Nehemiah 1 Cross References - new

  1 H1697 The words H5166 of Nehemiah H1121 the son H2446 of Hachaliah. H2320 And it came to pass in the month H3691 Chisleu, H6242 in the twentieth H8141 year, H7800 as I was in Shushan H1002 the palace,
  2 H2607 That Hanani, H259 one H251 of my brethren, H935 [H8799] came, H582 he and certain men H3063 of Judah; H7592 [H8799] and I asked H3064 them concerning the Judeans H6413 that had escaped, H7604 [H8738] who were left H7628 of the captivity, H3389 and concerning Jerusalem.
  3 H559 [H8799] And they said H7604 [H8737] to me, The remnant H7604 [H8738] that are left H7628 of the captivity H4082 there in the province H1419 are in great H7451 affliction H2781 and reproach: H2346 the wall H3389 of Jerusalem H6555 [H8794] also is broken down, H8179 and its gates H3341 [H8738] are burned H784 with fire.
  4 H8085 [H8800] And it came to pass, when I heard H1697 these words, H3427 [H8804] that I sat down H1058 [H8799] and wept, H56 [H8691] and mourned H3117 certain days, H6684 [H8802] and fasted, H6419 [H8693] and prayed H6440 at the face of H430 the God H8064 of heaven,
  5 H559 [H8799] And said, H577 I beseech H3068 thee, O LORD H430 God H8064 of heaven, H1419 the great H3372 [H8737] and terrible H410 God, H8104 [H8802] that keepeth H1285 covenant H2617 and mercy H157 [H8802] for them that love H8104 [H8802] him and observe H4687 his commandments:
  6 H241 Let thine ear H7183 now be attentive, H5869 and thine eyes H6605 [H8803] open, H8085 [H8800] that thou mayest hear H8605 the prayer H5650 of thy servant, H6419 [H8693] which I pray H6440 at the face of H3117 thee now, H3119 day H3915 and night, H1121 for the sons H3478 of Israel H5650 thy servants, H3034 [H8693] and confess H2403 the sins H1121 of the sons H3478 of Israel, H2398 [H8804] which we have sinned H1 against thee: both I and my father's H1004 house H2398 [H8804] have sinned.
  7 H2254 [H8800] We have dealt very H2254 [H8804] corruptly H8104 [H8804] against thee, and have not kept H4687 the commandments, H2706 nor the statutes, H4941 nor the judgments, H6680 [H8765] which thou didst command H5650 thy servant H4872 Moses.
  8 H2142 [H8798] Remember, H1697 I beseech thee, the word H6680 [H8765] that thou didst command H5650 thy servant H4872 Moses, H559 [H8800] saying, H4603 [H8799] If ye transgress, H6327 [H8686] I will scatter you abroad H5971 among the peoples:
  9 H7725 [H8804] But if ye turn H8104 [H8804] to me, and keep H4687 my commandments, H6213 [H8804] and do H5080 [H8737] them; though there were of you driven H7097 to the uttermost part H8064 of the heaven, H6908 [H8762] yet will I gather H935 [H8689] them from there, and will bring H4725 them to the place H977 [H8804] that I have chosen H7931 [H8763] to set H8034 my name there.
  10 H5650 Now these are thy servants H5971 and thy people, H6299 [H8804] whom thou hast ransomed H1419 by thy great H3581 power, H2389 and by thy strong H3027 hand.
  11 H136 O Sovereign, H577 I beseech H241 thee, let now thine ear H7183 be attentive H8605 to the prayer H5650 of thy servant, H8605 and to the prayer H5650 of thy servants, H2655 who are taking pleasure H3372 [H8800] to fear H8034 thy name: H6743 [H8685] and prosper, H5650 I pray thee, thy servant H3117 this day, H5414 [H8798] and give H7356 him compassions H6440 in the sight H376 of this man. H4428 For I was the king's H8248 [H8688] cupbearer.

Ezra 7:7

  7 H5927 [H8799] And there went H1121 some of the sons H3478 of Israel, H3548 and of the priests, H3881 and the Levites, H7891 [H8789] and the singers, H7778 and the porters, H5411 and the Nethinims, H3389 to Jerusalem, H7651 in the seventh H8141 year H783 of Artaxerxes H4428 the king.

Ezra 10:9

  9 H582 Then all the men H3063 of Judah H1144 and Benjamin H6908 [H8735] gathered H3389 at Jerusalem H7969 within three H3117 days. H8671 It was the ninth H2320 month, H6242 and the twentieth H2320 day of the month; H5971 and all the people H3427 [H8799] sat H7339 in the street H1004 of the house H430 of God, H7460 [H8688] trembling H1697 because of this matter, H1653 and for the great rain.

Nehemiah 2:1

  1 H2320 And it came to pass in the month H5212 Nisan, H6242 in the twentieth H8141 year H783 of Artaxerxes H4428 the king, H3196 that wine H6440 was at the face of H5375 [H8799] him: and I took up H3196 the wine, H5414 [H8799] and gave H4428 it to the king. H7451 Now I had not in times past been sad H6440 in his face.

Nehemiah 10:1

  1 H2856 [H8803] Now those that set their seal H5166 were, Nehemiah, H8660 the Tirshatha, H1121 the son H2446 of Hachaliah, H6667 and Zidkijah,

Esther 1:2

  2 H3117 That in those days, H4428 when the king H325 Ahasuerus H3427 [H8800] sat H3678 on the throne H4438 of his kingdom, H7800 which was in Shushan H1002 the palace,

Esther 3:15

  15 H7323 [H8801] The posts H3318 [H8804] departed, H1765 [H8803] being hastened H4428 by the king's H1697 commandment, H1881 and the decree H5414 [H8738] was given H7800 in Shushan H1002 the palace. H4428 And the king H2001 and Haman H3427 [H8804] sat down H8354 [H8800] to drink; H5892 but the city H7800 Shushan H943 [H8737] was perplexed.

Daniel 8:2

  2 H7200 [H8799] And I saw H2377 in a vision; H7200 [H8800] and it came to pass, when I saw, H7800 that I was at Shushan H1002 in the palace, H4082 which is in the province H5867 of Elam; H7200 [H8799] and I saw H2377 in a vision, H180 and I was by the river H195 Ulai.

Zechariah 7:1

  1 H702 And it came to pass in the fourth H8141 year H4428 of king H1867 Darius, H1697 that the word H3068 of the LORD H2148 came to Zechariah H702 in the fourth H8671 day of the ninth H2320 month, H3691 even in Chisleu;

Ezra 9:8-9

  8 H4592 And now for a little H7281 moment H8467 grace H3068 hath been shown from the LORD H430 our God, H7604 [H8687] to leave H6413 us a remnant to escape, H5414 [H8800] and to give H3489 us a nail H6944 in his holy H4725 place, H430 that our God H215 [H8687] may enlighten H5869 our eyes, H5414 [H8800] and give H4592 us a little H4241 reviving H5659 in our bondage.
  9 H5650 For we were slaves; H430 yet our God H5800 [H8804] hath not forsaken H5659 us in our bondage, H5186 [H8686] but hath extended H2617 mercy H6440 to us in the sight H4428 of the kings H6539 of Persia, H5414 [H8800] to give H4241 us a reviving, H7311 [H8788] to set up H1004 the house H430 of our God, H5975 [H8687] and to repair H2723 the dry places H5414 [H8800] of it, and to give H1447 us a wall H3063 in Judah H3389 and in Jerusalem.

Ezra 9:14

  14 H7725 [H8799] Should we again H6565 [H8687] break H4687 thy commandments, H2859 [H8692] and join in marriage H5971 with the people H8441 of these abominations? H599 [H8799] wouldest thou not be angry H3615 [H8763] with us till thou hadst consumed H7611 us, so that there should be no remnant H6413 nor escaping?

Nehemiah 7:2

  2 H251 That I gave my brother H2607 Hanani, H2608 and Hananiah H8269 the ruler H1002 of the palace, H6680 [H8762] charge H3389 over Jerusalem: H571 for he was a faithful H376 man, H3372 [H8804] and feared H430 God H7227 above many.

Psalms 122:6-9

  6 H7592 [H8798] Pray H7965 for the peace H3389 of Jerusalem: H7951 [H8799] they shall prosper H157 [H8802] that love thee.
  7 H7965 Peace H2426 be within thy walls, H7962 and prosperity H759 within thy palaces.
  8 H251 For my brethren H7453 and companions' H1696 [H8762] sake, I will now say, H7965 Peace be within thee.
  9 H1004 Because of the house H3068 of the LORD H430 our God H1245 [H8762] I will seek H2896 thy good.

Psalms 137:5-6

  5 H7911 [H8799] If I forget H3389 thee, O Jerusalem, H3225 let my right hand H7911 [H8799] forget her skill.
  6 H2142 [H8799] If I do not remember H3956 thee, let my tongue H1692 [H8799] cleave H2441 to the roof of my mouth; H5927 [H8686] if I prefer H3389 not Jerusalem H7218 above my chief H8057 joy.

Jeremiah 44:14

  14 H7611 So that none of the remnant H3063 of Judah, H935 [H8802] who have gone H776 into the land H4714 of Egypt H1481 [H8800] to sojourn H6412 there, shall escape H8300 or remain, H7725 [H8800] that they should return H776 into the land H3063 of Judah, H5375 [H8764] where they have H5315 a desire H7725 [H8800] to return H3427 [H8800] to dwell H7725 [H8799] there: for none shall return H6405 but such as shall escape.

Ezekiel 6:9

  9 H6412 And they that escape H2142 [H8804] of you shall remember H1471 me among the nations H7617 [H8738] where they shall be carried captives, H7665 [H8738] because I am broken H2181 [H8802] with their adulterous H3820 heart, H5493 [H8804] which hath departed H5869 from me, and with their eyes, H2181 [H8802] which play the harlot H310 with H1544 their idols: H6962 [H8738] and they shall lothe H6440 themselves H7451 for the evils H6213 [H8804] which they have committed H8441 in all their abominations.

Ezekiel 7:16

  16 H6403 [H8804] But they that escape H6412 of them shall escape, H2022 and shall be on the mountains H3123 like doves H1516 of the valleys, H1993 [H8802] all of them mourning, H376 every one H5771 for his perversity.

Ezekiel 24:26-27

  26 H6412 That he that escapeth H3117 in that day H935 [H8799] shall come H2045 to thee, to cause thee to hear H241 it with thy ears?
  27 H3117 In that day H6310 shall thy mouth H6605 [H8735] be opened H6412 to him who hath escaped, H1696 [H8762] and thou shalt speak, H481 [H8735] and be no more dumb: H4159 and thou shalt be a sign H3045 [H8804] to them; and they shall know H3068 that I am the LORD.

1 Kings 9:7

  7 H3772 [H8689] Then will I cut off H3478 Israel H6440 from H127 the soil H5414 [H8804] which I have given H1004 them; and this house, H6942 [H8689] which I have hallowed H8034 for my name, H7971 [H8762] will I cast out H6440 of my sight; H3478 and Israel H4912 shall be a proverb H8148 and a byword H5971 among all people:

2 Kings 25:10

  10 H2428 And all the army H3778 of the Chaldees, H7227 that were with the captain H2876 of the guard, H5422 [H8804] broke down H2346 the walls H3389 of Jerusalem H5439 on all sides.

