Exodus 12:3-20

  3 G2980 Speak G4314 to G3956 all G4864 the gathering G3588 of the G5207 sons G* of Israel! G3004 saying, G3588 The G1181 tenth G3588   G3376 of this month G3778   G2983 let [2take G1538 1each] G4263 a sheep G2596 according to G3624 the houses G3965 of the families! G4263 a sheep G2596 according to G3614 a house.
  4 G1437 But if G1161   G3641.1 there should be very few G1510.3   G1722 in G3588 the G3614 house, G5620 so as G3361 for there not G2425 to be enough G1510.1   G1519 for G4263 the sheep, G4815 he shall include G3326 with G1438 himself G3588 the G1069 neighbor, G3588   G4139 neighboring G1473 him, G2596 according to G706 the number G5590 of souls, G1538 each G3588   G714 sufficient G1473 for him G4882.2 to be counted G1519 for G4263 the sheep.
  5 G4263 [6sheep G5046 3a perfect G730 4male G299 5unblemished G1762.1 7of a year old G1510.8.3 1It shall be G1473 2to you]; G575 from G3588 the G704 lambs G2532 and G575 from G3588 the G2056 kids G2983 you shall take.
  6 G2532 And G1510.8.3 it will be G1473 to you G1301 for carefully keeping G2193 until G3588 the G5065 fourteenth G3588   G3376 of this month. G3778   G2532 And G4969 they shall slay G1473 it -- G3956 all G3588 the G4128 multitude G4864 of the gathering G5207 of the sons G* of Israel G4314 towards G2073 evening.
  7 G2532 And G2983 they shall take G575 from G3588 the G129 blood, G2532 and G5087 they shall put it G1909 upon G3588 the G1417 two G4712.4 doorposts, G2532 and G1909 upon G3588 the G5393.2 lintel G1722 on G3588 the G3624 houses G1722 in G3739 which G2068 they should eat G1473 them G1722 in G1473 them.
  8 G2532 And G2068 they shall eat G3588 the G2907 meats G3588   G3571 in this night, G3778   G3702 roasted G4442 by fire; G2532 and G106 unleavened breads G1909 with G4088.1 bitter herbs G2068 they shall eat.
  9 G3756 You shall not G2068 eat G1909 of G1473 them G5606.1 raw, G3761 nor G2192.2 being boiled G1722 in G5204 water, G235 but G3588   G3702 roasted G4442 by fire, G2776 head G4862 with G3588 the G4228 feet, G2532 and G3588 the G1741.2 entrails.
  10 G3756 You shall not G620 leave anything G575 from G1473 it G1519 into G3588 the G4404 morning. G2532 And G3747 [2a bone G3756 1you shall not break] G4937   G575 of G1473 it. G3588 And the things G1161   G2641 being left behind G575 from G1473 it G2193 unto G4404 morning, G1722 [2in G4442 3fire G2618 1you shall incinerate].
  11 G3779 And thus G1161   G2068 shall you eat G1473 it -- G3588 with G3751 your loins G1473   G4024 girded, G2532 and G3588 the G5266 sandals G1722 on G3588   G4228 your feet, G1473   G2532 and G3588   G902.1 your staff G1473   G1722 in G3588   G5495 your hands; G1473   G2532 and G2068 you shall eat G1473 it G3326 with G4710 haste -- G3957 it is the passover G1510.2.3   G2962 of the lord .
  12 G2532 And G1330 I shall go through G1722 in G1093 the land G* of Egypt G1722 in G3588   G3571 this night, G3778   G2532 and G3960 I shall strike G3956 all G4416 first-born G1722 in G1093 the land G* of Egypt, G575 from G444 man G2193 unto G2934 beast; G2532 and G1722 among G3956 all G3588 the G2316 gods G* of the Egyptians G4160 I will execute G3588   G1557 punishment -- G1473 I G2962 the lord .
  13 G2532 And G1510.8.3 [3shall be G3588 1the G129 2blood] G1473 to you G1722 for G4592 a sign G1909 upon G3588 the G3614 houses G1722 in G3739 which G1473 you G1510.2.5 are G1563 there; G2532 and G3708 I will see G3588 the G129 blood G2532 and G4628.1 shelter G1473 you; G2532 and G3756 there shall not G1510.8.3 be G1722 to G1473 you G4127 a calamity G3588 of the G1625.3 obliteration, G3752 whenever G3817 I smite G1722 in G1093 the land G* of Egypt.
  14 G2532 And G1510.8.3 [2shall be G3588   G2250 1this day] G3778   G1473 to you G3422 a memorial. G2532 And G1858 you shall solemnize G1473 it G1859 a holiday G2962 to the lord G1519 unto G3588   G1074 your generations; G1473   G3544.1 [2law G166 1an eternal] G1858 you shall solemnize G1473 it.
  15 G2033 Seven G2250 days G2068 you shall eat G106 unleavened breads . G575 And from G1161   G3588 the G2250 [2day G3588   G4413 1first] G853 you shall remove G2219 yeast G1537 from G3588   G3614 your houses. G1473   G3956 All G3739 who G302 ever G2068 shall eat G2219 yeast, G1842 [2shall be utterly destroyed G3588   G5590 1that soul] G1565   G1537 from out of G* Israel; G575 it shall be from G3588 the G2250 [2day G3588   G4413 1first] G2193 until G3588   G2250 [3day G3588 1the G1442 2seventh].
  16 G2532 And G3588   G2250 [3day G3588 1the G4413 2first] G2564 shall be called G39 holy. G2532 And G3588   G2250 [3day G3588 1the G1442 2seventh G2822 5called G39 6holy G1510.8.3 4will be] G1473 to you. G3956 All G2041 [2work G2999.1 1servile] G3756 shall not be done G4160   G1722 in G1473 them, G4133 except G3745 as much as G4160 is necessary to do G3956 for every G5590 soul, G3778 this G3440 only G4160 shall be done G1473 by you.
  17 G2532 And G5442 you shall guard G3588   G1785 this commandment. G3778   G1722 For in G1063   G3588   G2250 this day G3778   G1806 I will lead G3588   G1411 your force G1473   G1537 from out of G1093 the land G* of Egypt. G2532 And G4160 you shall appoint G3588   G2250 this day G3778   G1519 into G1074 your generations G1473   G3544.1 [2law G166 1 as an eternal].
  18 G1728 Commencing G3588 the G5065 fourteenth G2250 day G3588   G3376 [3month G3588 1of the G4413 2first], G575 from G2073 evening G2068 you shall eat G106 unleavened breads G2193 until G2250 [4day G1520 1 the first G2532 2and G1497.2 3twentieth] G3588 of the G3376 month, G2193 until G2073 evening.
  19 G2033 For seven G2250 days G2219 yeast G3756 shall not be found G2147   G1722 in G3588   G3614 your houses. G1473   G3956 All G3739 whosoever G302   G2068 should eat G2220.1 leavened bread, G1842 [2shall utterly be destroyed G3588   G5590 1that soul] G1565   G1537 from out of G4864 the congregation G* of Israel, G1722 unto G5037 both G3588   G1069.1 foreigners G2532 and G849.1 native born G3588 of the G1093 land.
  20 G3956 Anything G2220.1 leavened G3756 you shall not G2068 eat. G1722 In G3956 every G2732 home G1473 of yours G2068 you shall eat G106 unleavened breads .
  3 G2980 λάλησον G4314 προς G3956 πάσαν G4864 συναγωγήν G3588 των G5207 υιών G* Ισραήλ G3004 λέγων G3588 τη G1181 δέκατη G3588 του G3376 μηνός τούτου G3778   G2983 λαβέτωσαν G1538 έκαστος G4263 πρόβατον G2596 κατ΄ G3624 οίκους G3965 πατριών G4263 πρόβατον G2596 κατ΄ G3614 οικίαν
  4 G1437 εάν δε G1161   G3641.1 ολιγοστοί ώσιν G1510.3   G1722 εν G3588 τη G3614 οικία G5620 ώστε G3361 μη G2425 ικανούς είναι G1510.1   G1519 εις G4263 πρόβατον G4815 συλλήψεται G3326 μεθ΄ G1438 εαυτού G3588 τον G1069 γείτονα G3588 τον G4139 πλησίον G1473 αυτού G2596 κατά G706 αριθμόν G5590 ψυχών G1538 έκαστος G3588 το G714 αρκούν G1473 αυτώ G4882.2 συναριθμθήσεται G1519 εις G4263 πρόβατον
  5 G4263 πρόβατον G5046 τέλειον G730 άρσεν G299 άμωμον G1762.1 ενιαύσιον G1510.8.3 έσται G1473 υμίν G575 από G3588 των G704 αρνών G2532 και G575 από G3588 των G2056 ερίφων G2983 λήψεσθε
  6 G2532 και G1510.8.3 έσται G1473 υμίν G1301 διατετηρημένον G2193 έως G3588 της G5065 τεσσαρεσκαιδεκάτης G3588 του G3376 μηνός τούτου G3778   G2532 και G4969 σφάξουσιν G1473 αυτό G3956 παν G3588 το G4128 πλήθος G4864 συναγωγής G5207 υιών G* Ισραήλ G4314 προς G2073 εσπέραν
  7 G2532 και G2983 λήψονται G575 από G3588 του G129 αίματος G2532 και G5087 θήσουσιν G1909 επί G3588 των G1417 δύο G4712.4 σταθμών G2532 και G1909 επί G3588 την G5393.2 φλιάν G1722 εν G3588 τοις G3624 οίκοις G1722 εν G3739 οις G2068 φάγωσιν G1473 αυτά G1722 εν G1473 αυτοίς
  8 G2532 και G2068 φάγονται G3588 τα G2907 κρέα G3588 τη G3571 νυκτί ταύτη G3778   G3702 οπτά G4442 πυρί G2532 και G106 άζυμα G1909 επί G4088.1 πικρίδων G2068 έδονται
  9 G3756 ουκ G2068 έδεσθε G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτών G5606.1 ωμόν G3761 ουδέ G2192.2 ηψημένον G1722 εν G5204 ύδατι G235 αλλ΄ G3588 η G3702 οπτά G4442 πυρί G2776 κεφαλήν G4862 συν G3588 τοις G4228 ποσί G2532 και G3588 τοις G1741.2 ενδοσθίοις
  10 G3756 ουκ G620 απολείψετε G575 απ΄ G1473 αυτού G1519 εις G3588 το G4404 πρωϊ G2532 και G3747 οστούν G3756 ου συντρίψετε G4937   G575 απ΄ G1473 αυτού G3588 τα δε G1161   G2641 καταλειπόμενα G575 απ΄ G1473 αυτού G2193 έως G4404 πρωϊ G1722 εν G4442 πυρί G2618 κατακαύσετε
  11 G3779 ουτως δε G1161   G2068 φάγεσθε G1473 αυτό G3588 αι G3751 οσφύες υμών G1473   G4024 περιεζωσμέναι G2532 και G3588 τα G5266 υποδήματα G1722 εν G3588 τοις G4228 ποσίν υμών G1473   G2532 και G3588 αι G902.1 βακτηρίαι υμών G1473   G1722 εν G3588 ταις G5495 χερσίν υμών G1473   G2532 και G2068 έδεσθε G1473 αυτό G3326 μετά G4710 σπουδής G3957 πάσχα εστί G1510.2.3   G2962 κυρίου
  12 G2532 και G1330 διελεύσομαι G1722 εν G1093 γη G* Αιγύπτω G1722 εν G3588 τη G3571 νυκτί ταύτη G3778   G2532 και G3960 πατάξω G3956 παν G4416 πρωτότοκον G1722 εν G1093 γη G* Αιγύπτω G575 από G444 ανθρώπου G2193 έως G2934 κτήνους G2532 και G1722 εν G3956 πάσι G3588 τοις G2316 θεοίς G* Αιγυπτίων G4160 ποιήσω G3588 την G1557 εκδίκησιν G1473 εγώ G2962 κύριος
  13 G2532 και G1510.8.3 έσται G3588 το G129 αίμα G1473 υμίν G1722 εν G4592 σημείω G1909 επί G3588 των G3614 οικιών G1722 εν G3739 αις G1473 υμείς G1510.2.5 εστέ G1563 εκεί G2532 και G3708 όψομαι G3588 το G129 αίμα G2532 και G4628.1 σκεπάσω G1473 υμάς G2532 και G3756 ουκ G1510.8.3 έσται G1722 εν G1473 υμίν G4127 πληγή G3588 του G1625.3 εκτριβήναι G3752 όταν G3817 παίω G1722 εν G1093 γη G* Αιγύπτω
  14 G2532 και G1510.8.3 έσται G3588 η G2250 ημέρα αύτη G3778   G1473 υμίν G3422 μνημόσυνον G2532 και G1858 εορτάσετε G1473 αυτήν G1859 εορτήν G2962 κυρίω G1519 εις G3588 τας G1074 γενεάς υμών G1473   G3544.1 νόμιμον G166 αιώνιον G1858 εορτάσετε G1473 αυτήν
  15 G2033 επτά G2250 ημέρας G2068 έδεσθε G106 άζυμα G575 από δε G1161   G3588 της G2250 ημέρας G3588 της G4413 πρώτης G853 αφανιείτε G2219 ζύμην G1537 εκ G3588 των G3614 οικιών υμών G1473   G3956 πας G3739 ος G302 αν G2068 φάγη G2219 ζύμην G1842 εξολοθρευθήσεται G3588 η G5590 ψυχή εκείνη G1565   G1537 εξ G* Ισραήλ G575 από G3588 της G2250 ημέρας G3588 της G4413 πρώτης G2193 έως G3588 της G2250 ημέρας G3588 της G1442 εβδόμης
  16 G2532 και G3588 η G2250 ημέρα G3588 η G4413 πρώτη G2564 κεκλήσεται G39 αγία G2532 και G3588 η G2250 ημέρα G3588 η G1442 εβδόμη G2822 κλητή G39 αγία G1510.8.3 έσται G1473 υμίν G3956 παν G2041 έργον G2999.1 λατρευτόν G3756 ου ποιήσετε G4160   G1722 εν G1473 αυταίς G4133 πλην G3745 όσα G4160 ποιηθήσεται G3956 πάση G5590 ψυχή G3778 τούτο G3440 μόνον G4160 ποιηθήσεται G1473 υμίν
  17 G2532 και G5442 φυλάξεσθε G3588 την G1785 εντολήν ταύτην G3778   G1722 εν γαρ G1063   G3588 τη G2250 ημέρα ταύτη G3778   G1806 εξάξω G3588 την G1411 δύναμιν υμών G1473   G1537 εκ G1093 γης G* Αιγύπτου G2532 και G4160 ποιήσετε G3588 την G2250 ημέραν ταύτην G3778   G1519 εις G1074 γενεάς υμών G1473   G3544.1 νόμιμον G166 αιώνιον
  18 G1728 εναρχομένη G3588 τη G5065 τεσσαρεσκαιδεκάτη G2250 ημέρα G3588 του G3376 μηνός G3588 του G4413 πρώτου G575 αφ΄ G2073 εσπέρας G2068 έδεσθε G106 άζυμα G2193 έως G2250 ημέρας G1520 μιάς G2532 και G1497.2 εικάδος G3588 του G3376 μηνός G2193 έως G2073 εσπέρας
  19 G2033 επτά G2250 ημέρας G2219 ζύμη G3756 ουχ ευρεθήσεται G2147   G1722 εν G3588 ταις G3614 οικίαις υμών G1473   G3956 πας G3739 ος αν G302   G2068 φάγη G2220.1 ζυμωτόν G1842 εξολοθρευθήσεται G3588 η G5590 ψυχή εκείνη G1565   G1537 εκ G4864 συναγωγής G* Ισραήλ G1722 εν G5037 τε G3588 τοις G1069.1 γειώραις G2532 και G849.1 αυτόχθοσι G3588 της G1093 γης
  20 G3956 παν G2220.1 ζυμωτόν G3756 ουκ G2068 έδεσθε G1722 εν G3956 παντί G2732 κατοικητηρίω G1473 υμών G2068 έδεσθε G106 άζυμα
    3 G2980 V-AAD-2S λαλησον G4314 PREP προς G3956 A-ASF πασαν G4864 N-ASF συναγωγην G5207 N-GPM υιων G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ G3004 V-PAPNS λεγων G3588 T-DSF τη G1182 A-DSF δεκατη G3588 T-GSM του G3303 N-GSM μηνος G3778 D-GSM τουτου G2983 V-AAD-3P λαβετωσαν G1538 A-NSM εκαστος G4263 N-ASN προβατον G2596 PREP κατ G3624 N-APM οικους   A-GPM πατριων G1538 A-NSM εκαστος G4263 N-ASN προβατον G2596 PREP κατ G3614 N-ASF οικιαν
    4 G1437 CONJ εαν G1161 PRT δε   A-NPM ολιγοστοι G1510 V-PAS-3P ωσιν G3588 T-NPM οι G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G3614 N-DSF οικια G5620 CONJ ωστε G3165 ADV μη G2425 A-APM ικανους G1510 V-PAN ειναι G1519 PREP εις G4263 N-ASN προβατον G4815 V-FMI-3S συλλημψεται G3326 PREP μεθ G1438 D-GSM εαυτου G3588 T-ASM τον G1069 N-ASM γειτονα G3588 T-ASM τον G4139 ADV πλησιον G846 D-GSM αυτου G2596 PREP κατα G706 N-ASM αριθμον G5590 N-GPF ψυχων G1538 A-NSM εκαστος G3588 T-ASN το G714 V-PAPAS αρκουν G846 D-DSM αυτω   V-FMI-3S συναριθμησεται G1519 PREP εις G4263 N-ASN προβατον
    5 G4263 N-NSN προβατον G5046 A-NSN τελειον   A-NSN αρσεν   A-NSN ενιαυσιον G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G4771 P-DP υμιν G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GPM των   N-GPM αρνων G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-GPM των G2056 N-GPM εριφων G2983 V-FMI-2P λημψεσθε
    6 G2532 CONJ και G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G4771 P-DP υμιν G1301 V-RPPNS διατετηρημενον G2193 PREP εως G3588 T-GSF της   A-GSF τεσσαρεσκαιδεκατης G3588 T-GSM του G3303 N-GSM μηνος G3778 D-GSM τουτου G2532 CONJ και G4969 V-FAI-3P σφαξουσιν G846 D-ASN αυτο G3956 A-ASN παν G3588 T-ASN το G4128 N-ASN πληθος G4864 N-GSF συναγωγης G5207 N-GPM υιων G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ G4314 PREP προς G2073 N-ASF εσπεραν
    7 G2532 CONJ και G2983 V-FMI-3P λημψονται G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSN του G129 N-GSN αιματος G2532 CONJ και G5087 V-FAI-3P θησουσιν G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GPM των G1417 N-NUI δυο   N-GPM σταθμων G2532 CONJ και G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-ASF την   N-ASF φλιαν G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPM τοις G3624 N-DPM οικοις G1722 PREP εν G3739 R-DPM οις G1437 CONJ εαν G2068 V-AAS-3P φαγωσιν G846 D-APN αυτα G1722 PREP εν G846 D-DPM αυτοις
    8 G2532 CONJ και G2068 V-FMI-3P φαγονται G3588 T-APN τα G2907 N-APN κρεα G3588 T-DSF τη G3571 N-DSF νυκτι G3778 D-DSF ταυτη G3702 A-APN οπτα G4442 N-DSN πυρι G2532 CONJ και G106 A-APN αζυμα G1909 PREP επι   N-GPF πικριδων G2068 V-FMI-3P εδονται
    9 G3364 ADV ουκ G2068 V-FMI-2P εδεσθε G575 PREP απ G846 D-GPM αυτων G3676 N-ASM ωμον G3761 CONJ ουδε   V-AMPAS ηψημενον G1722 PREP εν G5204 N-DSN υδατι G235 CONJ αλλ G2228 CONJ η G3702 A-APN οπτα G4442 N-DSN πυρι G2776 N-ASF κεφαλην G4862 PREP συν G3588 T-DPM τοις G4228 N-DPM ποσιν G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-DPN τοις   N-DPN ενδοσθιοις
    10 G3364 ADV ουκ G620 V-FAI-2P απολειψετε G575 PREP απ G846 D-GSM αυτου G2193 PREP εως G4404 ADV πρωι G2532 CONJ και G3747 N-ASN οστουν G3364 ADV ου G4937 V-FAI-2P συντριψετε G575 PREP απ G846 D-GSM αυτου G3588 T-APN τα G1161 PRT δε G2641 V-PMPAP καταλειπομενα G575 PREP απ G846 D-GSM αυτου G2193 PREP εως G4404 ADV πρωι G1722 PREP εν G4442 N-DSN πυρι G2618 V-FAI-2P κατακαυσετε
