Psalms 121 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  1 H5375 [H8799] I will lift up H5869 my eyes H2022 to the hills H370 , from which H935 [H8799] cometh H5828 my help.
  2 H5828 My help H3068 cometh from the LORD H6213 [H8802] , who made H8064 heaven H776 and earth.
  3 H5414 [H8799] He will not allow H7272 thy foot H4132 to be moved H8104 [H8802] : he that keepeth H5123 [H8799] thee will not slumber.
  4 H8104 [H8802] Behold, he that keepeth H3478 Israel H5123 [H8799] shall neither slumber H3462 [H8799] nor sleep.
  5 H3068 The LORD H8104 [H8802] is thy keeper H3068 : the LORD H6738 is thy shade H3225 upon thy right H3027 hand.
  6 H8121 The sun H5221 [H8686] shall not smite H3119 thee by day H3394 , nor the moon H3915 by night.
  7 H3068 The LORD H8104 [H8799] shall preserve H7451 thee from all evil H8104 [H8799] : he shall preserve H5315 thy soul.
  8 H3068 The LORD H8104 [H8799] shall preserve H3318 [H8800] thy going out H935 [H8800] and thy coming in H5704 from this time forth, and even for H5769 evermore.

Exodus 13:21

  21 H3068 And the LORD H1980 [H8802] went H6440 before H3119 them by day H5982 in a pillar H6051 of a cloud H5148 [H8687] , to lead H1870 them in the way H3915 ; and by night H5982 in a pillar H784 of fire H215 [H8687] , to give them light H3212 [H8800] ; to go H3119 by day H3915 and night:

Deuteronomy 28:6

  6 H1288 [H8803] Blessed H935 [H8800] shalt thou be when thou comest in H1288 [H8803] , and blessed H3318 [H8800] shalt thou be when thou goest out.

Deuteronomy 28:19

  19 H779 [H8803] Cursed H935 [H8800] shalt thou be when thou comest in H779 [H8803] , and cursed H3318 [H8800] shalt thou be when thou goest out.

1 Samuel 2:9

  9 H8104 [H8799] He will keep H7272 the feet H2623 of his saints H7563 , and the wicked H1826 [H8735] shall be silent H2822 in darkness H3581 ; for by strength H376 shall no man H1396 [H8799] prevail.

2 Samuel 5:2

  2 H865 H8032 Also in time past H7586 , when Saul H4428 was king H3318 [H8688] over us, thou wast he that leddest out H935 [H8688] and broughtest in H3478 Israel H3068 : and the LORD H559 [H8799] said H7462 [H8799] to thee, Thou shalt feed H5971 my people H3478 Israel H5057 , and thou shalt be a captain H3478 over Israel.

1 Kings 18:27

  27 H6672 And it came to pass at noon H452 , that Elijah H2048 [H8762] mocked H559 [H8799] them, and said H7121 [H8798] , Cry H1419 H6963 aloud H430 : for he is a god H7879 ; either he is talking H7873 , or he is pursuing H1870 , or he is on a journey H194 , or perhaps H3463 he sleepeth H3364 [H8799] , and must be awakened.

Ezra 8:21

  21 H7121 [H8799] Then I proclaimed H6685 a fast H5104 there, at the river H163 Ahava H6031 [H8692] , that we might afflict H6440 ourselves before H430 our God H1245 [H8763] , to seek H3477 of him a right H1870 way H2945 for us, and for our little ones H7399 , and for all our substance.

Ezra 8:31

  31 H5265 [H8799] Then we departed H5104 from the river H163 Ahava H8147 H6240 on the twelfth H7223 day of the first H2320 month H3212 [H8800] , to go H3389 to Jerusalem H3027 : and the hand H430 of our God H5337 [H8686] was upon us, and he delivered H3709 us from the hand H341 [H8802] of the enemy H693 [H8802] , and of such as lay in wait H1870 by the way.

