Genesis 31 Cross References - CKJV_Strongs

  1 H8085 And he heard H1697 the words H3837 of Laban's H1121 sons, H559 saying, H3290 Jacob H3947 has taken away H1 all that was our father's; H1 and of that which was our father's H6213 has he gotten H3519 all this glory.
  2 H3290 And Jacob H7200 looked at H6440 the face H3837 of Laban, H8543 and, behold, it was not toward him as H8032 before.
  3 H3068 And the Lord H559 said H3290 unto Jacob, H7725 Return H776 unto the land H1 of your fathers, H4138 and to your relatives; and I will be with you
  4 H3290 And Jacob H7971 sent H7121 and called H7354 Rachel H3812 and Leah H7704 to the field H6629 unto his flock,
  5 H559 And said H7200 unto them, I see H1 your father's H6440 face, H8543 that it is not toward me as H8032 before; H430 but the God H1 of my father H1961 has been with me.
  6 H859 And you H3045 know H3581 that with all my power H5647 I have served H1 your father.
  7 H1 And your father H2048 has deceived H2498 me, and changed H4909 my wages H6235 ten H4489 times; H430 but God H5414 suffered him H7489 not to hurt H5978 me.
  8 H559 If he said H5348 thus, The speckled H7939 shall be your wages; H6629 then all the cattle H3205 gave birth to H5348 speckled: H559 and if he said H6124 thus, The streaked H7939 shall be your hire; H3205 then gave birth to H6629 all the cattle H6124 streaked.
  9 H430 Thus God H5337 has taken away H4735 the cattle H1 of your father, H5414 and given them to me.
  10 H6256 And it came to pass at the time H6629 that the cattle H3179 conceived, H5375 that I lifted up H5869 my eyes, H7200 and saw H2472 in a dream, H6260 and, behold, the rams H5927 which leaped H6629 upon the cattle H6124 were streaked, H5348 speckled, H1261 and grizzled.
  11 H4397 And the angel H430 of God H559 spoke H2472 unto me in a dream, H3290 saying, Jacob: H559 And I said, Here am I.
  12 H559 And he said, H5375 Lift up H5869 now your eyes, H7200 and see, H6260 all the rams H5927 which leap H6629 upon the cattle H6124 are streaked, H5348 speckled, H1261 and grizzled: H7200 for I have seen H3837 all that Laban H6213 does unto you
  13 H410 I am the God H1008 of Beth–el, H4886 where you anointed H4676 the pillar, H5087 and where you vowed H5088 a vow H6965 unto me: now arise, H3318 get you out H776 from this land, H7725 and return H776 unto the land H4138 of your relatives.
  14 H7354 And Rachel H3812 and Leah H6030 answered H559 and said H2506 unto him, Is there yet any portion H5159 or inheritance H1 for us in our father's H1004 house?
  15 H2803 Are we not counted H5237 of him strangers? H4376 for he has sold H398 us, and has quite H398 devoured H3701 also our money.
  16 H6239 For all the riches H430 which God H5337 has taken H1 from our father, H1121 that is ours, and our children's: H430 now then, whatever God H559 has said H6213 unto you do.
  17 H3290 Then Jacob H6965 rose up, H5375 and set H1121 his sons H802 and his wives H1581 upon camels;
  18 H5090 And he carried away H4735 all his cattle, H7399 and all his goods H7408 which he had gotten, H4735 the cattle H7075 of his getting, H7408 which he had gotten H6307 in Padan–aram, H935 for to go H3327 to Isaac H1 his father H776 in the land H3667 of Canaan.
  19 H3837 And Laban H1980 went H1494 to shear H6629 his sheep: H7354 and Rachel H1589 had stolen H8655 the images H1 that were her father's.
  20 H3290 And Jacob H1589 stole away H3820 unawares H3837 to Laban H761 the Syrian, H5921 in that H5046 he told H1097 him not H1272 that he fled.
  21 H1272 So he fled H6965 with all that he had; and he rose up, H5674 and passed over H5104 the river, H7760 and set H6440 his face H2022 toward the mount H1568 Gilead.
  22 H5046 And it was told H3837 Laban H7992 on the third H3117 day H3290 that Jacob H1272 was fled.
  23 H3947 And he took H251 his brothers H7291 with him, and pursued H310 after him H7651 seven H3117 days' H1870 journey; H1692 and they overtook H2022 him in the mount H1568 Gilead.
  24 H430 And God H935 came H3837 to Laban H761 the Syrian H2472 in a dream H3915 by night, H559 and said H8104 unto him, Take heed H1696 that you speak H5973 not to H3290 Jacob H2896 either good H5704 or H7451 bad.
  25 H3837 Then Laban H5381 overtook H3290 Jacob. H3290 Now Jacob H8628 had pitched H168 his tent H2022 in the mount: H3837 and Laban H251 with his brothers H8628 pitched H2022 in the mount H1568 of Gilead.
  26 H3837 And Laban H559 said H3290 to Jacob, H6213 What have you done, H1589 that you have stolen away H3824 unawares H5090 to me, and carried away H1323 my daughters, H7617 as captives H2719 taken with the sword?
  27 H1272 Wherefore did you flee away H2244 secretly, H1589 and steal away H5046 from me; and did not tell H7971 me, that I might have sent you away H8057 with mirth, H7892 and with songs, H8596 with tabret, H3658 and with harp?
  28 H5203 And have not allowed H5401 me to kiss H1121 my sons H1323 and my daughters? H5528 You have now done foolishly H6213 in so doing.
  29 H3426 It is H410 in the power H3027 of my hand H6213 to do H7451 you hurt: H430 but the God H1 of your father H559 spoke H570 unto me last night, H559 saying, H8104 Take you heed H1696 that you speak not H3290 to Jacob H2896 either good H7451 or bad.
  30 H1980 And now, though you would want to H1980 be gone, H3700 because you greatly H3700 longed H1 after your father's H1004 house, H1589 yet why have you stolen H430 my gods?
  31 H3290 And Jacob H6030 answered H559 and said H3837 to Laban, H3372 Because I was afraid: H559 for I said, H6435 what if H1497 you would take by force H1323 your daughters from me.
  32 H834 With whomsoever H4672 you find H430 your gods, H2421 let him not live: H5048 before H251 our brothers H5234 discern H3947 you what is yours with me, and take H3290 it to you. For Jacob H3045 knew H7354 not that Rachel H1589 had stolen them.
  33 H3837 And Laban H935 went H3290 into Jacob's H168 tent, H3812 and into Leah's H168 tent, H8147 and into the two H519 maidservants' H168 tents; H4672 but he found H3318 them not. Then went he out H3812 of Leah's H168 tent, H935 and entered H7354 into Rachel's H168 tent.
  34 H7354 Now Rachel H3947 had taken H8655 the images, H7760 and put H1581 them in the camel's H3733 saddle, H3427 and sat H3837 upon them. And Laban H4959 searched H168 all the tent, H4672 but found them not.
  35 H559 And she said H1 to her father, H2734 Let it not displease H113 my lord H3201 that I cannot H6965 rise up H6440 before you; H1870 for the custom H802 of women H2664 is upon me. And he searched, H4672 but found H8655 not the images.
  36 H3290 And Jacob H2734 was angry, H7378 and argued H3837 with Laban: H3290 and Jacob H6030 answered H559 and said H3837 to Laban, H6588 What is my trespass? H2403 what is my sin, H1814 that you have so hotly pursued H310 after me?
  37 H3588 Now that H4959 you have searched H3627 all my stuff, H4672 what have you found H1004 of all your household H3627 stuff? H7760 Set H3541 it here H251 before my brothers H251 and your brothers, H3198 that they may judge H996 between H8147 us both.
  38 H6242 This twenty H8141 years H7353 have I been with you your ewes H5795 and your she goats H7921 have not cast their young, H352 and the rams H6629 of your flock H398 have I not eaten.
  39 H2966 That which was torn H935 of beasts I brought H2398 not unto you. I bore the loss H3027 of it; of my hand H1245 did you require H1589 it, whether stolen H3117 by day, H1589 or stolen H3915 by night.
  40 H3117 Thus I was; in the day H2721 the drought H398 consumed H7140 me, and the frost H3915 by night; H8142 and my sleep H5074 departed H5869 from my eyes.
  41 H6242 Thus have I been twenty H8141 years H1004 in your house; H5647 I served you H702 fourteen H8141 years H8147 for your two H1323 daughters, H8337 and six H8141 years H6629 for your cattle: H2498 and you have changed H4909 my wages H6235 ten H4489 times.
  42 H3884 Except H430 the God H1 of my father, H430 the God H85 of Abraham, H6343 and the fear H3327 of Isaac, H7971 had been with me, surely you had sent me away H7387 now empty. H430 God H7200 has seen H6040 my affliction H3018 and the labor H3709 of my hands, H3198 and rebuked H570 you last night.
  43 H3837 And Laban H6030 answered H559 and said H3290 unto Jacob, H1323 These daughters H1323 are my daughters, H1121 and these sons H1121 are my sons, H6629 and these cattle H6629 are my cattle, H7200 and all that you see H6213 is my and what can I do H3117 this day H1323 unto these my daughters, H176 or H1121 unto their sons H3205 which they have born?
  44 H3212 Now therefore come you, H3772 let us make H1285 a covenant, H5707 I and you and let it be for a witness between me and you
  45 H3290 And Jacob H3947 took H68 a stone, H7311 and set it up H4676 for a pillar.
  46 H3290 And Jacob H559 said H251 unto his brothers, H3950 Gather H68 stones; H3947 and they took H68 stones, H6213 and made H1530 an heap: H398 and they did eat H1530 there upon the heap.
  47 H3837 And Laban H7121 called H3026 it Jegar–sahadutha: H3290 but Jacob H7121 called H1567 it Galeed.
  48 H3837 And Laban H559 said, H1530 This heap H5707 is a witness H3117 between me and you this day. H8034 Therefore was the name H7121 of it called H1567 Galeed;
  49 H4709 And Mizpah; H834 for H559 he said, H3068 The Lord H6822 watch H5641 between me and you when we are absent H376 one H7453 from another.
  50 H6031 If you shall afflict H1323 my daughters, H3947 or if you shall take H802 other wives H5921 beside H1323 my daughters, H376 no man H7200 is with us; see, H430 God H5707 is witness between me and you.
  51 H3837 And Laban H559 said H3290 to Jacob, H1530 Behold this heap, H4676 and behold this pillar, H3384 which I have cast between me and you.
  52 H1530 This heap H5707 be witness, H4676 and this pillar H5713 be witness, H5674 that I will not pass over H1530 this heap H5674 to you and that you shall not pass over H1530 this heap H4676 and this pillar H7451 unto me, for harm.
  53 H430 The God H85 of Abraham, H430 and the God H5152 of Nahor, H430 the God H1 of their father, H8199 judge H3290 between us. And Jacob H7650 swore H6343 by the fear H1 of his father H3327 Isaac.
  54 H3290 Then Jacob H2076 offered H2077 sacrifice H2022 upon the mount, H7121 and called H251 his brothers H398 to eat H3899 bread: H398 and they did eat H3899 bread, H3885 and stayed all night H2022 in the mount.
  55 H7925 And early H1242 in the morning H3837 Laban H7925 rose up, H5401 and kissed H1121 his sons H1323 and his daughters, H1288 and blessed H3837 them: and Laban H3212 departed, H7725 and returned H4725 unto his place.

Genesis 2:14

  14 H8034 And the name H7992 of the third H5104 river H2313 is Hiddekel: H1980 that is it which goes toward H6926 the east H804 of Assyria. H7243 And the fourth H5104 river H6578 is Euphrates.

Genesis 2:24

  24 H3651 Therefore H376 shall a man H5800 leave H1 his father H517 and his mother, H1692 and shall cleave H802 unto his wife: H259 and they shall be one H1320 flesh.

Genesis 3:13

  13 H3068 And the Lord H430 God H559 said H802 unto the woman, H6213 What is this that you have done? H802 And the woman H559 said, H5175 The serpent H5377 deceived me, H398 and I did eat.

Genesis 4:5

  5 H7014 But unto Cain H4503 and to his offering H8159 he had not respect. H7014 And Cain H3966 was very H2734 angry, H6440 and his face H5307 fell.

Genesis 4:10

  10 H559 And he said, H4100 What H6213 have you done? H6963 The voice H251 of your brother's H1818 blood H6817 cries H127 unto me from the ground.

Genesis 4:21

  21 H251 And his brother's H8034 name H3106 was Jubal: H1 he was the father H8610 of all such as handle H3658 the harp H5748 and organ.

Genesis 11:5

  5 H3068 And the Lord H3381 came down H7200 to see H5892 the city H4026 and the tower, H1121 which the sons H120 of men H1129 built.

Genesis 11:24-29

  24 H5152 And Nahor H2421 lived H8672 nine H6242 and twenty H8141 years, H3205 and fathered H8646 Terah:
  25 H5152 And Nahor H2421 lived H310 after H3205 he fathered H8646 Terah H3967 one hundred H6240 and nineteen H8141 years, H3205 and fathered H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  26 H8646 And Terah H2421 lived H7657 seventy H8141 years, H3205 and fathered H87 Abram, H5152 Nahor, H2039 and Haran.
  27 H8435 Now these are the generations H8646 of Terah: H8646 Terah H3205 fathered H87 Abram, H5152 Nahor, H2039 and Haran; H2039 and Haran H3205 fathered H3876 Lot.
  28 H2039 And Haran H4191 died H6440 before H1 his father H8646 Terah H776 in the land H4138 of his nativity, H218 in Ur H3778 of the Chaldees.
  29 H87 And Abram H5152 and Nahor H3947 took H802 them wives: H8034 the name H87 of Abram's H802 wife H8297 was Sarai; H8034 and the name H5152 of Nahor's H802 wife, H4435 Milcah, H1323 the daughter H2039 of Haran, H1 the father H4435 of Milcah, H1 and the father H3252 of Iscah.

Genesis 11:31

  31 H8646 And Terah H3947 took H87 Abram H1121 his son, H3876 and Lot H1121 the son H2039 of Haran H1121 his son's H1121 son, H8297 and Sarai H3618 his daughter in law, H1121 his son H87 Abram's H802 wife; H3318 and they went forth H218 with them from Ur H3778 of the Chaldees, H3212 to go H776 into the land H3667 of Canaan; H935 and they came H2771 unto Haran, H3427 and lived there.

Genesis 12:8

  8 H6275 And he removed H2022 from there to a mountain H6924 on the east H1008 of Beth–el, H5186 and pitched H168 his tent, H1008 having Beth–el H3220 on the west, H5857 and Hai H6924 on the east: H1129 and there he built H4196 an altar H3068 to the Lord, H7121 and called H8034 upon the name H3068 of the Lord.

Genesis 12:18

  18 H6547 And Pharaoh H7121 called H87 Abram, H559 and said, H6213 What is this that you have done H5046 to me? Why didn't you tell H802 me that she was your wife?

Genesis 13:8

  8 H87 And Abram H559 said H3876 unto Lot, H1961 Let there be H408 no H4808 strife, H7462 I pray you, between me and you, and between my herdsmen H7462 and your herdsmen; H582 for we H251 are brothers.

Genesis 13:15

  15 H776 For all the land H7200 which you see, H5414 to you will I give it, H2233 and to your seed H5704 for H5769 ever.

Genesis 14:22

  22 H87 And Abram H559 said H4428 to the king H5467 of Sodom, H7311 I have lifted up H3027 my hand H3068 unto the Lord, H5945 the most high H410 God, H7069 the possessor H8064 of heaven H776 and earth,

Genesis 15:18

  18 H1931 In the same H3117 day H3068 the Lord H3772 made H1285 a covenant H87 with Abram, H559 saying, H2233 Unto your seed H5414 have I given H776 this land, H5104 from the river H4714 of Egypt H1419 unto the great H5104 river, H5104 the river H6578 Euphrates:

Genesis 16:5

  5 H8297 And Sarai H559 said H87 unto Abram, H2555 My wrong H5414 is because of you: I have given H8198 my maid H2436 into your bosom; H7200 and when she saw H2029 that she had conceived, H7043 I was despised H5869 in her eyes: H3068 the Lord H8199 judge between me and you.

Genesis 16:7-13

  7 H4397 And the angel H3068 of the Lord H4672 found her H5869 by a fountain H4325 of water H4057 in the wilderness, H5869 by the fountain H1870 in the way H7793 to Shur.
  8 H559 And he said, H1904 Hagar, H8297 Sarai's H8198 maid, H335 from where H935 did you come? H3212 And where will you go? H559 And she said, H1272 I flee H6440 from the face H1404 of my mistress H8297 Sarai.
  9 H4397 And the angel H3068 of the Lord H559 said H7725 unto her, Return H1404 to your mistress, H6031 and submit H3027 yourself under her hands.
  10 H4397 And the angel H3068 of the Lord H559 said H7235 unto her, I will multiply H2233 your seed H7235 exceedingly, H5608 that it shall not be numbered H7230 for multitude.
  11 H4397 And the angel H3068 of the Lord H559 said H2009 unto her, Behold, H2030 you are with child, H3205 and shall bear H1121 a son, H7121 and shall call H8034 his name H3458 Ishmael; H3068 because the Lord H8085 has heard H6040 your affliction.

Genesis 16:11

  11 H4397 And the angel H3068 of the Lord H559 said H2009 unto her, Behold, H2030 you are with child, H3205 and shall bear H1121 a son, H7121 and shall call H8034 his name H3458 Ishmael; H3068 because the Lord H8085 has heard H6040 your affliction.
  12 H6501 And he will be a wild H120 man; H3027 his hand H3027 will be against every man, and every man's hand H7931 against him; and he shall live H6440 in the presence H251 of all his brothers.
  13 H7121 And she called H8034 the name H3068 of the Lord H1696 that spoke H410 unto her, You God H7210 see me: H559 for she said, H1988 Have I also here H7200 seen H310 him H7210 that sees me?

Genesis 16:13

  13 H7121 And she called H8034 the name H3068 of the Lord H1696 that spoke H410 unto her, You God H7210 see me: H559 for she said, H1988 Have I also here H7200 seen H310 him H7210 that sees me?

Genesis 17:7

  7 H6965 And I will establish H1285 my covenant H2233 between me and you and your seed H310 after you H1755 in their generations H5769 for an everlasting H1285 covenant, H430 to be a God H2233 unto you, and to your seed H310 after you.

Genesis 18:1

  1 H3068 And the Lord H7200 appeared H436 unto him in the plains H4471 of Mamre: H3427 and he sat H168 in the tent H6607 door H2527 in the heat H3117 of the day;

Genesis 18:11-12

  11 H85 Now Abraham H8283 and Sarah H2205 were old H935 and well stricken H3117 in age; H2308 and it ceased H8283 to be with Sarah H734 after the manner H802 of women.
  12 H8283 Therefore Sarah H6711 laughed H7130 inside herself, H559 saying, H310 After H1086 I am grown old H5730 shall I have pleasure, H113 my lord H2204 being old also?

Genesis 18:17

  17 H3068 And the Lord H559 said, H3680 Shall I hide H85 from Abraham H834 that thing which H6213 I do;

Genesis 18:33

  33 H3068 And the Lord H3212 went his way, H834 as soon as H3615 he had finished H1696 speaking H85 with Abraham: H85 and Abraham H7725 returned H4725 to his place.

