Bible verses about "entitlement" | new

Psalms 119:105

  105 H1697 NUN. Thy word H5216 is a lamp H7272 to my feet, H216 and a light H5410 to my path.

Matthew 10:16

  16 G2400 [G5628] { Behold, G1473 I G649 0 send G5209 you G649 [G5719] forth G5613 as G4263 sheep G1722 in G3319 the midst G3074 of wolves: G1096 [G5737] be ye G3767 therefore G5429 prudent G5613 as G3789 serpents, G2532 and G185 unmixed G5613 as G4058 doves.}

Luke 14:7-11

  7 G1161 And G3004 [G5707] he put forth G3850 a parable G4314 to G2564 [G5772] those who were invited, G1907 [G5723] when he marked G4459 how G1586 [G5710] they chose out G4411 the best places; G3004 [G5723] saying G4314 to G846 them,
  8 G3752 { When G2564 [G5686] thou art invited G5259 by G5100 any G1519 man to G1062 a wedding, G2625 0 sit G3361 not G2625 [G5686] down G1519 in G4411 the best place; G3379 lest G1784 a more honourable man G4675 than thou G5600 [G5753] be G2564 [G5772] invited G5259 by G846 him;}
  9 G2532 { And G2564 [G5660] he that invited G4571 thee G2532 and G846 him G2064 [G5631] shall come G2046 [G5692] and say G4671 to thee, G1325 [G5628] Give G5129 this man G5117 place; G2532 and G5119 then G756 [G5672] thou begin G3326 with G152 shame G2722 [G5721] to take G2078 the lowest G5117 place.}

Luke 14:11-11

  11 G3754 { For G3956 whoever G5312 [G5723] exalteth G1438 himself G5013 [G5701] shall be humbled; G2532 and G5013 [G5723] he that humbleth G1438 himself G5312 [G5701] shall be exalted.}

Luke 14:10-11

  10 G235 { But G3752 when G2564 [G5686] thou art invited, G4198 [G5679] having gone G377 [G5657] sit down G1519 in G3588 the G2078 lowest G5117 place; G2443 that G3752 whenever G3588 the one G2564 [G5761] having invited G4571 thee G2064 [G5632] may come, G2036 [G5632] he may say G4671 to thee, G5384 Friend, G4320 [G5628] ascend G511 higher: G5119 then G4671 shalt thou G2071 [G5704] have G1391 glory G1799 in the sight G3588 of the ones G4873 [G5740] reclining together G4671 with thee.}

