Ephesians 5:5-6

  5 G1097 Know G5124 this G1063 for G2075 sure, G3754 that G3956 no G4205 sexually immoral G2228 person, nor G169 unclean person, G2228 nor G4123 covetous man, G3739 who G2076 is G1496 an idolater, G2192 has G3756 any G2817 inheritance G1722 in G932 the Kingdom G5547 of Christ G2532 and G2316 God.
  6 G538 Let G3367 no one G538 deceive G5209 you G1223 with G2756 empty G3056 words. G1063 For because of G5023 these things, G3709 the wrath G2316 of God G2064 comes G1909 on G5207 the children G543 of disobedience.