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