Matthew 23:1-39

  1 G5119 Then G2424 Jesus G2980 [G5656] spoke G3588 to the G3793 crowds, G2532 and G846 to his G3101 disciples,
  2 G3004 [G5723] Saying, G1122 { The scribes G2532 and G5330 the Pharisees G2523 [G5656] sit G1909 in G2515 the seat G3475 of Moses:}
  3 G3956 { All G3767 therefore G302 G3745 whatever G2036 [G5632] they bid G5213 you G5083 [G5721] observe, G5083 [G5720] that observe G2532 and G4160 [G5720] do; G1161 but G4160 [G5720] do G3361 not G2596 ye according to G846 their G2041 works: G1063 for G3004 [G5719] they say, G2532 and G4160 [G5719] do G3756 not.}
  4 G1063 { For G1195 [G5719] they bind G926 heavy G5413 burdens G2532 and G1419 grievous to be borne, G2532 and G2007 [G5719] lay G1909 them on G444 men's G5606 shoulders; G1161 but G2309 [G5719] they themselves will G3756 not G2795 [G5658] move G846 them G846 with one of their G1147 fingers.}
  5 G1161 { But G3956 all G846 their G2041 works G4160 G4314 [G5719] they do G2300 [G5683] to be seen G444 by men: G1161   G4115 [G5719] they make broad G846 their G5440 phylacteries, G2532 and G3170 [G5719] magnify G3588 the G2899 borders G846 of their G2440 garments,}
  6 G5037 { And G5368 [G5719] are fond of G3588 the G4411 uppermost place G1722 in G3588 the G1173 feasts, G2532 and G3588 the G4410 best seats G1722 in G4864 the synagogues,}
  7 G2532 { And G783 greetings G1722 in G58 the markets, G2532 and G2564 [G5745] to be called G5259 by G444 men, G4461 Rabbi, G4461 Rabbi.}
  8 G1161 { But G2564 0 be G3361 not G5210 ye G2564 [G5686] called G4461 Rabbi: G1063 for G1520 one G2076 [G5748] is G5216 your G2519 Master, G5547 even Anointed; G1161 and G3956 all G5210 ye G2075 [G5748] are G80 brethren.}
  9 G2532 { And G2564 [G5661] call G3361 no G5216 man your G3962 father G1909 upon G1093 the earth: G1063 for G1520 one G2076 [G5748] is G5216 your G3962 Father, G3588 who G1722 is in G3772 heaven.}
  10 G3366 { Neither G2564 [G5686] be ye called G2519 masters: G1063 for G1520 one G2076 [G5748] is G5216 your G2519 Master, G5547 even Anointed.}
  11 G1161 { But G3187 he that is greatest G5216 among you G2071 [G5704] shall be G5216 your G1249 servant.}
  12 G1161 { And G3748 whoever G5312 [G5692] shall exalt G1438 himself G5013 [G5701] shall be humbled; G2532 and G3748 he G5013 [G5692] that shall humble G1438 himself G5312 [G5701] shall be exalted.}
  13 G1161 { But G3759 woe G5213 to you, G1122 scribes G2532 and G5330 Pharisees, G5273 hypocrites! G3754 for G2808 [G5719] ye shut up G932 the kingdom G3772 of heaven G1715 against G444 men: G1063 for G5210 ye G3761 neither G1525 [G5736] go in G3756 yourselves, neither G863 [G5719] allow ye G1525 [G5740] them that are entering G1525 [G5629] to go in.}
  14 G3759 { Woe G5213 to you, G1122 scribes G2532 and G5330 Pharisees, G5273 hypocrites! G3754 for G2719 [G5719] ye devour G5503 widows' G3614 houses, G2532 and G4392 for a pretence G4336 0 make G3117 long G4336 [G5740] prayer: G1223 G5124 therefore G2983 [G5695] ye shall receive G4055 the greater G2917 damnation.}
  15 G3759 { Woe G5213 to you, G1122 scribes G2532 and G5330 Pharisees, G5273 hypocrites! G3754 for G4013 [G5719] ye lead about G3588 the G2281 sea G2532 and G3588 the G3584 dry land G4160 [G5658] to make G1520 one G4339 proselyte, G2532 and G3752 when G1096 [G5638] he is made, G4160 [G5719] ye make G846 him G1362 twofold more G5207 the son G1067 of the Valley of the Son of Hinnom G5216 than yourselves.}
  16 G3759 { Woe G5213 to you, G5185 ye blind G3595 guides, G3588 who G3004 [G5723] say, G3739 G302 Whoever G3660 [G5661] shall swear G1722 by G3485 the inmost temple, G2076 [G5748] it is G3762 nothing; G1161 but G3739 G302 whoever G3660 [G5661] shall swear G1722 by G5557 the gold G3485 of the inmost temple, G3784 [G5719] he is a debtor!}
  17 G3474 { Ye fools G2532 and G5185 blind: G1063 for G5101 which G2076 [G5748] is G3187 greater, G5557 the gold, G2228 or G3485 the inmost temple G37 [G5723] that sanctifieth G5557 the gold?}
  18 G2532 { And, G3739 G1437 Whoever G3660 [G5661] shall swear G1722 by G2379 the altar, G2076 [G5748] it is G3762 nothing; G1161 but G3739 G302 whoever G3660 [G5661] sweareth G1722 by G1435 the gift G1883 that is upon G846 it, G3784 [G5719] he is bound.}
  19 G3474 { Ye fools G2532 and G5185 blind: G1063 for G5101 which G3187 is greater, G1435 the gift, G2228 or G2379 the altar G37 [G5723] that sanctifieth G1435 the gift?}
  20 G3767 { Whoever therefore G3660 [G5660] shall swear G1722 by G2379 the altar, G3660 [G5719] sweareth G1722 by G846 it, G2532 and G1722 by G3956 all things G1883 on G846 it.}
  21 G2532 { And G3660 [G5660] whoever shall swear G1722 by G3485 the inmost temple, G3660 [G5719] sweareth G1722 by G846 it, G2532 and G1722 by G2730 [G5723] him that dwelleth G846 in it.}
  22 G2532 { And G3660 [G5660] he that shall swear G1722 by G3772 heaven, G3660 [G5719] sweareth G1722 by G2362 the throne G2316 of God, G2532 and G1722 by G2521 [G5740] him that sitteth G1883 upon G846 it.}
  23 G3759 { Woe G5213 to you, G1122 scribes G2532 and G5330 Pharisees, G5273 hypocrites! G3754 for G586 [G5719] ye pay tithe G2238 of mint G2532 and G432 anise G2532 and G2951 cummin, G2532 and G863 [G5656] have omitted G926 the weightier G3551 matters of the law, G2920 justice, G2532   G1656 mercy, G2532 and G4102 faith: G5023 these G1163 [G5713] ye ought G4160 [G5658] to have done, G3361 and not G863 0 to leave G2548 the others G863 [G5721] undone.}
  24 G5185 { Ye blind G3595 guides, G1368 [G5723] who strain out G2971 a gnat, G1161 and G2666 [G5723] swallow G2574 a camel.}
  25 G3759 { Woe G5213 to you, G1122 scribes G2532 and G5330 Pharisees, G5273 hypocrites! G3754 for G2511 [G5719] ye make clean G1855 the outside G4221 of the cup G2532 and G3953 of the platter, G1161 but G2081 within G1073 [G5719] they are full G1537 of G724 extortion G2532 and G192 excess.}
  26 G5185 { Thou blind G5330 Pharisee, G2511 [G5657] cleanse G4412 first G1787 that which is within G4221 the cup G2532 and G3953 platter, G2443 that G1622 the outside G846 of them G1096 [G5638] may be G2513 clean G2532 also.}
  27 G3759 { Woe G5213 to you, G1122 scribes G2532 and G5330 Pharisees, G5273 hypocrites! G3754 for G3945 [G5719] ye are like G2867 [G5772] whitewashed G5028 burial-places, G3748 which G3303 indeed G5316 [G5727] appear G5611 beautiful G1855 outward, G1161 but G2081 are within G1073 [G5719] full G3498 of dead G3747 men's bones, G2532 and G3956 of all G167 uncleanness.}
  28 G3779 { Thus G5210 ye G2532 G3303 also G1855 outwardly G5316 [G5743] appear G1342 righteous G444 to men, G1161 but G2081 within G2075 [G5748] ye are G3324 full G5272 of hypocrisy G2532 and G458 lawlessness.}
  29 G3759 { Woe G5213 to you, G1122 scribes G2532 and G5330 Pharisees, G5273 hypocrites! G3754 because G3618 [G5719] ye build G3588 the G5028 burial-places G3588 of the G4396 prophets, G2532 and G2885 [G5719] garnish G3588 the G3419 memorials G3588 of the G1342 righteous,}
  30 G2532 { And G3004 [G5719] say, G1487 If G2258 [G5713] we had been G1722 in G2250 the days G2257 of our G3962 fathers, G302 we would G3756 not G2258 [G5713] have been G2844 partners G846 with them G1722 in G129 the blood G4396 of the prophets.}
  31 G5620 { Therefore G3140 [G5719] ye are witnesses G1438 against yourselves, G3754 that G2075 [G5748] ye are G5207 sons G5407 [G5660] of them who murdered G4396 the prophets.}
  32 G4137 0 { Fill G5210 ye G4137 [G5657] up G2532 then G3358 the measure G5216 of your G3962 fathers.}
  33 G3789 { Ye serpents, G1081 ye generation G2191 of vipers, G4459 how G5343 [G5632] can ye flee G575 from G3588 the G2920 judgment G3588 of the G1067 Valley of the Son of Hinnom?}
  34 G1223 G5124 { Therefore, G2400 [G5628] behold, G1473 I G649 [G5719] send G4314 to G5209 you G4396 prophets, G2532 and G4680 wise men, G2532 and G1122 scribes: G2532 and G1537 some of G846 them G615 [G5692] ye shall kill G2532 and G4717 [G5692] impale; G2532 and G1537 some of G846 them G3146 [G5692] ye shall scourge G1722 in G5216 your G4864 synagogues, G2532 and G1377 [G5692] persecute G575 them from G4172 city G1519 to G4172 city:}
  35 G3704 { That G1909 upon G5209 you G2064 [G5632] may come G3956 all G1342 the righteous G129 blood G1632 [G5746] shed G1909 upon G1093 the earth, G575 from G129 the blood G1342 of righteous G6 Abel G2193 to G129 the blood G2197 of Zachariah G5207 son G914 of Barachias, G3739 whom G5407 [G5656] ye murdered G3342 between G3485 the inmost temple G2532 and G2379 the altar.}
  36 G281 { Verily G3004 [G5719] I say G5213 to you, G3956 All G5023 these things G2240 [G5692] shall come G1909 upon G5026 this G1074 generation.}
  37 G2419 { O Jerusalem, G2419 Jerusalem, G615 [G5723] thou that killest G4396 the prophets, G2532 and G3036 [G5723] stonest G649 [G5772] them who are sent G4314 to G846 thee, G4212 how often G2309 [G5656] would I G1996 0 have gathered G4675 G3739 thy G5043 children G1996 [G5629] together, G5158 even as G3733 a hen G1996 [G5719] gathereth G1438 her G3556 chickens G5259 under G4420 her wings, G2532 and G2309 [G5656] ye would G3756 not!}
  38 G2400 [G5628] { Behold, G5216 your G3624 house G863 [G5743] is left G5213 to you G2048 desolate.}
  39 G1063 { For G3004 [G5719] I say G5213 to you, G1492 0 Ye shall G3364 not G1492 [G5632] see G3165 me G575 G737 henceforth, G2193 G302 till G2036 [G5632] ye shall say, G2127 [G5772] Blessed G2064 [G5740] is he that cometh G1722 in G3686 the name G2962 of the Lord.}

