Isaiah 25:6 Cross References - new

  6 H2022 And on this mountain H3068 shall the LORD H6635 of hosts H6213 [H8804] make H5971 to all people H4960 a feast H8081 of rich things, H4960 a feast H8105 of wines on the lees, H8081 of rich things H4229 [H8794] full of marrow, H8105 of wines on the lees H2212 [H8794] well refined.

Psalms 63:5

  5 H5315 My breath H7646 [H8799] shall be satisfied H2459 as with marrow H1880 and fatness; H6310 and my mouth H1984 [H8762] shall praise H7445 thee with joyful H8193 lips:

Psalms 72:14-16

  14 H1350 [H8799] He shall redeem H5315 their breath H8496 from deceit H2555 and violence: H3365 [H8799] and precious H1818 shall be their blood H5869 in his eyes.
  15 H2421 [H8799] And he shall live, H5414 [H8799] and to him shall be given H2091 of the gold H7614 of Sheba: H6419 [H8691] prayer also shall be made H8548 for him continually; H3117 and daily H1288 [H8762] shall he be praised.
  16 H6451 There shall be an handful H1250 of grain H776 in the earth H7218 upon the top H2022 of the mountains; H6529 its fruit H7493 [H8799] shall shake H3844 like Lebanon: H5892 and they of the city H6692 [H8686] shall flourish H6212 like grass H776 of the earth.

Psalms 78:68

  68 H977 [H8799] But chose H7626 the tribe H3063 of Judah, H2022 the mount H6726 Zion H157 [H8804] which he loved.

Proverbs 9:1-5

  1 H2454 Wisdom H1129 [H8804] hath built H1004 her house, H2672 [H8804] she hath hewn out H7651 her seven H5982 pillars:
  2 H2873 [H8804] She hath killed H2874 her beasts; H4537 [H8804] she hath mixed H3196 her wine; H6186 [H8804] she hath also furnished H7979 her table.
  3 H7971 [H8804] She hath sent forth H5291 her damsels: H7121 [H8799] she calleth H1610 upon H4791 the highest places H7176 of the city,
  4 H6612 Whoever is simple, H5493 [H8799] let him turn in H2638 here: as for him that lacketh H3820 heart, H559 [H8804] she saith to him,
  5 H3212 [H8798] Come, H3898 [H8798] eat H3899 of my bread, H8354 [H8798] and drink H3196 of the wine H4537 [H8804] which I have mixed.

Song of Songs 1:2

  2 H5401 [H8799] Let him kiss H5390 me with the kisses H6310 of his mouth: H1730 for thy love H2896 is better H3196 than wine.

Song of Songs 1:4

  4 H4900 [H8798] Draw H7323 [H8799] me, we will run H310 after H4428 thee: the king H935 [H8689] hath brought H2315 me into his chambers: H1523 [H8799] we will be glad H8055 [H8799] and rejoice H2142 [H8686] in thee, we will remember H1730 thy love H3196 more than wine: H4339 the straight H157 [H8804] love thee.

Song of Songs 2:3-5

  3 H8598 As the apple tree H6086 among the trees H3293 of the wood, H1730 so is my beloved H1121 among the sons. H3427 [H8804] I sat H6738 down under his shadow H2530 [H8765] with great delight, H6529 and his fruit H4966 was sweet H2441 to my taste.
  4 H935 [H8689] He brought H3196 me to the banqueting H1004 house, H1714 and his banner H160 over me was love.
  5 H5564 [H8761] Sustain H809 me with flagons, H7502 [H8761] comfort H8598 me with apples: H2470 [H8802] for I am sick H160 with love.

Song of Songs 5:1

  1 H935 [H8804] I have come H1588 into my garden, H269 my sister, H3618 my spouse: H717 [H8804] I have gathered H4753 my myrrh H1313 with my spice; H398 [H8804] I have eaten H3293 my honeycomb H1706 with my honey; H8354 [H8804] I have drunk H3196 my wine H2461 with my milk: H398 [H8798] eat, H7453 O friends; H8354 [H8798] drink, H7937 [H8798] yea, drink abundantly, H1730 O beloved.

