H6942 קדשׁ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Number

A primitive root; to be (causatively make, pronounce or observe as) clean (ceremonially or morally)

KJV Usage: appoint, bid, consecrate, dedicate, defile, hallow, (be, keep) holy (-er, place), keep, prepare, proclaim, purify, sanctify (-ied one, self), X wholly.

Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions



1. to consecrate, sanctify, prepare, dedicate, be hallowed, be holy, be sanctified, be separate
a. (Qal)
1. to be set apart, be consecrated
2. to be hallowed
3. consecrated, tabooed
b. (Niphal)
1. to show oneself sacred or majestic
2. to be honoured, be treated as sacred
3. to be holy
c. (Piel)
1. to set apart as sacred, consecrate, dedicate
2. to observe as holy, keep sacred
3. to honour as sacred, hallow
4. to consecrate
d. (Pual)
1. to be consecrated
2. consecrated, dedicated
e. (Hiphil)
1. to set apart, devote, consecrate
2. to regard or treat as sacred or hallow
3. to consecrate
f. (Hithpael)
1. to keep oneself apart or separate
2. to cause Himself to be hallowed (of God)
3. to be observed as holy
4. to consecrate oneself
Origin: a primitive root
TWOT: 1990
Parts of Speech: Verb

to consecrate
1) to consecrate, sanctify, prepare, dedicate, be hallowed, be holy, be sanctified, be separate
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to be set apart, be consecrated
1a2) to be hallowed
1a3) consecrated, tabooed
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to show oneself sacred or majestic
1b2) to be honoured, be treated as sacred
1b3) to be holy
1c) (Piel)
1c1) to set apart as sacred, consecrate, dedicate
1c2) to observe as holy, keep sacred
1c3) to honour as sacred, hallow
1c4) to consecrate
1d) (Pual)
1d1) to be consecrated
1d2) consecrated, dedicated
1e) (Hiphil)
1e1) to set apart, devote, consecrate
1e2) to regard or treat as sacred or hallow
1e3) to consecrate
1f) (Hithpael)
1f1) to keep oneself apart or separate
1f2) to cause Himself to be hallowed (of God)
1f3) to be observed as holy
1f4) to consecrate oneself

View how H6942 קדשׁ is used in the Bible

First 30 of 173 occurrences of H6942 קדשׁ

Genesis 2:3 and sanctified
Exodus 13:2 Sanctify
Exodus 19:10 and sanctify
Exodus 19:14 and sanctified
Exodus 19:22 sanctify
Exodus 19:23 and sanctify
Exodus 20:8 to keep it holy.
Exodus 20:11 and hallowed
Exodus 28:3 to sanctify
Exodus 28:38 shall hallow
Exodus 28:41 them, and sanctify
Exodus 29:1 to them to hallow
Exodus 29:21 with him: and he shall be hallowed,
Exodus 29:27 And thou shalt sanctify
Exodus 29:33 and to sanctify
Exodus 29:36 it, to sanctify
Exodus 29:37 and sanctify
Exodus 29:37 shall be holy.
Exodus 29:43 and the tabernacle shall be sanctified
Exodus 29:44 And I will sanctify
Exodus 29:44 I will sanctify
Exodus 30:29 And thou shalt sanctify
Exodus 30:29 them shall be holy.
Exodus 30:30 and sanctify
Exodus 31:13 that doth sanctify
Exodus 40:9 and all that is in it, and shalt hallow
Exodus 40:10 and sanctify
Exodus 40:11 and sanctify
Exodus 40:13 him, and sanctify
Leviticus 6:18 them shall be holy.

Distinct usage

17 sanctify
9 and sanctify
8 and sanctified
8 to sanctify
5 sanctifieth
3 shall sanctify
3 dedicated
3 sanctified
3 they sanctified
3 Prepare
2 And thou shalt sanctify
2 them shall be holy.
2 who sanctifieth
2 Thou shalt sanctify
2 And if he that sanctified
2 I sanctified
2 but hallow
2 And I will sanctify
2 that are sanctified
1 to keep it holy.
1 and hallowed
1 them, and sanctify
1 to them to hallow
1 with him: and he shall be hallowed,
1 and to sanctify
1 it, to sanctify
1 shall be holy.
1 and all that is in it, and shalt hallow
1 him, and sanctify
1 of it shall be holy:
1 and all that was in it, and sanctified
1 him, to sanctify
1 with him; and sanctified
1 ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves,
1 If he shall sanctify
1 But if he shall sanctify
1 And if a man shall sanctify
1 I hallowed
1 and shall hallow
1 it, and sanctified
1 them, and sanctified
1 for they are hallowed.
1 should be defiled.
1 And they appointed
1 I had wholly
1 And he sanctified
1 yea, though it were sanctified
1 that he had dedicated
1 with her; for she was purified
1 had dedicated,
1 had dedicated.
1 did they dedicate
1 had dedicated;
1 and whoever had dedicated
1 were sanctified,
1 now yourselves, and sanctify
1 to sanctify,
1 so they sanctified
1 had sanctified
1 had not sanctified

Corresponding Greek Words

qadash G37 agiazo
qadash G48 agnizo
qadash hi. see G1291 st. dia stello
qadash hi. G38 agiasmos
qadash pi,hi,hithp G39 hagios
qadash pi. G307 ana bibazo
qadash pi. G1521 eis ago
qadash pi. G2511 katharizo
qadash pi. G3903 para skeuazo
qedash ni. G1392 doxazo *

Related words


H4720 מקּדשׁ מקדּשׁ miqdâsh miqqe dâsh
מקּדשׁ מקדּשׁ
miqdâsh miqqe dâsh
mik-dawsh', mik-ked-awsh'
From H6942; a consecrated thing or place, especially a palace, sanctuary (whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum

KJV Usage: chapel, hallowed part, holy place, sanctuary.

H6918 קדשׁ קדושׁ qâdôsh qâdôsh
קדשׁ קדושׁ
qâdôsh qâdôsh
kaw-doshe', kaw-doshe'
From H6942; sacred (ceremonially or morally); (as noun) God (by eminence), an angel, a saint, a sanctuary

KJV Usage: holy (One), saint.

H6943 קדשׁ qedesh
From H6942; a sanctum; Kedesh, the name of four places in Palestine

KJV Usage: Kedesh.

H6944 קדשׁ qôdesh
From H6942; a sacred place or thing; rarely abstractly sanctity

KJV Usage: consecrated (thing), dedicated (thing), hallowed (thing), holiness, (X most) holy (X day, portion, thing), saint, sanctuary.

H6945 קדשׁ qâdêsh
From H6942; a (quasi) sacred person, that is, (technically) a (male) devotee (by prostitution) to licentious idolatry

KJV Usage: sodomite, unclean.