Matthew 13:21 Cross References - new

  21 G1161 { Yet G2192 [G5719] he hath G3756 not G4491 root G1722 in G1438 himself, G235 but G2076 [G5748] is G4340 temporary: G1161 for G2347 pressure G2228 or G1375 persecution G1096 [G5637] having happened G1223 because G3056 of the word, G2117 immediately G4624 [G5743] he is caused to stumble.}

Job 19:28

  28 H559 [H8799] But ye should say, H7291 [H8799] Why persecute H8328 we him, seeing the root H1697 of the matter H4672 [H8738] is found in me?

Job 27:8-10

  8 H8615 For what is the hope H2611 of the hypocrite, H1214 [H8799] though he hath gained, H433 when God H7953 [H8799] taketh away H5315 his breath?
  9 H410 Will God H8085 [H8799] hear H6818 his shriek H6869 when tightness H935 [H8799] cometh upon him?
  10 H6026 [H8691] Will he delight H7706 himself in the Almighty? H6256 will he always H7121 [H8799] call H433 upon God?

Psalms 36:3

  3 H1697 The words H6310 of his mouth H205 are nothingness H4820 and deceit: H2308 [H8804] he hath ceased H7919 [H8687] to be prudent, H3190 [H8687] and to do good.

Proverbs 12:3

  3 H120 A man H3559 [H8735] shall not be established H7562 by wickedness: H8328 but the root H6662 of the righteous H4131 [H8735] shall not be moved.

Proverbs 12:12

  12 H7563 The wicked H2530 [H8804] desireth H4685 the net H7451 of evil H8328 men: but the root H6662 of the righteous H5414 [H8799] yieldeth fruit.

Hosea 6:4

  4 H669 O Ephraim, H6213 [H8799] what shall I do H3063 to thee? O Judah, H6213 [H8799] what shall I do H2617 to thee? for your mercy H1242 is as the morning H6051 cloud, H7925 [H8688] and as the early H2919 dew H1980 [H8802] it goeth away.

Matthew 5:10-12

  10 G3107 { Blessed G1377 [G5772] are the ones having been persecuted G1752 for G1343 righteousness' sake: G3754 for G846 theirs G2076 [G5748] is G932 the kingdom G3772 of heaven.}
  11 G3107 { Blessed G2075 [G5748] are ye, G3752 when G3679 [G5661] men shall revile G5209 you, G2532 and G1377 [G5661] persecute G2532 you, and G2036 [G5632] shall say G3956 every G4190 evil G4487 utterance G2596 against G5216 you G5574 [G5730] falsely, G1752 because of G1700 me.}
  12 G5463 [G5720] { Rejoice, G2532 and G21 [G5737] leap for joy: G3754 for G4183 much G5216 is your G3408 wage G1722 in G3772 heaven: G1063 for G3779 so G1377 [G5656] they persecuted G4396 the prophets G3588 who G4253 were before G5216 you.}

Matthew 7:22-23

  22 G4183 { Many G2046 [G5692] will say G3427 to me G1722 in G1565 that G2250 day, G2962 Lord, G2962 Lord, G4395 0 have we G3756 not G4395 [G5656] prophesied G4674 in thy G3686 name? G2532 and G4674 in thy G3686 name G1544 [G5627] have cast out G1140 demons? G2532 and G4674 in thy G3686 name G4160 [G5656] done G4183 many G1411 powerful works?}
  23 G2532 { And G5119 then G3670 [G5692] will I profess G846 to them, G3754   G3763 I never G1097 [G5627] knew G5209 you: G672 [G5720] depart G575 from G1700 me, G2038 [G5740] ye that work G458 lawlessness.}

Matthew 7:26-27

  26 G2532 { And G3956 every one G191 [G5723] that heareth G5128 these G3056 sayings G3450 of mine, G2532 and G4160 [G5723] doeth G846 them G3361 not, G3666 [G5701] shall be likened G3474 to a foolish G435 man, G3748 who G3618 [G5656] built G846 his G3614 house G1909 upon G285 the sand:}
  27 G2532 { And G1028 the rain G2597 [G5627] descended, G2532 and G4215 the floods G2064 [G5627] came, G2532 and G417 the winds G4154 [G5656] blew, G2532 and G4350 [G5656] dash upon G1565 that G3614 house; G2532 and G4098 [G5627] it fell: G2532 and G3173 great G2258 [G5713] was G846 its G4431 fall.}