Genesis 19:7

  7 H559 And said, H251 I pray you, brethren, H7489 do not so wickedly.

Genesis 20:3

  3 H430 But God H935 came H40 to Abimelech H2472 in a dream H3915 by night, H559 and said H4191 to him, Behold, you are but a dead man, H802 for the woman H3947 which you have taken; H1167 for she is a man's H1166 wife.

Genesis 20:6

  6 H430 And God H559 said H2472 unto him in a dream, H1571 Yes, H3045 I know H6213 that you did H8537 this in the integrity H3824 of your heart; H2820 for I also stopped H2398 you from sinning H5414 against me: therefore I didn't allow H5060 you to touch her.

Genesis 20:9-10

  9 H40 Then Abimelech H7121 called H85 Abraham, H559 and said H6213 unto him, What have you done H2398 unto us? And how have I offended H935 you, that you have brought H4467 on me and on my kingdom H1419 a great H2401 sin? H6213 You have done H4639 deeds H6213 unto me that should not to be done.
  10 H40 And Abimelech H559 said H85 unto Abraham, H4100 What H7200 saw you, H6213 that you have done H1697 this thing?
  11 H85 And Abraham H559 said, H559 Because I thought, H7535 Surely H3374 the fear H430 of God H4725 is not in this place; H2026 and they will kill me H802 for my wife's H1697 sake.

Genesis 21:8

  8 H3206 And the child H1431 grew, H1580 and was weaned: H85 and Abraham H6213 made H1419 a great H4960 feast H3117 the same day H3327 that Isaac H1580 was weaned.

Genesis 21:22

  22 H6256 And it came to pass at that time, H40 that Abimelech H6369 and Phichol H8269 the chief captain H6635 of his army H559 spoke H85 to Abraham, H559 saying, H430 God H6213 is with you in all that you do:

Genesis 21:22-32

  22 H6256 And it came to pass at that time, H40 that Abimelech H6369 and Phichol H8269 the chief captain H6635 of his army H559 spoke H85 to Abraham, H559 saying, H430 God H6213 is with you in all that you do:
  23 H7650 Now therefore swear H2008 to me here H430 by God H8266 that you will not deal falsely H5209 with me, nor with my son, H5220 nor with my son's son: H2617 but according to the kindness H6213 that I have done H6213 to you, you shall do H776 to me, and to the land H1481 where you have stayed.

Genesis 21:23-24

  23 H7650 Now therefore swear H2008 to me here H430 by God H8266 that you will not deal falsely H5209 with me, nor with my son, H5220 nor with my son's son: H2617 but according to the kindness H6213 that I have done H6213 to you, you shall do H776 to me, and to the land H1481 where you have stayed.
  24 H85 And Abraham H559 said, H7650 I will swear.

Genesis 21:24-24

  24 H85 And Abraham H559 said, H7650 I will swear.
  25 H85 And Abraham H3198 complained to H40 Abimelech H182 because H875 of a well H4325 of water, H40 which Abimelech's H5650 servants H1497 had violently taken away.
  26 H40 And Abimelech H559 said, H3045 I know H6213 not who has done H1697 this thing: H3808 neither H5046 did you tell H3808 me, neither H8085 yet heard H1115 I of it, but H3117 today.
  27 H85 And Abraham H3947 took H6629 sheep H1241 and oxen, H5414 and gave H40 them to Abimelech; H8147 and both of them H3772 made H1285 a covenant.
  28 H85 And Abraham H5324 set H7651 seven H3535 ewe lambs H6629 of the flock by themselves.
  29 H40 And Abimelech H559 said H85 to Abraham, H2008 What H7651 mean these seven H3535 ewe lambs H5324 which you have set by themselves?
  30 H559 And he said, H7651 For these seven H3535 ewe lambs H3947 shall you take H3027 of my hand, H5668 that H5713 they may be a witness H2658 to me, that I have dug H875 this well.
  31 H7121 Therefore he called H4725 that place H884 Beer–sheba; H7650 because there they swore H8147 both of them.
  32 H3772 Thus they made H1285 a covenant H884 at Beer–sheba: H40 then Abimelech H6965 rose up, H6369 and Phichol H8269 the chief captain H6635 of his army, H7725 and they returned H776 into the land H6430 of the Philistines.

Genesis 22:1

  1 H310 And it came to pass after H1697 these things, H430 that God H5254 did test H85 Abraham, H559 and said H85 unto him, Abraham: H559 and he said, Behold, here I am.

Genesis 22:20-24

  20 H310 And it came to pass after H1697 these things, H5046 that it was told H85 Abraham, H559 saying, H4435 Behold, Milcah, H3205 she has also born H1121 sons H251 unto your brother H5152 Nahor;
  21 H5780 Huz H1060 his firstborn, H938 and Buz H251 his brother, H7055 and Kemuel H1 the father H758 of Aram,
  22 H3777 And Chesed, H2375 and Hazo, H6394 and Pildash, H3044 and Jidlaph, H1328 and Bethuel.
  23 H1328 And Bethuel H3205 fathered H7259 Rebekah: H8083 these eight H4435 Milcah H3205 did bear H5152 to Nahor, H85 Abraham's H251 brother.
  24 H6370 And his concubine, H8034 whose name H7208 was Reumah, H3205 she bare H2875 also Tebah, H1514 and Gaham, H8477 and Thahash, H4601 and Maachah.

Genesis 24:3-4

  3 H7650 And I will make you swear H3068 by the Lord, H430 the God H8064 of heaven, H430 and the God H776 of the earth, H3947 that you shall not take H802 a wife H1121 unto my son H1323 of the daughters H3669 of the Canaanites, H7130 among H3427 whom I live:
  4 H3212 But you shall go H776 unto my country, H4138 and to my relatives, H3947 and take H802 a wife H1121 unto my son H3327 Isaac.

Genesis 24:10

  10 H5650 And the servant H3947 took H6235 ten H1581 camels H1581 of the camels H113 of his master, H3212 and departed; H2898 for all the goods H113 of his master H3027 were in his hand: H6965 and he arose, H3212 and went H763 to Mesopotamia, H5892 unto the city H5152 of Nahor.

Genesis 24:27

  27 H559 And he said, H1288 Blessed H3068 be the Lord H430 God H113 of my master H85 Abraham, H5800 who has not left destitute H113 my master H2617 of his mercy H571 and his truth: H1870 I being in the way, H3068 the Lord H5148 led me H1004 to the house H113 of my master's H251 brothers.
  28 H5291 And the young lady H7323 ran, H5046 and told H517 them of her mother's H1004 house H1697 these things.

Genesis 24:50

  50 H3837 Then Laban H1328 and Bethuel H6030 answered H559 and said, H1697 The thing H3318 proceeds H3068 from the Lord: H3201 we cannot H1696 speak H7451 unto you bad H176 or H2896 good.

Genesis 24:59-60

  59 H7971 And they sent away H7259 Rebekah H269 their sister, H3243 and her nurse, H85 and Abraham's H5650 servant, H582 and his men.
  60 H1288 And they blessed H7259 Rebekah, H559 and said H859 unto her, you H269 are our sister, H1961 be you H505 the mother of thousands H7233 of millions, H2233 and let your seed H3423 possess H8179 the gate H8130 of those which hate them.

Genesis 24:60

  60 H1288 And they blessed H7259 Rebekah, H559 and said H859 unto her, you H269 are our sister, H1961 be you H505 the mother of thousands H7233 of millions, H2233 and let your seed H3423 possess H8179 the gate H8130 of those which hate them.
  61 H7259 And Rebekah H6965 arose, H5291 and her damsels, H7392 and they rode H1581 upon the camels, H3212 and followed H376 the man: H5650 and the servant H3947 took H7259 Rebekah, H3212 and went his way.

Genesis 24:67

  67 H3327 And Isaac H935 brought her H517 into his mother H8283 Sarah's H168 tent, H3947 and took H7259 Rebekah, H802 and she became his wife; H157 and he loved H3327 her: and Isaac H5162 was comforted H310 after H517 his mother's death.

Genesis 26:3-5

  3 H1481 Stay H776 in this land, H1288 and I will be with you and will bless H2233 you for unto you and unto your seed, H5414 I will give H411 all these H776 countries, H6965 and I will perform H7621 the oath H7650 which I swore H85 unto Abraham H1 your father;
  4 H7235 And I will make H2233 your seed H7235 to multiply H3556 as the stars H8064 of heaven, H5414 and will give H2233 unto your seed H411 all these H776 countries; H2233 and in your seed H1471 shall all the nations H776 of the earth H1288 be blessed;
  5 H6118 Because H85 that Abraham H8085 obeyed H6963 my voice, H8104 and kept H4931 my charge, H4687 my commandments, H2708 my statutes, H8451 and my laws.

Genesis 26:10

  10 H40 And Abimelech H559 said, H6213 What is this you have done H259 unto us? one H5971 of the people H4592 might lightly H7901 have lain H802 with your wife, H935 and you should have brought H817 guiltiness upon us.

Genesis 26:24

  24 H3068 And the Lord H7200 appeared H3915 unto him the same night, H559 and said, H430 I am the God H85 of Abraham H1 your father: H3372 fear H854 not, for I am with H1288 you and will bless H7235 you and multiply H2233 your seed H5650 for my servant H85 Abraham's sake.

Genesis 26:28-31

  28 H559 And they said, H7200 We saw H7200 certainly H3068 that the Lord H559 was with you and we said, H423 Let there be now an oath H996 between H996 us, even between H3772 us and you and let us make H1285 a covenant with you
  29 H6213 That you will do H7451 us no hurt, H5060 as we have not touched H6213 you and as we have done H7535 unto you nothing but H2896 good, H7971 and have sent you away H7965 in peace: H6258 you are now H1288 the blessed H3068 of the Lord.
  30 H6213 And he made H4960 them a feast, H398 and they did eat H8354 and drink.

Genesis 26:30

  30 H6213 And he made H4960 them a feast, H398 and they did eat H8354 and drink.
  31 H7925 And they rose up some time H1242 in the morning, H7650 and swore H376 one H251 to another: H3327 and Isaac H7971 sent them away, H3212 and they departed H7965 from him in peace.

Genesis 27:1-2

  1 H1961 And it came to pass, H3327 that when Isaac H2204 was old, H5869 and his eyes H3543 were dim, H7200 so that he could not see, H7121 he called H6215 Esau H1419 his oldest H1121 son, H559 and said H1121 unto him, My son: H559 and he said unto him, Behold, here am I.
  2 H559 And he said, H2204 Behold now, I am old, H3045 I know H3117 not the day H4194 of my death:

Genesis 27:33

  33 H3327 And Isaac H2729 trembled H1419 very H3966 violently, H559 and said, H645 Who? Where H6679 is he that has taken H6718 venison, H935 and brought H398 it me, and I have eaten H935 of all before you came, H1288 and have blessed H1288 him? Yes and he shall be blessed.

Genesis 27:41

  41 H6215 And Esau H7852 hated H3290 Jacob H5921 because H1293 of the blessing H834 with which H1 his father H1288 blessed him: H6215 and Esau H559 said H3820 in his heart, H3117 The days H60 of mourning H1 for my father H7126 are at hand; H2026 then will I kill H251 my brother H3290 Jacob.

Genesis 28:1

  1 H3327 And Isaac H7121 called H3290 Jacob, H1288 and blessed H6680 him, and charged H559 him, and said H3947 unto him, you shall not take H802 a wife H1323 of the daughters H3667 of Canaan.

Genesis 28:4

  4 H5414 And give H1293 you the blessing H85 of Abraham, H2233 to you and to your seed H3423 with you that you may inherit H776 the land H4033 where you are a stranger, H430 which God H5414 gave H85 unto Abraham.
  5 H3327 And Isaac H7971 sent away H3290 Jacob: H3212 and he went H6307 to Padan–aram H3837 unto Laban, H1121 son H1328 of Bethuel H761 the Syrian, H251 the brother H7259 of Rebekah, H3290 Jacob's H6215 and Esau's H517 mother.

Genesis 28:12

  12 H2492 And he dreamed, H5551 and behold a ladder H5324 set up H776 on the earth, H7218 and the top of it H5060 reached H8064 to heaven: H4397 and behold the angels H430 of God H5927 ascending H3381 and descending on it.

Genesis 28:12-22

  12 H2492 And he dreamed, H5551 and behold a ladder H5324 set up H776 on the earth, H7218 and the top of it H5060 reached H8064 to heaven: H4397 and behold the angels H430 of God H5927 ascending H3381 and descending on it.
  13 H3068 And, behold, the Lord H5324 stood H559 above it, and said, H3068 I am the Lord H430 God H85 of Abraham H1 your father, H430 and the God H3327 of Isaac: H776 the land H7901 whereon you lie, H5414 to you will I give it, H2233 and to your seed;

Genesis 28:13-22

  13 H3068 And, behold, the Lord H5324 stood H559 above it, and said, H3068 I am the Lord H430 God H85 of Abraham H1 your father, H430 and the God H3327 of Isaac: H776 the land H7901 whereon you lie, H5414 to you will I give it, H2233 and to your seed;
  14 H2233 And your seed H6083 shall be as the dust H776 of the earth, H6555 and you shall spread abroad H3220 to the west, H6924 and to the east, H6828 and to the north, H5045 and to the south: H2233 and in you and in your seed H4940 shall all the families H127 of the earth H1288 be blessed.
  15 H8104 And, behold, I am with you and will keep H834 you in all places where H3212 you go, H7725 and will bring you again H127 into this land; H5800 for I will not leave H834 you until H6213 I have done H1696 that which I have spoken to you of.

Genesis 28:15-22

  15 H8104 And, behold, I am with you and will keep H834 you in all places where H3212 you go, H7725 and will bring you again H127 into this land; H5800 for I will not leave H834 you until H6213 I have done H1696 that which I have spoken to you of.
  16 H3290 And Jacob H3364 awaked H8142 out of his sleep, H559 and he said, H403 Surely H3068 the Lord H3426 is H4725 in this place; H3045 and I knew it not.
  17 H3372 And he was afraid, H559 and said, H3372 How dreadful H4725 is this place! H1004 this is none other but the house H430 of God, H8179 and this is the gate H8064 of heaven.
  18 H3290 And Jacob H7925 rose up early H1242 in the morning, H3947 and took H68 the stone H7760 that he had put H4763 for his pillows, H7760 and set it up H4676 for a pillar, H3332 and poured H8081 oil H7218 upon the top of it.
  19 H7121 And he called H8034 the name H4725 of that place H1008 Beth–el: H199 but H8034 the name H5892 of that city H3870 was called Luz H7223 at the first.
  20 H3290 And Jacob H5087 vowed H5088 a vow, H559 saying, H430 If God H8104 will be with me, and will keep me H1870 in this way H1980 that I go, H5414 and will give H3899 me bread H398 to eat, H899 and clothes H3847 to put on,
  21 H7725 So that I come again H1 to my father's H1004 house H7965 in peace; H3068 then shall the Lord H430 be my God:

Genesis 28:21

  21 H7725 So that I come again H1 to my father's H1004 house H7965 in peace; H3068 then shall the Lord H430 be my God:
  22 H68 And this stone, H7760 which I have set H4676 for a pillar, H430 shall be God's H1004 house: H5414 and of all that you shall give H6237 me I will surely H6237 give the tenth unto you

Genesis 29:13

  13 H3837 And it came to pass, when Laban H8085 heard H8088 the tidings H3290 of Jacob H269 his sister's H1121 son, H7323 that he ran H7125 to meet H2263 him, and embraced H5401 him, and kissed H935 him, and brought H1004 him to his house. H5608 And he told H3837 Laban H1697 all these things.

Genesis 29:15-20

  15 H3837 And Laban H559 said H3290 unto Jacob, H251 Because you are my brother, H5647 should you therefore serve H2600 me for nothing? H5046 tell H4909 me, what shall your wages be?
  16 H3837 And Laban H8147 had two H1323 daughters: H8034 the name H1419 of the elder H3812 was Leah, H8034 and the name H6996 of the younger H7354 was Rachel.
  17 H3812 Leah H7390 was weak H5869 eyed; H7354 but Rachel H3303 was beautiful H3303 and well H4758 favoured.
  18 H3290 And Jacob H157 loved H7354 Rachel; H559 and said, H5647 I will serve H7651 you seven H8141 years H7354 for Rachel H6996 your younger H1323 daughter.

Genesis 29:18-30

  18 H3290 And Jacob H157 loved H7354 Rachel; H559 and said, H5647 I will serve H7651 you seven H8141 years H7354 for Rachel H6996 your younger H1323 daughter.
  19 H3837 And Laban H559 said, H2896 It is better H5414 that I give H5414 her to you than that I should give H312 her to another H376 man: H3427 Stay with me.

Genesis 29:19-30

  19 H3837 And Laban H559 said, H2896 It is better H5414 that I give H5414 her to you than that I should give H312 her to another H376 man: H3427 Stay with me.
  20 H3290 And Jacob H5647 served H7651 seven H8141 years H7354 for Rachel; H5869 and they seemed H259 unto him but a few H3117 days, H160 for the love he had for her.

Genesis 29:20-30

  20 H3290 And Jacob H5647 served H7651 seven H8141 years H7354 for Rachel; H5869 and they seemed H259 unto him but a few H3117 days, H160 for the love he had for her.
  21 H3290 And Jacob H559 said H3837 unto Laban, H3051 Give H802 me my wife, H3117 for my days H4390 are fulfilled, H935 that I may go in unto her.
  22 H3837 And Laban H622 gathered together H582 all the men H4725 of the place, H6213 and made H4960 a feast.
  23 H6153 And it came to pass in the evening, H3947 that he took H3812 Leah H1323 his daughter, H935 and brought H935 her to him; and he went in unto her.
  24 H3837 And Laban H5414 gave H1323 unto his daughter H3812 Leah H2153 Zilpah H8198 his maid H8198 for an handmaid.

Genesis 29:24-30

  24 H3837 And Laban H5414 gave H1323 unto his daughter H3812 Leah H2153 Zilpah H8198 his maid H8198 for an handmaid.
  25 H1242 And it came to pass, that in the morning, H3812 behold, it was Leah: H559 and he said H3837 to Laban, H6213 What is this you have done H5647 unto me? did not I serve H7354 with you for Rachel? H7411 wherefore then have you deceived me?
  26 H3837 And Laban H559 said, H6213 It must not be so done H4725 in our country, H5414 to give H6810 the younger H6440 before H1067 the firstborn.
  27 H4390 Fulfill H2063 her H7620 week, H5414 and we will give H5656 you this also for the service H5647 which you shall serve H7651 with me yet seven H312 other H8141 years.
  28 H3290 And Jacob H6213 did H4390 so, and fulfilled H7620 her week: H5414 and he gave H7354 him Rachel H1323 his daughter H802 to wife also.
  29 H3837 And Laban H5414 gave H7354 to Rachel H1323 his daughter H1090 Bilhah H8198 his handmaid H8198 to be her maid.

Genesis 29:29-30

  29 H3837 And Laban H5414 gave H7354 to Rachel H1323 his daughter H1090 Bilhah H8198 his handmaid H8198 to be her maid.
  30 H935 And he went in H7354 also unto Rachel, H157 and he loved H7354 also Rachel H3812 more than Leah, H5647 and served H7651 with him yet seven H312 other H8141 years.

