H226 אות - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Number

Probably from H225 (in the sense of appearing); a signal (literally or figuratively), as a flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy, evidence, etc.

KJV Usage: mark, miracle, (en-) sign, token.

Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions



1. sign, signal
a. a distinguishing mark
b. banner
c. remembrance
d. miraculous sign
e. omen
f. warning
2. token, ensign, standard, miracle, proof
Origin: probably from H225 (in the sense of appearing)
TWOT: 41a
Parts of Speech: Noun Feminine

1) sign, signal
1a) a distinguishing mark
1b) banner
1c) remembrance
1d) miraculous sign
1e) omen
1f) warning
2) token, ensign, standard, miracle, proof

View how H226 אות is used in the Bible

First 30 of 79 occurrences of H226 אות

Genesis 1:14 and let them be for signs,
Genesis 4:15 a mark
Genesis 9:12 This is the token
Genesis 9:13 and it shall be for a token
Genesis 9:17 This is the token
Genesis 17:11 and it shall be a sign
Exodus 3:12 Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token
Exodus 4:8 sign,
Exodus 4:8 sign.
Exodus 4:9 signs,
Exodus 4:17 signs.
Exodus 4:28 him, and all the signs
Exodus 4:30 the signs
Exodus 7:3 my signs
Exodus 8:23 shall this sign
Exodus 10:1 these my signs
Exodus 10:2 and my signs
Exodus 12:13 shall be to you for a token
Exodus 13:9 And it shall be for a sign
Exodus 13:16 And it shall be for a token
Exodus 31:13 for it is a sign
Exodus 31:17 It is a sign
Numbers 2:2 with the banner
Numbers 14:11 me, for all the signs
Numbers 14:22 and my miracles,
Numbers 16:38 and they shall be a sign
Numbers 17:10 for a sign
Deuteronomy 4:34 by signs,
Deuteronomy 6:8 them for a sign
Deuteronomy 6:22 signs

Distinct usage

6 And this shall be a sign
5 signs
2 This is the token
2 and it shall be for a token
2 thee a sign
2 his signs
2 and they shall be a sign
2 them for a sign
2 And it shall be for a sign
2 me a sign
1 and let them be for signs,
1 a mark
1 and it shall be a sign
1 Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token
1 sign,
1 sign.
1 signs,
1 him, and all the signs
1 my signs
1 shall this sign
1 these my signs
1 and my signs
1 me, for all the signs
1 And his miracles,
1 And the sign
1 and with signs,
1 And they shall be upon thee for a sign
1 In all the signs
1 And let it be, when these signs
1 What shall be the sign
1 This sign
1 their signs,
1 not our signs:
1 me are for signs
1 for a sign
1 What is the sign
1 the tokens
1 sign
1 a sign
1 with signs,
1 against it. This shall be a sign
1 him a sign
1 to be a sign
1 shall be to you for a token
1 at the signs
1 token:
1 for it is a sign
1 It is a sign
1 with the banner
1 That this may be a sign
1 at thy signs:
1 for a sign
1 and the signs,
1 the signs,
1 signs.
1 the signs
1 their banners
1 for signs.
1 and all those signs
1 and my miracles,

Corresponding Greek Words

ot G2297 thaumasios
ot G4592 semeion

Related words


H852 את 'âth
(Chaldee); corresponding to H226; a portent

KJV Usage: sign.

H853 את 'êth
Apparently contracted from H226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely)

KJV Usage: (As such unrepresented in English.)

H225 אוּת 'ûth

A primitive root; properly to come, that is, (impliedly) to assent

KJV Usage: consent.

H448 אליּתה אליאתה 'ĕlı̂y'âthâh 'ĕlı̂yâthâh
אליּתה אליאתה
'ĕlı̂y'âthâh 'ĕlı̂yâthâh
el-ee-aw-thaw' el-ee-yaw-thaw'
From H410 and H225; God of (his) consent; Eliathah, an Israelite

KJV Usage: Eliathah.

H857 אתא אתה 'âthâh 'âthâ'
אתא אתה
'âthâh 'âthâ'
aw-thaw', aw-thaw'
A primitive root (collateral to H225 contracted); to arrive

KJV Usage: (be-, things to) come (upon), bring.