Matthew 10:22

  22 G2532 { And G2071 [G5704] ye shall G3404 [G5746] be hated G5259 by G3956 all G1223 men for G3450 my G3686 name's sake: G1161 but G3778 he that G5278 [G5660] endureth G1519 to G5056 the end G4982 [G5701] shall be saved.}

Matthew 10:37-39

  37 G3588 { He G5368 [G5723] being fond of G3962 father G2228 or G3384 mother G5228 more than G1691 me G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G514 worthy G3450 of me: G2532 and G3588 he G5368 [G5723] being fond of G5207 son G2228 or G2364 daughter G5228 more than G1691 me G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G514 worthy G3450 of me.}
  38 G2532 { And G3739 he G2983 [G5719] that taketh G3756 not G846 his G4716 stake, G2532 and G190 [G5719] followeth G3694 after G3450 me, G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G514 worthy G3450 of me.}
  39 G2147 [G5631] { He that findeth G846 his G5590 breath G622 [G5692] shall lose G846 it: G2532 and G622 [G5660] he that loseth G846 his G5590 breath G1700 for my G1752 sake G2147 [G5692] shall find G846 it.}

Matthew 11:6

  6 G2532 { And G3107 blessed G2076 [G5748] is G3739 he, who G4624 0 shall G3362 not G4624 [G5686] be caused to stumble G1722 because of G1698 me.}

Matthew 13:6

  6 G1161 { And G2246 when the sun G393 [G5660] had risen, G2739 [G5681] they were scorched; G2532 and G1223 because G2192 [G5721] they had G3361 no G4491 root, G3583 [G5681] they withered away.}

Matthew 13:57

  57 G2532 And G4624 [G5712] they were caused to stumble G1722 in G846 him. G1161 But G2424 Jesus G2036 [G5627] said G846 to them, G4396 { A prophet G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G820 without honour, G1508 except G1722 in G846 his G3968 fatherland, G2532 and G1722 in G846 his own G3614 house.}

Matthew 16:24-26

  24 G5119 Then G2036 [G5627] said G2424 Jesus G846 to his G3101 disciples, G1536 { If any G2309 [G5719] man will G2064 [G5629] come G3694 after G3450 me, G533 [G5663] let him deny G1438 himself, G2532 and G142 [G5657] take up G846 his G4716 stake, G2532 and G190 [G5720] follow G3427 me.}
  25 G1063 { For G3739 G302 whoever G2309 [G5725] will G4982 [G5658] save G846 his G5590 breath G622 [G5692] shall lose G846 it: G1161 and G3739 G302 whoever G622 [G5661] will lose G846 his G5590 breath G1752 0 for G1700 my G1752 sake G2147 [G5692] shall find G846 it.}
  26 G1063 { For G5101 what G444 is a man G5623 [G5743] profited, G1437 if G2770 [G5661] he shall gain G3650 the whole G2889 world, G1161 and G2210 [G5686] lose G846 his own G5590 breath? G2228 or G5101 what G444 shall a man G1325 [G5692] give G465 in exchange G846 for his G5590 breath?}

Matthew 24:9-10

  9 G5119 { Then G3860 0 shall they deliver G5209 you G3860 [G5692] up G1519 to G2347 be pressured, G2532 and G615 [G5692] shall kill G5209 you: G2532 and G2071 [G5704] ye shall be G3404 [G5746] hated G5259 by G3956 all G3588 the G1484 nations G1223 because of G3588   G3450 my G3686 name.}
  10 G2532 { And G5119 then G4183 shall many G4624 [G5701] be caused to stumble, G2532 and G3860 [G5692] shall betray G240 one another, G2532 and G3404 [G5692] shall hate G240 one another.}