Genesis 29:32

  32 H3812 And Leah H2029 conceived, H3205 and gave birth to H1121 a son, H7121 and she called H8034 his name H7205 Reuben: H3588 for H559 she said, H3588 Surely H3068 the Lord H7200 has looked H6040 upon my affliction; H3588 now therefore H376 my husband H157 will love me.

Genesis 30:2

  2 H3290 And Jacob's H639 anger H2734 was kindled H7354 against Rachel: H559 and he said, H430 Am I in God's H4513 stead, who has withheld H6529 from you the fruit H990 of the womb?

Genesis 30:25

  25 H7354 And it came to pass, when Rachel H3205 had born H3130 Joseph, H3290 that Jacob H559 said H3837 unto Laban, H7971 Send me away, H3212 that I may go H4725 unto my own place, H776 and to my country.
  26 H5414 Give H802 me my wives H3206 and my sons, H2004 for H5647 whom I have served H3212 you and let me go: H3045 for you know H5656 my service H5647 which I have done you
  27 H3837 And Laban H559 said H4672 unto him, I pray you if I have found H2580 favor H5869 in your eyes, H5172 tarry: for I have learned by experience H3068 that the Lord H1288 has blessed H1558 me for your sake.

Genesis 30:29

  29 H559 And he said H3045 unto him, You know H834 how H5647 I have served H834 you and how H4735 your cattle was with me.
  30 H4592 For it was little H6440 which you had before I H6555 came, and it is now increased H7230 unto a multitude; H3068 and the Lord H1288 has blessed H7272 you since my coming: H4970 and now when H6213 shall I provide H1004 for my own house also?

Genesis 30:32

  32 H5674 I will pass H6629 through all your flock H3117 to day, H5493 removing H5348 from there all the speckled H2921 and spotted H7716 cattle, H2345 and all the brown H7716 cattle H3775 among the sheep, H2921 and the spotted H5348 and speckled H5795 among the goats: H7939 and of such shall be my hire.
  33 H6666 So shall my righteousness H6030 answer H3117 for me in time H4279 to come, H935 when it shall come H7939 for my hire H6440 before your face: H3605 every one H5348 that is not speckled H2921 and spotted H5795 among the goats, H2345 and brown H3775 among the sheep, H1589 that shall be counted stolen with me.

Genesis 30:33-40

  33 H6666 So shall my righteousness H6030 answer H3117 for me in time H4279 to come, H935 when it shall come H7939 for my hire H6440 before your face: H3605 every one H5348 that is not speckled H2921 and spotted H5795 among the goats, H2345 and brown H3775 among the sheep, H1589 that shall be counted stolen with me.
  34 H3837 And Laban H559 said, H3863 Behold, I would it might be H1697 according to your word.
  35 H5493 And he removed H3117 that day H8495 the he goats H6124 that were streaked H2921 and spotted, H5795 and all the she goats H5348 that were speckled H2921 and spotted, H3836 and every one that had some white H2345 in it, and all the brown H3775 among the sheep, H5414 and gave H3027 them into the hand H1121 of his sons.

Genesis 30:35-40

  35 H5493 And he removed H3117 that day H8495 the he goats H6124 that were streaked H2921 and spotted, H5795 and all the she goats H5348 that were speckled H2921 and spotted, H3836 and every one that had some white H2345 in it, and all the brown H3775 among the sheep, H5414 and gave H3027 them into the hand H1121 of his sons.
  36 H7760 And he set H7969 three H3117 days' H1870 journey H3290 between himself and Jacob: H3290 and Jacob H7462 fed H3498 the rest H3837 of Laban's H6629 flocks.

Genesis 30:36-40

  36 H7760 And he set H7969 three H3117 days' H1870 journey H3290 between himself and Jacob: H3290 and Jacob H7462 fed H3498 the rest H3837 of Laban's H6629 flocks.
  37 H3290 And Jacob H3947 took H4731 him rods H3892 of green H3839 poplar, H3869 and of the hazel H6196 and chesnut tree; H6478 and peeled H3836 white H6479 streaks H3836 in them, and made the white H4286 appear H4731 which was in the rods.

Genesis 30:37-40

  37 H3290 And Jacob H3947 took H4731 him rods H3892 of green H3839 poplar, H3869 and of the hazel H6196 and chesnut tree; H6478 and peeled H3836 white H6479 streaks H3836 in them, and made the white H4286 appear H4731 which was in the rods.
  38 H3322 And he set H4731 the rods H6478 which he had peeled H5227 before H6629 the flocks H7298 in the gutters H4325 in the watering H8268 troughs H6629 when the flocks H935 came H8354 to drink, H3179 that they should conceive H935 when they came H8354 to drink.

Genesis 30:38-40

  38 H3322 And he set H4731 the rods H6478 which he had peeled H5227 before H6629 the flocks H7298 in the gutters H4325 in the watering H8268 troughs H6629 when the flocks H935 came H8354 to drink, H3179 that they should conceive H935 when they came H8354 to drink.
  39 H6629 And the flocks H3179 conceived H4731 before the rods, H3205 and brought forth H6629 cattle H6124 streaked, H5348 speckled, H2921 and spotted.

Genesis 30:39-43

  39 H6629 And the flocks H3179 conceived H4731 before the rods, H3205 and brought forth H6629 cattle H6124 streaked, H5348 speckled, H2921 and spotted.

Genesis 30:39-40

  39 H6629 And the flocks H3179 conceived H4731 before the rods, H3205 and brought forth H6629 cattle H6124 streaked, H5348 speckled, H2921 and spotted.
  40 H3290 And Jacob H6504 did separate H3775 the lambs, H5414 and set H6440 the faces H6629 of the flocks H413 toward H6124 the streaked, H2345 and all the brown H6629 in the flock H3837 of Laban; H7896 and he put H5739 his own flocks H7896 by themselves, and put H3837 them not unto Laban's H6629 cattle.

Genesis 30:40-40

  40 H3290 And Jacob H6504 did separate H3775 the lambs, H5414 and set H6440 the faces H6629 of the flocks H413 toward H6124 the streaked, H2345 and all the brown H6629 in the flock H3837 of Laban; H7896 and he put H5739 his own flocks H7896 by themselves, and put H3837 them not unto Laban's H6629 cattle.
  41 H7194 And it came to pass, whensoever the stronger H6629 cattle H3179 did conceive, H3290 that Jacob H7760 laid H4731 the rods H5869 before the eyes H6629 of the cattle H7298 in the gutters, H3179 that they might conceive H4731 among the rods.
  42 H6629 But when the cattle H5848 were feeble, H7760 he put them not in: H5848 so the feebler H3837 were Laban's, H7194 and the stronger H3290 Jacob's.
  43 H376 And the man H6555 increased H3966 exceedingly, H7227 and had much H6629 cattle, H8198 and maidservants, H5650 and menservants, H1581 and camels, H2543 and donkeys.

Genesis 31:1

  1 H8085 And he heard H1697 the words H3837 of Laban's H1121 sons, H559 saying, H3290 Jacob H3947 has taken away H1 all that was our father's; H1 and of that which was our father's H6213 has he gotten H3519 all this glory.
  2 H3290 And Jacob H7200 looked at H6440 the face H3837 of Laban, H8543 and, behold, it was not toward him as H8032 before.
  3 H3068 And the Lord H559 said H3290 unto Jacob, H7725 Return H776 unto the land H1 of your fathers, H4138 and to your relatives; and I will be with you

Genesis 31:3

  3 H3068 And the Lord H559 said H3290 unto Jacob, H7725 Return H776 unto the land H1 of your fathers, H4138 and to your relatives; and I will be with you

Genesis 31:3-5

  3 H3068 And the Lord H559 said H3290 unto Jacob, H7725 Return H776 unto the land H1 of your fathers, H4138 and to your relatives; and I will be with you
  4 H3290 And Jacob H7971 sent H7121 and called H7354 Rachel H3812 and Leah H7704 to the field H6629 unto his flock,
  5 H559 And said H7200 unto them, I see H1 your father's H6440 face, H8543 that it is not toward me as H8032 before; H430 but the God H1 of my father H1961 has been with me.

Genesis 31:5-5

  5 H559 And said H7200 unto them, I see H1 your father's H6440 face, H8543 that it is not toward me as H8032 before; H430 but the God H1 of my father H1961 has been with me.

Genesis 31:7

  7 H1 And your father H2048 has deceived H2498 me, and changed H4909 my wages H6235 ten H4489 times; H430 but God H5414 suffered him H7489 not to hurt H5978 me.
  8 H559 If he said H5348 thus, The speckled H7939 shall be your wages; H6629 then all the cattle H3205 gave birth to H5348 speckled: H559 and if he said H6124 thus, The streaked H7939 shall be your hire; H3205 then gave birth to H6629 all the cattle H6124 streaked.
  9 H430 Thus God H5337 has taken away H4735 the cattle H1 of your father, H5414 and given them to me.

Genesis 31:9

  9 H430 Thus God H5337 has taken away H4735 the cattle H1 of your father, H5414 and given them to me.
  10 H6256 And it came to pass at the time H6629 that the cattle H3179 conceived, H5375 that I lifted up H5869 my eyes, H7200 and saw H2472 in a dream, H6260 and, behold, the rams H5927 which leaped H6629 upon the cattle H6124 were streaked, H5348 speckled, H1261 and grizzled.

Genesis 31:12

  12 H559 And he said, H5375 Lift up H5869 now your eyes, H7200 and see, H6260 all the rams H5927 which leap H6629 upon the cattle H6124 are streaked, H5348 speckled, H1261 and grizzled: H7200 for I have seen H3837 all that Laban H6213 does unto you
  13 H410 I am the God H1008 of Beth–el, H4886 where you anointed H4676 the pillar, H5087 and where you vowed H5088 a vow H6965 unto me: now arise, H3318 get you out H776 from this land, H7725 and return H776 unto the land H4138 of your relatives.

Genesis 31:16

  16 H6239 For all the riches H430 which God H5337 has taken H1 from our father, H1121 that is ours, and our children's: H430 now then, whatever God H559 has said H6213 unto you do.
  17 H3290 Then Jacob H6965 rose up, H5375 and set H1121 his sons H802 and his wives H1581 upon camels;
  18 H5090 And he carried away H4735 all his cattle, H7399 and all his goods H7408 which he had gotten, H4735 the cattle H7075 of his getting, H7408 which he had gotten H6307 in Padan–aram, H935 for to go H3327 to Isaac H1 his father H776 in the land H3667 of Canaan.
  19 H3837 And Laban H1980 went H1494 to shear H6629 his sheep: H7354 and Rachel H1589 had stolen H8655 the images H1 that were her father's.
  20 H3290 And Jacob H1589 stole away H3820 unawares H3837 to Laban H761 the Syrian, H5921 in that H5046 he told H1097 him not H1272 that he fled.
  21 H1272 So he fled H6965 with all that he had; and he rose up, H5674 and passed over H5104 the river, H7760 and set H6440 his face H2022 toward the mount H1568 Gilead.

Genesis 31:23

  23 H3947 And he took H251 his brothers H7291 with him, and pursued H310 after him H7651 seven H3117 days' H1870 journey; H1692 and they overtook H2022 him in the mount H1568 Gilead.
  24 H430 And God H935 came H3837 to Laban H761 the Syrian H2472 in a dream H3915 by night, H559 and said H8104 unto him, Take heed H1696 that you speak H5973 not to H3290 Jacob H2896 either good H5704 or H7451 bad.

Genesis 31:26-27

  26 H3837 And Laban H559 said H3290 to Jacob, H6213 What have you done, H1589 that you have stolen away H3824 unawares H5090 to me, and carried away H1323 my daughters, H7617 as captives H2719 taken with the sword?
  27 H1272 Wherefore did you flee away H2244 secretly, H1589 and steal away H5046 from me; and did not tell H7971 me, that I might have sent you away H8057 with mirth, H7892 and with songs, H8596 with tabret, H3658 and with harp?
  28 H5203 And have not allowed H5401 me to kiss H1121 my sons H1323 and my daughters? H5528 You have now done foolishly H6213 in so doing.
  29 H3426 It is H410 in the power H3027 of my hand H6213 to do H7451 you hurt: H430 but the God H1 of your father H559 spoke H570 unto me last night, H559 saying, H8104 Take you heed H1696 that you speak not H3290 to Jacob H2896 either good H7451 or bad.
  30 H1980 And now, though you would want to H1980 be gone, H3700 because you greatly H3700 longed H1 after your father's H1004 house, H1589 yet why have you stolen H430 my gods?
  31 H3290 And Jacob H6030 answered H559 and said H3837 to Laban, H3372 Because I was afraid: H559 for I said, H6435 what if H1497 you would take by force H1323 your daughters from me.
  32 H834 With whomsoever H4672 you find H430 your gods, H2421 let him not live: H5048 before H251 our brothers H5234 discern H3947 you what is yours with me, and take H3290 it to you. For Jacob H3045 knew H7354 not that Rachel H1589 had stolen them.

Genesis 31:34

  34 H7354 Now Rachel H3947 had taken H8655 the images, H7760 and put H1581 them in the camel's H3733 saddle, H3427 and sat H3837 upon them. And Laban H4959 searched H168 all the tent, H4672 but found them not.

Genesis 31:36

  36 H3290 And Jacob H2734 was angry, H7378 and argued H3837 with Laban: H3290 and Jacob H6030 answered H559 and said H3837 to Laban, H6588 What is my trespass? H2403 what is my sin, H1814 that you have so hotly pursued H310 after me?
  37 H3588 Now that H4959 you have searched H3627 all my stuff, H4672 what have you found H1004 of all your household H3627 stuff? H7760 Set H3541 it here H251 before my brothers H251 and your brothers, H3198 that they may judge H996 between H8147 us both.
  38 H6242 This twenty H8141 years H7353 have I been with you your ewes H5795 and your she goats H7921 have not cast their young, H352 and the rams H6629 of your flock H398 have I not eaten.

Genesis 31:38

  38 H6242 This twenty H8141 years H7353 have I been with you your ewes H5795 and your she goats H7921 have not cast their young, H352 and the rams H6629 of your flock H398 have I not eaten.
  39 H2966 That which was torn H935 of beasts I brought H2398 not unto you. I bore the loss H3027 of it; of my hand H1245 did you require H1589 it, whether stolen H3117 by day, H1589 or stolen H3915 by night.
  40 H3117 Thus I was; in the day H2721 the drought H398 consumed H7140 me, and the frost H3915 by night; H8142 and my sleep H5074 departed H5869 from my eyes.
  41 H6242 Thus have I been twenty H8141 years H1004 in your house; H5647 I served you H702 fourteen H8141 years H8147 for your two H1323 daughters, H8337 and six H8141 years H6629 for your cattle: H2498 and you have changed H4909 my wages H6235 ten H4489 times.

Genesis 31:41

  41 H6242 Thus have I been twenty H8141 years H1004 in your house; H5647 I served you H702 fourteen H8141 years H8147 for your two H1323 daughters, H8337 and six H8141 years H6629 for your cattle: H2498 and you have changed H4909 my wages H6235 ten H4489 times.
  42 H3884 Except H430 the God H1 of my father, H430 the God H85 of Abraham, H6343 and the fear H3327 of Isaac, H7971 had been with me, surely you had sent me away H7387 now empty. H430 God H7200 has seen H6040 my affliction H3018 and the labor H3709 of my hands, H3198 and rebuked H570 you last night.

Genesis 31:42-42

  42 H3884 Except H430 the God H1 of my father, H430 the God H85 of Abraham, H6343 and the fear H3327 of Isaac, H7971 had been with me, surely you had sent me away H7387 now empty. H430 God H7200 has seen H6040 my affliction H3018 and the labor H3709 of my hands, H3198 and rebuked H570 you last night.
  43 H3837 And Laban H6030 answered H559 and said H3290 unto Jacob, H1323 These daughters H1323 are my daughters, H1121 and these sons H1121 are my sons, H6629 and these cattle H6629 are my cattle, H7200 and all that you see H6213 is my and what can I do H3117 this day H1323 unto these my daughters, H176 or H1121 unto their sons H3205 which they have born?
  44 H3212 Now therefore come you, H3772 let us make H1285 a covenant, H5707 I and you and let it be for a witness between me and you
  45 H3290 And Jacob H3947 took H68 a stone, H7311 and set it up H4676 for a pillar.

Genesis 31:48

  48 H3837 And Laban H559 said, H1530 This heap H5707 is a witness H3117 between me and you this day. H8034 Therefore was the name H7121 of it called H1567 Galeed;

Genesis 31:52

  52 H1530 This heap H5707 be witness, H4676 and this pillar H5713 be witness, H5674 that I will not pass over H1530 this heap H5674 to you and that you shall not pass over H1530 this heap H4676 and this pillar H7451 unto me, for harm.
  53 H430 The God H85 of Abraham, H430 and the God H5152 of Nahor, H430 the God H1 of their father, H8199 judge H3290 between us. And Jacob H7650 swore H6343 by the fear H1 of his father H3327 Isaac.
  54 H3290 Then Jacob H2076 offered H2077 sacrifice H2022 upon the mount, H7121 and called H251 his brothers H398 to eat H3899 bread: H398 and they did eat H3899 bread, H3885 and stayed all night H2022 in the mount.
  55 H7925 And early H1242 in the morning H3837 Laban H7925 rose up, H5401 and kissed H1121 his sons H1323 and his daughters, H1288 and blessed H3837 them: and Laban H3212 departed, H7725 and returned H4725 unto his place.

Genesis 32:9

  9 H3290 And Jacob H559 said, H430 O God H1 of my father H85 Abraham, H430 and God H1 of my father H3327 Isaac, H3068 the Lord H559 which said H7725 unto me, Return H776 unto your country, H4138 and to your relatives, H3190 and I will deal well with you

Genesis 33:4

  4 H6215 And Esau H7323 ran H7125 to meet him, H2263 and embraced H5307 him, and fell H6677 on his neck, H5401 and kissed him: H1058 and they wept.

Genesis 33:18

  18 H3290 And Jacob H935 came H8004 to Shalem, H5892 a city H7927 of Shechem, H776 which is in the land H3667 of Canaan, H935 when he came H6307 from Padan–aram; H2583 and pitched his tent H6440 before H5892 the city.

Genesis 34:7

  7 H1121 And the sons H3290 of Jacob H935 came H7704 out of the field H8085 when they heard H582 it: and the men H6087 were grieved, H3966 and they were very H2734 angry, H6213 because he had done H5039 wickedness H3478 in Israel H7901 in lying H3290 with Jacob's H1323 daughter; H6213 which thing ought not to be done.

Genesis 34:29

  29 H2428 And all their wealth, H2945 and all their little ones, H802 and their wives H7617 took they captive, H962 and spoiled H1004 even all that was in the house.

Genesis 35:1

  1 H430 And God H559 said H3290 to Jacob, H6965 Arise, H5927 go up H1008 to Beth–el, H3427 and live H6213 there: and make H4196 there an altar H410 to God, H7200 that appeared H1272 to you when you fled H6440 from the face H6215 of Esau H251 your brother.
  2 H3290 Then Jacob H559 said H1004 to his household, H5493 and to all that were with him, Put away H5236 the strange H430 gods H8432 that are among you, H2891 and be clean, H2498 and change H8071 your garments:

Genesis 35:7

  7 H1129 And he built H4196 there an altar, H7121 and called H4725 the place H416 El–beth–el: H430 because there God H1540 appeared H1272 to him, when he fled H6440 from the face H251 of his brother.

