Genesis 26 Cross References - new

  1 H7458 And there was a famine H776 in the land, H905 besides H7223 the first H7458 famine H3117 that was in the days H85 of Abraham. H3327 And Isaac H3212 [H8799] went H40 to Abimelech H4428 king H6430 of the Philistines H1642 to Gerar.
  2 H3068 And the LORD H7200 [H8735] appeared H559 [H8799] to him, and said, H3381 [H8799] Go not down H4714 into Egypt; H7931 [H8798] dwell H776 in the land H559 [H8799] which I shall tell thee of:
  3 H1481 [H8798] Sojourn H776 in this land, H1288 [H8762] and I will be with thee, and will bless H2233 thee; for to thee, and to thy seed, H5414 [H8799] I will give H411 all these H776 lands, H6965 [H8689] and I will raise H7621 the oath H7650 [H8738] which I swore H85 to Abraham H1 thy father;
  4 H7235 0 And I will make H2233 thy seed H7235 [H8689] to multiply H3556 as the stars H8064 of heaven, H5414 [H8804] and will give H2233 to thy seed H411 all these H776 lands; H2233 and in thy seed H1471 shall all the nations H776 of the earth H1288 [H8694] be blessed;
  5 H6118 Because H85 that Abraham H8085 [H8804] obeyed H6963 my voice, H8104 [H8799] and kept H4931 my charge, H4687 my commandments, H2708 my statutes, H8451 and my laws.
  6 H3327 And Isaac H3427 [H8799] dwelt H1642 in Gerar:
  7 H582 And the men H4725 of the place H7592 [H8799] asked H802 him of his wife; H559 [H8799] and he said, H269 She is my sister: H3372 [H8804] for he feared H559 [H8800] to say, H802 She is my wife; H582 lest, said he, the men H4725 of the place H2026 [H8799] should kill H7259 me for Rebekah; H2896 because she was fair H4758 to look upon.
  8 H748 [H8804] And it came to pass, when he had been there a long H3117 time, H40 that Abimelech H4428 king H6430 of the Philistines H8259 [H8686] looked out H1157 at H2474 a window, H7200 [H8799] and saw, H3327 and, behold, Isaac H6711 [H8764] was sporting H7259 with Rebekah H802 his wife.
  9 H40 And Abimelech H7121 [H8799] called H3327 Isaac, H559 [H8799] and said, H389 Behold, surely H802 she is thy wife: H559 [H8804] and how saidst H269 thou, She is my sister? H3327 And Isaac H559 [H8799] said H559 [H8804] to him, Because I said, H4191 [H8799] Lest I should die on her account.
  10 H40 And Abimelech H559 [H8799] said, H6213 [H8804] What is this thou hast done H259 to us? one H5971 of the people H4592 might lightly H7901 [H8804] have lain H802 with thy wife, H935 [H8689] and thou wouldest have brought H817 guiltiness upon us.
  11 H40 And Abimelech H6680 [H8762] charged H5971 all his people, H559 [H8800] saying, H5060 [H8802] He that toucheth H376 this man H802 or his wife H4191 [H8800] shall surely H4191 [H8714] be put to death.
  12 H3327 Then Isaac H2232 [H8799] sowed H776 in that land, H4672 [H8799] and received H8141 in the same year H3967 H8180 an hundredfold: H3068 and the LORD H1288 [H8762] blessed him.
  13 H376 And the man H1431 [H8799] became great, H3212 H1980 [H8799] and continued, H1432 and grew H1431 0 until he became H3966 very H1431 [H8804] great:
  14 H4735 For he had possession H6629 of flocks, H4735 and possession H1241 of herds, H7227 and very many H5657 servants: H6430 and the Philistines H7065 [H8762] envied him.
  15 H875 For all the wells H1 which his father's H5650 servants H2658 [H8804] had dug H3117 in the days H85 of Abraham H1 his father, H6430 the Philistines H5640 [H8765] had stopped H4390 [H8762] them, and filled H6083 them with dust.
  16 H40 And Abimelech H559 [H8799] said H3327 to Isaac, H3212 [H8798] Go H3966 from us; for thou art much H6105 [H8804] mightier than we.
  17 H3327 And Isaac H3212 [H8799] departed H2583 [H8799] from there, and pitched his tent H5158 in the valley H1642 of Gerar, H3427 [H8799] and dwelt H8033 there.
  18 H3327 And Isaac H2658 [H8799] dug H7725 [H8799] again H875 the wells H4325 of water, H2658 [H8804] which they had dug H3117 in the days H85 of Abraham H1 his father; H6430 for the Philistines H5640 [H8762] had stopped H310 them after H4194 the death H85 of Abraham: H7121 [H8799] and he called H8034 their names H8034 after the names H834 by which H1 his father H7121 [H8804] had called them.
  19 H3327 And Isaac's H5650 servants H2658 [H8799] dug H5158 in the valley, H4672 [H8799] and found H875 there a well H2416 of springing H4325 water.
  20 H7462 [H8802] And the herdmen H1642 of Gerar H7378 [H8799] contended H3327 with Isaac's H7462 [H8802] herdmen, H559 [H8800] saying, H4325 The water H7121 [H8799] is ours: and he called H8034 the name H875 of the well H6230 Esek; H6229 [H8694] because they strove with him.
  21 H2658 [H8799] And they dug H312 another H875 well, H7378 [H8799] and contended H7121 [H8799] for that also: and he called H8034 the name of it H7856 Sitnah.
  22 H6275 [H8686] And he departed H2658 [H8799] from there, and dug H312 another H875 well; H7378 [H8804] and for that they did not contend: H7121 [H8799] and he called H8034 the name of it H7344 Rehoboth; H559 [H8799] and he said, H6258 For now H3068 the LORD H7337 [H8689] hath made room H6509 [H8804] for us, and we shall be fruitful H776 in the land.
  23 H5927 [H8799] And he went up H884 from there to Beersheba.
  24 H3068 And the LORD H7200 [H8735] appeared H3915 to him the same night, H559 [H8799] and said, H430 I am the God H85 of Abraham H1 thy father: H3372 [H8799] fear H854 not, for I am with H1288 [H8765] thee, and will bless H7235 [H8689] thee, and multiply H2233 thy seed H5650 for my servant H85 Abraham's sake.
  25 H1129 [H8799] And he built H4196 an altar H7121 [H8799] there, and called H8034 upon the name H3068 of the LORD, H5186 [H8799] and pitched H168 his tent H3327 there: and there Isaac's H5650 servants H3738 [H8799] dug H875 a well.
  26 H40 Then Abimelech H1980 [H8804] went H1642 to him from Gerar, H276 and Ahuzzath H4828 one of his friends, H6369 and Phichol H8269 the chief captain H6635 of his army.
  27 H3327 And Isaac H559 [H8799] said H4069 to them, Why H935 [H8804] come H8130 [H8804] ye to me, seeing ye hate H7971 [H8762] me, and have sent me away from you?
  28 H559 [H8799] And they said, H7200 [H8804] We saw H7200 [H8800] certainly H3068 that the LORD H559 [H8799] was with thee: and we said, H423 Let there be now an oath H996 between H996 us, even between H3772 [H8799] us and thee, and let us make H1285 a covenant with thee;
  29 H6213 [H8799] That thou wilt do H7451 us no harm, H5060 [H8804] as we have not touched H6213 [H8804] thee, and as we have done H7535 to thee nothing but H2896 good, H7971 [H8762] and have sent thee away H7965 in peace: H6258 thou art now H1288 [H8803] the blessed H3068 of the LORD.
  30 H6213 [H8799] And he made H4960 them a feast, H398 [H8799] and they ate H8354 [H8799] and drank.
  31 H7925 [H8686] And they rose early H1242 in the morning, H7650 [H8735] and swore H376 one H251 to another: H3327 and Isaac H7971 [H8762] sent them away, H3212 [H8799] and they departed H7965 from him in peace.
  32 H3117 And it came to pass the same day, H3327 that Isaac's H5650 servants H935 [H8799] came, H5046 [H8686] and told H182 him concerning H875 the well H2658 [H8804] which they had dug, H559 [H8799] and said H4672 [H8804] to him, We have found H4325 water.
  33 H7121 [H8799] And he called H7656 it Shebah: H8034 therefore the name H5892 of the city H884 is Beersheba H3117 to this day.
  34 H6215 And Esau H705 was forty H8141 years H1121 old H3947 [H8799] when he took H802 for a wife H3067 Judith H1323 the daughter H882 of Beeri H2850 the Hittite, H1315 and Bashemath H1323 the daughter H356 of Elon H2850 the Hittite:
  35 H4786 Who were a grief H7307 of spirit H3327 to Isaac H7259 and Rebekah.

Genesis 12:10

  10 H7458 And there was a famine H776 in the land: H87 and Abram H3381 [H8799] went down H4714 into Egypt H1481 [H8800] to sojourn H7458 there; for the famine H3515 was grievous H776 in the land.

Genesis 20:1-2

  1 H85 And Abraham H5265 [H8799] journeyed H5045 from there toward the south H776 land, H3427 [H8799] and dwelt H6946 between Kadesh H7793 and Shur, H1481 [H8799] and sojourned H1642 in Gerar.
  2 H85 And Abraham H559 [H8799] said H413 of H8283 Sarah H802 his wife, H269 She is my sister: H40 and Abimelech H4428 king H1642 of Gerar H7971 [H8799] sent, H3947 [H8799] and took H8283 Sarah.

Genesis 21:22-32

  22 H6256 And it came to pass at that time, H40 that Abimelech H6369 and Phichol H8269 the chief captain H6635 of his host H559 [H8799] spoke H85 to Abraham, H559 [H8800] saying, H430 God H6213 [H8802] is with thee in all that thou doest:
  23 H7650 [H8734] Now therefore swear H2008 to me here H430 by God H8266 [H8799] that thou wilt not deal falsely H5209 with me, nor with my son, H5220 nor with my son's son: H2617 but according to the mercy H6213 [H8804] that I have done H6213 [H8799] to thee, thou shalt do H776 to me, and to the land H1481 [H8804] in which thou hast sojourned.
  24 H85 And Abraham H559 [H8799] said, H7650 [H8735] I will swear.
  25 H85 And Abraham H3198 [H8689] reproved H40 Abimelech H182 because H875 of a well H4325 of water, H40 which Abimelech's H5650 servants H1497 [H8804] had plucked off.
  26 H40 And Abimelech H559 [H8799] said, H3045 [H8804] I know H6213 [H8804] not who hath done H1697 this thing: H3808 neither H5046 [H8689] didst thou tell H3808 me, neither H8085 [H8804] yet have I heard H1115 of it, but H3117 to day.
  27 H85 And Abraham H3947 [H8799] took H6629 sheep H1241 and oxen, H5414 [H8799] and gave H40 them to Abimelech; H8147 and both of them H3772 [H8799] made H1285 a covenant.
  28 H85 And Abraham H5324 [H8686] set H7651 seven H3535 ewe lambs H6629 of the flock by themselves.
  29 H40 And Abimelech H559 [H8799] said H85 to Abraham, H2008 What H7651 mean these seven H3535 ewe lambs H5324 [H8689] which thou hast set by themselves?
  30 H559 [H8799] And he said, H7651 For these seven H3535 ewe lambs H3947 [H8799] shalt thou take H3027 from my hand, H5668 that H5713 they may be a witness H2658 [H8804] to me, that I have dug H875 this well.
  31 H7121 [H8804] Therefore he called H4725 that place H884 Beersheba; H7650 [H8738] because there they swore H8147 both of them.
  32 H3772 [H8799] Thus they made H1285 a covenant H884 at Beersheba: H40 then Abimelech H6965 [H8799] arose, H6369 and Phichol H8269 the chief captain H6635 of his host, H7725 [H8799] and they returned H776 into the land H6430 of the Philistines.

