H2342 חיל חוּל - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Number

חיל חוּל
chûl chı̂yl
khool, kheel
A primitive root; properly to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral manner), that is, (specifically) to dance, to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear; figuratively to wait, to pervert

KJV Usage: bear, (make to) bring forth, (make to) calve, dance, drive away, fall grievously (with pain), fear, form, great, grieve, (be) grievous, hope, look, make, be in pain, be much (sore) pained, rest, shake, shapen, (be) sorrow (-ful), stay, tarry, travail (with pain), tremble, trust, wait carefully (patiently), be wounded.

Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions


חיל חוּל

1. to twist, whirl, dance, writhe, fear, tremble, travail, be in anguish, be pained
a. (Qal)
1. to dance
2. to twist, writhe
3. to whirl, whirl about
b. (Polel)
1. to dance
2. to writhe (in travail with), bear, bring forth
3. to wait anxiously
c. (Pulal)
1. to be made to writhe, be made to bear
2. to be brought forth
d. (Hophal) to be born
e. (Hithpolel)
1. whirling (participle)
2. writhing, suffering torture (participle)
3. to wait longingly
f. (Hithpalpel) to be distressed
Origin: a primitive root
TWOT: 623
Parts of Speech: Verb

View how H2342 חיל חוּל is used in the Bible

First 30 of 62 occurrences of H2342 חיל חוּל

Genesis 8:10 And he stayed
Deuteronomy 2:25 and be in anguish
Deuteronomy 32:18 that formed
Judges 3:25 And they tarried
Judges 21:21 to dance
Judges 21:23 of them that danced,
1 Samuel 31:3 wounded
2 Samuel 3:29 Let it rest
1 Chronicles 10:3 him, and he was wounded
1 Chronicles 16:30 Fear
Esther 4:4 grieved;
Job 15:7 or wast thou made
Job 15:20 man travaileth
Job 20:21 therefore shall no man look
Job 26:5 things are formed
Job 26:13 hath formed
Job 35:14 him; therefore trust
Job 39:1 do calve?
Psalms 10:5 are grievous
Psalms 29:8 shaketh
Psalms 29:8 shaketh
Psalms 29:9 to calve,
Psalms 37:7 and wait patiently
Psalms 51:5 Behold, I was shapen
Psalms 55:4 is greatly pained
Psalms 77:16 thee; they were afraid:
Psalms 90:2 or ever thou hadst formed
Psalms 96:9 fear
Psalms 97:4 and trembled.
Psalms 114:7 Tremble,

Distinct usage

2 shaketh
2 Fear
1 And he stayed
1 that formed
1 to dance
1 wounded
1 Let it rest
1 him, and he was wounded
1 man travaileth
1 therefore shall no man look
1 things are formed
1 hath formed
1 do calve?
1 to calve,
1 and wait patiently
1 is greatly pained
1 thee; they were afraid:
1 or ever thou hadst formed
1 and trembled.
1 I was brought forth;
1 God that formed
1 of them; they shall be in pain
1 so shall they be greatly pained
1 is in pain,
1 we have been in pain,
1 What hast thou brought forth?
1 that bore
1 Before she travailed,
1 that a man should both hope
1 shall have great
1 pain,
1 shall abide
1 shall be much pained:
1 became weak waiting
1 thee, and they trembled:
1 and be in anguish
1 sorrowful,
1 grieved;
1 Behold, I was shapen
1 laid
1 of them that danced,
1 be made to bring forth
1 travailed,
1 or wast thou made
1 him; therefore trust
1 was I brought forth:
1 thou that didst not travail with child:
1 will ye not tremble
1 Be in pain,
1 I am pained
1 even a grievous
1 it shall fall grievously
1 it shall fall with pain
1 bringeth forth
1 I travail
1 them, but they have not grieved;
1 and sorrow:
1 are grievous
1 Tremble,
1 And they tarried

Corresponding Greek Words

chil G2125 eulabeomai
chil G2983 lambano
chil G3600 odunao
chil G4937 sun tribo
chil G5399 phobeo
chil qal,hithpalp G5015 tarasso
chil subst. G5604 odin
chul G2240 heko
chul G2658 kat antao
chul G2872 kopiao
chul G4531 saleuo
chul G5135 traumatizo
chul hithpa. G4962 su strepho
chul hi. G1907 ep echo
chul hi. G4357 pros meno
chul hi. G5278 hupo meno
chul pil,qal,hoph G5605 odino
chul pil. G1825 ex egeiro
chul pil. G2675 kat artizo
chul pil. G4111 plasso
chul pil. G5142 trepho
chul pul. G1081 gennao
chul pul. G4078 pegnumi
chul pul. G4815 sul lambano

Related words


H2341 חוילה chăvı̂ylâh
Probably from H2342; circular; Chavilah, the name of two or three eastern regions; also perhaps of two men

KJV Usage: Havilah.

H2343 חוּל chûl
From H2342; a circle; Chul, a son of Aram; also the region settled by him

KJV Usage: Hul.

H2344 חול chôl
From H2342; sand (as round or whirling particles)

KJV Usage: sand.

H2427 חילה חיל chı̂yl chı̂ylâh
חילה חיל
chı̂yl chı̂ylâh
kheel, khee-law'
From H2342; a throe (especially of childbirth)

KJV Usage: pain, pang, sorrow.

H2428 חיל chayil
From H2342; probably a force, whether of men, means or other resources; an army, wealth, virtue, valor, strength

KJV Usage: able, activity, (+) army, band of men (soldiers), company, (great) forces, goods, host, might, power, riches, strength, strong, substance, train, (+) valiant (-ly), valour, virtuous (-ly), war, worthy (-ily).

H2470 חלה châlâh
A primitive root (compare H2342, H2490); properly to be rubbed or worn; hence (figuratively) to be weak, sick, afflicted; or (causatively) to grieve, make sick; also to stroke (in flattering), entreat

KJV Usage: beseech, (be) diseased, (put to) grief, be grieved, (be) grievous, infirmity, intreat, lay to, put to pain, X pray, make prayer, be (fall, make) sick, sore, be sorry, make suit (X supplication), woman in travail, be (become) weak, be wounded.

H2478 חלחוּל chalchûl
By reduplication from H2342; contorted; Chalchul, a place in Palestine

KJV Usage: Halhul.

H4234 מחול mâchôl
From H2342; a (round) dance

KJV Usage: dance (-cing).