Genesis 35:27-29

  27 H3290 And Jacob H935 came H3327 to Isaac H1 his father H4471 to Mamre, H7153 to the city of Arbah, H2275 which is Hebron, H85 where Abraham H3327 and Isaac H1481 stayed.
  28 H3117 And the days H3327 of Isaac H3967 were a hundred H8084 and eighty H8141 years.
  29 H3327 And Isaac H1478 gave up the Spirit, H4191 and died, H622 and was gathered H5971 to his people, H2205 being old H7649 and full H3117 of days: H1121 and his sons H6215 Esau H3290 and Jacob H6912 buried him.

Genesis 37:25

  25 H3427 And they sat down H398 to eat H3899 bread: H5375 and they lifted up H5869 their eyes H7200 and looked, H736 and, behold, a company H3459 of Ishmeelites H935 came H1568 from Gilead H1581 with their camels H5375 bearing H5219 spice H6875 and balm H3910 and myrrh, H1980 going H3381 to carry it down H4714 to Egypt.

Genesis 40:5

  5 H2492 And they dreamed H2472 a dream H8147 both of them, H376 each man H2472 his dream H259 in one H3915 night, H376 each man H6623 according to the interpretation H2472 of his dream, H8248 the butler H644 and the baker H4428 of the king H4714 of Egypt, H631 which were bound H1004 in the prison.

Genesis 41:1

  1 H7093 And it came to pass at the end H3117 of two full H8141 years, H6547 that Pharaoh H2492 dreamed: H5975 and, behold, he stood H2975 by the river.

Genesis 44:9-12

  9 H5650 With whomever of your servants H4672 it be found, H4191 both let him die, H113 and we also will be my lord's H5650 bondmen.
  10 H559 And he said, H3651 Now also let it be according unto your words: H4672 he with whom it is found H5650 shall be my servant; H5355 and you shall be blameless.
  11 H4116 Then they speedily H3381 took down H376 every man H572 his sack H776 to the ground, H6605 and opened H376 every man H572 his sack.
  12 H2664 And he searched, H2490 and began H1419 at the oldest, H3615 and left H6996 at the youngest: H1375 and the cup H4672 was found H1144 in Benjamin's H572 sack.

Genesis 45:13

  13 H5046 And you shall tell H1 my father H3519 of all my glory H4714 in Egypt, H7200 and of all that you have seen; H4116 and you shall hurry H3381 and bring down H1 my father here

Genesis 46:2-3

  2 H430 And God H559 spoke H3478 unto Israel H4759 in the visions H3915 of the night, H559 and said, H3290 Jacob, H3290 Jacob. H559 And he said, Here am I.
  3 H559 And he said, H410 I am God, H430 the God H1 of your father: H3372 fear H3381 not to go down H4714 into Egypt; H7760 for I will there make H1419 of you a great H1471 nation:

Genesis 46:28

  28 H7971 And he sent H3063 Judah H6440 before him H3130 unto Joseph, H3384 to direct H6440 his face H1657 unto Goshen; H935 and they came H776 into the land H1657 of Goshen.

Genesis 48:15

  15 H1288 And he blessed H3130 Joseph, H559 and said, H430 God, H6440 before H1 whom my fathers H85 Abraham H3327 and Isaac H1980 did walk, H430 the God H7462 which fed H5750 me all my life long H3117 unto this day,

Genesis 48:15-16

  15 H1288 And he blessed H3130 Joseph, H559 and said, H430 God, H6440 before H1 whom my fathers H85 Abraham H3327 and Isaac H1980 did walk, H430 the God H7462 which fed H5750 me all my life long H3117 unto this day,
  16 H4397 The Angel H1350 which redeemed H7451 me from all evil, H1288 bless H5288 the lads; H8034 and let my name H7121 be named H8034 on them, and the name H1 of my fathers H85 Abraham H3327 and Isaac; H1711 and let them grow H7230 into a multitude H7130 in the midst H776 of the earth.

Genesis 49:7

  7 H779 Cursed H639 be their anger, H5794 for it was fierce; H5678 and their wrath, H7185 for it was cruel: H2505 I will divide H3290 them in Jacob, H6327 and scatter H3478 them in Israel.

Genesis 50:17

  17 H559 So shall you say H3130 unto Joseph, H5375 Forgive, H577 I pray you H6588 now, the trespass H251 of your brothers, H2403 and their sin; H1580 for they did H7451 unto you evil: H5375 and now, we pray you forgive H6588 the trespass H5650 of the servants H430 of the God H1 of your father. H3130 And Joseph H1058 wept H1696 when they spoke unto him.

Genesis 50:24

  24 H3130 And Joseph H559 said H251 unto his brothers, H4191 I die: H430 and God H6485 will surely H6485 visit H5927 you, and bring you out H776 of this land H776 unto the land H7650 which he swore H85 to Abraham, H3327 to Isaac, H3290 and to Jacob.

Exodus 2:11

  11 H3117 And it came to pass in those days, H4872 when Moses H1431 was grown, H3318 that he went out H251 unto his brothers, H7200 and looked H5450 on their burdens: H7200 and he spied H4713 an Egyptian H5221 striking H5680 an Hebrew, H251 one of his brothers.

Exodus 2:13

  13 H3318 And when he went out H8145 the second H3117 day, H8147 behold, two H582 men H5680 of the Hebrews H5327 argued H559 together: and he said H7563 to him that did the wrong, H5221 why strike H7453 you your fellow?

Exodus 2:19-22

  19 H559 And they said, H4713 An Egyptian H5337 delivered H3027 us out of the hand H7462 of the shepherds, H1802 and also drew H1802 water enough H8248 for us, and watered H6629 the flock.
  20 H559 And he said H1323 unto his daughters, H5800 And where is he? why is it that you have left H376 the man? H7121 call H398 him, that he may eat H3899 bread.
  21 H4872 And Moses H2974 was content H3427 to live H376 with the man: H5414 and he gave H4872 Moses H6855 Zipporah H1323 his daughter.
  22 H3205 And she gave birth to H1121 him a son, H7121 and he called H8034 his name H1647 Gershom: H559 for he said, H1616 I have been a stranger H5237 in a strange H776 land.

Exodus 3:1

  1 H4872 Now Moses H1961 kept H6629 the flock H3503 of Jethro H2859 his father in law, H3548 the priest H4080 of Midian: H5090 and he led H6629 the flock H310 to the backside H4057 of the desert, H935 and came H2022 to the mountain H430 of God, H2722 even to Horeb.

Exodus 3:4

  4 H3068 And when the Lord H7200 saw H5493 that he turned aside H7200 to see, H430 God H7121 called H8432 unto him out of the middle H5572 of the bush, H559 and said, H4872 Moses, H4872 Moses. H559 And he said, Here am I.

Exodus 3:6

  6 H559 Moreover he said, H430 I am the God H1 of your father, H430 the God H85 of Abraham, H430 the God H3327 of Isaac, H430 and the God H3290 of Jacob. H4872 And Moses H5641 hid H6440 his face; H3372 for he was afraid H5027 to look H430 upon God.
  7 H3068 And the Lord H559 said, H7200 I have surely H7200 seen H6040 the affliction H5971 of my people H4714 which are in Egypt, H8085 and have heard H6818 their cry H6440 by reason H5065 of their taskmasters; H3045 for I know H4341 their sorrows;

Exodus 3:9

  9 H6818 Now therefore, behold, the cry H1121 of the sons H3478 of Israel H935 is come H7200 unto me: and I have also seen H3906 the oppression H4714 with which the Egyptians H3905 oppress them.

Exodus 4:10

  10 H4872 And Moses H559 said H3068 unto the Lord, H994 O H136 my Lord, H376 I H1697 am not eloquent, H8032 neither before, H227 nor since H1696 you have spoken H5650 unto your servant: H3515 but I am slow H6310 of speech, H3515 and of a slow H3956 tongue.

Exodus 4:27

  27 H3068 And the Lord H559 said H175 to Aaron, H3212 Go H4057 into the wilderness H7125 to meet H4872 Moses. H3212 And he went, H6298 and met H2022 him in the mount H430 of God, H5401 and kissed him.

Exodus 12:12

  12 H5674 For I will pass H776 through the land H4714 of Egypt H3915 this night, H5221 and will strike H1060 all the firstborn H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H120 both man H929 and animal; H430 and against all the gods H4714 of Egypt H6213 I will execute H8201 judgment: H3068 I am the Lord.

Exodus 14:5-31

  5 H5046 And it was told H4428 the king H4714 of Egypt H5971 that the people H1272 fled: H3824 and the heart H6547 of Pharaoh H5650 and of his servants H2015 was turned H5971 against the people, H559 and they said, H6213 Why have we done H3478 this, that we have let Israel H7971 go H5647 from serving us?
  6 H631 And he made ready H7393 his chariot, H3947 and took H5971 his people with him:
  7 H3947 And he took H8337 six H3967 hundred H977 chosen H7393 chariots, H7393 and all the chariots H4714 of Egypt, H7991 and captains over every one of them.
  8 H3068 And the Lord H2388 hardened H3820 the heart H6547 of Pharaoh H4428 king H4714 of Egypt, H7291 and he pursued H310 after H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel: H1121 and the sons H3478 of Israel H3318 went out H7311 with an high H3027 hand.
  9 H4714 But the Egyptians H7291 pursued H310 after H5483 them, all the horses H7393 and chariots H6547 of Pharaoh, H6571 and his horsemen, H2428 and his army, H5381 and overtook H2583 them encamping H3220 by the sea, H6367 beside Pi–hahiroth, H6440 before H1189 Baal–zephon.
  10 H6547 And when Pharaoh H7126 drew near, H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel H5375 lifted up H5869 their eyes, H4714 and, behold, the Egyptians H5265 marched H310 after H3966 them; and they were severe H3372 afraid: H1121 and the sons H3478 of Israel H6817 cried out H3068 unto the Lord.
  11 H559 And they said H4872 unto Moses, H6913 Because there were no graves H4714 in Egypt, H3947 have you taken us away H4191 to die H4057 in the wilderness? H2063 why H6213 have you dealt H3318 thus with us, to carry us forth H4714 out of Egypt?
  12 H1697 Is not this the word H1696 that we did tell H4714 you in Egypt, H559 saying, H2308 Let us alone, H5647 that we may serve H4714 the Egyptians? H2896 For it had been better H5647 for us to serve H4714 the Egyptians, H4191 than that we should die H4057 in the wilderness.
  13 H4872 And Moses H559 said H5971 unto the people, H3372 Fear H3320 you not, stand still, H7200 and see H3444 the salvation H3068 of the Lord, H6213 which he will show H3117 to you to day: H4714 for the Egyptians H7200 whom you have seen H3117 to day, H7200 you shall see H3254 them again H5704 no more for H5769 ever.
  14 H3068 The Lord H3898 shall fight H2790 for you, and you shall hold your peace.
  15 H3068 And the Lord H559 said H4872 unto Moses, H6817 Why cry H1696 you unto me? speak H1121 unto the sons H3478 of Israel, H5265 that they go forward:
  16 H7311 But lift you up H4294 your rod, H5186 and stretch out H3027 your hand H3220 over the sea, H1234 and divide H1121 it: and the sons H3478 of Israel H935 shall go H3004 on dry H8432 ground through the middle H3220 of the sea.
  17 H2388 And I, behold, I will harden H3820 the hearts H4714 of the Egyptians, H935 and they shall follow H310 them: H3513 and I will get me honor H6547 upon Pharaoh, H2428 and upon all his host, H7393 upon his chariots, H6571 and upon his horsemen.
  18 H4714 And the Egyptians H3045 shall know H3068 that I am the Lord, H3513 when I have gotten me honor H6547 upon Pharaoh, H7393 upon his chariots, H6571 and upon his horsemen.
  19 H4397 And the angel H430 of God, H1980 which went H6440 before H4264 the camp H3478 of Israel, H5265 removed H3212 and went H310 behind H5982 them; and the pillar H6051 of the cloud H5265 went H6440 from before their face, H5975 and stood H310 behind them:
  20 H935 And it came H4264 between the camp H4714 of the Egyptians H4264 and the camp H3478 of Israel; H6051 and it was a cloud H2822 and darkness H215 to them, but it gave light H3915 by night H7126 to these: so that the one came not near H2088 the other H3915 all the night.
  21 H4872 And Moses H5186 stretched out H3027 his hand H3220 over the sea; H3068 and the Lord H3220 caused the sea H3212 to go H5794 back by a strong H6921 east H7307 wind H3915 all that night, H7760 and made H3220 the sea H2724 dry H4325 land, and the waters H1234 were divided.
  22 H1121 And the sons H3478 of Israel H935 went H8432 into the middle H3220 of the sea H3004 upon the dry H4325 ground: and the waters H2346 were a wall H3225 unto them on their right hand, H8040 and on their left.
  23 H4714 And the Egyptians H7291 pursued, H935 and went in H310 after H8432 them to the middle H3220 of the sea, H6547 even all Pharaoh's H5483 horses, H7393 his chariots, H6571 and his horsemen.
  24 H1242 And it came to pass, that in the morning H821 watch H3068 the Lord H8259 looked H4264 unto the host H4714 of the Egyptians H5982 through the pillar H784 of fire H6051 and of the cloud, H2000 and troubled H4264 the host H4714 of the Egyptians,
  25 H5493 And took off H4818 their chariot H212 wheels, H5090 that they drove H3517 them heavily: H4714 so that the Egyptians H559 said, H5127 Let us flee H6440 from the face H3478 of Israel; H3068 for the Lord H3898 fights H4714 for them against the Egyptians.
  26 H3068 And the Lord H559 said H4872 unto Moses, H5186 Stretch out H3027 your hand H3220 over the sea, H4325 that the waters H7725 may come again H4714 upon the Egyptians, H7393 upon their chariots, H6571 and upon their horsemen.
  27 H4872 And Moses H5186 stretched forth H3027 his hand H3220 over the sea, H3220 and the sea H7725 returned H386 to his strength H1242 when the morning H6437 appeared; H4714 and the Egyptians H5127 fled H7125 against H3068 it; and the Lord H5287 overthrew H4714 the Egyptians H8432 in the middle H3220 of the sea.
  28 H4325 And the waters H7725 returned, H3680 and covered H7393 the chariots, H6571 and the horsemen, H2428 and all the host H6547 of Pharaoh H935 that came H3220 into the sea H310 after H7604 them; there remained H5704 not so much as H259 one of them.
  29 H1121 But the sons H3478 of Israel H1980 walked H3004 upon dry H8432 land in the middle H3220 of the sea; H4325 and the waters H2346 were a wall H3225 unto them on their right hand, H8040 and on their left.
  30 H3068 Thus the Lord H3467 saved H3478 Israel H3117 that day H3027 out of the hand H4714 of the Egyptians; H3478 and Israel H7200 saw H4714 the Egyptians H4191 dead H3220 upon the sea H8193 shore.
  31 H3478 And Israel H7200 saw H1419 that great H3027 work H3068 which the Lord H6213 did H4714 upon the Egyptians: H5971 and the people H3372 feared H3068 the Lord, H539 and believed H3068 the Lord, H5650 and his servant H4872 Moses.

Exodus 15:20

  20 H4813 And Miriam H5031 the prophetess, H269 the sister H175 of Aaron, H3947 took H8596 a tambourine H3027 in her hand; H802 and all the women H3318 went out H310 after H8596 her with tambourines H4246 and with dances.

Exodus 18:12

  12 H3503 And Jethro, H4872 Moses' H2859 father in law, H3947 took H5930 a burnt offering H2077 and sacrifices H430 for God: H175 and Aaron H935 came, H2205 and all the elders H3478 of Israel, H398 to eat H3899 bread H4872 with Moses' H2859 father in law H6440 before H430 God.

Exodus 20:12

  12 H3513 Honor H1 your father H517 and your mother: H3117 that your days H748 may be long H127 upon the land H3068 which the Lord H430 your God H5414 gives you.

Exodus 21:7-11

  7 H376 And if a man H4376 sell H1323 his daughter H519 to be a maidservant, H3318 she shall not go out H5650 as the menservants H3318 do.
  8 H7451 If she please H113 not her master, H3259 who has married H6299 her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: H4376 to sell H5237 her unto a strange H5971 nation H4910 he shall have no power, H898 seeing he has dealt deceitfully with her.
  9 H3259 And if he have married H1121 her unto his son, H6213 he shall deal H4941 with her after the manner H1323 of daughters.
  10 H3947 If he take H312 him another H7607 wife; her food, H3682 her stew, H5772 and her duty of marriage, H1639 shall he not diminish.
  11 H6213 And if he do H7969 not these three H3318 unto her, then shall she go out H2600 free H3701 outside money.

Exodus 22:10-13

  10 H376 If a man H5414 deliver H7453 unto his two H2543 a donkey, H7794 or an ox, H7716 or a sheep, H929 or any animal, H8104 to keep; H4191 and it die, H7665 or be hurt, H7617 or driven away, H7200 no man seeing it:
  11 H7621 Then shall an oath H3068 of the Lord H8147 be between them both, H7971 that he has not put H3027 his hand H7453 unto his neighbour's H4399 goods; H1167 and the owner H3947 of it shall accept H7999 there and he shall not make it good.
  12 H1589 And if it be stolen H7999 from him, he shall make restitution H1167 unto the owner there
  13 H2963 If it be torn in pieces, H935 then let him bring H5707 it for witness, H7999 and he shall not make good H2966 that which was torn.

Exodus 22:31

  31 H6944 And you shall be holy H582 men H398 unto me: neither shall you eat H1320 any flesh H2966 that is torn of animals H7704 in the field; H7993 you shall cast H3611 it to the dogs.

Exodus 23:26

  26 H7921 There shall nothing cast their young, H6135 nor be childless, H776 in your land: H4557 the number H3117 of your days H4390 I will fulfill.

Leviticus 15:19

  19 H802 And if a woman H2100 have an issue, H2101 and her issue H1320 in her flesh H1818 be blood, H5079 she shall be put apart H7651 seven H3117 days: H5060 and whoever touches H2930 her shall be unclean H6153 until the evening.

Leviticus 18:18

  18 H3947 Neither shall you take H802 a wife H269 to her sister, H6887 to vex H1540 her, to uncover H6172 her nakedness, H2416 beside the other in her life time.

Leviticus 19:3

  3 H3372 You shall fear H376 every man H517 his mother, H1 and his father, H8104 and keep H7676 my sabbaths: H3068 I am the Lord H430 your God.

Leviticus 19:13

  13 H6231 You shall not defraud H7453 your neighbor, H1497 neither rob H6468 him: the wages H7916 of him that is hired H3885 shall not stay H1242 with you all night until the morning.

Leviticus 19:32

  32 H6965 You shall rise up H6440 before H7872 the gray head, H1921 and honor H6440 the face H2205 of the old man, H3372 and fear H430 your God: H3068 I am the Lord.

Leviticus 22:8

  8 H5038 That which dies of itself, H2966 or is torn H398 with animals, he shall not eat H2930 to defile H3068 himself with it I am the Lord.