Genesis 25:11

  11 H310 And it came to pass after H4194 the death H85 of Abraham, H430 that God H1288 [H8762] blessed H1121 his son H3327 Isaac; H3327 and Isaac H3427 [H8799] dwelt H5973 by H883 the well Lahairoi.

Genesis 12:1

  1 H3068 Now the LORD H559 [H8799] had said H87 to Abram, H3212 [H8798] Depart H776 from thy land, H4138 and from thy kindred, H1 and from thy father's H1004 house, H776 to a land H7200 [H8686] that I will show thee:

Genesis 12:7

  7 H3068 And the LORD H7200 [H8735] appeared H87 to Abram, H559 [H8799] and said, H2233 To thy seed H5414 [H8799] will I give H2063 this H776 land: H1129 [H8799] and there he built H4196 an altar H3068 to the LORD, H7200 [H8737] who appeared to him.

Genesis 17:1

  1 H87 And when Abram H8673 H8141 was ninety H8672 and nine H8141 years H1121 old, H3068 the LORD H7200 [H8735] appeared H87 to Abram, H559 [H8799] and said H7706 to him, I am the Almighty H410 God; H1980 [H8690] walk H6440 before the face of me, H8549 and be thou perfect.

Genesis 18:1

  1 H3068 And the LORD H7200 [H8735] appeared H436 to him in the plains H4471 of Mamre: H3427 [H8802] and he sat H168 in the tent H6607 door H2527 in the heat H3117 of the day;

Genesis 18:10-20

  10 H559 [H8799] And he said, H7725 [H8800] I will certainly H7725 [H8799] return H6256 to thee according to the time H2416 of life; H8283 and, lo, Sarah H802 thy wife H1121 shall have a son. H8283 And Sarah H8085 [H8802] heard H168 it in the tent H6607 door, H310 which was behind him.
  11 H85 Now Abraham H8283 and Sarah H2205 were old H935 [H8802] and well advanced H3117 in days; H734 and the way according H802 to women. H2308 [H8804] had ceased H8283 to be for Sarah
  12 H8283 Therefore Sarah H6711 [H8799] laughed H7130 within herself, H559 [H8800] saying, H310 After H1086 [H8800] I am become old H5730 shall I have pleasure, H113 my sovereign H2204 [H8804] being old also?
  13 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H85 to Abraham, H4100 Why H8283 did Sarah H6711 [H8804] laugh, H559 [H8800] saying, H552 Shall I certainly H3205 [H8799] bear H589 a child, who H2204 [H8804] am old?
  14 H6381 0 Is H1697 any thing H6381 [H8735] too hard H3068 for the LORD? H4150 At the time appointed H7725 [H8799] I will return H6256 to thee, according to the time H2416 of life, H8283 and Sarah H1121 shall have a son.
  15 H8283 Then Sarah H3584 [H8762] denied, H559 [H8800] saying, H6711 [H8804] I laughed H3372 [H8804] not; for she was afraid. H559 [H8799] And he said, H3808 Nay; H6711 [H8804] but thou didst laugh.
  16 H582 And the men H6965 [H8799] rose up H8259 [H8686] from there, and looked H6440 toward H5467 Sodom: H85 and Abraham H1980 [H8802] went H7971 [H8763] with them to bring them on the way.
  17 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8804] said, H3680 [H8764] Shall I hide H85 from Abraham H834 that thing which H6213 [H8802] I do;
  18 H85 Seeing that Abraham H1419 shall surely become a great H6099 and mighty H1471 nation, H1471 and all the nations H776 of the earth H1288 [H8738] shall be blessed in him?
  19 H3045 [H8804] For I know H834 him, that H6680 [H8762] he will command H1121 his sons H1004 and his household H310 after him, H8104 [H8804] and they shall keep H1870 the way H3068 of the LORD, H6213 [H8800] to do H4941 righteousness H6666 and justice; H3068 that the LORD H935 [H8687] may bring H85 upon Abraham H1696 [H8765] that which he hath spoken of him.
  20 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said, H2201 Because the outcry H5467 of Sodom H6017 and Gomorrah H7227 is great, H2403 and because their sin H3966 is very H3513 [H8804] grievous;

Psalms 37:3

  3 H982 [H8798] Trust H3068 in the LORD, H6213 [H8798] and do H2896 good; H7931 [H8798] so shalt thou dwell H776 in the land, H530 and verily H7462 [H8798] thou shalt be fed.

Genesis 12:1-2

  1 H3068 Now the LORD H559 [H8799] had said H87 to Abram, H3212 [H8798] Depart H776 from thy land, H4138 and from thy kindred, H1 and from thy father's H1004 house, H776 to a land H7200 [H8686] that I will show thee:
  2 H6213 [H8799] And I will make of thee H1419 a great H1471 nation, H1288 [H8762] and I will bless H1431 0 thee, and make H8034 thy name H1431 [H8762] great; H1293 and thou shalt be a blessing:

Genesis 13:15

  15 H776 For all the land H7200 [H8802] which thou seest, H5414 [H8799] to thee will I give it, H2233 and to thy seed H5704 for H5769 ever.

Genesis 13:17

  17 H6965 [H8798] Arise, H1980 [H8690] walk H776 through the land H753 in the length H7341 of it and in the breadth H5414 [H8799] of it; for I will give it to thee.

Genesis 15:18

  18 H1931 In that same H3117 day H3068 the LORD H3772 [H8804] made H1285 a covenant H87 with Abram, H559 [H8800] saying, H2233 To thy seed H5414 [H8804] have I given H776 this land, H5104 from the river H4714 of Egypt H1419 to the great H5104 river, H5104 the river H6578 Euphrates:

Genesis 17:8

  8 H5414 [H8804] And I will give H2233 to thee, and to thy seed H310 after thee, H776 the land H4033 of they sojournings, H776 all the land H3667 of Canaan, H5769 for an everlasting H272 possession; H430 and I will be their God.

Genesis 20:1

  1 H85 And Abraham H5265 [H8799] journeyed H5045 from there toward the south H776 land, H3427 [H8799] and dwelt H6946 between Kadesh H7793 and Shur, H1481 [H8799] and sojourned H1642 in Gerar.

Genesis 22:16-18

  16 H559 [H8799] And said, H7650 [H8738] By myself have I sworn, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD, H3282 H834 for because H6213 [H8804] thou hast done H1697 this thing, H3808 and hast not H2820 [H8804] withheld H1121 thy son, H3173 thy only son:
  17 H1288 [H8763] That in blessing H1288 [H8762] I will bless H7235 [H8687] thee, and in multiplying H7235 [H8686] I will multiply H2233 thy seed H3556 as the stars H8064 of heaven, H2344 and as the sand H3220 which is on the sea H8193 shore; H2233 and thy seed H3423 [H8799] shall possess H8179 the gate H341 [H8802] of his enemies;
  18 H2233 And in thy seed H1471 shall all the nations H776 of the earth H1288 [H8694] be blessed; H834 H6118 because H8085 [H8804] thou hast obeyed H6963 my voice.

Genesis 26:12

  12 H3327 Then Isaac H2232 [H8799] sowed H776 in that land, H4672 [H8799] and received H8141 in the same year H3967 H8180 an hundredfold: H3068 and the LORD H1288 [H8762] blessed him.

Genesis 26:14

  14 H4735 For he had possession H6629 of flocks, H4735 and possession H1241 of herds, H7227 and very many H5657 servants: H6430 and the Philistines H7065 [H8762] envied him.

Genesis 28:15

  15 H8104 [H8804] And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep H834 thee in all places where H3212 [H8799] thou goest, H7725 [H8689] and will bring thee again H127 into this soil; H5800 [H8799] for I will not leave H834 thee, until H6213 [H8804] I have done H1696 [H8765] that which I have promised to thee.

Genesis 39:2

  2 H3068 And the LORD H3130 was with Joseph, H6743 [H8688] and he was a prosperous H376 man; H1004 and he was in the house H113 of his master H4713 the Egyptian.

Genesis 39:21

  21 H3068 But the LORD H3130 was with Joseph, H5186 [H8799] and showed H2617 him mercy, H5414 [H8799] and gave H2580 him favour H5869 in the eyes H8269 of the keeper H1004 H5470 of the prison.

Psalms 32:8

  8 H7919 [H8686] I will instruct H3384 [H8686] thee and teach H1870 thee in the way H2098 which H3212 [H8799] thou shalt go: H3289 [H8799] I will guide H5869 thee with my eye.

Psalms 37:1-6

  1 H2734 [H8691] Fret H7489 [H8688] not thyself because of evildoers, H7065 [H8762] neither be thou envious H6213 [H8802] against the workers H5766 of distortion.
  2 H4120 For they shall soon H5243 [H8799] be cut down H2682 like the grass, H5034 [H8799] and wither H3418 as the green H1877 herb.
  3 H982 [H8798] Trust H3068 in the LORD, H6213 [H8798] and do H2896 good; H7931 [H8798] so shalt thou dwell H776 in the land, H530 and verily H7462 [H8798] thou shalt be fed.
  4 H6026 [H8690] Delight H3068 thyself also in the LORD; H5414 [H8799] and he shall give H4862 thee the desires H3820 of thine heart.
  5 H1556 [H8798] Commit H1870 thy way H3068 to the LORD; H982 [H8798] trust H6213 [H8799] also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
  6 H3318 [H8689] And he shall bring forth H6664 thy righteousness H216 as the light, H4941 and thy judgment H6672 as the noonday.

Psalms 39:12

  12 H8085 [H8798] Hear H8605 my prayer, H3068 O LORD, H238 [H8685] and give ear H7775 to my hallooing; H2790 [H8799] hold not thy peace H1832 at my tears: H1616 for I am a guest H8453 with thee, and a resident alien, H1 as all my fathers were.

Psalms 105:9

  9 H3772 [H8804] Which covenant he made H85 with Abraham, H7621 and his oath H3446 to Isaac;

Isaiah 43:2

  2 H5674 [H8799] When thou passest through H4325 the waters, H5104 I will be with thee; and through the rivers, H7857 [H8799] they shall not overflow H3212 [H8799] thee: when thou walkest H1119 through H784 the fire, H3554 [H8735] thou shalt not be burned; H3852 neither shall the flame H1197 [H8799] kindle upon thee.

Isaiah 43:5

  5 H3372 [H8799] Fear H935 [H8686] not: for I am with thee: I will bring H2233 thy seed H4217 from the east, H6908 [H8762] and gather H4628 thee from the west;

Micah 7:20

  20 H5414 [H8799] Thou wilt perform H571 the truth H3290 to Jacob, H2617 and the mercy H85 to Abraham, H7650 [H8738] which thou hast sworn H1 to our fathers H3117 from the days H6924 of old.