Matthew 25:1-46

  1 G5119 { Then G932 shall the kingdom G3772 of heaven G3666 [G5701] be likened G1176 to ten G3933 virgins, G3748 who G2983 [G5631] took G846 their G2985 lamps, G1831 [G5627] and went forth G529 G1519 to meet G3566 the bridegroom.}
  2 G1161 { And G4002 five G1537 of G846 them G2258 [G5713] were G5429 prudent, G2532 and G4002 five G3474 were foolish.}
  3 G3748 { They G3474 that were foolish G2983 [G5631] took G846 G1438 their G2985 lamps, G2983 [G5627] and took G3756 no G1637 oil G3326 with G1438 them:}
  4 G1161 { But G5429 the prudent G2983 [G5627] took G1637 oil G1722 in G846 their G30 containers G3326 with G846 their G2985 lamps.}
  5 G1161 { While G3566 the bridegroom G5549 [G5723] tarried, G3956 they all G3573 [G5656] slumbered G2532 and G2518 [G5707] slept.}
  6 G1161 { And G3319 at mid G3571 night G2906 there was a cry G1096 [G5754] made, G2400 [G5628] Behold, G3588 the G3566 bridegroom G2064 [G5736] cometh; G1831 [G5737] go ye out G1519 to G529 meet G846 him.}
  7 G5119 { Then G3956 all G1565 those G3933 virgins G1453 [G5681] arose, G2532 and G2885 [G5656] trimmed G846 their G2985 lamps.}
  8 G1161 { And G3474 the foolish G2036 [G5627] said G5429 to the prudent, G1325 [G5628] Give G2254 us G1537 of G5216 your G1637 oil; G3754 for G2257 our G2985 lamps G4570 [G5743] are gone out.}
  9 G1161 { But G5429 the prudent G611 [G5662] answered, G3004 [G5723] saying, G3379 Not so; lest G714 0 there be G3756 not G714 [G5661] sufficient G2254 for us G2532 and G5213 you: G1161 but G4198 [G5737] go ye G3123 rather G4314 to them G4453 [G5723] that sell, G2532 and G59 [G5657] buy G1438 for yourselves.}
  10 G1161 { And G846 while they G565 [G5740] were going G59 [G5658] to buy, G3566 the bridegroom G2064 [G5627] came; G2532 and G2092 they that were ready G1525 [G5627] went in G3326 with G846 him G1519 to G1062 the marriage: G2532 and G2374 the door G2808 [G5681] was shut.}
  11 G1161 G5305 { Afterward G2064 [G5736] came G2532 also G3062 the other G3933 virgins, G3004 [G5723] saying, G2962 Lord, G2962 Lord, G455 [G5657] open G2254 to us.}
  12 G1161 { But G611 [G5679] he answered G2036 [G5627] and said, G281 Verily G3004 [G5719] I say G5213 to you, G1492 [G5758] I know G5209 you G3756 not.}
  13 G1127 [G5720] { Watch G3767 therefore, G3754 for G1492 [G5758] ye know G3756 neither G2250 the day G3761 nor G5610 the hour G1722 G3739 when G5207 the Son G444 of man G2064 [G5736] cometh.}
  14 G1063 { For 0 the kingdom of heaven is G5618 as G444 a man G589 [G5723] travelling into a far country, G2564 [G5656] who called G2398 his own G1401 slaves, G2532 and G3860 [G5656] delivered G846 to them G846 his G5224 [G5723] goods.}
  15 G2532 { And G3739 G3303 to one G1325 [G5656] he gave G4002 five G5007 talents, G1161   G3739 to another G1417 two, G1161 and G3739 to another G1520 one; G1538 to every man G2596 according G2398 to his own G1411 power; G2532 and G2112 immediately G589 [G5656] took his journey.}
  16 G1161 { Then G2983 [G5631] he that had received G4002 the five G5007 talents G4198 [G5679] went G2038 [G5662] and worked G1722 with G846 the same, G2532 and G4160 [G5656] gained G243 other G4002 five G5007 talents.}
  17 G2532 { And G5615 likewise G3588 he that had received G1417 two, G846 he G2532 also G2770 [G5656] gained G243 other G1417 two.}
  18 G1161 { But G2983 [G5631] he that had received G1520 one G565 [G5631] went G3736 [G5656] and dug G1722 in G1093 the earth, G2532 and G613 [G5656] hid G846 his G2962 lord's G694 money.}
  19 G1161 G3326 { After G4183 a long G5550 time G2962 the lord G1565 of those G1401 slaves G2064 [G5736] cometh, G2532 and G4868 G3056 [G5719] reckoneth G3326 with G846 them.}
  20 G2532 { And G2983 [G5631] he that had received G4002 five G5007 talents G4334 [G5631] came G4374 [G5656] and brought G243 other G4002 five G5007 talents, G3004 [G5723] saying, G2962 Lord, G3860 [G5656] thou didst deliver G3427 to me G4002 five G5007 talents: G2396 behold, G2770 [G5656] I have gained G1909 besides G846 them G4002 five G5007 talents G243 more.}
  21 G1161 { And G846 his G2962 lord G5346 [G5713] said G846 to him, G2095 Well done, G18 thou good G2532 and G4103 faithful G1401 slave: G2258 [G5713] thou hast been G4103 faithful G1909 over G3641 a few things, G2525 [G5692] I will place G4571 thee G1909 over G4183 many things: G1525 [G5628] enter thou G1519 into G5479 the joy G4675 of thy G2962 lord.}
  22 G1161 { G2532 He also G2983 [G5631] that had received G1417 two G5007 talents G4334 [G5631] came G2036 [G5627] and said, G2962 Lord, G3860 [G5656] thou didst deliver G3427 to me G1417 two G5007 talents: G2396 behold, G2770 [G5656] I have gained G1417 two G243 other G5007 talents G1909 besides G846 them.}
  23 G846 { His G2962 lord G5346 [G5713] said G846 to him, G2095 Well done, G18 good G2532 and G4103 faithful G1401 slave; G2258 [G5713] thou hast been G4103 faithful G1909 over G3641 a few things, G2525 [G5692] I will place G4571 thee G1909 over G4183 many things: G1525 [G5628] enter thou G1519 into G5479 the joy G4675 of thy G2962 lord.}
  24 G1161 G2532 { Then G2983 [G5761] he who had received G1520 the one G5007 talent G4334 [G5631] came G2036 [G5627] and said, G2962 Lord, G1097 [G5627] I knew G4571 thee G3754 that G1488 [G5748] thou art G4642 an hard G444 man, G2325 [G5723] reaping G3699 where G4687 0 thou hast G3756 not G4687 [G5656] sown, G2532 and G4863 [G5723] gathering G3606 where G1287 0 thou hast G3756 not G1287 [G5656] scattered seed:}
