1 John 1:9 Cross References - new

  9 G1437 If G3670 [G5725] we confess G2257 our G266 sins, G2076 [G5748] he is G4103 faithful G2532 and G1342 just G2443 to G863 [G5632] forgive G2254 us G266 our sins, G2532 and G2511 [G5661] to cleanse G2248 us G575 from G3956 all G93 injustice.

Leviticus 26:40-42

  40 H3034 [H8694] If they shall confess H5771 their perversity, H5771 and the perversity H1 of their fathers, H4604 with their treachery H4603 [H8804] which they trespassed H1980 [H8804] against me, and that also they have walked H7147 contrary to me;
  41 H3212 [H8799] And that I also have walked H7147 contrary H935 [H8689] to them, and have brought H776 them into the land H341 [H8802] of their enemies; H176 if then H6189 their uncircumcised H3824 hearts H3665 [H8735] shall be humbled, H7521 [H8799] and they then accept H5771 of the punishment of their perversity:
  42 H2142 [H8804] Then will I remember H1285 my covenant H3290 with Jacob, H1285 and also my covenant H3327 with Isaac, H1285 and also my covenant H85 with Abraham H2142 [H8799] will I remember; H2142 [H8799] and I will remember H776 the land.

Deuteronomy 7:9

  9 H3045 [H8804] Know H3068 therefore that the LORD H430 thy God, H430 he is God, H539 [H8737] the faithful H410 God, H8104 [H8802] who keepeth H1285 covenant H2617 and mercy H157 [H8802] with them that love H8104 [H8802] him and keep H4687 his commandments H505 to a thousand H1755 generations;

1 Kings 8:47

  47 H7725 [H8689] Yet if they shall take it to their hearts H776 in the land H7617 [H8738] where they were carried captives, H7725 H3820 [H8804] and repent, H2603 [H8694] and ask for favour H776 from thee in the land H7617 [H8802] of them that carried them captives, H559 [H8800] saying, H2398 [H8804] We have sinned, H5753 [H8689] and have done perversely, H7561 [H8804] we have committed wickedness;

2 Chronicles 6:37-38

  37 H7725 [H8689] Yet if they turn back H3824 in their hearts H776 in the land H7617 [H8738] where they are carried captive, H7725 [H8804] and turn H2603 [H8694] and ask for favour H776 from thee in the land H7628 of their captivity, H559 [H8800] saying, H2398 [H8804] We have sinned, H5753 [H8689] we have done crookedly, H7561 [H8804] and have dealt wickedly;
  38 H7725 [H8804] If they return H3820 to thee with all their heart H5315 and with all their breath H776 in the land H7628 of their captivity, H7617 [H8804] where they have carried them captives, H6419 [H8694] and pray H1870 toward H776 their land, H5414 [H8804] which thou gavest H1 to their fathers, H5892 and toward the city H977 [H8804] which thou hast chosen, H1004 and toward the house H1129 [H8804] which I have built H8034 for thy name:

Nehemiah 1:6

  6 H241 Let thine ear H7183 now be attentive, H5869 and thine eyes H6605 [H8803] open, H8085 [H8800] that thou mayest hear H8605 the prayer H5650 of thy servant, H6419 [H8693] which I pray H6440 at the face of H3117 thee now, H3119 day H3915 and night, H1121 for the sons H3478 of Israel H5650 thy servants, H3034 [H8693] and confess H2403 the sins H1121 of the sons H3478 of Israel, H2398 [H8804] which we have sinned H1 against thee: both I and my father's H1004 house H2398 [H8804] have sinned.