Ezra 2:1

  1 H1121 Now these are the sons H4082 of the province H5927 [H8802] that went up H7628 from the captivity, H1473 of those who had been carried away, H5019 whom Nebuchadnezzar H4428 the king H894 of Babylon H1540 [H8689] had carried away H894 to Babylon, H7725 [H8799] and came again H3389 to Jerusalem H3063 and Judah, H376 every one H5892 to his city;

Ezra 5:8

  8 H1934 H3046 [H8748] Be it known H4430 to the king, H236 [H8754] that we went H4083 into the province H3061 of Judea, H1005 to the house H7229 of the great H426 God, H1124 [H8732] which is built H1560 with great H69 stones, H636 and timber H7761 [H8727] is laid H3797 in the walls, H1791 and this H5673 work H5648 [H8727] proceedeth H629 quickly, H6744 [H8683] and prospereth H3028 in their hands.

Nehemiah 2:3

  3 H559 [H8799] And said H4428 to the king, H4428 Let the king H2421 [H8799] live H5769 to the age: H6440 why should not my face H3415 [H8799] be sad, H5892 when the city, H1004 the place H1 of my fathers' H6913 burying-places, H2720 lieth waste, H8179 and its gates H398 [H8795] are consumed H784 with fire?

Nehemiah 2:13

  13 H3318 [H8799] And I went out H3915 by night H8179 by the gate H1516 of the valley, H6440 even at the face of H8577 the dragon H5869 H5886 [H8677] well, H830 and to the dung H8179 port, H7663 H7665 [H8802] and viewed H2346 the walls H3389 of Jerusalem, H6555 [H8803] which were broken down, H8179 and their gates H398 [H8795] were consumed H784 with fire.

Nehemiah 2:17

  17 H559 [H8799] Then said H7200 [H8802] I to them, Ye see H7451 the distress H3389 that we are in, how Jerusalem H2720 lieth waste, H8179 and its gates H3341 [H8738] are burned H784 with fire: H3212 [H8798] come, H1129 [H8799] and let us build up H2346 the wall H3389 of Jerusalem, H2781 that we may be no more a reproach.

Nehemiah 7:6

  6 H1121 These are the sons H4082 of the province, H5927 [H8802] that went up H7628 out of the captivity, H1473 of those that had been carried away, H5019 whom Nebuchadnezzar H4428 the king H894 of Babylon H1540 [H8689] had carried away, H7725 [H8799] and came again H3389 to Jerusalem H3063 and to Judah, H376 every one H5892 to his city;

Nehemiah 9:36-37

  36 H5650 Behold, we are servants H3117 this day, H776 and for the land H5414 [H8804] that thou gavest H1 to our fathers H398 [H8800] to eat H6529 the fruit H2898 of it and the good H5650 of it, behold, we are servants in it:
  37 H7235 [H8688] And it yieldeth much H8393 increase H4428 to the kings H5414 [H8804] whom thou hast set H2403 over us because of our sins: H4910 [H8802] also they have dominion H1472 over our bodies, H929 and over our cattle, H7522 at their pleasure, H1419 and we are in great H6869 tightness.

Nehemiah 11:3

  3 H7218 Now these are the chief H4082 of the province H3427 [H8804] that dwelt H3389 in Jerusalem: H5892 but in the cities H3063 of Judah H3427 [H8804] dwelt H376 every one H272 in his possession H5892 in their cities, H3478 that is, Israel, H3548 the priests, H3881 and the Levites, H5411 and the Nethinims, H1121 and the sons H8010 of Solomon's H5650 servants.

Esther 1:1

  1 H3117 Now it came to pass in the days H325 of Ahasuerus, H325 (this is Ahasuerus H4427 [H8802] who reigned, H1912 from India H3568 even to Cush, H3967 over an hundred H7651 and seven H6242 and twenty H4082 provinces:)

Psalms 44:11-14

  11 H5414 [H8799] Thou hast given H6629 us like sheep H3978 appointed for food; H2219 [H8765] and hast scattered H1471 us among the nations.
  12 H4376 [H8799] Thou sellest H5971 thy people H1952 for nothing, H7235 [H8765] and dost not increase H4242 thy wealth by their price.
  13 H7760 [H8799] Thou makest H2781 us a reproach H7934 to our neighbours, H3933 a scorn H7047 and a derision H5439 to them that are around us.
  14 H7760 [H8799] Thou makest H4912 us a by word H1471 among the nations, H4493 a shaking H7218 of the head H3816 among the folk.

Psalms 79:4

  4 H2781 We have become a reproach H7934 to our neighbours, H3933 a scorn H7047 and derision H5439 to them that are around us.

Psalms 137:1-3

  1 H5104 By the rivers H894 of Babylon, H3427 [H8804] there we sat down, H1058 [H8804] yea, we wept, H2142 [H8800] when we remembered H6726 Zion.
  2 H8518 [H8804] We hung H3658 our harps H6155 upon the willows H8432 in its midst.
  3 H7617 [H8802] For there they that carried us away captive H7592 [H8804] required H1697 H7892 of us a song; H8437 and they that wasted H8057 us required of us mirth, H7891 [H8798] saying, Sing H7892 us one of the songs H6726 of Zion.

Isaiah 5:5

  5 H3045 [H8686] And now come; I will tell H6213 [H8802] you what I will do H3754 to my vineyard: H5493 [H8687] I will take away H4881 its hedge, H1197 [H8763] and it shall be eaten up; H6555 [H8800] and break down H1447 the wall H4823 of it, and it shall be trodden down:

Isaiah 32:9-14

  9 H6965 [H8798] Rise up, H802 ye women H7600 that are at ease; H8085 [H8798] hear H6963 my voice, H982 [H8802] ye careless H1323 daughters; H238 [H8685] give ear H565 to my speech.
  10 H3117 Many days H8141 and years H7264 [H8799] shall ye be troubled, H982 [H8802] ye careless women: H1210 for the vintage H3615 [H8804] shall fail, H625 the gathering H935 [H8799] shall not come.
  11 H2729 [H8798] Tremble, H7600 ye women that are at ease; H7264 [H8798] be troubled, H982 [H8802] ye careless ones: H6584 [H8800] strip H6209 [H8798] ye, and make you bare, H2290 and gird H2504 sackcloth upon your loins.
  12 H5594 [H8802] They shall lament H7699 for the breasts, H2531 for the pleasant H7704 fields, H6509 [H8802] for the fruitful H1612 vine.
  13 H127 Upon the soil H5971 of my people H5927 [H8799] shall come up H6975 thorns H8068 and briers; H1004 also, upon all the houses H4885 of joy H5947 in the joyous H7151 city:
  14 H759 Because the palaces H5203 [H8795] shall be forsaken; H1995 the multitude H5892 of the city H5800 [H8795] shall be left; H6076 the forts H975 and towers H4631 shall be for dens H5704 for H5769 ever, H4885 a joy H6501 of wild donkeys, H4829 a pasture H5739 of flocks;

Isaiah 43:28

  28 H2490 [H8762] Therefore I have profaned H8269 the princes H6944 of the sanctuary, H5414 [H8799] and have given H3290 Jacob H2764 to the seclusion, H3478 and Israel H1421 to revilements.

Isaiah 64:10-11

  10 H6944 Thy holy H5892 cities H4057 are a wilderness, H6726 Zion H4057 is a wilderness, H3389 Jerusalem H8077 a desolation.
  11 H6944 Our holy H8597 and our beautiful H1004 house, H1 where our fathers H1984 [H8765] praised H8316 thee, is burned H784 with fire: H4261 and all our pleasant things H2723 are laid dry.

Jeremiah 5:10

  10 H5927 [H8798] Go ye up H8284 upon her walls, H7843 [H8761] and decay; H6213 [H8799] but make H3617 not a full end: H5493 [H8685] take away H5189 her battlements; H3068 for they are not the LORD'S.

Jeremiah 24:9

  9 H5414 [H8804] And I will give H2189 H2113 [H8675] them to be removed H4467 into all the kingdoms H776 of the earth H7451 for their hurt, H2781 to be a reproach H4912 and a proverb, H8148 a taunt H7045 and a curse, H4725 in all places H5080 [H8686] where I shall drive them.

Jeremiah 29:18

  18 H7291 [H8804] And I will persecute H310 them H2719 with the sword, H7458 with the famine, H1698 and with the pestilence, H5414 [H8804] and will give H2189 H2113 [H8675] them to be removed H4467 to all the kingdoms H776 of the earth, H423 to be a curse, H8047 and an horror, H8322 and an hissing, H2781 and a reproach, H1471 among all the nations H5080 [H8689] where I have driven them:

Jeremiah 39:8

  8 H3778 And the Chaldeans H8313 [H8804] burned H4428 the king's H1004 house, H1004 and the houses H5971 of the people, H784 with fire, H5422 [H8804] and broke down H2346 the walls H3389 of Jerusalem.

Jeremiah 42:18

  18 H559 [H8804] For thus saith H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts, H430 the God H3478 of Israel; H639 As my anger H2534 and my hot anger H5413 [H8738] hath been poured forth H3427 [H8802] upon the inhabitants H3389 of Jerusalem; H2534 so shall my hot anger H5413 [H8799] be poured forth H935 [H8800] upon you, when ye shall enter H4714 into Egypt: H423 and ye shall be an execration, H8047 and an horror, H7045 and a curse, H2781 and a reproach; H7200 [H8799] and ye shall see H4725 this place no more.

Jeremiah 44:8-12

  8 H3707 [H8687] In that ye provoke me to wrath H4639 with the works H3027 of your hands, H6999 [H8763] burning incense H312 to other H430 gods H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H935 [H8802] where ye are gone H1481 [H8800] to dwell, H3772 [H8687] that ye may cut yourselves off, H7045 and that ye may be a curse H2781 and a reproach H1471 among all the nations H776 of the earth?
  9 H7911 [H8804] Have ye forgotten H7451 the evil H1 of your fathers, H7451 and the evil H4428 of the kings H3063 of Judah, H7451 and the evil H802 of their wives, H7451 and your own evil, H7451 and the evil H802 of your wives, H6213 [H8804] which they have committed H776 in the land H3063 of Judah, H2351 and in the streets H3389 of Jerusalem?
  10 H1792 [H8795] They are not humbled H3117 even to this day, H3372 [H8804] neither have they feared, H1980 [H8804] nor walked H8451 in my law, H2708 nor in my statutes, H5414 [H8804] that I set H6440 at the face of H6440 you and at the face of H1 your fathers.
  11 H559 [H8804] Therefore thus saith H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts, H430 the God H3478 of Israel; H7760 [H8802] Behold, I will set H6440 my face H7451 against you for evil, H3772 [H8687] and to cut off H3063 all Judah.
  12 H3947 [H8804] And I will take H7611 the remnant H3063 of Judah, H7760 [H8804] that have set H6440 their faces H935 [H8800] to go H776 into the land H4714 of Egypt H1481 [H8800] to sojourn H8552 [H8804] there, and they shall all be consumed, H5307 [H8799] and fall H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt; H8552 [H8735] they shall even be consumed H2719 by the sword H7458 and by the famine: H4191 [H8799] they shall die, H6996 from the least H1419 even to the greatest, H2719 by the sword H7458 and by the famine: H423 and they shall be an execration, H8047 and an horror, H7045 and a curse, H2781 and a reproach.

Jeremiah 52:14

  14 H2428 And all the army H3778 of the Chaldeans, H7227 that were with the captain H2876 of the guard, H5422 [H8804] broke down H2346 all the walls H3389 of Jerusalem H5439 on every side.

Lamentations 1:7

  7 H3389 Jerusalem H2142 [H8804] remembered H3117 in the days H6040 of her affliction H4788 and of her miseries H4262 all her pleasant things H3117 that she had in the days H6924 of old, H5971 when her people H5307 [H8800] fell H3027 into the hand H6862 of the constricter, H5826 [H8802] and none helped H6862 her: the constricters H7200 [H8804] saw H7832 [H8804] her, and mocked H4868 at her sabbaths.