Job 5:19-27

  19 H5337 [H8686] He shall deliver H8337 thee in six H6869 troubles H7651 : yea, in seven H7451 there shall no evil H5060 [H8799] touch thee.
  20 H7458 In famine H6299 [H8804] he shall redeem H4194 thee from death H4421 : and in war H3027 from the power H2719 of the sword.
  21 H2244 [H8735] Thou shalt be hid H7752 from the scourge H3956 of the tongue H3372 [H8799] : neither shalt thou be afraid H7701 of destruction H935 [H8799] when it cometh.
  22 H7701 At destruction H3720 and famine H7832 [H8799] thou shalt laugh H3372 [H8799] : neither shalt thou be afraid H2416 of the beasts H776 of the earth.
  23 H1285 For thou shalt be in league H68 with the stones H7704 of the field H2416 : and the beasts H7704 of the field H7999 [H8717] shall be at peace with thee.
  24 H3045 [H8804] And thou shalt know H168 that thy tabernacle H7965 shall be in peace H6485 [H8804] ; and thou shalt visit H5116 thy habitation H2398 [H8799] , and shalt not sin.
  25 H3045 [H8804] Thou shalt know H2233 also that thy seed H7227 shall be great H6631 , and thy offspring H6212 as the grass H776 of the earth.
  26 H935 [H8799] Thou shalt come H6913 to thy grave H3624 in a full age H1430 , as a shock of grain H5927 [H8800] cometh in H6256 in its season.
  27 H2713 [H8804] Lo this, we have searched H8085 [H8798] it, so it is; hear H3045 [H8798] it, and know thou it for thy good.

Psalms 2:6

  6 H5258 [H8804] Yet have I set H4428 my king H6944 upon my holy H2022 hill H6726 of Zion.

Psalms 16:8

  8 H7737 [H8765] I have set H3068 the LORD H8548 always H3225 before me: because he is at my right hand H4131 [H8735] , I shall not be moved.

Psalms 27:1

  1 H3068 The LORD H216 is my light H3468 and my salvation H3372 [H8799] ; whom shall I fear H3068 ? the LORD H4581 is the strength H2416 of my life H6342 [H8799] ; of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalms 32:7-8

  7 H5643 Thou art my hiding place H5341 [H8799] ; thou shalt preserve H6862 me from trouble H5437 [H8779] ; thou shalt surround H7438 me with songs H6405 of deliverance H5542 . Selah.
  8 H7919 [H8686] I will instruct H3384 [H8686] thee and teach H1870 thee in the way H2098 which H3212 [H8799] thou shalt go H3289 [H8799] : I will guide H5869 thee with my eye.

Psalms 34:22

  22 H3068 The LORD H6299 [H8802] redeemeth H5315 the soul H5650 of his servants H2620 [H8802] : and none of them that trust H816 [H8799] in him shall be desolate.

Psalms 41:2

  2 H3068 The LORD H8104 [H8799] will preserve H2421 [H8762] him, and keep him alive H833 [H8795] ; and he shall be blessed H776 upon the earth H5414 [H8799] : and thou wilt not deliver H5315 him to the will H341 [H8802] of his enemies.

Psalms 46:1

  1 H430 God H4268 is our refuge H5797 and strength H3966 , a very H4672 [H8738] present H5833 help H6869 in trouble.

Psalms 66:9

  9 H7760 [H8802] Who holdeth H5315 our soul H2416 in life H5414 [H8804] , and alloweth H7272 not our feet H4132 to be moved.

Psalms 68:15-16

  15 H2022 The hill H430 of God H2022 is as the hill H1316 of Bashan H1386 ; an high H2022 hill H2022 as the hill H1316 of Bashan.
  16 H7520 [H8762] Why leap H1386 ye, ye lofty H2022 hills H2022 ? this is the hill H430 which God H2530 [H8804] desireth H3427 [H8800] to dwell in H3068 ; yea, the LORD H7931 [H8799] will dwell H5331 in it for ever.