    11 G3778 ADV ουτως G1161 PRT δε G2068 V-FMI-2P φαγεσθε G846 D-ASN αυτο G3588 T-NPF αι G3751 N-NPF οσφυες G4771 P-GP υμων G4024 V-RPPNP περιεζωσμεναι G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα G5266 N-APN υποδηματα G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPM τοις G4228 N-DPM ποσιν G4771 P-GP υμων G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPF αι   N-NPF βακτηριαι G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPF ταις G5495 N-DPF χερσιν G4771 P-GP υμων G2532 CONJ και G2068 V-FMI-2P εδεσθε G846 D-ASN αυτο G3326 PREP μετα G4710 N-GSF σπουδης G3957 N-PRI πασχα G1510 V-PAI-3S εστιν G2962 N-DSM κυριω
    12 G2532 CONJ και G1330 V-FMI-1S διελευσομαι G1722 PREP εν G1065 N-DSF γη G125 N-DSF αιγυπτω G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G3571 N-DSF νυκτι G3778 D-DSF ταυτη G2532 CONJ και G3960 V-FAI-1S παταξω G3956 A-ASM παν G4416 A-ASM πρωτοτοκον G1722 PREP εν G1065 N-DSF γη G125 N-DSF αιγυπτω G575 PREP απο G444 N-GSM ανθρωπου G2193 PREP εως G2934 N-GSN κτηνους G2532 CONJ και G1722 PREP εν G3956 A-DPM πασι G3588 T-DPM τοις G2316 N-DPM θεοις G3588 T-GPM των G124 N-GPM αιγυπτιων G4160 V-AAS-1S ποιησω G3588 T-ASF την G1557 N-ASF εκδικησιν G1473 P-NS εγω G2962 N-NSM κυριος
    13 G2532 CONJ και G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G3588 T-NSN το G129 N-NSN αιμα G4771 P-DP υμιν G1722 PREP εν G4592 N-DSN σημειω G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GPF των G3614 N-GPF οικιων G1722 PREP εν G3739 R-DPF αις G4771 P-NP υμεις G1510 V-PAI-2P εστε G1563 ADV εκει G2532 CONJ και G3708 V-FMI-1S οψομαι G3588 T-ASN το G129 N-ASN αιμα G2532 CONJ και   V-AAS-1S σκεπασω G4771 P-AP υμας G2532 CONJ και G3364 ADV ουκ G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G1722 PREP εν G4771 P-DP υμιν G4127 N-NSF πληγη G3588 T-GSN του   V-APN εκτριβηναι G3752 ADV οταν G3817 V-PAI-1S παιω G1722 PREP εν G1065 N-DSF γη G125 N-DSF αιγυπτω
    14 G2532 CONJ και G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G3588 T-NSF η G2250 N-NSF ημερα G4771 P-DP υμιν G3778 D-NSF αυτη G3422 N-NSN μνημοσυνον G2532 CONJ και G1858 V-FAI-2P εορτασετε G846 D-ASF αυτην G1859 N-ASF εορτην G2962 N-DSM κυριω G1519 PREP εις G3956 A-APF πασας G3588 T-APF τας G1074 N-APF γενεας G4771 P-GP υμων G3545 A-ASN νομιμον G166 A-ASN αιωνιον G1858 V-FAI-2P εορτασετε G846 D-ASF αυτην
    15 G2033 N-NUI επτα G2250 N-APF ημερας G106 A-APN αζυμα G2068 V-FMI-2P εδεσθε G575 PREP απο G1161 PRT δε G3588 T-GSF της G2250 N-GSF ημερας G3588 T-GSF της G4413 A-GSFS πρωτης   V-FAI-2P αφανιειτε G2219 N-ASF ζυμην G1537 PREP εκ G3588 T-GPF των G3614 N-GPF οικιων G4771 P-GP υμων G3956 A-NSM πας G3739 R-NSM ος G302 PRT αν G2068 V-FMI-2S φαγη G2219 N-ASF ζυμην   V-FPI-3S εξολεθρευθησεται G3588 T-NSF η G5590 N-NSF ψυχη G1565 D-NSF εκεινη G1537 PREP εξ G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSF της G2250 N-GSF ημερας G3588 T-GSF της G4413 A-GSFS πρωτης G2193 PREP εως G3588 T-GSF της G2250 N-GSF ημερας G3588 T-GSF της G1442 A-GSF εβδομης
    16 G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSF η G2250 N-NSF ημερα G3588 T-NSF η G4413 A-NSFS πρωτη G2564 V-FPI-3S κληθησεται G40 A-APN αγια G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NSF η G2250 N-NSF ημερα G3588 T-NSF η G1442 A-NSF εβδομη G2822 A-NSF κλητη G40 A-NSF αγια G1510 V-FMI-3S εσται G4771 P-DP υμιν G3956 A-ASN παν G2041 N-ASN εργον   A-ASN λατρευτον G3364 ADV ου G4160 V-FAI-2P ποιησετε G1722 PREP εν G846 D-DPF αυταις G4133 ADV πλην G3745 A-APN οσα G4160 V-FPI-3S ποιηθησεται G3956 A-DSF παση G5590 N-DSF ψυχη G3778 D-ASN τουτο G3440 ADV μονον G4160 V-FPI-3S ποιηθησεται G4771 P-DP υμιν
    17 G2532 CONJ και G5442 V-FMI-2P φυλαξεσθε G3588 T-ASF την G1785 N-ASF εντολην G3778 D-ASF ταυτην G1722 PREP εν G1063 PRT γαρ G3588 T-DSF τη G2250 N-DSF ημερα G3778 D-DSF ταυτη G1806 V-FAI-1S εξαξω G3588 T-ASF την G1411 N-ASF δυναμιν G4771 P-GP υμων G1537 PREP εκ G1065 N-GSF γης G125 N-GSF αιγυπτου G2532 CONJ και G4160 V-FAI-2P ποιησετε G3588 T-ASF την G2250 N-ASF ημεραν G3778 D-ASF ταυτην G1519 PREP εις G1074 N-APF γενεας G4771 P-GP υμων G3545 A-ASN νομιμον G166 A-ASN αιωνιον
    18   V-PMPGS εναρχομενου G3588 T-DSF τη   A-DSF τεσσαρεσκαιδεκατη G2250 N-DSF ημερα G3588 T-GSM του G3303 N-GSM μηνος G3588 T-GSM του G4413 A-GSMS πρωτου G575 PREP αφ G2073 N-GSF εσπερας G2068 V-FMI-2P εδεσθε G106 A-APN αζυμα G2193 PREP εως G2250 N-GSF ημερας G1519 A-GSF μιας G2532 CONJ και   N-GSF εικαδος G3588 T-GSM του G3303 N-GSM μηνος G2193 PREP εως G2073 N-GSF εσπερας
    19 G2033 N-NUI επτα G2250 N-GSF ημερας G2219 N-NSF ζυμη G3364 ADV ουχ G2147 V-FPI-3S ευρεθησεται G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPF ταις G3614 N-DPF οικιαις G4771 P-GP υμων G3956 A-NSM πας G3739 R-NSM ος G302 PRT αν G2068 V-FMI-2S φαγη   A-ASN ζυμωτον   V-FPI-3S εξολεθρευθησεται G3588 T-NSF η G5590 N-NSF ψυχη G1565 D-NSF εκεινη G1537 PREP εκ G4864 N-GSF συναγωγης G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ G1722 PREP εν G5037 PRT τε G3588 T-DPM τοις   N-DPM γειωραις G2532 CONJ και   A-DPM αυτοχθοσιν G3588 T-GSF της G1065 N-GSF γης
    20 G3956 A-ASN παν   A-ASN ζυμωτον G3364 ADV ουκ G2068 V-FMI-2P εδεσθε G1722 PREP εν G3956 A-DSN παντι G1161 PRT δε G2732 N-DSN κατοικητηριω G4771 P-GP υμων G2068 V-FMI-2P εδεσθε G106 A-APN αζυμα
HOT(i) 3 דברו אל כל עדת ישׂראל לאמר בעשׂר לחדשׁ הזה ויקחו להם אישׁ שׂה לבית אבת שׂה לבית׃ 4 ואם ימעט הבית מהיות משׂה ולקח הוא ושׁכנו הקרב אל ביתו במכסת נפשׁת אישׁ לפי אכלו תכסו על השׂה׃ 5 שׂה תמים זכר בן שׁנה יהיה לכם מן הכבשׂים ומן העזים תקחו׃ 6 והיה לכם למשׁמרת עד ארבעה עשׂר יום לחדשׁ הזה ושׁחטו אתו כל קהל עדת ישׂראל בין הערבים׃ 7 ולקחו מן הדם ונתנו על שׁתי המזוזת ועל המשׁקוף על הבתים אשׁר יאכלו אתו׃ 8 ואכלו את הבשׂר בלילה הזה צלי אשׁ ומצות על מררים יאכלהו׃ 9 אל תאכלו ממנו נא ובשׁל מבשׁל במים כי אם צלי אשׁ ראשׁו על כרעיו ועל קרבו׃ 10 ולא תותירו ממנו עד בקר והנתר ממנו עד בקר באשׁ תשׂרפו׃ 11 וככה תאכלו אתו מתניכם חגרים נעליכם ברגליכם ומקלכם בידכם ואכלתם אתו בחפזון פסח הוא ליהוה׃ 12 ועברתי בארץ מצרים בלילה הזה והכיתי כל בכור בארץ מצרים מאדם ועד בהמה ובכל אלהי מצרים אעשׂה שׁפטים אני יהוה׃ 13 והיה הדם לכם לאת על הבתים אשׁר אתם שׁם וראיתי את הדם ופסחתי עלכם ולא יהיה בכם נגף למשׁחית בהכתי בארץ מצרים׃ 14 והיה היום הזה לכם לזכרון וחגתם אתו חג ליהוה לדרתיכם חקת עולם תחגהו׃ 15 שׁבעת ימים מצות תאכלו אך ביום הראשׁון תשׁביתו שׂאר מבתיכם כי כל אכל חמץ ונכרתה הנפשׁ ההוא מישׂראל מיום הראשׁן עד יום השׁבעי׃ 16 וביום הראשׁון מקרא קדשׁ וביום השׁביעי מקרא קדשׁ יהיה לכם כל מלאכה לא יעשׂה בהם אך אשׁר יאכל לכל נפשׁ הוא לבדו יעשׂה׃ 17 ושׁמרתם את המצות כי בעצם היום הזה הוצאתי את צבאותיכם מארץ מצרים ושׁמרתם את היום הזה לדרתיכם חקת עולם׃ 18 בראשׁן בארבעה עשׂר יום לחדשׁ בערב תאכלו מצת עד יום האחד ועשׂרים לחדשׁ בערב׃ 19 שׁבעת ימים שׂאר לא ימצא בבתיכם כי כל אכל מחמצת ונכרתה הנפשׁ ההוא מעדת ישׂראל בגר ובאזרח הארץ׃ 20 כל מחמצת לא תאכלו בכל מושׁבתיכם תאכלו מצות׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  3 H1696 דברו Speak H413 אל ye unto H3605 כל all H5712 עדת the congregation H3478 ישׂראל of Israel, H559 לאמר saying, H6218 בעשׂר In the tenth H2320 לחדשׁ month H2088 הזה of this H3947 ויקחו they shall take H376 להם אישׁ to them every man H7716 שׂה a lamb, H1004 לבית according to the house H1 אבת of fathers, H7716 שׂה a lamb H1004 לבית׃ for a house:
  4 H518 ואם And if H4591 ימעט be too little H1004 הבית the household H1961 מהיות   H7716 משׂה the lamb. H3947 ולקח take H1931 הוא let him H7934 ושׁכנו and his neighbor H7138 הקרב next H413 אל unto H1004 ביתו his house H4373 במכסת according to the number H5315 נפשׁת of the souls; H376 אישׁ every man H6310 לפי according to H400 אכלו his eating H3699 תכסו shall make your count H5921 על for H7716 השׂה׃  
  5 H7716 שׂה Your lamb H8549 תמים without blemish, H2145 זכר a male H1121 בן of the first H8141 שׁנה year: H1961 יהיה shall be H4480 לכם מן from H3532 הכבשׂים the sheep, H4480 ומן or from H5795 העזים the goats: H3947 תקחו׃ ye shall take out
  6 H1961 והיה   H4931 לכם למשׁמרת   H5704 עד it up until H702 ארבעה the fourteenth H6240 עשׂר the fourteenth H3117 יום day H2320 לחדשׁ month: H2088 הזה of the same H7819 ושׁחטו shall kill H853 אתו   H3605 כל and the whole H6951 קהל assembly H5712 עדת of the congregation H3478 ישׂראל of Israel H996 בין it in H6153 הערבים׃ the evening.
  7 H3947 ולקחו And they shall take H4480 מן of H1818 הדם the blood, H5414 ונתנו and strike H5921 על on H8147 שׁתי the two H4201 המזוזת side posts H5921 ועל and on H4947 המשׁקוף the upper door post H5921 על of H1004 הבתים the houses, H834 אשׁר wherein H398 יאכלו they shall eat H853 אתו׃  
  8 H398 ואכלו And they shall eat H853 את   H1320 הבשׂר the flesh H3915 בלילה night, H2088 הזה in that H6748 צלי roast H784 אשׁ with fire, H4682 ומצות and unleavened bread; H5921 על with H4844 מררים bitter H398 יאכלהו׃ they shall eat
  9 H408 אל not H398 תאכלו Eat H4480 ממנו of H4995 נא it raw, H1311 ובשׁל nor sodden at all H1310 מבשׁל nor sodden at all H4325 במים with water, H3588 כי but H518 אם but H6748 צלי roast H784 אשׁ fire; H7218 ראשׁו his head H5921 על with H3767 כרעיו his legs, H5921 ועל and with H7130 קרבו׃ the purtenance
  10 H3808 ולא And ye shall let nothing H3498 תותירו it remain H4480 ממנו of H5704 עד until H1242 בקר the morning; H3498 והנתר and that which remaineth H4480 ממנו of H5704 עד it until H1242 בקר the morning H784 באשׁ with fire. H8313 תשׂרפו׃ ye shall burn
  11 H3602 וככה And thus H398 תאכלו shall ye eat H853 אתו   H4975 מתניכם it; your loins H2296 חגרים girded, H5275 נעליכם your shoes H7272 ברגליכם on your feet, H4731 ומקלכם and your staff H3027 בידכם in your hand; H398 ואכלתם and ye shall eat H853 אתו   H2649 בחפזון it in haste: H6453 פסח passover. H1931 הוא it H3068 ליהוה׃ the LORD's
  12 H5674 ועברתי For I will pass through H776 בארץ the land H4714 מצרים of Egypt H3915 בלילה night, H2088 הזה this H5221 והכיתי and will smite H3605 כל all H1060 בכור the firstborn H776 בארץ in the land H4714 מצרים of Egypt, H120 מאדם both man H5704 ועד   H929 בהמה and beast; H3605 ובכל and against all H430 אלהי the gods H4714 מצרים of Egypt H6213 אעשׂה I will execute H8201 שׁפטים judgment: H589 אני I H3068 יהוה׃ the LORD.
  13 H1961 והיה shall be H1818 הדם And the blood H226 לכם לאת to you for a token H5921 על upon H1004 הבתים the houses H834 אשׁר where H859 אתם ye H8033 שׁם   H7200 וראיתי and when I see H853 את   H1818 הדם the blood, H6452 ופסחתי I will pass H5921 עלכם over H3808 ולא shall not H1961 יהיה be H5063 בכם נגף you, and the plague H4889 למשׁחית upon you to destroy H5221 בהכתי when I smite H776 בארץ the land H4714 מצרים׃ of Egypt.
  14 H1961 והיה shall be H3117 היום day H2088 הזה And this H2146 לכם לזכרון unto you for a memorial; H2287 וחגתם and ye shall keep H853 אתו   H2282 חג it a feast H3068 ליהוה to the LORD H1755 לדרתיכם throughout your generations; H2708 חקת by an ordinance H5769 עולם forever. H2287 תחגהו׃ ye shall keep it a feast
  15 H7651 שׁבעת Seven H3117 ימים days H4682 מצות unleavened bread; H398 תאכלו shall ye eat H389 אך even H3117 ביום day H7223 הראשׁון the first H7673 תשׁביתו ye shall put away H7603 שׂאר leaven H1004 מבתיכם out of your houses: H3588 כי for H3605 כל whosoever H398 אכל eateth H2557 חמץ leavened bread H3772 ונכרתה shall be cut off H5315 הנפשׁ soul H1931 ההוא that H3478 מישׂראל   H3117 מיום day, H7223 הראשׁן   H5704 עד until H3117 יום   H7637 השׁבעי׃ the seventh
  16 H3117 וביום day H7223 הראשׁון And in the first H4744 מקרא convocation, H6944 קדשׁ a holy H3117 וביום day H7637 השׁביעי and in the seventh H4744 מקרא convocation H6944 קדשׁ a holy H1961 יהיה there shall be H3605 לכם כל manner H4399 מלאכה of work H3808 לא to you; no H6213 יעשׂה shall be done H389 בהם אך in them, save H834 אשׁר which H398 יאכל must eat, H3605 לכל every H5315 נפשׁ man H1931 הוא that H905 לבדו only H6213 יעשׂה׃ may be done
  17 H8104 ושׁמרתם And ye shall observe H853 את   H4682 המצות unleavened bread; H3588 כי for H6106 בעצם selfsame H3117 היום day H2088 הזה in this H3318 הוצאתי   H853 את   H6635 צבאותיכם   H776 מארץ of the land H4714 מצרים of Egypt: H8104 ושׁמרתם therefore shall ye observe H853 את   H3117 היום day H2088 הזה this H1755 לדרתיכם in your generations H2708 חקת by an ordinance H5769 עולם׃ forever.
  18 H7223 בראשׁן In the first H702 בארבעה on the fourteenth H6240 עשׂר , on the fourteenth H3117 יום day H2320 לחדשׁ of the month H6153 בערב at even, H398 תאכלו ye shall eat H4682 מצת unleavened bread, H5704 עד until H3117 יום day H259 האחד the one H6242 ועשׂרים and twentieth H2320 לחדשׁ of the month H6153 בערב׃ at even.
  19 H7651 שׁבעת Seven H3117 ימים days H7603 שׂאר leaven H3808 לא shall there be no H4672 ימצא found H1004 בבתיכם in your houses: H3588 כי for H3605 כל whosoever H398 אכל eateth H2557 מחמצת that which is leavened, H3772 ונכרתה shall be cut off H5315 הנפשׁ soul H1931 ההוא even that H5712 מעדת from the congregation H3478 ישׂראל of Israel, H1616 בגר whether he be a stranger, H249 ובאזרח or born H776 הארץ׃ in the land.
  20 H3605 כל nothing H2557 מחמצת leavened; H3808 לא nothing H398 תאכלו Ye shall eat H3605 בכל in all H4186 מושׁבתיכם your habitations H398 תאכלו shall ye eat H4682 מצות׃ unleavened bread.
  3 H1696 [H8761] Speak H413 ye to H3605 all H5712 the company H3478 of Israel, H559 [H8800] saying, H6218 In the tenth H2320 day of this month H3947 [H8799] they shall take H376 to them every man H7716 a lamb, H1004 according to the house H1 of their fathers, H7716 a lamb H1004 for an house:
  4 H1004 And if the household H1961 [H8800] shall be H4591 [H8799] too small H7716 for the lamb, H7934 let him and his neighbour H7138 next H1004 to his house H3947 [H8804] take H4373 it according to the number H5315 of the breaths; H376 every man H6310 according H400 to his eating H3699 [H8799] shall make your count H7716 for the lamb.
  5 H7716 Your lamb H8549 shall be without blemish, H2145 a male H1121 of the first H8141 year: H3947 [H8799] ye shall take H3532 it from the sheep, H5795 or from the goats:
  6 H4931 And ye shall keep H702 H6240 it until the fourteenth H3117 day H2320 of the same month: H3605 and the whole H6951 congregation H5712 of the company H3478 of Israel H7819 [H8804] shall kill H996 it in H6153 the evening.
  7 H3947 [H8804] And they shall take H1818 of the blood, H5414 [H8804] and strike H8147 it on the two H4201 side posts H4947 and on the upper door post H1004 of the houses, H398 [H8799] in which they shall eat it.
  8 H398 [H8804] And they shall eat H1320 the flesh H3915 in that night, H6748 roasted H784 with fire, H4682 and unleavened bread; H4844 and with bitter H398 [H8799] herbs they shall eat it.
  9 H398 [H8799] Eat H4995 not of it raw, H1310 H1311 [H8794] nor boiled H4325 at all with water, H6748 but roasted H784 with fire; H7218 its head H3767 with its legs, H7130 and with its inward parts.