Matthew 24:13

  13 G1161 { But G5278 [G5660] he that shall endure G1519 to G5056 the end, G3778 the same G4982 [G5701] shall be saved.}

Matthew 26:31

  31 G5119 Then G3004 [G5719] saith G2424 Jesus G846 to them, G3956 { All G5210 ye G4624 [G5701] shall be caused to stumble G1722 because G1722 G1698 of me G5026 this G3571 night: G1063 for G1125 [G5769] it is written, G3960 [G5692] I will smite G4166 the shepherd, G2532 and G4263 the sheep G4167 of the flock G1287 [G5701] shall be scattered abroad.}

Matthew 26:33

  33 G1161 And G611 [G5679] answering G4074 Peter G2036 [G5627] said G846 to him, G1499 even if G3956 all men G4624 [G5701] shall be caused to stumble G1722 because G4671 of thee, G1473 yet will I G3763 never G4624 [G5701] be caused to stumble.

Mark 4:17

  17 G2532 { And G2192 [G5719] have G3756 no G4491 root G1722 in G1438 themselves, G235 but G1526 [G5748] are G4340 temporary: G1534 afterward, G2347 when affliction G2228 or G1375 persecution G1096 [G5637] happens G1223 for G3056 the word's sake, G2112 immediately G4624 [G5743] they are caused to stumble.}

Mark 8:34-36

  34 G2532 And G4341 [G5666] when he had called G3588 the G3793 crowd G4862 to him with G846 his G3101 disciples G2036 [G5627] also, he said G846 to them, G3748 { Whoever G2309 [G5719] will G2064 [G5629] come G3694 after G3450 me, G533 [G5663] let him deny G1438 himself, G2532 and G142 [G5657] take up G846 his G4716 stake, G2532 and G190 [G5720] follow G3427 me.}
  35 G1063 { For G3739 G302 whoever G2309 [G5725] wishes to G4982 [G5658] save G846 his G5590 breath G622 [G5692] shall lose G846 it; G1161 but G3739 G302 whoever G622 [G5661] shall lose G846 his G5590 breath G1752 for G1700 my sake G2532 and G3588 the G2098 good news', G3778 the same G4982 [G5692] shall save G846 it.}
  36 G1063 { For G5101 what G5623 [G5692] shall it profit G444 a man, G1437 if G2770 [G5661] he shall gain G3650 the whole G2889 world, G2532 and G2210 [G5686] lose G846 his own G5590 breath?}

Mark 13:12-13

  12 G1161 { Now G80 the brother G3860 [G5692] shall betray G80 the brother G1519 to G2288 death, G2532 and G3962 the father G5043 the child; G2532 and G5043 children G1881 [G5695] shall rise up G1909 against G1118 their parents, G2532 and G2289 0 shall cause G846 them G2289 [G5692] to be put to death.}
  13 G2532 { And G2071 [G5704] ye shall be G3404 [G5746] hated G5259 by G3956 all G1223 0 men for G3450 my G1223 G3686 name's sake: G1161 but G5278 [G5660] he that shall endure G1519 to G5056 the end, G3778 the same G4982 [G5701] shall be saved.}

Luke 8:13

  13 G1161 { G1909 They on G4073 the rock G3739 are they, who, G3752 when G191 [G5661] they hear, G1209 [G5736] receive G3056 the word G3326 with G5479 joy; G2532 and G3778 these G2192 [G5719] have G3756 no G4491 root, G3739 who G4314 for G2540 a while G4100 [G5719] believe, G2532 and G1722 in G2540 season G3986 of temptation G868 [G5736] withdraw.}

Luke 9:23-25

  23 G1161 And G3004 [G5707] he said G4314 to G3956 them all, G1536 { If any man G2309 [G5719] will G2064 [G5629] come G3694 after G3450 me, G533 [G5663] let him deny G1438 himself, G2532 and G142 [G5657] take up G846 his G4716 stake G2250 G2596 daily, G2532 and G190 [G5720] follow G3427 me.}
  24 G1063 { For G3739 G302 whoever G2309 [G5725] will G4982 [G5658] save G846 his G5590 breath G622 [G5692] shall lose G846 it: G1161 but G3739 G302 whoever G622 [G5661] will lose G846 his G5590 breath G1700 for my G1752 sake, G3778 the same G4982 [G5692] shall save G846 it.}
  25 G1063 { For G5101 what G5623 0 is G444 a man G5623 [G5743] profited, G2770 [G5660] if he shall gain G3650 the whole G2889 world, G1161 and G622 [G5660] lose G1438 himself, G2228 or G2210 [G5685] be cast away?}