Nehemiah 9:2-37

  2 H2233 And the seed H3478 of Israel H914 [H8735] separated H1121 H5236 themselves from all foreigners, H5975 [H8799] and stood H3034 [H8691] and confessed H2403 their sins, H5771 and the perversities H1 of their fathers.
  3 H6965 [H8799] And they stood up H5977 in their place, H7121 [H8799] and read H5612 in the book H8451 of the law H3068 of the LORD H430 their God H7243 one fourth part H3117 of the day; H7243 and another fourth part H3034 [H8693] they confessed, H7812 [H8693] and worshipped H3068 the LORD H430 their God.
  4 H6965 [H8799] Then stood H4608 upon the stairs, H3881 of the Levites, H3442 Jeshua, H1137 and Bani, H6934 Kadmiel, H7645 Shebaniah, H1138 Bunni, H8274 Sherebiah, H1137 Bani, H3662 and Chenani, H2199 [H8799] and cried H1419 with a loud H6963 voice H3068 to the LORD H430 their God.
  5 H3881 Then the Levites, H3442 Jeshua, H6934 and Kadmiel, H1137 Bani, H2813 Hashabniah, H8274 Sherebiah, H1941 Hodijah, H7645 Shebaniah, H6611 and Pethahiah, H559 [H8799] said, H6965 [H8798] Stand up H1288 [H8761] and bless H3068 the LORD H430 your God H5769 to the age H5769 and ever: H1288 [H8762] and blessed H3519 be thy glorious H8034 name, H7311 [H8784] which is exalted H1293 above all blessing H8416 and praise.
  6 H3068 Thou, even thou, art LORD H6213 [H8804] alone; thou hast made H8064 heaven, H8064 the heaven H8064 of heavens, H6635 with all their host, H776 the earth, H3220 and all things that are in it, the seas, H2421 [H8764] and all that is in them, and thou preservest H6635 them all; and the host H8064 of heaven H7812 [H8693] worshippeth thee.
  7 H3068 Thou art the LORD H430 the God, H977 [H8804] who chose H87 Abram, H3318 [H8689] and broughtest him forth H218 from Ur H3778 of the Chaldees, H7760 [H8804] and gavest H8034 him the name H85 of Abraham;
  8 H4672 [H8804] And foundest H3824 his heart H539 [H8737] faithful H6440 at the face of H3772 [H8800] thee, and madest H1285 a covenant H5414 [H8800] with him to give H776 the land H3669 of the Canaanites, H2850 the Hittites, H567 the Amorites, H6522 and the Perizzites, H2983 and the Jebusites, H1622 and the Girgashites, H5414 [H8800] to give H2233 it, I say, to his seed, H6965 [H8686] and hast raised H1697 thy words; H6662 for thou art righteous:
  9 H7200 [H8799] And thou sawest H6040 the affliction H1 of our fathers H4714 in Egypt, H8085 [H8804] and heardest H2201 their outcry H5488 by the Red H3220 sea;
  10 H5414 [H8799] And didst show H226 signs H4159 and wonders H6547 upon Pharaoh, H5650 and on all his servants, H5971 and on all the people H776 of his land: H3045 [H8804] for thou knewest H2102 [H8689] that they dealt proudly H6213 [H8799] against them. So didst thou get H8034 thee a name, H3117 as it is this day.
  11 H1234 [H8804] And thou didst divide H3220 the sea H6440 at the face of H5674 [H8799] them, so that they went through H8432 the midst H3220 of the sea H3004 on the dry land; H7291 [H8802] and their persecutors H7993 [H8689] thou threwest H4688 into the deeps, H68 as a stone H5794 into the mighty H4325 waters.
  12 H5148 [H8689] Moreover thou leddest H3119 them in the day H6051 by a cloudy H5982 pillar; H3915 and in the night H5982 by a pillar H784 of fire, H215 [H8687] to give them light H1870 in the way H3212 [H8799] in which they should go.
  13 H3381 [H8804] Thou camest down H2022 also upon mount H5514 Sinai, H1696 [H8763] and spoke H8064 with them from heaven, H5414 [H8799] and gavest H3477 them right H4941 judgments, H571 and true H8451 laws, H2896 good H2706 statutes H4687 and commandments:
  14 H3045 [H8689] And madest known H6944 to them thy holy H7676 sabbath, H6680 [H8765] and didst command H4687 them commandments, H2706 statutes, H8451 and laws, H3027 by the hand H4872 of Moses H5650 thy servant:
  15 H5414 [H8804] And gavest H3899 them bread H8064 from heaven H7458 for their hunger, H3318 [H8689] and broughtest forth H4325 water H5553 for them out of the rock H6772 for their thirst, H559 [H8799] and didst promise H935 [H8800] them that they should go in H3423 [H8800] to possess H776 the land H3027 H5375 [H8804] which thou hadst sworn H5414 [H8800] to give them.
  16 H1 But they and our fathers H2102 [H8689] dealt proudly, H7185 [H8686] and hardened H6203 their necks, H8085 [H8804] and hearkened H4687 not to thy commandments,
  17 H3985 [H8762] And refused H8085 [H8800] to obey, H2142 [H8804] neither did they remember H6381 [H8737] thy wonders H6213 [H8804] that thou didst H7185 [H8686] perform among them; but hardened H6203 their necks, H4805 and in their rebellion H5414 [H8799] appointed H7218 a captain H7725 [H8800] to return H5659 to their bondage: H433 but thou art a God H5547 of forgiveness, H2587 gracious H7349 and full of compassion, H750 slow H639 to anger, H7227 and of great H2617 mercy, H5800 [H8804] and forsookest them not.
  18 H6213 [H8804] Yea, when they had made H4541 them a molten H5695 calf, H559 [H8799] and said, H430 This is thy God H5927 [H8689] that brought thee H4714 out of Egypt, H6213 [H8799] and had wrought H1419 great H5007 provocations;
  19 H7227 Yet thou in thy great H7356 compassions H5800 [H8804] forsookest H4057 them not in the wilderness: H5982 the pillar H6051 of the cloud H5493 [H8804] departed H3119 not from them by day, H5148 [H8687] to lead H1870 them in the way; H5982 neither the pillar H784 of fire H3915 by night, H215 [H8687] to show them light, H1870 and the way H3212 [H8799] in which they should go.
  20 H5414 [H8804] Thou gavest H2896 also thy good H7307 Spirit H7919 [H8687] to instruct H4513 [H8804] them, and withheldest H4478 not thy manna H6310 from their mouth, H5414 [H8804] and gavest H4325 them water H6772 for their thirst.
  21 H705 Yea, forty H8141 years H3557 [H8773] didst thou sustain H4057 them in the wilderness, H2637 [H8804] so that they lacked H8008 nothing; their clothes H1086 [H8804] did not wear out, H7272 and their feet H1216 [H8804] swelled not.
  22 H5414 [H8799] Moreover thou gavest H4467 them kingdoms H5971 and peoples, H2505 [H8799] and didst divide H6285 them into corners: H3423 [H8799] so they possessed H776 the land H5511 of Sihon, H776 and the land H4428 of the king H2809 of Heshbon, H776 and the land H5747 of Og H4428 king H1316 of Bashan.
  23 H1121 Their sons H7235 [H8689] also didst multiply H3556 thou as the stars H8064 of heaven, H935 [H8686] and broughtest H776 them into the land, H559 [H8804] concerning which thou didst promise H1 to their fathers, H935 [H8800] that they should go in H3423 [H8800] to possess it.
  24 H1121 So the sons H935 [H8799] went in H3423 [H8799] and possessed H776 the land, H3665 [H8686] and thou didst subdue H6440 at the face of H3427 [H8802] them the inhabitants H776 of the land, H3669 the Canaanites, H5414 [H8799] and gavest H3027 them into their hands, H4428 with their kings, H5971 and the people H776 of the land, H6213 [H8800] that they might do H7522 with them as they would.
  25 H3920 [H8799] And they took H1219 [H8803] strong H5892 cities, H8082 and a rich H127 soil, H3423 [H8799] and possessed H1004 houses H4392 full H2898 of all goods, H2672 [H8803] dug H953 wells, H3754 vineyards, H2132 and oliveyards, H3978 and fruit H6086 trees H7230 in abundance: H398 [H8799] so they ate, H7646 [H8799] and were filled, H8080 [H8686] and became fat, H5727 [H8691] and delighted H1419 themselves in thy great H2898 goodness.
  26 H4784 [H8686] Nevertheless they were disobedient, H4775 [H8799] and rebelled H7993 [H8686] against thee, and cast H8451 thy law H310 behind H1458 their backs, H2026 [H8804] and slew H5030 thy prophets H5749 [H8689] who testified H7725 [H8687] against them to turn H6213 [H8799] them to thee, and they wrought H1419 great H5007 provocations.