Philippians 4:9

  9 G5023 Those things, G3739 which G3129 0 ye have G2532 both G3129 [G5627] learned, G2532 and G3880 [G5627] received, G2532 and G191 [G5656] heard, G2532 and G1492 [G5627] seen G1722 in G1698 me, G4238 [G5719] do: G2532 and G2316 the God G1515 of peace G2071 [G5704] shall be G3326 with G5216 you.

Hebrews 6:17

  17 G1722 In G3739 the same way G2316 God, G1014 [G5740] willing G4054 more abundantly G1925 [G5658] to show G2818 to the heirs G1860 of promise G276 the immutability G846 of his G1012 counsel, G3315 [G5656] confirmed G3727 it by an oath:

Hebrews 11:9

  9 G4102 By faith G3939 [G5656] he sojourned G1519 in G1093 the land G1860 of promise, G5613 as G245 in a foreign country, G2730 [G5660] dwelling G1722 in G4633 tents G3326 with G2464 Isaac G2532 and G2384 Jacob, G4789 the heirs with him G846 of the same G1860 promise:

Hebrews 11:13-16

  13 G3778 These G3956 all G599 [G5627] died G2596 in G4102 faith, G3361 not G2983 [G5631] having received G1860 the promises, G235 but G1492 [G5631] having seen G846 them G4207 afar off, G2532 and G3982 [G5685] were persuaded of G2532 them, and G782 [G5666] embraced G2532 them, and G3670 [G5660] confessed G3754 that G1526 [G5748] they were G3581 strangers G2532 and G3927 pilgrims G1909 on G1093 the earth.
  14 G1063 For G3588 those G3004 [G5723] saying G5108 such things G1718 [G5719] exhibit G3754 that G1934 [G5719] they seek after G3968 the fatherland.
  15 G2532 And G3303 truly, G1487 if G3421 [G5707] they had been mindful G1565 of that country G575 from G3739 which G1831 [G5627] they came, G302 they might G2192 [G5707] have had G2540 season G344 [G5658] to return.
  16 G1161 But G3570 now G3713 [G5734] they reach for G2909 a better G5123 [G5748] country, that is, G2032 an heavenly: G1352 therefore G2316 God G1870 0 is G3756 not G1870 G846 [G5736] ashamed G1941 [G5745] to be called G846 their G2316 God: G1063 for G2090 [G5656] he hath prepared G846 for them G4172 a city.

Genesis 12:2-3

  2 H6213 [H8799] And I will make of thee H1419 a great H1471 nation, H1288 [H8762] and I will bless H1431 0 thee, and make H8034 thy name H1431 [H8762] great; H1293 and thou shalt be a blessing:
  3 H1288 [H8762] And I will bless H1288 [H8764] them that bless H779 [H8799] thee, and curse H7043 [H8764] him that curseth H4940 thee: and in thee shall all families H127 of the soil H1288 [H8738] be blessed.

Genesis 13:16

  16 H7760 [H8804] And I will make H2233 thy seed H6083 as the dust H776 of the earth: H834 so that H376 if a man H3201 [H8799] can H4487 [H8800] number H6083 the dust H776 of the earth, H2233 then shall thy seed H4487 [H8735] also be numbered.

Genesis 15:5

  5 H3318 [H8686] And he brought him forth H2351 abroad, H559 [H8799] and said, H5027 [H8685] Look H8064 now toward heaven, H5608 [H8798] and count H3556 the stars, H3201 [H8799] if thou art able H5608 [H8800] to number H559 [H8799] them: and he said H3541 to him, So H2233 shall thy seed be.

Genesis 17:4-8

  4 H589 As for me, H1285 behold, my covenant H1 is with thee, and thou shalt be a father H1995 of many H1471 nations.
  5 H8034 Neither shall thy name H7121 [H8735] any more be called H87 Abram, H8034 but thy name H85 shall be Abraham; H1 for a father H1995 of many H1471 nations H5414 [H8804] have I made thee.
  6 H6509 0 And I will make H3966 thee exceedingly H6509 [H8689] fruitful, H5414 [H8804] and I will make H1471 nations H4428 of thee, and kings H3318 [H8799] shall come forth from thee.
  7 H6965 [H8689] And I will raise H1285 my covenant H2233 between me and thee and thy seed H310 after thee H1755 in their generations H5769 for an everlasting H1285 covenant, H430 to be a God H2233 to thee, and to thy seed H310 after thee.
  8 H5414 [H8804] And I will give H2233 to thee, and to thy seed H310 after thee, H776 the land H4033 of they sojournings, H776 all the land H3667 of Canaan, H5769 for an everlasting H272 possession; H430 and I will be their God.

Genesis 18:18

  18 H85 Seeing that Abraham H1419 shall surely become a great H6099 and mighty H1471 nation, H1471 and all the nations H776 of the earth H1288 [H8738] shall be blessed in him?

Exodus 32:13

  13 H2142 [H8798] Remember H85 Abraham, H3327 Isaac, H3478 and Israel, H5650 thy servants, H7650 [H8738] to whom thou sworest H1696 [H8762] by thine own self, and saidst H7235 [H8686] to them, I will multiply H2233 your seed H3556 as the stars H8064 of heaven, H776 and all this land H559 [H8804] that I have spoken H5414 [H8799] of will I give H2233 to your seed, H5157 [H8804] and they shall inherit H5769 it to the age.

Psalms 72:17

  17 H8034 His name H5769 shall endure to the age: H8034 his name H5125 H5125 [H8735] shall be continued H6440 as long as H8121 the sun: H1288 [H8691] and men shall be blessed H1471 in him: all nations H833 [H8762] shall call him blessed.

Acts 3:25

  25 G5210 Ye G2075 [G5748] are G5207 the sons G4396 of the prophets, G2532 and G1242 of the covenant G3739 which G2316 God G1303 [G5639] made G4314 with G2257 our G3962 fathers, G3004 [G5723] saying G4314 to G11 Abraham, G2532 And G4675 in thy G4690 seed G1757 0 shall G3956 all G3965 the kindreds G1093 of the earth G1757 [G5701] be blessed.

Galatians 3:8

  8 G1161 And G3588 the G1124 scripture, G4275 [G5631] foreseeing G3754 that G2316 God G1344 [G5719] would justify G3588 the G1484 nations G1537 through G4102 faith, G4283 [G5662] advancing good news G11 to Abraham, G3754 saying, G1722 In G4671 thee G1757 0 shall G3956 all G3588 the G1484 nations G1757 [G5701] be blessed.

Galatians 3:16

  16 G1161 Now G11 to Abraham G2532 and G846 his G4690 seed G4483 0 were G1860 the promises G4483 [G5681] spoken. G3004 [G5719] He saith G3756 not, G2532 And G4690 to seeds, G5613 as G1909 of G4183 many; G235 but G5613 as G1909 of G1520 one, G2532 And G4675 to thy G4690 seed, G3739 which G2076 [G5748] is G5547 Anointed.

Hebrews 11:2

  2 G1063 For G1722 by G5026 it G4245 the elders G3140 [G5681] obtained a good report.

Genesis 12:4

  4 H87 So Abram H3212 [H8799] departed, H3068 as the LORD H1696 [H8765] had spoken H3876 to him; and Lot H3212 [H8799] went H87 with him: and Abram H7657 H8141 was seventy H2568 and five H8141 years H1121 old H3318 [H8800] when he departed H2771 from Haran.

Genesis 17:23

  23 H85 And Abraham H3947 [H8799] took H3458 Ishmael H1121 his son, H3211 and all that were born H1004 in his house, H4736 and all that were bought H3701 with his money, H2145 every male H582 among the men H85 of Abraham's H1004 house; H4135 [H8799] and circumcised H1320 the flesh H6190 of their foreskin H6106 in the same H3117 day, H430 as God H1696 [H8765] had said to him.

Genesis 18:19

  19 H3045 [H8804] For I know H834 him, that H6680 [H8762] he will command H1121 his sons H1004 and his household H310 after him, H8104 [H8804] and they shall keep H1870 the way H3068 of the LORD, H6213 [H8800] to do H4941 righteousness H6666 and justice; H3068 that the LORD H935 [H8687] may bring H85 upon Abraham H1696 [H8765] that which he hath spoken of him.

Genesis 22:16

  16 H559 [H8799] And said, H7650 [H8738] By myself have I sworn, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD, H3282 H834 for because H6213 [H8804] thou hast done H1697 this thing, H3808 and hast not H2820 [H8804] withheld H1121 thy son, H3173 thy only son:

Genesis 22:18

  18 H2233 And in thy seed H1471 shall all the nations H776 of the earth H1288 [H8694] be blessed; H834 H6118 because H8085 [H8804] thou hast obeyed H6963 my voice.

Psalms 112:1-2

  1 H1984 [H8761] Praise H3050 ye the LORD. H835 Happy H376 is the man H3372 [H8804] that feareth H3068 the LORD, H2654 [H8804] that delighteth H3966 greatly H4687 in his commandments.
  2 H2233 His seed H1368 shall be mighty H776 upon earth: H1755 the generation H3477 of the upright H1288 [H8792] shall be blessed.

Psalms 128:1-6

  1 H835 Happy H3373 is every one that feareth H3068 the LORD; H1980 [H8802] that walketh H1870 in his ways.
  2 H398 [H8799] For thou shalt eat H3018 the labour H3709 of thy palms: H835 happy H2896 shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.
  3 H802 Thy wife H6509 [H8802] shall be as a fruitful H1612 vine H3411 by the sides H1004 of thy house: H1121 thy sons H2132 like olive H8363 plants H5439 around H7979 thy table.
  4 H1397 Behold, that thus shall the man H1288 [H8792] be blessed H3373 that feareth H3068 the LORD.
  5 H3068 The LORD H1288 [H8762] shall bless H6726 thee out of Zion: H7200 [H8798] and thou shalt see H2898 the good H3389 of Jerusalem H3117 all the days H2416 of thy life.
  6 H7200 [H8798] Yea, thou shalt see H1121 thy son's H1121 sons, H7965 and peace H3478 upon Israel.

Matthew 5:19

  19 G3739 { Who G1437 ever G3767 therefore G3089 [G5661] shall loosen G3391 one G3588 of the G1646 least G5130 of these G1785 commandments, G2532 and G1321 [G5661] shall teach G3588   G444 men G3779 so, G2564 [G5701] he shall be called G1646 least G1722 in G3588 the G932 kingdom G3588 of the G3772 heavens: G1161 but G3739 who G302 ever G4160 [G5661] shall do G2532 and G1321 [G5661] teach 0 them, G3778 this one G2564 [G5701] shall be called G3173 great G1722 in G3588 the G932 kingdom G3588 of the G3772 heavens.}

Matthew 7:24

  24 G3767 { Therefore G3956 G3748 whoever G191 [G5719] heareth G5128 these G3056 sayings G3450 of mine, G2532 and G4160 [G5719] doeth G846 them, G3666 [G5692] I will liken G846 him G5429 to a prudent G435 man, G3748 who G3618 [G5656] built G846 his G3614 house G1909 upon G4073 a rock:}

1 Corinthians 15:58

  58 G5620 Therefore, G3450 my G27 beloved G80 brethren, G1096 [G5737] be ye G1476 steadfast, G277 unmoveable, G3842 always G4052 [G5723] abounding G1722 in G2041 the work G2962 of the Lord, G1492 [G5761] forasmuch as ye know G3754 that G5216 your G2873 weariness G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G2756 in vain G1722 in G2962 the Lord.