  25 G2532 { And G5399 [G5679] I was afraid, G565 [G5631] and went G2928 [G5656] and hid G4675 thy G5007 talent G1722 in G1093 the earth: G2396 lo, G2192 [G5719] there thou hast G4674 what is thine.}
  26 G1161 { And G846 His G2962 lord G611 [G5679] answering G2036 [G5627] said G846 to him, G4190 Thou wicked G2532 and G3636 slothful G1401 slave, G1492 [G5715] thou knewest G3754 that G2325 [G5719] I reap G3699 where G3756 I have not G4687 [G5656] sown, G2532 and G4863 [G5719] gather G3606 where G1287 0 I have G3756 not G1287 [G5656] scattered seed:}
  27 G4571 { Thou G1163 [G5713] oughtest G3767 therefore G906 [G5629] to have put G3450 my G694 money G5133 in the bank, G2532 and G2064 [G5631] then at my coming G1473 I G302 should G2865 [G5668] have received G1699 mine own G4862 with G5110 interest.}
  28 G142 [G5657] { Take G3767 therefore G5007 the talent G575 from G846 him, G2532 and G1325 [G5628] give G2192 [G5723] it to him who hath G1176 ten G5007 talents.}
  29 G1063 { For G3956 to every one G2192 [G5723] that hath G1325 [G5701] shall be given, G2532 and G4052 [G5701] he shall have abundance: G1161 but G575 from G846 him G2192 [G5723] that hath G3361 not G142 G575 [G5701] shall be taken away G2532 even G3739 that which G2192 [G5719] he hath.}
  30 G2532 { And G1544 [G5720] cast ye G888 the unprofitable G1401 slave G1519 into G1857 outer G4655 darkness: G1563 there G2071 [G5704] shall be G2805 weeping G2532 and G1030 gnashing G3599 of teeth.}
  31 G1161 G3752 { When G5207 the Son G444 of man G2064 [G5632] shall come G1722 in G846 his G1391 glory, G2532 and G3956 all G40 the holy G32 messengers G3326 with G846 him, G5119 then G2523 [G5692] shall he sit G1909 upon G2362 the throne G846 of his G1391 glory:}
  32 G2532 { And G1715 before G846 him G4863 [G5701] shall be gathered G3956 all G1484 nations: G2532 and G873 [G5692] he shall separate G846 them G240 0 one G575 from G240 another, G5618 as G4166 a shepherd G873 [G5719] divideth G4263 his sheep G575 from G2056 the goats:}
  33 G2532 { And G2476 G3303 [G5692] he shall set G4263 the sheep G1537 on G846 his G1188 right hand, G1161 but G2055 the goats G1537 on G2176 the left.}
  34 G5119 { Then G935 shall the King G2046 [G5692] say G1537 to them on G846 his G1188 right hand, G1205 [G5773] Come, G2127 [G5772] ye having been blessed G3450 of my G3962 Father, G2816 [G5657] inherit G932 the kingdom G2090 [G5772] having been prepared G5213 for you G575 from G2602 the casting down G2889 of the world:}
  35 G1063 { For G3983 [G5656] I was hungry, G2532 and G1325 [G5656] ye gave G3427 me G5315 [G5629] to eat: G1372 [G5656] I was thirsty, G2532 and G4222 0 ye gave G3165 me G4222 [G5656] drink: G2252 [G5713] I was G3581 a stranger, G2532 and G4863 0 ye took G3165 me G4863 [G5627] in:}
  36 G1131 { Naked, G2532 and G4016 [G5627] ye clothed G3165 me: G770 [G5656] I was sick, G2532 and G1980 [G5662] ye visited G3165 me: G2252 [G5713] I was G1722 in G5438 prison, G2532 and G2064 [G5627] ye came G4314 to G3165 me.}
  37 G5119 { Then G1342 shall the righteous G611 [G5700] answer G846 him, G3004 [G5723] saying, G2962 Lord, G4219 when G1492 [G5627] saw we G4571 thee G3983 [G5723] hungry, G2532 and G5142 [G5656] nourished G2228 thee? or G1372 [G5723] thirsty, G2532 and G4222 [G5656] gave thee drink?}
  38 G1161 { G4219 When G1492 [G5627] saw we G4571 thee G3581 a stranger, G2532 and G4863 [G5627] took thee in? G2228 or G1131 naked, G2532 and G4016 [G5627] clothed thee?}
  39 G1161 { G4219 Or when G1492 [G5627] saw we G4571 thee G772 sick, G2228 or G1722 in G5438 prison, G2532 and G2064 [G5627] came G4314 to G4571 thee?}
  40 G2532 { And G935 the King G611 [G5679] shall answer G2046 [G5692] and say G846 to them, G281 Verily G3004 [G5719] I say G5213 to you, G1909 Inasmuch G3745 as G4160 [G5656] ye have done G1520 it to one G1646 of the least G5130 of these G3450 my G80 brethren, G4160 [G5656] ye have done G1698 it to me.}
  41 G5119 { Then G2046 [G5692] shall he say G2532 also G1537 to them on G2176 the left hand, G4198 [G5737] Depart G575 from G1700 me, G2672 [G5772] ye having been cursed, G1519 into G166 age-during G4442 fire, G2090 [G5772] having been prepared G3588 for the G1228 slanderer G2532 and G846 his G32 messengers:}
  42 G1063 { For G3983 [G5656] I was hungry, G2532 and G1325 [G5656] ye gave G3427 me G3756 not G5315 [G5629] to eat: G1372 [G5656] I was thirsty, G2532 and G4222 0 ye gave G3165 me G3756 no G4222 [G5656] drink:}
  43 G2252 [G5713] { I was G3581 a stranger, G2532 and G4863 0 ye took G3165 me G3756 not G4863 [G5627] in: G1131 naked, G2532 and G4016 [G5627] ye clothed G3165 me G3756 not: G772 sick, G2532 and G1722 in G5438 prison, G2532 and G1980 [G5662] ye visited G3165 me G3756 not.}
  44 G5119 { Then G846 shall they G2532 also G611 [G5700] answer G846 him, G3004 [G5723] saying, G2962 Lord, G4219 when G1492 [G5627] saw we G4571 thee G3983 [G5723] hungry, G2228 or G1372 [G5723] thirsty, G2228 or G3581 a stranger, G2228 or G1131 naked, G2228 or G772 sick, G2228 or G1722 in G5438 prison, G2532 and G1247 0 did G3756 not G1247 [G5656] serve G4671 to thee?}
  45 G5119 { Then G611 [G5700] shall he answer G846 them, G3004 [G5723] saying, G281 Verily G3004 [G5719] I say G5213 to you, G1909 Inasmuch G3745 as G4160 [G5656] ye did G3756 it not G1520 to one G1646 of the least G5130 of these, G4160 [G5656] ye did G3761 it not G1698 to me.}
  46 G2532 { And G3778 these G565 [G5695] shall go away G1519 into G166 age-during G2851 chastisement: G1161 but G1342 the righteous G1519 into G166 age-during G2222 life.}