  27 H5414 [H8799] Therefore thou didst give H3027 them into the hand H6862 of their constricters, H6887 [H8686] who distressed H6256 them: and in the time H6869 of their tightness, H6817 [H8799] when they shrieked H8085 [H8799] to thee, thou heardest H8064 them from heaven; H7227 and according to thy great H7356 compassions H5414 [H8799] thou gavest H3467 [H8688] them liberators, H3467 [H8686] who liberated H3027 them out of the hand H6862 of their constricters.
  28 H5117 [H8800] But after they had rest, H6213 [H8800] they did H7451 evil H7725 [H8799] again H6440 at the face of H5800 [H8799] thee: therefore thou leftest H3027 them in the hand H341 [H8802] of their enemies, H7287 [H8799] so that they had the dominion H7725 [H8799] over them: yet when they returned, H2199 [H8799] and cried H8085 [H8799] to thee, thou heardest H8064 them from heaven; H7227 and many H6256 times H5337 [H8686] didst thou deliver H7356 them according to thy compassions;
  29 H5749 [H8686] And didst testify H7725 [H8687] against them, that thou mightest bring them again H8451 to thy law: H2102 [H8689] yet they dealt proudly, H8085 [H8804] and hearkened H4687 not to thy commandments, H2398 [H8804] but sinned H4941 against thy judgments, H120 (which if a man H6213 [H8799] doeth, H2421 [H8804] he shall live H5414 H5637 [H8799] in them;) and withdrew H3802 the shoulder, H7185 [H8689] and hardened H6203 their neck, H8085 [H8804] and would not hear.
  30 H7227 Yet many H8141 years H4900 [H8799] didst thou forbear H5749 [H8686] over them, and didst testify H7307 against them by thy spirit H3027 in H5030 thy prophets: H238 [H8689] yet would they not give ear: H5414 [H8799] therefore thou gavest H3027 them into the hand H5971 of the people H776 of the lands.
  31 H7227 Nevertheless for thy great H7356 compassions' H6213 [H8804] sake thou didst H3617 not utterly consume H5800 [H8804] them, nor forsake H2587 them; for thou art a gracious H7349 and full of compassion H410 God.
  32 H430 Now therefore, our God, H1419 the great, H1368 the mighty, H3372 [H8737] and the terrible H410 God, H8104 [H8802] who keepest H1285 covenant H2617 and mercy, H8513 let not all the trouble H4591 [H8799] seem little H6440 at the face of H4672 [H8804] thee, that hath come H4428 upon us, on our kings, H8269 on our princes, H3548 and on our priests, H5030 and on our prophets, H1 and on our fathers, H5971 and on all thy people, H3117 since the time H4428 of the kings H804 of Assyria H3117 to this day.
  33 H6662 But thou art just H935 [H8802] in all that is brought H6213 [H8804] upon us; for thou hast done H571 right, H7561 [H8689] but we have done wickedly:
  34 H4428 Neither have our kings, H8269 our princes, H3548 our priests, H1 nor our fathers, H6213 [H8804] kept H8451 thy law, H7181 [H8689] nor pricked up their ears H4687 to thy commandments H5715 and thy testimonies, H5749 [H8689] with which thou didst testify against them.
  35 H5647 [H8804] For they have not served H4438 thee in their kingdom, H7227 and in thy great H2898 goodness H5414 [H8804] that thou gavest H7342 them, and in the large H8082 and rich H776 land H5414 [H8804] which thou gavest H6440 at the face of H7725 [H8804] them, neither turned H7451 they from their wicked H4611 works.
  36 H5650 Behold, we are servants H3117 this day, H776 and for the land H5414 [H8804] that thou gavest H1 to our fathers H398 [H8800] to eat H6529 the fruit H2898 of it and the good H5650 of it, behold, we are servants in it:
  37 H7235 [H8688] And it yieldeth much H8393 increase H4428 to the kings H5414 [H8804] whom thou hast set H2403 over us because of our sins: H4910 [H8802] also they have dominion H1472 over our bodies, H929 and over our cattle, H7522 at their pleasure, H1419 and we are in great H6869 tightness.

