H6965 קוּם - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Number

A primitive root; to rise (in various applications, literally, figuratively, intensively and causatively)

KJV Usage: abide, accomplish, X be clearer, confirm, continue, decree, X be dim, endure, X enemy, enjoin, get up, make good, help, hold, (help to) lift up (again), make, X but newly, ordain, perform, pitch, raise (up), rear (up), remain, (a-) rise (up) (again, against), rouse up, set (up), (e-) stablish, (make to) stand (up), stir up, strengthen, succeed, (as-, make) sure (-ly), (be) up (-hold, -rising).

Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions



1. to rise, arise, stand, rise up, stand up
a. (Qal)
1. to arise
2. to arise (hostile sense)
3. to arise, become powerful
4. to arise, come on the scene
5. to stand 1a
b. to maintain oneself 1a
c. to be established, be confirmed 1a
d. to stand, endure 1a
e. to be fixed 1a
f. to be valid 1a
g. to be proven 1a
h. to be fulfilled 1a
i. to persist 1a
j. to be set, be fixed
k. (Piel)
1. to fulfil
2. to confirm, ratify, establish, impose
l. (Polel) to raise up
m. (Hithpael) to raise oneself, rise up
n. (Hiphil)
1. to cause to arise, raise
2. to raise, set up, erect, build
3. to raise up, bring on the scene
4. to raise up, rouse, stir up, investigate
5. to raise up, constitute
6. to cause to stand, set, station, establish
7. to make binding
8. to carry out, give effect to
o. (Hophal) to be raised up
Origin: a primitive root
TWOT: 1999
Parts of Speech: Verb

View how H6965 קוּם is used in the Bible

First 30 of 629 occurrences of H6965 קוּם

Genesis 4:8 rose up
Genesis 6:18 But with thee will I raise
Genesis 9:9 And I, behold, I raise
Genesis 9:11 And I will raise
Genesis 9:17 which I have raised
Genesis 13:17 Arise,
Genesis 17:7 And I will raise
Genesis 17:19 and I will raise
Genesis 17:21 will I raise
Genesis 18:16 rose up
Genesis 19:1 them rose
Genesis 19:14 Arise,
Genesis 19:15 Arise,
Genesis 19:33 nor when she arose.
Genesis 19:35 arose,
Genesis 19:35 nor when she arose.
Genesis 21:18 Arise,
Genesis 21:32 arose,
Genesis 22:3 and rose,
Genesis 22:19 and they rose
Genesis 23:3 stood up
Genesis 23:7 rose up,
Genesis 23:17 were raised
Genesis 23:20 that is in it, were raised
Genesis 24:10 and he arose,
Genesis 24:54 and they rose
Genesis 24:61 arose,
Genesis 25:34 and rose,
Genesis 26:3 and I will raise
Genesis 27:19 me: arise,

Distinct usage

49 Arise,
46 arose,
19 arose
12 Arise
11 rose
8 rose up
8 and I will raise
7 and arose,
6 rise,
5 and arise,
5 And he arose
5 set up
5 stood up
5 rose,
5 shall stand,
5 to raise
5 raise
4 and he arose,
4 to raise up
4 Arise;
4 Then arose
4 to me, Arise,
4 shall rise
3 and they rose
3 rose up,
3 shall rise up
3 Now therefore arise,
3 And he set up
3 had risen
3 arise?
3 hath risen
3 shall stand.
3 that rise up
3 And I will raise up
3 shall be raised
2 nor when she arose.
2 and rose,
2 now arise,
2 And she arose,
2 And he reared up
2 And there arose
2 and raise
2 him arose
2 He raiseth
2 with thee, and arise,
2 So he arose
2 And they arose
2 with him: and he rose
2 she arose
2 stood
2 I will rise
2 Rise up,
2 they shall not rise:
2 that I will raise
2 have risen
2 shall stand
2 to rise.
2 to him, Arise,
2 not stand
2 raised