Isaiah 1:19

  19 H14 [H8799] If ye are willing H8085 [H8804] and obedient, H398 [H8799] ye shall eat H2898 the good H776 of the land:

Isaiah 2:2-3

  2 H319 And it shall come to pass in the last H3117 days, H2022 that the mount H3068 of the LORD'S H1004 house H3559 [H8737] shall be established H7218 on the top H2022 of the mountains, H5375 [H8737] and shall be exalted H1389 above the hills; H1471 and all nations H5102 [H8804] shall flow to it.
  3 H7227 And many H5971 people H1980 [H8804] shall go H559 [H8804] and say, H3212 [H8798] Come H5927 [H8799] ye, and let us go up H2022 to the mountain H3068 of the LORD, H1004 to the house H430 of the God H3290 of Jacob; H3384 [H8686] and he will teach H1870 us of his ways, H3212 [H8799] and we will walk H734 in his paths: H6726 for out of Zion H3318 [H8799] shall go forth H8451 the law, H1697 and the word H3068 of the LORD H3389 from Jerusalem.

Isaiah 25:10

  10 H2022 For on this mountain H3027 shall the hand H3068 of the LORD H5117 [H8799] rest, H4124 and Moab H1758 [H8736] shall be trodden down H4963 under him, even as straw H1758 [H8738] is trodden down H1119 H4087 H4325 [H8675] for the dunghill.

Isaiah 49:6-10

  6 H559 [H8799] And he said, H7043 [H8738] It is a light thing H5650 that thou shouldest be my servant H6965 [H8687] to raise up H7626 the tribes H3290 of Jacob, H7725 [H8687] and to restore H5341 H5336 [H8803] the preserved H3478 of Israel: H5414 [H8804] I will also give H216 thee for a light H1471 to the nations, H3444 that thou mayest be my salvation H7097 to the end H776 of the earth.
  7 H559 [H8804] Thus saith H3068 the LORD, H1350 [H8802] the Redeemer H3478 of Israel, H6918 and his Holy One, H5315 to him whom man H960 despiseth, H1471 to him whom the nation H8581 [H8764] abhorreth, H5650 to a servant H4910 [H8802] of rulers, H4428 Kings H7200 [H8799] shall see H6965 [H8804] and arise, H8269 princes H7812 [H8691] also shall worship, H3068 because of the LORD H539 [H8737] that is faithful, H6918 and the Holy One H3478 of Israel, H977 [H8799] and he shall choose thee.
  8 H559 [H8804] Thus saith H3068 the LORD, H7522 In an acceptable H6256 time H6030 [H8804] have I heard H3117 thee, and in a day H3444 of salvation H5826 [H8804] have I helped H5341 [H8799] thee: and I will preserve H5414 [H8799] thee, and give H1285 thee for a covenant H5971 of the people, H6965 [H8687] to raise H776 the earth, H5157 [H8687] to cause to inherit H8074 [H8802] the desolate H5159 heritages;
  9 H559 [H8800] That thou mayest say H631 [H8803] to the prisoners, H3318 [H8798] Go forth; H2822 to them that are in darkness, H1540 [H8734] Show H7462 [H8799] yourselves. They shall feed H1870 in the ways, H4830 and their pastures H8205 shall be in all high places.
  10 H7456 [H8799] They shall not hunger H6770 [H8799] nor thirst; H8273 neither shall the heat H8121 nor sun H5221 [H8686] smite H7355 [H8764] them: for he that fondleth H5090 [H8762] them shall lead H4002 them, even by the springs H4325 of water H5095 [H8762] shall he guide them.