Romans 12:19

  19 G27 Dearly beloved, G1556 [G5723] avenge G3361 not G1438 yourselves, G235 but G1325 [G5628] rather give G5117 place G3709 to wrath: G1063 for G1125 [G5769] it is written, G1557 Vengeance G1698 is mine; G1473 I G467 [G5692] will repay, G3004 [G5719] saith G2962 the Lord.

1 John 4:16

  16 G2532 And G2249 we G1097 [G5758] have known G2532 and G4100 [G5758] believed G26 the love G3739 that G2316 God G2192 [G5719] hath G1722 to G2254 us. G2316 God G2076 [G5748] is G26 love; G2532 and G3306 [G5723] he that dwelleth G1722 in G26 love G3306 [G5719] dwelleth G1722 in G2316 God, G2532 and G2316 God G1722 in G846 him.

Proverbs 13:1-25

  1 H2450 A wise H1121 son H1 heareth his father's H4148 instruction: H3887 [H8801] but a scorner H8085 [H8804] heareth H1606 not rebuke.
  2 H376 A man H398 [H8799] shall eat H2896 good H6529 by the fruit H6310 of his mouth: H5315 but the breath H898 [H8802] of the treacherous H2555 shall eat violence.
  3 H5341 [H8802] He that keepeth H6310 his mouth H8104 [H8802] keepeth H5315 his breath: H6589 [H8802] but he that openeth wide H8193 his lips H4288 shall have dissolution.
  4 H5315 The breath H6102 of the sluggard H183 [H8693] desireth, H5315 and hath nothing: but the breath H2742 of the diligent H1878 [H8792] shall be made fat.
  5 H6662 A righteous H8130 [H8799] man hateth H1697 H8267 lying: H7563 but a wicked H887 [H8686] man is odious, H2659 [H8686] and cometh to shame.
  6 H6666 Righteousness H5341 [H8799] keepeth H8537 him that is upright H1870 in the way: H7564 but wickedness H5557 [H8762] overthroweth H2403 the sinner.
  7 H3426 There is H6238 [H8693] that maketh himself rich, H7326 [H8711] yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, H3605 yet H7227 hath great H1952 riches.
  8 H3724 The ransom H376 of a man's H5315 breath H6239 is his riches: H7326 [H8802] but the poor H8085 [H8804] heareth H1606 not rebuke.
  9 H216 The light H6662 of the righteous H8055 [H8799] rejoiceth: H5216 but the lamp H7563 of the wicked H1846 [H8799] shall be put out.
  10 H2087 Only by pride H5414 [H8799] cometh H4683 contention: H3289 [H8737] but with the well advised H2451 is wisdom.
  11 H1952 Wealth H1892 gotten by vanity H4591 [H8799] shall be diminished: H6908 [H8802] but he that gathereth H3027 by labour H7235 [H8686] shall increase.
  12 H8431 Hope H4900 [H8794] deferred H3820 maketh the heart H2470 [H8688] sick: H8378 but when the desire H935 [H8802] cometh, H6086 it is a tree H2416 of life.
  13 H936 [H8802] Whoever despiseth H1697 the word H2254 [H8735] shall be bound: H3373 but he that feareth H4687 the commandment H7999 [H8792] shall be rewarded.
  14 H8451 The law H2450 of the wise H4726 is a fountain H2416 of life, H5493 [H8800] to depart H4170 from the snares H4194 of death.
  15 H2896 Good H7922 understanding H5414 [H8799] giveth H2580 favour: H1870 but the way H898 [H8802] of the treacherous H386 is hard.
  16 H6175 Every prudent H6213 [H8799] man dealeth H1847 with knowledge: H3684 but a fool H6566 [H8799] layeth open H200 his folly.
  17 H7563 A wicked H4397 messenger H5307 [H8799] falleth H7451 into evil: H529 but a faithful H6735 ambassador H4832 is health.
  18 H7389 Poverty H7036 and shame H6544 [H8802] shall be to him that refuseth H4148 instruction: H8104 [H8802] but he that regardeth H8433 reproof H3513 [H8792] shall be honoured.
  19 H8378 The desire H1961 [H8738] accomplished H6149 [H8799] is sweet H5315 to the breath: H8441 but it is abomination H3684 to fools H5493 [H8800] to depart H7451 from evil.
  20 H1980 [H8802] He that walketh H2450 with wise H2449 [H8799] men shall be wise: H7462 [H8802] but a companion H3684 of fools H7489 [H8735] shall be broken to pieces.
  21 H7451 Evil H7291 [H8762] pursueth H2400 sinners: H6662 but to the righteous H2896 good H7999 [H8762] shall be rewarded with prosperity.
  22 H2896 A good H5157 [H8686] man leaveth an inheritance H1121 to his son's H1121 sons: H2428 and the wealth H2398 [H8802] of the sinner H6845 [H8803] is laid up H6662 for the just.
  23 H7230 Much H400 food H5215 is in the fallow ground H7218 H7326 [H8676] of the poor: H3426 but there is H5595 [H8737] that is swept away H3808 for lack H4941 of judgment.
  24 H2820 [H8802] He that spareth H7626 his rod H8130 [H8802] hateth H1121 his son: H157 [H8802] but he that loveth H4148 him chasteneth H7836 [H8765] him early.
  25 H6662 The righteous H398 [H8802] eateth H7648 to the satisfying H5315 of his breath: H990 but the belly H7563 of the wicked H2637 [H8799] shall want.