  10 H3498 [H8686] And ye shall let nothing of it remain H1242 till the morning; H3498 [H8737] and that which remaineth H1242 of it till the morning H8313 [H8799] ye shall burn H784 with fire.
  11 H3602 And thus H398 [H8799] shall ye eat H4975 it; with your loins H2296 [H8803] girded, H5275 your shoes H7272 on your feet, H4731 and your staff H3027 in your hand; H398 [H8804] and ye shall eat H2649 it in haste: H3068 it is the LORD'S H6453 passover.
  12 H5674 [H8804] For I will pass H776 through the land H4714 of Egypt H3915 this night, H5221 [H8689] and will smite H1060 all the firstborn H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H120 both man H929 and beast; H430 and against all the gods H4714 of Egypt H6213 [H8799] I will execute H8201 judgment: H3068 I am the LORD.
  13 H1818 And the blood H226 shall be to you for a token H1004 upon the houses H7200 [H8804] where ye are: and when I see H1818 the blood, H6452 [H8804] I will pass H5063 over you, and the plague H4889 shall not be upon you to decay H5221 [H8687] you, when I smite H776 the land H4714 of Egypt.
  14 H3117 And this day H2146 shall be to you for a memorial; H2287 [H8804] and ye shall keep H2282 it a feast H3068 to the LORD H1755 throughout your generations; H2287 [H8799] ye shall keep it a feast H2708 by an ordinance H5769 to the age.
  15 H7651 Seven H3117 days H398 [H8799] shall ye eat H4682 unleavened bread; H389 even H7223 the first H3117 day H7673 [H8686] ye shall put away H7603 barm H1004 out of your houses: H398 [H8802] for whoever eateth H2557 leavened bread H7223 from the first H3117 day H7637 till the seventh H3117 day, H5315 that breath H3772 [H8738] shall be cut off H3478 from Israel.
  16 H7223 And in the first H3117 day H6944 there shall be an holy H4744 convocation, H7637 and in the seventh H3117 day H6944 there shall be an holy H4744 convocation H4399 to you; no manner of work H6213 [H8735] shall be done H389 in them, except H5315 what every man H398 [H8735] must eat, H6213 [H8735] that only may be done by you.
  17 H8104 [H8804] And ye shall observe H4682 the feast of unleavened bread; H6106 for in this same H3117 day H3318 [H8689] have I brought H6635 your armies H776 out of the land H4714 of Egypt: H8104 [H8804] therefore shall ye observe H3117 this day H1755 in your generations H2708 by an ordinance H5769 to the age.
  18 H7223 In the first H6240 H702 month, on the fourteenth H3117 day H2320 of the month H6153 at evening, H398 [H8799] ye shall eat H4682 unleavened bread, H259 till the one H6242 and twentieth H3117 day H2320 of the month H6153 at evening.
  19 H7651 Seven H3117 days H7603 shall there be no barm H4672 [H8735] found H1004 in your houses: H398 [H8802] for whoever eateth H2556 [H8688] that which is leavened, H5315 even that breath H3772 [H8738] shall be cut off H5712 from the company H3478 of Israel, H1616 whether he shall be a guest, H249 or born H776 in the land.
  20 H398 [H8799] Ye shall eat H2556 [H8688] nothing leavened; H4186 in all your habitations H398 [H8799] shall ye eat H4682 unleavened bread.
Vulgate(i) 3 loquimini ad universum coetum filiorum Israhel et dicite eis decima die mensis huius tollat unusquisque agnum per familias et domos suas 4 sin autem minor est numerus ut sufficere possit ad vescendum agnum adsumet vicinum suum qui iunctus est domui eius iuxta numerum animarum quae sufficere possunt ad esum agni 5 erit autem agnus absque macula masculus anniculus iuxta quem ritum tolletis et hedum 6 et servabitis eum usque ad quartamdecimam diem mensis huius immolabitque eum universa multitudo filiorum Israhel ad vesperam 7 et sument de sanguine ac ponent super utrumque postem et in superliminaribus domorum in quibus comedent illum 8 et edent carnes nocte illa assas igni et azymos panes cum lactucis agrestibus 9 non comedetis ex eo crudum quid nec coctum aqua sed assum tantum igni caput cum pedibus eius et intestinis vorabitis 10 nec remanebit ex eo quicquam usque mane si quid residui fuerit igne conburetis 11 sic autem comedetis illum renes vestros accingetis calciamenta habebitis in pedibus tenentes baculos in manibus et comedetis festinantes est enim phase id est transitus Domini 12 et transibo per terram Aegypti nocte illa percutiamque omne primogenitum in terra Aegypti ab homine usque ad pecus et in cunctis diis Aegypti faciam iudicia ego Dominus 13 erit autem sanguis vobis in signum in aedibus in quibus eritis et videbo sanguinem ac transibo vos nec erit in vobis plaga disperdens quando percussero terram Aegypti 14 habebitis autem hanc diem in monumentum et celebrabitis eam sollemnem Domino in generationibus vestris cultu sempiterno 15 septem diebus azyma comedetis in die primo non erit fermentum in domibus vestris quicumque comederit fermentatum peribit anima illa de Israhel a primo die usque ad diem septimum 16 dies prima erit sancta atque sollemnis et dies septima eadem festivitate venerabilis nihil operis facietis in eis exceptis his quae ad vescendum pertinent 17 et observabitis azyma in eadem enim ipsa die educam exercitum vestrum de terra Aegypti et custodietis diem istum in generationes vestras ritu perpetuo 18 primo mense quartadecima die mensis ad vesperam comedetis azyma usque ad diem vicesimam primam eiusdem mensis ad vesperam 19 septem diebus fermentum non invenietur in domibus vestris qui comederit fermentatum peribit anima eius de coetu Israhel tam de advenis quam de indigenis terrae 20 omne fermentatum non comedetis in cunctis habitaculis vestris edetis azyma
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 3 Loquimini ad universum cœtum filiorum Israël, et dicite eis: Decima die mensis hujus tollat unusquisque agnum per familias et domos suas. 4 Sin autem minor est numerus ut sufficere possit ad vescendum agnum, assumet vicinum suum qui junctus est domui suæ, juxta numerum animarum quæ sufficere possunt ad esum agni. 5 Erit autem agnus absque macula, masculus, anniculus: juxta quem ritum tolletis et hædum. 6 Et servabitis eum usque ad quartamdecimam diem mensis hujus: immolabitque eum universa multitudo filiorum Israël ad vesperam. 7 Et sument de sanguine ejus, ac ponent super utrumque postem, et in superliminaribus domorum, in quibus comedent illum. 8 Et edent carnes nocte illa assas igni, et azymos panes cum lactucis agrestibus. 9 Non comedetis ex eo crudum quid, nec coctum aqua, sed tantum assum igni: caput cum pedibus ejus et intestinis vorabitis. 10 Nec remanebit quidquam ex eo usque mane; si quid residuum fuerit, igne comburetis. 11 Sic autem comedetis illum: renes vestros accingetis, et calceamenta habebitis in pedibus, tenentes baculos in manibus, et comedetis festinanter: est enim Phase (id est, transitus) Domini. 12 Et transibo per terram Ægypti nocte illa, percutiamque omne primogenitum in terra Ægypti ab homine usque ad pecus: et in cunctis diis Ægypti faciam judicia. Ego Dominus. 13 Erit autem sanguis vobis in signum in ædibus in quibus eritis: et videbo sanguinem, et transibo vos: nec erit in vobis plaga disperdens quando percussero terram Ægypti. 14 Habebitis autem hunc diem in monimentum: et celebrabitis eam solemnem Domino in generationibus vestris cultu sempiterno. 15 Septem diebus azyma comedetis: in die primo non erit fermentum in domibus vestris: quicumque comederit fermentatum, peribit anima illa de Israël, a primo die usque ad diem septimum. 16 Dies prima erit sancta atque solemnis, et dies septima eadem festivitate venerabilis: nihil operis facietis in eis, exceptis his, quæ ad vescendum pertinent. 17 Et observabitis azyma: in eadem enim ipsa die educam exercitum vestrum de terra Ægypti, et custodietis diem istum in generationes vestras ritu perpetuo. 18 Primo mense, quartadecima die mensis ad vesperam, comedetis azyma usque ad diem vigesimam primam ejusdem mensis ad vesperam. 19 Septem diebus fermentum non invenietur in domibus vestris: qui comederit fermentatum, peribit anima ejus de cœtu Israël, tam de advenis quam de indigenis terræ. 20 Omne fermentatum non comedetis: in cunctis habitaculis vestris edetis azyma.
Wycliffe(i) 3 Speke ye to al the cumpanye of the sones of Israel, and seie ye to hem, In the tenthe dai of this monethe ech man take a lomb by hise meynees and housis; 4 but if the noumbre is lesse, that it may not suffice to ete the lomb, he schal take his neiybore, which is ioyned to his hows, bi the noumbre of soulis, that moun suffice to the etyng of the lomb. 5 Forsothe the lomb schal be a male of o yeer, without wem; bi which custom ye schulen take also a kide; 6 and ye schulen kepe hym til to the fouretenthe dai of this monethe; and al the multitude of the sones of Israel schal offre hym at euentid. 7 And thei schulen take of his blood, and schulen put on euer either post, and in lyntels, `ether hiyer threschfoldis, of the housis, in whiche thei schulen ete hym; 8 and in that niyt thei schulen ete fleischis, roostid with fier, and therf looues, with letusis of the feeld. 9 Ye schulen not ete therof ony raw thing, nether sodun in watir, but roostid oneli by fier; ye schulen deuoure the heed with feet and entrailis therof; 10 nether ony thing therof schal abide til the morewtid; if ony thing is residue, ye schulen brenne in the fier. 11 Forsothe thus ye schulen ete hym; ye schulen girde youre reynes, and ye schulen haue schoon in the feet, and ye schulen holde stauys in hondis, and ye schulen ete hastili; for it is fase, that is, the passyng of the Lord. 12 And Y schal passe thorou the lond of Egipt in that niyt, and Y schal smyte al the firste gendrid thing in the lond of Egipt, fro man til to beeste; and Y the Lord schal make domes in alle the goddis of Egipt. 13 Forsothe blood schal be to you in to signe, in the housis in whiche ye schulen be; and Y schal se the blood, and Y schal passe you; nether a wounde distriynge schal be in you, whanne Y schal smyte the lond of Egipt. 14 Forsothe ye schulen haue this dai in to mynde, and `ye schulen make it solempne to the Lord in youre generaciouns bi euerlastynge worschipyng. 15 In seuene daies ye schulen ete therf breed; in the firste dai no thing diyt with sour douy schal be in youre housis; who euer schal ete ony thing diyt with sour douy, fro the firste dai til the seuenthe dai, that soule schal perische fro Israel. 16 The firste day schal be hooli and solempne, and the seuenthe dai schal be worschipful bi the same halewyng; ye schulen not do ony werk in tho daies, outakun these thingis that perteynen to mete; 17 and ye schulen kepe therf breed. For in that same dai Y schal lede out of the lond of Egipt youre oost; and ye schulen kepe this dai in youre generaciouns bi euerlastynge custom. 18 In the first monethe, in the fouretenthe dai of the monethe, at euentid, ye schulen ete therf breed, til to the oon and twentithe dai of the same monethe at euentid. 19 In seuene dayes no thing `diyt with sour douy schal be foundun in youre housis; if ony etith ony thing diyt with sour dow, his soule schal perische fro the cumpeny of Israel, as wel of comelyngis, as of hem that ben borun in the lond. 20 Ye schulen not ete ony thing diyt with sour dow, and ye schulen ete therf breed in alle youre dwellyng placis.
Tyndale(i) 3 Speake ye unto all the felowshipe of Israel saynge: that they take the .x. daye of this moneth to euery housholde, a shepe. 4 Yf the housholde be to few for a shepe, then lett him and his neghbour that is nexte vnto his house, take acordinge to the nombre of soulles, and counte vnto a shepe acordinge to euery mans eatinge. 5 A shepe with out spott and a male of one yere olde shall it be, and from amonge the lambes ad the gootes shall ye take it. 6 And ye shall kepe him in warde, vntyll the xiiij. daye of the same moneth. And euery ma of the multitude of Israel shall kyll him aboute eue. 7 And they shall take of the bloud ad strike it on the .ij. syde postes ad on the vpper dor post of the houses, wheri they eate hi. 8 And thei shall eate the flesh the same nyght, rost with fyre, ad with vnleueded bread, ad with sowre herbes they shall eate it. 9 Se that ye eate not therof sode in water, but rost with fyre: both head fete ad purtenance together. 10 And se that ye let nothinge of it remayne vnto the mornynge: yf oughte remayne burne it with fyre. 11 Off this maner shall ye eate it: with youre loines girded, ad shoes on youre fete, ad youre staves in youre handes. And ye shall eate it in haste, for it is the Lordes passeouer, 12 for I will go aboute i the lade of Egipte this same nyghte, ad will smyte all the firstborne in the lande off Egipte: both of ma ad beest, ad apo al the goddes off Egipte will I the Lorde do execution. 13 And the bloude shall be vnto you a toke vppon the houses where in ye are, for whe I se the bloude, I will passe ouer you, ad the plage shall not be vppo you to destroye you, when I smyte the londe off Egipte. 14 And this daye shall be vnto you a remebraunce, ad ye shall kepe it holie vnto the Lorde: euen thorow out youre generacions after you shall ye kepe it holie daye, that it be a custome for euer. 15 vij. dayes shal ye eate vnleveded breed, so that euen the first daye ye shall put awaye leuen out off youre housses. For whosoeuer eateth leuended bread from the first daye vntyll the .vij. daye, that soule shall be plucked out fro Israel. 16 The first daye shall be a holie feast vnto you, and the .vij. also. There shal be no maner off worke done in the, saue aboute that only which euery man must eate that only may ye do. 17 And see that ye kepe you to vnleueded breed.For vppo that same daye I will brynge youre armyes out off the londe of Egipte, therfore ye shall obserue this daye and all youre childern after you, that yt be a custume for euer. 18 The first moneth and the .xiiij. daye off the moneth at euen, ye shall eate swete brede vnto the .xxj. daye off the moneth at euen agayne. 19 Seuen dayes se that there be no leuended bred foude in youre housses. For whosoeuer eateth leuended bred, that soule shall be roted out fro the multitude of Israel: whether he be a straunger or borne in the londe. 20 Therfore se that ye eate no leuended bred, but in all youre habitacions eate swete bred.
Coverdale(i) 3 Speake ye vnto all the congregacion of Israel, & saye: Vpon ye tenth daye of this moneth let euery one take a labe (or a kydd) where a housholder is, to euery house a labe. 4 But yf the housholde be to few for a lambe, the let him & his neghbor yt is next vnto his house, take it acordinge to the nombre of ye soules, and counte to the lambe, what euery man maye eate. 5 But it shal be a lambe without blemish, a male, & of a yeare olde. From amonge the lambes & goates shal ye take it. 6 And ye shal kepe it vnto ye fourtene daye of the moneth. And euery man of the congregacion of Israel shal slaye it aboute the eueninge. 7 And they shal take of his bloude, and stryke it on both the syde postes of the dore, and on the vpperdore post of the house, that they eate it in. 8 And so shal they eate flesh ye same night, rosted at the fyre, & vnleuended bred, and shal eate it with sowre sawse. 9 Ye shal not eate it rawe, ner sodden with water, but onely rosted at the fyre, his heade wt his fete and pertenaunce. 10 And ye shal leaue nothynge of it ouer vntyll the mornynge: but yf eny thinge be left ouer vntyll the mornynge, ye shal burne it with fyre. 11 Of this maner shal ye eate it: Ye shal be gyrded aboute youre loynes, and haue youre shues vpon youre fete, and staues in yor handes, and ye shal eate it with haist: for it is ye LORDES Passeouer. 12 For in the same night wil I go thorow the londe of Egipte, & smyte all the firstborne in the lande of Egipte, from men vnto catell, & vpon all the goddes of Egipte wyll I do execucion. 13 Euen I the LORDE. And the bloude shal be youre token, vpon the houses wherin ye are: yt whan I se the bloude, I maye passe ouer, and that the plage happen not vnto you, to destroye you, whan I smyte the londe of Egipte. 14 And this daye shall ye haue for a remembraunce, and ye shall kepe it holy for a feast vnto the LORDE, ye & all youre posterities, for a perpetuall custome. 15 Seuen dayes shall ye eate vnleuended bred: namely, vpon the first daie shal ye leaue of with leuended bred in youre houses. Who so euer eateth leuended bred from the first daye vnto ye seuenth that soule shall be roted out from Israel. 16 The first daye shall be called holy amonge you, and the seuenth also. No maner of worke shall ye do therin, saue what belongeth to the meate for all maner of soules, that onely maye ye do for you. 17 And kepe you to leuended bred. For euen vpon that same daye wil I brynge youre armies out of the londe of Egipte, therfore shall ye and all youre posterities kepe this daye for a perpetuall custome. 18 Vpon the fourtene daye of the first moneth, at euen, shall ye eate vnleuended bred, vnto the one and twentye daye of the moneth, at euen: 19 so that there be no leuended bred founde in youre houses seuen dayes. For who so euer eateth leuended bred, that soule shall be roted out from the congregacion of Israel, whether it be a straunger or borne in the londe. 20 Therfore eate no leuended bred, but onely vnleuended bred in all youre dwellynges.
MSTC(i) 3 Speak ye unto all the fellowship of Israel, saying that they take, the tenth day of this month, to every household: a sheep. 4 If the household be too few for a sheep, then let him and his neighbor that is next unto this house, take according to the number of souls, and count unto a sheep according to every man's eating. 5 A sheep without spot and a male of one year old shall it be, and from among the lambs and the goats shall ye take it. 6 And ye shall keep him inward, until the fourteenth day of the same month. And every man of the multitude of Israel shall kill him about even. 7 And they shall take of the blood and strike on the two side posts and on the upper doorpost of the houses, wherein they eat him. 8 And they shall eat the flesh the same night, roast with fire, and with unleavened bread, and with sour herbs they shall eat it. 9 See that ye eat not thereof sodden in water, but roast with fire: both head, feet, and purtenance together. 10 And see that ye let nothing of it remain unto the morning: if ought remain, burn it with fire. 11 Of this manner shall ye eat it: with your loins girded, and shoes on your feet, and your staves in your hands. And ye shall eat it in haste; for it is the LORD's Passover. 12 "For I will go about in the land of Egypt this same night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both of man and beast, and upon all the gods of Egypt will I the LORD do execution. 13 And the blood shall be unto you a token, upon the houses wherein ye are; for when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be unto you a remembrance, and ye shall keep it holy unto the LORD: even throughout your generations after you shall ye keep it holy day, that it be a custom forever. 15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread, so that even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses. For whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be plucked out from Israel. 16 "The first day shall be a holy feast unto you, and the seventh also. There shall be no manner of work done in them, save about that only which every man must eat: that only may ye do. 17 And see that ye keep you to unleavened bread. For upon that same day I will bring your armies out of the land of Egypt, therefore ye shall observe this day and all your children after you, that it be a custom forever. 18 The first month and the fourteenth day of the month at even, ye shall eat sweet bread unto the twenty-first day of the month at even again. 19 Seven days see that there be no leavened bread found in your houses. For whosoever eateth leavened bread, that soul shall be rooted out from the multitude of Israel: whether he be a stranger or born in the land. 20 Therefore see that ye eat no leavened bread, but in all your habitations eat sweet bread."