Isaiah 55:1-2

  1 H1945 Ho, H6771 every one that thirsteth, H3212 [H8798] come H4325 ye to the waters, H3701 and he that hath no money; H3212 [H8798] come H7666 [H8798] ye, buy, H398 [H8798] and eat; H3212 [H8798] yea, come, H7666 [H8798] buy H3196 wine H2461 and milk H3701 without money H4242 and without price.
  2 H8254 [H8799] Why do ye spend H3701 money H3899 for that which is not bread? H3018 and your labour H7654 for that which satisfieth H3808 not? H8085 [H8798] hearken H8085 [H8800] diligently H398 [H8798] to me, and eat H2896 ye that which is good, H5315 and let your breath H6026 [H8691] delight H1880 itself in fatness.

Jeremiah 31:12-13

  12 H935 [H8804] Therefore they shall come H7442 [H8765] and shout for joy H4791 in the height H6726 of Zion, H5102 [H8804] and shall flow together H2898 to the goodness H3068 of the LORD, H1715 for grain, H8492 and for wine, H3323 and for oil, H1121 and for the young H6629 of the flock H1241 and of the herd: H5315 and their breath H7302 shall be as a watered H1588 garden; H1669 [H8800] and they shall not pine H3254 [H8686] any more at all.
  13 H1330 Then shall the virgin H8055 [H8799] rejoice H4234 in the dance, H970 both young men H2205 and old H3162 together: H2015 [H8804] for I will turn H60 their mourning H8342 into joy, H5162 [H8765] and will comfort H8055 [H8765] them, and make them rejoice H3015 from their sorrow.

Jeremiah 48:11

  11 H4124 Moab H7599 [H8768] hath been at ease H5271 from his youth, H8252 [H8802] and he hath settled H8105 on his lees, H7324 [H8717] and hath not been emptied H3627 from vessel H3627 to vessel, H1980 [H8804] neither hath he gone H1473 into captivity: H2940 therefore his taste H5975 [H8804] remained H7381 in him, and his scent H4171 [H8738] is not changed.

Daniel 7:14

  14 H3052 [H8753] And there was given H7985 him dominion, H3367 and honour, H4437 and a kingdom, H3606 that all H5972 people, H524 nations, H3961 and languages, H6399 [H8748] should serve H7985 him: his dominion H5957 is an everlasting H7985 dominion, H3809 which shall not H5709 [H8748] pass away, H4437 and his kingdom H3809 that which shall not H2255 [H8721] be ruined.

Micah 4:1-2

  1 H319 But in the last H3117 days H2022 it shall come to pass, that the mount H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD H3559 [H8737] shall be established H7218 on the top H2022 of the mountains, H5375 [H8737] and it shall be exalted H1389 above the hills; H5971 and people H5102 [H8804] shall flow to it.
  2 H7227 And many H1471 nations H1980 [H8804] shall come, H559 [H8804] and say, H3212 [H8798] Come, H5927 [H8799] and let us go up H2022 to the mountain H3068 of the LORD, H1004 and to the house H430 of the God H3290 of Jacob; H3384 [H8686] and he will teach H1870 us of his ways, H3212 [H8799] and we will walk H734 in his paths: H8451 for the law H3318 [H8799] shall go forth H6726 from Zion, H1697 and the word H3068 of the LORD H3389 from Jerusalem.

Zechariah 8:3

  3 H559 [H8804] Thus saith H3068 the LORD; H7725 [H8804] I have returned H6726 to Zion, H7931 [H8804] and will dwell H8432 in the midst H3389 of Jerusalem: H3389 and Jerusalem H7121 [H8738] shall be called H5892 a city H571 of truth; H2022 and the mountain H3068 of the LORD H6635 of hosts H6944 the holy H2022 mountain.

Zechariah 9:16-17

  16 H3068 And the LORD H430 their God H3467 [H8689] shall liberate H3117 them in that day H6629 as the flock H5971 of his people: H68 for they shall be as the stones H5145 of a crown, H5264 [H8706] lifted up as an ensign H127 upon his soil.
  17 H2898 For how great is his goodness, H3308 and how great is his beauty! H1715 Grain H970 shall make the young men H5107 [H8766] cheerful, H8492 and new wine H1330 the virgins.