Matthew 20:1-16

  1 G1063 { For G932 the kingdom G3772 of heaven G2076 [G5748] is G3664 like G444 a man G3617 that is an householder, G3748 who G1831 [G5627] went out G260 at the same time G260 G4404 in the morning G3409 [G5670] to hire G2040 labourers G1519 into G846 his G290 vineyard.}
  2 G1161 { And G4856 [G5660] when he had agreed G3326 with G2040 the labourers G1537 for G1220 a penny G2250 a day, G649 [G5656] he sent G846 them G1519 into G846 his G290 vineyard.}
  3 G2532 { And G1831 [G5631] he went out G4012 about G5154 the third G5610 hour, G1492 [G5627] and saw G243 others G2476 [G5761] standing G692 idle G1722 in G58 the marketplace,}
  4 G2036 [G5627] { And said G2548 to them; G5217 [G5720] Go G5210 ye G2532 also G1519 into G290 the vineyard, G2532 and G3739 G1437 whatever G5600 [G5753] may be G1342 right G1325 [G5692] I will give G5213 you. G1161 And G565 [G5627] they went.}
  5 G3825 { Again G1831 [G5631] he went out G4012 about G1623 the sixth G2532 and G1766 ninth G5610 hour, G4160 [G5656] and did G5615 the same.}
  6 G1161 { And G4012 about G1734 the eleventh G5610 hour G1831 [G5631] he went out, G2147 [G5627] and found G243 others G2476 [G5761] standing G692 idle, G2532 and G3004 [G5719] saith G846 to them, G5101 Why G2476 [G5758] stand ye G5602 here G3650 all G2250 the day G692 idle?}
  7 G3004 [G5719] { They say G846 to him, G3754 Because G3762 no man G3409 [G5668] hath hired G2248 us. G3004 [G5719] He saith G846 to them, G5217 [G5720] Go G5210 ye G2532 also G1519 into G290 the vineyard; G2532 and G3739 G1437 whatever G5600 [G5753] may be G1342 right, G2983 [G5695] that shall ye receive.}
  8 G1161 { So G3798 when evening G1096 [G5637] was come, G2962 the lord G290 of the vineyard G3004 [G5719] saith G846 to his G2012 steward, G2564 [G5657] Call G2040 the labourers, G2532 and G591 [G5628] give G846 them G3408 their wage, G756 [G5671] beginning G575 from G2078 the last G2193 to G4413 the first.}
  9 G2532 { And G2064 [G5631] when they came G4012 that were hired about G1734 the eleventh G5610 hour, G2983 [G5627] they received G1220 a penny G303 apiece.}
  10 G1161 { But G4413 when the first G2064 [G5631] came, G3543 [G5656] they supposed G3754 that G2983 [G5695] they should receive G4119 more; G2532 and G2532 likewise G2983 [G5627] received G846 them G1220 a penny G303 apiece.}
  11 G1161 { And G2983 [G5631] when they had received G1111 [G5707] it, they murmured G2596 against G3617 the master of the house,}
  12 G3754 { G3004 [G5723] Saying, G3778 These G2078 last G4160 [G5656] have worked G3391 but one G5610 hour, G2532 and G4160 [G5656] thou hast made G846 them G2470 equal G2254 to us, G3588 who G941 [G5660] have borne G922 the burden G2532 and G2742 burning heat G2250 of the day.}
  13 G1161 { But G611 [G5679] he answered G1520 one G846 of them, G2036 [G5627] and said, G2083 Friend, G91 0 I do G4571 thee G3756 no G91 [G5719] wrong: G4856 0 didst G3780 thou not G4856 [G5656] agree G3427 with me G1220 for a penny?}
  14 G142 [G5657] { Take G4674 that which is thine, G2532 and G5217 [G5720] go thy way: G1161   G2309 [G5719] I will G1325 [G5629] give G5129 to this G2078 last, G2532 even G5613 as G4671 to thee.}
  15 G2228 { G1832 0 Is it G3756 not G1832 [G5748] allowed G3427 for me G4160 [G5658] to do G3739 what G2309 [G5719] I will G1722 with G1699 mine own? G1487   G2076 [G5748] Is G4675 thine G3788 eye G4190 evil, G3754 because G1473 I G1510 [G5748] am G18 good?}
  16 G3779 { So G2078 the last G2071 [G5704] shall be G4413 first, G2532 and G4413 the first G2078 last: G1063 for G4183 many G1526 [G5748] are G2822 called, G1161 but G3641 few G1588 chosen.}

Luke 4:18

  18 G4151 { The Spirit G2962 of the Lord G1909 is upon G1691 me, G1752 because G5548 [G5656] he hath anointed G3165 me G2097 [G5733] to announce good news G4434 to the poor; G649 [G5758] he hath sent G3165 me G2390 [G5664] to heal G4937 G2588 [G5772] the brokenhearted, G2784 [G5658] to proclaim G859 deliverance G164 to the captives, G2532 and G309 recovering of sight G5185 to the blind, G649 [G5658] to set G1722 at G859 liberty G2352 [G5772] them that are bruised,}

1 Timothy 5:8

  8 G1161 But G1536 if any G4306 [G5719] provideth G3756 not G2398 for his own, G2532 and G3122 especially G3609 for those of his own house, G720 [G5763] he hath denied G4102 the faith, G2532 and G2076 [G5748] is G5501 worse than G571 an unbeliever.