Leviticus 26:26

  26 H7665 And when I have broken H4294 the staff H3899 of your bread, H6235 ten H802 women H644 shall bake H3899 your bread H259 in one H8574 oven, H7725 and they shall deliver H3899 you your bread H7725 again H4948 by weight: H398 and you shall eat, H7646 and not be satisfied.

Numbers 12:6

  6 H559 And he said, H8085 Hear H1697 now my words: H5030 If there be a prophet H3068 among you, I the Lord H3045 will make myself known H4759 unto him in a vision, H1696 and will speak H2472 unto him in a dream.

Numbers 14:22

  22 H582 Because all those men H7200 which have seen H3519 my glory, H226 and my miracles, H6213 which I did H4714 in Egypt H4057 and in the wilderness, H5254 and have tempted H6235 me now these ten H6471 times, H8085 and have not listened H6963 to my voice;

Numbers 16:15

  15 H4872 And Moses H3966 was very H2734 angry, H559 and said H3068 unto the Lord, H6437 Respect H4503 not you their offering: H5375 I have not taken H259 one H2543 donkey H7489 from them, neither have I hurt H259 one of them.

Numbers 22:20

  20 H430 And God H935 came H1109 unto Balaam H3915 at night, H559 and said H582 unto him, If the men H935 come H7121 to call H6965 you, rise up, H3212 and go H389 with them; but yet H1697 the word H1696 which I shall say H6213 unto you, that shall you do.

Numbers 22:26

  26 H4397 And the angel H3068 of the Lord H5674 went H3254 further, H5975 and stood H6862 in a narrow H4725 place, H1870 where was no way H5186 to turn H3225 either to the right hand H8040 or to the left.

Numbers 23:5

  5 H3068 And the Lord H7760 put H1697 a word H1109 in Balaam's H6310 mouth, H559 and said, H7725 Return H1111 unto Balak, H1696 and thus you shall speak.

Numbers 23:8

  8 H4100 How H5344 shall I curse, H410 whom God H6895 has not cursed? H2194 or how shall I defy, H3068 whom the Lord H2194 has not defied?

Numbers 23:11

  11 H1111 And Balak H559 said H1109 unto Balaam, H6213 What have you done H3947 unto me? I took H6895 you to curse H341 my enemies, H1288 and, behold, you have blessed H1288 them altogether.

Numbers 24:1

  1 H1109 And when Balaam H7200 saw H5869 that it pleased H3068 the Lord H1288 to bless H3478 Israel, H1980 he went H6471 not, as at other times, H7125 to seek H5173 for enchantments, H7896 but he set H6440 his face H4057 toward the wilderness.

Numbers 24:13

  13 H1111 If Balak H5414 would give H1004 me his house H4393 full H3701 of silver H2091 and gold, H3201 I cannot H5674 go beyond H6310 the commandment H3068 of the Lord, H6213 to do H2896 either good H7451 or bad H3820 of my own mind; H3068 but what the Lord H1696 says, H1696 that will I speak?

Numbers 24:25

  25 H1109 And Balaam H6965 rose up, H3212 and went H7725 and returned H4725 to his place: H1111 and Balak H1980 also went H1870 his way.

Numbers 32:1

  1 H1121 Now the sons H7205 of Reuben H1121 and the sons H1410 of Gad H3966 had a very H6099 great H7227 multitude H4735 of cattle: H7200 and when they saw H776 the land H3270 of Jazer, H776 and the land H1568 of Gilead, H4725 that, behold, the place H4725 was a place H4735 for cattle;

Numbers 33:4

  4 H4714 For the Egyptians H6912 buried H1060 all their firstborn, H3068 which the Lord H5221 had struck H430 among them: upon their gods H3068 also the Lord H6213 executed H8201 judgments.

Deuteronomy 2:36

  36 H6177 From Aroer, H8193 which is by the bank H5158 of the river H769 of Arnon, H5892 and from the city H5158 that is by the river, H1568 even unto Gilead, H7151 there was not one city H7682 too strong H3068 for us: the Lord H430 our God H5414 delivered H6440 all unto us:

Deuteronomy 3:12

  12 H776 And this land, H3423 which we possessed H6256 at that time, H6177 from Aroer, H5158 which is by the river H769 Arnon, H2677 and half H2022 mountain H1568 Gilead, H5892 and the cities H5414 there, gave H7206 I unto the Reubenites H1425 and to the Gadites.

Deuteronomy 3:16

  16 H7206 And unto the Reubenites H1425 and unto the Gadites H5414 I gave H1568 from Gilead H5158 even unto the river H769 Arnon H8432 half H5158 the valley, H1366 and the border H5158 even unto the river H2999 Jabbok, H1366 which is the border H1121 of the sons H5983 of Ammon;

Deuteronomy 6:13

  13 H3372 You shall fear H3068 the Lord H430 your God, H5647 and serve H7650 him, and shall swear H8034 by his name.

Deuteronomy 13:1

  1 H6965 If there arise H7130 among H5030 you a prophet, H2492 or a dreamer H2472 of dreams, H5414 and gives H226 you a sign H4159 or a wonder,

Deuteronomy 19:4

  4 H1697 And this is the case H7523 of the slayer, H5127 which shall flee H2425 there, that he may live: H5221 Whoever kills H7453 his neighbor H1097 ignorantly, H8130 whom he hated H8543 not in time H8032 past;

Deuteronomy 23:5

  5 H3068 Nevertheless the Lord H430 your God H14 would H8085 not listen H1109 unto Balaam; H3068 but the Lord H430 your God H2015 turned H7045 the curse H1293 into a blessing H3068 unto you, because the Lord H430 your God H157 loved you.

Deuteronomy 24:15

  15 H3117 At his day H5414 you shall give H7939 him his hire, H8121 neither shall the sun H935 go down H6041 upon it; for he is poor, H5375 and sets H5315 his heart H7121 upon it: lest he cry H3068 against you unto the Lord, H2399 and it be sin unto you.

Deuteronomy 26:5

  5 H6030 And you shall speak H559 and say H6440 before H3068 the Lord H430 your God, H761 A Syrian H6 ready to perish H1 was my father, H3381 and he went down H4714 into Egypt, H1481 and stayed H4962 there with H4592 a few, H1471 and became there a nation, H1419 great, H6099 mighty, H7227 and populous:

Deuteronomy 28:4

  4 H1288 Blessed H6529 shall be the fruit H990 of your body, H6529 and the fruit H127 of your ground, H6529 and the fruit H929 of your cattle, H7698 the increase H504 of your cows, H6251 and the flocks H6629 of your sheep.

Deuteronomy 28:54

  54 H376 So that the man H7390 that is tender H3966 among you, and very H6028 delicate, H5869 his eye H3415 shall be evil H251 toward his brother, H802 and toward the wife H2436 of his bosom, H3499 and toward the remnant H1121 of his sons H3498 which he shall leave:

Deuteronomy 31:19

  19 H3789 Now therefore write H7892 you this song H3925 for you, and teach H1121 it the sons H3478 of Israel: H7760 put H6310 it in their mouths, H7892 that this song H5707 may be a witness H1121 for me against the sons H3478 of Israel.

Deuteronomy 31:21

  21 H7227 And it shall come to pass, when many H7451 evils H6869 and troubles H4672 are happened H7892 them, that this song H6030 shall testify H6440 against H5707 them as a witness; H7911 for it shall not be forgotten H6310 out of the mouths H2233 of their seed: H3045 for I know H3336 their imagination H6213 which they go about, H3117 even now, H935 before I have brought H776 them into the land H7650 which I swore.

Deuteronomy 31:26

  26 H3947 Take H5612 this book H8451 of the law, H7760 and put H6654 it by the side H727 of the ark H1285 of the covenant H3068 of the Lord H430 your God, H5707 that it may be there for a witness against you.

Deuteronomy 32:36

  36 H3068 For the Lord H1777 shall judge H5971 his people, H5162 and repent H5650 himself for his servants, H7200 when he sees H3027 that their power H235 is gone, H657 and there is none H6113 shut up, H5800 or left.

Joshua 4:5-9

  5 H3091 And Joshua H559 said H5674 unto them, Pass over H6440 before H727 the ark H3068 of the Lord H430 your God H8432 into the middle H3383 of Jordan, H7311 and take you up H259 every H376 man H68 of you a stone H7926 upon his shoulder, H4557 according unto the number H7626 of the tribes H1121 of the sons H3478 of Israel:
  6 H226 That this may be a sign H7130 among H1121 you, that when your sons H7592 ask H4279 their fathers in time to come, H559 saying, H68 What mean you by these stones?
  7 H559 Then you shall answer H4325 them, That the waters H3383 of Jordan H3772 were cut off H6440 before H727 the ark H1285 of the covenant H3068 of the Lord; H5674 when it passed over H3383 Jordan, H4325 the waters H3383 of Jordan H3772 were cut off: H68 and these stones H2146 shall be for a memorial H1121 unto the sons H3478 of Israel H5704 for H5769 ever.
  8 H1121 And the sons H3478 of Israel H6213 did H3091 so as Joshua H6680 commanded, H5375 and took up H8147 twelve H68 stones H8432 out of the middle H3383 of Jordan, H3068 as the Lord H1696 spoke H3091 unto Joshua, H4557 according to the number H7626 of the tribes H1121 of the sons H3478 of Israel, H5674 and carried them over H4411 with them unto the place where they lodged, H3240 and laid them down there.
  9 H3091 And Joshua H6965 set up H8147 twelve H68 stones H8432 in the middle H3383 of Jordan, H7272 in the place where the feet H3548 of the priests H5375 which bore H727 the ark H1285 of the covenant H4673 stood: H3117 and they are there unto this day.

Joshua 4:20-24

  20 H8147 And those twelve H68 stones, H3947 which they took out H3383 of Jordan, H3091 did Joshua H6965 pitch H1537 in Gilgal.
  21 H559 And he spoke H1121 unto the sons H3478 of Israel, H559 saying, H1121 When your sons H7592 shall ask H1 their fathers H4279 in time to come, H559 saying, H68 What mean these stones?
  22 H1121 Then you shall let your sons H3045 know, H559 saying, H3478 Israel H5674 came over H3383 this Jordan H3004 on dry land.
  23 H3068 For the Lord H430 your God H3001 dried up H4325 the waters H3383 of Jordan H6440 from before H5674 you, until you were passed over, H3068 as the Lord H430 your God H6213 did H5488 to the Red H3220 sea, H3001 which he dried up H6440 from before H5674 us, until we were gone over:
  24 H5971 That all the people H776 of the earth H3045 might know H3027 the hand H3068 of the Lord, H2389 that it is mighty: H3372 that you might fear H3068 the Lord H430 your God H3117 for ever.

Joshua 7:19

  19 H3091 And Joshua H559 said H5912 unto Achan, H1121 My son, H7760 give, H3519 I pray you, glory H3068 to the Lord H430 God H3478 of Israel, H5414 and make H8426 confession H5046 unto him; and tell H6213 me now what you have done; H3582 hide it not from me.

Joshua 7:23

  23 H3947 And they took H8432 them out of the middle H168 of the tent, H935 and brought H3091 them unto Joshua, H1121 and unto all the sons H3478 of Israel, H3332 and laid them out H6440 before H3068 the Lord.

Joshua 7:26

  26 H6965 And they raised H1419 over him a great H1530 heap H68 of stones H3117 unto this day. H3068 So the Lord H7725 turned H2740 from the fierceness H639 of his anger. H8034 Why the name H4725 of that place H7121 was called, H6010 The valley H5911 of Achor, H3117 unto this day.

Joshua 13:8-9

  8 H7206 With whom the Reubenites H1425 and the Gadites H3947 have received H5159 their inheritance, H4872 which Moses H5414 gave H5676 them, beyond H3383 Jordan H4217 eastward, H4872 even as Moses H5650 the servant H3068 of the Lord H5414 gave them;
  9 H6177 From Aroer, H8193 that is upon the bank H5158 of the river H769 Arnon, H5892 and the city H8432 that is in the middle H5158 of the river, H4334 and all the plain H4311 of Medeba H1769 unto Dibon;

Joshua 22:27

  27 H5707 But that it may be a witness H1755 between us, and you, and our generations H310 after H5647 us, that we might do H5656 the service H3068 of the Lord H6440 before H5930 him with our burnt offerings, H2077 and with our sacrifices, H8002 and with our peace offerings; H1121 that your sons H559 may not say H1121 to our sons H4279 in time to come, H2506 You have no part H3068 in the Lord.

Joshua 24:2

  2 H3091 And Joshua H559 said H5971 unto all the people, H559 Thus says H3068 the Lord H430 God H3478 of Israel, H1 Your fathers H3427 lived H5676 on the other side H5104 of the River H5769 in old time, H8646 even Terah, H1 the father H85 of Abraham, H1 and the father H5152 of Nachor: H5647 and they served H312 other H430 gods.

Joshua 24:2-3

  2 H3091 And Joshua H559 said H5971 unto all the people, H559 Thus says H3068 the Lord H430 God H3478 of Israel, H1 Your fathers H3427 lived H5676 on the other side H5104 of the River H5769 in old time, H8646 even Terah, H1 the father H85 of Abraham, H1 and the father H5152 of Nachor: H5647 and they served H312 other H430 gods.
  3 H3947 And I took H1 your father H85 Abraham H5676 from the other side H5104 of the flood, H3212 and led H776 him throughout all the land H3667 of Canaan, H7235 and multiplied H2233 his seed, H5414 and gave H3327 him Isaac.

Joshua 24:25-27

  25 H3091 So Joshua H3772 made H1285 a covenant H5971 with the people H3117 that day, H7760 and set H2706 them a statute H4941 and an ordinance H7927 in Shechem.
  26 H3091 And Joshua H3789 wrote H1697 these words H5612 in the book H8451 of the law H430 of God, H3947 and took H1419 a great H68 stone, H6965 and set it up H427 there under an oak, H4720 that was by the sanctuary H3068 of the Lord.
  27 H3091 And Joshua H559 said H5971 unto all the people, H68 Behold, this stone H5713 shall be a witness H8085 unto us; for it has heard H561 all the words H3068 of the Lord H1696 which he spoke H5713 unto us: it shall be therefore a witness H3584 unto you, lest you deny H430 your God.

Joshua 24:27

  27 H3091 And Joshua H559 said H5971 unto all the people, H68 Behold, this stone H5713 shall be a witness H8085 unto us; for it has heard H561 all the words H3068 of the Lord H1696 which he spoke H5713 unto us: it shall be therefore a witness H3584 unto you, lest you deny H430 your God.

Judges 6:27

  27 H1439 Then Gideon H3947 took H6235 ten H582 men H5650 of his servants, H6213 and did H3068 as the Lord H1696 had said H3372 unto him: and so it was, because he feared H1 his father's H1004 household, H582 and the men H5892 of the city, H6213 that he could not do H3119 it by day, H6213 that he did H3915 it by night.

Judges 6:31

  31 H3101 And Joash H559 said H5975 unto all that stood H7378 against him, Will you plead H1168 for Baal? H3467 will you save H7378 him? he that will plead H4191 for him, let him be put to death H1242 whilst it is yet morning: H430 if he be a god, H7378 let him plead H5422 for himself, because one has cast down H4196 his altar.

Judges 10:17

  17 H1121 Then the sons H5983 of Ammon H6817 were gathered together, H2583 and encamped H1568 in Gilead. H1121 And the sons H3478 of Israel H622 assembled themselves together, H2583 and encamped H4709 in Mizpeh.
  18 H5971 And the people H8269 and princes H1568 of Gilead H559 said H376 one H7453 to another, H376 What man H2490 is he that will begin H3898 to fight H1121 against the sons H5983 of Ammon? H7218 he shall be head H3427 over all the inhabitants H1568 of Gilead.

Judges 11:10

  10 H2205 And the elders H1568 of Gilead H559 said H3316 unto Jephthah, H3068 The Lord H8085 be witness H6213 between us, if we do H1697 not so according to your words.
  11 H3316 Then Jephthah H3212 went H2205 with the elders H1568 of Gilead, H5971 and the people H7760 made H7218 him head H7101 and captain H3316 over them: and Jephthah H1696 uttered H1697 all his words H6440 before H3068 the Lord H4709 in Mizpeh.

Judges 11:29

  29 H7307 Then the Spirit H3068 of the Lord H3316 came upon Jephthah, H5674 and he passed over H1568 Gilead, H4519 and Manasseh, H5674 and passed over H4708 Mizpeh H1568 of Gilead, H4708 and from Mizpeh H1568 of Gilead H5674 he passed over H1121 unto the sons H5983 of Ammon.

Judges 17:4-5

  4 H7725 Yet he restored H3701 the money H517 unto his mother; H517 and his mother H3947 took H3967 two hundred H3701 shekels of silver, H5414 and gave H6884 them to the founder, H6213 who made H6459 there a engraved image H4541 and a molten image: H1004 and they were in the house H4321 of Micah.
  5 H376 And the man H4318 Micah H1004 had an house H430 of gods, H6213 and made H646 an ephod, H8655 and teraphim, H4390 and consecrated H259 one H1121 of his sons, H3548 who became his priest.

Judges 18:14-24

  14 H6030 Then answered H2568 the five H582 men H1980 that went H7270 to spy out H776 the country H3919 of Laish, H559 and said H251 to their brothers, H3045 Do you know H3426 that there is H1004 in these houses H646 an ephod, H8655 and teraphim, H6459 and a engraved image, H4541 and a molten image? H3045 now therefore consider H6213 what you have to do.
  15 H5493 And they turned H935 aside, and came H1004 to the house H5288 of the young man H3881 the Levite, H1004 even to the house H4318 of Micah, H7592 and greeted him.
  16 H8337 And the six H3967 hundred H376 men H2296 appointed H3627 with their weapons H4421 of war, H1121 which were of the sons H1835 of Dan, H5324 stood H6607 by the entering H8179 of the gate.
  17 H2568 And the five H582 men H1980 that went H7270 to spy out H776 the land H5927 went up, H935 and came in H3947 there, and took H6459 the engraved image, H646 and the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H4541 and the molten image: H3548 and the priest H5324 stood H6607 in the entering H8179 of the gate H8337 with the six H3967 hundred H376 men H2296 that were appointed H3627 with weapons H4421 of war.
  18 H935 And these went H4318 into Micah's H1004 house, H3947 and fetched H6459 the carved image, H646 the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H4541 and the molten image. H559 Then said H3548 the priest H6213 to them, What do you
  19 H559 And they said H2790 to him, Hold your peace, H7760 lay H3027 your hand H6310 upon your mouth, H3212 and go H1961 with us, and be to us H1 a father H3548 and a priest: H2896 is it better H3548 for you to be a priest H1004 to the house H259 of one H376 man, H3548 or that you be a priest H7626 to a tribe H4940 and a family H3478 in Israel?
  20 H3548 And the priest's H3820 heart H3190 was glad, H3947 and he took H646 the ephod, H8655 and the teraphim, H6459 and the engraved image, H935 and went in H7130 the middle H5971 of the people.
  21 H6437 So they turned H3212 and departed, H7760 and put H2945 the little ones H4735 and the cattle H3520 and the carriage H6440 before them.
  22 H7368 And when they were a good way H1004 from the house H4318 of Micah, H582 the men H1004 that were in the houses H4318 near to Micah's H1004 house H2199 were gathered together, H1692 and overtook H1121 the sons H1835 of Dan.
  23 H7121 And they cried H1121 to the sons H1835 of Dan. H5437 And they turned H6440 their faces, H559 and said H4318 to Micah, H2199 What ails you, that you come with such a company?
  24 H559 And he said, H3947 You have taken away H430 my gods H6213 which I made, H3548 and the priest, H3212 and you are gone away: H559 and what have I more? and what is this that you say to me, What ails you?