Lamentations 3:61

  61 H8085 [H8804] Thou hast heard H2781 their reproach, H3068 O LORD, H4284 and all their imaginations against me;

Lamentations 5:1

  1 H2142 [H8798] Remember, H3068 O LORD, H5027 [H8685] what is come upon us: consider, H7200 [H8798] and behold H2781 our reproach.

1 Samuel 4:17-22

  17 H1319 [H8764] And the messenger H6030 [H8799] answered H559 [H8799] and said, H3478 Israel H5127 [H8804] hath fled H6440 at the face of H6430 the Philistines, H1419 and there hath been also a great H4046 slaughter H5971 among the people, H8147 and thy two H1121 sons H2652 also, Hophni H6372 and Phinehas, H4191 [H8804] are dead, H727 and the ark H430 of God H3947 [H8738] is taken.
  18 H2142 [H8687] And it came to pass, when he made mention H727 of the ark H430 of God, H5307 [H8799] that he fell H3678 from off the seat H322 backward H1157 by H3027 the side H8179 of the gate, H4665 and his neck H7665 [H8735] broke, H4191 [H8799] and he died: H2204 [H8804] for he was an old H376 man, H3513 [H8804] and heavy. H8199 [H8804] And he had judged H3478 Israel H705 forty H8141 years.
  19 H3618 And his daughter in law, H802 the wife H6372 of Phinehas, H2030 was with child, H3205 [H8800] near to be delivered: H8085 [H8799] and when she heard H8052 the tidings H413 that H727 the ark H430 of God H3947 [H8736] was taken, H2524 and that her father in law H376 and her husband H4191 [H8804] were dead, H3766 [H8799] she bowed H3205 [H8799] herself and travailed; H6735 for her pains H2015 [H8738] came upon her.
  20 H9002 And H9004 about H6256 the time H9034 of her H4191 [H8800] death H9001   H9009 the H5324 [H8737] women that stood H5921 by H9034 her H1696 [H8762] said H3372 [H8799] to her, Fear H408 not; H3588 for H3205 [H8804] thou hast borne H1121 a son. H9002 But H6030 [H8804] she answered H3808 not, H9002 and H7896 [H8804] set H3808 not H9024 her H3820 heart to it.
  21 H7121 [H8799] And she named H5288 the child H350 Ichabod, H559 [H8800] saying, H3519 The glory H1540 [H8804] hath departed H3478 from Israel: H413 because H727 the ark H430 of God H3947 [H8736] was taken, H2524 and because of her father in law H376 and her husband.
  22 H559 [H8799] And she said, H3519 The glory H1540 [H8804] hath departed H3478 from Israel: H727 for the ark H430 of God H3947 [H8738] is taken.

Ezra 5:11-12

  11 H3660 And thus H8421 [H8684] they returned H6600 us answer, H560 [H8749] saying, H586 We H1994 are H5649 the servants H426 of the God H8065 of heaven H772 and earth, H1124 [H8750] and build H1005 the house H1934 [H8754] that was H1124 [H8752] built H1836 these H7690 many H8140 years H6928 ago, H7229 which a great H4430 king H3479 of Israel H1124 [H8754] built H3635 [H8806] and set up.
  12 H3861 But H4481 after H2 that our fathers H7265 0 had provoked H426 the God H8065 of heaven H7265 [H8684] to wrath, H3052 [H8754] he gave H1994 them H3028 into the hand H5020 of Nebuchadnezzar H4430 the king H895 of Babylon, H3679 the Chaldean, H5642 [H8754] who demolished H1836 this H1005 house, H1541 0 and carried H5972 the people H1541 [H8684] away H895 into Babylon.

Ezra 9:3

  3 H8085 [H8800] And when I heard H1697 this thing, H7167 [H8804] I tore H899 my garment H4598 and my mantle, H4803 [H8799] and plucked off H8181 the hair H7218 of my head H2206 and of my beard, H3427 [H8799] and sat down H8074 [H8789] appalled.

Ezra 10:1

  1 H5830 Now when Ezra H6419 [H8692] had prayed, H3034 [H8692] and when he had confessed, H1058 [H8802] weeping H5307 [H8693] and casting himself down H6440 at the face of H1004 the house H430 of God, H6908 [H8738] there assembled H3478 to him out of Israel H3966 a very H7227 great H6951 congregation H582 of men H802 and women H3206 and children: H5971 for the people H1058 [H8804] wept H7235 [H8687] very H1059 bitterly.

Nehemiah 2:4

  4 H4428 Then the king H559 [H8799] said H1245 [H8764] to me, For what dost thou make request? H6419 [H8691] So I prayed H430 to the God H8064 of heaven.

Psalms 69:9-10

  9 H7068 For the zeal H1004 of thy house H398 [H8804] hath eaten me up; H2781 and the reproaches H2778 [H8802] of them that reproached H5307 [H8804] thee have fallen upon me.
  10 H1058 [H8799] When I wept, H5315 and chastened my breath H6685 with fasting, H2781 that was to my reproach.

Psalms 102:13-14

  13 H6965 [H8799] Thou shalt arise, H7355 [H8762] and fondle H6726 Zion: H6256 for the time H2603 [H8800] to favour H4150 her, yea, the set time, H935 [H8804] is come.
  14 H5650 For thy servants H7521 [H8804] take pleasure H68 in her stones, H2603 [H8779] and favour H6083 her dust.

Psalms 137:1

  1 H5104 By the rivers H894 of Babylon, H3427 [H8804] there we sat down, H1058 [H8804] yea, we wept, H2142 [H8800] when we remembered H6726 Zion.

Daniel 2:18

  18 H1156 [H8749] That they would desire H7359 mercies H4481 H6925 of H426 the God H8065 of heaven H5922 concerning H1836 this H7328 secret; H1841 that Daniel H2269 and his companions H3809 should not H7 [H8681] be made lost H5974 with H7606 the rest H2445 of the wise H895 men of Babylon.

Daniel 9:3

  3 H5414 [H8799] And I set H6440 my face H136 to the Sovereign H430 God, H1245 [H8763] to seek H8605 by prayer H8469 and supplications, H6685 with fasting, H8242 and sackcloth, H665 and ashes:

Jonah 1:9

  9 H559 [H8799] And he said H5680 to them, I am an Hebrew; H3373 and I fear H3068 the LORD, H430 the God H8064 of heaven, H6213 [H8804] who hath made H3220 the sea H3004 and the dry land.

Zephaniah 3:18

  18 H622 [H8804] I will gather H3013 [H8737] them that are grieved H4150 for the solemn assembly, H2781 who are of thee, to whom the reproach H4864 of it was a burden.

Romans 12:15

  15 G5463 [G5721] Rejoice G3326 with G5463 [G5723] them that rejoice, G2532 and G2799 [G5721] weep G3326 with G2799 [G5723] them that weep.

Exodus 20:6

  6 H6213 [H8802] And showing H2617 mercy H505 to thousands H157 [H8802] of them that love H8104 [H8802] me, and keep H4687 my commandments.

Deuteronomy 7:9

  9 H3045 [H8804] Know H3068 therefore that the LORD H430 thy God, H430 he is God, H539 [H8737] the faithful H410 God, H8104 [H8802] who keepeth H1285 covenant H2617 and mercy H157 [H8802] with them that love H8104 [H8802] him and keep H4687 his commandments H505 to a thousand H1755 generations;

Deuteronomy 7:21

  21 H6206 [H8799] Thou shalt not be terrified H6440 of H3068 them: for the LORD H430 thy God H7130 is among H1419 you, a mighty H410 God H3372 [H8737] and terrible.

1 Kings 8:23

  23 H559 [H8799] And he said, H3068 LORD H430 God H3478 of Israel, H430 there is no God H8064 like thee, in heaven H4605 above, H776 or on earth H8104 [H8802] beneath, who keepest H1285 covenant H2617 and mercy H5650 with thy servants H1980 [H8802] that walk H6440 at the face of H3820 thee with all their heart:

1 Chronicles 17:21

  21 H259 And what one H1471 nation H776 in the earth H5971 is like thy people H3478 Israel, H430 whom God H1980 [H8804] went H6299 [H8800] to ransom H5971 to be his own people, H7760 [H8800] to make H8034 thee a name H1420 by great H3372 [H8737] and terrible things, H1644 [H8763] by driving out H1471 nations H6440 from the face of H5971 thy people, H6299 [H8804] whom thou hast ransomed H4714 out of Egypt?

Nehemiah 4:14

  14 H7200 [H8799] And I looked, H6965 [H8799] and arose, H559 [H8799] and said H2715 to the nobles, H5461 and to the rulers, H3499 and to the rest H5971 of the people, H3372 [H8799] Be ye not afraid H6440 of them: H2142 [H8798] remember H136 the Sovereign, H1419 who is great H3372 [H8737] and terrible, H3898 [H8734] and fight H251 for your brethren, H1121 your sons, H1323 and your daughters, H802 your wives, H1004 and your houses.

Nehemiah 9:32

  32 H430 Now therefore, our God, H1419 the great, H1368 the mighty, H3372 [H8737] and the terrible H410 God, H8104 [H8802] who keepest H1285 covenant H2617 and mercy, H8513 let not all the trouble H4591 [H8799] seem little H6440 at the face of H4672 [H8804] thee, that hath come H4428 upon us, on our kings, H8269 on our princes, H3548 and on our priests, H5030 and on our prophets, H1 and on our fathers, H5971 and on all thy people, H3117 since the time H4428 of the kings H804 of Assyria H3117 to this day.