Galatians 5:6

  6 G1063 For G1722 in G5547 Anointed G2424 Jesus G3777 neither G4061 circumcision G5100 has any G2480 [G5719] strength, G3777 nor G203 uncircumcision; G235 but G4102 faith G1754 [G5734] being energized G1223 by G26 love.

Hebrews 11:8

  8 G4102 By faith G11 Abraham, G2564 [G5746] when he was called G1831 [G5629] to move G1519 into G5117 a place G3739 which G3195 [G5707] he should later G2983 [G5721] receive G1519 for G2817 an inheritance, G5219 [G5656] obeyed; G2532 and G1831 [G5627] he went out, G3361 not G1987 [G5740] knowing G4226 where G2064 [G5736] he was going.

James 2:21

  21 G1344 0 Was G3756 not G11 Abraham G2257 our G3962 father G1344 [G5681] justified G1537 by G2041 works, G399 [G5660] when he had offered G2464 Isaac G846 his G5207 son G1909 upon G2379 the altar?

Genesis 12:13

  13 H559 [H8798] Say, H4994 I pray thee, H269 thou art my sister: H4616 that H3190 [H8799] it may be well H5315 with me for thy sake; and my breath H2421 [H8804] shall live H1558 because of thee.

Genesis 20:2

  2 H85 And Abraham H559 [H8799] said H413 of H8283 Sarah H802 his wife, H269 She is my sister: H40 and Abimelech H4428 king H1642 of Gerar H7971 [H8799] sent, H3947 [H8799] and took H8283 Sarah.

Genesis 20:5

  5 H559 [H8804] Said H1931 he not to me, She H269 is my sister? H1931 and she, H1571 even H1931 she H559 [H8804] herself said, H251 He is my brother: H8537 in the integrity H3824 of my heart H5356 and innocency H3709 of my palms H6213 [H8804] have I done this.

Genesis 20:12-13

  12 H546 And yet indeed H269 she is my sister; H1323 she is the daughter H1 of my father, H1323 but not the daughter H517 of my mother; H802 and she became my wife.
  13 H430 And it came to pass, when God H8582 [H8689] caused me to wander H1 from my father's H1004 house, H559 [H8799] that I said H2617 to her, This is thy mercy H6213 [H8799] which thou shalt show H4725 to me; at every place H935 [H8799] where we shall come, H559 [H8798] say H251 of me, He is my brother.

Genesis 24:16

  16 H5291 And the damsel H3966 was very H2896 fair H4758 to look upon, H1330 a virgin, H376 neither had any man H3045 [H8804] known H3381 [H8799] her: and she went down H5869 to the well, H4390 [H8762] and filled H3537 her pitcher, H5927 [H8799] and came up.

Proverbs 29:25

  25 H2731 The fear H120 of man H5414 [H8799] bringeth H4170 a snare: H982 [H8802] but he who putteth his trust H3068 in the LORD H7682 [H8792] shall be safe.

Matthew 10:28

  28 G2532 { And G5399 G575 [G5676] fear G3361 not G3588 them who G615 [G5723] kill G4983 the body, G1161 but G1410 0 are G3361 not G1410 [G5740] able G615 [G5658] to kill G5590 the breath: G1161 but G3123 rather G5399 [G5676] fear G3588 him who G1410 [G5740] is able G622 [G5658] to make lost G2532 both G5590 breath G2532 and G4983 body G1722 in G1067 the Valley of the Son of Hinnom.}

Ephesians 5:25

  25 G435 Husbands, G25 [G5720] love G1438 your G1135 wives, G2531 even as G5547 Anointed G2532 also G25 [G5656] loved G1577 the congregation, G2532 and G3860 [G5656] gave G1438 himself G5228 for G846 it;

Colossians 3:9

  9 G5574 [G5732] Lie G3361 not G1519 G240 one to another, G554 [G5666] seeing ye have put off G3820 the old G444 man G4862 with G846 his G4234 actions;

Judges 5:28

  28 H517 The mother H5516 of Sisera H8259 [H8738] looked H2474 out at a window, H2980 [H8762] and bawled H822 through the lattice, H7393 Why is his chariot H954 [H8765] so long H935 [H8800] in coming? H309 [H8765] why tarry H6471 the wheels H4818 of his chariots?

Proverbs 5:18-19

  18 H4726 Let thy fountain H1288 [H8803] be blessed: H8055 [H8798] and rejoice H802 with the wife H5271 of thy youth.
  19 H158 Let her be as the loving H365 hind H2580 and pleasant H3280 roe; H1717 let her breasts H7301 [H8762] satisfy H6256 thee at all times; H7686 [H8799] and be thou led astray H8548 always H160 with her love.

Proverbs 7:6

  6 H2474 For at the window H1004 of my house H8259 [H8738] I looked H822 through my casement,

Ecclesiastes 9:9

  9 H2416 Live H7200 [H8798] joyfully H802 with the wife H157 [H8804] whom thou lovest H3117 all the days H2416 of the life H1892 of thy vanity, H5414 [H8804] which he hath given H8121 thee under the sun, H3117 all the days H1892 of thy vanity: H2506 for that is thy portion H2416 in this life, H5999 and in thy labour H6001 which thou takest H8121 under the sun.

Song of Songs 2:9

  9 H1730 My beloved H1819 [H8802] is like H6643 a roe H6082 or a young H354 hart: H5975 [H8802] behold, he standeth H310 behind H3796 our wall, H7688 [H8688] he narrowly looketh H2474 at the windows, H6692 [H8688] gazing H2762 himself through the lattice.

Isaiah 62:5

  5 H970 For as a young man H1166 [H8799] marrieth H1330 a virgin, H1121 so shall thy sons H1166 [H8799] marry H2860 thee: and as the bridegroom H4885 rejoiceth H3618 over the bride, H430 so shall thy God H7797 [H8799] rejoice over thee.

Genesis 12:18-19

  18 H6547 And Pharaoh H7121 [H8799] called H87 Abram, H559 [H8799] and said, H6213 [H8804] What is this that thou hast done H5046 [H8689] to me? why didst thou not tell H802 me that she is thy wife?
  19 H559 [H8804] Why saidst thou, H269 She is my sister? H3947 [H8799] so I might have taken H802 her to me for a wife: H802 now therefore behold thy wife, H3947 [H8798] take H3212 [H8798] her, and go thy way.

Genesis 20:9-10

  9 H40 Then Abimelech H7121 [H8799] called H85 Abraham, H559 [H8799] and said H6213 [H8804] to him, What hast thou done H2398 [H8804] to us? and how have I offended H935 [H8689] thee, that thou hast brought H4467 on me and on my kingdom H1419 a great H2401 sin? H6213 [H8804] thou hast done H4639 deeds H6213 [H8735] to me that ought not to be done.
  10 H40 And Abimelech H559 [H8799] said H85 to Abraham, H4100 What H7200 [H8804] sawest thou, H6213 [H8804] that thou hast done H1697 this thing?

Genesis 20:6

  6 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said H2472 to him in a dream, H1571 Yea, H3045 [H8804] I know H6213 [H8804] that thou didst H8537 this in the integrity H3824 of thy heart; H2820 [H8799] for I also withheld H2398 [H8800] thee from sinning H5414 [H8804] against me: therefore I allowed H5060 [H8800] thee not to touch her.

Psalms 105:15

  15 H5060 [H8799] Saying, Touch H4899 not my anointed, H5030 and do my prophets H7489 [H8686] no harm.

Proverbs 6:29

  29 H935 [H8802] So he that goeth in H7453 to his neighbour's H802 wife; H5060 [H8802] whoever toucheth H5352 [H8735] her shall not be innocent.

Zechariah 2:8

  8 H559 [H8804] For thus saith H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts; H310 After H3519 the glory H7971 [H8804] hath he sent H1471 me to the nations H7997 [H8802] which wasted H5060 [H8802] you: for he that toucheth H5060 [H8802] you toucheth H892 the apple H5869 of his eye.

Genesis 24:1

  1 H85 And Abraham H2204 [H8804] was old, H935 [H8804] and well advanced H3117 in years: H3068 and the LORD H1288 [H8765] had blessed H85 Abraham in all things.

Genesis 24:35

  35 H3068 And the LORD H1288 [H8765] hath blessed H113 my master H3966 greatly; H1431 [H8799] and he is become great: H5414 [H8799] and he hath given H6629 him flocks, H1241 and herds, H3701 and silver, H2091 and gold, H5650 and male H8198 and female servants, H1581 and camels, H2543 and donkeys.

Genesis 26:3

  3 H1481 [H8798] Sojourn H776 in this land, H1288 [H8762] and I will be with thee, and will bless H2233 thee; for to thee, and to thy seed, H5414 [H8799] I will give H411 all these H776 lands, H6965 [H8689] and I will raise H7621 the oath H7650 [H8738] which I swore H85 to Abraham H1 thy father;

Genesis 26:29

  29 H6213 [H8799] That thou wilt do H7451 us no harm, H5060 [H8804] as we have not touched H6213 [H8804] thee, and as we have done H7535 to thee nothing but H2896 good, H7971 [H8762] and have sent thee away H7965 in peace: H6258 thou art now H1288 [H8803] the blessed H3068 of the LORD.

Genesis 30:30

  30 H4592 For it was little H6440 which thou hadst before I H6555 [H8799] came, and it is now increased H7230 to an abundance; H3068 and the LORD H1288 [H8762] hath blessed H7272 thee since my coming: H4970 and now when H6213 [H8799] shall I provide H1004 for my own house also?

Job 42:12

  12 H3068 So the LORD H1288 [H8765] blessed H319 the latter end H347 of Job H7225 more than his beginning: H702 H6240 for he had fourteen H505 thousand H6629 sheep, H8337 and six H505 thousand H1581 camels, H505 and a thousand H6776 yoke H1241 of oxen, H505 and a thousand H860 female donkeys.

Psalms 67:6

  6 H776 Then shall the earth H5414 [H8804] give H2981 her increase; H430 and God, H430 even our own God, H1288 [H8762] shall bless us.

Psalms 72:16

  16 H6451 There shall be an handful H1250 of grain H776 in the earth H7218 upon the top H2022 of the mountains; H6529 its fruit H7493 [H8799] shall shake H3844 like Lebanon: H5892 and they of the city H6692 [H8686] shall flourish H6212 like grass H776 of the earth.

Ecclesiastes 11:6

  6 H1242 In the morning H2232 [H8798] sow H2233 thy seed, H6153 and in the evening H3240 [H8686] withhold H3027 not thine hand: H3045 [H8802] for thou knowest H335 not which H3787 [H8799] shall prosper, H8147 either this or that, or whether they both H259 shall be alike H2896 good.

Zechariah 8:12

  12 H2233 For the seed H7965 shall be prosperous; H1612 the vine H5414 [H8799] shall give H6529 her fruit, H776 and the earth H5414 [H8799] shall give H2981 her increase, H8064 and the heavens H5414 [H8799] shall give H2919 their dew; H7611 and I will cause the remnant H5971 of this people H5157 [H8689] to possess all these things.