Matthew(i) 3 Speake ye vnto all the felowshyp of Israell saying: That they take the .x. day of thys moneth to euery houshold a shepe. 4 If the houshold be to few for a shepe, then let hym & his neighboure that is next vnto his house, take accordynge to the numbre of the soules, & counte vnto a shepe accordynge to euery mans eatynge. 5 A shepe without spot & a male of one yere olde shal it be, and from amonge the lambes and the gootes shal ye take it. 6 And ye shall kepe hym in, vntyll the .xiiij. daye of the same moneth. And euery man of the multitude of Israel shal kyl hym aboute euen. 7 And they shall take of the bloud & strike it on the two side postes & on the vpperdore post of the houses, wherin they eate hym. 8 And they shal eate the flesh the same nyghte, rost with fyre and with vnleuended bread, & wt sowre herbes they shall eate it. 9 Se that ye eate not therof rawe ner soden in water, but rost with fyre: both the head, fete, & purtenance together. 10 And se that ye let nothyng of it remayne vnto the mornyng: yf ought remayne burne it wyth fyre. 11 Of thys maner shal ye eate it: with youre loynes gyrded, and shoes on youre fete, and your staues in your handes. And ye shal eate it in haste, for it is the Lordes passeouer, 12 for I wyl go aboute in the lande of Egypte thys same nyght, and wyl smyte al the fyrste borne in the lande of Egypte, both of man & beast, and vpon all the Goddes of Egypte wyl I the Lorde do execution. 13 And the bloud shall be vnto you a token vpon the houses wherin ye are, for when I se the bloude, I wyl passe ouer you, and the plage shal not be vpon you to destroye you, when I smyte the land of Egypte. 14 And thys daye shal be vnto you a remembraunce, & ye shall kepe it holy vnto the Lord: euen thorow out your generacions after you shal ye kepe it holy daye, that it be a custome for euer. 15 Seuen dayes shall ye eate vnleuended bread, so that euen the fyrst daye ye shall put awaye leuen out of youre housses. For whosoeuer eateth leuended bread from the fyrst day vntyl the .vij. day, that soule shal be plucked out from Israel. 16 The fyrste daye shalbe a holy feaste vnto you, & the .vij. also. There shall be no maner of worcke done in them, saue about that only which euery man must eate that only may ye do. 17 And se that ye kepe you to vnleuended bread. For vpon that same day I wyl brynge your armyes out of the lande of Egypte, therfore ye shal obserue thys day and al your children after you, that it be a custome for euer. 18 The fyrst moneth & the .xiiij. daye of the moneth at euen, ye shall eate swete breed vnto the .xxi. daye of the moneth at euen agayne. 19 Seuen dayes se that there be no leuended bread founde in your houses. For whosoeuer eateth leuended bread, that soule shalbe roted out from the multitude of Israel: whether he be a straunger or borne in the lande. 20 Therfore se that ye eate not leuended bread, but in all youre habitacions eate swete bread.
Great(i) 3 Speake ye vnto all the congregacyon of Israel, saying: In the .x. daye of thys moneth, euery man take vnto him a lambe, according to the house of the fathers, a lambe thorowout euery house. 4 Yf the housholde be to lytle for the lambe, let hym take hys neyghboure which is nexte vnto his house according to the nombre of the soules: euery one of you, according to his eating, shal make your counte for a lambe. 5 And let the lambe of yours be wtout blemysh, a male of a yeare olde, which ye shall take out from amonge the shepe, or from amonge the goates. 6 And ye shall kepe him in vntyll the .xiiij. daye of the same moneth. And euery man of the multitude of Israel shall kyll him about euen. 7 And they shall take of the bloud, & strike it on the .ij. syde postes & on the vpperdorepost euen in the houses, where they shall eate hym. 8 And they shall eate the flesh the same night: rost wt fyer & wt vnleuended bread, & wt sowre herbes they shall eate it. 9 Se that ye eate not therof rawe ner soden in water, but roste wt fier: the head, fete, & purtenaunce therof. 10 And ye shall let nothyng of it remayne vnto the morning. That which remayneth of it vntyll the morowe, shall ye burne with fyer. 11 Of this maner shall ye eate it: with your loynes gyrded, and your shoes on your fete, and your staues in your handes. And ye shall eate it in haste: for it is the Lordes passeouer: 12 for I wyll passe thorowe the lande of Egipt this same nyght, and wyll smytte all the first borne in the land of Egipt, both of man and beaste, and vpon all the goddes of Egipt will I the Lord do execution. 13 And the bloude shalbe vnto you a token in the houses wherin ye are. And when I se the bloud, I will passe ouer you, and the plage shal not be vpon you to destroye you, when I smyte the lande of Egipte. 14 And this daye shalbe vnto you a remembraunce: and ye shall kepe it holy vnto the Lorde, euen thorowout youre generatyons shall ye kepe it holy daie, that it be a custome for euer. 15 Seuen dayes shall ye eat vnleuended bread: and the fyrste daye ye shall put a waye leuen out of youre houses. For whosoeuer eateth leuended bread from the fyrst daye vntill the seuenth daye, that soule shalbe plucked out from Israel. 16 The fyrste daye shalbe an holy conuocation, and the seuenth daye shalbe an holy conuocation vnto you. There shalbe no maner of worcke done in them, saue about that onely which euery man must eate, that onely maye ye do. 17 And ye shall obserue vnleuended bread. For this same daye haue I brought your armyes out of the lande of Egypte, therfore ye shall obserue this daye, & all your children after you, by a custome for euer. 18 The fyrst moneth and the .xiiij. daye of the moneth at euen, ye shall eate swete bread vnto the .xxj. daye of the moneth at euen agayne. 19 Seuen dayes shall there be no leuended breade founde in youre houses. And whosoeuer eateth leuended bread, that soule shalbe roted out from the multitude of Israel: whyther he be a straunger or borne in the lande. 20 Ye shall eate nothyng leuended: but in all your habitations shall ye eate swete bread.
Geneva(i) 3 Speake ye vnto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth of this moneth let euery man take vnto him a lambe, according to the house of the fathers, a lambe for an house. 4 And if the housholde be too litle for the lambe, he shall take his neighbour, which is next vnto his house, according to the nomber of the persons: euery one of you, according to his eating shall make your count for the lambes, 5 Your lambe shalbe without blemish, a male of a yeere olde: ye shall take it of the lambes, or of the kiddes. 6 And yee shall keepe it vntill the fourteenth day of this moneth: then al the multitude of the Congregation of Israel shall kill it at euen. 7 After, they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two postes, and on the vpper doore post of the houses where they shall eate it. 8 And they shall eate the flesh the same night, roste with fire, and vnleauened bread: with sowre herbes they shall eate it. 9 Eate not thereof rawe, boyled nor sodden in water, but rost with fire, both his head, his feete, and his purtenance. 10 And ye shall reserue nothing of it vnto the morning: but that, which remaineth of it vnto the morowe, shall ye burne with fire. 11 And thus shall yee eate it, Your loynes girded, your shoes on your feete, and your staues in your handes, and yee shall eate it in haste: for it is the Lords Passeouer. 12 For I will passe through the lande of Egypt the same night, and will smite all the first borne in the land of Egypt, both man and beast, and I will execute iudgement vpon all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord. 13 And the blood shalbe a token for you vpon the houses where ye are: so when I see the blood, I will passe ouer you, and the plague shall not be vpon you to destruction, when I smite the lande of Egypt. 14 And this day shalbe vnto you a remembrance: and ye shall keepe it an holie feast vnto the Lord, throughout your generations: yee shall keepe it holie by an ordinance for euer. 15 Seuen daies shall ye eat vnleauened bread, and in any case ye shall put away leauen the first day out of your houses: for whosoeuer eateth leauened bread from the first daie vntill the seuenth day, that person shalbe cut off from Israel. 16 And in the first day shalbe an holie assemblie: also in the seuenth day shalbe an holy assemblie vnto you: no worke shalbe done in them, saue about that which euery man must eate: that onely may ye do. 17 Ye shall keepe also the feast of vnleauened bread: for that same daye I will bring your armies out of the lande of Egypt: therefore ye shall obserue this day, throughout your posteritie, by an ordinance for euer. 18 In the first moneth and the fourteenth day of the moneth at euen, yee shall eate vnleauened bread vnto the one and twentieth day of the moneth at euen. 19 Seuen daies shall no leauen be founde in your houses: for whosoeuer eateth leauened bread, that person shalbe cut off from the Congregation of Israel: whether he bee a stranger, or borne in the land. 20 Ye shall eate no leauened bread: but in all your habitations shall ye eate vnleauened bread.
Bishops(i) 3 Speake ye vnto all the congregation of Israel, saying: In the tenth daye of this moneth, euery man take vnto hym a lambe according to ye house of the fathers, a lambe throughout euery house 4 If the houshold be to litle for ye lambe, let hym take his neyghbour whiche is next vnto his house, accordyng to the number of the soules, euery one of you accordyng to his eatyng shal make your compt for a lambe 5 And let the lambe of yours be without blemishe, a male of a yere olde [whiche] ye shal take out from among the sheepe, and from among the goates 6 And ye shall kepe hym in vntyll the fourteenth day of the same moneth: and euery assemble of the congregation of Israel shall kyll hym about euen 7 And they shall take of the blood and stryke it on the two [syde] postes, and on the vpper doore post, euen in the houses where they shall eate hym 8 And they shall eate the fleshe the same nyght, rost with fire, and with vnleauened bread: and with sowre hearbes they shall eate it 9 See that ye eate not therof rawe, nor sodden with water, but roste with fire: the head, feete, and purtenaunce therof 10 And ye shall let nothyng of it remayne vnto the morning: That which remayneth of it vntyll the morowe, shall ye burne with fire 11 Of this maner shall ye eate it: with your loynes girded, and your shooes on your feete, and your staffe in your hand, and ye shall eate it in haste: for it is the Lordes passouer 12 For I wyll passe through the lande of Egypt this same nyght, and wyll smyte all the first borne of Egypt from man to beast, and vpon all the gods of Egypt I wyll execute iudgement: I [am] the Lorde 13 And the blood shalbe vnto you a token in the houses wherin you are: and whe I see the blood, I wyll passe ouer you, and the plague shall not be vpon you to destroy you when I smyte the lande of Egypt 14 And this day shalbe vnto you a remebraunce: and you shall kepe it an holy feast vnto the Lorde throughout your generations, ye shall kepe it holy for an ordinaunce for euer 15 Seuen dayes shal ye eate vnleauened bread, so that euen the first day ye put away leauen out of your house: For who so euer eateth leauened bread from the first daye vntyll the seuenth daye, that soule shalbe rooted out of Israel 16 The first day shalbe a holy conuocation, and the seuenth day shalbe an holy conuocation vnto you: there shalbe no maner of worke done in the, saue about that only which euery man must eate, that only may ye do 17 And ye shal obserue the feast of vnleauened bread: for this same day haue I brought your armies out of the lande of Egypt, therefore ye shall obserue this day and all your chyldren after you, by an euerlastyng decree 18 The first moneth, and the fourteenth daye of the moneth, at euen ye shall eate vnleauened bread, vnto the 21 day of the same moneth at euen againe 19 Seuen dayes shal ther be no leauened bread founde in your houses: and whosoeuer eateth leauened bread, that soule shalbe rooted out from the congregatio of Israel, whether he be straunger or borne in the lande 20 Ye shall eate nothyng leauened: but in all your habitations shall ye eate vnleauened bread
DouayRheims(i) 3 Speak ye to the whole assembly of the children of Israel, and say to them: On the tenth day of this month let every man take a lamb by their families and houses. 4 But if the number be less than may suffice to eat the lamb, he shall take unto him his neighbour that joineth to his house, according to the number of souls which may be enough to eat the lamb. 5 And it shall be a lamb without blemish, a male, of one year; according to which rite also you shall take a kid. 6 And you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month; and the whole multitude of the children of Israel shall sacrifice it in the evening. 7 And they shall take of the blood thereof, and put it upon both the side posts, and on the upper door posts of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh that night roasted at the fire, and unleavened bread with wild lettuce. 9 You shall not eat thereof any thing raw, nor boiled in water, but only roasted at the fire; you shall eat the head with the feet and entrails thereof. 10 Neither shall there remain any thing of it until morning. If there be any thing left, you shall burn it with fire. 11 And thus you shall eat it: you shall gird your reins, and you shall have shoes on your feet, holding staves in your hands, and you shall eat in haste; for it is the Phase (that is the Passage) of the Lord. 12 And I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and will kill every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast: and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments; I am the Lord. 13 And the blood shall be unto you for a sign in the houses where you shall be; and I shall see the blood, and shall pass over you; and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I shall strike the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be for a memorial to you; and you shall keep it a feast to the Lord in your generations, with an everlasting observance. 15 Seven days shall you eat unleavened bread: in the first day there shall be no leaven in your houses; whosoever shall eat any thing leavened, from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall perish out of Israel. 16 The first day shall be holy and solemn, and the seventh day shall be kept with the like solemnity: you shall do no work in them, except those things that belong to eating. 17 And you shall observe the feast of the unleavened bread: for in this same day I will bring forth your army out of the land of Egypt, and you shall keep this day in your generations by a perpetual observance. 18 The first month, the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, you shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the same month, in the evening. 19 Seven days there shall not be found any leaven in your houses: he that shall eat leavened bread, his soul shall perish out of the assembly of Israel, whether he be a stranger or born in the land. 20 You shall not eat any thing leavened: in all your habitations you shall eat unleavened bread.
KJV(i) 3 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house: 4 And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbor next unto his house take it according to the number of the souls; every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats: 6 And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire; his head with his legs, and with the purtenance thereof. 10 And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; and that which remaineth of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD's passover. 12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. 13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever. 15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 And in the first day there shall be an holy convocation, and in the seventh day there shall be an holy convocation to you; no manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done of you. 17 And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this selfsame day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations by an ordinance for ever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at even, ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at even. 19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses: for whosoever eateth that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger, or born in the land. 20 Ye shall eat nothing leavened; in all your habitations shall ye eat unleavened bread.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 10 And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; and that which remaineth of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD's passover. 12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. 13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever. 15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 And in the first day there shall be an holy convocation, and in the seventh day there shall be an holy convocation to you; no manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done of you. 17 And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this selfsame day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations by an ordinance for ever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at even, ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at even. 19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses: for whosoever eateth that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger, or born in the land. 20 Ye shall eat nothing leavened; in all your habitations shall ye eat unleavened bread. 3 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house: 4 And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbour next unto his house take it according to the number of the souls; every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats: 6 And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire; his head with his legs, and with the purtenance thereof.
  3 H1696 Speak [H8761]   H5712 ye unto all the congregation H3478 of Israel H559 , saying [H8800]   H6218 , In the tenth H2320 day of this month H3947 they shall take [H8799]   H376 to them every man H7716 a lamb H1004 , according to the house H1 of their fathers H7716 , a lamb H1004 for an house:
  4 H1004 And if the household H1961 be [H8800]   H4591 too little [H8799]   H7716 for the lamb H7934 , let him and his neighbour H7138 next H1004 unto his house H3947 take [H8804]   H4373 it according to the number H5315 of the souls H376 ; every man H6310 according H400 to his eating H3699 shall make your count [H8799]   H7716 for the lamb.
  5 H7716 Your lamb H8549 shall be without blemish H2145 , a male H1121 of the first H8141 year H3947 : ye shall take [H8799]   H3532 it out from the sheep H5795 , or from the goats:
  6 H4931 And ye shall keep H702 it up until the fourteenth H6240   H3117 day H2320 of the same month H3605 : and the whole H6951 assembly H5712 of the congregation H3478 of Israel H7819 shall kill [H8804]   H996 it in H6153 the evening.
  7 H3947 And they shall take [H8804]   H1818 of the blood H5414 , and strike [H8804]   H8147 it on the two H4201 side posts H4947 and on the upper door post H1004 of the houses H398 , wherein they shall eat [H8799]   it.
  8 H398 And they shall eat [H8804]   H1320 the flesh H3915 in that night H6748 , roast H784 with fire H4682 , and unleavened bread H4844 ; and with bitter H398 herbs they shall eat [H8799]   it.
  9 H398 Eat [H8799]   H4995 not of it raw H1310 , nor sodden [H8794]   H1311   H4325 at all with water H6748 , but roast H784 with fire H7218 ; his head H3767 with his legs H7130 , and with the purtenance thereof.
  10 H3498 And ye shall let nothing of it remain [H8686]   H1242 until the morning H3498 ; and that which remaineth [H8737]   H1242 of it until the morning H8313 ye shall burn [H8799]   H784 with fire.
  11 H3602 And thus H398 shall ye eat [H8799]   H4975 it; with your loins H2296 girded [H8803]   H5275 , your shoes H7272 on your feet H4731 , and your staff H3027 in your hand H398 ; and ye shall eat [H8804]   H2649 it in haste H3068 : it is the LORD'S H6453 passover.
  12 H5674 For I will pass [H8804]   H776 through the land H4714 of Egypt H3915 this night H5221 , and will smite [H8689]   H1060 all the firstborn H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt H120 , both man H929 and beast H430 ; and against all the gods H4714 of Egypt H6213 I will execute [H8799]   H8201 judgment H3068 : I am the LORD.
  13 H1818 And the blood H226 shall be to you for a token H1004 upon the houses H7200 where ye are : and when I see [H8804]   H1818 the blood H6452 , I will pass [H8804]   H5063 over you, and the plague H4889 shall not be upon you to destroy H5221 you, when I smite [H8687]   H776 the land H4714 of Egypt.
  14 H3117 And this day H2146 shall be unto you for a memorial H2287 ; and ye shall keep [H8804]   H2282 it a feast H3068 to the LORD H1755 throughout your generations H2287 ; ye shall keep it a feast [H8799]   H2708 by an ordinance H5769 for ever.
  15 H7651 Seven H3117 days H398 shall ye eat [H8799]   H4682 unleavened bread H389 ; even H7223 the first H3117 day H7673 ye shall put away [H8686]   H7603 leaven H1004 out of your houses H398 : for whosoever eateth [H8802]   H2557 leavened bread H7223 from the first H3117 day H7637 until the seventh H3117 day H5315 , that soul H3772 shall be cut [H8738]   H3478 off from Israel.
  16 H7223 And in the first H3117 day H6944 there shall be an holy H4744 convocation H7637 , and in the seventh H3117 day H6944 there shall be an holy H4744 convocation H4399 to you; no manner of work H6213 shall be done [H8735]   H389 in them, save H5315 that which every man H398 must eat [H8735]   H6213 , that only may be done [H8735]   of you.
  17 H8104 And ye shall observe [H8804]   H4682 the feast of unleavened bread H6106 ; for in this selfsame H3117 day H3318 have I brought [H8689]   H6635 your armies H776 out of the land H4714 of Egypt H8104 : therefore shall ye observe [H8804]   H3117 this day H1755 in your generations H2708 by an ordinance H5769 for ever.
  18 H7223 In the first H6240 month, on the fourteenth H702   H3117 day H2320 of the month H6153 at even H398 , ye shall eat [H8799]   H4682 unleavened bread H259 , until the one H6242 and twentieth H3117 day H2320 of the month H6153 at even.
  19 H7651 Seven H3117 days H7603 shall there be no leaven H4672 found [H8735]   H1004 in your houses H398 : for whosoever eateth [H8802]   H2556 that which is leavened [H8688]   H5315 , even that soul H3772 shall be cut off [H8738]   H5712 from the congregation H3478 of Israel H1616 , whether he be a stranger H249 , or born H776 in the land.
  20 H398 Ye shall eat [H8799]   H2556 nothing leavened [H8688]   H4186 ; in all your habitations H398 shall ye eat [H8799]   H4682 unleavened bread.
Thomson(i) 3 Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel and say, On the tenth of this month let them take every one a sheep according to the houses of patriarchal families, every one a sheep for a family; 4 and if there be too few in the family to be sufficient for one sheep, let him associate with him his next neighbour. With regard to the number of souls, every one shall collect to him a number sufficient for a sheep. 5 Your sheep shall be without blemish, a male and in its first year. You may take either from the lambs or the kids. 6 And it shall be kept up by you until the fourteenth day of this month. Then the whole multitude of the congregation of the children of Israel shall kill it in the evening. 7 And they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two side posts and on the lintel of the door of the house in which they are to eat it. 8 And that night they shall eat the flesh roasted with fire. They shall also eat unleavened bread with bitter herbs. 9 You shall not eat any of it raw or boiled in water, but only roasted with fire, head and feet and carcase together. 10 Nothing of it shall be left till the morning. And you shall not break a bone of it. And what is left of it till the morning you shall burn with fire. 11 And in this manner you shall eat it. Your loins shall be girded. Your sandals shall be on your feet, and your staves in your hands. And you shall eat it in haste. It is a passover to the Lord. 12 For in that night I will pass through the land of Egypt, and smite all the first born in the land of Egypt, both of man and beast. And upon all the gods of the Egyptians I will execute vengeance. I am the Lord. 13 But the blood shall be to you for a sign on the houses in which you are. And when I see the blood, I will protect you and there shall be no destroying plague among you, when I smite in the land of Egypt. 14 And that day shall be to you for a memorial. And you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord throughout all your generations. As an everlasting ordinance you shall celebrate it. 15 Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread. And from the first day you shall remove all leaven out of your houses. Whoever shall eat leaven from the first to the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from among Israel. 16 And with regard to the first day, it shall be proclaimed holy; and the seventh day shall be holy to you. In them you shall not do any kind of sacrificial service, save that which must be done for every soul. This alone shall be done for you 17 and you shall keep this commandment. For on that day I will lead out your host from the land of Egypt; therefore you shall make the observance of that day an everlasting rite to your generations. 18 Beginning at evening with the fourteenth day of the first month, you shall eat unleavened bread until the evening of the twenty first day. 19 For seven days there must be no leaven found in your houses. Whoever shall eat leavened bread, that soul shall be cut off from among the congregation of Israel; whether he be a stranger or born in the land. 20 You shall eat nothing that is leavened. But in all your habitations you must eat unleavened bread.