Psalms 47:2

  2 H3068 For the LORD H5945 most high H3372 [H8737] is terrible; H1419 he is a great H4428 King H776 over all the earth.

Daniel 9:4-19

  4 H6419 [H8691] And I prayed H3068 to the LORD H430 my God, H3034 [H8691] and made my confession, H559 [H8799] and said, H577 O H136 Sovereign, H1419 the great H3372 [H8737] and dreadful H410 God, H8104 [H8802] keeping H1285 the covenant H2617 and mercy H157 [H8802] to them that love H8104 [H8802] him, and to them that keep H4687 his commandments;
  5 H2398 [H8804] We have sinned, H5753 [H8804] and have committed crookedness, H7561 [H8689] and have done wickedly, H4775 [H8804] and have rebelled, H5493 [H8800] even by departing H4687 from thy commandments H4941 and from thy judgments:
  6 H8085 [H8804] Neither have we hearkened H5650 to thy servants H5030 the prophets, H1696 [H8765] who spoke H8034 in thy name H4428 to our kings, H8269 our princes, H1 and our fathers, H5971 and to all the people H776 of the land.
  7 H136 O Sovereign, H6666 righteousness H1322 belongeth to thee, but to us shame H6440 of faces, H3117 as at this day; H376 to the men H3063 of Judah, H3427 [H8802] and to the inhabitants H3389 of Jerusalem, H3478 and to all Israel, H7138 that are near, H7350 and that are far off, H776 through all the lands H5080 [H8689] to which thou hast driven H4604 them, because of their treachery H4603 [H8804] that they have trespassed against thee.
  8 H136 O Sovereign, H1322 to us belongeth shame H6440 of face, H4428 to our kings, H8269 to our princes, H1 and to our fathers, H2398 [H8804] because we have sinned against thee.
  9 H136 To the Sovereign H430 our God H7356 belong compassions H5547 and forgivenesses, H4775 [H8804] though we have rebelled against him;
  10 H8085 [H8804] Neither have we obeyed H6963 the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 our God, H3212 [H8800] to walk H8451 in his laws, H5414 [H8804] which he set H6440 at the face of H3027 us by H5650 his servants H5030 the prophets.
  11 H3478 And all Israel H5674 [H8804] have transgressed H8451 thy law, H5493 [H8800] even by departing, H8085 [H8800] that they might not obey H6963 thy voice; H423 therefore the curse H5413 [H8799] is poured H7621 upon us, and the oath H3789 [H8803] that is written H8451 in the law H4872 of Moses H5650 the servant H430 of God, H2398 [H8804] because we have sinned against him.
  12 H6965 [H8686] And he hath raised H1697 his words, H1696 [H8765] which he spoke H8199 [H8802] against us, and against our judges H8199 [H8804] that judged H935 [H8687] us, by bringing H1419 upon us a great H7451 evil: H8064 for under the whole heaven H6213 [H8738] it hath not been done H6213 [H8738] as it hath been done H3389 upon Jerusalem.
  13 H3789 [H8803] As it is written H8451 in the law H4872 of Moses, H7451 all this evil H935 [H8804] is come H2470 [H8765] upon us: yet we have not made our prayer H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD H430 our God, H7725 [H8800] that we might turn H5771 from our perversities, H7919 [H8687] and understand H571 thy truth.
  14 H3068 Therefore hath the LORD H8245 [H8799] watched H7451 upon the evil, H935 [H8686] and brought H3068 it upon us: for the LORD H430 our God H6662 is righteous H4639 in all his works H6213 [H8804] which he doeth: H8085 [H8804] for we have not obeyed H6963 his voice.
  15 H136 And now, O Sovereign H430 our God, H3318 [H8689] that hast brought H5971 thy people H776 out of the land H4714 of Egypt H2389 with a mighty H3027 hand, H6213 [H8799] and hast made H8034 thee renown, H3117 as at this day; H2398 [H8804] we have sinned, H7561 [H8804] we have done wickedly.
  16 H136 O Sovereign, H6666 according to all thy righteousness, H639 I beseech thee, let thy anger H2534 and thy hot anger H7725 [H8799] be turned away H5892 from thy city H3389 Jerusalem, H6944 thy holy H2022 mountain: H2399 because for our sins, H5771 and for the perversities H1 of our fathers, H3389 Jerusalem H5971 and thy people H2781 have become a reproach H5439 to all that are about us.
  17 H430 Now therefore, O our God, H8085 [H8798] hear H8605 the prayer H5650 of thy servant, H8469 and his supplications, H6440 and cause thy face H215 [H8685] to shine H4720 upon thy sanctuary H8076 that is desolate, H136 for the Lord's sake.
  18 H430 O my God, H5186 [H8685] incline H241 thine ear, H8085 [H8798] and hear; H6491 [H8798] open H5869 thine eyes, H7200 [H8798] and behold H8074 [H8802] our desolations, H5892 and the city H7121 [H8738] which is called H8034 by thy name: H5307 [H8688] for we do not present H8469 our supplications H6440 at the face of H6666 thee for our righteousnesses, H7227 but for thy great H7356 compassions.
  19 H136 O Sovereign, H8085 [H8798] hear; H136 O Sovereign, H5545 [H8798] forgive; H136 O Sovereign, H7181 [H8685] hearken H6213 [H8798] and do; H309 [H8762] defer H408 not, H430 for thy own sake, O my God: H5892 for thy city H5971 and thy people H7121 [H8738] are called H8034 by thy name.

Hebrews 6:13-18

  13 G1063 For G2316 when God G1861 [G5666] made promise G11 to Abraham, G1893 because G2192 [G5707] he could G3660 [G5658] swear G2596 by G3762 no G3187 greater, G3660 [G5656] he swore G2596 by G1438 himself,
  14 G3004 [G5723] Saying, G2229 G3375 Surely G2127 [G5723] blessing G2127 [G5692] I will bless G4571 thee, G2532 and G4129 [G5723] multiplying G4129 [G5692] I will multiply G4571 thee.
  15 G2532 And G3779 so, G3114 [G5660] after he had suffered long, G2013 [G5627] he obtained G1860 the promise.
  16 G1063 For G444 men G3303 verily G3660 [G5719] swear G2596 by G3187 the greater: G2532 and G3727 an oath G1519 for G951 confirmation G846 is to them G4009 an end G3956 of every G485 dispute.
  17 G1722 In G3739 the same way G2316 God, G1014 [G5740] willing G4054 more abundantly G1925 [G5658] to show G2818 to the heirs G1860 of promise G276 the immutability G846 of his G1012 counsel, G3315 [G5656] confirmed G3727 it by an oath:
  18 G2443 That G1223 by G1417 two G276 immutable G4229 things, G1722 in G3739 which G102 it was impossible G2316 for God G5574 [G5664] to lie, G2192 [G5725] we might have G2478 a strong G3874 consolation, G3588 who G2703 [G5631] have fled for refuge G2902 [G5658] to lay hold G1680 upon the hope G4295 [G5740] set before us:

1 Samuel 15:11

  11 H5162 [H8738] I sigh H4427 [H8689] that I have set up H7586 Saul H4428 to be king: H7725 [H8804] for he is turned back H310 from following H6965 [H8689] me, and hath not raised H1697 my commandments. H2734 [H8799] And it grieved H8050 Samuel; H2199 [H8799] and he cried H3068 to the LORD H3915 all night.

1 Kings 8:28-29

  28 H6437 [H8804] Yet have thou respect H8605 to the prayer H5650 of thy servant, H8467 and to his supplication, H3068 O LORD H430 my God, H8085 [H8800] to hearken H7440 to the cry H8605 and to the prayer, H5650 which thy servant H6419 [H8693] prayeth H6440 at the face of H3117 thee this day:
  29 H5869 That thine eyes H6605 [H8803] may be open H1004 toward this house H3915 night H3117 and day, H4725 even toward the place H559 [H8804] of which thou hast said, H8034 My name H8085 [H8800] shall be there: that thou mayest hearken H8605 to the prayer H5650 which thy servant H6419 [H8691] shall make H4725 toward this place.

2 Chronicles 6:40

  40 H430 Now, my God, H5869 let, I beseech thee, thine eyes H6605 [H8803] be open, H241 and let thine ears H7183 be attentive H8605 to the prayer H4725 that is made in this place.

2 Chronicles 28:10

  10 H559 [H8802] And now ye purpose H3533 [H8800] to bring into bondage H1121 for yourselves the sons H3063 of Judah H3389 and Jerusalem H5650 for male H8198 and female slaves: H7535 but are there not with you, even H819 with you, causes of guilt H3068 against the LORD H430 your God?

2 Chronicles 29:6

  6 H1 For our fathers H4603 [H8804] have trespassed, H6213 [H8804] and done H7451 that which was evil H5869 in the eyes H3068 of the LORD H430 our God, H5800 [H8799] and have forsaken H5437 [H8686] him, and have turned away H6440 their faces H4908 from the habitation H3068 of the LORD, H5414 [H8799] and turned H6203 their backs.

Ezra 9:6-7

  6 H9001 And H559 [H8799] said, H9020 O my H430 God, H954 [H8804] I am too pale H9001 and H3637 [H8738] wounded H9005 to H7311 [H8687] lift up H9020 my H6440 face H413 to H931 thee, H9020 my H430 God: H3588 for H9025 our H5771 perversities H7235 [H8804] are increased H9005   H4605 over H9011   H7218 our head, H9002 and H9025 our H819 guilt H1431 [H8804] is grown up H5704 to H9004 the H8064 heavens.
  7 H3117 Since the days H1 of our fathers H1419 have we been in a great H819 guilt H3117 to this day; H5771 and for our perversities H4428 have we, our kings, H3548 and our priests, H5414 [H8738] been given H3027 into the hand H4428 of the kings H776 of the lands, H2719 to the sword, H7628 to captivity, H961 and to a spoil, H1322 and to shame H6440 of face, H3117 as it is this day.

Ezra 10:11

  11 H5414 [H8798] Now therefore make H8426 confession H3068 to the LORD H430 God H1 of your fathers, H6213 [H8798] and do H7522 his pleasure: H914 [H8734] and separate H5971 yourselves from the people H776 of the land, H5237 and from the foreign H802 wives.

Psalms 32:5

  5 H3045 [H8686] I acknowledged H2403 my sin H5771 to thee, and my perversity H3680 [H8765] have I not hid. H559 [H8804] I said, H3034 [H8686] I will confess H6588 my revolts H3068 to the LORD; H5375 [H8804] and thou forgavest H5771 the perversity H2403 of my sin. H5542 Selah.

Psalms 34:15

  15 H5869 The eyes H3068 of the LORD H6662 are upon the righteous, H241 and his ears H7775 are open to their hallooing.

Psalms 55:17

  17 H6153 Evening, H1242 and morning, H6672 and at noon, H7878 [H8799] will I pray, H1993 [H8799] and sound aloud: H8085 [H8799] and he shall hear H6963 my voice.

Psalms 88:1

  1 H3068 O LORD H430 God H3444 of my salvation, H6817 [H8804] I have shrieked H3117 day H3915 and night before thee:

Psalms 106:6

  6 H2398 [H8804] We have sinned H1 with our fathers, H5753 [H8689] we have committed crookedness, H7561 [H8689] we have done wickedly.

Psalms 130:2

  2 H136 Sovereign, H8085 [H8798] hear H6963 my voice: H241 let thine ears H7183 be attentive H6963 to the voice H8469 of my supplications.

Isaiah 6:5

  5 H559 [H8799] Then said H188 I, Woe H1820 [H8738] is me! for I am silenced; H376 because I am a man H2931 of unclean H8193 lips, H3427 [H8802] and I dwell H8432 in the midst H5971 of a people H2931 of unclean H8193 lips: H5869 for my eyes H7200 [H8804] have seen H4428 the King, H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts.

Isaiah 64:6-7

  6 H2931 But we are all as an unclean H6666 thing, and all our righteousnesses H5708 are as filthy H899 rags; H5034 H1101 [H8799] and we all do fade H5929 as a leaf; H5771 and our perversities, H7307 like the wind, H5375 [H8799] have taken us away.
  7 H7121 [H8802] And there is none that calleth H8034 upon thy name, H5782 [H8711] that stirreth up H2388 [H8687] himself to take hold H5641 [H8689] of thee: for thou hast hid H6440 thy face H4127 [H8799] from us, and hast melted H3027 us, because H5771 of our perversities.

Lamentations 3:39-42

  39 H2416 Why doth a living H120 man H596 [H8691] complain, H1397 a man H2399 for the punishment of his sins?
  40 H2664 [H8799] Let us search H2713 [H8799] and examine H1870 our ways, H7725 [H8799] and turn again H3068 to the LORD.
  41 H5375 [H8799] Let us lift up H3824 our heart H3709 with our palms H410 to God H8064 in the heavens.
  42 H5168 We H6586 [H8804] have transgressed H4784 [H8804] and have rebelled: H5545 [H8804] thou hast not forgiven.