Matthew 13:8

  8 G1161 { But G243 others G4098 [G5627] fell G1909 into G2570 good G1093 ground, G2532 and G1325 [G5707] brought forth G2590 fruit, G3739 G3303 some G1540 an hundredfold, G1161   G3739 some G1835 sixtyfold, G1161   G3739 some G5144 thirtyfold.}

Matthew 13:23

  23 G1161 { But G4687 [G5651] he that received seed G1909 into G2570 the good G1093 ground G2076 [G5748] is G3778 he G191 [G5723] that heareth G3056 the word, G2532 and G4920 [G5723] understandeth G3739 it; who G1211 also G2592 [G5719] beareth fruit, G2532 and G4160 [G5719] bringeth forth, G3739 G3303 some G1540 an hundredfold, G1161   G3739 some G1835 sixty, G1161   G3739 some G5144 thirty.}

Mark 4:8

  8 G2532 { And G243 other G4098 [G5627] fell G1519 on G2570 good G1093 ground, G2532 and G1325 [G5707] yielded G2590 fruit G305 [G5723] that sprang up G2532 and G837 [G5723] increased; G2532 and G5342 [G5707] brought forth, G1520 some G5144 thirty, G2532 and G1520 some G1835 sixty, G2532 and G1520 some G1540 an hundred.}

1 Corinthians 3:6

  6 G1473 I G5452 [G5656] have planted, G625 Apollos G4222 [G5656] watered; G235 but G2316 God G837 [G5707] hath given the increase.

2 Corinthians 9:10-11

  10 G1161 Now G3588 the one G2023 [G5723] supplying G4690 seed G4687 [G5723] to the sower G2532 both G5524 [G5659] supply G740 bread G1519 for G1035 your food, G2532 and G4129 [G5659] multiply G5216 your G4703 seed for sowing, G2532 and G837 [G5659] increase G3588 the G1081 offspring G5216 of your G1343 righteousness;)
  11 G4148 [G5746] Being enriched G1722 in G3956 every thing G1519 to G3956 all G572 bountifulness, G3748 which G2716 [G5736] causeth G1223 through G2257 us G2169 thanksgiving G2316 to God.

Galatians 6:7-8

  7 G4105 0 Be G3361 not G4105 [G5744] mislead; G2316 God G3456 0 is G3756 not G3456 [G5743] mocked: G1063 for G3739 G1437 whatever G444 a man G4687 [G5725] soweth, G5124 that G2325 0 shall he G2532 also G2325 [G5692] reap.
  8 G3754 For G4687 [G5723] he that soweth G1519 to G1438 his G4561 flesh G2325 0 shall G1537 from G4561 the flesh G2325 [G5692] reap G5356 corruption; G1161 but G4687 [G5723] he that soweth G1519 to G4151 the Spirit G2325 0 shall G1537 from G4151 the Spirit G2325 [G5692] reap G2222 life G166 age-during.

Psalms 112:3

  3 H1952 Wealth H6239 and riches H1004 shall be in his house: H6666 and his righteousness H5975 [H8802] endureth H5703 for ever.

Proverbs 10:22

  22 H1293 The blessing H3068 of the LORD, H6238 [H8686] it maketh rich, H3254 [H8686] and he addeth H6089 no sorrow with it.

Genesis 12:16

  16 H3190 0 And he treated H87 Abram H3190 [H8689] well H6629 for her sake: and he had sheep, H1241 and oxen, H2543 and male donkeys, H5650 and male H8198 and female servants, H860 and female donkeys, H1581 and camels.

Genesis 13:2

  2 H87 And Abram H3966 was very H3513 [H8804] rich H4735 in cattle, H3701 in silver, H2091 and in gold.

Genesis 37:11

  11 H251 And his brethren H7065 [H8762] envied H1 him; but his father H8104 [H8804] observed H1697 the saying.

1 Samuel 18:9

  9 H7586 And Saul H5770 [H8802] kept a jealous eye on H1732 David H3117 from that day H1973 and onward.

Job 1:3

  3 H4735 His substance H7651 also was seven H505 thousand H6629 sheep, H7969 and three H505 thousand H1581 camels, H2568 and five H3967 hundred H6776 yoke H1241 of oxen, H2568 and five H3967 hundred H860 female donkeys, H3966 and a very H7227 great H5657 household; H376 so that this man H1419 was the greatest H1121 of all the men H6924 of the east.

Job 5:2

  2 H3708 For vexation H2026 [H8799] killeth H191 the foolish man, H7068 and envy H4191 [H8686] slayeth H6601 [H8802] the silly one.

Psalms 112:10

  10 H7563 The wicked H7200 [H8799] shall see H3707 [H8804] it, and be grieved; H2786 [H8799] he shall gnash H8127 with his teeth, H4549 [H8738] and melt away: H8378 the desire H7563 of the wicked H6 [H8799] shall perish.

Psalms 144:13-14

  13 H4200 That our barns H4392 may be full, H6329 [H8688] affording H2177 all manner of store: H6629 that our sheep H503 [H8688] may bring forth thousands H7231 [H8794] and ten thousands H2351 in our streets:
  14 H441 That our oxen H5445 [H8794] may be strong to labour; H6556 that there be no breaking in, H3318 [H8802] nor going out; H6682 that there be no sharp crying H7339 in our streets.

Proverbs 27:4

  4 H2534 Hot anger H395 is cruel, H639 and anger H7858 is overflowing; H5975 [H8799] but who is able to stand H6440 at the face of H7068 envy?

Ecclesiastes 4:4

  4 H7200 [H8804] Again, I saw H5999 all labour, H3788 and every right H4639 work, H376 that for this a man H7068 is envied H7453 by his neighbour. H1892 This is also vanity H7469 and vexation H7307 of spirit.

Genesis 21:25

  25 H85 And Abraham H3198 [H8689] reproved H40 Abimelech H182 because H875 of a well H4325 of water, H40 which Abimelech's H5650 servants H1497 [H8804] had plucked off.

Genesis 21:30

  30 H559 [H8799] And he said, H7651 For these seven H3535 ewe lambs H3947 [H8799] shalt thou take H3027 from my hand, H5668 that H5713 they may be a witness H2658 [H8804] to me, that I have dug H875 this well.

Exodus 1:9

  9 H559 [H8799] And he said H5971 to his people, H5971 Behold, the people H1121 of the sons H3478 of Israel H7227 are more H6099 and mightier than we:

Genesis 21:31

  31 H7121 [H8804] Therefore he called H4725 that place H884 Beersheba; H7650 [H8738] because there they swore H8147 both of them.

Numbers 32:38

  38 H5015 And Nebo, H1186 and Baalmeon, H8034 (their names H4142 [H8716] being changed, H7643 ) and Shibmah: H7121 [H8799] and gave H8034 other names H5892 to the cities H1129 [H8804] which they built.

Psalms 16:4

  4 H6094 Their sorrows H7235 [H8799] shall be multiplied H4116 [H8804] that hasten H312 after another H5262 god: their drink offerings H1818 of blood H5258 [H8686] will I not offer, H1077 nor H5375 [H8799] take H8034 their names H8193 into my lips.

Hosea 2:17

  17 H5493 [H8689] For I will take away H8034 the names H1168 of Baalim H6310 out of her mouth, H2142 [H8735] and they shall no more be remembered H8034 by their name.

Zechariah 13:2

  2 H3117 And it shall come to pass in that day, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts, H3772 [H8686] that I will cut off H8034 the names H6091 of the idols H776 out of the land, H2142 [H8735] and they shall no more be remembered: H5030 and also I will cause the prophets H2932 and the unclean H7307 spirit H5674 [H8686] to pass H776 out of the land.

Song of Songs 4:15

  15 H4599 A fountain H1588 of gardens, H875 a well H2416 of living H4325 waters, H5140 [H8802] and streams H3844 from Lebanon.

John 4:10-11

  10 G2424 Jesus G611 [G5662] answered G2532 and G2036 [G5627] said G846 to her, G1487 { If G1492 [G5715] thou knewest G1431 the gift G2316 of God, G2532 and G5101 who G2076 [G5748] it is G3004 [G5723] that saith G4671 to thee, G1325 [G5628] Give G3427 me G4095 [G5629] to drink; G4771 thou G302 wouldest G154 [G5656] have asked G846 him, G2532 and G302 he would G1325 [G5656] have given G4671 thee G2198 [G5723] living G5204 water.}
  11 G1135 The woman G3004 [G5719] saith G846 to him, G2962 Sir, G2192 [G5719] thou hast G3777 nothing G502 to draw with, G2532 and G3588 the G5421 well G2076 [G5748] is G901 deep: G4159 from where G3767 then G2192 [G5719] hast thou G2198 [G5723] that living G5204 water?

John 7:38

  38 G4100 [G5723] { He that believeth G1519 on G1691 me, G2531 as G1124 the scripture G2036 [G5627] hath said, G1537 out of G846 his G2836 belly G4482 [G5692] shall flow G4215 rivers G2198 [G5723] of living G5204 water.}

Ezra 4:6

  6 H4438 And in the reign H325 of Ahasuerus, H8462 in the beginning H4438 of his reign, H3789 [H8804] they wrote H7855 to him an accusation H3427 [H8802] against the inhabitants H3063 of Judah H3389 and Jerusalem.

Genesis 17:6

  6 H6509 0 And I will make H3966 thee exceedingly H6509 [H8689] fruitful, H5414 [H8804] and I will make H1471 nations H4428 of thee, and kings H3318 [H8799] shall come forth from thee.

Genesis 28:3

  3 H410 And God H7706 Almighty H1288 [H8762] bless H6509 [H8686] thee, and make thee fruitful, H7235 [H8686] and multiply H6951 thee, that thou mayest be a congregation H5971 of peoples;

Genesis 41:52

  52 H8034 And the name H8145 of the second H7121 [H8804] called H669 he Ephraim: H430 For God H6509 [H8689] hath caused me to be fruitful H776 in the land H6040 of my affliction.

Exodus 1:7

  7 H1121 And the sons H3478 of Israel H6509 [H8804] were fruitful, H8317 [H8799] and increased abundantly, H7235 [H8799] and multiplied, H3966 and became exceeding H6105 [H8799] mighty; H776 and the land H4390 [H8735] was filled with them.

Psalms 4:1

  1 H5329 [H8764] To the chief Musician H5058 on Neginoth, H4210 A Psalm H1732 of David. H6030 [H8798] Hear H7121 [H8800] me when I call, H430 O God H6664 of my righteousness: H7337 [H8689] thou hast enlarged H6862 me when I was in distress; H2603 [H8798] have favour H8085 [H8798] upon me, and hear H8605 my prayer.

Psalms 18:19

  19 H3318 [H8686] He brought me forth H4800 also in a large place; H2502 [H8762] he delivered H2654 [H8804] me, because he delighted in me.

Psalms 118:5

  5 H7121 [H8804] I called H3050 upon the LORD H4712 in distress: H3050 the LORD H6030 [H8804] answered H4800 me, and set me in a large place.

Genesis 46:1

  1 H3478 And Israel H5265 [H8799] took his journey H935 [H8799] with all that he had, and came H884 to Beersheba, H2076 [H8799] and offered H2077 sacrifices H430 to the God H1 of his father H3327 Isaac.

Judges 20:1

  1 H3605 Then all H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel H3318 [H8799] went out, H5712 and the company H6950 [H8735] was congregated H259 as one H376 man, H1835 from Dan H884 even to Beersheba, H776 with the land H1568 of Gilead, H3068 to the LORD H4709 in Mizpeh.