Psalms 78:68

  68 H977 [H8799] But chose H7626 the tribe H3063 of Judah H2022 , the mount H6726 Zion H157 [H8804] which he loved.

Psalms 87:1

  1 H3248 His foundation H6944 is in the holy H2042 mountains.

Psalms 91:1

  1 H3427 [H8802] He that dwelleth H5643 in the secret H5945 place of the most High H3885 [H8698] shall abide H6738 under the shadow H7706 of the Almighty.

Psalms 91:5-10

  5 H3372 [H8799] Thou shalt not be afraid H6343 for the terror H3915 by night H2671 ; nor for the arrow H5774 [H8799] that flieth H3119 by day;
  6 H1698 Nor for the pestilence H1980 [H8799] that walketh H652 in darkness H6986 ; nor for the destruction H7736 [H8799] that wasteth H6672 at noonday.
  7 H505 A thousand H5307 [H8799] shall fall H6654 at thy side H7233 , and ten thousand H3225 at thy right hand H5066 [H8799] ; but it shall not come near thee.
  8 H5869 Only with thy eyes H5027 [H8686] shalt thou behold H7200 [H8799] and see H8011 the reward H7563 of the wicked.
  9 H7760 [H8804] Because thou hast made H3068 the LORD H4268 , who is my refuge H5945 , even the most High H4583 , thy habitation;

Psalms 91:9-12

  9 H7760 [H8804] Because thou hast made H3068 the LORD H4268 , who is my refuge H5945 , even the most High H4583 , thy habitation;
  10 H7451 There shall no evil H579 [H8792] befall H5061 thee, neither shall any plague H7126 [H8799] come near H168 thy dwelling.

Psalms 91:10-12

  10 H7451 There shall no evil H579 [H8792] befall H5061 thee, neither shall any plague H7126 [H8799] come near H168 thy dwelling.
  11 H4397 For he shall give his angels H6680 [H8762] charge H8104 [H8800] over thee, to keep H1870 thee in all thy ways.
  12 H5375 [H8799] They shall bear thee up H3709 in their hands H5062 [H8799] , lest thou dash H7272 thy foot H68 against a stone.

Psalms 91:12-12

  12 H5375 [H8799] They shall bear thee up H3709 in their hands H5062 [H8799] , lest thou dash H7272 thy foot H68 against a stone.

Psalms 97:10

  10 H157 [H8802] Ye that love H3068 the LORD H8130 [H8798] , hate H7451 evil H8104 [H8802] : he preserveth H5315 the souls H2623 of his saints H5337 [H8686] ; he delivereth H3027 them out of the hand H7563 of the wicked.

Psalms 109:31

  31 H5975 [H8799] For he shall stand H3225 at the right hand H34 of the poor H3467 [H8687] , to save H8199 [H8802] him from those that condemn H5315 his soul.

Psalms 113:2

  2 H1288 [H8794] Blessed H8034 be the name H3068 of the LORD H6258 from this time forth H5704 and for H5769 evermore.

Psalms 115:15

  15 H1288 [H8803] Ye are blessed H3068 of the LORD H6213 [H8802] who made H8064 heaven H776 and earth.

Psalms 115:18

  18 H1288 [H8762] But we will bless H3050 the LORD H5704 from this time forth and for H5769 evermore H1984 [H8761] . Praise H3050 the LORD.

Psalms 120:1

  1 H6869 In my distress H7121 [H8804] I cried H3068 to the LORD H6030 [H8799] , and he heard me.

Psalms 123:1

  1 H5375 [H8804] To thee I lift up H5869 my eyes H3427 [H8802] , O thou that dwellest H8064 in the heavens.

Psalms 124:8

  8 H5828 Our help H8034 is in the name H3068 of the LORD H6213 [H8802] , who made H8064 heaven H776 and earth.

Psalms 127:1

  1 H3068 Except the LORD H1129 [H8799] shall build H1004 the house H5998 [H8804] , they labour H7723 in vain H1129 [H8802] that build H3068 it: except the LORD H8104 [H8799] shall keep H5892 the city H8104 [H8802] , the watchman H8245 [H8804] waketh H7723 in vain.