Lamentations 5:7

  7 H1 Our fathers H2398 [H8804] have sinned, H369 and are not; H5445 [H8804] and we have borne H5771 their perversities.

Daniel 9:4

  4 H6419 [H8691] And I prayed H3068 to the LORD H430 my God, H3034 [H8691] and made my confession, H559 [H8799] and said, H577 O H136 Sovereign, H1419 the great H3372 [H8737] and dreadful H410 God, H8104 [H8802] keeping H1285 the covenant H2617 and mercy H157 [H8802] to them that love H8104 [H8802] him, and to them that keep H4687 his commandments;

Daniel 9:17-18

  17 H430 Now therefore, O our God, H8085 [H8798] hear H8605 the prayer H5650 of thy servant, H8469 and his supplications, H6440 and cause thy face H215 [H8685] to shine H4720 upon thy sanctuary H8076 that is desolate, H136 for the Lord's sake.
  18 H430 O my God, H5186 [H8685] incline H241 thine ear, H8085 [H8798] and hear; H6491 [H8798] open H5869 thine eyes, H7200 [H8798] and behold H8074 [H8802] our desolations, H5892 and the city H7121 [H8738] which is called H8034 by thy name: H5307 [H8688] for we do not present H8469 our supplications H6440 at the face of H6666 thee for our righteousnesses, H7227 but for thy great H7356 compassions.

Daniel 9:20

  20 H1696 [H8764] And while I was speaking, H6419 [H8693] and praying, H3034 [H8693] and confessing H2403 my sin H2403 and the sin H5971 of my people H3478 Israel, H5307 [H8688] and presenting H8467 my supplication H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD H430 my God H6944 for the holy H2022 mountain H430 of my God;

Luke 2:37

  37 G2532 And G3778 she G5503 was a widow G5613 of about G3589 eighty G5064 and four G2094 years, G3739 who G868 [G5711] departed G3756 not G575 from G2411 the temple, G3000 [G5723] ministering G3521 with fastings G2532 and G1162 prayers G3571 night G2532 and G2250 day.

Luke 18:7

  7 G1161 { And G1557 0 shall G3364 not G2316 God G4160 G1557 [G5692] avenge G846 his own G1588 elect, G3588 who G994 [G5723] cry G2250 day G2532 and G3571 night G4314 to G846 him, G2532 though G3114 [G5723] he suffereth long G1909 with G846 them?}

Ephesians 2:3

  3 G1722 Among G3739 whom G2532 also G2249 we G3956 all G390 [G5648] had our manner of life G4218 in times past G1722 in G1939 the lusts G2257 of our G4561 flesh, G4160 [G5723] fulfilling G2307 the desires G4561 of the flesh G2532 and G1271 of the mind; G2532 and G2258 [G5713] were G5449 by nature G5043 the children G3709 of wrath, G2532 even G5613 as G3062 others.

1 Timothy 5:5

  5 G1161 Now G3588 she that is G3689 really G5503 a widow G2532 , and G3443 [G5772] desolate, G1679 [G5758] hath placed her expectation G1909 in G2316 God, G2532 and G4357 [G5719] continueth G1162 in supplications G2532 and G4335 prayers G3571 night G2532 and G2250 day.

2 Timothy 1:3

  3 G2192 G5485 [G5719] I thank G2316 God, G3739 whom G3000 [G5719] I minister G575 from G4269 my forefathers G1722 with G2513 clean G4893 conscience, G5613 that G88 without ceasing G2192 [G5719] I have G3417 remembrance G4012 of G4675 thee G1722 in G3450 my G1162 prayers G3571 night G2532 and G2250 day;

1 John 1:9

  9 G1437 If G3670 [G5725] we confess G2257 our G266 sins, G2076 [G5748] he is G4103 faithful G2532 and G1342 just G2443 to G863 [G5632] forgive G2254 us G266 our sins, G2532 and G2511 [G5661] to cleanse G2248 us G575 from G3956 all G93 injustice.

Leviticus 27:34

  34 H4687 These are the commandments, H3068 which the LORD H6680 [H8765] commanded H4872 Moses H1121 for the sons H3478 of Israel H2022 in mount H5514 Sinai.

Deuteronomy 4:1

  1 H8085 [H8798] Now therefore hearken, H3478 O Israel, H2706 to the statutes H4941 and to the judgments, H3925 [H8764] which I teach H6213 [H8800] you, to do H2421 [H8799] them, that ye may live, H935 [H8804] and go in H3423 [H8804] and possess H776 the land H3068 which the LORD H430 God H1 of your fathers H5414 [H8802] giveth you.

Deuteronomy 4:5

  5 H7200 [H8798] Behold, H3925 [H8765] I have taught H2706 you statutes H4941 and judgments, H834 even as H3068 the LORD H430 my God H6680 [H8765] commanded H6213 [H8800] me, that ye should do H7130 so in H776 the land H935 [H8802] where ye go H3423 [H8800] to possess it.

Deuteronomy 5:1

  1 H4872 And Moses H7121 [H8799] called H3478 all Israel, H559 [H8799] and said H8085 [H8798] to them, Hear, H3478 O Israel, H2706 the statutes H4941 and judgments H1696 [H8802] which I speak H241 in your ears H3117 this day, H3925 [H8804] that ye may learn H8104 [H8804] them, and keep, H6213 [H8800] and do them.

Deuteronomy 6:1

  1 H4687 Now these are the commandments, H2706 the statutes, H4941 and the judgments, H3068 which the LORD H430 your God H6680 [H8765] commanded H3925 [H8763] to teach H6213 [H8800] you, that ye may do H776 them in the land H5674 [H8802] where ye go H3423 [H8800] to possess it:

Deuteronomy 28:14-15

  14 H5493 [H8799] And thou shalt not go aside H1697 from any of the words H6680 [H8764] which I command H3117 thee this day, H3225 to the right hand, H8040 or to the left, H3212 [H8800] to go H310 after H312 other H430 gods H5647 [H8800] to serve them.
  15 H8085 [H8799] But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken H6963 to the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God, H8104 [H8800] to observe H6213 [H8800] to do H4687 all his commandments H2708 and his statutes H6680 [H8764] which I command H3117 thee this day; H7045 that all these curses H935 [H8804] shall come H5381 [H8689] upon thee, and overtake thee:

1 Kings 2:3

  3 H8104 [H8804] And keep H4931 the charge H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God, H3212 [H8800] to walk H1870 in his ways, H8104 [H8800] to keep H2708 his statutes, H4687 and his commandments, H4941 and his judgments, H5715 and his testimonies, H3789 [H8803] as it is written H8451 in the law H4872 of Moses, H7919 [H8686] that thou mayest prosper H6213 [H8799] in all that thou doest, H6437 [H8799] and wherever thou turnest thyself:

2 Chronicles 25:4

  4 H4191 [H8689] But he slew H1121 not their sons, H3789 [H8803] but did as it is written H8451 in the law H5612 of the book H4872 of Moses, H3068 where the LORD H6680 [H8765] commanded, H559 [H8800] saying, H1 The fathers H4191 [H8799] shall not die H1121 for the sons, H1121 neither shall the sons H4191 [H8799] die H1 for the fathers, H376 but every man H4191 [H8799] shall die H2399 for his own sin.

2 Chronicles 27:2

  2 H6213 [H8799] And he did H3477 that which was right H5869 in the eyes H3068 of the LORD, H1 according to all that his father H5818 Uzziah H6213 [H8804] did: H935 [H8804] yet he entered H1964 not into the temple H3068 of the LORD. H5971 And the people H7843 [H8688] did yet decayingly.

Ezra 7:6

  6 H5830 This Ezra H5927 [H8804] went H894 from Babylon; H5608 [H8802] and he was a scribe H4106 skilled H8451 in the law H4872 of Moses, H3068 which the LORD H430 God H3478 of Israel H5414 [H8804] had given: H4428 and the king H5414 [H8799] granted H1246 him all his request, H3027 according to the hand H3068 of the LORD H430 his God upon him.

Nehemiah 9:29-35

  29 H5749 [H8686] And didst testify H7725 [H8687] against them, that thou mightest bring them again H8451 to thy law: H2102 [H8689] yet they dealt proudly, H8085 [H8804] and hearkened H4687 not to thy commandments, H2398 [H8804] but sinned H4941 against thy judgments, H120 (which if a man H6213 [H8799] doeth, H2421 [H8804] he shall live H5414 H5637 [H8799] in them;) and withdrew H3802 the shoulder, H7185 [H8689] and hardened H6203 their neck, H8085 [H8804] and would not hear.
  30 H7227 Yet many H8141 years H4900 [H8799] didst thou forbear H5749 [H8686] over them, and didst testify H7307 against them by thy spirit H3027 in H5030 thy prophets: H238 [H8689] yet would they not give ear: H5414 [H8799] therefore thou gavest H3027 them into the hand H5971 of the people H776 of the lands.
  31 H7227 Nevertheless for thy great H7356 compassions' H6213 [H8804] sake thou didst H3617 not utterly consume H5800 [H8804] them, nor forsake H2587 them; for thou art a gracious H7349 and full of compassion H410 God.
  32 H430 Now therefore, our God, H1419 the great, H1368 the mighty, H3372 [H8737] and the terrible H410 God, H8104 [H8802] who keepest H1285 covenant H2617 and mercy, H8513 let not all the trouble H4591 [H8799] seem little H6440 at the face of H4672 [H8804] thee, that hath come H4428 upon us, on our kings, H8269 on our princes, H3548 and on our priests, H5030 and on our prophets, H1 and on our fathers, H5971 and on all thy people, H3117 since the time H4428 of the kings H804 of Assyria H3117 to this day.
  33 H6662 But thou art just H935 [H8802] in all that is brought H6213 [H8804] upon us; for thou hast done H571 right, H7561 [H8689] but we have done wickedly:
  34 H4428 Neither have our kings, H8269 our princes, H3548 our priests, H1 nor our fathers, H6213 [H8804] kept H8451 thy law, H7181 [H8689] nor pricked up their ears H4687 to thy commandments H5715 and thy testimonies, H5749 [H8689] with which thou didst testify against them.
  35 H5647 [H8804] For they have not served H4438 thee in their kingdom, H7227 and in thy great H2898 goodness H5414 [H8804] that thou gavest H7342 them, and in the large H8082 and rich H776 land H5414 [H8804] which thou gavest H6440 at the face of H7725 [H8804] them, neither turned H7451 they from their wicked H4611 works.

Psalms 19:8-9

  8 H6490 The precepts H3068 of the LORD H3477 are right, H8055 [H8764] rejoicing H3820 the heart: H4687 the commandment H3068 of the LORD H1249 is pure, H215 [H8688] enlightening H5869 the eyes.
  9 H3374 The fear H3068 of the LORD H2889 is clean, H5975 [H8802] enduring H5703 for ever: H4941 the judgments H3068 of the LORD H571 are true H6663 [H8804] and righteous H3162 altogether.

Psalms 119:5-8

  5 H305 O that H1870 my ways H3559 [H8735] were directed H8104 [H8800] to keep H2706 thy statutes!
  6 H954 [H8799] Then shall I not be pale, H5027 [H8687] when I have respect H4687 to all thy commandments.
  7 H3034 [H8686] I will praise H3476 thee with uprightness H3824 of heart, H3925 [H8800] when I shall have learned H6664 thy righteous H4941 judgments.
  8 H8104 [H8799] I will keep H2706 thy statutes: H5800 [H8799] O forsake H3966 me not utterly.

Daniel 9:5-6

  5 H2398 [H8804] We have sinned, H5753 [H8804] and have committed crookedness, H7561 [H8689] and have done wickedly, H4775 [H8804] and have rebelled, H5493 [H8800] even by departing H4687 from thy commandments H4941 and from thy judgments:
  6 H8085 [H8804] Neither have we hearkened H5650 to thy servants H5030 the prophets, H1696 [H8765] who spoke H8034 in thy name H4428 to our kings, H8269 our princes, H1 and our fathers, H5971 and to all the people H776 of the land.