Webster(i) 3 Speak ye to all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for a house: 4 And if the household shall be too small for the lamb, let him and his neighbor next to his house take it according to the number of the souls; every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it from the sheep or from the goats: 6 And ye shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side-posts, and on the upper door-post of the houses, in which they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roasted with fire; and unleavened bread, and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Eat not of it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted with fire; its head with its legs, and with its entrails. 10 And ye shall let nothing of it remain till the morning: and that which remaineth of it till the morning ye shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand: and ye shall eat it in haste; it is the LORD'S passover. 12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the first-born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast: and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. 13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be to you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations: ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever. 15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whoever eateth leavened bread, from the first day till the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 And in the first day there shall be a holy convocation, and in the seventh day there shall be a holy convocation to you: no manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done by you. 17 And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this same day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations by an ordinance for ever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, ye shall eat unleavened bread, till the one and twentieth day of the month at evening. 19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses: for whoever eateth that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he shall be a stranger, or born in the land. 20 Ye shall eat nothing leavened: in all your habitations shall ye eat unleavened bread.
  3 H1696 [H8761] Speak H5712 ye to all the congregation H3478 of Israel H559 [H8800] , saying H6218 , In the tenth H2320 day of this month H3947 [H8799] they shall take H376 to them every man H7716 a lamb H1004 , according to the house H1 of their fathers H7716 , a lamb H1004 for an house:
  4 H1004 And if the household H1961 [H8800] shall be H4591 [H8799] too small H7716 for the lamb H7934 , let him and his neighbour H7138 next H1004 to his house H3947 [H8804] take H4373 it according to the number H5315 of the souls H376 ; every man H6310 according H400 to his eating H3699 [H8799] shall make your count H7716 for the lamb.
  5 H7716 Your lamb H8549 shall be without blemish H2145 , a male H1121 of the first H8141 year H3947 [H8799] : ye shall take H3532 it from the sheep H5795 , or from the goats:
  6 H4931 And ye shall keep H702 H6240 it until the fourteenth H3117 day H2320 of the same month H3605 : and the whole H6951 assembly H5712 of the congregation H3478 of Israel H7819 [H8804] shall kill H996 it in H6153 the evening.
  7 H3947 [H8804] And they shall take H1818 of the blood H5414 [H8804] , and strike H8147 it on the two H4201 side posts H4947 and on the upper door post H1004 of the houses H398 [H8799] , in which they shall eat it.
  8 H398 [H8804] And they shall eat H1320 the flesh H3915 in that night H6748 , roasted H784 with fire H4682 , and unleavened bread H4844 ; and with bitter H398 [H8799] herbs they shall eat it.
  9 H398 [H8799] Eat H4995 not of it raw H1310 H1311 [H8794] , nor boiled H4325 at all with water H6748 , but roasted H784 with fire H7218 ; its head H3767 with its legs H7130 , and with its inward parts.
  10 H3498 [H8686] And ye shall let nothing of it remain H1242 till the morning H3498 [H8737] ; and that which remaineth H1242 of it till the morning H8313 [H8799] ye shall burn H784 with fire.
  11 H3602 And thus H398 [H8799] shall ye eat H4975 it; with your loins H2296 [H8803] girded H5275 , your shoes H7272 on your feet H4731 , and your staff H3027 in your hand H398 [H8804] ; and ye shall eat H2649 it in haste H3068 : it is the LORD'S H6453 passover.
  12 H5674 [H8804] For I will pass H776 through the land H4714 of Egypt H3915 this night H5221 [H8689] , and will smite H1060 all the firstborn H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt H120 , both man H929 and beast H430 ; and against all the gods H4714 of Egypt H6213 [H8799] I will execute H8201 judgment H3068 : I am the LORD.
  13 H1818 And the blood H226 shall be to you for a token H1004 upon the houses H7200 [H8804] where ye are: and when I see H1818 the blood H6452 [H8804] , I will pass H5063 over you, and the plague H4889 shall not be upon you to destroy H5221 [H8687] you, when I smite H776 the land H4714 of Egypt.
  14 H3117 And this day H2146 shall be to you for a memorial H2287 [H8804] ; and ye shall keep H2282 it a feast H3068 to the LORD H1755 throughout your generations H2287 [H8799] ; ye shall keep it a feast H2708 by an ordinance H5769 for ever.
  15 H7651 Seven H3117 days H398 [H8799] shall ye eat H4682 unleavened bread H389 ; even H7223 the first H3117 day H7673 [H8686] ye shall put away H7603 leaven H1004 out of your houses H398 [H8802] : for whoever eateth H2557 leavened bread H7223 from the first H3117 day H7637 till the seventh H3117 day H5315 , that soul H3772 [H8738] shall be cut H3478 off from Israel.
  16 H7223 And in the first H3117 day H6944 there shall be an holy H4744 convocation H7637 , and in the seventh H3117 day H6944 there shall be an holy H4744 convocation H4399 to you; no manner of work H6213 [H8735] shall be done H389 in them, except H5315 what every man H398 [H8735] must eat H6213 [H8735] , that only may be done by you.
  17 H8104 [H8804] And ye shall observe H4682 the feast of unleavened bread H6106 ; for in this same H3117 day H3318 [H8689] have I brought H6635 your armies H776 out of the land H4714 of Egypt H8104 [H8804] : therefore shall ye observe H3117 this day H1755 in your generations H2708 by an ordinance H5769 for ever.
  18 H7223 In the first H6240 H702 month, on the fourteenth H3117 day H2320 of the month H6153 at evening H398 [H8799] , ye shall eat H4682 unleavened bread H259 , till the one H6242 and twentieth H3117 day H2320 of the month H6153 at evening.
  19 H7651 Seven H3117 days H7603 shall there be no leaven H4672 [H8735] found H1004 in your houses H398 [H8802] : for whoever eateth H2556 [H8688] that which is leavened H5315 , even that soul H3772 [H8738] shall be cut off H5712 from the congregation H3478 of Israel H1616 , whether he shall be a stranger H249 , or born H776 in the land.
  20 H398 [H8799] Ye shall eat H2556 [H8688] nothing leavened H4186 ; in all your habitations H398 [H8799] shall ye eat H4682 unleavened bread.
Brenton(i) 3 Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying, On the tenth of this month let them take each man a lamb according to the houses of their families, every man a lamb for his household. 4 And if they be few in a household, so that there are not enough for the lamb, he shall take with himself his neighbour that lives near to him, — as to the number of souls, every one according to that which suffices him shall make a reckoning for the lamb. 5 It shall be to you a lamb unblemished, a male of a year old: ye shall take it of the lambs and the kids. 6 And it shall be kept by you till the fourteenth of this month, and all the multitude of the congregation of the children of Israel shall kill it toward evening. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and shall put it on the two door-posts, and on the lintel, in the houses in which soever they shall eat them. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in this night roast with fire, and they shall eat unleavened bread with bitter herbs. 9 Ye shall not eat of it raw nor sodden in water, but only roast with fire, the head with the feet and the appurtenances. 10 Nothing shall be left of it till the morning, and a bone of it ye shall not break; but that which is left of it till the morning ye shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall ye eat it: your loins girded, and your sandals on your feet, and your staves in your hands, and ye shall eat it in haste. It is a passover to the Lord. 12 and I will go throughout the land of Egypt in that night, and will smite every first-born in the land of Egypt both man and beast, and on all the gods of Egypt will I execute vengeance: I am the Lord. 13 And the blood shall be for a sign to you on the houses in which ye are, and I will see the blood, and will protect you, and there shall not be on you the plague of destruction, when I smite in the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be to you a memorial, and ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord through all your generations; ye shall keep it a feast for a perpetual ordinance. 15 Seven days ye shall eat unleavened bread, and from the first day ye shall utterly remove leaven from your houses: whoever shall eat leaven, that soul shall be utterly destroyed from Israel, from the first day until the seventh day. 16 And the first day shall be called holy, and the seventh day shall be a holy convocation to you: ye shall do no servile work on them, only as many things as will necessarily be done by every soul, this only shall be done by you. 17 And ye shall keep this commandment, for on this day will I bring out your force out of the land of Egypt; and ye shall make this day a perpetual ordinance for you throughout your generations. 18 Beginning the fourteenth day of the first month, ye shall eat unleavened bread from evening, till the twenty-first day of the month, till evening. 19 Seven days leaven shall not be found in your houses; whosoever shall eat anything leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, both among the occupiers of the land and the original inhabitants. 20 Ye shall eat nothing leavened, but in every habitation of your ye shall eat unleavened bread.
Brenton_Greek(i) 3 Λάλησον πρὸς πᾶσαν συναγωγὴν υἱῶν Ἰσραὴλ, λέγων, τῇ δεκάτῃ τοῦ μηνὸς τούτου λαβέτωσαν ἕκαστος πρόβατον κατʼ οἴκους πατριῶν, ἕκαστος πρόβατον κατʼ οἰκίαν. 4 Ἐὰν δὲ ὀλιγοστοὶ ὦσιν ἐν τῇ οἰκίᾳ, ὥστε μὴ εἶναι ἱκανοὺς εἰς πρόβατον, συλλήψεται μεθʼ ἑαυτοῦ τὸν γείτονα τὸν πλησίον αὐτοῦ κατὰ ἀριθμὸν ψυχῶν· ἕκαστος τὸ ἀρκοῦν αὐτῷ συναριθμήσεται εἰς πρόβατον. 5 Πρόβατον τέλειον, ἄρσεν, ἐνιαύσιον ἔσται ὑμῖν· ἀπὸ τῶν ἀρνῶν καὶ τῶν ἐρίφων λήψεσθε. 6 Καὶ ἔσται ὑμῖν διατετηρημένον ἕως τῆς τεσσαρεσκαιδεκάτης τοῦ μηνὸς τούτου· καὶ σφάξουσιν αὐτὸ πᾶν τὸ πλῆθος συναγωγῆς υἱῶν Ἰσραὴλ πρὸς ἑσπέραν. 7 Καὶ λήψονται ἀπὸ τοῦ αἵματος, καὶ θήσουσιν ἐπὶ τῶν δύο σταθμῶν καὶ ἐπὶ τὴν φλιὰν ἐν τοῖς οἴκοις, ἐν οἷς ἐὰν φάγωσιν αὐτὰ ἐν αὐτοῖς. 8 Καὶ φάγονται τὰ κρέα τῇ νυκτὶ ταύτῃ ὀπτὰ πυρὶ, καὶ ἄζυμα ἐπὶ πικρίδων ἔδονται. 9 Οὐκ ἔδεσθε ἀπʼ αὐτῶν ὠμὸν, οὐδὲ ἡψημένον ἐν ὕδατι, ἀλλʼ ἢ ὀπτὰ πυρί, κεφαλὴν σὺν τοῖς ποσὶ καὶ τοῖς ἐνδοσθίοις. 10 Οὐκ ἀπολείψετε ἀπʼ αὐτοῦ ἕως πρωΐ καὶ ὀστοῦν οὐ συντρίψετε ἀπʼ αὐτοῦ· τὰ δὲ καταλειπόμενα ἀπʼ αὐτοῦ ἕως πρωῒ ἐν πυρὶ κατακαύσετε. 11 Οὕτω δὲ φάγεσθε αὐτό· αἱ ὀσφύες ὑμῶν περιεζωσμέναι, καὶ τὰ ὑποδήματα ἐν τοῖς ποσὶν ὑμῶν, καὶ αἱ βακτηρίαι ἐν ταῖς χερσὶν ὑμῶν· καὶ ἔδεσθε αὐτὸ μετὰ σπουδῆς· Πάσχα ἐστὶ Κυρίῳ. 12 Καί διελεύσομαι ἐν γῇ Αἰγύπτῳ ἐν τῇ νυκτὶ ταύτῃ, καὶ πατάξω πᾶν πρωτότοκον ἐν γῇ Αἰγύπτῳ ἀπὸ ἀνθρώπου ἕως κτήνους· καὶ ἐν πᾶσι τοῖς θεοῖς τῶν Αἰγυπτίων ποιήσω τὴν ἐκδίκησιν· ἐγὼ Κύριος. 13 Καὶ ἔσται τὸ αἷμα ὑμῖν ἐν σημείῳ ἐπὶ τῶν οἰκιῶν, ἐν αἷς ὑμεῖς ἐστε ἐκεῖ· καὶ ὄψομαι τὸ αἷμα, καὶ σκεπάσω ὑμᾶς, καὶ οὐκ ἔσται ἐν ὑμῖν πληγὴ τοῦ ἐκτριβῆναι, ὅταν παίω ἐν γῇ Αἰγύπτῳ.
14 Καὶ ἔσται ἡ ἡμέρα ὑμῖν αὕτη μνημόσυνον, καὶ ἑορτάσετε αὐτὴν ἑορτὴν Κυρίῳ εἰς πάσας τὰς γενεὰς ὑμῶν· νόμιμον αἰώνιον ἑορτάσετε αὐτήν. 15 Ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας ἄζυμα ἔδεσθε· ἀπὸ δὲ τῆς ἡμέρας τῆς πρώτης, ἀφανιεῖτε ζύμην ἐκ τῶν οἰκιῶν ὑμῶν· πᾶς ὃς ἂν φάγῃ ζύμην, ἐξολοθρευθήσεται ἡ ψυχὴ ἐκείνη ἐξ Ἰσραὴλ, ἀπὸ τῆς ἡμέρας τῆς πρώτης ἕως τῆς ἡμέρας τῆς ἑβδόμης. 16 Καὶ ἡ ἡμέρα ἡ πρώτη, κληθήσεται ἁγία· καὶ ἡ ἡμέρα ἡ ἑβδόμη, κλητὴ ἁγία ἔσται ὑμῖν· πᾶν ἔργον λατρευτὸν οὐ ποιήσετε ἐν αὐταῖς, πλὴν ὅσα ποιηθήσεται πάσῃ ψυχῇ, τοῦτο μόνον ποιηθήσεται ὑμῖν. 17 Καὶ φυλάξετε τὴν ἐντολὴν ταύτην· ἐν γὰρ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ταύτῃ ἐξάξω τὴν δύναμιν ὑμῶν ἐκ γῆς Αἰγύπτου, καὶ ποιήσετε τὴν ἡμέραν ταύτην εἰς γενεὰς ὑμῶν νόμιμον αἰώνιον, 18 ἐναρχόμενοι τῇ τεσσαρεσκαιδεκάτῃ ἡμέρᾳ τοῦ μηνὸς τοῦ πρώτου, ἀφʼ ἑσπέρας ἔδεσθε ἄζυμα, ἕως ἡμέρας μιᾶς καὶ εἰκάδος τοῦ μηνός, ἕως ἑσπέρας. 19 Ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας ζύμη οὐχ εὑρεθήσεται ἐν ταῖς οἰκίαις ὑμῶν· πᾶς ὃς ἂν φάγῃ ζυμωτόν, ἐξολοθρευθήσεται ἡ ψυχὴ ἐκείνη ἐκ συναγωγῆς Ἰσραήλ· ἔν τε τοῖς γειώραις, καὶ αὐτόχθοσι τῆς γῆς. 20 Πᾶν ζυμωτὸν οὐκ ἔδεσθε, ἐν παντὶ δὲ κατοικητηρίῳ ὑμῶν ἔδεσθε ἄζυμα.
Leeser(i) 3 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, On the tenth day of this month they shall take to themselves every man a lamb for every family, a lamb for every house: 4 And if the household be too small for a lamb, then shall he take it with his neighbor who is next unto his house, according to the number of the souls; every man according to what he eateth shall ye make a count for the lamb. 5 A lamb without blemish, a male of the first year shall ye have; from the sheep, or from the goats may ye take it. 6 And ye shall have it in keeping until the fourteenth day of the same month; and then the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it toward evening. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and put it on the two side-posts and on the upper door-post, in the houses, wherein they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roasted by the fire, with unleavened bread; together with bitter herbs shall they eat it. 9 You shall not eat of it raw, nor in any wise sodden with water; but roasted by the fire; its head with its legs, and with its entrails. 10 And ye shall not let any thing of it remain until morning; and that which remaineth of it until morning ye shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall ye eat it, With your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste, it is passover unto the Lord. 12 And I will pass through the land of Egypt in this night, and I will smite every first-born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt will I execute judgments: I am the Lord. 13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and there shall be no plague against you to destroy, when I smite others in the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall celebrate it as a feast unto the Lord; throughout your generations, as an ordinance for ever shall ye celebrate it. 15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; but on the first day ye shall have put away leaven out of your houses; for whosoever eateth leavened bread, that soul shall be cut off from Israel, from the first day until the seventh day. 16 And on the first day there shall be a holy convocation, and on the seventh day there shall be a holy convocation to you; no manner of work shall be done on them, save what is eaten by every man, that only may be prepared by you. 17 And ye shall observe the unleavened bread; for on this selfsame day have I brought forth your armies out of the land of Egypt; therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations as an ordinance for ever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, at evening, shall ye eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at evening. 19 Seven days no leaven shall be found in your houses; for whosoever eateth that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger, or one born in the land. 20 Nothing that is leavened shall ye eat; in all your habitations shall ye eat unleavened bread.
YLT(i) 3 speak ye unto all the company of Israel, saying, In the tenth of this month—they take to them each man a lamb for the house of the fathers, a lamb for a house. 4 `(And if the household be too few for a lamb, then hath he taken, he and his neighbour who is near unto his house, for the number of persons, each according to his eating ye do count for the lamb,) 5 a lamb, a perfect one, a male, a son of a year, let be to you; from the sheep or from the goats ye do take it . 6 `And it hath become a charge to you, until the fourteenth day of this month, and the whole assembly of the company of Israel have slaughtered it between the evenings; 7 and they have taken of the blood, and have put on the two side-posts, and on the lintel over the houses in which they eat it. 8 `And they have eaten the flesh in this night, roast with fire; with unleavened things and bitters they do eat it; 9 ye do not eat of it raw, or boiled at all in water, but roast with fire, its head with its legs, and with its inwards; 10 and ye do not leave of it till morning, and that which is remaining of it till morning with fire ye do burn. 11 `And thus ye do eat it: your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand, and ye have eaten it in haste; it is Jehovah's passover, 12 and I have passed over through the land of Egypt during this night, and have smitten every first-born in the land of Egypt, from man even unto beast, and on all the gods of Egypt I do judgments; I am Jehovah. 13 `And the blood hath become a sign for you on the houses where ye are, and I have seen the blood, and have passed over you, and a plague is not on you for destruction in My smiting in the land of Egypt. 14 `And this day hath become to you a memorial, and ye have kept it a feast to Jehovah to your generations; —a statute age-during; ye keep it a feast. 15 Seven days ye eat unleavened things; only—in the first day ye cause leaven to cease out of your houses; for any one eating anything fermented from the first day till the seventh day, even that person hath been cut off from Israel. 16 `And in the first day is a holy convocation, and in the seventh day ye have a holy convocation; any work is not done in them, only that which is eaten by any person—it alone is done by you, 17 and ye have observed the unleavened things, for in this self-same day I have brought out your hosts from the land of Egypt, and ye have observed this day to your generations—a statute age-during. 18 `In the first month, in the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, ye do eat unleavened things until the one and twentieth day of the month, at evening; 19 seven days leaven is not found in your houses, for any one eating anything fermented—that person hath been cut off from the company of Israel, among the sojourners or among the natives of the land; 20 anything fermented ye do not eat, in all your dwellings ye do eat unleavened things.'
JuliaSmith(i) 3 Speak ye to all the assembly of Israel, saying, In the tenth of this month and they shall take to them each a sheep, according to the house of the fathers; a sheep for a house. 4 And if the house shall be little from being for a sheep, and he taking, and his neighbor drawing nigh his house according to the number of souls; each according to the mouth of his eating shall ye reckon for the sheep. 5 A perfect sheep, a male, the son of a year, shall be to you from the he-lambs and from the goats ye shall take. 6 And it shall be to you for a preservation till the fourteenth day of this month; and they shall slaughter it, all the convocation of the assembly of Israel, between the two evenings. 7 And they took from the blood and gave upon the two door-posts, and upon the lintel within the houses which they shall eat it in them. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night roasted with fire and unleavened; upon bitter herbs shall they eat it 9 Ye shall not eat from it raw and boiled from boiling with water, but roasted with fire, its head with its legs with its inner part 10 Ye shall not leave from it till morning: and that remaining from it till morning, ye shall burn with fire. 11 And so shall ye eat it, your loins girded, your shoes on your feet and your staff in your hand: and ye ate it in hasty flight; a passing over to Jehovah. 12 And I passed over in the land of Egypt in this night, and I struck every first-born in the land of Egypt from man even to quadruped: and against all the gods of Egypt I will do judgments: I Jehovah. 13 And the blood was to you for a sign upon the houses where you are there: and I saw the blood and I passed over you, and the blow shall not be upon you to destroy, in my striking upon the land of Egypt 14 And this day shall be to you for a remembrance; and ye kept it a festival to Jehovah for your generations: ye shall keep a festival a law forever. 15 Seven days ye shall eat unleavened; wholly in the first day shall ye turn away leaven in your houses; for all eating leavened and that soul was destroyed from Israel from the first day even to the seventh day. 16 And in the first day a calling of holiness, and in the seventh day a calling of holiness shall be to you; every service shall not be done in them only what shall be eaten by every soul; this only shall be done by you. 17 And ye watched the unleavened; for in this self-same day I brought forth your armies out of the land of Egypt and watch ye this day for your generations a law forever. 18 In the first, in the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, ye shall eat unleavened till the one and twentieth day of the month in the evening. 19 Seven days leaven shall not be found in your houses; for all eating from the leavened, that soul shall be destroyed from the assembly of Israel, for the sojourner or for the native of the land. 20 All leavened ye shall not eat: in all your dwellings ye shall eat unleavened.