Psalms 145:20

  20 H3068 The LORD H8104 [H8802] preserveth H157 [H8802] all them that love H7563 him: but all the wicked H8045 [H8686] will he destroy.

Psalms 146:5-6

  5 H835 Happy H410 is he that hath the God H3290 of Jacob H5828 for his help H7664 , whose hope H3068 is in the LORD H430 his God:
  6 H6213 [H8802] Who made H8064 heaven H776 , and earth H3220 , the sea H8104 [H8802] , and all that is in them: who keepeth H571 truth H5769 for ever:

Proverbs 2:8

  8 H5341 [H8800] He keepeth H734 the paths H4941 of judgment H8104 [H8799] , and preserveth H1870 the way H2623 of his saints.

Proverbs 3:6

  6 H1870 In all thy ways H3045 [H8798] acknowledge H3474 [H8762] him, and he shall direct H734 thy paths.

Proverbs 3:23

  23 H3212 [H8799] Then shalt thou walk H1870 in thy way H983 safely H7272 , and thy foot H5062 [H8799] shall not stumble.

Proverbs 3:26

  26 H3068 For the LORD H3689 shall be thy confidence H8104 [H8804] , and shall keep H7272 thy foot H3921 from being taken.

Proverbs 12:21

  21 H205 There shall no evil H579 [H8792] happen H6662 to the just H7563 : but the wicked H4390 [H8804] shall be filled H7451 with mischief.

Ecclesiastes 8:16

  16 H5414 [H8804] When I applied H3820 my heart H3045 [H8800] to know H2451 wisdom H7200 [H8800] , and to see H6045 the business H6213 [H8738] that is done H776 upon the earth H3117 : (for also there is that neither day H3915 nor night H7200 [H8802] seeth H8142 sleep H5869 with his eyes:)

Isaiah 2:3

  3 H7227 And many H5971 people H1980 [H8804] shall go H559 [H8804] and say H3212 [H8798] , Come H5927 [H8799] ye, and let us go up H2022 to the mountain H3068 of the LORD H1004 , to the house H430 of the God H3290 of Jacob H3384 [H8686] ; and he will teach H1870 us of his ways H3212 [H8799] , and we will walk H734 in his paths H6726 : for out of Zion H3318 [H8799] shall go forth H8451 the law H1697 , and the word H3068 of the LORD H3389 from Jerusalem.

Isaiah 4:5-6

  5 H3068 And the LORD H1254 [H8804] will create H4349 upon every dwelling place H2022 of mount H6726 Zion H4744 , and upon her assemblies H6051 , a cloud H6227 and smoke H3119 by day H5051 , and the shining H3852 of a flaming H784 fire H3915 by night H3519 : for upon all the glory H2646 shall be a defence.
  6 H5521 And there shall be a tabernacle H6738 for shade H3119 in the daytime H2721 from the heat H4268 , and for a place of refuge H4563 , and for a covert H2230 from storm H4306 and from rain.

Isaiah 25:4

  4 H4581 For thou hast been a defence H1800 to the poor H4581 , a defence H34 to the needy H6862 in his distress H4268 , a refuge H2230 from the storm H6738 , a shade H2721 from the heat H7307 , when the blast H6184 of the terrible ones H2230 is as a storm H7023 against the wall.

Isaiah 27:3

  3 H3068 I the LORD H5341 [H8802] do keep H8248 [H8686] it; I will water H7281 it every moment H6485 [H8799] : lest any hurt H5341 [H8799] it, I will keep H3915 it night H3117 and day.

Isaiah 32:2

  2 H376 And a man H4224 shall be as an hiding place H7307 from the wind H5643 , and a covert H2230 from the tempest H6388 ; as streams H4325 of water H6724 in a dry place H6738 , as the shadow H3515 of a great H5553 rock H5889 in a weary H776 land.