Job 33:27-28

  27 H7789 [H8799] He looketh H582 upon men, H559 [H8799] and if any shall say, H2398 [H8804] I have sinned, H5753 [H8689] and perverted H3477 that which was right, H7737 [H8804] and it profited me not;
  28 H6299 [H8804] He will ransom H5315 his breath H5674 [H8800] from going H7845 into the pit, H2416 and his life H7200 [H8799] shall see H216 the light.

Psalms 19:12

  12 H995 [H8799] Who can understand H7691 his errors? H5352 [H8761] cleanse H5641 [H8737] thou me from secret faults.

Psalms 32:5

  5 H3045 [H8686] I acknowledged H2403 my sin H5771 to thee, and my perversity H3680 [H8765] have I not hid. H559 [H8804] I said, H3034 [H8686] I will confess H6588 my revolts H3068 to the LORD; H5375 [H8804] and thou forgavest H5771 the perversity H2403 of my sin. H5542 Selah.

Psalms 51:2-5

  2 H3526 [H8761] Wash H7235 [H8685] me thoroughly H5771 from my perversity, H2891 [H8761] and cleanse H2403 me from my sin.
  3 H3045 [H8799] For I acknowledge H6588 my revolts: H2403 and my sin H8548 is ever before me.
  4 H2398 [H8804] Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, H6213 [H8804] and done H7451 this evil H5869 in thine eyes: H6663 [H8799] that thou mayest be justified H1696 [H8800] when thou speakest, H2135 [H8799] and be clear H8199 [H8800] when thou judgest.
  5 H2342 [H8797] Behold, I was shapen H5771 in perversity; H2399 and in sin H517 did my mother H3179 [H8765] conceive me.

Proverbs 28:13

  13 H3680 [H8764] He that covereth H6588 his sins H6743 [H8686] shall not prosper: H3034 [H8688] but he who confesseth H5800 [H8802] and forsaketh H7355 [H8792] them shall be fondled.

Isaiah 45:21

  21 H5046 [H8685] Tell H5066 [H8685] ye, and bring them near; H3289 [H8735] yea, let them take counsel H3162 together: H8085 [H8689] who hath declared H6924 this from ancient time? H5046 [H8689] who hath told H3068 it from that time? have not I the LORD? H430 and there is no God H1107 else besides H6662 me; a just H410 God H3467 [H8688] and a Liberator; H369 there is none H2108 besides me.

Jeremiah 33:8

  8 H2891 [H8765] And I will cleanse H5771 them from all their perversity, H2398 [H8804] by which they have sinned H5545 [H8804] against me; and I will forgive H5771 all their perversities, H2398 [H8804] by which they have sinned, H6586 [H8804] and by which they have transgressed against me.