Matthew 8:11

  11 G1161 { And G3004 [G5719] I say G5213 to you, G3754 That G4183 many G2240 [G5692] shall come G575 from G395 the east G2532 and G1424 the west, G2532 and G347 [G5701] shall sit down G3326 with G11 Abraham, G2532 and G2464 Isaac, G2532 and G2384 Jacob, G1722 in G932 the kingdom G3772 of heaven.}

Matthew 22:1-10

  1 G2532 And G2424 Jesus G611 [G5679] answered G2036 [G5627] and spoke G846 to them G3825 again G1722 by G3850 parables, G3004 [G5723] and said,
  2 G932 { The kingdom G3772 of heaven G3666 [G5681] is like G444 a certain G935 king, G3748 who G4160 [G5656] made G1062 a marriage G846 for his G5207 son,}
  3 G2532 { And G649 [G5656] sent G846 his G1401 slaves G2564 [G5658] to call G2564 [G5772] them that were invited G1519 to G1062 the wedding: G2532 and G2309 [G5707] they would G3756 not G2064 [G5629] come.}
  4 G3825 { Again, G649 [G5656] he sent G243 other G1401 slaves, G3004 [G5723] saying, G2036 [G5628] Tell G2564 [G5772] them who are invited, G2400 [G5628] Behold, G2090 [G5656] I have prepared G3450 my G712 dinner: G3450 my G5022 oxen G2532 and G4619 my fatlings G2380 [G5772] are killed, G2532 and G3956 all things G2092 are ready: G1205 [G5773] come G1519 to G1062 the marriage.}
  5 G1161 { But G272 [G5660] neglecting it, G565 [G5627] they went their ways, G3303 one G1519 to G2398 his G68 field, G1161 another G1519 to G846 his G1711 merchandise:}
  6 G1161 { And G3062 the remnant G2902 [G5660] took G846 his G1401 slaves, G5195 [G5656] and treated them spitefully, G2532 and G615 [G5656] slew them.}
  7 G1161 { But G3588 the G935 king G191 [G5660] having heard G3710 [G5681] of it, was angry: G2532 and G3992 [G5660] having sent forth G3588   G846 his G4753 armies, G622 [G5656] he made lost G3588   G1565 those G5406 murderers, G2532 and G1714 [G5656] burned up G3588   G846 their G4172 city.}
  8 G5119 { Then G3004 [G5719] he saith G846 to his G1401 slaves, G3303 Indeed, G1062 the wedding G2076 [G5748] is G2092 ready, G1161 but G3588 the ones G2564 [G5772] having been invited G2258 [G5713] were G3756 not G514 worthy.}
  9 G4198 [G5737] { Go ye G3767 therefore G1909 into G1327 G3598 the highways, G2532 and G3745 G302 as many as G2147 [G5632] ye shall find, G2564 [G5657] invite G1519 to G1062 the marriage.}
  10 G2532 { So G1565 those G1401 slaves G1831 [G5631] went out G1519 into G3598 the highways, G4863 [G5627] and gathered together G3956 all G3745 as many as G2147 [G5627] they found, G5037 both G4190 evil G2532 and G18 good: G2532 and G1062 the wedding G4130 [G5681] was furnished G345 [G5740] with guests.}

Matthew 26:29

  29 G1161 { But G3004 [G5719] I say G5213 to you, G4095 0 I will G3754 G3364 not G4095 [G5632] drink G575 G737 henceforth G1537 of G5127 this G1081 fruit G288 of the vine, G2193 until G1565 that G2250 day G3752 when G4095 [G5725] I drink G846 it G2537 new G3326 with G5216 you G1722 in G3450 my G3962 Father's G932 kingdom.}

Mark 16:15

  15 G2532 And G2036 [G5627] he said G846 to them, G4198 [G5679] { Go ye G1519 into G537 all G2889 the world, G2784 [G5657] and proclaim G2098 the good news G3956 to every G2937 creature.}

Luke 5:39

  39 G3762 { No man G2532 also G4095 [G5631] having drunk G3820 old G2112 wine immediately G2309 [G5719] desireth G3501 new: G1063 for G3004 [G5719] he saith, G3820 The old G2076 [G5748] is G5543 better.}

