Bible verses about "avoiding sin" | new

Exodus 20:1-26

  1 H430 And God H1696 [H8762] spoke H1697 all these words, H559 [H8800] saying,
  2 H3068 I am the LORD H430 thy God, H3318 [H8689] who brought H776 thee out of the land H4714 of Egypt, H1004 out of the house H5650 of bondage.
  3 H312 Thou shalt have no other H430 gods H6440 before the face of me.
  4 H6213 [H8799] Thou shalt not make H6459 to thee any graven image, H8544 or any likeness H834 of any thing that H8064 is in heaven H4605 above, H776 or that is in the earth H4325 beneath, or that is in the water H776 under the earth:
  5 H7812 [H8691] Thou shalt not bow down H5647 [H8714] thyself to them, nor serve H3068 them: for I the LORD H430 thy God H7067 am a jealous H410 God, H6485 [H8802] visiting H5771 the perversity H1 of the fathers H1121 upon the sons H8029 to the third H7256 and fourth H8130 [H8802] generation of them that hate me;
  6 H6213 [H8802] And showing H2617 mercy H505 to thousands H157 [H8802] of them that love H8104 [H8802] me, and keep H4687 my commandments.
  7 H5375 [H8799] Thou shalt not take H8034 the name H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God H7723 in vain; H3068 for the LORD H5352 [H8762] will not hold him guiltless H5375 [H8799] that taketh H8034 his name H7723 in vain.
  8 H2142 [H8800] Remember H7676 the sabbath H3117 day, H6942 [H8763] to keep it holy.
  9 H8337 Six H3117 days H5647 [H8799] shalt thou labour, H6213 [H8804] and do H4399 all thy work:
  10 H7637 But the seventh H3117 day H7676 is the sabbath H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God: H6213 [H8799] in it thou shalt not do H4399 any work, H1121 thou, nor thy son, H1323 nor thy daughter, H5650 thy male servant, H519 nor thy female servant, H929 nor thy cattle, H1616 nor thy guest H8179 that is within thy gates:
  11 H8337 For in six H3117 days H3068 the LORD H6213 [H8804] made H8064 heaven H776 and earth, H3220 the sea, H5117 [H8799] and all that is in them, and rested H7637 the seventh H3117 day: H3068 therefore the LORD H1288 [H8765] blessed H7676 the sabbath H3117 day, H6942 [H8762] and hallowed it.
  12 H3513 [H8761] Honour H1 thy father H517 and thy mother: H3117 that thy days H748 [H8686] may be long H127 upon the soil H3068 which the LORD H430 thy God H5414 [H8802] giveth thee.
  13 H7523 [H8799] Thou shalt not murder.
  14 H5003 [H8799] Thou shalt not commit adultery.
  15 H1589 [H8799] Thou shalt not steal.
  16 H6030 [H8799] Thou shalt not bear H8267 false H5707 witness H7453 against thy neighbour.
  17 H2530 [H8799] Thou shalt not desire H7453 thy neighbour's H1004 house, H2530 [H8799] thou shalt not desire H7453 thy neighbour's H802 wife, H5650 nor his male servant, H519 nor his female servant, H7794 nor his ox, H2543 nor his donkey, H7453 nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.
  18 H5971 And all the people H7200 [H8802] saw H6963 the thunderings, H3940 and the lightnings, H6963 and the noise H7782 of the shofar, H2022 and the mountain H6226 smoking: H5971 and when the people H7200 [H8799] saw H5128 [H8799] it, they trembled, H5975 [H8799] and stood H7350 afar off.
  19 H559 [H8799] And they said H4872 to Moses, H1696 [H8761] Speak H8085 [H8799] thou with us, and we will hear: H430 but let not God H1696 [H8762] speak H4191 [H8799] with us, lest we die.
  20 H4872 And Moses H559 [H8799] said H5971 to the people, H3372 [H8799] Fear H430 not: for God H935 [H8804] is come H5668 to H5254 [H8763] test H3374 you, and that his fear H6440 may be before your faces, H2398 [H8799] that ye sin not.
  21 H5971 And the people H5975 [H8799] stood H7350 afar off, H4872 and Moses H5066 [H8738] drew near H6205 to the thick darkness H430 where God was.
  22 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H4872 to Moses, H559 [H8799] Thus thou shalt say H1121 to the sons H3478 of Israel, H7200 [H8804] Ye have seen H1696 [H8765] that I have talked H8064 with you from heaven.
  23 H6213 [H8799] Ye shall not make H430 with me gods H3701 of silver, H6213 [H8799] neither shall ye make H430 to you gods H2091 of gold.
  24 H4196 An altar H127 of soil H6213 [H8799] thou shalt make H2076 [H8804] to me, and shalt sacrifice H5930 on it thy burnt offerings, H8002 and thy peace offerings, H6629 thy sheep, H1241 and thy oxen: H4725 in all places H2142 [H8686] where I record H8034 my name H935 [H8799] I will come H1288 [H8765] to thee, and I will bless thee.
  25 H6213 [H8799] And if thou wilt make H4196 me an altar H68 of stone, H1129 [H8799] thou shalt not build H1496 it of hewn stone: H5130 [H8689] for if thou shalt lift up H2719 thy tool H2490 [H8762] upon it, thou hast polluted it.
  26 H5927 [H8799] Neither shalt thou go up H4609 by steps H4196 to my altar, H6172 that thy nakedness H1540 [H8735] be not discovered on it.