Corresponding Greek Words

qum see G450 ana pedao
qum G305 ana baino
qum G386 ana stasis
qum G1096 ginomai
qum G1525 eis erchomai
qum G1904 ep erchomai
qum G2240 heko
qum G2250 hemera
qum G2891 koum _
qum G2964 kuroo
qum G3306 meno
qum G3404 miseo
qum G4160 poieo
qum G5227 hup enantios
qum G5278 hupo meno
qum hithp. G2190 echthros
qum hi. see G1303 dia tithemi
qum hi. see G482 st. anti lambano
qum hi. G2004 epi tasso
qum hi. G2186 eph istemi
qum hi. G2902 krateo
qum hi. G2983 lambano
qum hi. G4104 pistoo
qum hi. G5083 tereo
qum hi.,qal. G1892 ep egeiro
qum pil.,hi. G478 anti kath istemi
qum pi. G950 bebaioo
qum qal,hi G1825 ex egeiro
qum qal,hi G5087 tithemi
qum qal,hi,aph G2525 kath istemi
qum qal,hi,pil G1817 ex anistemi
qum qal,hithp see G1881 st. ep an istemi
qum qal,pi,hi,ho G450 an istemi
qum qal,pi,hi,ho G2476 histemi
qum qal,pil G393 ana tello
qum qal,pil,hithp G436 anth istemi
qum qal.,hi. G1453 egeiro
qum qal.,hi. G1454 egersis
qum qal.,hi. G1696 emmeno

Related words


H140 אדניקם 'ădônı̂yqâm
From H113 and H6965; lord of rising (that is, high); Adonikam, the name of one or two Israelites

KJV Usage: Adonikam

H296 אחיקם 'ăchı̂yqâm
From H251 and H6965; brother of rising (that is, high); Achikam, an Israelite

KJV Usage: Ahikam.

H471 אליקים 'elyâqı̂ym
From H410 and H6965; God of raising; Eljakim, the name of four Israelites

KJV Usage: Eliakim.

H510 אלקוּם 'alqûm
Probably from H408 and H6965; a non-rising (that is, resistlessness)

KJV Usage: no rising up.

H3079 יהויקים ye hôyâqı̂ym
ye hôyâqı̂ym
From H3068 abbreviated and H6965; Jehovah will raise; Jehojakim, a Jewish king

KJV Usage: Jehoiakim.

Compare H3113.

H3351 יקוּם ye qûm
ye qûm
From H6965; properly standing (extant), that is, by implication a living thing

KJV Usage: (living) substance.

H3356 יקים yâqı̂ym
From H6965; he will raise; Jakim, the name of two Israelites

KJV Usage: Jakim.

Compare H3079.

H3359 יקמיה ye qamyâh
ye qamyâh
From H6965 and H3050; Jah will rise; Jekamjah, the name of two Israelites

KJV Usage: Jekamiah.

Compare H3079.

H3360 יקמעם ye qam‛âm
ye qam‛âm
From H6965 and H5971; (the) people will rise; Jekamam, an Israelite

KJV Usage: Jekameam.

Compare H3079, H3361.

H3361 יקמעם yoqme ‛âm
yoqme ‛âm
From H6965 and H5971; (the) people will be raised; Jokmeam, a place in Palestine

KJV Usage: Jokmeam.

Compare H3360, H3362.

H4725 מקמה מקומה מקם מקום mâqôm mâqôm me qômâh me qômâh
מקמה מקומה מקם מקום
mâqôm mâqôm me qômâh me qômâh
(1,2) maw-kome', (3,4) mek-o-mah'
From H6965; properly a standing, that is, a spot; but used widely of a locality (generally or specifically); also (figuratively) of a condition (of body or mind)

KJV Usage: country, X home, X open, place, room, space, X whither [-soever].

H5840 עזריקם ‛azrı̂yqâm
From H5828 and active participle of H6965; help of an enemy; Azrikam, the name of four Israelites

KJV Usage: Azrikam.

H6966 קוּם qûm
(Chaldee); corresponding to H6965

KJV Usage: appoint, establish, make, raise up self, (a-) rise (up), (make to) stand, set (up).

H6967 קומה qômâh
From H6965; height

KJV Usage: X along, height, high, stature, tall.

H6968 קוממיּוּת qôme mı̂yûth
qôme mı̂yûth
From H6965; elevation, that is, (adverbially) erectly (figuratively)

KJV Usage: upright.

H7009 קים qı̂ym
From H6965; an opponent (as rising against one), that is, (collectively) enemies

KJV Usage: substance.

H7012 קימה qı̂ymâh
From H6965; an arising

KJV Usage: rising up.

H7054 קמה qâmâh
Feminine of active participle of H6965; something that rises, that is, a stalk of grain

KJV Usage: (standing) corn, grown up, stalk.

H7055 קמוּאל qe mû'êl
qe mû'êl
From H6965 and H410; raised of God; Kemuel, the name of a relative of Abraham, and of two Israelites

KJV Usage: Kemuel.

H7056 קמון qâmôn
From H6965; an elevation; Kamon, a place East of the Jordan

KJV Usage: Camon.

H8617 תּקוּמה te qûmâh
te qûmâh
From H6965; resistfulness

KJV Usage: power to stand.

H8618 תּקומם te qômêm
te qômêm
From H6965; an opponent

KJV Usage: rise up against.