Daniel 9:11

  11 H3478 And all Israel H5674 [H8804] have transgressed H8451 thy law, H5493 [H8800] even by departing, H8085 [H8800] that they might not obey H6963 thy voice; H423 therefore the curse H5413 [H8799] is poured H7621 upon us, and the oath H3789 [H8803] that is written H8451 in the law H4872 of Moses H5650 the servant H430 of God, H2398 [H8804] because we have sinned against him.

Daniel 9:13

  13 H3789 [H8803] As it is written H8451 in the law H4872 of Moses, H7451 all this evil H935 [H8804] is come H2470 [H8765] upon us: yet we have not made our prayer H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD H430 our God, H7725 [H8800] that we might turn H5771 from our perversities, H7919 [H8687] and understand H571 thy truth.

Hosea 9:9

  9 H6009 [H8689] They have deeply H7843 [H8765] decayed H3117 themselves, as in the days H1390 of Gibeah: H2142 [H8799] therefore he will remember H5771 their perversity, H6485 [H8799] he will judge H2403 their sins.

Zephaniah 3:7

  7 H559 [H8804] I said, H3372 [H8799] Surely thou wilt fear H3947 [H8799] me, thou wilt receive H4148 instruction; H4583 so their dwelling H3772 [H8735] should not be cut off, H834 H3605 however H6485 [H8804] I punished H403 them: but H7925 [H8689] they rose early, H7843 [H8689] and decayed H5949 all their doings.

Malachi 4:4

  4 H2142 [H8798] Remember H8451 ye the law H4872 of Moses H5650 my servant, H6680 [H8765] which I commanded H2722 to him in Horeb H3478 for all Israel, H2706 with the statutes H4941 and judgments.

Revelation 19:2

  2 G3754 For G228 true G2532 and G1342 righteous G846 are his G2920 judgments: G3754 for G2919 [G5656] he hath judged G3173 the great G4204 fornicator, G3748 who G5351 [G5707] corrupted G1093 the earth G1722 with G846 her G4202 fornication, G2532 and G1556 [G5656] hath avenged G129 the blood G846 of his G1401 slaves G1537 at G846 her G5495 hand.

Leviticus 26:33-46

  33 H2219 [H8762] And I will scatter H1471 you among the nations, H7324 [H8689] and will draw out H2719 a sword H310 after H776 you: and your land H8077 shall be desolate, H5892 and your cities H2723 dry.
  34 H776 Then shall the land H7521 [H8799] enjoy H7676 its sabbaths, H3117 as long H8074 [H8715] as it lieth desolate, H341 [H8802] and ye are in your enemies' H776 land; H776 even then shall the land H7673 [H8799] rest, H7521 [H8689] and enjoy H7676 its sabbaths.
  35 H3117 As long as H8074 [H8715] it lieth desolate H7673 [H8799] it shall rest; H7673 [H8804] because it did not rest H7676 in your sabbaths, H3427 [H8800] when ye dwelt upon it.
  36 H7604 [H8737] And upon them that are left H935 [H8689] alive of you I will send H4816 a faintness H3824 into their hearts H776 in the lands H341 [H8802] of their enemies; H6963 and the sound H5086 [H8737] of a shaken H5929 leaf H7291 [H8804] shall chase H5127 [H8804] them; and they shall flee, H4499 as fleeing H2719 from a sword; H5307 [H8804] and they shall fall H7291 [H8802] when none pursueth.
  37 H3782 [H8804] And they shall fall H376 one H251 upon another, H6440 as it were at the face of H2719 a sword, H7291 [H8802] when none pursueth: H8617 and ye shall have no power to stand H6440 at the face of H341 [H8802] your enemies.
  38 H6 [H8804] And ye shall be lost H1471 among the nations, H776 and the land H341 [H8802] of your enemies H398 [H8804] shall eat you up.
  39 H7604 [H8737] And they that are left H4743 [H8735] of you shall pine away H5771 in their perversity H341 [H8802] in your enemies' H776 lands; H5771 and also in the perversities H1 of their fathers H4743 [H8735] shall they pine away with them.
  40 H3034 [H8694] If they shall confess H5771 their perversity, H5771 and the perversity H1 of their fathers, H4604 with their treachery H4603 [H8804] which they trespassed H1980 [H8804] against me, and that also they have walked H7147 contrary to me;
  41 H3212 [H8799] And that I also have walked H7147 contrary H935 [H8689] to them, and have brought H776 them into the land H341 [H8802] of their enemies; H176 if then H6189 their uncircumcised H3824 hearts H3665 [H8735] shall be humbled, H7521 [H8799] and they then accept H5771 of the punishment of their perversity:
  42 H2142 [H8804] Then will I remember H1285 my covenant H3290 with Jacob, H1285 and also my covenant H3327 with Isaac, H1285 and also my covenant H85 with Abraham H2142 [H8799] will I remember; H2142 [H8799] and I will remember H776 the land.
  43 H776 The land H5800 [H8735] also shall be left H7521 [H8799] by them, and shall enjoy H7676 her sabbaths, H8074 [H8715] while she lieth desolate H7521 [H8799] without them: and they shall accept H5771 of the punishment of their perversity: H3282 because, H3282 even because H3988 [H8804] they despised H4941 my judgments, H5315 and because their breath H1602 [H8804] abhorred H2708 my statutes.
  44 H637 And yet H2063 for all that, H1571 when they shall be H776 in the land H341 [H8802] of their enemies, H3988 [H8804] I will not cast them away, H1602 [H8804] neither will I abhor H3615 [H8763] them, to end them utterly, H6565 [H8687] and to break H1285 my covenant H3068 with them: for I am the LORD H430 their God.
  45 H2142 [H8804] But I will for their sakes remember H1285 the covenant H7223 of their ancestors, H3318 [H8689] whom I brought H776 out of the land H4714 of Egypt H5869 in the eyes H1471 of the nations, H430 that I might be their God: H3068 I am the LORD.
  46 H2706 These are the statutes H4941 and judgments H8451 and laws, H3068 which the LORD H5414 [H8804] made H1121 between him and the sons H3478 of Israel H2022 in mount H5514 Sinai H3027 by the hand H4872 of Moses.

Deuteronomy 4:25-27

  25 H3205 [H8686] When thou shalt beget H1121 sons, H1121 and son's H1121 sons, H3462 [H8738] and ye shall have remained long H776 in the land, H7843 [H8689] and shall decay H6213 [H8804] yourselves, and make H6459 a graven image, H8544 or the likeness H6213 [H8804] of any thing, and shall do H7451 evil H5869 in the eyes H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God, H3707 [H8687] to vex him:
  26 H5749 0 I call H8064 heaven H776 and earth H5749 [H8689] to witness H3117 against you this day, H4118 that ye shall soon H6 [H8800] utterly H6 [H8799] be lost H776 from the land H5674 [H8802] where ye go over H3383 Jordan H3423 [H8800] to possess H748 [H8686] it; ye shall not prolong H3117 your days H8045 [H8736] upon it, but shall be utterly H8045 [H8735] desolated.
  27 H3068 And the LORD H6327 [H8689] shall scatter H5971 you among the peoples, H7604 [H8738] and ye shall be left H4962 few H4557 in number H1471 among the nations, H3068 where the LORD H5090 [H8762] shall lead you.

Deuteronomy 28:64

  64 H3068 And the LORD H6327 [H8689] shall scatter H5971 thee among all people, H7097 from the one end H776 of the earth H7097 even to the other; H5647 [H8804] and there thou shalt serve H312 other H430 gods, H1 which neither thou nor thy fathers H3045 [H8804] have known, H6086 even wood H68 and stone.

Deuteronomy 32:26-28

  26 H559 [H8804] I said, H6284 [H8686] I would scatter them into corners, H2143 I would make the remembrance H7673 [H8686] of them to cease H582 from among men:
  27 H3884 Were it not H1481 [H8799] that I feared H3708 the vexation H341 [H8802] of the enemy, H6862 lest their constricters H5234 [H8762] should behave themselves strangely, H559 [H8799] and lest they should say, H3027 Our hand H7311 [H8804] is high, H3068 and the LORD H6466 [H8804] hath not done all this.
  28 H1471 For they are a nation H6 [H8802] void H6098 of counsel, H8394 neither is there any understanding in them.

1 Kings 9:6-7

  6 H7725 [H8800] But if ye shall at all H7725 [H8799] turn H310 from following H1121 me, ye or your sons, H8104 [H8799] and will not keep H4687 my commandments H2708 and my statutes H5414 [H8804] which I have set H6440 at the face of H1980 [H8804] you, but go H5647 [H8804] and serve H312 other H430 gods, H7812 [H8694] and worship them:
  7 H3772 [H8689] Then will I cut off H3478 Israel H6440 from H127 the soil H5414 [H8804] which I have given H1004 them; and this house, H6942 [H8689] which I have hallowed H8034 for my name, H7971 [H8762] will I cast out H6440 of my sight; H3478 and Israel H4912 shall be a proverb H8148 and a byword H5971 among all people:

Psalms 119:49

  49 H2142 [H8798] ZAIN. Remember H1697 the word H5650 to thy servant, H3176 [H8765] upon which thou hast caused me to hope.

Luke 1:72

  72 G4160 [G5658] To perform G1656 the mercy G3326 promised to G2257 our G3962 fathers, G2532 and G3415 [G5683] to remember G846 his G40 holy G1242 covenant;

Leviticus 26:39-42

  39 H7604 [H8737] And they that are left H4743 [H8735] of you shall pine away H5771 in their perversity H341 [H8802] in your enemies' H776 lands; H5771 and also in the perversities H1 of their fathers H4743 [H8735] shall they pine away with them.
  40 H3034 [H8694] If they shall confess H5771 their perversity, H5771 and the perversity H1 of their fathers, H4604 with their treachery H4603 [H8804] which they trespassed H1980 [H8804] against me, and that also they have walked H7147 contrary to me;
  41 H3212 [H8799] And that I also have walked H7147 contrary H935 [H8689] to them, and have brought H776 them into the land H341 [H8802] of their enemies; H176 if then H6189 their uncircumcised H3824 hearts H3665 [H8735] shall be humbled, H7521 [H8799] and they then accept H5771 of the punishment of their perversity:
  42 H2142 [H8804] Then will I remember H1285 my covenant H3290 with Jacob, H1285 and also my covenant H3327 with Isaac, H1285 and also my covenant H85 with Abraham H2142 [H8799] will I remember; H2142 [H8799] and I will remember H776 the land.

Deuteronomy 4:29-31

  29 H1245 [H8765] But if from there thou shalt seek H3068 the LORD H430 thy God, H4672 [H8804] thou shalt find H1875 [H8799] him, if thou shalt seek H3824 him with all thy heart H5315 and with all thy breath.
  30 H6862 When thou art in tribulation, H1697 and all these things H4672 [H8804] have come H319 upon thee, even in the latter H3117 days, H7725 [H8804] if thou shalt turn H3068 to the LORD H430 thy God, H8085 [H8804] and shalt be obedient H6963 to his voice;
  31 H3068 (For the LORD H430 thy God H7349 is a full of compassion H410 God; H7503 [H8686] ) he will not forsake H7843 [H8686] thee, neither decay H7911 [H8799] thee, nor forget H1285 the covenant H1 of thy fathers H7650 [H8738] which he swore to them.

Deuteronomy 12:5

  5 H4725 But the place H3068 which the LORD H430 your God H977 [H8799] shall choose H7626 out of all your tribes H7760 [H8800] to put H8034 his name H7933 there, even his habitation H1875 [H8799] shall ye seek, H935 [H8804] and there thou shalt come:

Deuteronomy 12:21

  21 H4725 If the place H3068 which the LORD H430 thy God H977 [H8799] hath chosen H7760 [H8800] to put H8034 his name H7368 [H8799] there shall be too far H2076 [H8804] from thee, then thou shalt kill H1241 of thy herd H6629 and of thy flock, H3068 which the LORD H5414 [H8804] hath given H6680 [H8765] thee, as I have commanded H398 [H8804] thee, and thou shalt eat H8179 in thy gates H5315 whatever thy breath H185 desireth.