Judges 18:24

  24 H559 And he said, H3947 You have taken away H430 my gods H6213 which I made, H3548 and the priest, H3212 and you are gone away: H559 and what have I more? and what is this that you say to me, What ails you?

Judges 18:31

  31 H7760 And they set them up H4318 Micah's H6459 engraved image, H6213 which he made, H3117 all the time H1004 that the house H430 of God H7887 was in Shiloh.

Ruth 1:9

  9 H3068 The Lord H5414 grant H4672 you that you may find H4496 rest, H802 each H1004 of you in the house H376 of her husband. H5401 Then she kissed H5375 them; and they lifted up H6963 their voice, H1058 and wept.

Ruth 1:14

  14 H5375 And they lifted up H6963 their voice, H1058 and wept again: H6204 and Orpah H5401 kissed H2545 her mother in law; H7327 but Ruth H1692 joined her.

Ruth 4:11

  11 H5971 And all the people H8179 that were in the gate, H2205 and the elders, H559 said, H5707 We are witnesses. H3068 The Lord H5414 make H802 the woman H935 that is come H1004 into your house H7354 like Rachel H3812 and like Leah, H8147 which two H1129 did build H1004 the house H3478 of Israel: H6213 and do H2428 worthily H672 in Ephratah, H7121 and be famous H1035 in Beth–lehem:

1 Samuel 3:4

  4 H3068 That the Lord H7121 called H8050 Samuel: H559 and he answered, Here am I.

1 Samuel 3:6

  6 H3068 And the Lord H7121 called H3254 yet again, H8050 Samuel. H8050 And Samuel H6965 arose H3212 and went H5941 to Eli, H559 and said, H7121 Here am I; for you did call H559 me. And he answered, H7121 I called H1121 not, my son; H7901 lie down H7725 again.

1 Samuel 3:8

  8 H3068 And the Lord H7121 called H8050 Samuel H3254 again H7992 the third time. H6965 And he arose H3212 and went H5941 to Eli, H559 and said, H7121 Here am I; for you did call H5941 me. And Eli H995 perceived H3068 that the Lord H7121 had called H5288 the child.

1 Samuel 3:16

  16 H5941 Then Eli H7121 called H8050 Samuel, H559 and said, H8050 Samuel, H1121 my son. H559 And he answered, Here am I.

1 Samuel 5:2-6

  2 H6430 When the Philistines H3947 took H727 the ark H430 of God, H935 they brought H1004 it into the house H1712 of Dagon, H3322 and set H681 it by H1712 Dagon.
  3 H796 And when they of Ashdod H7925 arose early H4283 on the next day, H1712 behold, Dagon H5307 was fallen H6440 upon his face H776 to the earth H6440 before H727 the ark H3068 of the Lord. H3947 And they took H1712 Dagon, H7725 and set H4725 him in his place H7725 again.
  4 H7925 And when they arose early H4283 on the next day H1242 morning, H1712 behold, Dagon H5307 was fallen H6440 upon his face H776 to the ground H6440 before H727 the ark H3068 of the Lord; H7218 and the head H1712 of Dagon H8147 and both H3709 the palms H3027 of his hands H3772 were cut off H4670 upon the threshold; H1712 only the stump of Dagon H7604 was left to him.
  5 H3548 Therefore neither the priests H1712 of Dagon, H935 nor any that come H1712 into Dagon's H1004 house, H1869 tread H4670 on the threshold H1712 of Dagon H795 in Ashdod H3117 unto this day.
  6 H3027 But the hand H3068 of the Lord H3513 was heavy H796 upon them of Ashdod, H8074 and he destroyed H5221 them, and struck H2914 them with ulcers, H795 even Ashdod H1366 and the coasts there.

1 Samuel 7:5-6

  5 H8050 And Samuel H559 said, H6908 Gather H3478 all Israel H4708 to Mizpeh, H6419 and I will pray H3068 for you unto the Lord.
  6 H6908 And they gathered together H4709 to Mizpeh, H7579 and drew H4325 water, H8210 and poured it out H6440 before H3068 the Lord, H6684 and fasted H3117 on that day, H559 and said H2398 there, We have sinned H3068 against the Lord. H8050 And Samuel H8199 judged H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel H4708 in Mizpeh.

1 Samuel 12:3-5

  3 H6030 Behold, here I am: witness H3068 against me before the Lord, H4899 and before his anointed: H7794 whose ox H3947 have I taken? H2543 or whose donkey H3947 have I taken? H6231 or whom have I defrauded? H7533 whom have I oppressed? H3027 or of whose hand H3724 have I received any bribe H5956 to blind H5869 my eyes H7725 with it? and I will restore it you.

1 Samuel 12:3-4

  3 H6030 Behold, here I am: witness H3068 against me before the Lord, H4899 and before his anointed: H7794 whose ox H3947 have I taken? H2543 or whose donkey H3947 have I taken? H6231 or whom have I defrauded? H7533 whom have I oppressed? H3027 or of whose hand H3724 have I received any bribe H5956 to blind H5869 my eyes H7725 with it? and I will restore it you.
  4 H559 And they said, H6231 You have not defrauded H7533 us, nor oppressed H3947 us, neither have you taken H3972 anything H376 of any man's H3027 hand.

1 Samuel 12:4-4

  4 H559 And they said, H6231 You have not defrauded H7533 us, nor oppressed H3947 us, neither have you taken H3972 anything H376 of any man's H3027 hand.
  5 H559 And he said H3068 unto them, The Lord H5707 is witness H4899 against you, and his anointed H5707 is witness H3117 this day, H4672 that you have not found H3972 anything H3027 in my hand. H559 And they answered, H5707 He is witness.

1 Samuel 12:5

  5 H559 And he said H3068 unto them, The Lord H5707 is witness H4899 against you, and his anointed H5707 is witness H3117 this day, H4672 that you have not found H3972 anything H3027 in my hand. H559 And they answered, H5707 He is witness.

1 Samuel 13:13

  13 H8050 And Samuel H559 said H7586 to Saul, H5528 You have done foolishly: H8104 you have not kept H4687 the commandment H3068 of the Lord H430 your God, H6680 which he commanded H3068 you: for now would the Lord H3559 have established H4467 your kingdom H3478 upon Israel H5704 for H5769 ever.

1 Samuel 14:24-29

  24 H376 And the men H3478 of Israel H5065 were distressed H3117 that day: H7586 for Saul H422 had adjured H5971 the people, H559 saying, H779 Cursed H376 be the man H398 that eat H3899 any food H6153 until evening, H5358 that I may be avenged H341 on my enemies. H5971 So none of the people H2938 tasted H3899 any food.
  25 H776 And all they of the land H935 came H3293 to a wood; H1706 and there was honey H6440 upon H7704 the ground.
  26 H5971 And when the people H935 were come H3293 into the wood, H1706 behold, the honey H1982 dropped; H5381 but no man put H3027 his hand H6310 to his mouth: H5971 for the people H3372 feared H7621 the oath.
  27 H3129 But Jonathan H8085 heard H1 not when his father H7650 commanded H5971 the people H7650 with the oath: H7971 why he put forth H7097 the end H4294 of the rod H3027 that was in his hand, H2881 and dipped H3295 it in an honeycomb, H7725 and put H3027 his hand H6310 to his mouth; H5869 and his eyes H215 were enlightened.
  28 H6030 Then answered H376 one H5971 of the people, H559 and said, H1 Your father H7650 directly H7650 commanded H5971 the people H7650 with an oath, H559 saying, H779 Cursed H376 be the man H398 that eat H3899 any food H3117 this day. H5971 And the people H5774 were faint.
  29 H559 Then said H3129 Jonathan, H1 My father H5916 has troubled H776 the land: H7200 see, H5869 I pray you, how my eyes H215 have been enlightened, H2938 because I tasted H4592 a little H1706 of this honey.

1 Samuel 14:43

  43 H7586 Then Saul H559 said H3129 to Jonathan, H5046 Tell H6213 me what you have done. H3129 And Jonathan H5046 told H559 him, and said, H2938 I did but H2938 taste H4592 a little H1706 honey H7097 with the end H4294 of the rod H3027 that was in my hand, H2009 and, behold, H4191 I must die.

1 Samuel 17:29

  29 H1732 And David H559 said, H6213 What have I now done? H1697 Is there not a cause?

1 Samuel 17:34-35

  34 H1732 And David H559 said H7586 unto Saul, H5650 Your servant H7462 kept H1 his father's H6629 sheep, H935 and there came H738 a lion, H1677 and a carry, H5375 and took H7716 a lamb H5739 out of the flock:
  35 H3318 And I went out H310 after H5221 him, and struck H5337 him, and delivered H6310 it out of his mouth: H6965 and when he arose H2388 against me, I caught H2206 him by his beard, H5221 and struck H4191 him, and killed him.

1 Samuel 18:9-11

  9 H7586 And Saul H5770 eyed H1732 David H3117 from that day H1973 and forward.
  10 H4283 And it came to pass on the next day, H7451 that the evil H7307 spirit H430 from God H6743 came H7586 upon Saul, H5012 and he prophesied H8432 in the middle H1004 of the house: H1732 and David H5059 played H3027 with his hand, H3117 as at other times: H2595 and there was a javelin H7586 in Saul's H3027 hand.
  11 H7586 And Saul H2904 cast H2595 the javelin; H559 for he said, H5221 I will strike H1732 David H7023 even to the wall H1732 with it. And David H5437 escaped from H6440 his presence H6471 twice.

1 Samuel 19:7

  7 H3083 And Jonathan H7121 called H1732 David, H3083 and Jonathan H5046 showed H1697 him all those things. H3083 And Jonathan H935 brought H1732 David H7586 to Saul, H6440 and he was in his presence, H865 as in times past.

1 Samuel 19:13

  13 H4324 And Michal H3947 took H8655 an image, H7760 and laid H4296 it in the bed, H7760 and put H3523 a pillow H5795 of goats' H4763 hair for his head piece, H3680 and covered H899 it with a cloth.

1 Samuel 20:14-17

  14 H518 And you shall not only while yet H2416 I live H6213 show H2617 me the kindness H3068 of the Lord, H4191 that I die not:
  15 H3772 But also you shall not cut off H2617 your kindness H1004 from my house H5704 for H5769 ever: H3068 no, not when the Lord H3772 has cut off H341 the enemies H1732 of David H376 every one H6440 from the face H127 of the earth.
  16 H3083 So Jonathan H3772 made H1004 a covenant with the house H1732 of David, H3068 saying, Let the Lord H1245 even require H3027 it at the hand H1732 of David's H341 enemies.
  17 H3083 And Jonathan H1732 caused David H7650 to swear H3254 again, H160 because he loved H157 him: for he loved H160 him as he loved H5315 his own soul.

1 Samuel 30:2

  2 H802 And had taken the women H7617 captives, H4191 that were in it: they killed H376 not any, H1419 either great H6996 or small, H5090 but carried them away, H3212 and went H1870 on their way.

1 Samuel 30:17

  17 H1732 And David H5221 struck H5399 them from the twilight H6153 even unto the evening H4283 of the next day: H4422 and there escaped H376 not a man H702 of them, save four H3967 hundred H5288 young H376 men, H7392 which rode H1581 upon camels, H5127 and fled.

2 Samuel 3:20-21

  20 H74 So Abner H935 came H1732 to David H2275 to Hebron, H6242 and twenty H582 men H1732 with him. And David H6213 made H74 Abner H582 and the men H4960 that were with him a feast.
  21 H74 And Abner H559 said H1732 unto David, H6965 I will arise H3212 and go, H6908 and will gather H3478 all Israel H113 unto my lord H4428 the king, H3772 that they may make H1285 a covenant H4427 with you, and that you may reign H5315 over all that your heart H183 desires. H1732 And David H7971 sent H74 Abner H7971 away; H3212 and he went H7965 in peace.

2 Samuel 5:21

  21 H5800 And there they left H6091 their images, H1732 and David H582 and his men H5375 burned them.

2 Samuel 13:22

  22 H53 And Absalom H1696 spoke H550 unto his brother Amnon H2896 neither good H7451 nor bad: H53 for Absalom H8130 hated H550 Amnon, H1697 because H6031 he had forced H269 his sister H8559 Tamar.

2 Samuel 18:17

  17 H3947 And they took H53 Absalom, H7993 and cast H1419 him into a great H6354 pit H3293 in the wood, H5324 and laid H3966 a very H1419 great H1530 heap H68 of stones H3478 upon him: and all Israel H5127 fled H376 every one H168 to his tent.

1 Kings 2:19

  19 H1339 Bath–sheba H935 therefore went H4428 unto king H8010 Solomon, H1696 to speak H138 unto him for Adonijah. H4428 And the king H6965 rose up H7125 to meet H7812 her, and bowed H3427 himself unto her, and sat down H3678 on his throne, H3678 and caused a seat H7760 to be set H4428 for the king's H517 mother; H3427 and she sat H3225 on his right hand.

1 Kings 3:5

  5 H1391 In Gibeon H3068 the Lord H7200 appeared H8010 to Solomon H2472 in a dream H3915 by night: H430 and God H559 said, H7592 Ask H5414 what I shall give you.

1 Kings 15:22

  22 H4428 Then king H609 Asa H8085 made a proclamation H3063 throughout all Judah; H5355 none was exempted: H5375 and they took H68 away the stones H7414 of Ramah, H6086 and the timber H1201 there, with which Baasha H1129 had built; H4428 and king H609 Asa H1129 built H1387 with them Geba H1144 of Benjamin, H4709 and Mizpah.

1 Kings 17:1

  1 H452 And Elijah H8664 the Tishbite, H8453 who was of the inhabitants H1568 of Gilead, H559 said H256 unto Ahab, H3068 As the Lord H430 God H3478 of Israel H2416 lives, H6440 before H5975 whom I stand, H2919 there shall not be dew H4306 nor rain H8141 these years, H6310 but according H1697 to my word.

1 Kings 19:20

  20 H5800 And he left H1241 the oxen, H7323 and ran H310 after H452 Elijah, H559 and said, H5401 Let me, I pray you, kiss H1 my father H517 and my mother, H3212 and then I will follow H559 you. And he said H3212 unto him, Go back H7725 again: H6213 for what have I done to you?

2 Kings 5:11

  11 H5283 But Naaman H7107 was angry, H3212 and went away, H559 and said, H559 Behold, I thought, H3318 He will surely H3318 come out H5975 to me, and stand, H7121 and call H8034 on the name H3068 of the Lord H430 his God, H5130 and strike H3027 his hand H4725 over the place, H622 and recover H6879 the leper.

2 Kings 12:17

  17 H2371 Then Hazael H4428 king H758 of Syria H5927 went up, H3898 and fought H1661 against Gath, H3920 and took H2371 it: and Hazael H7760 set H6440 his face H5927 to go up H3389 to Jerusalem.

2 Kings 13:19

  19 H376 And the man H430 of God H7107 was angry H559 with him, and said, H5221 You should have struck H2568 five H8337 or six H6471 times; H5221 then had you struck H758 Syria H3615 until you had consumed H5221 it: whereas now you shall strike H758 Syria H7969 but thrice.

2 Kings 19:10

  10 H559 Thus shall you speak H2396 to Hezekiah H4428 king H3063 of Judah, H559 saying, H430 Let not your God H982 in whom you trust H5377 deceive H559 you, saying, H3389 Jerusalem H5414 shall not be delivered H3027 into the hand H4428 of the king H804 of Assyria.

1 Chronicles 12:17

  17 H1732 And David H3318 went out H6440 to meet H6030 them, and answered H559 and said H935 unto them, If you be come H7965 peaceably H5826 unto me to help H3824 me, my heart H3162 shall be knit H7411 unto you: but if you be come to betray H6862 me to my enemies, H3808 seeing there is no H2555 wrong H3709 in my hands, H430 the God H1 of our fathers H7200 look H3198 on it, and rebuke it.

2 Chronicles 16:9

  9 H5869 For the eyes H3068 of the Lord H7751 run to and forth H776 throughout the whole earth, H2388 to show himself strong H3824 in the behalf of them whose heart H8003 is perfect H5528 toward him. Herein you have done foolishly: H6258 therefore from henceforth H3426 you shall have H4421 wars.

Nehemiah 4:12

  12 H3064 And it came to pass, that when the Jews H3427 which lived H681 by them H935 came, H559 they said H6235 unto us ten H6471 times, H4725 From all places H7725 from where you shall return unto us they will be upon you.

Nehemiah 5:8

  8 H559 And I said H1767 unto them, We after our ability H7069 have redeemed H251 our brothers H3064 the Jews, H4376 which were sold H1471 unto the heathen; H4376 and will you even sell H251 your brothers? H4376 or shall they be sold H2790 unto us? Then held they their peace, H4672 and found H1697 nothing to answer.

Esther 5:11

  11 H2001 And Haman H5608 told H3519 them of the glory H6239 of his riches, H7230 and the multitude H1121 of his sons, H4428 and all the things where the king H1431 had promoted H5375 him, and how he had advanced H8269 him above the princes H5650 and servants H4428 of the king.

Esther 8:1-2

  1 H3117 On that day H4428 did the king H325 Ahasuerus H5414 give H1004 the house H2001 of Haman H3064 the Jews' H6887 enemy H635 unto Esther H4436 the queen. H4782 And Mordecai H935 came H6440 before H4428 the king; H635 for Esther H5046 had told what he was unto her.
  2 H4428 And the king H5493 took off H2885 his ring, H5674 which he had taken H2001 from Haman, H5414 and gave H4782 it unto Mordecai. H635 And Esther H7760 set H4782 Mordecai H1004 over the house H2001 of Haman.

Job 1:10

  10 H7753 Have not you made a hedge H1157 about him, and about H1004 his house, H5439 and about all that he has on every side? H1288 you have blessed H4639 the work H3027 of his hands, H4735 and his substance H6555 is increased H776 in the land.

Job 5:12-13

  12 H6565 He disappoints H4284 the devices H6175 of the crafty, H3027 so that their hands H6213 cannot perform H8454 their enterprise.
  13 H3920 He takes H2450 the wise H6193 in their own craftiness: H6098 and the counsel H6617 of the perverse H4116 is carried headlong.

Job 19:3

  3 H6235 These ten H6471 times H3637 have you reproached H954 me: you are not ashamed H1970 that you make yourselves strange to me.

Job 19:8

  8 H1443 He has fenced up H734 my way H5674 that I cannot pass, H7760 and he has set H2822 darkness H5410 in my paths.

Job 21:11-14

  11 H7971 They send forth H5759 their little ones H6629 like a flock, H3206 and their sons H7540 dance.
  12 H5375 They take H8596 the tambourine H3658 and harp, H8055 and rejoice H6963 at the sound H5748 of the organ.
  13 H3615 They spend H3117 their days H2896 in wealth, H7281 and in a moment H2865 go down H7585 to the grave.
  14 H559 Therefore they say H410 unto God, H5493 Depart H2654 from us; for we desire H1847 not the knowledge H1870 of your ways.