Luke 14:26-33

  26 G1536 { If any G2064 [G5736] man cometh G4314 to G3165 me, G2532 and G3404 [G5719] hateth G3756 not G1438 his G3962 father, G2532 and G3384 mother, G2532 and G1135 wife, G2532 and G5043 children, G2532 and G80 brethren, G2532 and G79 sisters, G2089 yea, G1161 and G1438 his own G5590 breath G2532 also, G3756 G1410 [G5736] he cannot G1511 [G5750] be G3450 my G3101 disciple.}
  27 G2532 { And G3748 whoever G941 0 doth G3756 not G941 [G5719] bear G846 his G4716 stake, G2532 and G2064 [G5736] come G3694 after G3450 me, G3756 G1410 [G5736] cannot G1511 [G5750] be G3450 my G3101 disciple.}
  28 G1063 { For G5101 which G1537 of G5216 you, G2309 [G5723] intending G3618 [G5658] to build G4444 a tower, G2523 0 sitteth G3780 not G2523 [G5660] down G4412 first, G5585 [G5719] and counteth G1160 the cost, G1487 whether G2192 [G5719] he hath G4314 sufficient to G535 finish it?}
  29 G3363 { Lest G3379 perhaps, G846 after he G5087 [G5631] hath laid G2310 the foundation, G2532 and G2480 0 is G3361 not G2480 [G5723] able G1615 [G5658] to finish G3956 it, all G2334 [G5723] that behold G756 [G5672] it begin G1702 [G5721] to mock G846 him,}
  30 G3004 [G5723] { Saying, G3754 G3778 This G444 man G756 [G5662] began G3618 [G5721] to build, G2532 and G2480 0 was G3756 not G2480 [G5656] able G1615 [G5658] to finish.}
  31 G2228 { Or G5101 what G935 king, G4198 [G5740] going G4820 [G5629] to engage with G2087 another G935 king G1519 in G4171 war, G2523 0 sitteth G3780 not G2523 [G5660] down G4412 first, G1011 [G5736] and consulteth G1487 whether G2076 [G5748] he is G1415 able G1722 with G1176 ten G5505 thousand G528 [G5658] to meet G2064 [G5740] him that cometh G1909 against G846 him G3326 with G1501 twenty G5505 thousand?}
  32 G1490 { Or else, G846 while the other G5607 [G5752] is G2089 yet G4206 a great way off, G649 [G5660] he sendeth G4242 a delegation, G2065 [G5719] and desireth G4314 conditions G1515 of peace.}
  33 G3779 { So G3767 likewise, G3956 whoever G1537 he is of G5216 you G3739 that G657 [G5731] forsaketh G3756 not G3956 all G5224 G1438 [G5723] that he hath, G3756 G1410 [G5736] he cannot G1511 [G5750] be G3450 my G3101 disciple.}

Luke 21:12-18

  12 G1161 { But G4253 before G537 all G5130 these, G1911 [G5692] they shall lay G846 their G5495 hands G1909 on G5209 you, G2532 and G1377 [G5692] persecute G3860 [G5723] you, delivering G1519 you up G4864 to the synagogues, G2532 and G5438 into prisons, G71 [G5746] being led G1909 before G935 kings G2532 and G2232 rulers G1752 0 for G3450 my G3686 name's G1752 sake.}
  13 G1161 { And G576 [G5695] it shall disembark G5213 to you G1519 for G3142 a testimony.}
  14 G5087 [G5640] { Settle G3767 it therefore G1519 in G5216 your G2588 hearts, G3361 not G4304 [G5721] to meditate beforehand G626 [G5677] how to make a defense:}
  15 G1063 { For G1473 I G1325 [G5692] will give G5213 you G4750 a mouth G2532 and G4678 wisdom, G3739 which G3956 all G5213 your G480 [G5740] adversaries G1410 0 shall G3756 not G1410 [G5695] be able G471 [G5629] to speak against G3761 nor G436 [G5629] withstand.}
  16 G1161 { And G3860 [G5701] ye shall be betrayed G2532 both G5259 by G1118 parents, G2532 and G80 brethren, G2532 and G4773 kinsmen, G2532 and G5384 friends; G2532 and G1537 some of G5216 you G2289 [G5692] shall they cause to be put to death.}
  17 G2532 { And G2071 [G5704] ye shall be G3404 [G5746] hated G5259 by G3956 all G1223 men for G3450 my G3686 name's sake.}
  18 G2532 { But G3364 there shall not G2359 an hair G1537 of G5216 your G2776 head G622 [G5643] perish.}