Deuteronomy 30:2-5

  2 H7725 [H8804] And shalt return H3068 to the LORD H430 thy God, H8085 [H8804] and shalt obey H6963 his voice H6680 [H8764] according to all that I command H3117 thee this day, H1121 thou and thy sons, H3824 with all thy heart, H5315 and with all thy breath;
  3 H3068 That then the LORD H430 thy God H7725 [H8804] will turn H7622 thy captivity, H7355 [H8765] and have compassion H7725 [H8804] upon thee, and will return H6908 [H8765] and gather H5971 thee from all the peoples, H3068 where the LORD H430 thy God H6327 [H8689] hath scattered thee.
  4 H5080 [H8737] If any of thine shall be driven out H7097 to the outmost H8064 parts of heaven, H3068 from there will the LORD H430 thy God H6908 [H8762] gather H3947 [H8799] thee, and from there will he bring thee:
  5 H3068 And the LORD H430 thy God H935 [H8689] will bring H776 thee into the land H1 which thy fathers H3423 [H8804] possessed, H3423 [H8804] and thou shalt possess H3190 [H8689] it; and he will do thee good, H7235 [H8689] and multiply H1 thee above thy fathers.

1 Kings 9:3

  3 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H8085 [H8804] to him, I have heard H8605 thy prayer H8467 and thy supplication, H2603 [H8694] that thou hast made H6440 at the face of H6942 [H8689] me: I have hallowed H1004 this house, H1129 [H8804] which thou hast built, H7760 [H8800] to put H8034 my name H5704 there for H5769 ever; H5869 and my eyes H3820 and my heart H3117 shall be there perpetually.

1 Chronicles 16:35

  35 H559 [H8798] And say H3467 [H8685] ye, Liberate H430 us, O God H3468 of our salvation, H6908 [H8761] and gather us together, H5337 [H8685] and deliver H1471 us from the nations, H3034 [H8687] that we may give thanks H6944 to thy holy H8034 name, H7623 [H8692] and loudly address H8416 thy praise.

Ezra 6:12

  12 H426 And the God H8036 that hath caused his name H7932 [H8745] to dwell H8536 there H4049 [H8741] to overthrow H3606 all H4430 kings H5972 and people, H7972 [H8748] that shall put forth H3028 his hand H8133 [H8682] to alter H2255 [H8742] the decree and to ruin H1791 this H1005 house H426 of God H3390 which is at Jerusalem. H576 I H1868 Darius H7761 [H8754] have made H2942 a decree; H5648 [H8725] let it be done H629 with speed.

Psalms 106:47

  47 H3467 [H8685] Liberate H3068 us, O LORD H430 our God, H6908 [H8761] and gather H1471 us from among the nations, H3034 [H8687] to give thanks H6944 to thy holy H8034 name, H7623 [H8692] and to loudly address H8416 thy praise.

Psalms 147:2

  2 H3068 The LORD H1129 [H8802] buildeth up H3389 Jerusalem: H3664 [H8762] he gathereth together H1760 [H8737] the outcasts H3478 of Israel.

Isaiah 11:12

  12 H5375 [H8804] And he shall set up H5251 an ensign H1471 for the nations, H622 [H8804] and shall assemble H1760 [H8737] the outcasts H3478 of Israel, H6908 [H8762] and gather together H5310 [H8803] the dispersed H3063 of Judah H702 from the four H3671 corners H776 of the earth.

Isaiah 56:8

  8 H136 The Sovereign H3069 LORD H6908 [H8764] who gathereth H1760 [H8737] the outcasts H3478 of Israel H5002 [H8803] saith, H6908 [H8762] Yet will I gather H6908 [H8737] others to him, besides those that are gathered to him.

Jeremiah 3:14

  14 H7725 [H8798] Turn, H7726 O backsliding H1121 sons, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD; H1166 [H8804] for I am married H3947 [H8804] to you: and I will take H259 you one H5892 of a city, H8147 and two H4940 of a family, H935 [H8689] and I will bring H6726 you to Zion:

Jeremiah 12:15

  15 H310 And it shall come to pass, after H5428 [H8800] I have plucked them out H7725 [H8799] I will return, H7355 [H8765] and have compassion H7725 [H8689] on them, and will bring them again, H376 every man H5159 to his inheritance, H376 and every man H776 to his land.

Jeremiah 29:11-14

  11 H3045 [H8804] For I know H4284 the thoughts H2803 [H8802] that I think H5002 [H8803] toward you, saith H3068 the LORD, H4284 thoughts H7965 of peace, H7451 and not of evil, H5414 [H8800] to give H8615 you an expected H319 end.
  12 H7121 [H8804] Then shall ye call H1980 [H8804] upon me, and ye shall go H6419 [H8694] and pray H8085 [H8804] to me, and I will hearken to you.
  13 H1245 [H8765] And ye shall seek H4672 [H8804] me, and find H1875 [H8799] me, when ye shall search H3824 for me with all your heart.
  14 H4672 [H8738] And I will be found H5002 [H8803] by you, saith H3068 the LORD: H7725 [H8804] and I will turn away H7622 H7622 [H8675] your captivity, H6908 [H8765] and I will gather H1471 you from all the nations, H4725 and from all the places H5080 [H8689] where I have driven H5002 [H8803] you, saith H3068 the LORD; H7725 [H8689] and I will bring you again H4725 into the place H1540 [H8689] from which I caused you to be carried away captive.

Jeremiah 31:10

  10 H8085 [H8798] Hear H1697 the word H3068 of the LORD, H1471 O ye nations, H5046 [H8685] and declare H339 it in the isles H4801 afar off, H559 [H8798] and say, H2219 [H8764] He that scattered H3478 Israel H6908 [H8762] will gather H8104 [H8804] him, and keep H7462 [H8802] him, as a shepherd H5739 doth his flock.

Jeremiah 32:37

  37 H6908 [H8764] Behold, I will gather them out H776 of all lands, H5080 [H8689] where I have driven H639 them in my anger, H2534 and in my hot anger, H1419 and in great H7110 splintering rage; H7725 [H8689] and I will bring them again H4725 to this place, H3427 [H8689] and I will cause them to dwell H983 in safety:

Jeremiah 50:19-20

  19 H7725 0 And I will bring H3478 Israel H7725 [H8790] again H5116 to his habitation, H7462 [H8804] and he shall feed H3760 on Carmel H1316 and Bashan, H5315 and his breath H7646 [H8799] shall be satisfied H2022 upon mount H669 Ephraim H1568 and Gilead.
  20 H3117 In those days, H6256 and in that time, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD, H5771 the perversity H3478 of Israel H1245 [H8792] shall be sought for, H2403 and there shall be none; and the sins H3063 of Judah, H4672 [H8735] and they shall not be found: H5545 [H8799] for I will forgive H7604 [H8686] them whom I reserve.

Ezekiel 36:24

  24 H3947 [H8804] For I will take H4480 you from among H1471 the nations, H6908 [H8765] and gather H776 you out of all lands, H935 [H8689] and will bring H127 you into your own soil.

Matthew 24:31

  31 G2532 { And G649 [G5692] he shall send G3588   G846 his G32 messengers G3326 with G3173 a great G5456 sound G4536 of a trumpet, G2532 and G1996 [G5692] they shall gather together G3588   G846 his G1588 elect G1537 from out of G3588 the G5064 four G417 winds, G575 from G206 the tips G3772 of the heavens G2193 as far as G846 their G206 tips.}

Exodus 6:1

  1 H3068 Then the LORD H559 [H8799] said H4872 to Moses, H7200 [H8799] Now shalt thou see H6213 [H8799] what I will do H6547 to Pharaoh: H2389 for with a strong H3027 hand H7971 [H8762] shall he let them go, H2389 and with a strong H3027 hand H1644 [H8762] shall he drive them from H776 his land.

Exodus 13:9

  9 H226 And it shall be for a sign H3027 to thee upon thine hand, H2146 and for a memorial H5869 between thine eyes, H3068 that the LORD'S H8451 law H6310 may be in thy mouth: H2389 for with a strong H3027 hand H3068 hath the LORD H3318 [H8689] brought thee out H4714 of Egypt.

Exodus 15:13

  13 H2617 Thou in thy mercy H5148 [H8804] hast led forth H5971 the people H2098 who H1350 [H8804] thou hast redeemed: H5095 [H8765] thou hast guided H5797 them in thy strength H6944 to thy holy H5116 habitation.

Exodus 32:11

  11 H4872 And Moses H2470 H6440 [H8762] besought H3068 the LORD H430 his God, H559 [H8799] and said, H3068 LORD, H639 why doth thy anger H2734 [H8799] burn H5971 against thy people, H3318 [H8689] which thou hast brought forth H776 from the land H4714 of Egypt H1419 with great H3581 power, H2389 and with a mighty H3027 hand?

Deuteronomy 9:29

  29 H5971 Yet they are thy people H5159 and thine inheritance, H3318 [H8689] which thou hast brought out H1419 by thy mighty H3581 power H5186 [H8803] and by thine outstretched H2220 arm.

Deuteronomy 15:15

  15 H2142 [H8804] And thou shalt remember H5650 that thou wast a slave H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H3068 and the LORD H430 thy God H6299 [H8799] ransomed H6680 [H8764] thee: therefore I command H1697 thee this thing H3117 this day.

Psalms 74:2

  2 H2142 [H8798] Remember H5712 thy company, H7069 [H8804] which thou hast purchased H6924 of old; H7626 the rod H5159 of thine inheritance, H1350 [H8804] which thou hast redeemed; H2022 this mount H6726 Zion, H7931 [H8804] in which thou hast dwelt.

Psalms 136:12

  12 H2389 With a strong H3027 hand, H5186 [H8803] and with an outstretched H2220 arm: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endureth to the age.

Isaiah 63:16-19

  16 H3588 Doubtless H1 thou art our father, H85 though Abraham H3808 H3045 [H8804] be ignorant H3478 of us, and Israel H5234 [H8686] acknowledge H3068 us not: thou, O LORD, H1 art our father, H1350 [H8802] our redeemer; H8034 thy name H5769 is from everlasting.
  17 H3068 O LORD, H8582 [H8686] why hast thou made us to err H1870 from thy ways, H7188 [H8686] and hardened H3820 our heart H3374 from thy fear? H7725 [H8798] Return H5650 for thy servants' H7626 sake, the tribes H5159 of thine inheritance.
  18 H5971 The people H6944 of thy holiness H3423 [H8804] have possessed H4705 it but a little while: H6862 our constricters H947 [H8790] have trodden down H4720 thy sanctuary.
  19 H5769 We are thine: thou never H4910 [H8804] didst bear rule H7121 [H8738] over them; they were not called H8034 by thy name.

Isaiah 64:9

  9 H7107 H3966 [H8799] Be not very angry, H3068 O LORD, H2142 [H8799] neither remember H5771 perversity H5703 for ever: H5027 [H8685] behold, see, H5971 we beseech thee, we are all thy people.