Job 31:24-25

  24 H7760 If I have made H2091 gold H3689 my hope, H559 or have said H3800 to the fine gold, H4009 You are my confidence;
  25 H8055 If I rejoiced H2428 because my wealth H7227 was great, H3027 and because my hand H4672 had gotten H3524 much;

Job 31:31

  31 H4962 If the men H168 of my tabernacle H559 said H5414 not, Oh that we had H1320 of his flesh! H7646 we cannot be satisfied.

Job 33:15-17

  15 H2472 In a dream, H2384 in a vision H3915 of the night, H8639 when deep H5307 sleep falls H582 upon men, H8572 in slumberings H4904 upon the bed;
  16 H1540 Then he opens H241 the ears H582 of men, H2856 and seals H4561 their instruction,
  17 H5493 That he may withdraw H120 man H4639 from his purpose, H3680 and hide H1466 pride H1397 from man.

Job 33:25

  25 H1320 His flesh H7375 shall be fresher H5290 than a child's: H7725 he shall return H3117 to the days H5934 of his youth:

Psalms 12:5

  5 H7701 For the oppression H6041 of the poor, H603 for the sighing H34 of the needy, H6965 now will I arise, H559 says H3068 the Lord; H7896 I will set H3468 him in safety H6315 from him that puffs at him.

Psalms 17:14

  14 H4962 From men H3027 which are your hand, H3068 O Lord, H4962 from men H2465 of the world, H2506 which have their portion H2416 in this life, H990 and whose belly H4390 you fill H6840 with your hid H7646 treasure: they are full H1121 of sons, H3240 and leave H3499 the rest H5768 of their substance to their babes.

Psalms 31:7

  7 H1523 I will be glad H8055 and rejoice H2617 in your mercy: H7200 for you have considered H6040 my trouble; H3045 you have known H5315 my soul H6869 in adversities;

Psalms 37:28

  28 H3068 For the Lord H157 loves H4941 judgment, H5800 and forsakes H2623 not his saints; H8104 they are preserved H5769 for ever: H2233 but the seed H7563 of the wicked H3772 shall be cut off.

Psalms 45:10

  10 H8085 Listen, H1323 O daughter, H7200 and consider, H5186 and incline H241 your ear; H7911 forget H5971 also your own people, H1 and your father's H1004 house;

Psalms 46:1

  1 H430 God H4268 is our refuge H5797 and strength, H3966 a very H4672 present H5833 help H6869 in trouble.

Psalms 49:16-17

  16 H3372 Be not you afraid H376 when one H6238 is made rich, H3519 when the glory H1004 of his house H7235 is increased;
  17 H4194 For when he dies H3947 he shall carry nothing away: H3519 his glory H3381 shall not descend H310 after him.

Psalms 50:10

  10 H2416 For every animal H3293 of the forest H929 is mine, and the cattle H505 upon a thousand H2042 hills.

Psalms 50:15

  15 H7121 And call H3117 upon me in the day H6869 of trouble: H2502 I will deliver H3513 you, and you shall glorify me.

Psalms 52:1

  1 H1984 Why boast H7451 you yourself in mischief, H1368 O mighty H2617 man? The goodness H410 of God H3117 endures continually.

Psalms 57:4

  4 H5315 My soul H8432 is among H3833 lions: H7901 and I lie H3857 even among them that are set on fire, H1121 even the sons H120 of men, H8127 whose teeth H2595 are spears H2671 and arrows, H3956 and their tongue H2299 a sharp H2719 sword.

Psalms 64:3-4

  3 H8150 Who sharpen H3956 their tongue H2719 like a sword, H1869 and bend H2671 their bows to shoot their arrows, H4751 even bitter H1697 words:
  4 H3384 That they may shoot H4565 in secret H8535 at the perfect: H6597 suddenly H3384 do they shoot H3372 at him, and fear not.

Psalms 76:10

  10 H2534 Surely the wrath H120 of man H3034 shall praise H7611 you: the remainder H2534 of wrath H2296 shall you restrain.
  11 H5087 Vow, H7999 and pay H3068 unto the Lord H430 your God: H5439 let all that be round about H2986 him bring H7862 presents H4172 unto him that should be feared.
  12 H1219 He shall cut off H7307 the spirit H5057 of princes: H3372 he is terrible H4428 to the kings H776 of the earth.

Psalms 78:70-71

  70 H977 He chose H1732 David H5650 also his servant, H3947 and took H4356 him from the sheepfolds:
  71 H310 From following H5763 the ewes great with young H935 he brought H7462 him to feed H3290 Jacob H5971 his people, H3478 and Israel H5159 his inheritance.

Psalms 90:15

  15 H8055 Make us glad H3117 according to the days H6031 where you have afflicted H8141 us, and the years H7200 where we have seen H7451 evil.

Psalms 105:14-15

  14 H3240 He allowed H120 no man H6231 to do them wrong: H3198 Yes, he reproved H4428 kings for their sakes;
  15 H5060 Saying, Touch H4899 not my anointed, H5030 and do my prophets H7489 no harm.

Psalms 120:3-5

  3 H5414 What shall be given H3254 unto you? or what shall be done H7423 unto you, you false H3956 tongue?
  4 H8150 Sharp H2671 arrows H1368 of the mighty, H1513 with coals H7574 of juniper.
  5 H190 Woe H1481 is me, that I live H4902 in Mesech, H7931 that I live H168 in the tents H6938 of Kedar!

Psalms 124:1-3

  1 H3884 If H3068 it had not been the Lord H3478 who was on our side, now may Israel H559 say;
  2 H3884 If H3068 it had not been the Lord H120 who was on our side, when men H6965 rose up against us:
  3 H233 Then H1104 they had swallowed us up H2416 alive, H639 when their wrath H2734 was kindled against us:

Psalms 139:3

  3 H2219 You search H734 my path H7252 and my lying down, H5532 and are acquainted H1870 with all my ways.

Proverbs 13:22

  22 H2896 A good H5157 man leaves an inheritance H1121 to his children's H1121 sons: H2428 and the wealth H2398 of the sinner H6845 is laid up H6662 for the just.

Proverbs 14:30

  30 H4832 A sound H3820 heart H2416 is the life H1320 of the flesh: H7068 but envy H7538 the rottenness H6106 of the bones.

Proverbs 16:7

  7 H376 When a man's H1870 ways H7521 please H3068 the Lord, H341 he makes even his enemies H7999 to be at peace with him.

Proverbs 26:23-26

  23 H1814 Burning H8193 lips H7451 and a wicked H3820 heart H2789 are like a potsherd H6823 covered H3701 with silver H5509 dross.
  24 H8130 He that hates H5234 lies H8193 with his lips, H7896 and lays up H4820 deceit H7130 inside him;
  25 H6963 When he speaks H2603 fair, H539 believe H7651 him not: for there are seven H8441 abominations H3820 in his heart.
  26 H8135 Whose hatred H3680 is covered H4860 by deceit, H7451 his wickedness H1540 shall be showed H6951 before the whole congregation.

Proverbs 27:4

  4 H2534 Wrath H395 is cruel, H639 and anger H7858 is outrageous; H5975 but who is able to stand H6440 before H7068 envy?

Proverbs 28:1

  1 H7563 The wicked H5127 flee H7291 when no man pursues: H6662 but the righteous H982 are bold H3715 as a lion.

Proverbs 29:25

  25 H2731 The fear H120 of man H5414 brings H4170 a snare: H982 but whoever puts his trust H3068 in the Lord H7682 shall be safe.

Ecclesiastes 3:5

  5 H6256 A time H7993 to cast away H68 stones, H6256 and a time H3664 to gather H68 stones H3664 together; H6256 a time H2263 to embrace, H6256 and a time H7368 to refrain H2263 from embracing;

Ecclesiastes 4:4

  4 H7200 Again, I considered H5999 all hardship, H3788 and every right H4639 work, H376 that for this a man H7068 is envied H7453 of his neighbor. H1892 This is also vanity H7469 and vexation H7307 of spirit.

Ecclesiastes 5:8

  8 H7200 If you see H6233 the oppression H7326 of the poor, H1499 and violent H4941 perverting of judgment H6664 and justice H4082 in a province, H8539 marvel H2656 not at the matter: H1364 for he that is higher H1364 than the highest H8104 watches; H1364 and there be higher H5921 than they.

Isaiah 4:1

  1 H3117 And in that day H7651 seven H802 women H2388 shall take hold H259 of one H376 man, H559 saying, H398 We will eat H3899 our own bread, H3847 and wear H8071 our own apparel: H7121 only let us be called H8034 by your name, H622 to take away H2781 our reproach.

Isaiah 5:14

  14 H7585 Therefore Sheol H7337 has enlarged H5315 herself, H6473 and opened H6310 her mouth H2706 without measure: H1926 and their glory, H1995 and their multitude, H7588 and their pomp, H5938 and he that rejoices, H3381 shall descend into it.

Isaiah 8:13

  13 H6942 Sanctify H3068 the Lord H6635 of hosts H4172 himself; and let him be your fear, H6206 and let him be your dread.

Isaiah 37:19

  19 H5414 And have cast H430 their gods H784 into the fire: H430 for they were no gods, H4639 but the work H120 of men's H3027 hands, H6086 wood H68 and stone: H6 therefore they have destroyed them.

Isaiah 37:29

  29 H7264 Because of your rage H7600 against me, and your tumult, H5927 is come up H241 into my ears, H7760 therefore will I put H2397 my hook H639 in your nose, H4964 and my bridle H8193 in your lips, H7725 and I will turn you back H1870 by the way H935 by which you came.

Isaiah 41:10

  10 H3372 Fear H8159 you not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; H430 for I am your God: H553 I will strengthen H5826 you; Yes, I will help H8551 you; Yes, I will uphold H3225 you with the right hand H6664 of my righteousness.

Isaiah 46:1-2

  1 H1078 Bel H3766 bows down, H5015 Nebo H7164 stoops, H6091 their idols H2416 were upon the animals, H929 and upon the cattle: H5385 your carriages H6006 were heavily loaded; H4853 they are a burden H5889 to the weary animal.
  2 H7164 They stoop, H3766 they bow down H3162 together; H3201 they could H4422 not deliver H4853 the burden, H5315 but themselves H1980 are gone H7628 into captivity.

Isaiah 54:17

  17 H3627 No weapon H3335 that is formed H6743 against you shall prosper; H3956 and every tongue H6965 that shall rise H4941 against you in judgment H7561 you shall condemn. H5159 This is the heritage H5650 of the servants H3068 of the Lord, H6666 and their righteousness H5002 is of me, says H3068 the Lord.

Isaiah 58:9

  9 H7121 Then shall you call, H3068 and the Lord H6030 shall answer; H7768 you shall cry, H559 and he shall say, H5493 Here I am. If you take away H8432 from the midst H4133 of you the yoke, H7971 the putting forth H676 of the finger, H1696 and speaking H205 vanity;

Jeremiah 9:23

  23 H559 Thus says H3068 the Lord, H2450 Let not the wise H1984 man glory H2451 in his wisdom, H1368 neither let the mighty H1984 man glory H1369 in his might, H6223 let not the rich H1984 man glory H6239 in his riches:

Jeremiah 10:11

  11 H1836 Thus H560 shall you say H426 unto them, The gods H3809 that have not H5648 made H8065 the heavens H778 and the earth, H7 even they shall perish H772 from the earth, H8460 and from under H429 these H8065 heavens.

Jeremiah 29:23

  23 H6213 Because they have committed H5039 villany H3478 in Israel, H6213 and have committed H5003 adultery H7453 with their neighbors H802 wives, H1696 and have spoken H8267 lying H1697 words H8034 in my name, H6680 which I have not commanded H3045 them; even I know, H5707 and am a witness, H5002 says H3068 the Lord.

Jeremiah 42:5

  5 H559 Then they said H3414 to Jeremiah, H3068 The Lord H571 be a true H539 and faithful H5707 witness H6213 between us, if we do H1697 not even according to all things H3068 for the which the Lord H430 your God H7971 shall send you to us.

Jeremiah 43:12

  12 H3341 And I will kindle H784 a fire H1004 in the houses H430 of the gods H4714 of Egypt; H8313 and he shall burn H7617 them, and carry them away captives: H5844 and he shall array H776 himself with the land H4714 of Egypt, H7462 as a shepherd H5844 puts on H899 his garment; H3318 and he shall go forth H7965 from there in peace.

Jeremiah 50:5

  5 H7592 They shall ask H1870 the way H6726 to Zion H6440 with their faces H2008 turned toward it, H935 saying, Come, H3867 and let us join H3068 ourselves to the Lord H5769 in a perpetual H1285 covenant H7911 that shall not be forgotten.

Ezekiel 16:44

  44 H4911 Behold, every one that uses proverbs H4911 shall use this proverb H559 against you, saying, H517 As is the mother, H1323 so is her daughter.

Ezekiel 21:21

  21 H4428 For the king H894 of Babylon H5975 stood H517 at the parting H1870 of the way, H7218 at the head H8147 of the two H1870 ways, H7080 to use H7081 divination: H2671 he made his arrows H7043 bright, H7592 he consulted H8655 with images, H7200 he looked H3516 in the liver.

Ezekiel 34:2-4

  2 H1121 Son H120 of man, H5012 prophesy H7462 against the shepherds H3478 of Israel, H5012 prophesy, H559 and say H559 unto them, Thus says H136 the Lord H3069 God H7462 unto the shepherds; H1945 Woe H7462 be to the shepherds H3478 of Israel H7462 that do feed H7462 themselves! should not the shepherds H7462 feed H6629 the flocks?
  3 H398 You eat H2459 the fat, H3847 and you clothe H6785 yourself with the wool, H2076 you kill H1277 them that are fed: H7462 but you feed H6629 not the flock.
  4 H2470 The diseased H2388 have you not strengthened, H7495 neither have you healed H2470 that which was sick, H2280 neither have you bound up H7665 that which was broken, H7725 neither have you brought again H5080 that which was driven away, H1245 neither have you sought H6 that which was lost; H2394 but with force H6531 and with cruelty H7287 have you ruled them.

Daniel 2:47

  47 H4430 The king H6032 answered H1841 unto Daniel, H560 and said, H4481 Of H7187 a truth H1768 it is, that H426 your God H426 is a God H426 of gods, H4756 and a Lord H4430 of kings, H1541 and a revealer H7328 of secrets, H3202 seeing you could H1541 reveal H1836 this H7328 secret.

Daniel 3:19

  19 H116 Then H5020 was Nebuchadnezzar H4391 full H2528 of fury, H6755 and the form H600 of his visage H8133 was changed H5922 against H7715 Shadrach, H4336 Meshach, H5665 and Abed–nego: H6032 therefore he spoke, H560 and commanded H228 that they should heat H861 the furnace H2298 one H7655 seven times H5922 more H1768 than H2370 it was built H228 to be heated.

Daniel 3:28

  28 H5020 Then Nebuchadnezzar H6032 spoke, H560 and said, H1289 Blessed H426 be the God H7715 of Shadrach, H4336 Meshach, H5665 and Abed–nego, H7972 who has sent H4398 his angel, H7804 and delivered H5649 his servants H7365 that trusted H5922 in him, H8133 and have changed H4430 the king's H4406 word, H3052 and yielded H1655 their bodies, H3809 that they might not H6399 serve H3809 nor H5457 worship H3606 any H426 god, H3861 except H426 their own God.

Daniel 6:20

  20 H7127 And when he came H1358 to the den, H2200 he cried H6088 with a lamentable H7032 voice H1841 unto Daniel: H4430 and the king H6032 spoke H560 and said H1841 to Daniel, H1841 O Daniel, H5649 servant H2417 of the living H426 God, H426 is your God, H6399 whom you serve H8411 continually, H3202 able H7804 to deliver H4481 you from H744 the lions?

Daniel 6:26

  26 H4481 I H7761 make H2942 a decree, H3606 That in every H7985 dominion H4437 of my kingdom H1934 men tremble H1763 and fear H4481 before H426 the God H1841 of Daniel: H2417 for he is the living H426 God, H7011 and steadfast H5957 for ever, H4437 and his kingdom H3809 that which shall not H2255 be destroyed, H7985 and his dominion H5705 shall be even unto H5491 the end.

Hosea 3:4

  4 H1121 For the sons H3478 of Israel H3427 shall stay H7227 many H3117 days H4428 without a king, H8269 and without a prince, H2077 and without a sacrifice, H4676 and without a image, H646 and without a ephod, H8655 and without teraphim:

Hosea 5:1

  1 H8085 Hear H3548 you this, O priests; H7181 and listen, H1004 you house H3478 of Israel; H238 and give you ear, H1004 O house H4428 of the king; H4941 for judgment H6341 is toward you, because you have been a snare H4709 on Mizpah, H7568 and a net H6566 spread H8396 upon Tabor.

Hosea 12:12

  12 H3290 And Jacob H1272 fled H7704 into the country H758 of Syria, H3478 and Israel H5647 served H802 for a wife, H802 and for a wife H8104 he kept sheep.

Micah 1:2

  2 H8085 Hear, H5971 all you people; H7181 listen, H776 O earth, H4393 and all that in it H136 is: and let the Lord H3069 God H5707 be witness H136 against you, the Lord H6944 from his holy H1964 temple.

Zechariah 8:23

  23 H559 Thus says H3068 the Lord H6635 of hosts; H3117 In those days H6235 it shall come to pass, that ten H582 men H2388 shall take hold H3956 out of all languages H1471 of the nations, H2388 even shall take hold H3671 of the skirt H376 of him that is a Jew, H559 saying, H3212 We will go H8085 with you: for we have heard H430 that God is with you.

Malachi 2:14

  14 H559 Yet you say, H4100 Therefore? H3068 Because the Lord H5749 has been witness H802 between you and the wife H5271 of your youth, H898 against whom you have dealt treacherously: H2278 yet is she your companion, H802 and the wife H1285 of your covenant.

Malachi 3:5

  5 H7126 And I will come near H4941 to you to judgment; H4116 and I will be a swift H5707 witness H3784 against the sorcerers, H5003 and against the adulterers, H8267 and against false H7650 swearers, H6231 and against those that oppress H7916 the hireling H7939 in his wages, H490 the widow, H3490 and the fatherless, H5186 and that turn aside H1616 the stranger H3372 from his right, and fear H559 not me, says H3068 the Lord H6635 of hosts.

Matthew 1:20

  20 G1161 But G1760 while G846 he G1760 thought on G5023 these things, G2400 behold, G32 the angel G2962 of the Lord G5316 appeared G846 unto him G2596 in G3677 a dream, G3004 saying, G2501 Joseph, G5207 you son G1138 of David, G5399 fear G3361 not G3880 to take unto you G3137 Mary G4675 your G1135 wife: G1063 for that G3588 which G1080 is conceived G1722 in G846 her G2076 is G1537 of G4151 the G40 Holy G4151 Ghost.

Matthew 2:12

  12 G2532 And G5537 being warned by God G2596 in G3677 a dream G344 that they should G3361 not G344 return G4314 to G2264 Herod, G402 they departed G1519 into G846 their own G5561 country G1223   G243 another G3598 way.