John 6:26

  26 G2424 Jesus G611 [G5662] answered G846 them G2532 and G2036 [G5627] said, G281 { Verily, G281 verily, G3004 [G5719] I say G5213 to you, G2212 [G5719] Ye seek G3165 me, G3756 not G3754 because G1492 [G5627] ye saw G4592 the signs, G235 but G3754 because G5315 [G5627] ye ate G1537 of G740 the loaves, G2532 and G5526 [G5681] were filled.}

John 6:61-65

  61 G1161 When G2424 Jesus G1492 [G5761] knew G1722 in G1438 himself G3754 that G846 his G3101 disciples G1111 [G5719] murmured G4012 at G5127 it, G2036 [G5627] he said G846 to them, G5124 { Doth this G4624 0 cause G5209 you G4624 [G5719] to stumble?}
  62 G3767 { What G1437 if G2334 [G5725] ye shall see G5207 the Son G444 of man G305 [G5723] ascend up G3699 where G2258 [G5713] he was G4386 before?}
  63 G2076 [G5748] { It is G4151 the spirit G2227 [G5723] that giveth life; G4561 G3756 the flesh G5623 [G5719] profiteth G3762 nothing: G4487 the utterances G3739 that G1473 I G2980 [G5719] speak G5213 to you, G2076 [G5748] they are G4151 spirit, G2532 and G2076 [G5748] they are G2222 life.}
  64 G235 { But G1526 [G5748] there are G5100 some G1537 of G5216 you G3739 that G4100 [G5719] believe G3756 not. G1063 } For G2424 Jesus G1492 [G5715] knew G1537 from G746 the beginning G5101 who G1526 [G5748] they were G4100 [G5723] that believed G3361 not, G2532 and G5101 who G2076 [G5748] he was that would G3860 [G5694] betray G846 him.
  65 G2532 And G3004 [G5707] he said, G1223 G5124 { Therefore G2046 [G5758] I said G5213 to you, G3754 that G3762 no man G1410 [G5736] can G2064 [G5629] come G4314 to G3165 me, G3362 except G5600 [G5753] it were G1325 [G5772] given G846 to him G1537 by G3450 my G3962 Father.}

John 6:70-71

  70 G2424 Jesus G611 [G5662] answered G846 them, G1586 0 { Have G3756 not G1473 I G1586 [G5668] chosen G5209 you G1427 twelve, G2532 and G1520 one G1537 of G5216 you G2076 [G5748] is G1228 a slanderer?}
  71 G1161   G3004 [G5707] He spoke G2455 of Judas G2469 Iscariot G4613 the son of Simon: G1063 for G3778 it was he G3195 [G5707] that was to G3860 [G5721] betray G846 him, G5607 [G5752] being G1520 one G1537 of G1427 the twelve.