Lamentations 3:23

  23 H2319 They are new H1242 every morning: H7227 great H530 is thy faithfulness.

Ezekiel 36:25

  25 H2236 [H8804] Then will I sprinkle H2889 clean H4325 water H2891 [H8804] upon you, and ye shall be clean: H2932 from all your filthiness, H1544 and from all your idols, H2891 [H8762] will I cleanse you.

Ezekiel 37:23

  23 H2930 [H8691] Neither shall they defile H1544 themselves any more with their idols, H8251 nor with their detestable things, H6588 nor with any of their revolts: H3467 [H8689] but I will liberate H4186 them out of all their dwellingplaces, H2398 [H8804] in which they have sinned, H2891 [H8765] and will cleanse H5971 them: so shall they be my people, H430 and I will be their God.

Daniel 9:4-20

  4 H6419 [H8691] And I prayed H3068 to the LORD H430 my God, H3034 [H8691] and made my confession, H559 [H8799] and said, H577 O H136 Sovereign, H1419 the great H3372 [H8737] and dreadful H410 God, H8104 [H8802] keeping H1285 the covenant H2617 and mercy H157 [H8802] to them that love H8104 [H8802] him, and to them that keep H4687 his commandments;
  5 H2398 [H8804] We have sinned, H5753 [H8804] and have committed crookedness, H7561 [H8689] and have done wickedly, H4775 [H8804] and have rebelled, H5493 [H8800] even by departing H4687 from thy commandments H4941 and from thy judgments:
  6 H8085 [H8804] Neither have we hearkened H5650 to thy servants H5030 the prophets, H1696 [H8765] who spoke H8034 in thy name H4428 to our kings, H8269 our princes, H1 and our fathers, H5971 and to all the people H776 of the land.
  7 H136 O Sovereign, H6666 righteousness H1322 belongeth to thee, but to us shame H6440 of faces, H3117 as at this day; H376 to the men H3063 of Judah, H3427 [H8802] and to the inhabitants H3389 of Jerusalem, H3478 and to all Israel, H7138 that are near, H7350 and that are far off, H776 through all the lands H5080 [H8689] to which thou hast driven H4604 them, because of their treachery H4603 [H8804] that they have trespassed against thee.
  8 H136 O Sovereign, H1322 to us belongeth shame H6440 of face, H4428 to our kings, H8269 to our princes, H1 and to our fathers, H2398 [H8804] because we have sinned against thee.
  9 H136 To the Sovereign H430 our God H7356 belong compassions H5547 and forgivenesses, H4775 [H8804] though we have rebelled against him;
  10 H8085 [H8804] Neither have we obeyed H6963 the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 our God, H3212 [H8800] to walk H8451 in his laws, H5414 [H8804] which he set H6440 at the face of H3027 us by H5650 his servants H5030 the prophets.
  11 H3478 And all Israel H5674 [H8804] have transgressed H8451 thy law, H5493 [H8800] even by departing, H8085 [H8800] that they might not obey H6963 thy voice; H423 therefore the curse H5413 [H8799] is poured H7621 upon us, and the oath H3789 [H8803] that is written H8451 in the law H4872 of Moses H5650 the servant H430 of God, H2398 [H8804] because we have sinned against him.
  12 H6965 [H8686] And he hath raised H1697 his words, H1696 [H8765] which he spoke H8199 [H8802] against us, and against our judges H8199 [H8804] that judged H935 [H8687] us, by bringing H1419 upon us a great H7451 evil: H8064 for under the whole heaven H6213 [H8738] it hath not been done H6213 [H8738] as it hath been done H3389 upon Jerusalem.
  13 H3789 [H8803] As it is written H8451 in the law H4872 of Moses, H7451 all this evil H935 [H8804] is come H2470 [H8765] upon us: yet we have not made our prayer H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD H430 our God, H7725 [H8800] that we might turn H5771 from our perversities, H7919 [H8687] and understand H571 thy truth.
  14 H3068 Therefore hath the LORD H8245 [H8799] watched H7451 upon the evil, H935 [H8686] and brought H3068 it upon us: for the LORD H430 our God H6662 is righteous H4639 in all his works H6213 [H8804] which he doeth: H8085 [H8804] for we have not obeyed H6963 his voice.
  15 H136 And now, O Sovereign H430 our God, H3318 [H8689] that hast brought H5971 thy people H776 out of the land H4714 of Egypt H2389 with a mighty H3027 hand, H6213 [H8799] and hast made H8034 thee renown, H3117 as at this day; H2398 [H8804] we have sinned, H7561 [H8804] we have done wickedly.
  16 H136 O Sovereign, H6666 according to all thy righteousness, H639 I beseech thee, let thy anger H2534 and thy hot anger H7725 [H8799] be turned away H5892 from thy city H3389 Jerusalem, H6944 thy holy H2022 mountain: H2399 because for our sins, H5771 and for the perversities H1 of our fathers, H3389 Jerusalem H5971 and thy people H2781 have become a reproach H5439 to all that are about us.
  17 H430 Now therefore, O our God, H8085 [H8798] hear H8605 the prayer H5650 of thy servant, H8469 and his supplications, H6440 and cause thy face H215 [H8685] to shine H4720 upon thy sanctuary H8076 that is desolate, H136 for the Lord's sake.
  18 H430 O my God, H5186 [H8685] incline H241 thine ear, H8085 [H8798] and hear; H6491 [H8798] open H5869 thine eyes, H7200 [H8798] and behold H8074 [H8802] our desolations, H5892 and the city H7121 [H8738] which is called H8034 by thy name: H5307 [H8688] for we do not present H8469 our supplications H6440 at the face of H6666 thee for our righteousnesses, H7227 but for thy great H7356 compassions.
  19 H136 O Sovereign, H8085 [H8798] hear; H136 O Sovereign, H5545 [H8798] forgive; H136 O Sovereign, H7181 [H8685] hearken H6213 [H8798] and do; H309 [H8762] defer H408 not, H430 for thy own sake, O my God: H5892 for thy city H5971 and thy people H7121 [H8738] are called H8034 by thy name.
  20 H1696 [H8764] And while I was speaking, H6419 [H8693] and praying, H3034 [H8693] and confessing H2403 my sin H2403 and the sin H5971 of my people H3478 Israel, H5307 [H8688] and presenting H8467 my supplication H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD H430 my God H6944 for the holy H2022 mountain H430 of my God;

