H4601 מעכת מעכה - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Number

מעכת מעכה
ma‛ăkâh ma‛ăkâth
mah-ak-aw', mah-ak-awth'
From H4600; depression; Maakah (or Maakath), the name of a place in Syria, also of a Mesopotamian, of three Israelites, and of four Israelitesses and one Syrian woman

KJV Usage: Maachah, Maachathites. See also H1038.

Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions


מעכת מעכה
Maachah = "oppression" n pr m
1. father of Achish, king of Gath at the beginning of Solomon's reign
2. father of Hanan, one of David's mighty warriors
3. a Simeonite, father of Shephatiah, prince of his tribe in the reign of David
4. son of Nahor by concubine Reumah n pr f
5. daughter of king Talmai of Geshur, wife or David, and mother of Absalom
6. daughter of Absalom, wife of king Rehoboam of Judah, and mother of king Abijam of Judah
7. concubine of Caleb the son of Hezron
8. wife of Machir of the tribe of Manasseh
9. wife of Jehiel, father of Gibeon n pr Maachathites = "pressure (literally she has pressed)"
10. a mercenary people hired to fight David
Origin: from H4600
TWOT: None
Parts of Speech:

N:N-M-P / N:N-F-P / N:N--L
Maachah = "oppression"
n pr m
1) father of Achish, king of Gath at the beginning of Solomon's reign
2) father of Hanan, one of David's mighty warriors
3) a Simeonite, father of Shephatiah, prince of his tribe in the reign of David
4) son of Nahor by concubine Reumah
n pr f
5) daughter of king Talmai of Geshur, wife or David, and mother of Absalom
6) daughter of Absalom, wife of king Rehoboam of Judah, and mother of king Abijam of Judah
7) concubine of Caleb the son of Hezron
8) wife of Machir of the tribe of Manasseh
9) wife of Jehiel, father of Gibeon
Maachathites = "pressure (literally she has pressed)"
n pr
10) a mercenary people hired to fight David

View how H4601 מעכת מעכה is used in the Bible

23 occurrences of H4601 מעכת מעכה

Genesis 22:24 and Maachah.
Joshua 13:13 and the Maachathites
2 Samuel 3:3 of Maacah
2 Samuel 10:6 Maacah
2 Samuel 10:8 and Maacah,
1 Kings 2:39 of Maachah
1 Kings 15:2 was Maachah,
1 Kings 15:10 was Maachah,
1 Kings 15:13 And also Maachah
1 Chronicles 2:48 Maachah,
1 Chronicles 3:2 of Maachah
1 Chronicles 7:15 was Maachah;
1 Chronicles 7:16 And Maachah
1 Chronicles 8:29 was Maachah:
1 Chronicles 9:35 was Maachah:
1 Chronicles 11:43 of Maachah,
1 Chronicles 19:6 and out of Syriamaachah,
1 Chronicles 19:7 of Maachah
1 Chronicles 27:16 of Maachah:
2 Chronicles 11:20 Maachah
2 Chronicles 11:21 Maachah
2 Chronicles 11:22 of Maachah
2 Chronicles 15:16 And also concerning Maachah

Distinct usage

4 of Maachah
2 was Maachah,
2 was Maachah:
2 Maachah
1 and Maachah.
1 of Maacah
1 Maachah,
1 was Maachah;
1 And Maachah
1 of Maachah,
1 of Maachah:
1 And also concerning Maachah
1 And also Maachah
1 and the Maachathites
1 Maacah
1 and Maacah,
1 and out of Syriamaachah,

Related words


H62 אבל בּית־מעכה 'âbêl bêyth mă‛akâh
אבל בּית־מעכה
'âbêl bêyth mă‛akâh
aw-bale' bayth ma-a-kaw'
From H58 and H1004 and H4601; meadow of Beth-Maakah; Abel of Beth-Maakah, a place in Palestine

KJV Usage: Abel-beth-maachah, Abel of Beth-maachah.

H1038 בּית מעכה bêyth ma‛ăkâh
בּית מעכה
bêyth ma‛ăkâh
bayth mah-ak-aw'
From H1004 and H4601; house of Maakah; Beth-Maakah, a place in Palestine

KJV Usage: Beth-maachah.

H4602 מעכתי ma‛ăkâthı̂y
Patrial from H4601; a Maakathite, or inhabitant of Maakah

KJV Usage: Maachathite.

H4600 מעך mâ‛ak

A primitive root; to press, that is, to pierce, emasculate, handle

KJV Usage: bruised, stuck, be pressed.

H4582 מעוך mâ‛ôk
From H4600; oppressed; Maok, a Philistine

KJV Usage: Maoch.

H1038 בּית מעכה bêyth ma‛ăkâh

בּית מעכה
bêyth ma‛ăkâh
bayth mah-ak-aw'
From H1004 and H4601; house of Maakah; Beth-Maakah, a place in Palestine

KJV Usage: Beth-maachah.