John 12:25-26

  25 G3588 { He G5368 [G5723] being fond of G846 his G5590 breath G622 [G5692] shall lose G846 it; G2532 and G3588 he G3404 [G5723] destesting G846 his G5590 breath G1722 in G5129 this G2889 world G5442 [G5692] shall keep G846 it G1519 to G2222 life G166 age-during.}
  26 G1437 { If G5100 any man G1247 [G5725] serve G1698 me, G190 [G5720] let him follow G1698 me; G2532 and G3699 where G1473 I G1510 [G5748] am, G1563 there G2071 0 shall G2532 also G1699 my G1249 servant G2071 [G5704] be: G2532   G1437 if G5100 any man G1247 [G5725] serve G1698 me, G846 him G5091 0 will G3962 my Father G5091 [G5692] honour.}

John 15:5-7

  5 G1473 { I G1510 [G5748] am G288 the vine, G5210 ye G2814 are the branches: G3306 [G5723] He that abideth G1722 in G1698 me, G2504 and I G1722 in G846 him, G3778 the same G5342 [G5719] bringeth forth G4183 much G2590 fruit: G3754 for G5565 without G1700 me G1410 [G5736] ye can G4160 [G5721] do G3756 G3762 nothing.}
  6 G3362 0 { If G5100 a man G3306 [G5661] abideth G3362 not G1722 in G1698 me, G906 [G5681] he is cast G1854 forth G5613 as G2814 a branch, G2532 and G3583 [G5681] is withered; G2532 and G4863 [G5719] men gather G846 them, G2532 and G906 [G5719] cast G1519 them into G4442 the fire, G2532 and G2545 [G5743] they are burned.}
  7 G1437 { If G3306 [G5661] ye abide G1722 in G1698 me, G2532 and G3450 my G4487 utterances G3306 [G5661] abide G1722 in G5213 you, G154 [G5698] ye shall ask G3739 G1437 what G2309 [G5725] ye will, G2532 and G1096 [G5695] it shall be done G5213 to you.}

Acts 8:21-23

  21 G4671 Thou G2076 [G5748] hast G3756 neither G3310 part G3761 nor G2819 lot G1722 in G5129 this G3056 matter: G1063 for G4675 thy G2588 heart G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G2117 straight G1799 in the sight G2316 of God.
  22 G3340 [G5657] Change thy mind G3767 therefore G575 from G5026 this G4675 thy G2549 wickedness, G2532 and G1189 [G5676] beseech G2316 God, G1487 if G686 perhaps G1963 the thought G4675 of thy G2588 heart G863 [G5701] may be forgiven G4671 thee.
  23 G1063 For G3708 [G5719] I perceive G4571 that thou G5607 [G5752] art G1519 in G5521 the gall G4088 of bitterness, G2532 and G4886 in the bond G93 of injustice.

Romans 2:7

  7 G3588 To them G3303 indeed, G2596 according to G5281 endurance G18 in well G2041 doing, G2212 [G5723] seeking G1391 glory G2532 and G5092 honour G2532 and G861 incorruptibility, G166 age-during G2222 life:

Galatians 5:6

  6 G1063 For G1722 in G5547 Anointed G2424 Jesus G3777 neither G4061 circumcision G5100 has any G2480 [G5719] strength, G3777 nor G203 uncircumcision; G235 but G4102 faith G1754 [G5734] being energized G1223 by G26 love.

Galatians 6:12

  12 G3745 As many as G2309 [G5719] desire G2146 [G5658] to make a fair show G1722 in G4561 the flesh, G3778 they G315 [G5719] constrain G5209 you G4059 [G5745] to be circumcised; G3440 only G3363 lest G1377 [G5747] they should suffer persecution G4716 for the stake G5547 of Anointed.

Galatians 6:15

  15 G1063 For G1722 in G5547 Anointed G2424 Jesus G3777 neither G4061 circumcision G2480 [G5719] availeth G5100 any thing, G3777 nor G203 uncircumcision, G235 but G2537 a new G2937 creation.

Ephesians 3:17

  17 G5547 That Anointed G2730 [G5658] may dwell G1722 in G5216 your G2588 hearts G1223 by G4102 faith; G2443 that G4492 [G5772] ye, being rooted G2532 and G2311 [G5772] grounded G1722 in G26 love,

Philippians 1:6

  6 G3982 [G5756] Being confident G5124 of this G846 very thing, G3754 that G1728 [G5666] he who hath begun G18 a good G2041 work G1722 in G5213 you G2005 [G5692] will perform G891 it until G2250 the day G2424 of Jesus G5547 Anointed:

2 Timothy 1:15

  15 G5124 This G1492 [G5758] thou knowest, G3754 that G3956 all G1722 they who are in G773 Asia G654 [G5648] are turned away from G3165 me; G3739 of whom G2076 [G5748] are G5436 Phygellus G2532 and G2061 Hermogenes.

