G2075 ἐστέ - Strong's Greek Lexicon Number

ye are
Derivation: second person plural present indicative of G1510;

KJV Usage: be, have been, belong.

you are

with various uses and significations, like the English verb to be.
__I. As substantive verb.
__1. Of persons and things, to be, exist:
Refs Act.17:28, Jhn.1:1, 8:58, 17:5
, al; ὁ ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν (for past ptcp.),
Refs Rev.1:4, 8, 4:8, 11:17, 16:5
(see Swete, Ap., 5; M, Pr., 228); τὰ (μὴ) ὄντα,
Refs Rom.4:17, 1Co.1:28
__2. Of times, events, etc., to be, happen, take place:
Refs Mat.24:3, Mrk.14:2, 15:42, Luk.21:23, Jhn.4:6, 23, 5:10, al.

__3. to be present, be in a place, have come:
Refs Mat.2:13, 15, Mrk.1:45, 5:21, 15:40, Luk.1:80, 5:29, Jhn.7:30, al.
; before εἰς, Mrk.2:1; before ἐκ, (ἐξ),
Refs Mat.1:20, 21:25, Mrk.11:30, Jhn.3:31, al.

__4. Impers., ἔστι, ἦν, etc.;
__(a) there is (Fr. il y a), was, etc.:
Refs Mat.16:28, Luk.16:19, Jhn.3:1, 5:2, Rom.3:10, al.
; with dative (of the possessor; Bl., §37, 3),
Refs Mat.16:22, Luk.1:7, Jhn.18.10, Rom.9:2, al.
; ἔστιν ὅς, ὅστις (chiefly in pl),
Refs Mat.16:28, 19:2, Mrk.9:1, al.
__(b) with inf., = ἔξεστιν (which see), it is possible:
Refs Heb.9:5, 1Co.11:20
, RV (but see ICC, in l.).
__II. As copula uniting subject and predicate.
__1. Expressing simply identity or equivalence:
Refs Mat.5:13, 14:15, Luk.1:18, 19, Jhn.1:1, 4:19, Rev.3:9, al.
__2. Explicative, as in parable, figure, type, etc.:
Refs Mat.13:19, 1Co.9:2, 10:4, 11:25, Gal.4:24, Rev.17:15, al.
; ταῦτ᾽ ἔστιν,
Refs Mat.27:46, Mrk.7:2, Rom.7:18 al.
; ὅ ἐστιν,
Refs Mrk.3:17, Col.1:24, Heb.7:2, al.
; akin to this is the sacramental usage:
Refs Mat.26:26-28, Mrk.14:22, 24, Luk.22:19, 1Co.11:24
(see ICC on Mk, I Co, ll. with; DB, iii, 148 f.).
__3. C. genitive: qual., etc.,
Refs Mrk.5:42, Luk.3:23, 1Co.14:33, Heb.12:11, al.
; part.,
Refs 1Ti.1:20, 2Ti.1:15
; poss.,
Refs Mat.5:3, 10, Mrk.12:7, Luk.4:7
; of service or partisanship,
Refs Rom.8:9, 1Co.1:12, 2Co.10:7, 2Ti.2:19
__4. C. dative (BL, §37, 3):
Refs Act.1:8, 9:15, Rom.4:12, 1Co.1:18, 2:14, Rev.21:7, al.

__5. C. ptcp., as a periphrasis for the simple verb (Bl., §62, 1, 2; M, Pr., 225 ff.);
__(a) with ptcp. pf. (cl.):
Refs Mat.10:30, Luk.9:32, Jhn.3:24, Act.21:35, 1Co.15:19
, al;
__(b) with ptcp. pr. (esp. in impf., as in Heb. and Aram.; Dalman, Words, 35 f.),
Refs Mat.7:29, Mrk.1:22, Luk.4:31, 14:1, Act.1:10, al.
mult., id. for imper. (M, Pr., 180f., 182f.), with ellipsis of εἰμί,
Refs Rom.12:9, 10, Heb.13:5, al.
__(with) with ptcp. aor. (cl), Luk.23:9.
__6. Seq. εἰς (cf. Heb. הָיָה לְ), a vernac. usage (M, Pr., 71):
Refs Mat.19:5, Mrk.10:8, Heb.8:10, al.

__7. C. adv.:
Refs Mat.19:20, Mrk.4:26, Luk.18:11, al.

__8. Ellipses;
__(a) of the copula (Bl., §30, 3):
Refs Mat.8:29, 24:32, Jhn.21:22, 23, Heb.6:4, al.
__(b) of the predicate: ἐγώ εἰμί,
Refs Mat.14:27, Mrk.6:50, al.
; absol. (cf. Deu.32:39; אֲנִי הוּא),
Refs Mrk.13:6, Jhn.4:26, al.
(cf. ἄπ-, ἔν-, πάρ-, συμ-πάρ-, σύν-ειμι).
1) second person plural of "to be"

Second person plural present indicative of G1510; ye are

KJV Usage: be, have been, belong.