Matthew 4:8

  8 G3825 Again, G1228 the devil G3880 took G846 him G3880 up G1519 into G3029 an exceedingly G5308 high G3735 mountain, G2532 and G1166 showed G846 him G3956 all G932 the kingdoms G2889 of the world, G2532 and G1391 the glory G846 of them;

Matthew 18:16

  16 G1161 But G1437 if G191 he will G3361 not G191 hear G3880 you, then take G3326 with G4675 you G1520 one G2228 or G1417 two G2089 more, G2443 that G1909 in G4750 the mouth G3144 of G1417 two G2228 or G5140 three G3144 witnesses G3956 every G4487 word G2476 may be established.

Matthew 19:5-6

  5 G2532 And G2036 said, G1752 For G5127 this G1752 cause G2641 shall G444 a man G2641 leave G3962 father G2532 and G3384 mother, G2532 and G4347 shall cleave G1135 to G846 his G1135 wife: G2532 and G2071 they G1417 two G2071 shall be G1519   G1520 one G4561 flesh?
  6 G5620 So G1526 they are G3765 no more G1417 two, G235 but G1520 one G4561 flesh. G3739 What G3767 therefore G2316 God G4801 has joined together, G5563 let G3361 not G444 man G5563 put asunder.

Matthew 20:15

  15 G1832 Is it G3756 not G1832 lawful G3427 for me G4160 to do G3739 what G2309 I will G1722 with G1487 my own? G2076 Is G4675 your G3788 eye G4190 evil, G3754 because G1473 I G1510 am G18 good?

Matthew 27:19

  19 G1161 When G846 he G2521 had set down G1909 on G968 the judgment seat, G846 his G1135 wife G649 sent G4314 to G846 him, G3004 saying, G3367 Have G4671   G3367 nothing to do G2532 with G1565 that G1342 just man: G1063 for G3958 I have suffered G4183 many things G4594 this day G2596 in G3677 a dream G1223 because of G846 him.

Mark 3:5

  5 G2532 And G4017 when he had looked round about G846 on them G3326 with G3709 anger, G4818 being grieved G1909 for G4457 the hardness G2588 of G846 their G2588 hearts, G3004 he said G444 to the man, G1614 Stretch forth G4675 your G5495 hand. G2532 And G1614 he stretched G1614 it out: G2532 and G846 his G5495 hand G600 was restored G5199 whole G5613 as G243 the other.

Luke 2:8

  8 G2532 And G2258 there were G1722 in G846 the same G5561 country G4166 shepherds G63 abiding in the field, G5442 keeping G5438 watch G1909 over G846 their G4167 flock G3571 by night.

Luke 9:51-53

  51 G1161 And G1096 it came to pass, G1722 when G2250 the time G4845 was come G354 that G846 he G2532 should be received up, G846 he G4741 steadfastly set G846 his G4383 face G4198 to go G1519 to G2419 Jerusalem,
  52 G2532 And G649 sent G32 messengers G4253 before G846 his G4383 face: G2532 and G4198 they went, G1525 and entered G1519 into G2968 a village G4541 of the Samaritans, G5620 to G2090 make ready G846 for him.
  53 G2532 And G1209 they did G3756 not G1209 receive G846 him, G3754 because G846 his G4383 face G2258 was G4198 as though he would go G1519 to G2419 Jerusalem.

John 10:12-13

  12 G1161 But G3411 he that is a hireling, G2532 and G3756 not G4166 the shepherd, G2398 whose own G4263 the sheep G1526 are G3739 not, G2334 sees G3074 the wolf G2064 coming, G2532 and G863 leaves G4263 the sheep, G2532 and G5343 flees: G2532 and G3074 the wolf G726 catches G846 them, G2532 and G4650 scatters G3756 the sheep.
  13 G3411 The hireling G5343 flees, G3754 because G2076 he is G3411 a hireling, G2532 and G3199 cares G3756 not G4012 for G846 the sheep.

John 18:35

  35 G4091 Pilate G3385 answered, G1510 Am G1473 I G2453 a Jew? G4674 Your own G1484 nation G2532 and G749 the chief priests G3860 have delivered G4571 you G1698 to me: G5101 what G4160 have you done?

John 19:10-11

  10 G3767 Then G3004 said G4091 Pilate G846 unto him, G2980 Speak G3756 not G1698 unto me? G3756 Don't G1492 you know G3754 that G2192 I have G1849 power G4717 to crucify G4571 you, G2532 and G2192 have G1849 power G630 to release G4571 you?
  11 G2424 Jesus G3756 answered, G2192 You would have G3762 no G1849 power G2596 at all against G1700 me, G1487 except G3361   G2258 it were G1325 given G4671 you G509 from above: G1223 therefore G5124 he that G3860 delivered G3165 me G4671 unto you G2192 has G3173 the greater G266 sin.

John 21:15-17

  15 G3767 So G3753 when G709 they had dined, G2424 Jesus G3004 said G4613 to Simon G4074 Peter, G4613 Simon, G2495 son of Jonah, G25 love G3165 you me G4119 more than G5130 these? G3004 He said G846 to him, G3483 Yes, G2962 Lord; G4771 you G1492 know G3754 that G5368 I love G4571 you. G3004 He said G846 to him, G1006 Feed G3450 my G5130 lambs.
  16 G3004 He said G846 to him G3825 again G1208 the second time, G4613 Simon, G2495 son of Jonah, G25 love G3165 you me? G3004 He said G846 to him, G3483 Yes, G2962 Lord; G4771 you G1492 know G3754 that G5368 I love G4571 you. G3004 He said G846 to him, G4165 Feed G3450 my G4263 sheep.
  17 G3004 He said G846 to him G5154 the third time, G4613 Simon, G2495 son of Jonah, G5368 love G3165 you me? G4074 Peter G3076 was grieved G3754 because G2036 he said G846 to him G5154 the third time, G5368 Love G3165 you me? G2532 And G2036 he said G846 to him, G2962 Lord, G4771 you G1492 know G3956 all things; G4771 you G1097 know G3754 that G5368 I love G4571 you. G2424 Jesus G3004 said G846 to him, G1006 Feed G3450 my G4263 sheep.

Acts 5:38-39

  38 G2532 And G3568 now G3004 I say G5213 to you, G868 Refrain G575 from G5130 these G444 men, G2532 and G1439 let G846 them G1439 alone: G3754 for G1437 if G3778 this G1012 counsel G2228 or G5124 this G2041 work G5600 be G1537 of G444 men, G2647 it will come to nothing:
  39 G1161 But G1487 if G2076 it is G1537 of G2316 God, G1410 you can G3756 not G2647 overthrow G846 it; G3379 lest perhaps G2147 you be found G2532 even G2314 to fight against God.

Acts 7:34

  34 G1492 I have known, G1492 I have seen G2561 the affliction G2992 of G3450 my G2992 people G3588 which G1722 is in G125 Egypt, G2532 and G191 I have heard G846 their G4726 groaning, G2532 and G2597 have come down G1807 to deliver G846 them. G2532 And G3568 now G1204 come, G649 I will send G4571 you G1519 into G125 Egypt.

Acts 9:5

  5 G1161 And G2036 he said, G5101 Who G1488 are you, G2962 Lord? G1161 And G2962 the Lord G2036 said, G1473 I G1510 am G2424 Jesus G3739 whom G4771 you G1377 persecute: G4642 it is hard G4671 for you G2979 to kick G4314 against G2759 the pricks.

Acts 20:37

  37 G1161 And G3956 they all G2085 wept G1096   G2425 greatly, G2532 and G1968 fell G1909 on G3972 Paul's G5137 neck, G2705 and kissed G846 him,

Acts 28:4-5

  4 G1161 And G5613 when G915 the natives G1492 saw G2342 the G2342 venomous creature G2910 hang G1537 on G846 his G5495 hand, G3004 they said G4314 among G240 themselves, G3843 No doubt G3778 this G444 man G2076 is G5406 a murderer, G3739 whom, G1295 though he has escaped G1537 the G2281 sea, G1349 yet vengeance G3756 will not G1439 allow G2198 to live.
  5 G3767 And G3303   G660 he shook off G2342 the creature G1519 into G4442 the fire, G3958 and felt G3762 no G2556 harm.

1 Corinthians 2:14

  14 G1161 But G5591 the natural G444 man G1209 receives G3756 not G3588 the things G4151 of the Spirit G2316 of God: G1063 for G2076 they are G3472 foolishness G846 unto him: G2532 neither G3756   G1410 can G1097 he know G3754 them, because G4153 they are spiritually G350 discerned.

1 Corinthians 6:4-5

  4 G1437 If G3767 then G2192 you have G3303   G2922 judgments G982 of things pertaining to this life, G2523 do you set G5128 them G1848 to judge who are least esteemed G1722 in G1577 the church?
  5 G3004 I speak G4314 to G5213 your G1791 shame. G2076 Is it G3779 so, G3756 that there is not G4680 a wise G1722 man among G5213 you? G3761 No, not G1520 one G3739 that G1410 shall be able G1252 to judge G303   G3319 between G846 his G80 brothers?

1 Corinthians 15:10

  10 G1161 But G5485 by the grace G2316 of God G1510 I am G3739 what G1510 I am: G2532 and G846 his G5485 grace G1519 which was bestowed upon G1691 me G1096 was G3756 not G2756 in vain; G235 but G2872 I labored G4053 more abundantly G846 than they G3956 all: G1161 yet G3756 not G1473 I, G235 but G5485 the grace G2316 of God G3588 which was G4862 with G1698 me.

2 Corinthians 8:20-21

  20 G4724 Avoiding G5124 this, G3361 that no G5100 man G3469 should blame G2248 us G1722 in G3778 this G100 abundance G1247 which is administered G5259 by G2257 us:
  21 G4306 Providing for G2570 honest things, G3756 not G3440 only G1799 in the sight of G2962 the Lord, G235 but G2532 also G1799 in the sight of G444 men.

2 Corinthians 11:26

  26 G3597 In journeyings G4178 often, G2794 in perils G4215 of waters, G2794 in perils G3027 of robbers, G2794 in perils G1537 by G1085 my own countrymen, G2794 in perils G1537 by G1484 the heathen, G2794 in perils G1722 in G4172 the city, G2794 in perils G1722 in G2047 the wilderness, G2794 in perils G1722 in G2281 the sea, G2794 in perils G1722 among G5569 false brothers;

2 Corinthians 12:17-19

  17 G3361 Did G4122 I make a gain G4314 of G5209 you G1223 by G5100 any G846 of them G3739 whom G649 I sent G5209 unto you?
  18 G3870 I desired G5103 Titus, G2532 and G4882 with G4882 him I sent G80 a brother. G3361 Did G5100   G5103 Titus G4122 make a gain G5209 of you? G4043 Walked we G3756 not G846 in the same G4151 spirit? G3756 Walked we not G846 in the same G2487 steps?
  19 G3825 Again, G1380 think G3754 that G626 we excuse ourselves G5213 to you? G2980 We speak G2714 before G2316 God G1722 in G5547 Christ: G1161 but G3956 we do all things, G27 dearly beloved, G5228 for G5216 your G3619 edifying.

Ephesians 4:26

  26 G3710 Be angry, G2532 and G264 sin G3361 not: G1931 let G3361 not G2246 the sun G1931 go down G1909 upon G5216 your G3950 wrath:

Ephesians 6:1

  1 G5043 Sons, G5219 obey G5216 your G1118 parents G1722 in G2962 the Lord: G1063 for G5124 this G2076 is G1342 right.

Ephesians 6:5-8

  5 G1401 Servants, G5219 be obedient to G3588 them that are G2962 your masters G2596 according to G4561 the flesh, G3326 with G5401 fear G2532 and G5156 trembling, G1722 in G572 singleness G5216 of your G2588 heart, G5613 as G5547 unto Christ;
  6 G3361 Not G2596 with G3787 eyeservice, G5613 as G441 menpleasers; G235 but G5613 as G1401 the servants G5547 of Christ, G4160 doing G2307 the will G2316 of God G1537 from G5590 the heart;
  7 G3326 With G2133 good will G1398 doing service, G5613 as G2962 to the Lord, G2532 and G3756 not G444 to men:
  8 G1492 Knowing G3754 that G1437 whatever G3739   G18 good thing G5100   G1538 any man G4160 does, G5124 the same G2865 shall he receive G3844 of G2962 the Lord, G1535 whether G1401 he be bond G1535 or G1658 free.
  9 G2532 And, G4160 you G2962 masters, G4160 do G846 the same things G4314 unto G846 them, G447 desist G547 from threatening: G1492 knowing G3754 that G5216 your G846   G2962 Master G2532 also G2076 is G1722 in G2532 heaven; G3756 neither G2076 is there G4382 respect of persons G3844 with G846 him.

Colossians 3:22-25

  22 G1401 Servants, G5219 obey G2596 in G3956 all things G2962 your masters G2596 according to G4561 the flesh; G3361 not G1722 with G3787 eyeservice, G5613 as G441 menpleasers; G235 but G1722 in G572 singleness G2588 of heart, G5399 fearing G2316 God:
  23 G2532 And G3956 whatever G3748   G1437   G4160 you do, G2038 do G1537 it heartily, G5590   G5613 as G2962 to the Lord, G2532 and G3756 not G444 unto men;
  24 G1492 Knowing G3754 that G575 of G2962 the Lord G618 you shall receive G469 the reward G2817 of the inheritance: G1063 for G1398 you serve G2962 the Lord G5547 Christ.
  25 G1161 But G91 he that does wrong G2865 shall receive for the wrong G3739 which G91 he has done: G2532 and G2076 there is G3756 no G4382 respect of persons.

1 Thessalonians 2:5

  5 G1063 For G3777 not G4218 at any time G1096 did we G2850 use flattering G3056 words, G2531 as G1492 you know, G3777 nor G4392 a cloak G4124 of covetousness; G2316 God G3144 is witness:

1 Thessalonians 2:10

  10 G5210 You G3144 are witnesses, G2532 and G2316 God G5613 also, how G3743 holily G2532 and G1346 justly G2532 and G274 unblameably G1096 we behaved ourselves G5213 among you G3588 that G4100 believe:

1 Timothy 6:4

  4 G5187 He is proud, G1987 knowing G3367 nothing, G235 but G3552 harping G4012 on G2214 questions G2532 and G3055 disputes of words, G3739 from G1537 which G1096 comes G5355 envy, G2054 strife, G988 railings, G4190 evil G5283 surmisings,

Titus 2:9-10

  9 G1401 Exhort servants G5293 to be obedient G2398 unto their own G1203 masters, G1511 and to G2101 please them well G1722 in G3956 all G3361 things; not G483 answering again;
  10 G3361 Not G3557 stealing, G235 but G1731 showing G3956 all G18 good G4102 character; G2443 that G2885 they may adorn G1319 the teaching G2316 of God G2257 our G4990 Savior G1722 in G3956 all things.

Titus 3:3

  3 G1063 For G2249 we ourselves G2532 also G1510 were G4218 sometimes G453 foolish, G545 disobedient, G4105 deceived, G1398 serving G4164 various G1939 lusts G2532 and G2237 pleasures, G1236 living G1722 in G2549 malice G2532 and G5355 envy, G4767 hateful, G3404 and hating G240 one another.

Hebrews 11:9

  9 G4102 By faith G3939 he stayed G1519 in G1093 the land G1860 of promise, G5613 as G245 in a strange country, G2730 living G1722 in G4633 tabernacles G3326 with G2464 Isaac G2532 and G2384 Jacob, G4789 the heirs with him G846 of the same G1860 promise:

Hebrews 12:1

  1 G5105 Therefore, G2532 seeing we also G2192 are G4029 surrounded about G2254   G5118 with so great G3509 a cloud G3144 of witnesses, G659 let G2249 us G659 lay aside G3956 every G3591 weight, G2532 and G266 the sin G2139 which does so easily beset G5143 us, and let us run G1223 with G5281 patience G73 the race G4295 that is set before G2254 us,

Hebrews 13:5

  5 G5158 Let your life G866 be without covetousness; G714 and be content G3918 with such things as you have: G1063 for G846 he G2046 has said, G447 I will G3756 never G3361   G447 leave G4571 you, G3756 nor G3361   G1459 forsake G4571 you.

Hebrews 13:7

  7 G3421 Remember G2233 them which have the rule over G5216 you, G3748 who G2980 have spoken G5213 to you G3056 the word G2316 of God: G3739 whose G4102 faith G3401 follow, G333 considering G1545 the end G391 of their manner of life.

Hebrews 13:18

  18 G4336 Pray G4012 for G2257 us: G1063 for G3982 we trust G3754   G2192 we have G2570 a good G4893 conscience, G1722 in G3956 all things G2309 willing G390 to live G2573 honestly.

James 1:19-20

  19 G5620 Therefore, G3450 my G27 beloved G80 brothers, G3956 let every G444 man G2077 be G5036 swift G1519 to G191 hear, G1021 slow G1519 to G2980 speak, G1021 slow G1519 to G3709 wrath:
  20 G1063 For G3709 the wrath G435 of man G2716 works G3756 not G1343 the righteousness G2316 of God.

1 Peter 1:24

  24 G1360 For G3956 all G4561 flesh G5613 is as G5528 grass, G2532 and G3956 all G1391 the glory G444 of man G5613 as G438 the flower G5528 of grass. G5528 The grass G3583 withers, G2532 and G438 the flower G846 there G1601 falls away:

1 Peter 2:12

  12 G2192 Having G5216 your G391 behavior G2570 honest G1722 among G1484 the Gentiles: G2443 that, G1722 when G3739   G2635 they speak against G5216 you G5613 as G2555 evildoers, G1392 they may G1537 by G2570 your good G2041 works, G2029 which they shall behold, G1392 glorify G2316 God G1722 in G2250 the day G1984 of visitation.

1 Peter 2:18

  18 G3610 Servants, G5293 be subject G1203 to G1203 your masters G1722 with G3956 all G5401 fear; G3756 not G3440 only G18 to the good G2532 and G1933 gentle, G235 but G2532 also G4646 to the perverse.

1 Peter 3:6

  6 G5613 Even as G4564 Sara G5219 obeyed G11 Abraham, G2564 calling G846 him G2962 lord: G3739 whose G5043 daughters G1096 you are, G15 as long as you do well, G2532 and G5399 are G3361 not G5399 frightened G3367 by any G4423 terror.

1 Peter 3:16

  16 G2192 Having G18 a good G4893 conscience; G2443 that, G1722 whereas G3739   G2635 they speak evil G5216 of you, G5613 as G2555 of evildoers, G2617 they may be ashamed G1908 that falsely accuse G5216 your G18 good G391 conversation G1722 in G5547 Christ.

1 Peter 5:2-4

  2 G4165 Feed G4168 the flock G2316 of God G1722 which is among G5213 you, G1983 taking the oversight G3361 there, not G317 by constraint, G235 but G1596 willingly; G3366 not G147 for filthy money, G235 but G4290 of a ready mind;
  3 G3366 Neither G5613 as G2634 being lords over G2819 God's heritage, G235 but G1096 being G5179 examples G4168 to the flock.
  4 G2532 And when G750 the chief Shepherd G5319 shall appear, G2865 you shall receive G4735 a crown G1391 of glory G262 that fades not away.

Jude 1:9

  9 G1161 Yet G3413 Michael G743 the archangel, G3753 when G1252 contending G1228 with the devil, G1256 disputing G4012 over G4983 the body G3475 of Moses, G5111 dared G3756 not G2018 bring against him G2920 a G988 railing G2920 accusation, G235 but G2036 said, G2962 The Lord G2008 rebuke G4671 you.

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