- χιλιάς
- the number one thousand, a thousand
- χιλιάς
- a thousand
- a thousand, the number one thousand.
KJV Usage: thousand.
Luke 14:31 | thousand |
Luke 14:31 | thousand? |
Acts 4:4 | thousand. |
1 Corinthians 10:8 | thousand. |
Revelation 5:11 | thousands |
Revelation 5:11 | of thousands; |
Revelation 7:4 | thousand |
Revelation 7:5 | thousand. |
Revelation 7:5 | thousand. |
Revelation 7:5 | thousand. |
Revelation 7:6 | thousand. |
Revelation 7:6 | thousand. |
Revelation 7:6 | thousand. |
Revelation 7:7 | thousand. |
Revelation 7:7 | thousand. |
Revelation 7:7 | thousand. |
Revelation 7:8 | thousand. |
Revelation 7:8 | thousand. |
Revelation 7:8 | thousand. |
Revelation 11:13 | thousand |
Revelation 14:1 | thousand, |
Revelation 14:3 | thousand, |
Revelation 21:16 | thousand |
14 | thousand. |
4 | thousand |
2 | thousand, |
1 | thousand? |
1 | thousands |
1 | of thousands; |
chilias H505 eleph
KJV Usage: thousand.