Isaiah 40:28-29

  28 H3045 [H8804] Hast thou not known H8085 [H8804] ? hast thou not heard H5769 , that the everlasting H430 God H3068 , the LORD H1254 [H8802] , the Creator H7098 of the ends H776 of the earth H3286 [H8799] , fainteth H3021 [H8799] not, neither is weary H2714 ? there is no searching H8394 of his understanding.
  29 H5414 [H8802] He giveth H3581 power H3287 to the faint H202 ; and to them that have no might H7235 [H8686] he increaseth H6109 strength.

Isaiah 41:13

  13 H3068 For I the LORD H430 thy God H2388 [H8688] will hold H3225 thy right hand H559 [H8802] , saying H3372 [H8799] to thee, Fear H5826 [H8804] not; I will help thee.

Isaiah 49:10

  10 H7456 [H8799] They shall not hunger H6770 [H8799] nor thirst H8273 ; neither shall the heat H8121 nor sun H5221 [H8686] smite H7355 [H8764] them: for he that hath mercy H5090 [H8762] on them shall lead H4002 them, even by the springs H4325 of water H5095 [H8762] shall he guide them.

Jeremiah 3:23

  23 H403 Truly H8267 in vain H1389 is salvation hoped for from the hills H1995 , and from the multitude H2022 of mountains H403 : truly H3068 in the LORD H430 our God H8668 is the salvation H3478 of Israel.

Jeremiah 20:11

  11 H3068 But the LORD H1368 is with me as a mighty H6184 terrible one H7291 [H8802] : therefore my persecutors H3782 [H8735] shall stumble H3201 [H8799] , and they shall not prevail H3966 : they shall be greatly H954 [H8804] ashamed H7919 [H8689] ; for they shall not prosper H5769 : their everlasting H3639 confusion H7911 [H8735] shall never be forgotten.

Hosea 13:9

  9 H3478 O Israel H7843 [H8765] , thou hast destroyed H5828 thyself; but in me is thy help.

Jonah 4:8

  8 H8121 And it came to pass, when the sun H2224 [H8800] rose H430 , that God H4487 [H8762] prepared H2759 a vehement H6921 east H7307 wind H8121 ; and the sun H5221 [H8686] beat H7218 upon the head H3124 of Jonah H5968 [H8691] , that he fainted H7592 [H8799] , and wished H5315 in himself H4191 [H8800] to die H559 [H8799] , and said H2896 , It is better H4194 for me to die H2416 than to live.

Matthew 6:13

  13 G2532 { And G1533 [G5661] lead G2248 us G3361 not G1519 into G3986 temptation G235 , but G4506 [G5663] deliver G2248 us G575 from G4190 evil G3754 : For G4675 thine G2076 [G5748] is G932 the kingdom G2532 , and G1411 the power G2532 , and G1391 the glory G1519 , for G165 ever G281 . Amen.}

Matthew 23:37

  37 G2419 { O Jerusalem G2419 , Jerusalem G615 [G5723] , thou that killest G4396 the prophets G2532 , and G3036 [G5723] stonest G649 [G5772] them who are sent G4314 to G846 thee G4212 , how often G2309 [G5656] would I G1996 0 have gathered G4675 G3739 thy G5043 children G1996 [G5629] together G5158 , even as G3733 a hen G1996 [G5719] gathereth G1438 her G3556 chickens G5259 under G4420 her wings G2532 , and G2309 [G5656] ye would G3756 not!}

Romans 8:28

  28 G1161 And G1492 [G5758] we know G3956 that all things G4903 [G5719] work together G1519 for G18 good G3754 to them that G25 [G5723] love G2316 God G5607 [G5752] , to them who are G2822 the called G2596 according G4286 to his purpose.