Ephesians 4:1-32

  1 G1473 I G3767 therefore, G1198 the prisoner G1722 of G2962 the Lord, G3870 [G5719] beseech G5209 you G4043 [G5658] that ye walk G516 worthily G2821 of the vocation G3739 by which G2564 [G5681] ye are called,
  2 G3326 With G3956 all G5012 humility G2532 and G4236 meekness, G3326 with G3115 longsuffering, G430 [G5740] bearing with G240 one another G1722 in G26 love;
  3 G4704 [G5723] Hurrying G5083 [G5721] to keep G1775 the unity G4151 of the Spirit G1722 in G4886 the bond G1515 of peace.
  4 G1520 There is one G4983 body, G2532 and G1520 one G4151 Spirit, G2531 G2532 even as G2564 [G5681] ye are called G1722 in G3391 one G1680 hope G5216 of your G2821 calling;
  5 G1520 One G2962 Lord, G1520 one G4102 faith, G3391 one G908 baptism,
  6 G1520 One G2316 God G2532 and G3962 Father G3956 of all, G3588 who G1909 is above G3956 all, G2532 and G1223 through G3956 all, G2532 and G1722 in G5213 you G3956 all.
  7 G1161 But G1538 to every G1520 one G2257 of us G1325 [G5681] is given G5485 grace G2596 according to G3358 the measure G1431 of the gift G5547 of Anointed.
  8 G1352 Therefore G3004 [G5719] he saith, G305 G1519 [G5631] When he ascended G5311 on high, G162 [G5656] he led captivity G161 captive, G2532 and G1325 [G5656] gave G1390 gifts G444 to men.
  9 G1161 (Now G305 [G5627] that he ascended, G5101 what G2076 [G5748] is it G1508 but G3754 that G2597 0 he G2532 also G2597 [G5627] descended G4412 first G1519 into G2737 the lower G3313 parts G1093 of the earth?
  10 G846 He G2597 [G5631] that descended G2076 [G5748] is G2532 the same also G305 [G5631] that ascended G5231 far above G3956 all G3772 heavens, G2443 that G4137 [G5661] he might fill G3956 all things.)
  11 G2532 And G846 he G1325 [G5656] gave G3303 some, G652 apostles; G1161 and G4396 some, prophets; G1161 and G2099 some, announcers of good news; G1161 and G4166 some, shepherds G2532 and G1320 teachers;
  12 G4314 Toward G3588 the G2677 complete furnishing G40 of the holy ones, G1519 into G2041 the work G1248 of service, G1519 into G3619 the edification G3588 of the G4983 body G5547 of Anointed:
  13 G3360 Till G3956 we all G2658 [G5661] come G1519 into G1775 the unity G4102 of the faith, G2532 and G1922 of the knowledge G5207 of the Son G2316 of God, G1519 into G5046 a perfect G435 man, G1519 into G3358 the measure G2244 of the stature G4138 of the fulness G5547 of Anointed:
  14 G2443 That G5600 [G5753] we henceforth be G3371 no more G3516 infants, G2831 [G5740] tossed to and fro, G2532 and G4064 [G5746] carried about with G3956 every G417 wind G1319 of teaching, G1722 by G2940 the sleight G444 of men, G1722 G3834 and cunning craftiness, G4314 by which G3180 they lie in wait G4106 to delude;
  15 G1161 But G226 [G5723] speaking the truth G1722 in G26 love, G837 [G5661] may grow up G1519 into G846 him G3956 in all things, G3739 who G2076 [G5748] is G2776 the head, G5547 even Anointed:
  16 G1537 From G3739 whom G3956 the whole G4983 body G4883 [G5746] fitly joined together G2532 and G4822 [G5746] compacted G1223 by G3956 that which every G860 joint G2024 supplieth, G2596 according G1753 to the effectual working G1722 in G3358 the measure G1538 of every G1520 G3313 part, G4160 [G5731] maketh G838 increase G4983 of the body G1519 to G3619 the edifying G1438 of itself G1722 in G26 love.
  17 G5124 This G3004 [G5719] I say G3767 therefore, G2532 and G3143 [G5736] testify G1722 in G2962 the Lord, G5209 that ye G3371 0 henceforth G4043 [G5721] walk G3371 not G2531 G2532 as G3062 other G1484 nations G4043 [G5719] walk, G1722 in G3153 the vanity G846 of their G3563 mind,
  18 G4654 [G5772] Having been darkened G1271 in their understanding, G5607 [G5752] being G526 [G5772] ones having been alienated G2222 from the life G2316 of God G1223 through G52 the ignorance G5607 [G5752] that is G1722 in G846 them, G1223 because G4457 of the petrifaction G846 of their G2588 heart:
  19 G3748 Who G524 [G5761] being past feeling G3860 0 have given G1438 themselves G3860 [G5656] over G766 to lasciviousness, G1519 to G2039 work G3956 all G167 uncleanness G1722 with G4124 greediness.
  20 G1161 But G5210 ye G3129 0 have G3756 not G3779 so G3129 [G5627] learned G5547 Anointed;
  21 G1489 If indeed G191 [G5656] ye have heard G846 him, G2532 and G1321 [G5681] have been taught G1722 by G846 him, G2531 as G225 the truth G2076 [G5748] is G1722 in G2424 Jesus:
  22 G5209 That ye G659 [G5641] put off G2596 concerning G4387 the former G391 behaviour G3820 the old G444 man, G3588 which G5351 [G5746] is corrupt G2596 according G539 to the deceitful G1939 lusts;
  23 G1161 And G365 [G5745] be renewed G4151 in the spirit G5216 of your G3563 mind;
  24 G2532 And G1746 [G5670] that ye put on G2537 the new G444 man, G3588 which G2596 after G2316 God G2936 [G5685] is created G1722 in G1343 righteousness G2532 and G225 true G3742 holiness.
  25 G1352 Therefore G659 [G5642] putting away G5579 lying, G2980 [G5720] speak G1538 every man G225 truth G3326 with G846 his G4139 neighbour: G3754 for G2070 [G5748] we are G3196 members G240 one of another.
  26 G3710 [G5744] Be ye angry, G2532 and G264 [G5720] sin G3361 not: G1931 0 let G3361 not G2246 the sun G1931 [G5720] go down G1909 upon G5216 your G3950 wrath:
  27 G3383 Neither G1325 [G5720] give G5117 place G3588 to the G1228 slanderer.
  28 G2813 0 Let G2813 [G5723] him that stole G2813 [G5720] steal G3371 no more: G1161 but G3123 rather G2872 [G5720] let him weary from labour, G2038 [G5740] working G5495 with his hands G18 the thing which is good, G2443 that G2192 [G5725] he may have G3330 [G5721] to give G5532 G2192 [G5723] to him that needeth.
  29 G4550 0 Let G3361 G3956 no G4550 rotten G3056 communication G1607 [G5737] proceed G1537 out of G5216 your G4750 mouth, G235 but G1536 that which G18 is good G4314 to G5532 the use G3619 of edifying, G2443 that G1325 [G5632] it may give G5485 grace G191 [G5723] to the hearers.
  30 G2532 And G3076 [G5720] grieve G3361 not G40 the Holy G4151 Spirit G2316 of God, G1722 by G3739 whom G4972 [G5681] ye are sealed G1519 to G2250 the day G629 of redemption.
  31 G142 0 Let G3956 all G4088 bitterness, G2532 and G2372 rage, G2532 and G3709 wrath, G2532 and G2906 clamour, G2532 and G988 evil speaking, G142 [G5682] be put away G575 from G5216 you, G4862 with G3956 all G2549 malice:
  32 G1161 And G1096 [G5737] be G5543 ye kind G1519 G240 one to another, G2155 tenderhearted, G5483 [G5740] forgiving G1438 one another, G2531 G2532 even as G2316 God G1722 0 for G5547 Anointed's G1722 sake G5483 [G5662] hath forgiven G5213 you.