Luke 14:16-23

  16 G1161 Then G2036 [G5627] said he G846 to him, G5100 { A certain G444 man G4160 [G5656] gave G3173 a great G1173 supper, G2532 and G2564 [G5656] invited G4183 many:}
  17 G2532 { And G649 [G5656] sent G846 his G1401 slave G3588 at the G5610 hour G3588 of the G1173 supper G2036 [G5629] to say G3588 to them G2564 [G5772] that were invited, G2064 [G5737] Come; G3754 for G3956 all things G2076 [G5748] are G2235 now G2092 ready.}
  18 G2532 { And G3956 they all G575 with G3391 one G756 [G5662] consent began G3868 [G5738] to make excuse. G4413 The first G2036 [G5627] said G846 to him, G59 [G5656] I have bought G68 a field, G2532 and G2192 [G5719] I have G318 a necessity G1831 [G5629] to go forth G2532 and G1492 [G5629] see G846 it: G2065 [G5719] I pray G4571 thee G2192 [G5720] have G3165 me G3868 [G5772] excused.}
  19 G2532 { And G2087 another G2036 [G5627] said, G59 [G5656] I have bought G4002 five G2201 yoke G1016 of oxen, G2532 and G4198 [G5736] I go G1381 0 to try G846 them G1381 [G5658] out: G2065 [G5719] I pray G4571 thee G2192 [G5720] have G3165 me G3868 [G5772] excused.}
  20 G2532 { And G2087 another G2036 [G5627] said, G1060 [G5656] I have married G1135 a wife, G2532 and G1223 G5124 therefore G3756 G1410 [G5736] I cannot G2064 [G5629] come.}
  21 G2532 { So G1565 that G1401 slave G3854 [G5637] came, G518 [G5656] and showed G846 his G2962 lord G5023 these things. G5119 Then G3617 the master of the house G3710 [G5685] being angry G2036 [G5627] said G846 to his G1401 slave, G1831 [G5628] Go out G5030 quickly G1519 into G4113 the streets G2532 and G4505 lanes G4172 of the city, G2532 and G1521 [G5628] bring in G5602 here G4434 the poor, G2532 and G376 the maimed, G2532 and G5560 the lame, G2532 and G5185 the blind.}
  22 G2532 { And G1401 the slave G2036 [G5627] said, G2962 Lord, G1096 [G5754] it is done G5613 as G2004 [G5656] thou hast commanded, G2532 and G2089 yet G2076 [G5748] there is G5117 room.}
  23 G2532 { And G2962 the lord G2036 [G5627] said G4314 to G1401 the slave, G1831 [G5628] Go out G1519 into G3598 the highways G2532 and G5418 hedges, G2532 and G315 [G5657] compel G1525 [G5629] them to come in, G2443 that G3450 my G3624 house G1072 [G5686] may be filled.}

Luke 22:30

  30 G2443 { That G2068 [G5725] ye may eat G2532 and G4095 [G5725] drink G1909 at G3450 my G5132 table G1722 in G3450 my G932 kingdom, G2532 and G2523 [G5667] sit G1909 on G2362 thrones G2919 [G5723] judging G1427 the twelve G5443 tribes G2474 of Israel.}

Hebrews 12:22

  22 G235 But G4334 [G5754] ye are come G3735 to mount G4622 Zion, G2532 and G4172 to the city G2198 [G5723] of the living G2316 God, G2032 the heavenly G2419 Jerusalem, G2532 and G3461 to an innumerable company G32 of messengers,

Revelation 19:9

  9 G2532 And G3004 [G5719] he saith G3427 to me, G1125 [G5657] Write, G3107 Blessed G2564 [G5772] are they who are called G1519 to G1062 the marriage G1173 supper G721 of the Lamb. G2532 And G3004 [G5719] he saith G3427 to me, G3778 These G1526 [G5748] are G228 the true G3056 sayings G2316 of God.

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