Matthew 5:48

  48 G2071 [G5704] { Be G5210 ye G3767 therefore G5046 perfect, G5618 even G5216 as your G3962 Father G3588 who G1722 is in G3772 heaven G2076 [G5748] is G5046 perfect.}

Matthew 5:38-39

  38 G191 [G5656] { Ye have heard G3754 that G4483 [G5681] it hath been said, G3788 An eye G473 for G3788 an eye, G2532 and G3599 a tooth G473 for G3599 a tooth:}
  39 G1161 { But G1473 I G3004 [G5719] say G5213 to you, G436 [G5629] That ye resist G3361 not G4190 evil: G235 but G3748 whoever G4474 [G5692] shall slap G4571 thee G1909 on G4675 thy G1188 right G4600 cheek, G4762 [G5657] turn G846 to him G3588 the G243 other G2532 also.}

John 14:26

  26 G1161 { But G3875 the Comforter, G40 who is the Holy G4151 Spirit, G3739 whom G3962 the Father G3992 [G5692] will send G1722 in G3450 my G3686 name, G1565 he G1321 [G5692] shall teach G5209 you G3956 all things, G2532 and G5279 0 bring G3956 all things G5279 0 to G5209 your G5279 [G5692] remembrance, G3739 whatever G2036 [G5627] I have said G5213 to you.}

Romans 13:4

  4 G1063 For G2076 [G5748] he is G1249 the servant G2316 of God G4671 to thee G1519 for G18 good. G1161 But G1437 if G4160 [G5725] thou doest G2556 that which is bad, G5399 [G5737] be afraid; G1063 for G5409 [G5719] he beareth G3756 not G3162 the sword G1500 in vain: G1063 for G2076 [G5748] he is G1249 the servant G2316 of God, G1558 an avenger G3709 to execute wrath G1519 upon G4238 [G5723] him that doeth G2556 bad.

1 John 5:17

  17 G3956 All G93 injustice G2076 [G5748] is G266 sin: G2532 and G2076 [G5748] there is G266 a sin G3756 not G4314 to G2288 death.

Proverbs 25:26

  26 H6662 A righteous H4131 [H8801] man falling down H6440 at the face of H7563 the wicked H7515 [H8737] is as a troubled H4599 fountain, H7843 [H8716] and a decayed H4726 spring.

