H6565 פּרר - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Number

A primitive root; to break up (usually figuratively, that is, to violate, frustrate)

KJV Usage: X any ways, break (asunder), cast off, cause to cease, X clean, defeat, disannul, disappoint, dissolve, divide, make of none effect, fail, frustrate, bring (come) to nought, X utterly, make void.

Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions



1. to break, frustrate
a. (Hiphil)
1. to break, violate
2. to frustrate, make ineffectual
b. (Hophal)
1. to be frustrated
2. to be broken
3. to break
c. (Pilpel) to break to bits, shatter
2. to split, divide
a. (Qal) to split, crack through
b. (Poel) to break apart
c. (Hithpoel) to be split, be cracked through
Origin: a primitive root
TWOT: 1829,1830,1831
Parts of Speech: Verb

View how H6565 פּרר is used in the Bible

First 30 of 51 occurrences of H6565 פּרר

Genesis 17:14 he hath broken
Leviticus 26:15 but that ye break
Leviticus 26:44 and to break
Numbers 15:31 and hath broken
Numbers 30:8 it; then he shall make of no effect
Numbers 30:12 hath utterly
Numbers 30:12 made them void
Numbers 30:12 hath made them void;
Numbers 30:13 may make it void.
Numbers 30:15 But if he shall in any way
Numbers 30:15 make them void
Deuteronomy 31:16 me, and break
Deuteronomy 31:20 me, and break
Judges 2:1 break
2 Samuel 15:34 then mayest thou for me defeat
2 Samuel 17:14 to defeat
1 Kings 15:19 and break
2 Chronicles 16:3 break
Ezra 4:5 against them, to frustrate
Ezra 9:14 break
Nehemiah 4:15 had brought
Nehemiah 4:15 to nought,
Job 5:12 He disappointeth
Job 15:4 Yea, thou castest off
Job 16:12 but he hath broken me asunder:
Job 40:8 Wilt thou also settest aside
Psalms 74:13 Thou didst divide
Psalms 85:4 toward us to cease.
Psalms 119:126 for they have made void
Proverbs 15:22 are disappointed:

Distinct usage

4 break
2 he hath broken
2 that I might break
2 me, and break
1 then mayest thou for me defeat
1 to defeat
1 and break
1 against them, to frustrate
1 had brought
1 to nought,
1 He disappointeth
1 Wilt thou also settest aside
1 Thou didst divide
1 for they have made void
1 shall fail:
1 and it shall come to nought;
1 and who shall frustrate
1 is all
1 dissolved,
1 That frustrateth
1 they broke,
1 be broken
1 by breaking
1 And it was broken
1 and they have broken
1 and to break
1 but that ye break
1 it; then he shall make of no effect
1 hath utterly
1 made them void
1 hath made them void;
1 such things? or shall he break
1 and hath broken
1 But if he shall in any way
1 make them void
1 have broken
1 If ye can break
1 Yea, thou castest off
1 broken
1 toward us to cease.
1 are disappointed:
1 may make it void.
1 but he hath broken me asunder:
1 in breaking
1 he broke,

Corresponding Greek Words

parar G142 airo
parar G640 aporia
parar G1696 emmeno
parar hiph. G4014 peri aireo
parar hithpo. G639 aporeo
parar hi. G654 apo strepho
parar hi. G1259 di allasso
parar hi.(c.neg.) G3306 meno
parar po. G2901 krataioo
pur G2819 kleros
pur hi. G3845 para baino

Related words


H6499 פּר פּר par pâr
פּר פּר
par pâr
par, pawr
From H6565; a bullock (apparently as breaking forth in wild strength, or perhaps as dividing the hoof)

KJV Usage: (+ young) bull (-ock), calf, ox.

H6517 פּרוּר pârûr
Passive participle of H6565 in the sense of spreading out (compare H6524); a skillet (as flat or deep)

KJV Usage: pan, pot.

H6554 פּרפּר parpar
Probably from H6565 in the sense of rushing; rapid; Parpar, a river of Syria

KJV Usage: Pharpar.