Darby(i) 3 Speak unto all the assembly of Israel, saying, On the tenth of this month let them take themselves each a lamb, for a father`s house, a lamb for a house. 4 And if the household be too small for a lamb, let him and his neighbour next unto his house take [it] according to the number of the souls; each according to [the measure] of his eating shall ye count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a yearling male; ye shall take [it] from the sheep, or from the goats. 6 And ye shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month; and the whole congregation of the assembly of Israel shall kill it between the two evenings. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and put [it] on the two door-posts and on the lintel of the houses in which they eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; with bitter [herbs] shall they eat it. 9 Ye shall eat none of it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roast with fire; its head with its legs and with its in-wards. 10 And ye shall let none of it remain until the morning; and what remaineth of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall ye eat it: your loins shall be girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste; it is Jehovah`s passover. 12 And I will go through the land of Egypt in that night, and smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am Jehovah. 13 And the blood shall be for you as a sign on the houses in which ye are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be among you for destruction, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall celebrate it [as] a feast to Jehovah; throughout your generations [as] an ordinance for ever shall ye celebrate it. 15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread: on the very first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses; for whoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day -- that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 And on the first day ye shall have a holy convocation, and on the seventh day a holy convocation: no manner of work shall be done on them, save what is eaten by every person -- that only shall be done by you. 17 And ye shall keep the [feast of] unleavened [bread]; for in this same day have I brought your hosts out of the land of Egypt; and ye shall keep this day in your generations [as] an ordinance for ever. 18 In the first [month], on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, ye shall eat unleavened bread until the one and twentieth day of the month in the evening. 19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses; for whoever eateth what is leavened -- that soul shall be cut off from the assembly of Israel, whether he be a sojourner, or born in the land. 20 Ye shall eat nothing leavened: in all your dwellings shall ye eat unleavened bread.
ERV(i) 3 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth [day] of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to their fathers’ houses, a lamb for an household: 4 and if the household be too little for a lamb, then shall he and his neighbour next unto his house take one according to the number of the souls; according to every man’s eating ye shall make your count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it from the sheep, or from the goats: 6 and ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at even. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and put it on the two side posts and on the lintel, upon the houses wherein they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; with bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire; its head with its legs and with the inwards thereof. 10 And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; but that which remaineth of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand: and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD’S passover, 12 For I will go through the land of Egypt in that night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD. 13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and there shall no plague be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial, and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD: throughout your generations ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever. 15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 And in the first day there shall be to you an holy convocation, and in the seventh day an holy convocation; no manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done of you. 17 And ye shall observe the [feast of] unleavened bread; for in this selfsame day have I brought your hosts out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall ye observe this day throughout your generations by an ordinance for ever. 18 In the first [month], on the fourteenth day of the month at even, ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at even. 19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses: for whosoever eateth that which is leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a sojourner, or one that is born in the land. 20 Ye shall eat nothing leavened; in all your habitations shall ye eat unleavened bread.
ASV(i) 3 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth [day] of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to their fathers' houses, a lamb for a household: 4 and if the household be too little for a lamb, then shall he and his neighbor next unto his house take one according to the number of the souls; according to every man's eating ye shall make your count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male a year old: ye shall take it from the sheep, or from the goats: 6 and ye shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month; and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at even. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and put it on the two side-posts and on the lintel, upon the houses wherein they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; with bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Eat not of it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roast with fire; its head with its legs and with the inwards thereof. 10 And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; but that which remaineth of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall ye eat it: with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is Jehovah's passover. 12 For I will go through the land of Egypt in that night, and will smite all the first-born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am Jehovah. 13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and there shall no plague be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial, and ye shall keep it a feast to Jehovah: throughout your generations ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever.
15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 And in the first day there shall be to you a holy convocation, and in the seventh day a holy convocation; no manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done by you. 17 And ye shall observe the [feast of] unleavened bread; for in this selfsame day have I brought your hosts out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall ye observe this day throughout your generations by an ordinance for ever. 18 In the first [month], on the fourteenth day of the month at even, ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at even. 19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses: for whosoever eateth that which is leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a sojourner, or one that is born in the land. 20 Ye shall eat nothing leavened; in all your habitations shall ye eat unleavened bread.
  3 H1696 Speak H5712 ye unto all the congregation H3478 of Israel, H559 saying, H6218 In the tenth H2320 day of this month H3947 they shall take H376 to them every man H7716 a lamb, H1 according to their fathers' H1004 houses, H7716 a lamb H1004 for a household:
  4 H1004 and if the household H1961 be H4591 too little H7716 for a lamb, H7934 then shall he and his neighbor H7138 next H1004 unto his house H3947 take H4373 one according to the number H5315 of the souls; H6310 according H376 to every man's H400 eating H3699 ye shall make your count H7716 for the lamb.
  5 H7716 Your lamb H8549 shall be without blemish, H2145 a male H1121 a H8141 year H3947 old: ye shall take H3532 it from the sheep, H5795 or from the goats:
  6 H4931 and ye shall keep H702 it until the fourteenth H3117 day H2320 of the same month; H3605 and the whole H6951 assembly H5712 of the congregation H3478 of Israel H7819 shall kill H996 it at H6153 even.
  7 H3947 And they shall take H1818 of the blood, H5414 and put H8147 it on the two H4201 side-posts H4947 and on the lintel, H1004 upon the houses H398 wherein they shall eat it.
  8 H398 And they shall eat H1320 the flesh H3915 in that night, H6748 roast H784 with fire, H4682 and unleavened bread; H4844 with bitter H398 herbs they shall eat it.
  9 H398 Eat H4995 not of it raw, H1310 nor boiled H4325 at all with water, H6748 but roast H784 with fire; H7218 its head H3767 with its legs H7130 and with the inwards thereof.
  10 H3498 And ye shall let nothing of it remain H1242 until the morning; H3498 but that which remaineth H1242 of it until the morning H8313 ye shall burn H784 with fire.
  11 H3602 And thus H398 shall ye eat H4975 it: with your loins H2296 girded, H5275 your shoes H7272 on your feet, H4731 and your staff H3027 in your hand; H398 and ye shall eat H2649 it in haste: H3068 it is Jehovah's H6453 passover.
  12 H5674 For I will go H776 through the land H4714 of Egypt H3915 in that night, H5221 and will smite H1060 all the first-born H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H120 both man H929 and beast; H430 and against all the gods H4714 of Egypt H6213 I will execute H8201 judgments: H3068 I am Jehovah.
  13 H1818 And the blood H226 shall be to you for a token H1004 upon the houses H7200 where ye are: and when I see H1818 the blood, H6452 I will pass H5063 over you, and there shall no plague H4889 be upon you to destroy H5221 you, when I smite H776 the land H4714 of Egypt.
  14 H3117 And this day H2146 shall be unto you for a memorial, H2287 and ye shall keep H2282 it a feast H3068 to Jehovah: H1755 throughout your generations H2287 ye shall keep it a feast H2708 by an ordinance H5769 for ever.
  15 H7651 Seven H3117 days H398 shall ye eat H4682 unleavened bread; H389 even H7223 the first H3117 day H7673 ye shall put away H7603 leaven H1004 out of your houses: H398 for whosoever eateth H2557 leavened bread H7223 from the first H3117 day H7637 until the seventh H3117 day, H5315 that soul H3772 shall be cut H3478 off from Israel.
  16 H7223 And in the first H3117 day H6944 there shall be to you a holy H4744 convocation, H7637 and in the seventh H3117 day H6944 a holy H4744 convocation; H4399 no manner of work H6213 shall be done H389 in them, save H5315 that which every man H398 must eat, H6213 that only may be done by you.
  17 H8104 And ye shall observe H4682 the feast of unleavened bread; H6106 for in this selfsame H3117 day H3318 have I brought H6635 your hosts H776 out of the land H4714 of Egypt: H8104 therefore shall ye observe H3117 this day H1755 throughout your generations H2708 by an ordinance H5769 for ever.
  18 H7223 In the first H6240 month, on the fourteenth H3117 day H2320 of the month H6153 at even, H398 ye shall eat H4682 unleavened bread, H259 until the one H6242 and twentieth H3117 day H2320 of the month H6153 at even.
  19 H7651 Seven H3117 days H7603 shall there be no leaven H4672 found H1004 in your houses: H398 for whosoever eateth H2556 that which is leavened, H5315 that soul H3772 shall be cut off H5712 from the congregation H3478 of Israel, H1616 whether he be a sojourner, H249 or one that is born H776 in the land.
  20 H398 Ye shall eat H2556 nothing leavened; H4186 in all your habitations H398 shall ye eat H4682 unleavened bread.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 3 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying: In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to their fathers' houses, a lamb for a household; 4 and if the household be too little for a lamb, then shall he and his neighbour next unto his house take one according to the number of the souls; according to every man's eating ye shall make your count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year; ye shall take it from the sheep, or from the goats; 6 and ye shall keep it unto the fourteenth day of the same month; and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at dusk. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and put it on the two side-posts and on the lintel, upon the houses wherein they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; with bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire; its head with its legs and with the inwards thereof. 10 And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; but that which remaineth of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall ye eat it: with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste - it is the LORD'S passover. 12 For I will go through the land of Egypt in that night, and will smite all the first-born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD. 13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and there shall no plague be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial, and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD; throughout your generations ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever. 15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; howbeit the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses; for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 And in the first day there shall be to you a holy convocation, and in the seventh day a holy convocation; no manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done by you. 17 And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this selfsame day have I brought your hosts out of the land of Egypt; therefore shall ye observe this day throughout your generations by an ordinance for ever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at even, ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at even. 19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses; for whosoever eateth that which is leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a sojourner, or one that is born in the land. 20 Ye shall eat nothing leavened; in all your habitations shall ye eat unleavened bread.'
Rotherham(i) 3 Speak ye unto all the assembly of Israel, saying, On the tenth of this month, then let them take to them, each man a lamb for his ancestral household, a lamb for a household. 4 But, if the household be too small for a lamb, then shall he and his neighbour that is near unto his house take [one], according to the number of souls,––each man according to his eating, shall ye number for the lamb. 5 A lamb without defect, a male a year old, shall yours be,––from the sheep, or from the goats, shall ye take it. 6 So shall it be yours, to keep, until the fourteenth day of this month,––then shall all the convocation of the assembly of Israel slay it, between the two evenings. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and put upon the two door–posts, and upon the upper–beam,––upon the houses wherein they are to eat it. 8 Then shall they eat the flesh, in the same night,––roast with fire, and with unleavened cakes, with bitter herbs, shall they eat it. 9 Do not eat of it underdone, nor cooked by boiling in water,––but roast with fire, its head with its legs, and with its inward parts. 10 And ye shall let nothing thereof remain until morning,––but, that which is left remaining until morning, in the fire, shall ye consume. 11 And, thus, shall ye eat it,––your loins, girded, your sandals, on your feet, and, your staff, in your hand,––so shall ye eat it, in haste, it is Yahweh’s, passing over. 12 I will pass along, therefore, throughout the land of Egypt, this night, and will smite every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from man even to beast,––and, against all the gods of Egypt, will I execute judgments––I, Yahweh. 13 Then shall the blood serve you for a sign, on the houses wherein ye are, then will I behold the blood, and will pass over you,––and there shall be among you no plague to destroy, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14 So shall this day serve you for a memorial, and ye shall celebrate it, as a festival to Yahweh,––to your generations––as an age–abiding statute, shall ye celebrate it. 15 Seven days, unleavened cakes, shall ye eat, surely, on the first day, shall ye put away leaven, out of your houses,––for, whosoever eateth what is leavened, then shall that soul be cut off out of Israel, from the first day, unto the seventh day. 16 Both, on the first day, a holy convocation, and, on the seventh day––a holy convocation, shall there be to you,––no work, shall be done therein, save only what must be eaten by every soul, that alone, shall be done by you. 17 So then ye shall observe the unleavened cakes, because, on this self–same day, brought I forth your hosts out of the land of Egypt,––so then ye shall observe this day to your generations, as a statute age–abiding. 18 In the first [month], on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, shall ye eat unleavened cakes,––until the one–and–twentieth [day] of the month, in the evening. 19 For seven days, leaven, shall not be found in your houses,––for, whosoever eateth what is leavened, then shall that soul be cut off out of the assembly of Israel, whether sojourner, or native of the land. 20 Nothing leavened, shall ye eat,––in all your dwellings, shall ye eat unleavened cakes.
CLV(i) 3 Speak to the whole congregation of the sons of Israel, saying: On the tenth of this month they shall take for themselves, each man a flockling according to the their fathers' house, a flockling for each household. 4 If the household be too few for what comes from a flockling, then he and his neighbor next to his house will take it according to the assessment of the souls. Each one corresponding to his eating shall you assess with the flockling. 5 A flawless flockling, a year old male, shall you come to have. From the he-lambs or from the goats shall you take it. 6 And it will become a charge of yours until the fourteenth day of this month. They will slay it, every assembly of the congregation of the sons of Israel, between the evening hours. 7 They will take some of the blood and put it on the two jambs and on the lintel, on the houses in which they are eating it. 8 Then they will eat the flesh on this night, roasted with fire, and with unleavened cakes; over bitter herbs shall they eat it. 9 Do not eat any of it underdone or cooked by being cooked in water, but rather roasted with fire, even its head along with its shanks and with its inwards. 10 You shall not reserve any of it until the morning. And what is left of it until the morning you shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall you eat it, with your waist girded, your sandals on your feet and your stick in your hand. You will eat it in nervous haste. It is the passover to Yahweh. 12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt in this night and smite every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from human even unto beast, and on all the elohim of Egypt I shall execute judgments; I am Yahweh. 13 Then the blood will become a sign for you on the houses where you are. When I see the blood I will pass over you. And there shall not come to be a stroke on you to cause ruin when I smite in the land of Egypt. 14 Hence this day will become for you a memorial day, and you will celebrate it as a celebration to Yahweh. Throughout your generations shall you celebrate it as an eonian statute. 15 Seven days shall you eat unleavened cakes. Yea, on the first day you shall eradicate yeast from your houses; for if anyone is eating what is leavened, from the first day unto the seventh day, then that soul will be cut off from Israel. 16 On the first day you shall come to have a holy meeting, also on the seventh day a holy meeting. No work at all shall be done on them; only what is eaten by every soul, that alone may be prepared by you. 17 You will observe the instruction, for on this very day I will bring forth your hosts from the land of Egypt. And you will observe this day throughout your generations as an eonian statute. 18 In the first month on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, you shall eat unleavened cakes until the twenty-first day of the month, in the evening. 19 For seven days yeast shall not be found in your houses, for anyone eating leavened cakes, that soul will be cut off from the congregation of Israel, both among the sojourners and among the natives of the land. 20 You shall not eat any leavened cakes in all your dwellings; you shall eat unleavened cakes.
BBE(i) 3 Say to all the children of Israel when they are come together, In the tenth day of this month every man is to take a lamb, by the number of their fathers' families, a lamb for every family: 4 And if the lamb is more than enough for the family, let that family and its nearest neighbour have a lamb between them, taking into account the number of persons and how much food is needed for every man. 5 Let your lamb be without a mark, a male in its first year: you may take it from among the sheep or the goats: 6 Keep it till the fourteenth day of the same month, when everyone who is of the children of Israel is to put it to death between sundown and dark. 7 Then take some of the blood and put it on the two sides of the door and over the door of the house where the meal is to be taken. 8 And let your food that night be the flesh of the lamb, cooked with fire in the oven, together with unleavened bread and bitter-tasting plants. 9 Do not take it uncooked or cooked with boiling water, but let it be cooked in the oven; its head with its legs and its inside parts. 10 Do not keep any of it till the morning; anything which is not used is to be burned with fire. 11 And take your meal dressed as if for a journey, with your shoes on your feet and your sticks in your hands: take it quickly: it is the Lord's Passover. 12 For on that night I will go through the land of Egypt, sending death on every first male child, of man and of beast, and judging all the gods of Egypt: I am the Lord. 13 And the blood will be a sign on the houses where you are: when I see the blood I will go over you, and no evil will come on you for your destruction, when my hand is on the land of Egypt. 14 And this day is to be kept in your memories: you are to keep it as a feast to the Lord through all your generations, as an order for ever. 15 For seven days let your food be unleavened bread; from the first day no leaven is to be seen in your houses: whoever takes bread with leaven in it, from the first till the seventh day, will be cut off from Israel. 16 And on the first day there is to be a holy meeting and on the seventh day a holy meeting; no sort of work may be done on those days but only to make ready what is necessary for everyone's food. 17 So keep the feast of unleavened bread; for on this very day I have taken your armies out of the land of Egypt: this day, then, is to be kept through all your generations by an order for ever. 18 In the first month, from the evening of the fourteenth day, let your food be unleavened bread till the evening of the twenty-first day of the month. 19 For seven days no leaven is to be seen in your houses: for whoever takes bread which is leavened will be cut off from the people of Israel, if he is from another country or if he is an Israelite by birth. 20 Take nothing which has leaven in it; wherever you are living let your food be unleavened cakes.
MKJV(i) 3 Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth of this month they shall take to them each man a lamb for a father's house, a lamb for a house. 4 And if the household is too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbor next to his house take according to the number of the souls, each one, according to the eating of his mouth, you shall count concerning the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year. You shall take from the sheep or from the goats. 6 And you shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month. And the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. 7 And they shall take some of the blood and strike on the two side posts and upon the upper door post of the houses in which they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roasted with fire, and unleavened bread. They shall eat it with bitter herbs. 9 Do not eat of it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted with fire, its head with its legs, and with its inward parts. 10 And you shall not let any of it remain until the morning. And that which remains of it until the morning you shall burn with fire. 11 And you shall eat of it this way, with your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. And you shall eat it in a hurry. It is Jehovah's passover. 12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the first-born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast. And I will execute judgments against all the gods of Egypt. I am Jehovah. 13 And the blood shall be a sign to you upon the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you. And the plague shall not be upon you for a destruction when I smite in the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be a memorial to you. And you shall keep it as a feast to Jehovah throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by a law forever. 15 You shall eat unleavened bread seven days; even the first day you shall put away leaven out of your houses. For whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 And on the first day shall be a holy gathering, and in the seventh day there shall be a holy gathering for you. No manner of work shall be done in them, except that which every man must eat, that only may be done by you. 17 And you shall keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread. For in this same day I have brought your armies out of the land of Egypt. Therefore you shall keep this day in your generations by a law forever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened bread, until the twenty-first day of the month at evening. 19 Seven days there shall be no leaven found in your houses. For whoever eats that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, among the aliens and among the natives of the land. 20 You shall eat nothing leavened. In all your dwelling-places you shall eat unleavened bread.
LITV(i) 3 Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, On the tenth of this month, they shall each take for themselves an animal of the flock for a father's house, a flock animal for a house. 4 And if the house is too small for a flock animal, he and his neighbor next to his house shall take according to the number of souls, each one according to the mouth of his eating, you shall count concerning the flock animal. 5 A flock animal, a perfect one, a male, a yearling, shall be to you. You shall take from the sheep or from the goats. 6 And it shall be for you to keep until the fourteenth day of this month. And all the assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it between the evenings. 7 And they shall take from the blood, and put it on the two side doorposts and on the upper doorpost, on the houses in which they eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in this night, roasted with fire, and they shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. 9 Do not eat it raw, or at all boiled in water, but roasted with fire; its head with its legs and with its inward parts. 10 And you shall not leave any of it until morning. And you shall burn with fire that left from it until morning. 11 And you shall eat it this way: with your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. And you shall eat it in haste. It is the Passover to Jehovah. 12 And I will pass through in the land of Egypt in this night. And I will strike every first born in the land of Egypt, from man even to livestock. And I will execute judgments on all the gods of Egypt. I am Jehovah! 13 And the blood shall be a sign to you, on the houses where you are . And I will see the blood, and I will pass over you. And the plague shall not be on you to destroy, when I strike in the land of Egypt. 14 And the day shall be a memorial for you. And you shall celebrate it as a feast to Jehovah, for your generations. You shall celebrate it as a law forever. 15 You shall eat unleavened bread seven days. Indeed, on the first day you shall cause leaven to cease from your houses. For anyone eating anything leavened, that soul shall be cut off from Israel, from the first day until the seventh day. 16 And on the first day shall be a holy gathering, and in the seventh day a holy gathering shall be to you. Not any work may be done on them. Only what must be eaten by your soul, that alone may be done by you. 17 And you shall observe the unleavened bread for on this very day I brought out your armies from the land of Egypt. And you shall observe this day for your generations, a statute forever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, at evening you shall eat unleavened bread, until the twenty first day of the month, at evening. 19 For seven days no leaven shall be found in your houses. For anyone eating anything leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, among the aliens, and among the natives of the land. 20 You shall not eat anything leavened. You shall eat unleavened bread in all your dwellings.