Matthew 4:1-25

  1 G5119 Then G2424 was Jesus G321 [G5681] led G5259 by G3588 the G4151 Spirit G1519 into G2048 the wilderness G3985 [G5683] to be tested G5259 by G3588 the G1228 slanderer.
  2 G2532 And G3522 [G5660] when he had fasted G5062 forty G2250 days G2532 and G5062 forty G3571 nights, G5305 he was afterward G3983 [G5656] hungry.
  3 G2532 And G3588 the one G3985 [G5723] testing G4334 [G5631] having come forward G846 to him G2036 [G5627] said, G1487 If G1488 [G5748] thou art G5207 the Son G3588   G2316 of God, G2036 [G5628] speak G2443 that G3588   G3778 these G3037 stones G1096 [G5638] may become G740 bread.
  4 G1161 But G611 [G5679] he answered G2036 [G5627] and said, G1125 [G5769] { It is written, G444 Man G2198 0 shall G3756 not G2198 [G5695] live G1909 by G740 bread G3441 alone, G235 but G1909 by G3956 every G4487 utterance G1607 [G5740] that proceedeth G1223 out of G4750 the mouth G2316 of God.}
  5 G5119 Then G3588 the G1228 slanderer G3880 0 taketh G846 him G3880 [G5719] up G1519 into G40 the holy G4172 city, G2532 and G2476 [G5719] setteth G846 him G1909 on G4419 a pinnacle G2411 of the temple,
  6 G2532 And G3004 [G5719] saith G846 to him, G1487 If G1488 [G5748] thou art G5207 the Son G2316 of God, G906 [G5628] cast G4572 thyself G2736 down: G1063 for G1125 [G5769] it is written G3754 that, G1781 0 He shall give G846 his G32 messengers G1781 [G5699] charge G4012 concerning G4675 thee: G2532 and G1909 in G5495 their hands G142 [G5692] they shall uphold, G4571 thee, G3379 lest at any time G4350 [G5661] thou dash G4675 thy G4228 foot G4314 against G3037 a stone.
  7 G2424 Jesus G5346 [G5713] said G846 to him, G1125 [G5769] { It is written G3825 again, G1598 0 Thou shalt G3756 not G1598 [G5692] tempt G2962 the Lord G4675 thy G2316 God.}
  8 G3825 Again, G3588 the G1228 slanderer G3880 0 taketh G846 him G3880 [G5719] up G1519 upon G3029 an exceeding G5308 high G3735 mountain, G2532 and G1166 [G5719] showeth G846 him G3956 all G932 the kingdoms G2889 of the world, G2532 and G1391 the glory G846 of them;
  9 G2532 And G3004 [G5719] saith G846 to him, G3956 All G5023 these things G1325 [G5692] will I give G4671 thee, G1437 if G4098 [G5631] falling down G4352 [G5661] thou wilt bow before G3427 me.
  10 G5119 Then G3004 [G5719] saith G3588   G2424 Jesus G846 to him, G5217 [G5720] { Away with thee, G4567 adversary: G1063 for G1125 [G5769] it is written, G4352 [G5692] Thou shalt bow before G2962 the Lord G3588   G4675 thy G2316 God, G2532 and G846 him G3441 only G3000 [G5692] shalt thou minister.}
  11 G5119 Then G3588 the G1228 slanderer G863 [G5719] leaveth G846 him, G2532 and, G2400 [G5628] behold, G32 messengers G4334 [G5656] came G2532 and G1247 [G5707] served G846 him.
  12 G1161 And G2424 Jesus G191 [G5660] having heard G3754 that G2491 John G3860 [G5681] was delivered up, G402 [G5656] withdrew G1519 into G3588   G1056 Galilee;
  13 G2532 And G2641 [G5631] leaving G3478 Nazareth, G2064 [G5631] he came G2730 [G5656] and dwelt G1519 in G2584 Capernaum, G3588 which G3864 is upon the sea coast, G1722 in G3725 the borders G2194 of Zebulun G2532 and G3508 Naphtali:
  14 G2443 That G4137 [G5686] it might be fulfilled G3588 which G4483 [G5685] was spoken G1223 by G2268 Isaiah G4396 the prophet, G3004 [G5723] saying,
  15 G1093 The land G2194 of Zebulun, G2532 and G1093 the land G3508 of Naphtali, G3598 by the way G2281 of the sea, G4008 beyond G2446 Jordan, G1056 Galilee G1484 of the nations;
  16 G2992 The people G3588 who G2521 [G5740] sat G1722 in G4655 darkness G1492 [G5627] saw G3173 great G5457 light; G2532 and G3588 to them who G2521 [G5740] sat G1722 in G5561 the region G2532 and G4639 shadow G2288 of death G5457 light G393 G846 [G5656] hath shone.
  17 G575 From G5119 thence G2424 Jesus G756 [G5662] began G2784 [G5721] to proclaim, G2532 and G3004 [G5721] to say, G3340 [G5720] { Change thy mind: G1063 for G932 the kingdom G3772 of heaven G1448 [G5758] is at hand.}
  18 G1161 And G2424 Jesus, G4043 [G5723] walking G3844 by G2281 the sea G1056 of Galilee, G1492 [G5627] saw G1417 two G80 brethren, G4613 Simon G3004 [G5746] called G4074 Peter, G2532 and G406 Andrew G846 his G80 brother, G906 [G5723] casting G293 a net G1519 into G2281 the sea: G1063 for G2258 [G5713] they were G231 fishermen.
  19 G2532 And G3004 [G5719] he saith G846 to them, G1205 [G5773] { Come G3694 after G3450 me, G2532 and G4160 [G5692] I will make G5209 you G231 fishers G444 of men.}
  20 G1161 And G2112 they immediately G863 [G5631] left G1350 their nets, G190 [G5656] and followed G846 him.
  21 G2532 And G4260 [G5631] going on G1564 from there, G1492 [G5627] he saw G243 other G1417 two G80 brethren, G2385 Jacobus G3588 the son of G2199 Zebedee, G2532 and G2491 John G846 his G80 brother, G1722 in G4143 a boat G3326 with G2199 Zebedee G846 their G3962 father, G2675 [G5723] mending G846 their G1350 nets; G2532 and G2564 [G5656] he called G846 them.
  22 G1161 And G2112 they immediately G863 [G5631] left G4143 the boat G2532 and G846 their G3962 father, G190 [G5656] and followed G846 him.
  23 G2532 And G2424 Jesus G4013 [G5707] went about G3650 all G1056 Galilee, G1321 [G5723] teaching G1722 in G846 their G4864 synagogues, G2532 and G2784 [G5723] proclaiming G2098 the good news G932 of the kingdom, G2532 and G2323 [G5723] healing G3956 all G3554 manner of sickness G2532 and G3956 all G3119 manner of disease G1722 among G2992 the people.
  24 G2532 And G846 his G189 fame G565 [G5627] spread G1519 into G3650 all G4947 Syria: G2532 and G4374 [G5656] they brought G846 to him G3956 all G3588 the ones G2192 [G5723] having G2560 an illness G4912 [G5746] that were sick with G4164 various G3554 diseases G2532 and G931 torments, G2532 and G1139 [G5740] those who were possessed with demons, G2532 and G4583 [G5740] those who were lunatic, G2532 and G3885 those that had the palsy; G2532 and G2323 [G5656] he healed G846 them.
  25 G2532 And G190 [G5656] there followed G846 him G3793 crowds G4183 of many G575 from G1056 Galilee, G2532 and G1179 from Decapolis, G2532 and G2414 from Jerusalem, G2532 and G2449 from Judaea, G2532 and G4008 from beyond G2446 Jordan.