Zechariah 9:9

  9 H1523 [H8798] Rejoice H3966 greatly, H1323 O daughter H6726 of Zion; H7321 [H8685] shout, H1323 O daughter H3389 of Jerusalem: H4428 behold, thy King H935 [H8799] cometh H6662 to thee: he is just, H3467 [H8737] and having liberation; H6041 lowly, H7392 [H8802] and riding H2543 upon a donkey, H5895 and upon a colt H1121 the foal H860 of a donkey.

Matthew 3:6

  6 G2532 And G907 [G5712] were baptized G5259 by G846 him G1722 in G3588 the G2446 Jordan, G1843 [G5734] confessing G3588   G846 their G266 sins.

Mark 1:5

  5 G2532 And G1607 [G5711] there went out G4314 to G846 him G3956 all G3588 the G5561 region G2449 of Judaea, G2532 and G2415 they of Jerusalem, G2532 and G907 0 were G3956 all G907 [G5712] baptized G5259 by G846 him G1722 in G3588 the G2446 Jordan G4215 river, G1843 [G5734] confessing G846 their G266 sins.

Acts 19:18

  18 G5037 And G4183 many G4100 [G5761] that believed G2064 [G5711] came, G1843 [G5734] and confessed, G2532 and G312 [G5723] showed G846 their G4234 actions.