Genesis 15:1

  1 H310 After H1697 these things H1697 the word H3068 of the LORD H1961 [H8804] came H87 to Abram H4236 in a vision, H559 [H8800] saying, H3372 [H8799] Fear H87 not, Abram: H4043 I am thy shield, H3966 and thy exceeding H7235 [H8687] great H7939 reward.

Genesis 17:7

  7 H6965 [H8689] And I will raise H1285 my covenant H2233 between me and thee and thy seed H310 after thee H1755 in their generations H5769 for an everlasting H1285 covenant, H430 to be a God H2233 to thee, and to thy seed H310 after thee.

Genesis 22:19

  19 H85 So Abraham H7725 [H8799] returned H5288 to his young men, H6965 [H8799] and they rose H3212 [H8799] and went H3162 together H884 to Beersheba; H85 and Abraham H3427 [H8799] dwelt H884 at Beersheba.

Genesis 24:12

  12 H559 [H8799] And he said, H3068 O LORD H430 God H113 of my master H85 Abraham, H7136 [H8685] I pray thee, prosper H6440 me H3117 this day, H6213 [H8798] and show H2617 mercy H5973 to H113 my master H85 Abraham.

Genesis 26:2-4

  2 H3068 And the LORD H7200 [H8735] appeared H559 [H8799] to him, and said, H3381 [H8799] Go not down H4714 into Egypt; H7931 [H8798] dwell H776 in the land H559 [H8799] which I shall tell thee of:
  3 H1481 [H8798] Sojourn H776 in this land, H1288 [H8762] and I will be with thee, and will bless H2233 thee; for to thee, and to thy seed, H5414 [H8799] I will give H411 all these H776 lands, H6965 [H8689] and I will raise H7621 the oath H7650 [H8738] which I swore H85 to Abraham H1 thy father;
  4 H7235 0 And I will make H2233 thy seed H7235 [H8689] to multiply H3556 as the stars H8064 of heaven, H5414 [H8804] and will give H2233 to thy seed H411 all these H776 lands; H2233 and in thy seed H1471 shall all the nations H776 of the earth H1288 [H8694] be blessed;

Genesis 28:13

  13 H3068 And, behold, the LORD H5324 [H8737] stood H559 [H8799] above it, and said, H3068 I am the LORD H430 God H85 of Abraham H1 thy father, H430 and the God H3327 of Isaac: H776 the land H7901 [H8802] on which thou liest, H5414 [H8799] to thee will I give it, H2233 and to thy seed;

Genesis 31:5

  5 H559 [H8799] And said H7200 [H8802] to them, I see H1 your father's H6440 face, H8543 that it is not toward me as H8032 ereyesterday; H430 but the God H1 of my father H1961 [H8804] hath been with me.

Exodus 3:6

  6 H559 [H8799] Moreover he said, H430 I am the God H1 of thy father, H430 the God H85 of Abraham, H430 the God H3327 of Isaac, H430 and the God H3290 of Jacob. H4872 And Moses H5641 [H8686] hid H6440 his face; H3372 [H8804] for he was afraid H5027 [H8687] to look H430 upon God.

Psalms 27:1-3

  1 H3068 The LORD H216 is my light H3468 and my salvation; H3372 [H8799] whom shall I fear? H3068 the LORD H4581 is the strength H2416 of my life; H6342 [H8799] of whom shall I be afraid?
  2 H7489 [H8688] When the wicked, H6862 even my constricters H341 [H8802] and my foes, H7126 [H8800] came H398 [H8800] upon me to eat up H1320 my flesh, H3782 [H8804] they stumbled H5307 [H8804] and fell.
  3 H4264 Though an host H2583 [H8799] should encamp H3820 against me, my heart H3372 [H8799] shall not fear: H4421 though war H6965 [H8799] should rise H982 [H8802] against me, in this will I be confident.

Psalms 46:1-2

  1 H430 God H4268 is our refuge H5797 and strength, H3966 a very H4672 [H8738] present H5833 help H6869 in tightness.
  2 H3372 [H8799] Therefore will we not fear, H776 though the earth H4171 [H8687] shall be removed, H2022 and though the mountains H4131 [H8800] shall be carried H3820 into the heart H3220 of the sea;

Isaiah 12:2

  2 H410 Behold, God H3444 is my salvation; H982 [H8799] I will trust, H6342 [H8799] and not be afraid: H3050 for the LORD H3068   H5797 is my strength H2176 and my song; H3444 he also is become my salvation.

Isaiah 41:10

  10 H3372 [H8799] Fear H408 thou not; H3588 for H589 I am H5973 with H9031 thee: H408 do not H8159 [H8691] gaze about; H3588 for H589 I am H9021 thy H430 God: H553 [H8765] I will strengthen H9031 thee; H637 yea, H5826 [H8804] I will help H9031 thee; H637 yea, H8551 [H8804] I will uphold H9031 thee H9003 with H3225 the right hand H9020 of my H6664 righteousness.

Isaiah 41:13-15

  13 H3068 For I the LORD H430 thy God H2388 [H8688] will hold H3225 thy right hand, H559 [H8802] saying H3372 [H8799] to thee, Fear H5826 [H8804] not; I will help thee.
  14 H3372 [H8799] Fear H8438 not, thou worm H3290 Jacob, H4962 and ye men H3478 of Israel; H5826 [H8804] I will help H5002 [H8803] thee, saith H3068 the LORD, H1350 [H8802] and thy redeemer, H6918 the Holy One H3478 of Israel.
  15 H7760 [H8804] Behold, I will make H2319 thee a new H2742 sharp H4173 threshing H1167 instrument having H6374 teeth: H1758 [H8799] thou shalt thresh H2022 the mountains, H1854 [H8799] and beat them small, H7760 [H8799] and shalt make H1389 the hills H4671 as chaff.

Isaiah 43:1-2

  1 H559 [H8804] But now thus saith H3068 the LORD H1254 [H8802] that created H3290 thee, O Jacob, H3335 [H8802] and he that formed H3478 thee, O Israel, H3372 [H8799] Fear H1350 [H8804] not: for I have redeemed H7121 [H8804] thee, I have called H8034 thee by thy name; thou art mine.
  2 H5674 [H8799] When thou passest through H4325 the waters, H5104 I will be with thee; and through the rivers, H7857 [H8799] they shall not overflow H3212 [H8799] thee: when thou walkest H1119 through H784 the fire, H3554 [H8735] thou shalt not be burned; H3852 neither shall the flame H1197 [H8799] kindle upon thee.

Isaiah 44:2

  2 H559 [H8804] Thus saith H3068 the LORD H6213 [H8802] that made H3335 [H8802] thee, and formed H990 thee from the womb, H5826 [H8799] who will help H3372 [H8799] thee; Fear H3290 not, O Jacob, H5650 my servant; H3484 and thou, Jesurun, H977 [H8804] whom I have chosen.

Isaiah 51:7

  7 H8085 [H8798] Hearken H3045 [H8802] to me, ye that know H6664 righteousness, H5971 the people H3820 in whose heart H8451 is my law; H3372 [H8799] fear H2781 ye not the reproach H582 of men, H2865 [H8735] neither be ye afraid H1421 of their revilings.

Isaiah 51:12

  12 H5162 [H8764] I, even I, am he that comforteth H3372 [H8799] you: who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraid H582 of a man H4191 [H8799] that shall die, H1121 and of the son H120 of man H5414 [H8735] who shall be made H2682 as grass;

Matthew 22:32

  32 G1473 { I G1510 [G5748] am G2316 the God G11 of Abraham, G2532 and G2316 the God G2464 of Isaac, G2532 and G2316 the God G2384 of Jacob? G2316 God G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G2316 the God G3498 of the dead, G235 but G2198 [G5723] of the living.}

Luke 12:32

  32 G5399 [G5737] { Fear G3361 not, G3398 little G4168 flock; G3754 for G2106 0 it is G5216 your G3962 Father's G2106 [G5656] good pleasure G1325 [G5629] to give G5213 you G932 the kingdom.}

Acts 7:32

  32 G1473 Saying, I G2316 am the God G4675 of thy G3962 fathers, G2316 the God G11 of Abraham, G2532 and G2316 the God G2464 of Isaac, G2532 and G2316 the God G2384 of Jacob. G1161 Then G3475 Moses G1096 G1790 [G5637] trembled, G5111 [G5707] and dared G3756 not G2657 [G5658] behold.

Hebrews 13:6

  6 G5620 So that G2248 we G2292 [G5723] may boldly G3004 [G5721] say, G2962 The Lord G1698 is mine G998 helper, G2532 and G5399 0 I will G3756 not G5399 [G5700] fear G5101 what G444 man G4160 [G5692] shall do G3427 to me.

Revelation 1:17

  17 G2532 And G3753 when G1492 [G5627] I saw G846 him, G4098 [G5627] I fell G4314 at G846 his G4228 feet G5613 as G3498 dead. G2532 And G2007 [G5656] he laid G846 his G1188 right G5495 hand G1909 upon G1691 me, G3004 [G5723] saying G3427 to me, G5399 [G5737] { Fear G3361 not; G1473 I G1510 [G5748] am G4413 the first G2532 and G2078 the last:}

Genesis 8:20

  20 H5146 And Noah H1129 [H8799] built H4196 an altar H3068 to the LORD; H3947 [H8799] and took H2889 of every clean H929 beast, H2889 and of every clean H5775 fowl, H5927 [H8686] and offered H5930 burnt offerings H4196 on the altar.

Genesis 12:7-8

  7 H3068 And the LORD H7200 [H8735] appeared H87 to Abram, H559 [H8799] and said, H2233 To thy seed H5414 [H8799] will I give H2063 this H776 land: H1129 [H8799] and there he built H4196 an altar H3068 to the LORD, H7200 [H8737] who appeared to him.
  8 H6275 [H8686] And he departed H2022 from there to a mountain H6924 on the east H1008 of Bethel, H5186 [H8799] and pitched H168 his tent, H1008 having Bethel H3220 on the west, H5857 and Ai H6924 on the east: H1129 [H8799] and there he built H4196 an altar H3068 to the LORD, H7121 [H8799] and called H8034 upon the name H3068 of the LORD.

Genesis 13:4

  4 H4725 To the place H4196 of the altar, H6213 [H8804] which he had made H7223 there at the first: H87 and there Abram H7121 [H8799] called H8034 on the name H3068 of the LORD.

Genesis 13:18

  18 H87 Then Abram H167 [H8799] removed his tent, H935 [H8799] and came H3427 [H8799] and dwelt H436 in the plain H4471 of Mamre, H2275 which is in Hebron, H1129 [H8799] and built H4196 there an altar H3068 to the LORD.

Genesis 22:9

  9 H935 [H8799] And they came H4725 to the place H430 which God H559 [H8804] had told H85 him of; and Abraham H1129 [H8799] built H4196 an altar H6186 0 there, and laid H6086 the wood H6186 [H8799] in order, H6123 [H8799] and bound H3327 Isaac H1121 his son, H7760 [H8799] and laid H4196 him on the altar H4605 upon H6086 the wood.

Genesis 33:20

  20 H5324 [H8686] And he built H4196 there an altar, H7121 [H8799] and called it H415 Elelohe-Israel.

Genesis 35:1

  1 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said H3290 to Jacob, H6965 [H8798] Arise, H5927 [H8798] go up H1008 to Bethel, H3427 [H8798] and dwell H6213 [H8798] there: and make H4196 there an altar H410 to God, H7200 [H8737] who appeared H1272 [H8800] to thee when thou fleddest H6440 from the face H6215 of Esau H251 thy brother.