ECB(i) 3 word to all the witness of Yisra El, saying, In the tenth of this month every man take a lamb, for the house of their fathers - a lamb for a house: 4 and if the household be too diminished for the lamb, he and his fellow tabernacler next to his house take for the evaluation of the souls; every man according to the food of his mouth estimate for the lamb: 5 an integrious lamb, a yearling son: take from the lambs, or from the goats: 6 and guard it until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole congregation of the witness of Yisra El slaughters it between evenings: 7 and takes of the blood and gives it on the two side posts and on the lintel of the houses, wherein they eat it: 8 and eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire and matsah; eat it with bitters: 9 neither eat it raw nor in stewing, stewed with water - but roast with fire; his head with his legs and with its inwards: 10 and naught thereof remains until the morning; and what remains thereof until the morning you burn with fire. 11 And eat it thus: with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you eat it in haste: it is the pasach of Yah Veh. 12 For I pass through the land of Misrayim this night and smite all the firstbirth in the land of Misrayim - both human and animal; and I work judgment against all the elohim of Misrayim: I - Yah Veh. 13 And the blood becomes a sign to you on the houses where you are: and when I see the blood, I leap over you: and the plague becomes not on you to ruin you when I smite the land of Misrayim. 14
And this day becomes your memorial: celebrate a celebration to Yah Veh throughout your generations; celebrate by an eternal statute: 15 seven days you eat matsah; surely the first day you shabbathize yeast from your houses: for whoever eats fermentation from the first day until the seventh day, that soul becomes cut off from Yisra El. 16 And the first day is a holy convocation and the seventh day becomes a holy convocation to you; work not therein, except what every soul eat - only work that: 17 and guard the matsah; for in this selfsame day I bring your hosts from the land of Misrayim: and you guard this day in your generations by an eternal statute. 18 In the first, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, eat matsah until the twenty-first day of the month: 19 seven days no yeast is found in your houses: for whoever eats any fermented, cut off that soul from the witness of Yisra El - among sojourners or among natives in the land. 20 Eat naught fermented: in all your settlements, eat matsah.
ACV(i) 3 Speak ye to all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to their fathers' houses, a lamb for a household. 4 And if the household be too little for a lamb, then he and his neighbor next to his house shall take one according to the number of the souls, according to every man's eating ye shall make your count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male a year old. Ye shall take it from the sheep, or from the goats. 6 And ye shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month, and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at evening. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and put it on the two side-posts and on the lintel upon the houses in which they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roasted with fire, and unleavened bread, with bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Do not eat of it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted with fire, its head with its legs and with the inwards of it. 10 And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning, but that which remains of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire. 11 And thus ye shall eat it: with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand. And ye shall eat it in haste. It is LORD's Passover. 12 For I will go through the land of Egypt in that night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast, and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments. I am LORD. 13 And the blood shall be to you for a sign upon the houses where ye are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and there shall no plague be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be to you for a memorial, and ye shall keep it a feast to LORD; throughout your generations ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance forever. 15 Seven days ye shall eat unleavened bread, even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses, for whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 And in the first day there shall be to you a holy convocation, and in the seventh day a holy convocation, no manner of work shall be done in them, except that which every man must eat, that only may be done by you. 17 And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread, for in this selfsame day I have brought your armies out of the land of Egypt. Therefore ye shall observe this day throughout your generations by an ordinance forever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the twenty-first day of the month at evening. 19 Seven days there shall be no leaven found in your houses, for whoever eats that which is leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a sojourner, or one who is born in the land. 20 Ye shall eat nothing leavened, in all your habitations ye shall eat unleavened bread.
WEB(i) 3 Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, ‘On the tenth day of this month, they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to their fathers’ houses, a lamb for a household; 4 and if the household is too little for a lamb, then he and his neighbor next to his house shall take one according to the number of the souls. You shall make your count for the lamb according to what everyone can eat. 5 Your lamb shall be without defect, a male a year old. You shall take it from the sheep, or from the goats. 6 You shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month; and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at evening. 7 They shall take some of the blood, and put it on the two door posts and on the lintel, on the houses in which they shall eat it. 8 They shall eat the meat in that night, roasted with fire, and unleavened bread. They shall eat it with bitter herbs. 9 Don’t eat it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted with fire; with its head, its legs and its inner parts. 10 You shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; but that which remains of it until the morning you shall burn with fire. 11 This is how you shall eat it: with your belt on your waist, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste: it is Yahweh’s Passover. 12 For I will go through the land of Egypt in that night, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and animal. I will execute judgments against all the gods of Egypt. I am Yahweh. 13 The blood shall be to you for a token on the houses where you are. When I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. 14 This day shall be a memorial for you. You shall keep it as a feast to Yahweh. You shall keep it as a feast throughout your generations by an ordinance forever. 15 “‘Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread; even the first day you shall put away yeast out of your houses, for whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 In the first day there shall be to you a holy convocation, and in the seventh day a holy convocation; no kind of work shall be done in them, except that which every man must eat, only that may be done by you. 17 You shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this same day I have brought your armies out of the land of Egypt. Therefore you shall observe this day throughout your generations by an ordinance forever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened bread, until the twenty first day of the month at evening. 19 There shall be no yeast found in your houses for seven days, for whoever eats that which is leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he is a foreigner, or one who is born in the land. 20 You shall eat nothing leavened. In all your habitations you shall eat unleavened bread.’”
  3 H1696 Speak H5712 to all the congregation H3478 of Israel, H559 saying, H6218 ‘On the tenth H2320 day of this month, H3947 they shall take H376 to them every man H7716 a lamb, H1 according to their fathers' H1004 houses, H7716 a lamb H1004 for a household;
  4 H1004 and if the household H1961 is H4591 too little H7716 for a lamb, H7934 then he and his neighbor H7138 next H1004 to his house H3947 shall take H4373 one according to the number H5315 of the souls; H6310 according H376 to what everyone H400 can eat H3699 you shall make your count H7716 for the lamb.
  5 H7716 Your lamb H8549 shall be without blemish, H2145 a male H1121 a H8141 year H3947 old. You shall take H3532 it from the sheep, H5795 or from the goats:
  6 H4931 and you shall keep H702 it until the fourteenth H3117 day H2320 of the same month; H3605 and the whole H6951 assembly H5712 of the congregation H3478 of Israel H7819 shall kill H996 it at H6153 evening.
  7 H3947 They shall take H1818 some of the blood, H5414 and put H8147 it on the two H4201 doorposts H4947 and on the lintel, H1004 on the houses H398 in which they shall eat it.
  8 H398 They shall eat H1320 the flesh H3915 in that night, H6748 roasted H784 with fire, H4682 and unleavened bread. H398 They shall eat H4844 it with bitter herbs.
  9 H398 Don't eat H4995 it raw, H1310 nor boiled H4325 at all with water, H6748 but roasted H784 with fire; H7218 with its head, H3767 its legs H7130 and its inner parts.
  10 H3498 You shall let nothing of it remain H1242 until the morning; H3498 but that which remains H1242 of it until the morning H8313 you shall burn H784 with fire.
  11 H3602 This H398 is how you shall eat H2296 it: with your belt H4975 on your waist, H5275 your shoes H7272 on your feet, H4731 and your staff H3027 in your hand; H398 and you shall eat H2649 it in haste: H3068 it is Yahweh's H6453 Passover.
  12 H5674 For I will go H776 through the land H4714 of Egypt H3915 in that night, H5221 and will strike H1060 all the firstborn H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H120 both man H929 and animal. H430 Against all the gods H4714 of Egypt H6213 I will execute H8201 judgments: H3068 I am Yahweh.
  13 H1818 The blood H226 shall be to you for a token H1004 on the houses H7200 where you are: and when I see H1818 the blood, H6452 I will pass H5063 over you, and there shall no plague H4889 be on you to destroy H5221 you, when I strike H776 the land H4714 of Egypt.
  14 H3117 This day H2146 shall be to you for a memorial, H2287 and you shall keep H2282 it a feast H3068 to Yahweh: H1755 throughout your generations H2287 you shall keep it a feast H2708 by an ordinance H5769 forever.
  15 H7651 "‘Seven H3117 days H398 you shall eat H4682 unleavened bread; H389 even H7223 the first H3117 day H7673 you shall put away H7603 yeast H1004 out of your houses, H398 for whoever eats H2557 leavened bread H7223 from the first H3117 day H7637 until the seventh H3117 day, H5315 that soul H3772 shall be cut H3478 off from Israel.
  16 H7223 In the first H3117 day H6944 there shall be to you a holy H4744 convocation, H7637 and in the seventh H3117 day H6944 a holy H4744 convocation; H4399 no kind of work H6213 shall be done H389 in them, except H5315 that which every man H398 must eat, H6213 that only may be done by you.
  17 H8104 You shall observe H4682 the feast of unleavened bread; H6106 for in this same H3117 day H3318 have I brought H6635 your armies H776 out of the land H4714 of Egypt: H8104 therefore you shall observe H3117 this day H1755 throughout your generations H2708 by an ordinance H5769 forever.
  18 H7223 In the first H6240 month, on the fourteenth H3117 day H2320 of the month H6153 at evening, H398 you shall eat H4682 unleavened bread, H6242 until the twenty H259 first H3117 day H2320 of the month H6153 at evening.
  19 H7603 There shall be no yeast H4672 found H1004 in your houses H7651 for seven H3117 days, H398 for whoever eats H2556 that which is leavened, H5315 that soul H3772 shall be cut off H5712 from the congregation H3478 of Israel, H1616 whether he be a foreigner, H249 or one who is born H776 in the land.
  20 H398 You shall eat H2556 nothing leavened. H4186 In all your habitations H398 you shall eat H4682 unleavened bread.'"
NHEB(i) 3 Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, 'On the tenth day of this month, they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to their fathers' houses, a lamb for a household; 4 and if the household is too little for a lamb, then he and his neighbor next to his house shall take one according to the number of the souls; according to what everyone can eat you shall make your count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male a year old. You shall take it from the sheep, or from the goats: 6 and you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month; and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at evening. 7 They shall take some of the blood, and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel, on the houses in which they shall eat it. 8 They shall eat the flesh in that night, roasted with fire, and unleavened bread. They shall eat it with bitter herbs. 9 Do not eat it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted with fire; with its head, its legs and its inner parts. 10 You shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; but that which remains of it until the morning you shall burn with fire. 11 This is how you shall eat it: with your waist girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD's Passover. 12 For I will go through the land of Egypt in that night, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and animal. Against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD. 13 The blood shall be to you for a token on the houses where you are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and there shall no plague be on you to destroy you, when I strike the land of Egypt. 14 This day shall be to you for a memorial, and you shall keep it a feast to the LORD: throughout your generations you shall keep it a feast by an ordinance forever. 15 "'Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread; even the first day you shall put away yeast out of your houses, for whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 In the first day there shall be to you a holy convocation, and in the seventh day a holy convocation; no manner of work shall be done in them, except that which every man must eat, that only may be done by you. 17 You shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this same day have I brought your regiments out of the land of Egypt: therefore you shall observe this day throughout your generations by an ordinance forever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened bread, until the twenty first day of the month at evening. 19 Seven days shall there be no yeast found in your houses, for whoever eats that which is leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a foreigner, or one who is born in the land. 20 You shall eat nothing leavened. In all your habitations you shall eat unleavened bread.'"
AKJV(i) 3 Speak you to all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house: 4 And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbor next to his house take it according to the number of the souls; every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: you shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats: 6 And you shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire; his head with his legs, and with the entrails thereof. 10 And you shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; and that which remains of it until the morning you shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall you eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD's passover. 12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. 13 And the blood shall be to you for a token on the houses where you are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be to you for a memorial; and you shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; you shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever. 15 Seven days shall you eat unleavened bread; even the first day you shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 And in the first day there shall be an holy convocation, and in the seventh day there shall be an holy convocation to you; no manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done of you. 17 And you shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this selfsame day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall you observe this day in your generations by an ordinance for ever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at even, you shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at even. 19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses: for whoever eats that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger, or born in the land. 20 You shall eat nothing leavened; in all your habitations shall you eat unleavened bread.
  3 H1696 Speak H3605 you to all H5712 the congregation H3478 of Israel, H559 saying, H6218 In the tenth H2088 day of this H2320 month H3947 they shall take H376 to them every man H7716 a lamb, H1004 according to the house H1 of their fathers, H7716 a lamb H1004 for an house:
  4 H518 And if H1004 the household H4591 be too little H7716 for the lamb, H7934 let him and his neighbor H7138 next H1004 to his house H3947 take H4373 it according to the number H5315 of the souls; H376 every man H6310 according H400 to his eating H3699 shall make your count H7716 for the lamb.
  5 H7716 Your lamb H8549 shall be without H8549 blemish, H2145 a male H1121 of the first H8141 year: H3947 you shall take H3532 it out from the sheep, H5795 or from the goats:
  6 H4931 And you shall keep H5704 it up until H702 the fourteenth H6240 H3117 day H2088 of the same H2320 month: H3605 and the whole H6951 assembly H5712 of the congregation H3478 of Israel H7819 shall kill H6153 it in the evening.
  7 H3947 And they shall take H1818 of the blood, H5414 and strike H5921 it on H8147 the two H4201 side posts H5921 and on H4947 the upper H4947 door H4947 post H1004 of the houses, H834 wherein H398 they shall eat it.
  8 H398 And they shall eat H1320 the flesh H3915 in that night, H6748 roast H784 with fire, H4682 and unleavened H4844 bread; and with bitter H398 herbs they shall eat it.
  9 H398 Eat H4995 not of it raw, H1310 nor sodden H4325 at all with water, H6748 but roast H784 with fire; H7218 his head H3767 with his legs, H7130 and with the entrails thereof.
  10 H3808 And you shall let nothing H3498 of it remain H5704 until H1242 the morning; H3498 and that which remains H5704 of it until H1242 the morning H8313 you shall burn H784 with fire.
  11 H3602 And thus H398 shall you eat H4975 it; with your loins H2296 girded, H5275 your shoes H7272 on your feet, H4731 and your staff H3027 in your hand; H398 and you shall eat H2649 it in haste: H3068 it is the LORD’s H6453 passover.
  12 H5674 For I will pass H776 through the land H4714 of Egypt H2088 this H3915 night, H5221 and will smite H3605 all H1060 the firstborn H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H120 both man H929 and beast; H3605 and against all H430 the gods H4714 of Egypt H6213 I will execute H8201 judgment: H3068 I am the LORD.
  13 H1818 And the blood H226 shall be to you for a token H1004 on the houses H834 where H7200 you are: and when I see H1818 the blood, H6452 I will pass H5921 over H5063 you, and the plague H4889 shall not be on you to destroy H5221 you, when I smite H776 the land H4714 of Egypt.
  14 H2088 And this H3117 day H2146 shall be to you for a memorial; H2287 and you shall keep H2282 it a feast H3068 to the LORD H1755 throughout your generations; H2287 you shall keep H2287 it a feast H2708 by an ordinance H5769 for ever.
  15 H7651 Seven H3117 days H398 shall you eat H4682 unleavened H389 bread; even H7223 the first H3117 day H7673 you shall put H7603 away leaven H1004 out of your houses: H3605 for whoever H398 eats H2557 leavened H7223 bread from the first H3117 day H5704 until H7637 the seventh H3117 day, H5315 that soul H3772 shall be cut H3478 off from Israel.
  16 H7223 And in the first H3117 day H6944 there shall be an holy H4744 convocation, H7637 and in the seventh H3117 day H6944 there shall be an holy H4744 convocation H3808 to you; no H4399 manner of work H6213 shall be done H389 in them, save H834 that which H3605 every H5315 man H398 must eat, H905 that only H6213 may be done of you.
  17 H8104 And you shall observe H4682 the feast of unleavened H2088 bread; for in this H2088 selfsame H6106 H3117 day H3318 have I brought H6635 your armies H776 out of the land H4714 of Egypt: H8104 therefore shall you observe H3117 this day H1755 in your generations H2708 by an ordinance H5769 for ever.
  18 H7223 In the first H702 month, on the fourteenth H6240 H3117 day H2320 of the month H6153 at even, H398 you shall eat H4682 unleavened H5704 bread, until H259 the one H6242 and twentieth H3117 day H2320 of the month at even.
  19 H7651 Seven H3117 days H3808 shall there be no H7603 leaven H4672 found H1004 in your houses: H398 for whoever eats H2557 that which is leavened, H5315 even that soul H3772 shall be cut H5712 off from the congregation H3478 of Israel, H1616 whether he be a stranger, H249 or born H776 in the land.
  20 H398 You shall eat H3808 nothing H2557 leavened; H3605 in all H4186 your habitations H398 shall you eat H4682 unleavened bread.
KJ2000(i) 3 Speak unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for a house: 4 And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbor next unto his house take it according to the number of persons; every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: you shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats: 6 And you shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and put it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, in which they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roasted with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Eat not of it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted with fire; its head with its legs, and with the inner parts thereof. 10 And you shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; and that which remains of it until the morning you shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall you eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD'S passover. 12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. 13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and you shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; you shall keep it a feast by an ordinance forever. 15 Seven days shall you eat unleavened bread; even the first day you shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 And in the first day there shall be a holy convocation, and in the seventh day there shall be a holy convocation for you; no manner of work shall be done on them, except that which every man must eat, that only may be done by you. 17 And you shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this very same day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall you observe this day in your generations by an ordinance forever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at evening. 19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses: for whosoever eats that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger, or born in the land. 20 You shall eat nothing leavened; in all your dwellings shall you eat unleavened bread.
UKJV(i) 3 Speak all of you unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house: 4 And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbour next unto his house take it according to the number of the souls; every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: all of you shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats: 6 And all of you shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire; his head with his legs, and with the inwards thereof. 10 And all of you shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; and that which remains of it until the morning all of you shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall all of you eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and all of you shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD's passover. 12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. 13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where all of you are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I strike the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and all of you shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; all of you shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever. 15 Seven days shall all of you eat unleavened bread; even the first day all of you shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 And in the first day there shall be an holy convocation, and in the seventh day there shall be an holy convocation to you; no manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done of you. 17 And all of you shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this very same day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall all of you observe this day in your generations by an ordinance for ever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at even, all of you shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at even. 19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses: for whosoever eats that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger, or born in the land. 20 All of you shall eat nothing leavened; in all your habitations shall all of you eat unleavened bread.
  3 H1696 Speak H5712 you unto all the congregation H3478 of Israel, H559 saying, H6218 In the tenth H2320 day of this month H3947 they shall take H376 to them every man H7716 a lamb, H1004 according to the house H1 of their fathers, H7716 a lamb H1004 for an house:
  4 H1004 And if the household H1961 be H4591 too little H7716 for the lamb, H7934 let him and his neighbor H7138 next H1004 unto his house H3947 take H4373 it according to the number H5315 of the souls; H376 every man H6310 according H400 to his eating H3699 shall make your count H7716 for the lamb.
  5 H7716 Your lamb H8549 shall be outside blemish, H2145 a male H1121 of the first H8141 year: H3947 you shall take H3532 it out from the sheep, H5795 or from the goats:
  6 H4931 And you shall keep H702 it up until the fourteenth H3117 day H2320 of the same month: H3605 and the whole H6951 assembly H5712 of the congregation H3478 of Israel H7819 shall kill H996 it in H6153 the evening.
  7 H3947 And they shall take H1818 of the blood, H5414 and strike H8147 it on the two H4201 side posts H4947 and on the upper door post H1004 of the houses, H398 where they shall eat it.
  8 H398 And they shall eat H1320 the flesh H3915 in that night, H6748 roast H784 with fire, H4682 and unleavened bread; H4844 and with bitter H398 herbs they shall eat it.