1 Timothy 5:8

  8 G1161 But G1536 if any G4306 [G5719] provideth G3756 not G2398 for his own, G2532 and G3122 especially G3609 for those of his own house, G720 [G5763] he hath denied G4102 the faith, G2532 and G2076 [G5748] is G5501 worse than G571 an unbeliever.

Hebrews 13:5

  5 G5158 Let your manner of life G866 be without covetousness; G714 [G5746] and be satisfied G3918 [G5752] with such things as ye have: G1063 for G846 he G2046 [G5758] hath said, G3364 I will never G447 [G5632] leave G4571 thee, G3761 G3364 nor G1459 [G5632] forsake G4571 thee.

James 4:17

  17 G3767 Therefore G1492 [G5761] to him that knoweth G4160 [G5721] to do G2570 good, G2532 and G4160 [G5723] doeth G3361 it not, G846 to him G2076 [G5748] it is G266 sin.

Deuteronomy 28:1-68

  1 H8085 [H8799] And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken H8085 [H8800] diligently H6963 to the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God, H8104 [H8800] to observe H6213 [H8800] and to do H4687 all his commandments H6680 [H8764] which I command H3117 thee this day, H3068 that the LORD H430 thy God H5414 [H8804] will set H5945 thee on high H1471 above all nations H776 of the earth:
  2 H1293 And all these blessings H935 [H8804] shall come H5381 [H8689] on thee, and overtake H8085 [H8799] thee, if thou shalt hearken H6963 to the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God.
  3 H1288 [H8803] Blessed H5892 shalt thou be in the city, H1288 [H8803] and blessed H7704 shalt thou be in the field.
  4 H1288 [H8803] Blessed H6529 shall be the fruit H990 of thy belly, H6529 and the fruit H127 of thy soil, H6529 and the fruit H929 of thy cattle, H7698 the increase H504 of thy cattle, H6251 and the flocks H6629 of thy sheep.
  5 H1288 [H8803] Blessed H2935 shall be thy basket H4863 and thy store.
  6 H1288 [H8803] Blessed H935 [H8800] shalt thou be when thou comest in, H1288 [H8803] and blessed H3318 [H8800] shalt thou be when thou goest out.
  7 H3068 The LORD H5414 [H8799] shall cause H341 [H8802] thy enemies H6965 [H8801] that rise up H5062 [H8737] against thee to be smitten H6440 before thy face: H3318 [H8799] they shall come out H259 against thee one H1870 way, H5127 [H8799] and flee H6440 at the face of H7651 thee seven H1870 ways.
  8 H3068 The LORD H6680 [H8762] shall command H1293 the blessing H618 upon thee in thy storehouses, H4916 and in all that thou settest H3027 thine hand H1288 [H8765] to; and he shall bless H776 thee in the land H3068 which the LORD H430 thy God H5414 [H8802] giveth thee.
  9 H3068 The LORD H6965 [H8686] shall raise H6918 thee an holy H5971 people H7650 [H8738] to himself, as he hath sworn H8104 [H8799] to thee, if thou shalt keep H4687 the commandments H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God, H1980 [H8804] and walk H1870 in his ways.
  10 H5971 And all the people H776 of the earth H7200 [H8804] shall see H7121 [H8738] that thou art called H8034 by the name H3068 of the LORD; H3372 [H8804] and they shall be afraid of thee.
  11 H3068 And the LORD H3498 [H8689] shall make thee to abound H2896 in goods, H6529 in the fruit H990 of thy belly, H6529 and in the fruit H929 of thy cattle, H6529 and in the fruit H127 of thy soil, H127 in the soil H3068 which the LORD H7650 [H8738] swore H1 to thy fathers H5414 [H8800] to give thee.
  12 H3068 The LORD H6605 [H8799] shall open H2896 to thee his good H214 treasure, H8064 the heaven H5414 [H8800] to give H4306 rain H776 to thy land H6256 in its time, H1288 [H8763] and to bless H4639 all the work H3027 of thine hand: H3867 [H8689] and thou shalt lend H7227 to many H1471 nations, H3867 [H8799] and thou shalt not borrow.
  13 H3068 And the LORD H5414 [H8804] shall make H7218 thee the head, H2180 and not the tail; H4605 and thou shalt be above only, H4295 and thou shalt not be beneath; H8085 [H8799] if thou shalt hearken H4687 to the commandments H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God, H6680 [H8764] which I command H3117 thee this day, H8104 [H8800] to observe H6213 [H8800] and to do them:
  14 H5493 [H8799] And thou shalt not go aside H1697 from any of the words H6680 [H8764] which I command H3117 thee this day, H3225 to the right hand, H8040 or to the left, H3212 [H8800] to go H310 after H312 other H430 gods H5647 [H8800] to serve them.
  15 H8085 [H8799] But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken H6963 to the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God, H8104 [H8800] to observe H6213 [H8800] to do H4687 all his commandments H2708 and his statutes H6680 [H8764] which I command H3117 thee this day; H7045 that all these curses H935 [H8804] shall come H5381 [H8689] upon thee, and overtake thee:
  16 H779 [H8803] Cursed H5892 shalt thou be in the city, H779 [H8803] and cursed H7704 shalt thou be in the field.
  17 H779 [H8803] Cursed H2935 shall be thy basket H4863 and thy store.
  18 H779 [H8803] Cursed H6529 shall be the fruit H990 of thy belly, H6529 and the fruit H127 of thy soil, H7698 the increase H504 of thy cattle, H6251 and the flocks H6629 of thy sheep.
  19 H779 [H8803] Cursed H935 [H8800] shalt thou be when thou comest in, H779 [H8803] and cursed H3318 [H8800] shalt thou be when thou goest out.
  20 H3068 The LORD H7971 [H8762] shall send H3994 upon thee cursing, H4103 uproar, H4045 and rebuke, H4916 in all that thou settest H3027 thine hand H6213 [H8799] to do, H8045 [H8736] until thou shalt be desolated, H6 [H8800] and until thou shalt perish H4118 quickly; H6440 because H7455 of the wickedness H4611 of thy doings, H5800 [H8804] by which thou hast forsaken me.
  21 H3068 The LORD H1698 shall make the pestilence H1692 [H8686] cleave H3615 [H8763] to thee, until he shall have consumed H127 thee from off the soil, H935 [H8802] where thou goest H3423 [H8800] to possess it.
  22 H3068 The LORD H5221 [H8686] shall smite H7829 thee with a consumption, H6920 and with a fever, H1816 and with an inflammation, H2746 and with an extreme burning, H2719 and with the sword, H7711 and with blighting, H3420 and with mildew; H7291 [H8804] and they shall pursue H6 [H8800] thee until thou dost perish.
  23 H8064 And thy heaven H7218 that is over thy head H5178 shall be brass, H776 and the earth H1270 that is under thee shall be iron.
  24 H3068 The LORD H5414 [H8799] shall make H4306 the rain H776 of thy land H80 powder H6083 and dust: H8064 from heaven H3381 [H8799] shall it come down H8045 [H8736] upon thee, until thou art desolated.
  25 H3068 The LORD H5414 [H8799] shall cause H5062 [H8737] thee to be smitten H6440 at the face of H341 [H8802] thy enemies: H3318 [H8799] thou shalt go out H259 one H1870 way H5127 [H8799] against them, and flee H7651 seven H1870 ways H6440 at the face of H2189 them: and shalt be removed H4467 into all the kingdoms H776 of the earth.
  26 H5038 And thy dead body H3978 shall be food H5775 to all fowls H8064 of the heaven, H929 and to the beasts H776 of the earth, H2729 [H8688] and no man shall frighten them away.
  27 H3068 The LORD H5221 [H8686] will smite H7822 thee with the boil H4714 of Egypt, H2914 H6076 [H8675] and with tumours, H1618 and with the scab, H2775 and with the itch, H3201 [H8799] of which thou canst H7495 [H8736] not be healed.
  28 H3068 The LORD H5221 [H8686] shall smite H7697 thee with madness, H5788 and blindness, H8541 and astonishment H3824 of heart:
  29 H4959 [H8764] And thou shalt grope H6672 at noon, H5787 as the blind H4959 [H8762] gropeth H653 in duskiness, H6743 [H8686] and thou shalt not prosper H1870 in thy ways: H6231 [H8803] and thou shalt be only oppressed H1497 [H8803] and spoiled H3117 evermore, H3467 [H8688] and no man shall liberate thee.
  30 H781 [H8762] Thou shalt betroth H802 a wife, H312 and another H376 man H7901 H7693 [H8799] shall ravish H1129 [H8799] her: thou shalt build H1004 an house, H3427 [H8799] and thou shalt not dwell H5193 [H8799] in it: thou shalt plant H3754 a vineyard, H2490 [H8762] and shalt not gather the grapes of it.
  31 H7794 Thy ox H2873 [H8803] shall be slain H5869 before thine eyes, H398 [H8799] and thou shalt not eat H2543 of it: thy donkey H1497 [H8803] shall be plucked away H6440 from before thy face, H7725 [H8799] and shall not be restored H6629 to thee: thy sheep H5414 [H8803] shall be given H341 [H8802] to thy enemies, H3467 [H8688] and thou shalt have none to liberate them.
  32 H1121 Thy sons H1323 and thy daughters H5414 [H8803] shall be given H312 to another H5971 people, H5869 and thine eyes H7200 [H8802] shall look, H3616 and fail H3117 with longing for them all the day H410 long: and there shall be no might H3027 in thine hand.
  33 H6529 The fruit H127 of thy soil, H3018 and all thy labours, H398 [H8799] shall be eaten by H5971 a people H3045 [H8804] which thou knowest H6231 [H8803] not; and thou shalt be only oppressed H7533 [H8803] and crushed H3117 always:
  34 H7696 [H8794] So that thou shalt be mad H4758 for the sight H5869 of thine eyes H7200 [H8799] which thou shalt see.
  35 H3068 The LORD H5221 [H8686] shall smite H1290 thee in the knees, H7785 and in the legs, H7451 with severe H7822 boils H3201 [H8799] that cannot H7495 [H8736] be healed, H3709 from the sole H7272 of thy foot H6936 to the top of thy head.