2 Thessalonians 3:12

  12 G1161 Now G5108 them that are such G3853 [G5719] we command G2532 and G3870 [G5719] exhort G1223 by G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Anointed, G2443 that G3326 with G2271 quietness G2038 [G5740] they work, G2068 [G5725] and eat G1438 their own G740 bread.

James 4:6

  6 G1161 But G1325 [G5719] he giveth G3187 more G5485 grace. G1352 Therefore G3004 [G5719] he saith, G2316 God G498 [G5731] resisteth G5244 the proud, G1161 but G1325 [G5719] giveth G5485 grace G5011 to the humble.

2 Thessalonians 3:10

  10 G1063 For G2532 even G3753 when G2258 [G5713] we were G4314 with G5209 you, G5124 this G3853 [G5707] we commanded G5213 you, G3754 that G1536 if any G2309 [G5719] would G3756 not G2038 [G5738] work, G3366 neither G2068 [G5720] should he eat.

James 4:1-12

  1 G4159 From where G4171 come wars G2532 and G3163 fightings G1722 among G5213 you? G3756 come they not G1782 from this, G1537 even from G5216 your G2237 pleasures G4754 [G5734] soldiering G1722 in G5216 your G3196 members?
  2 G1937 [G5719] Ye lust, G2532 and G2192 [G5719] have G3756 not: G5407 [G5719] ye murder, G2532 and G2206 [G5719] are zealous, G2532 and G3756 G1410 [G5736] cannot G2013 [G5629] obtain: G3164 [G5736] ye fight G2532 and G4170 [G5719] war, G1161 yet G2192 [G5719] ye have G3756 not, G1223 because G5209 ye G154 [G5733] ask G3361 not.
  3 G154 [G5719] Ye ask, G2532 and G2983 [G5719] receive G3756 not, G1360 because G154 [G5731] ye ask G2560 badly, G2443 that G1159 [G5661] ye may spend G1722 it in G5216 your G2237 pleasures.
  4 G3432 Ye adulterers G2532 and G3428 adulteresses, G1492 [G5758] know ye G3756 not G3754 that G5373 the friendship G2889 of the world G2076 [G5748] is G2189 enmity G2316 with God? G3739 G302 whoever G3767 therefore G1511 G1014 [G5750] will be G5384 a friend G2889 of the world G2525 [G5743] is G2190 the enemy G2316 of God.
  5 G2228   G1380 [G5719] Do ye think G3754 that G1124 the scripture G3004 [G5719] saith G2761 in vain, G4151 The spirit G3739 that G2730 [G5656] dwelleth G1722 in G2254 us G1971 [G5719] intensely craveth G4314 towards G5355 envy?
  6 G1161 But G1325 [G5719] he giveth G3187 more G5485 grace. G1352 Therefore G3004 [G5719] he saith, G2316 God G498 [G5731] resisteth G5244 the proud, G1161 but G1325 [G5719] giveth G5485 grace G5011 to the humble.
  7 G5293 [G5649] Submit yourselves G3767 therefore G2316 to God. G436 [G5628] Resist G3588 the G1228 slanderer, G2532 and G5343 [G5695] he will flee G575 from G5216 you.
  8 G1448 [G5657] Draw near G2316 to God, G2532 and G1448 [G5692] he will draw near G5213 to you. G2511 [G5657] Cleanse G5495 your hands, G268 ye sinners; G2532 and G48 [G5657] purify G2588 your hearts, G1374 ye double breathed.
  9 G5003 [G5657] Be wretched, G2532 and G3996 [G5657] mourn, G2532 and G2799 [G5657] weep: G5216 let your G1071 laughter G3344 [G5649] be turned G1519 to G3997 mourning, G2532 and G5479 your joy G1519 to G2726 heaviness.
  10 G5013 [G5682] Humble yourselves G1799 in the sight G2962 of the Lord, G2532 and G5312 0 he shall lift G5209 you G5312 [G5692] up.

James 4:12-12

  12 G2076 [G5748] There is G1520 one G3550 lawgiver, G3588 who G1410 [G5740] is able G4982 [G5658] to save G2532 and G622 [G5658] to make lost: G5101 who G1488 [G5748] art G4771 thou G3739 that G2919 [G5719] judgest G2087 another?

James 4:11-12

  11 G2635 0 Speak G3361 not G2635 [G5720] evil G240 one of another, G80 brethren. G2635 [G5723] He that speaketh evil G80 of his brother, G2532 and G2919 [G5723] judgeth G846 his G80 brother, G2635 [G5719] speaketh evil G3551 of the law, G2532 and G2919 [G5719] judgeth G3551 the law: G1161 but G1487 if G2919 [G5719] thou judgest G3551 the law, G1488 [G5748] thou art G3756 not G4163 a doer G3551 of the law, G235 but G2923 a judge.

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