Exodus 17:15

  15 H4872 And Moses H1129 [H8799] built H4196 an altar, H7121 [H8799] and called H8034 the name H3071 of it The LORD is My Banner:

Psalms 116:17

  17 H2076 [H8799] I will offer H2077 to thee the sacrifice H8426 of thanksgiving, H7121 [H8799] and will call H8034 upon the name H3068 of the LORD.

Genesis 20:3

  3 H430 But God H935 [H8799] came H40 to Abimelech H2472 in a dream H3915 by night, H559 [H8799] and said H4191 [H8801] to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, H802 on account of the woman H3947 [H8804] whom thou hast taken; H1167 for she is a man's H1166 [H8803] wife.

Genesis 26:16

  16 H40 And Abimelech H559 [H8799] said H3327 to Isaac, H3212 [H8798] Go H3966 from us; for thou art much H6105 [H8804] mightier than we.

Judges 11:7

  7 H3316 And Jephthah H559 [H8799] said H2205 to the elders H1568 of Gilead, H8130 [H8804] Did ye not hate H1644 [H8762] me, and drive H1 me out of my father's H1004 house? H935 [H8804] and why have ye come H6887 [H8804] to me now when ye are in distress?

Acts 7:9

  9 G2532 And G3966 the patriarchs, G2206 [G5660] moved with zeal, G591 [G5639] sold G2501 Joseph G1519 into G125 Egypt: G2532 but G2316 God G2258 [G5713] was G3326 with G846 him,

Acts 7:14

  14 G1161 Then G2501 Joseph G649 [G5660] sent, G3333 [G5668] and called G846 his G3962 father G2384 Jacob G2532 to him, and G3956 all G846 his G4772 kindred, G1722 in total G1440 G4002 seventy and five G5590 breaths (persons).

Acts 7:27

  27 G1161 But G91 0 he that did G4139 his neighbour G91 [G5723] wrong G683 0 thrust G846 him G683 [G5662] away, G2036 [G5631] saying, G5101 Who G2525 [G5656] placed G4571 thee G758 a ruler G2532 and G1348 a judge G1909 over G2248 us?

Acts 7:35

  35 G5126 This G3475 Moses G3739 whom G720 [G5662] they refused, G2036 [G5631] saying, G5101 Who G2525 [G5656] made G4571 thee G758 a ruler G2532 and G1348 a judge? G5126 the same G2316 did God G649 [G5656] send G758 to be a ruler G2532 and G3086 a deliverer G1722 by G5495 the hand G32 of the messenger G3588 who G3700 [G5685] appeared G846 to him G1722 in G942 the bush.

Revelation 3:9

  9 G2400 [G5628] { Behold, G1325 [G5719] I will make G1537 them of G4864 the synagogue G3588 of the G4567 adversary, G3588 who G3004 [G5723] say G1438 they G1511 [G5750] are G2453 Judeans, G2532 and G1526 [G5748] are G3756 not, G235 but G5574 [G5727] do lie; G2400 [G5628] behold, G4160 [G5692] I will make G846 them G2443 to G2240 [G5661] come G2532 and G4352 [G5661] worship G1799 before G4675 thy G4228 feet, G2532 and G1097 [G5632] to know G3754 that G1473 I G25 [G5656] have loved G4571 thee.}

Genesis 21:22-23

  22 H6256 And it came to pass at that time, H40 that Abimelech H6369 and Phichol H8269 the chief captain H6635 of his host H559 [H8799] spoke H85 to Abraham, H559 [H8800] saying, H430 God H6213 [H8802] is with thee in all that thou doest:
  23 H7650 [H8734] Now therefore swear H2008 to me here H430 by God H8266 [H8799] that thou wilt not deal falsely H5209 with me, nor with my son, H5220 nor with my son's son: H2617 but according to the mercy H6213 [H8804] that I have done H6213 [H8799] to thee, thou shalt do H776 to me, and to the land H1481 [H8804] in which thou hast sojourned.

Genesis 24:3

  3 H7650 [H8686] And I will make thee swear H3068 by the LORD, H430 the God H8064 of heaven, H430 and the God H776 of the earth, H3947 [H8799] that thou shalt not take H802 a wife H1121 for my son H1323 of the daughters H3669 of the Canaanites, H7130 among H3427 [H8802] whom I dwell:

Genesis 24:41

  41 H5352 [H8735] Then shalt thou be clear H423 from this my oath, H935 [H8799] when thou comest H4940 to my kindred; H5414 [H8799] and if they give H5355 not thee one, thou shalt be clear H423 from my oath.

Genesis 31:49-53

  49 H4709 And Mizpah; H834 for H559 [H8804] he said, H3068 The LORD H6822 [H8799] watch H5641 [H8735] between me and thee, when we are absent H376 one H7453 from another.
  50 H6031 [H8762] If thou shalt afflict H1323 my daughters, H3947 [H8799] or if thou shalt take H802 other wives H5921 besides H1323 my daughters, H376 no man H7200 [H8798] is with us; see, H430 God H5707 is witness between me and thee.
  51 H3837 And Laban H559 [H8799] said H3290 to Jacob, H1530 Behold this heap, H4676 and behold this pillar, H3384 [H8804] which I have cast between me and thee;
  52 H1530 This heap H5707 be witness, H4676 and this pillar H5713 be witness, H5674 [H8799] that I will not pass over H1530 this heap H5674 [H8799] to thee, and that thou shalt not pass over H1530 this heap H4676 and this pillar H7451 to me, for harm.
  53 H430 The God H85 of Abraham, H430 and the God H5152 of Nahor, H430 the God H1 of their father, H8199 [H8799] judge H3290 between us. And Jacob H7650 [H8735] swore H6343 by the fear H1 of his father H3327 Isaac.

Genesis 39:5

  5 H227 And it came to pass from the time H6485 [H8689] that he had made him overseer H1004 in his house, H3426 and over all that he had, H3068 that the LORD H1288 [H8762] blessed H4713 the Egyptian's H1004 house H3130 for Joseph's H1558 sake; H1293 and the blessing H3068 of the LORD H3426 was on all that he had H1004 in the house, H7704 and in the field.

Joshua 3:7

  7 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H3091 to Joshua, H3117 This day H2490 [H8686] will I begin H1431 [H8763] to magnify H5869 thee in the eyes H3478 of all Israel, H3045 [H8799] that they may know H4872 that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee.

2 Chronicles 1:1

  1 H8010 And Solomon H1121 the son H1732 of David H2388 [H8691] was strengthened H4438 in his kingdom, H3068 and the LORD H430 his God H1431 [H8762] was with him, and magnified H4605 him exceedingly.

Isaiah 45:14

  14 H559 [H8804] Thus saith H3068 the LORD, H3018 The labour H4714 of Egypt, H5505 and merchandise H3568 of Cush H5436 and of the Sabeans, H582 men H4060 of stature, H5674 [H8799] shall come over H3212 [H8799] to thee, and they shall be thine: they shall come H310 after H2131 thee; in chains H5674 [H8799] they shall come over, H7812 [H8691] and they shall fall down H6419 [H8691] to thee, they shall make supplication H410 to thee, saying, Surely God H657 is in thee; and there is none else, there is no H430 God.

Isaiah 60:14

  14 H1121 The sons H6031 [H8764] also of them that afflicted H1980 [H8804] thee shall come H7817 [H8800] bending H5006 [H8764] to thee; and all they that despised H7812 [H8694] thee shall bow themselves down H3709 at the soles H7272 of thy feet; H7121 [H8804] and they shall call H5892 thee, The city H3068 of the LORD, H6726 The Zion H6918 of the Holy One H3478 of Israel.

Isaiah 61:6

  6 H7121 [H8735] But ye shall be named H3548 the Priests H3068 of the LORD: H559 [H8735] men shall call H8334 [H8764] you the Ministers H430 of our God: H398 [H8799] ye shall eat H2428 the riches H1471 of the nations, H3519 and in their glory H3235 [H8691] shall ye boast yourselves.

Isaiah 61:9

  9 H2233 And their seed H3045 [H8738] shall be known H1471 among the nations, H6631 and their offspring H8432 among H5971 the people: H7200 [H8802] all that see H5234 [H8686] them shall acknowledge H2233 them, that they are the seed H3068 which the LORD H1288 [H8765] hath blessed.

Romans 8:31

  31 G5101 What G2046 0 shall we G3767 then G2046 [G5692] say G4314 to G5023 these things? G1487 If G2316 God G5228 is for G2257 us, G5101 who G2596 can be against G2257 us?

1 Corinthians 14:25

  25 G2532 And G3779 thus G1096 0 are G2927 the secrets G846 of his G2588 heart G1096 [G5736] made G5318 known; G2532 and G3779 so G4098 [G5631] falling down G1909 on G4383 his face G4352 [G5692] he will worship G2316 God, G518 [G5723] and report G3754 that G2316 God G3689 really G2076 [G5748] is G1722 among G5213 you.

Hebrews 6:16

  16 G1063 For G444 men G3303 verily G3660 [G5719] swear G2596 by G3187 the greater: G2532 and G3727 an oath G1519 for G951 confirmation G846 is to them G4009 an end G3956 of every G485 dispute.

Hebrews 13:5

  5 G5158 Let your manner of life G866 be without covetousness; G714 [G5746] and be satisfied G3918 [G5752] with such things as ye have: G1063 for G846 he G2046 [G5758] hath said, G3364 I will never G447 [G5632] leave G4571 thee, G3761 G3364 nor G1459 [G5632] forsake G4571 thee.

Genesis 12:2

  2 H6213 [H8799] And I will make of thee H1419 a great H1471 nation, H1288 [H8762] and I will bless H1431 0 thee, and make H8034 thy name H1431 [H8762] great; H1293 and thou shalt be a blessing:

Genesis 21:22

  22 H6256 And it came to pass at that time, H40 that Abimelech H6369 and Phichol H8269 the chief captain H6635 of his host H559 [H8799] spoke H85 to Abraham, H559 [H8800] saying, H430 God H6213 [H8802] is with thee in all that thou doest:

Genesis 22:17

  17 H1288 [H8763] That in blessing H1288 [H8762] I will bless H7235 [H8687] thee, and in multiplying H7235 [H8686] I will multiply H2233 thy seed H3556 as the stars H8064 of heaven, H2344 and as the sand H3220 which is on the sea H8193 shore; H2233 and thy seed H3423 [H8799] shall possess H8179 the gate H341 [H8802] of his enemies;

Genesis 24:31

  31 H559 [H8799] And he said, H935 [H8798] Come in, H1288 [H8803] thou blessed H3068 of the LORD; H5975 [H8799] why standest H2351 thou outside? H6437 [H8765] for I have prepared H1004 the house, H4725 and room H1581 for the camels.

Genesis 26:11-12

  11 H40 And Abimelech H6680 [H8762] charged H5971 all his people, H559 [H8800] saying, H5060 [H8802] He that toucheth H376 this man H802 or his wife H4191 [H8800] shall surely H4191 [H8714] be put to death.
  12 H3327 Then Isaac H2232 [H8799] sowed H776 in that land, H4672 [H8799] and received H8141 in the same year H3967 H8180 an hundredfold: H3068 and the LORD H1288 [H8762] blessed him.