Daniel 9:15-27

  15 H136 And now, O Sovereign H430 our God, H3318 [H8689] that hast brought H5971 thy people H776 out of the land H4714 of Egypt H2389 with a mighty H3027 hand, H6213 [H8799] and hast made H8034 thee renown, H3117 as at this day; H2398 [H8804] we have sinned, H7561 [H8804] we have done wickedly.
  16 H136 O Sovereign, H6666 according to all thy righteousness, H639 I beseech thee, let thy anger H2534 and thy hot anger H7725 [H8799] be turned away H5892 from thy city H3389 Jerusalem, H6944 thy holy H2022 mountain: H2399 because for our sins, H5771 and for the perversities H1 of our fathers, H3389 Jerusalem H5971 and thy people H2781 have become a reproach H5439 to all that are about us.
  17 H430 Now therefore, O our God, H8085 [H8798] hear H8605 the prayer H5650 of thy servant, H8469 and his supplications, H6440 and cause thy face H215 [H8685] to shine H4720 upon thy sanctuary H8076 that is desolate, H136 for the Lord's sake.
  18 H430 O my God, H5186 [H8685] incline H241 thine ear, H8085 [H8798] and hear; H6491 [H8798] open H5869 thine eyes, H7200 [H8798] and behold H8074 [H8802] our desolations, H5892 and the city H7121 [H8738] which is called H8034 by thy name: H5307 [H8688] for we do not present H8469 our supplications H6440 at the face of H6666 thee for our righteousnesses, H7227 but for thy great H7356 compassions.
  19 H136 O Sovereign, H8085 [H8798] hear; H136 O Sovereign, H5545 [H8798] forgive; H136 O Sovereign, H7181 [H8685] hearken H6213 [H8798] and do; H309 [H8762] defer H408 not, H430 for thy own sake, O my God: H5892 for thy city H5971 and thy people H7121 [H8738] are called H8034 by thy name.
  20 H1696 [H8764] And while I was speaking, H6419 [H8693] and praying, H3034 [H8693] and confessing H2403 my sin H2403 and the sin H5971 of my people H3478 Israel, H5307 [H8688] and presenting H8467 my supplication H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD H430 my God H6944 for the holy H2022 mountain H430 of my God;
  21 H1696 [H8764] Yea, while I was speaking H8605 in prayer, H376 even the man H1403 Gabriel, H7200 [H8804] whom I had seen H2377 in the vision H8462 at the beginning, H3286 [H8716] being caused to fly H3288 swiftly, H5060 [H8802] touched H6256 me about the time H6153 of the evening H4503 oblation.
  22 H995 [H8799] And he informed H1696 [H8762] me, and talked H559 [H8799] with me, and said, H1840 O Daniel, H3318 [H8804] I am now come forth H7919 [H8687] to give thee skill H998 and understanding.
  23 H8462 At the beginning H8469 of thy supplications H1697 the commandment H3318 [H8804] came forth, H935 [H8804] and I am come H5046 [H8687] to show H2532 thee; for thou art greatly beloved: H995 [H8798] therefore understand H1697 the matter, H995 [H8685] and consider H4758 the vision.
  24 H7657 Seventy H7620 weeks H2852 [H8738] are determined H5971 upon thy people H6944 and upon thy holy H5892 city, H3607 [H8763] to finish H6588 the revolt, H8552 H2856 [H8687] and to make an end H2403 of sins, H3722 [H8763] and to make reconciliation H5771 for perversity, H935 [H8687] and to bring in H5769 everlasting H6664 righteousness, H2856 [H8800] and to seal up H2377 the vision H5030 and prophecy, H4886 [H8800] and to anoint H6944 the most H6944 Holy.
  25 H3045 [H8799] Know H7919 [H8686] therefore and understand, H4161 that from the going forth H1697 of the commandment H7725 [H8687] to restore H1129 [H8800] and to build H3389 Jerusalem H4899 to the Messiah H5057 the Prince H7651 shall be seven H7620 weeks, H8346 and sixty H8147 and two H7620 weeks: H7339 the street H1129 [H8738] shall be built H7725 [H8799] again, H2742 and the wall, H6695 even in troublous H6256 times.
  26 H310 And after H8346 sixty H8147 and two H7620 weeks H4899 shall Messiah H3772 [H8735] be cut off, H5971 but not for himself: and the people H5057 of the prince H935 [H8802] that shall come H7843 [H8686] shall decay H5892 the city H6944 and the sanctuary; H7093 and its end H7858 shall be with a flood, H7093 and to the end H4421 of the war H8074 [H8802] desolations H2782 [H8737] are determined.
  27 H1396 [H8689] And he shall confirm H1285 the covenant H7227 with many H259 for one H7620 week: H2677 and in the midst H7620 of the week H2077 he shall cause the sacrifice H4503 and the oblation H7673 [H8686] to cease, H3671 and for the overspreading H8251 of abominations H8074 [H8789] he shall make it desolate, H3617 even until the consummation, H2782 [H8737] and that determined H5413 [H8799] shall be poured H8074 [H8802] upon the desolate.

Genesis 32:11

  11 H5337 [H8685] Deliver me, H3027 I pray thee, from the hand H251 of my brother, H3027 from the hand H6215 of Esau: H3373 for I fear H935 [H8799] him, lest he will come H5221 [H8689] and smite me, H517 and the mother H5921 with H1121 the sons.

Genesis 32:28

  28 H559 [H8799] And he said, H8034 Thy name H559 [H8735] shall be called H3290 no more Jacob, H3478 but Israel: H8280 [H8804] for as a prince hast thou power H430 with God H582 and with men, H3201 [H8799] and hast prevailed.

Genesis 40:2

  2 H6547 And Pharaoh H7107 [H8799] burst out in rage H5921 with H8147 two H5631 of his officers, H8269 with the chief H8248 [H8688] of the butlers, H8269 and with the chief H644 [H8802] of the bakers.

Genesis 40:9-13

  9 H8269 And the chief H8248 [H8688] butler H5608 [H8762] told H2472 his dream H3130 to Joseph, H559 [H8799] and said H2472 to him, In my dream, H1612 behold, a vine H6440 was before the face of me;
  10 H1612 And on the vine H7969 were three H8299 branches: H6524 [H8802] and it was as though it budded, H5322 and its blossoms H5927 [H8804] shot forth; H811 and its clusters H1310 [H8689] brought forth ripe H6025 grapes:
  11 H6547 And Pharaoh's H3563 cup H3027 was in my hand: H3947 [H8799] and I took H6025 the grapes, H7818 [H8799] and pressed H6547 them into Pharaoh's H3563 cup, H5414 [H8799] and I gave H3563 the cup H6547 into Pharaoh's H3709 palm.
  12 H3130 And Joseph H559 [H8799] said H6623 to him, This is the interpretation H7969 of it: The three H8299 branches H7969 are three H3117 days:
  13 H5750 Yet H7969 within three H3117 days H6547 shall Pharaoh H5375 [H8799] lift up H7218 thy head, H7725 [H8689] and restore H3653 thee to thy place: H5414 [H8804] and thou shalt give H6547 Pharaoh's H3563 cup H3027 into his hand, H7223 after the former H4941 manner H8248 [H8688] when thou wast his butler.

Genesis 40:21

  21 H7725 0 And he restored H8269 the chief H8248 [H8688] butler H4945 to his butlership H7725 [H8686] again; H5414 [H8799] and he gave H3563 the cup H6547 into Pharaoh's H3709 palm:

Genesis 40:23

  23 H8269 Yet the chief H8248 [H8688] butler H2142 [H8804] did not remember H3130 Joseph, H7911 [H8799] but forgot him.

Genesis 41:9

  9 H1696 [H8762] Then spoke H8269 the chief H8248 [H8688] butler H6547 to Pharaoh, H559 [H8800] saying, H2142 [H8688] I do remember H2399 my faults H3117 this day:

Genesis 43:14

  14 H410 And God H7706 Almighty H5414 [H8799] give H7356 you compassions H6440 at the face of H376 the man, H7971 [H8765] that he may send away H312 your other H251 brother, H1144 and Benjamin. H834 If H7921 [H8804] I be bereaved H7921 [H8804] of my children, I am bereaved.

Ezra 1:1

  1 H259 Now in the first H8141 year H3566 of Cyrus H4428 king H6539 of Persia, H1697 that the word H3068 of the LORD H6310 by the mouth H3414 of Jeremiah H3615 [H8800] might be fulfilled, H3068 the LORD H5782 [H8689] stirred up H7307 the spirit H3566 of Cyrus H4428 king H6539 of Persia, H5674 H6963 [H8686] that he made a proclamation H4438 throughout all his kingdom, H4385 and put it also in writing, H559 [H8800] saying,

Ezra 7:27-28

  27 H1288 [H8803] Blessed H3068 be the LORD H430 God H1 of our fathers, H5414 [H8804] who hath put H4428 such a thing as this in the king's H3820 heart, H6286 [H8763] to beautify H1004 the house H3068 of the LORD H3389 which is in Jerusalem:
  28 H5186 [H8689] And hath extended H2617 mercy H6440 to me at the face of H4428 the king, H3289 [H8802] and his counsellors, H4428 and before all the king's H1368 mighty H8269 princes. H2388 [H8694] And I was strengthened H3027 as the hand H3068 of the LORD H430 my God H6908 [H8799] was upon me, and I gathered H3478 out of Israel H7218 chief men H5927 [H8800] to go up with me.

Nehemiah 1:6

  6 H241 Let thine ear H7183 now be attentive, H5869 and thine eyes H6605 [H8803] open, H8085 [H8800] that thou mayest hear H8605 the prayer H5650 of thy servant, H6419 [H8693] which I pray H6440 at the face of H3117 thee now, H3119 day H3915 and night, H1121 for the sons H3478 of Israel H5650 thy servants, H3034 [H8693] and confess H2403 the sins H1121 of the sons H3478 of Israel, H2398 [H8804] which we have sinned H1 against thee: both I and my father's H1004 house H2398 [H8804] have sinned.

Nehemiah 2:8

  8 H107 And a letter H623 to Asaph H8104 [H8802] the keeper H4428 of the king's H6508 orchard, H5414 [H8799] that he may give H6086 me timber H7136 [H8763] to make beams H8179 for the gates H1002 of the palace H1004 which is near to the house, H2346 and for the wall H5892 of the city, H1004 and for the house H935 [H8799] that I shall enter. H4428 And the king H5414 [H8799] granted H2896 me, according to the good H3027 hand H430 of my God upon me.

Psalms 86:6

  6 H238 [H8685] Give ear, H3068 O LORD, H8605 to my prayer; H7181 [H8685] and prick up thine ear H6963 to the voice H8469 of my supplications.

Proverbs 1:29

  29 H8130 [H8804] Because they hated H1847 knowledge, H977 [H8804] and did not choose H3374 the fear H3068 of the LORD:

Proverbs 21:1

  1 H4428 The king's H3820 heart H3027 is in the hand H3068 of the LORD, H6388 as the rivers H4325 of water: H5186 [H8686] he turneth H2654 [H8799] it wherever he will.

Isaiah 26:8-9

  8 H734 Yea, in the way H4941 of thy judgments, H3068 O LORD, H6960 [H8765] have we waited H8378 for thee; the desire H5315 of our breath H8034 is to thy name, H2143 and to the remembrance of thee.
  9 H5315 With my breath H183 [H8765] have I desired H3915 thee in the night; H7307 yea, with my spirit H7130 within H7836 [H8762] me will I seek thee early: H4941 for when thy judgments H776 are in the earth, H3427 [H8802] the inhabitants H8398 of the world H3925 [H8804] will learn H6664 righteousness.

Hebrews 13:18

  18 G4336 [G5737] Pray G4012 for G2257 us: G1063 G3754 for G3982 [G5754] we trust G2192 [G5719] we have G2570 a good G4893 conscience, G1722 in G3956 all things G2309 [G5723] willing G390 [G5745] to live G2573 honestly.

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