View how G2075 ἐστέ is used in the Bible

First 30 of 92 occurrences of G2075 ἐστέ

Matthew 5:11 are ye,
Matthew 5:13 are
Matthew 5:14 are
Matthew 8:26 are ye
Matthew 10:20 it is
Matthew 15:16 Are
Matthew 23:8 are
Matthew 23:28 ye are
Matthew 23:31 ye are
Mark 4:40 are ye
Mark 7:18 Are
Mark 9:41 ye belong
Mark 13:11 it is
Luke 6:22 are ye,
Luke 9:55 are of.
Luke 11:44 ye are
Luke 13:25 ye are from:
Luke 13:27 ye are from;
Luke 16:15 are
Luke 22:28 are
Luke 24:17 are
Luke 24:38 are ye
Luke 24:48 are
John 8:23 are
John 8:23 are
John 8:31 ye are
John 8:37 ye are
John 8:44 are
John 8:47 ye are
John 10:26 ye are

Distinct usage

34 are
33 ye are
10 are ye
2 are ye,
2 it is
2 Are
1 are of.
1 ye are from:
1 Ye are
1 ye have been
1 ye are from;
1 ye belong
1 be
1 ye know,
1 are.

Related words

G2075 ἐστέ

G1510 εἰμί

G1510 εἰμί

G548 ἄπειμι
From G575 and G1510; to be away

KJV Usage: be absent.

Compare G549.

G1488 εἶ
Second parson singular present of G1510; thou art

KJV Usage: art, be.

G1498 εἴην
Optative (that is, English subjunctive) present of G1510 (including the other person); might (could, would or should) be

KJV Usage: mean, + perish, should be, was, were.

G1511 εἶναι
Present infinitive from G1510; to exist

KJV Usage: am, are, come, is, X lust after, X please well, there is, to be, was.

G1526 εἰσί
Third person plural present indicative of G1510; they are

KJV Usage: agree, are, be, dure, X is, were.

G1751 ἔνειμι
From G1722 and G1510; to be within (neuter participle plural)

KJV Usage: such things as . . . have. See also G1762.

G1832 ἔξεστι
Third person singular present indicative of a compound of G1537 and G1510; so also ἐξόν exon ; neuter present participle of the same (with or without some form of G1510 expressed); impersonally it is right (through the figurative idea of being out in public)

KJV Usage: be lawful, let, X may (-est).

G1967 ἐπιούσιος
Perhaps from the same as G1966; to-morrow's; but more probably from G1909 and a derivative of the present participle feminine of G1510; for subsistence, that is, needful

KJV Usage: daily.

G2070 ἐσμέν
Frist person plural indicative of G1510; we are

KJV Usage: are, be, have our being, X have hope, + [the gospel] was [preached unto] us.

G2071 ἔσομαι
Future tense of G1510; will be

KJV Usage: shall (should) be (have), (shall) come (to pass), X may have, X fall, what would follow, X live long, X sojourn.

G2076 ἐστί
Third person singular present indicative of G1510; he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural) they are

KJV Usage: are, be (-long), call, X can [-not], come, consisteth, X dure for awhile, + follow, X have, (that) is (to say), make, meaneth, X must needs, + profit, + remaineth, + wrestle.

G2077 ἔστω, ἔστωσαν
ἔστω, ἔστωσαν
estō estōsan
es'-to, es'-to-san
Second person singular present imperative and third person of G1510; be thou; let them be

KJV Usage: be.

G2258 ἦν
Imperfect of G1510; I (thou, etc.) was (wast or were)

KJV Usage: + agree, be, X have (+ charge of), hold, use, was (-t), were.

G2277 ἤτω
Third person singular imperative of G1510; let him (or it) be

KJV Usage: let . . . be.

G2468 ἴσθι
Second person imperative present of G1510; be thou

KJV Usage: + agree, be, X give thyself wholly to.

G3603 ὅ εστι
ὅ εστι
ho esti
ho es-tee'
From the neuter of G3739 and the third person singular present indicative of G1510; which is

KJV Usage: called, which is (make), that is (to say).

G3801 ὁ ὢν ὁ ἦν ὁ ἐρχόμενος
ὁ ὢν ὁ ἦν ὁ ἐρχόμενος
ho ōn ho ēn ho erchomenos
ho own ho ane ho er-khom'-enos
A phrase combining G3588 with the present participle and imperfect of G1510 and the present participle of G2064 by means of G2532; the one being and the one that was and the one coming, that is, the Eternal, as a divine epithet of Christ. (Each “and” (G2532) was ommited from the phrase because of limited space.)

KJV Usage: which art (is, was), and (which) wast (is, was), and art (is) to come (shalt be).

G3918 πάρειμι
From G3844 and G1510 (including its various forms); to be near, that is, at hand; neuter present participle (singular) time being, or (plural) property

KJV Usage: come, X have, be here, + lack, (be here) present.

G4041 περιούσιος
From the present participle feminine of a compound of G4012 and G1510; being beyond usual, that is, special (one’s own)

KJV Usage: peculiar.

G4895 σύνειμι
From G4862 and G1510 (including its various inflections); to be in company with, that is, present at the time

KJV Usage: be with.

G5600 ὦ
Including the oblique forms, as well as ἦς ēs ace ; ē ay , etc.; the subjunctive of G1510; (may, might, can, could, would, must, etc.; also with G1487 and its compounds, as well as with other particles) be

KJV Usage: + appear, are, (may, might, should) be, X have, is, + pass the flower of her age, should stand, were.

G5607 ὤν, οὖσα, ὄν
ὤν, οὖσα, ὄν
ōn ousa on
oan, oo'-sah, on
The feminine, the neuter and the present participle of G1510; being

KJV Usage: be, come, have.