H7521 רצה - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Number

A primitive root; to be pleased with; specifically to satisfy a debt

KJV Usage: (be) accept (-able), accomplish, set affection, approve, consent with, delight (self), enjoy, (be, have a) favour (-able), like, observe, pardon, (be, have, take) please (-ure), reconcile self.

Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions



1. to be pleased with, be favourable to, accept favourably
a. (Qal)
1. to be pleased with, be favourable to
2. to accept
3. to be pleased, be determined
4. to make acceptable, satisfy
5. to please
b. (Niphal) to be accepted, be pleased with
c. (Piel) to seek favour of
d. (Hiphil) to please, pay off
e. (Hithpael) to make oneself acceptable or pleasing
Origin: a primitive root
TWOT: 2207
Parts of Speech: Verb

to accept
1) to be pleased with, be favourable to, accept favourably
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to be pleased with, be favourable to
1a2) to accept
1a3) to be pleased, be determined
1a4) to make acceptable, satisfy
1a5) to please
1b) (Niphal) to be accepted, be pleased with
1c) (Piel) to seek favour of
1d) (Hiphil) to please, pay off
1e) (Hithpael) to make oneself acceptable or pleasing

View how H7521 רצה is used in the Bible

First 30 of 57 occurrences of H7521 רצה

Genesis 33:10 and thou hast been pleased with me.
Leviticus 1:4 and it shall be accepted
Leviticus 7:18 it shall not be accepted,
Leviticus 19:7 it shall not be accepted.
Leviticus 22:23 it shall not be accepted.
Leviticus 22:25 are in them: they shall not be accepted
Leviticus 22:27 it shall be accepted
Leviticus 26:34 enjoy
Leviticus 26:34 and enjoy
Leviticus 26:41 and they then accept
Leviticus 26:43 by them, and shall enjoy
Leviticus 26:43 without them: and they shall accept
Deuteronomy 33:11 and accept
Deuteronomy 33:24 let him be acceptable
1 Samuel 29:4 to us: for how should he reconcile
2 Samuel 24:23 accept
1 Chronicles 28:4 he took pleasure
1 Chronicles 29:3 Moreover, because I have set my affection
1 Chronicles 29:17 and hast pleasure
2 Chronicles 10:7 and please
2 Chronicles 36:21 had enjoyed
Esther 10:3 and accepted
Job 14:6 he shall accomplish,
Job 20:10 shall seek to please
Job 33:26 and he will be favourable
Job 34:9 nothing that he should delight
Psalms 40:13 Be pleased,
Psalms 44:3 because thou hadst a favour
Psalms 49:13 approve
Psalms 50:18 then thou didst consent

Distinct usage

2 it shall not be accepted.
2 taketh pleasure
2 accepteth
2 I will not accept
1 and it shall be accepted
1 it shall be accepted
1 enjoy
1 and enjoy
1 and accept
1 accept
1 Moreover, because I have set my affection
1 and please
1 had enjoyed
1 and he will be favourable
1 nothing that he should delight
1 Be pleased,
1 approve
1 then thou didst consent
1 it: thou delightest
1 they delight
1 thou hast been favourable
1 take pleasure
1 Accept,
1 he taketh not pleasure
1 in whom he delighteth.
1 please
1 and I will take pleasure
1 will he be pleased
1 neither will I accept
1 should I accept
1 he shall accomplish,
1 are in them: they shall not be accepted
1 delighteth;
1 he took pleasure
1 I will accept
1 and they then accept
1 by them, and shall enjoy
1 without them: and they shall accept
1 doth not accept
1 and accepted
1 let him be acceptable
1 shall seek to please
1 because thou hadst a favour
1 it shall not be accepted,
1 be pleased
1 to us: for how should he reconcile
1 and hast pleasure
1 is pardoned:
1 observe
1 and thou hast been pleased with me.
1 he be favourable
1 me: there will I accept
1 and I will accept

Corresponding Greek Words

ratsah G25 agapao
ratsah G1522 eis akouo
ratsah G1984 epi skope
ratsah G2127 eulogeo
ratsah G2137 eu odoo
ratsah G2309 thelo
ratsah G3858 para dechomai
ratsah hithpa. G1259 di allasso
ratsah im G4936 sun trecho
ratsah ni. G3089 luo
ratsah qal,ni G1184 dektos
ratsah qal,ni G1209 dechomai
ratsah qal.,hi. G2106 eu dokeo
ratsah qal.,ni. G4327 pros dechomai

Related words


H7522 רצן רצון râtsôn râtsôn
רצן רצון
râtsôn râtsôn
raw-tsone', raw-tsone'
From H7521; delight

KJV Usage: (be) acceptable (-ance, -ed), delight, desire, favour, (good) pleasure, (own, self, voluntary) will, as . . . (what) would.

H7525 רציא ritsyâ'
From H7521; delight; Ritsjah, an Israelite

KJV Usage: Rezia.

H8656 תּרצה tirtsâh
From H7521; delightsomeness; Tirtsah, a place in Palestine; also an Israelitess

KJV Usage: also an Israelitess: - Tirzah.