2 Timothy 4:10

  10 G1063 For G1214 Demas G1459 [G5627] hath forsaken G3165 me, G25 [G5660] having loved G3588 this G3568 present G165 age, G2532 and G4198 [G5675] hath departed G1519 to G2332 Thessalonica; G2913 Crescens G1519 to G1053 Galatia, G5103 Titus G1519 to G1149 Dalmatia.

Hebrews 10:35-39

  35 G577 0 Cast G3361 not G577 [G5632] away G3767 therefore G5216 your G3954 confidence, G3748 which G2192 [G5719] hath G3173 great G3405 recompence of reward.
  36 G1063 For G2192 [G5719] ye have G5532 need G5281 of patience, G2443 that, G4160 [G5660] after ye have done G2307 the will G2316 of God, G2865 [G5672] ye may receive G1860 the promise.
  37 G1063 For G2089 yet G3397 a little G3745 while, G2064 [G5740] and he that is coming G2240 [G5692] will come, G2532 and G5549 0 will G3756 not G5549 [G5692] tarry.
  38 G1161 Now G3588 the G1342 just G2198 [G5695] shall live G1537 by G4102 faith: G2532 but G1437 if G5288 [G5672] any man shall draw back, G3450 my G5590 breath G2106 0 shall have G3756 no G2106 [G5719] pleasure G1722 in G846 him.
  39 G1161 But G2249 we G2070 [G5748] are G3756 not G5289 of those drawing back G1519 to G684 loss; G235 but G4102 of those believing G1519 to G4047 the procurement G5590 of breath.

1 Peter 1:5

  5 G3588 Who G5432 [G5746] are being guarded G1722 by G1411 the power G2316 of God G1223 through G4102 faith G1519 to G4991 salvation G2092 ready G601 [G5683] to be revealed G1722 in G2078 the last G2540 season.

2 Peter 1:8-9

  8 G1063 For G5023 if these things G5225 [G5723] are G5213 in you, G2532 and G4121 [G5723] abound, G2525 [G5719] they make G3756 you that ye shall neither G692 be barren G3761 nor G175 unfruitful G1519 in G1922 the knowledge G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Anointed.
  9 G1063 But G3739 he that G3361 G3918 [G5748] lacketh G5023 these things G2076 [G5748] is G5185 blind, G3467 [G5723] and cannot see afar off, G3024 G2983 [G5631] and hath forgotten G2512 that he was purified from G846 his G3819 old G266 sins.

1 John 2:19-20

  19 G1831 [G5627] They went out G1537 from among G2257 us, G235 but yet G2258 [G5713] they were G3756 not G1537 from among G2257 us; G1063 for G1487 if G2258 [G5713] they were G1537 from among G2257 us, G302 they would G3306 [G5715] have continued G3326 with G2257 us: G235 but rather G2443 they went out, in order that G5319 [G5686] they may be made apparent G3754 that G1526 [G5748] they were G3756 not G3956 all G1537 from among G2257 us.
  20 G2532 But G5210 ye G2192 [G5719] have G5545 an anointing G575 from G40 the Holy One, G2532 and G1492 [G5758] ye know G3956 all things.

Revelation 2:13

  13 G1492 [G5758] { I know G4675 thy G2041 works, G2532 and G4226 where G2730 [G5719] thou dwellest, G3699 even where G3588 the G4567 adversary's G2362 throne G2532 is: and G2902 [G5719] thou holdest fast G3450 my G3686 name, G2532 and G720 0 hast G3756 not G720 [G5662] denied G3450 my G4102 faith, G2532 even G1722 in G2250 those days G1722 in G3739 which G493 Antipas G3450 was my G4103 faithful G3144 martyr, G3739 who G615 [G5681] was slain G3844 among G5213 you, G3699 where G3588 the G4567 adversary G2730 [G5719] dwelleth.}

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.