Romans 8:35-39

  35 G5101 What G5563 [G5692] shall separate G2248 us G575 from G26 the love G5547 of Christ G2347 ? shall tribulation G2228 , or G4730 distress G2228 , or G1375 persecution G2228 , or G3042 famine G2228 , or G1132 nakedness G2228 , or G2794 peril G2228 , or G3162 sword?
  36 G2531 As G1125 [G5769] it is written G3754 , G4675 For thy G1752 sake G2289 [G5743] we are killed G3650 all G2250 the day long G3049 [G5681] ; we are accounted G5613 as G4263 sheep G4967 for the slaughter.
  37 G235 But G1722 , in G3956 all G5125 these things G5245 [G5719] we are more than conquerors G1223 through G25 [G5660] him that loved G2248 us.
  38 G1063 For G3982 [G5769] I am persuaded G3754 , that G3777 neither G2288 death G3777 , nor G2222 life G3777 , nor G32 angels G3777 , nor G746 principalities G3777 , nor G1411 powers G3777 , nor G1764 [G5761] things present G3777 , nor G3195 [G5723] things to come,
  39 G3777 Nor G5313 height G3777 , nor G899 depth G3777 , nor G5100 any G2087 other G2937 created thing G1410 [G5695] , shall be able G5563 [G5658] to separate G2248 us G575 from G26 the love G2316 of God G1722 , which is in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus G2257 our G2962 Lord.

2 Timothy 4:18

  18 G2532 And G2962 the Lord G4506 [G5695] shall deliver G3165 me G575 from G3956 every G4190 evil G2041 work G2532 , and G4982 [G5692] will preserve G1519 me to G846 his G2032 heavenly G932 kingdom G3739 : to whom G1391 be glory G1519 for G165 ever G165 and ever G281 . Amen.

Hebrews 13:6

  6 G5620 So that G2248 we G2292 [G5723] may boldly G3004 [G5721] say G2962 , The Lord G1698 is my G998 helper G2532 , and G5399 0 I will G3756 not G5399 [G5700] fear G5101 what G444 man G4160 [G5692] shall do G3427 to me.

James 4:13-16

  13 G33 [G5720] Come G3568 now G3004 [G5723] , ye that say G4594 , To day G2532 or G839 to morrow G4198 [G5667] we will go G1519 into G3592 such G4172 a city G2532 , and G4160 G4160 [G5661] continue G1563 there G1520 a G1763 year G2532 , and G1710 G1710 [G5667] buy and sell G2532 , and G2770 G2770 [G5661] get gain:
  14 G3748 Though G1987 [G5736] ye know G3756 not G3588 what G839 shall be to morrow G1063 . For G4169 what G5216 is your G2222 life G2076 [G5748] ? It is G1063 even G822 a vapour G4314 , that G5316 [G5730] appeareth for G3641 a little time G1161 , and G1899 then G853 [G5746] vanisheth away.
  15 G473 Instead of that G5209 ye G3004 [G5721] ought to say G1437 , If G2962 the Lord G2309 [G5661] will G2532 , G2198 G2198 [G5661] we shall live G2532 , and G4160 G4160 [G5661] do G5124 this G2228 , or G1565 that.
  16 G1161 But G3568 now G2744 [G5736] ye rejoice G1722 in G5216 your G212 boastings G3956 : all G5108 such G2746 rejoicing G2076 [G5748] is G4190 evil.

1 Peter 1:5

  5 G3588 Who G5432 [G5746] are kept G1722 by G1411 the power G2316 of God G1223 through G4102 faith G1519 to G4991 salvation G2092 ready G601 [G5683] to be revealed G1722 in G2078 the last G2540 time.

Revelation 7:15

  15 G1223 G5124 Therefore G1526 [G5748] they are G1799 before G2362 the throne G2316 of God G2532 , and G3000 [G5719] serve G846 him G2250 day G2532 and G3571 night G1722 in G846 his G3485 temple G2532 : and G2521 [G5740] he that sitteth G1909 on G2362 the throne G4637 [G5692] shall dwell G1909 among G846 them.
  16 G3983 [G5692] They shall hunger G3756 no G2089 more G3761 , neither G1372 [G5692] thirst G2089 any more G3761 G3361 ; neither G4098 0 shall G2246 the sun G4098 [G5632] light G1909 on G846 them G3761 , nor G3956 any G2738 heat.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.