Romans 3:26

  26 G4314 To G1732 declare, G1722 I say, at G3568 this G2540 season G846 his G1343 righteousness: G1519 that G1511 [G5750] he may be G1342 just, G2532 and G1344 [G5723] the justifier G846 of him G4102 who believeth G1537 in G2424 Jesus.

1 Corinthians 1:9

  9 G2316 God G4103 is faithful, G1223 by G3739 whom G2564 [G5681] ye were called G1519 to G2842 the fellowship G846 of his G5207 Son G2424 Jesus G5547 Anointed G2257 our G2962 Lord.

1 Corinthians 6:11

  11 G2532 And G5023 such G2258 [G5713] were G5100 some of you: G235 but G628 [G5668] ye are bathed off, G235 but G37 [G5681] ye are sanctified, G235 but G1344 [G5681] ye are justified G1722 in G3588 the G3686 name G3588 of the G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus, G2532 and G1722 in G3588 the G4151 Spirit G3588   G2257 of our G2316 God.

Ephesians 5:26

  26 G2443 That G846 he G37 [G5661] might sanctify G2511 [G5660] and cleanse it G3067 with the bathing G5204 of water G1722 by G4487 the utterance,

1 Timothy 1:15

  15 G4103 This is a faithful G3056 word, G2532 and G514 worthy G3956 of all G594 acceptation, G3754 that G5547 Anointed G2424 Jesus G2064 [G5627] came G1519 into G2889 the world G4982 [G5658] to save G268 sinners; G3739 of whom G1473 I G1510 [G5748] am G4413 foremost.

Titus 2:14

  14 G3739 Who G1325 [G5656] gave G1438 himself G5228 for G2257 us, G2443 that G3084 [G5672] he might ransom G2248 us G575 from G3956 all G458 lawlessness, G2532 and G2511 [G5661] purify G1438 to himself G4041 his own special G2992 people, G2207 zealous G2570 of good G2041 works.

Hebrews 6:10

  10 G1063 For G2316 God G3756 is not G94 unjust G1950 [G5635] to forget G5216 your G2041 work G2532 and G3588 the G2873 weariness G3588 of the G26 love G3739 which G1731 G1731 [G5668] ye have shown G1519 toward G846 his G3686 name, G1247 [G5660] having served G3588 the G40 holy ones, G2532 and G1247 [G5723] still serving.

Hebrews 10:23

  23 G2722 [G5725] Let us hold fast G3671 the profession G1680 of our hope G186 without wavering; G1063 (for G4103 he is faithful G1861 [G5666] that promised;)

Hebrews 11:11

  11 G4102 Through faith G2532 also G4564 Sarah G846 herself G2983 [G5627] received G1411 power G1519 unto G2602 casting down G4690 seed, G2532 and G5088 [G5627] brought forth G3844 past G2540 the season G2244 of maturity, G1893 since G2233 [G5662] she deemed G3588 the one G1861 [G5666] promising G4103 to be faithful.

1 John 1:7

  7 G1161 But G1437 if G4043 [G5725] we walk G1722 in G5457 the light, G5613 as G846 he G2076 [G5748] is G1722 in G5457 the light, G2192 [G5719] we have G2842 fellowship G3326 G240 one with another, G2532 and G129 the blood G2424 of Jesus G5547 Anointed G846 his G5207 Son G2511 [G5719] cleanseth G2248 us G575 from G3956 all G266 sin.

Revelation 15:3

  3 G2532 And G103 [G5719] they sing G5603 the song G3475 of Moses G1401 the slave G2316 of God, G2532 and G5603 the song G721 of the Lamb, G3004 [G5723] saying, G3173 Great G2532 and G2298 marvellous G4675 are thy G2041 works, G2962 Lord G2316 God G3841 Almighty; G1342 just G2532 and G228 true G4675 are thy G3598 ways, G935 thou King G3588 of the G1484 nations.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.