Genesis 26:14-15

  14 H4735 For he had possession H6629 of flocks, H4735 and possession H1241 of herds, H7227 and very many H5657 servants: H6430 and the Philistines H7065 [H8762] envied him.
  15 H875 For all the wells H1 which his father's H5650 servants H2658 [H8804] had dug H3117 in the days H85 of Abraham H1 his father, H6430 the Philistines H5640 [H8765] had stopped H4390 [H8762] them, and filled H6083 them with dust.

Psalms 115:15

  15 H1288 [H8803] Ye are blessed H3068 of the LORD H6213 [H8802] who made H8064 heaven H776 and earth.

Genesis 19:3

  3 H6484 [H8799] And he urged H3966 them greatly; H5493 [H8799] and they turned in H935 [H8799] to him, and entered H1004 into his house; H6213 [H8799] and he made H4960 them a feast, H644 [H8804] and baked H4682 unleavened bread, H398 [H8799] and they ate.

Genesis 21:8

  8 H3206 And the child H1431 [H8799] grew, H1580 [H8735] and was weaned: H85 and Abraham H6213 [H8799] made H1419 a great H4960 feast H3117 the day H3327 that Isaac H1580 [H8736] was weaned.

Genesis 31:54

  54 H3290 Then Jacob H2076 [H8799] offered H2077 sacrifice H2022 upon the mount, H7121 [H8799] and called H251 his brethren H398 [H8800] to eat H3899 bread: H398 [H8799] and they ate H3899 bread, H3885 [H8799] and tarried all night H2022 in the mount.

Romans 12:18

  18 G1487 If G1415 it is possible, G1537 as much as lieth in G5216 you, G1514 [G5723] live peaceably G3326 with G3956 all G444 men.

Hebrews 12:14

  14 G1377 [G5720] Pursue G1515 peace G3326 with G3956 all, G2532 and G38 sanctification, G5565 without G3739 which G3762 no man G3700 [G5695] shall see G2962 the Lord:

1 Peter 4:9

  9 G5382 Use hospitality G1519 G240 one to another G427 without G1112 grudging.

Genesis 14:22

  22 H87 And Abram H559 [H8799] said H4428 to the king H5467 of Sodom, H7311 [H8689] I have lifted H3027 my hand H3068 to the LORD, H5945 the most high H410 God, H7069 [H8802] the possessor H8064 of heaven H776 and earth,

Genesis 19:2

  2 H559 [H8799] And he said, H113 Behold now, my lords, H5493 [H8798] turn, H5650 I pray you, into your servant's H1004 house, H3885 [H8798] and tarry all night, H7364 [H8798] and wash H7272 your feet, H7925 [H8689] and ye shall rise early, H1980 [H8804] and go H1870 on your ways. H559 [H8799] And they said, H3885 0 Nay; but we will abide H7339 in the street H3885 [H8799] all night.

Genesis 21:14

  14 H85 And Abraham H7925 [H8686] rose early H1242 in the morning, H3947 [H8799] and took H3899 bread, H2573 and a bottle H4325 of water, H5414 [H8799] and gave H1904 it to Hagar, H7760 [H8804] putting H7926 it on her shoulder, H3206 and the child, H7971 [H8762] and sent her away: H3212 [H8799] and she departed, H8582 [H8799] and wandered H4057 in the wilderness H884 of Beersheba.

Genesis 21:23

  23 H7650 [H8734] Now therefore swear H2008 to me here H430 by God H8266 [H8799] that thou wilt not deal falsely H5209 with me, nor with my son, H5220 nor with my son's son: H2617 but according to the mercy H6213 [H8804] that I have done H6213 [H8799] to thee, thou shalt do H776 to me, and to the land H1481 [H8804] in which thou hast sojourned.

Genesis 22:3

  3 H85 And Abraham H7925 [H8686] rose early H1242 in the morning, H2280 [H8799] and saddled H2543 his donkey, H3947 [H8799] and took H8147 two H5288 of his young men H3327 with him, and Isaac H1121 his son, H1234 [H8762] and cut up H6086 the wood H5930 for the burnt offering, H6965 [H8799] and rose, H3212 [H8799] and went H4725 to the place H430 which God H559 [H8804] had told him.

Genesis 25:33

  33 H3290 And Jacob H559 [H8799] said, H7650 [H8734] Swear H3117 to me this day; H7650 [H8735] and he swore H4376 [H8799] to him: and he sold H1062 his birthright H3290 to Jacob.

Genesis 31:44

  44 H3212 [H8798] Now therefore come thou, H3772 [H8799] let us make H1285 a covenant, H5707 I and thou; and let it be for a witness between me and thee.

Genesis 31:55

  55 H7925 0 And early H1242 in the morning H3837 Laban H7925 [H8686] arose, H5401 [H8762] and kissed H1121 his sons H1323 and his daughters, H1288 [H8762] and blessed H3837 them: and Laban H3212 [H8799] departed, H7725 [H8799] and returned H4725 to his place.

1 Samuel 14:24

  24 H376 And the men H3478 of Israel H5065 [H8738] were distressed H3117 that day: H7586 for Saul H422 [H8686] had adjured H5971 the people, H559 [H8800] saying, H779 [H8803] Cursed H376 be the man H398 [H8799] that eateth H3899 any food H6153 until evening, H5358 [H8738] that I may be avenged H341 [H8802] on my enemies. H5971 So none of the people H2938 [H8804] tasted H3899 any food.

1 Samuel 20:3

  3 H1732 And David H7650 [H8735] swore H559 [H8799] moreover, and said, H1 Thy father H3045 [H8800] certainly H3045 [H8804] knoweth H4672 [H8804] that I have found H2580 grace H5869 in thine eyes; H559 [H8799] and he saith, H3083 Let not Jonathan H3045 [H8799] know H6087 [H8735] this, lest he should be grieved: H199 but truly H3068 as the LORD H2416 liveth, H5315 and as thy breath H2416 liveth, H6587 there is but a step H4194 between me and death.

1 Samuel 20:16-17

  16 H3083 So Jonathan H3772 [H8799] made H1004 a covenant with the house H1732 of David, H3068 saying, Let the LORD H1245 [H8765] even require H3027 it at the hand H1732 of David's H341 [H8802] enemies.
  17 H3083 And Jonathan H1732 caused David H7650 [H8687] to swear H3254 [H8686] again, H160 because he loved H157 [H8804] him: for he loved H160 him as he loved H5315 his own breath.

1 Samuel 30:15

  15 H1732 And David H559 [H8799] said H3381 [H8686] to him, Canst thou bring me down H1416 to this company? H559 [H8799] And he said, H7650 [H8734] Swear H430 to me by God, H4191 [H8686] that thou wilt neither kill H518 me, nor H5462 [H8686] deliver H3027 me into the hands H113 of my master, H3381 [H8686] and I will bring thee down H1416 to this company.

Genesis 26:25

  25 H1129 [H8799] And he built H4196 an altar H7121 [H8799] there, and called H8034 upon the name H3068 of the LORD, H5186 [H8799] and pitched H168 his tent H3327 there: and there Isaac's H5650 servants H3738 [H8799] dug H875 a well.

Proverbs 2:4-5

  4 H1245 [H8762] If thou seekest H3701 her as silver, H2664 [H8799] and searchest H4301 for her as for hid treasures;
  5 H995 [H8799] Then shalt thou understand H3374 the fear H3068 of the LORD, H4672 [H8799] and find H1847 the knowledge H430 of God.

Proverbs 10:4

  4 H7326 [H8802] He becometh poor H6213 [H8802] that dealeth H7423 with a slack H3709 palm: H3027 but the hand H2742 of the diligent H6238 [H8686] maketh rich.

Proverbs 13:4

  4 H5315 The breath H6102 of the sluggard H183 [H8693] desireth, H5315 and hath nothing: but the breath H2742 of the diligent H1878 [H8792] shall be made fat.

Matthew 7:7

  7 G154 [G5720] { Ask, G2532 and G1325 [G5701] it shall be given G5213 you; G2212 [G5720] seek, G2532 and G2147 [G5692] ye shall find; G2925 [G5720] knock, G2532 and G455 [G5691] it shall be opened G5213 to you:}

Genesis 26:28

  28 H559 [H8799] And they said, H7200 [H8804] We saw H7200 [H8800] certainly H3068 that the LORD H559 [H8799] was with thee: and we said, H423 Let there be now an oath H996 between H996 us, even between H3772 [H8799] us and thee, and let us make H1285 a covenant with thee;

Genesis 28:9

  9 H3212 [H8799] Then went H6215 Esau H3458 to Ishmael, H3947 [H8799] and took H802 to the wives H4258 which he had Mahalath H1323 the daughter H3458 of Ishmael H85 Abraham's H1121 son, H269 the sister H5032 of Nebajoth, H802 to be his wife.

Genesis 36:2

  2 H6215 Esau H3947 [H8804] took H802 his wives H1323 of the daughters H3667 of Canaan; H5711 Adah H1323 the daughter H356 of Elon H2850 the Hittite, H173 and Aholibamah H1323 the daughter H6034 of Anah H1323 the daughter H6649 of Zibeon H2340 the Hivite;

Genesis 36:5

  5 H173 And Aholibamah H3205 [H8804] bore H3274 Jeush, H3281 and Jaalam, H7141 and Korah: H1121 these are the sons H6215 of Esau, H3205 [H8795] who were born H776 to him in the land H3667 of Canaan.

Genesis 36:13

  13 H1121 And these are the sons H7467 of Reuel; H5184 Nahath, H2226 and Zerah, H8048 Shammah, H4199 and Mizzah: H1121 these were the sons H1315 of Bashemath H6215 Esau's H802 wife.

Exodus 34:16

  16 H3947 [H8804] And thou take H1323 of their daughters H1121 to thy sons, H1323 and their daughters H2181 [H8804] go astray H310 after H430 their gods, H2181 0 and make H1121 thy sons H2181 [H8689] go astray H310 after H430 their gods.

1 Corinthians 7:2

  2 G1161 But G1223 on account of G3588 the G4202 fornications, G2192 0 let G1538 each man G2192 [G5720] have G1438 his G1135 wife, G2532 and G2192 0 let G1538 each woman G2192 [G5720] have G2398 her proper G435 husband.

Hebrews 12:16

  16 G3361 Lest G5100 there be any G4205 fornicator, G2228 or G952 profane person, G5613 as G2269 Esau, G3739 who G473 for G3391 one G1035 meal G591 [G5639] sold G846 his G4415 birthright.

Genesis 6:2

  2 H1121 That the sons H430 of God H7200 [H8799] saw H1323 the daughters H120 of men H2007 that they H2896 were fair; H3947 [H8799] and they took H802 them wives H977 [H8804] of all whom they chose.

Genesis 27:46-28:2

  46 H7259 And Rebekah H559 [H8799] said H3327 to Isaac, H6973 [H8804] I am weary H2416 of my life H6440 because H1323 of the daughters H2845 of Heth: H3290 if Jacob H3947 [H8802] shall take H802 a wife H1323 of the daughters H2845 of Heth, H1323 such as these who are of the daughters H776 of the land, H4100 what good H2416 shall my life do me?

Genesis 28:8

  8 H6215 And Esau H7200 [H8799] seeing H1323 that the daughters H3667 of Canaan H5869 pleased H7451 not H3327 Isaac H1 his father;

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