  36 H3068 The LORD H3212 [H8686] shall bring H4428 thee, and thy king H6965 [H8686] which thou shalt set H1471 over thee, to a nation H1 which neither thou nor thy fathers H3045 [H8804] have known; H5647 [H8804] and there shalt thou serve H312 other H430 gods, H6086 wood H68 and stone.
  37 H8047 And thou shalt become an astonishment, H4912 a proverb, H8148 and a byword, H5971 among all peoples H3068 where the LORD H5090 [H8762] shall lead thee.
  38 H3318 [H8686] Thou shalt carry H7227 much H2233 seed H7704 into the field, H622 0 and shalt gather H4592 H622 [H8799] but little; H697 for the locust H2628 [H8799] shall consume it.
  39 H5193 [H8799] Thou shalt plant H3754 vineyards, H5647 [H8804] and dress H8354 [H8799] them, but shalt neither drink H3196 of the wine, H103 [H8799] nor gather H8438 the grapes; for the worms H398 [H8799] shall eat them.
  40 H2132 Thou shalt have olive trees H1366 throughout all thy land, H5480 [H8799] but thou shalt not anoint H8081 thyself with the oil; H2132 for thy olive H5394 [H8799] shall cast its fruit.
  41 H3205 [H8686] Thou shalt beget H1121 sons H1323 and daughters, H3212 [H8799] but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go H7628 into captivity.
  42 H6086 All thy trees H6529 and fruit H127 of thy soil H6767 shall the locust H3423 [H8762] consume.
  43 H1616 The guest H7130 that is within H5927 [H8799] thee shall rise H4605 above thee very H4605 high; H3381 [H8799] and thou shalt come down H4295 very H4295 low.
  44 H3867 [H8686] He shall lend H3867 [H8686] to thee, and thou shalt not lend H7218 to him: he shall be the head, H2180 and thou shalt be the tail.
  45 H7045 Moreover all these curses H935 [H8804] shall come H7291 [H8804] upon thee, and shall pursue H5381 [H8689] thee, and overtake H8045 [H8736] thee, till thou art desolated; H8085 [H8804] because thou didst hearken H6963 not to the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God, H8104 [H8800] to keep H4687 his commandments H2708 and his statutes H6680 [H8765] which he commanded thee:
  46 H226 And they shall be upon thee for a sign H4159 and for a wonder, H2233 and upon thy seed H5704 for H5769 ever.
  47 H5647 [H8804] Because thou didst not serve H3068 the LORD H430 thy God H8057 with joyfulness, H2898 and with gladness H3824 of heart, H7230 for the abundance of all things;
  48 H5647 [H8804] Therefore shalt thou serve H341 [H8802] thy enemies H3068 which the LORD H7971 [H8762] shall send H7458 against thee, in hunger, H6772 and in thirst, H5903 and in nakedness, H2640 and in lack H5414 [H8804] of all things: and he shall put H5923 a yoke H1270 of iron H6677 upon thy neck, H8045 [H8687] until he hath desolated thee.
  49 H3068 The LORD H5375 [H8799] shall bring H1471 a nation H7350 against thee from far, H7097 from the end H776 of the earth, H5404 as swift as the eagle H1675 [H8799] flieth; H1471 a nation H3956 whose language H8085 [H8799] thou shalt not understand;
  50 H1471 A nation H5794 of strong H6440 face, H5375 [H8799] which shall not regard H6440 the person H2205 of the old, H2603 [H8799] nor show favour H5288 to the young:
  51 H398 [H8804] And he shall eat H6529 the fruit H929 of thy cattle, H6529 and the fruit H127 of thy soil, H8045 [H8736] until thou art desolated: H7604 [H8686] which also shall not leave H1715 thee either grain, H8492 wine, H3323 or oil, H7698 or the increase H504 of thy cattle, H6251 or flocks H6629 of thy sheep, H6 [H8687] until he hath destroyed thee.
  52 H6887 [H8689] And he shall besiege H8179 thee in all thy gates, H1364 until thy high H1219 [H8803] and fortified H2346 walls H3381 [H8800] come down, H2004 in which H982 [H8802] thou didst trust, H776 throughout all thy land: H6887 [H8689] and he shall besiege H8179 thee in all thy gates H776 throughout all thy land, H3068 which the LORD H430 thy God H5414 [H8804] hath given thee.
  53 H398 [H8804] And thou shalt eat H6529 the fruit H990 of thy own belly, H1320 the flesh H1121 of thy sons H1323 and of thy daughters, H3068 which the LORD H430 thy God H5414 [H8804] hath given H4692 thee, in the siege, H4689 and in the distress, H341 [H8802] by which thy enemies H6693 [H8686] shall distress thee:
  54 H376 So that the man H7390 that is tender H3966 among you, and very H6028 delicate, H5869 his eye H3415 [H8799] shall be evil H251 toward his brother, H802 and toward the wife H2436 of his bosom, H3499 and toward the remnant H1121 of his sons H3498 [H8686] whom he shall leave:
  55 H5414 [H8800] So that he will not give H259 to any H1320 of them of the flesh H1121 of his sons H398 [H8799] whom he shall eat: H7604 [H8689] because he hath nothing left H4692 him in the siege, H4689 and in the distress, H341 [H8802] by which thy enemies H6693 [H8686] shall distress H8179 thee in all thy gates.
  56 H7390 The tender H6028 and delicate H5254 [H8765] woman among you, who would not attempt H3322 [H8687] to set H3709 the sole H7272 of her foot H776 upon the earth H6026 [H8692] for delicateness H7391 and tenderness, H5869 her eye H3415 [H8799] shall be evil H376 toward the husband H2436 of her bosom, H1121 and toward her son, H1323 and toward her daughter,
  57 H7988 And toward her young one H3318 H7272 [H8802] her own offspring, H1121 and toward her sons H3205 [H8799] which she shall bear: H398 [H8799] for she shall eat H2640 them for lack H5643 of all things secretly H4692 in the siege H4689 and distress, H341 [H8802] by which thy enemy H6693 [H8686] shall distress H8179 thee in thy gates.
  58 H8104 [H8799] If thou wilt not observe H6213 [H8800] to do H1697 all the words H8451 of this law H3789 [H8803] that are written H5612 in this book, H3372 [H8800] that thou mayest fear H3513 [H8737] this glorious H3372 [H8737] and fearful H8034 name, H3068 THE LORD H430 THY GOD;
  59 H3068 Then the LORD H6381 0 will make H4347 thy plagues H6381 [H8689] wonderful, H4347 and the plagues H2233 of thy seed, H1419 even great H4347 plagues, H539 [H8737] and of long continuance, H7451 and grievous H2483 sicknesses, H539 [H8737] and of long continuance.
  60 H7725 [H8689] Moreover he will bring H4064 upon thee all the diseases H4714 of Egypt, H3025 H6440 [H8804] of which thou wast afraid; H1692 [H8804] and they shall cleave to thee.
  61 H2483 Also every sickness, H4347 and every plague, H3789 [H8803] which is not written H5612 in the book H8451 of this law, H3068 them will the LORD H5927 [H8686] bring H8045 [H8736] upon thee, until thou art desolated.
  62 H7604 [H8738] And ye shall be left H4592 few H4962 in number, H834 though H3556 ye were as the stars H8064 of heaven H7230 for abundance; H8085 [H8804] because thou wouldest not obey H6963 the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God.
  63 H3068 And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD H7797 [H8804] rejoiced H3190 [H8687] over you to do you good, H7235 [H8687] and to multiply H3068 you; so the LORD H7797 [H8799] will rejoice H6 [H8687] over you to destroy H8045 [H8687] you, and to bring you to nought; H5255 [H8738] and ye shall be plucked H127 from off the soil H935 [H8802] where thou goest H3423 [H8800] to possess it.
  64 H3068 And the LORD H6327 [H8689] shall scatter H5971 thee among all people, H7097 from the one end H776 of the earth H7097 even to the other; H5647 [H8804] and there thou shalt serve H312 other H430 gods, H1 which neither thou nor thy fathers H3045 [H8804] have known, H6086 even wood H68 and stone.
  65 H1992 And among these H1471 nations H7280 [H8686] shalt thou find no ease, H3709 neither shall the sole H7272 of thy foot H4494 have rest: H3068 but the LORD H5414 [H8804] shall give H7268 thee there a trembling H3820 heart, H3631 and failing H5869 of eyes, H1671 and sorrow H5315 of breath:
  66 H2416 And thy life H8511 [H8803] shall hang H5048 in doubt before H6342 [H8804] thee; and thou shalt fear H3119 day H3915 and night, H539 [H8686] and shalt have no assurance H2416 of thy life:
  67 H1242 In the morning H559 [H8799] thou shalt say, H5414 [H8799] O that it were H6153 evening! H6153 and at evening H559 [H8799] thou shalt say, H5414 [H8799] O that it were H1242 morning! H6343 for the fear H3824 of thy heart H6342 [H8799] which thou shalt fear, H4758 and for the sight H5869 of thine eyes H7200 [H8799] which thou shalt see.
  68 H3068 And the LORD H7725 0 shall bring H4714 thee into Egypt H7725 [H8689] again H591 with ships, H1870 by the way H559 [H8804] of which I have said H7200 [H8800] to thee, Thou shalt see H3254 [H8686] it no more again: H4376 [H8694] and there ye shall be sold H341 [H8802] to your enemies H5650 for male H8198 and female slaves, H7069 [H8802] and no man shall buy you.

Galatians 5:16

  16 G3004 [G5719] This I say G1161 then, G4043 [G5720] Walk G4151 in the Spirit, G2532 and G5055 0 ye shall G3364 not G5055 [G5661] fulfil G1939 the lust G4561 of the flesh.

John 14:15

  15 G1437 { If G25 [G5725] ye love G3165 me, G5083 [G5657] keep G1699 my G1785 commandments.}

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