  9 H398 Eat H4995 not of it raw, H1310 nor boiled H4325 at all with water, H6748 but roast H784 with fire; H7218 his head H3767 with his legs, H7130 and with the inner parts there.
  10 H3498 And you shall let nothing of it remain H1242 until the morning; H3498 and that which remains H1242 of it until the morning H8313 you shall burn H784 with fire.
  11 H3602 And thus H398 shall you eat H4975 it; with your waist H2296 belted, H5275 your shoes H7272 on your feet, H4731 and your staff H3027 in your hand; H398 and you shall eat H2649 it in hurry: H3068 it is the Lord's H6453 passover.
  12 H5674 For I will pass H776 through the land H4714 of Egypt H3915 this night, H5221 and will strike H1060 all the firstborn H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt, H120 both man H929 and animal; H430 and against all the gods H4714 of Egypt H6213 I will execute H8201 judgment: H3068 I am the Lord.
  13 H1818 And the blood H226 shall be to you for a token H1004 upon the houses H7200 where you are: and when I see H1818 the blood, H6452 I will pass H5063 over you, and the plague H4889 shall not be upon you to destroy H5221 you, when I strike H776 the land H4714 of Egypt.
  14 H3117 And this day H2146 shall be unto you for a memorial; H2287 and you shall keep H2282 it a feast H3068 to the Lord H1755 throughout your generations; H2287 you shall keep it a feast H2708 by an ordinance H5769 for ever.
  15 H7651 Seven H3117 days H398 shall you eat H4682 unleavened bread; H389 even H7223 the first H3117 day H7673 you shall put away H7603 yeast H1004 out of your houses: H398 for whoever eat H2557 leavened bread H7223 from the first H3117 day H7637 until the seventh H3117 day, H5315 that soul H3772 shall be cut H3478 off from Israel.
  16 H7223 And in the first H3117 day H6944 there shall be a holy H4744 convocation, H7637 and in the seventh H3117 day H6944 there shall be an holy H4744 convocation H4399 to you; no manner of work H6213 shall be done H389 in them, save H5315 that which every man H398 must eat, H6213 that only may be done of you.
  17 H8104 And you shall observe H4682 the feast of unleavened bread; H6106 for in this same H3117 day H3318 have I brought H6635 your armies H776 out of the land H4714 of Egypt: H8104 therefore shall you observe H3117 this day H1755 in your generations H2708 by an ordinance H5769 for ever.
  18 H7223 In the first H6240 month, on the fourteenth H3117 day H2320 of the month H6153 at even, H398 you shall eat H4682 unleavened bread, H259 until the one H6242 and twentieth H3117 day H2320 of the month H6153 at even.
  19 H7651 Seven H3117 days H7603 shall there be no yeast H4672 found H1004 in your houses: H398 for whoever eat H2556 that which is leavened, H5315 even that soul H3772 shall be cut off H5712 from the congregation H3478 of Israel, H1616 whether he be a stranger, H249 or born H776 in the land.
  20 H398 You shall eat H2556 nothing leavened; H4186 in all your habitations H398 shall you eat H4682 unleavened bread.
EJ2000(i) 3 Speak unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month let each man take a lamb according to the families of the fathers, a lamb per family; 4 and if the household is too small and is not able to eat the lamb, let him and his neighbour next unto his house take it according to the number of persons; each one according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb. 5 The lamb shall be without blemish, a male of one year; ye shall take it out from the sheep or from the goats; 6 and ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month, and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it between the two evenings. 7 And they shall take of the blood and put it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses in which they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roasted with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Eat none of it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roast with fire, his head with his legs, and with the entrails thereof. 10 And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; and that which remains of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall ye eat it: with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD’s passover. 12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both among man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD. 13 And this blood shall be to you for a sign upon the houses where ye are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it as a feast unto the LORD throughout your ages; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance forever. 15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses, for whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. 16 And in the first day there shall be a holy convocation, and in the seventh day there shall be a holy convocation to you; no manner of work shall be done in them, except that which every person must eat, that only may be done of you. 17 And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread, for in this same day have I brought your hosts out of the land of Egypt; therefore, shall ye observe this day for your ages by an ordinance forever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month in the evening, ye shall eat unleavened bread until the twenty-first day of the month in the evening. 19 For seven days there shall be no leaven found in your houses; for whoever eats that which is leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he is a stranger or born in the land. 20 Ye shall eat nothing leavened; in all your habitations ye shall eat unleavened bread.
CAB(i) 3 Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying, On the tenth of this month let each man take for himself a lamb according to the houses of their families, every man a lamb for his household. 4 And if there be few in a household, so that there are not enough for the lamb, he shall take with himself his neighbor that lives near to him, as to the number of persons, everyone according to each man's need you shall make a reckoning for the lamb. 5 It shall be to you a lamb unblemished, a male of a year old. You shall take it from the lambs or from the goats. 6 And it shall be kept by you till the fourteenth of this month, and all the multitude of the congregation of the children of Israel shall kill it toward evening. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and shall put it on the two doorposts, and on the lintel, in the houses wherever they shall eat them. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in this night roasted with fire, and they shall eat unleavened bread with bitter herbs. 9 You shall not eat of it raw nor boiled in water, but only roasted with fire, the head with its legs and its entrails. 10 Nothing shall be left of it till the morning, and a bone of it you shall not break; but that which is left of it till the morning you shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall you eat it: your loins girded, and your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand, and you shall eat it in haste. It is a Passover to the Lord. 12 And I will go throughout the land of Egypt in that night, and I will smite every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast, and on all the gods of Egypt will I execute vengeance: I am the Lord. 13 And the blood shall be for a sign to you on the houses in which you are, and I will see the blood, and will protect you, and there shall not be on you the plague of destruction, when I smite in the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be to you a memorial, and you shall keep it a feast to the Lord through all your generations; you shall keep it a feast for a perpetual ordinance. 15 Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, and from the first day you shall utterly remove leaven from your houses: whoever shall eat leaven, that soul shall be utterly destroyed from Israel, from the first day until the seventh day. 16 And the first day shall be called holy, and the seventh day shall be a holy convocation to you. You shall do no servile work on them, only as many things as is necessary shall be done by every soul, this only shall be done by you. 17 And you shall keep this commandment, for on this day will I bring out your force out of the land of Egypt; and you shall make this day a perpetual ordinance for you throughout your generations. 18 Beginning the fourteenth day of the first month, you shall eat unleavened bread from evening, till the twenty-first day of the month, till evening. 19 Seven days leaven shall not be found in your houses; whosoever shall eat anything leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, both among the occupiers of the land and the original inhabitants. 20 You shall eat nothing leavened, but in every habitation of yours you shall eat unleavened bread.
LXX2012(i) 3 Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying, On the tenth of this month let them take each man a lamb according to the houses of their families, every man a lamb for his household. 4 And if they be few in a household, so that there are not enough for the lamb, he shall take with himself his neighbor that lives near to him, —as to the number of souls, every one according to that which suffices him shall make a reckoning for the lamb. 5 It shall be to you a lamb unblemished, a male of a year old: you⌃ shall take it of the lambs and the kids. 6 And it shall be kept by you till the fourteenth of this month, and all the multitude of the congregation of the children of Israel shall kill it toward evening. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and shall put it on the two door-posts, and on the lintel, in the houses in which soever they shall eat them. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in this night roast with fire, and they shall eat unleavened [bread] with bitter herbs. 9 You⌃ shall not eat of it raw nor sodden in water, but only roast with fire, the head with the feet and the appurtenances. 10 Nothing shall be left of it till the morning, and a bone of it you⌃ shall not break; but that which is left of it till the morning you⌃ shall burn with fire. 11 And thus shall you⌃ eat it: your loins girded, and your sandals on your feet, and your staves in your hands, and you⌃ shall eat it in haste. It is a passover to the Lord. 12 and I will go throughout the land of Egypt in that night, and will strike every firstborn in the land of Egypt both man and beast, and on all the gods of Egypt will I execute vengeance: I [am] the Lord. 13 And the blood shall be for a sign to you on the houses in which you⌃ are, and I will see the blood, and will protect you, and there shall not be on you the plague of destruction, when I strike in the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be to you a memorial, and you⌃ shall keep it a feast to the Lord through all your generations; you⌃ shall keep it a feast for a perpetual ordinance. 15 Seven days you⌃ shall eat unleavened bread, and from the first day you⌃ shall utterly remove leaven from your houses: whoever shall eat leaven, that soul shall be utterly destroyed from Israel, from the first day until the seventh day. 16 And the first day shall be called holy, and the seventh day shall be a holy convocation to you: you⌃ shall do no servile work on them, only as many things as will [necessarily] be done by every soul, this only shall be done by you. 17 And you⌃ shall keep this commandment, for on this day will I bring out your force out of the land of Egypt; and you⌃ shall make this day a perpetual ordinance for you throughout your generations. 18 Beginning the fourteenth day of the first month, you⌃ shall eat unleavened bread from evening, till the twenty-first day of the month, till evening. 19 Seven days leaven shall not be found in your houses; whoever shall eat anything leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, both among the occupiers of the land and the original inhabitants. 20 You⌃ shall eat nothing leavened, but in every habitation of your you⌃ shall eat unleavened bread.
NSB(i) 3 »Tell the whole community of Israel: ‘On the tenth day of this month each man must take a sheep for his family, one animal per household. 4 »‘A household may be too small to eat a whole animal. That household and the one next-door can share one animal. Choose your animal based on the number of people and what each person can eat. 5 »‘Your animal must be a one-year-old male that has no defects. You may choose a lamb or a young goat. 6 »‘Take care of it until the fourteenth day of this month. Then at dusk, all the assembled people from the community of Israel must slaughter their animals. 7 »‘Some of the blood must be put on the two doorposts and above the door of each house where the animals are to be eaten. 8 »‘That night the animals are to be roasted and eaten, together with bitter herbs (greens) and unleavened bread made without yeast. 9 »‘Do not eat the meat raw or boiled. The entire animal, including its head, legs, and insides, must be roasted. 10 »‘Eat what you want that night, and the next morning burn whatever is left. 11 »‘Eat it in this manner: with your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste. It is Jehovah’s Passover.’« 12 Jehovah said: »That night I will go through the land of Egypt. I will strike down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast. I will execute judgments against all the gods of Egypt! I am Jehovah! 13 »The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you live. When I see the blood I will pass over you. No plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. 14 »This day will be a memorial to you. You shall celebrate it as a feast to Jehovah. You are to celebrate it as a permanent ordinance throughout your generations. 15 »You will eat unleavened bread for seven days. The first day you shall remove leaven from your houses. Whoever eats anything leavened from the first day until the seventh day will be cut off from Israel. 16 »You shall have a holy assembly on the first day. There should be another holy assembly on the seventh day. No work at all will be done on them, except what must be eaten by every person that alone may be prepared by you. 17 »You shall also observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread. That was the day I brought your hosts out of the land of Egypt. Observe this day throughout your generations as a long lasting ordinance. 18 »In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened bread, until the twenty-first day of the month at evening. 19 »There shall be no leaven found in your houses for seven days. Whoever eats what is leavened shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he is an alien or a native of the land. 20 »You shall not eat anything leavened. Eat unleavened bread in all your dwellings.«
ISV(i) 3 Tell the entire congregation of Israel, ‘On the tenth of this month they’re each to take a lamb for themselves, according to their ancestors’ households, one lamb for each household. 4 If a household is too small for a lamb, then it and its closest neighbor are to obtain one based on the number of individuals—dividing the lamb based on what each person can eat. 5 Your lamb is to be a year old male without blemish. You may take it from the sheep or from the goats. 6 It is to remain under your care until the fourteenth day of this month, and then the entire assembly of the congregation of Israel is to slaughter it at twilight. 7 They’re to take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat the lamb. 8 That very night they’re to eat the meat, roasted over the fire, with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. 9 Don’t eat any of it raw or boiled in water. Instead, roast it over the fire, with its head, legs, and internal organs. 10 Don’t leave any of it until morning, and whatever does remain of it until morning you are to burn in the fire.
11 “‘This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. You are to eat it hurriedly—it’s the LORD’s Passover. 12 I’ll pass through the land of Egypt that night and strike every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both people and animals. I’ll execute judgments on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD. 13 The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are. I’ll see the blood and pass over you. There will be no plague to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.
14 “‘This day is to be a memorial for you, and you are to celebrate it as a festival to the LORD. You are to celebrate it as a perpetual ordinance from generation to generation. 15 You are to eat unleavened bread for seven days. On the first day be sure to remove all the leaven from your houses, because any person who eats anything leavened from the first day until the seventh will be cut off from Israel. 16 Also, on the first day you’re to hold a holy assembly, and on the seventh day you’re to hold a holy assembly. No work is to be done during those days, except for preparing what is to be eaten by each person.
17 “‘You are to observe the Festival of Unleavened Bread, since on this very day I brought your tribal divisions from the land of Egypt. You are to observe this day from generation to generation as a perpetual ordinance. 18 In the first month, from the evening of the fourteenth day of the month until the evening of the twenty-first day of the month, you are to eat unleavened bread. 19 For seven days leaven is not to be found in your houses. Indeed, any person who eats anything leavened, is to be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether an alien or a native of the land. 20 You are not to eat what is leavened. You are to eat unleavened bread in all your settlements.’”
LEB(i) 3 Speak to all the community of Israel, saying, 'On the tenth of this month, they will each take for themselves a lamb for the family,* a lamb for the household. 4 And if the household is too small for a lamb, he and the neighbor nearest to his house will take one according to the number of persons;* you will count out portions of the lamb according to how much each one can eat.* 5 The lamb for you must be a male, without defect, in its first year; you will take it from the sheep or from the goats. 6 "You will keep it* until the fourteenth day of this month, and all the assembly of the community of Israel will slaughter it at twilight.* 7 And they will take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel on the houses in which they eat it. 8 And they will eat the meat on this night; they will eat it fire-roasted and with unleavened bread on bitter herbs.* 9 You must not eat any of it raw or boiled, boiled in the water, but rather roasted with fire, its head with its legs and with its inner parts. 10 And you must not leave any of it until morning; anything left from it until morning you must burn in the fire. 11 And this is how you will eat it—with your waists fastened, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand, and you will eat it in haste. It is Yahweh's Passover. 12 "And I will go through the land of Egypt during this night, and I will strike all of the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from human to animal, and I will do punishments among all of the gods of Egypt. I am Yahweh. 13 And the blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and I will see the blood, and I will pass over you, and there will not be a destructive plague among you when I strike the land of Egypt. 14 "And this day will become a memorial for you, and you will celebrate it as a religious feast for Yahweh throughout your generations; you will celebrate it as a lasting statute. 15 You will eat unleavened bread for seven days. Surely on the first day you shall remove yeast from your houses, because anyone who eats food with yeast from the first day until the seventh day—that person will be cut off from Israel. 16 It will be for you on the first day a holy assembly* and on the seventh day a holy assembly;* no work will be done on them; only what is eaten by every person, it alone will be prepared for you. 17 "And you will keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread, because on this very day I brought out your divisions from the land of Egypt, and you will keep this day for your generations as a lasting statute. 18 On the first day, on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, you will eat unleavened bread until the evening of the twenty-first day of the month. 19 For seven days yeast must not be found in your houses, because anyone eating food with yeast* will be cut off from the community of Israel—whether an alien or a native of the land. 20 You will eat no food with yeast; in all of your dwellings you will eat unleavened bread."
BSB(i) 3 Tell the whole congregation of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each man must select a lamb for his family, one per household. 4 If the household is too small for a whole lamb, they are to share with the nearest neighbor based on the number of people, and apportion the lamb accordingly. 5 Your lamb must be an unblemished year-old male, and you may take it from the sheep or the goats. 6 You must keep it until the fourteenth day of the month, when the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel will slaughter the animals at twilight. 7 They are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs. 8 They are to eat the meat that night, roasted over the fire, along with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. 9 Do not eat any of the meat raw or cooked in boiling water, but only roasted over the fire—its head and legs and inner parts. 10 Do not leave any of it until morning; before the morning you must burn up any part that is left over. 11 This is how you are to eat it: You must be fully dressed for travel, with your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. You are to eat in haste; it is the LORD’s Passover. 12 On that night I will pass through the land of Egypt and strike down every firstborn male, both man and beast, and I will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD. 13 The blood on the houses where you are staying will distinguish them; when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No plague will fall on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. 14 And this day will be a memorial for you, and you are to celebrate it as a feast to the LORD, as a permanent statute for the generations to come. 15 For seven days you must eat unleavened bread. On the first day you are to remove the leaven from your houses. Whoever eats anything leavened from the first day through the seventh must be cut off from Israel. 16 On the first day you are to hold a sacred assembly, and another on the seventh day. You must not do any work on those days, except to prepare the meals—that is all you may do. 17 So you are to keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread, for on this very day I brought your divisions out of the land of Egypt. You must keep this day as a permanent statute for the generations to come. 18 In the first month you are to eat unleavened bread, from the evening of the fourteenth day until the evening of the twenty-first day. 19 For seven days there must be no leaven found in your houses. If anyone eats something leavened, that person, whether a foreigner or native of the land, must be cut off from the congregation of Israel. 20 You are not to eat anything leavened; eat unleavened bread in all your homes.”
MSB(i) 3 Tell the whole congregation of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each man must select a lamb for his family, one per household. 4 If the household is too small for a whole lamb, they are to share with the nearest neighbor based on the number of people, and apportion the lamb accordingly. 5 Your lamb must be an unblemished year-old male, and you may take it from the sheep or the goats. 6 You must keep it until the fourteenth day of the month, when the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel will slaughter the animals at twilight. 7 They are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs. 8 They are to eat the meat that night, roasted over the fire, along with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. 9 Do not eat any of the meat raw or cooked in boiling water, but only roasted over the fire—its head and legs and inner parts. 10 Do not leave any of it until morning; before the morning you must burn up any part that is left over. 11 This is how you are to eat it: You must be fully dressed for travel, with your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. You are to eat in haste; it is the LORD’s Passover. 12 On that night I will pass through the land of Egypt and strike down every firstborn male, both man and beast, and I will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD. 13 The blood on the houses where you are staying will distinguish them; when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No plague will fall on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. 14 And this day will be a memorial for you, and you are to celebrate it as a feast to the LORD, as a permanent statute for the generations to come. 15 For seven days you must eat unleavened bread. On the first day you are to remove the leaven from your houses. Whoever eats anything leavened from the first day through the seventh must be cut off from Israel. 16 On the first day you are to hold a sacred assembly, and another on the seventh day. You must not do any work on those days, except to prepare the meals—that is all you may do. 17 So you are to keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread, for on this very day I brought your divisions out of the land of Egypt. You must keep this day as a permanent statute for the generations to come. 18 In the first month you are to eat unleavened bread, from the evening of the fourteenth day until the evening of the twenty-first day. 19 For seven days there must be no leaven found in your houses. If anyone eats something leavened, that person, whether a foreigner or native of the land, must be cut off from the congregation of Israel. 20 You are not to eat anything leavened; eat unleavened bread in all your homes.”
MLV(i) 3 Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they will take to them every man a lamb, according to their fathers' houses, a lamb for a household. 4 And if the household be too little for a lamb, then he and his neighbor next to his house will take one according to the number of the souls, according to every man's eating you* will make your* count for the lamb.
5 Your* lamb will be without blemish, a male a year old. You* will take it from the sheep, or from the goats. 6 And you* will keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel will kill it at evening.
7 And they will take of the blood and put it on the two side-posts and on the lintel upon the houses in which they will eat it. 8 And they will eat the flesh in that night, roasted with fire and unleavened bread, with bitter herbs they will eat it. 9 Do not eat of it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted with fire, its head with its legs and with the inwards of it. 10 And you* will let nothing of it remain until the morning, but what remains of it until the morning you* will burn with fire.
11 And thus you* will eat it: with your* loins girded, your* shoes on your* feet and your* staff in your* hand. And you* will eat it in haste. It is Jehovah's Passover.
12 For I will go through the land of Egypt in that night and will kill* all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments. I am Jehovah. 13 And the blood will be to you* for a sign upon the houses where you* are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you* and there will no plague be upon you* to destroy you*, when I kill* the land of Egypt.
14 And this day will be to you* for a memorial and you* will keep it a feast to Jehovah; throughout your* genealogy you* will keep it a feast by an everlasting ordinance.
15 Seven days you* will eat unleavened bread, even the first day you* will put away leaven out of your* houses, because whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul will be cut off from Israel.
16 And in the first day there will be to you* a holy convocation and in the seventh day a holy convocation, no manner of work will be done in them, except what every man must eat, that only may be done by you*.
17 And you* will observe the feast of unleavened bread, because in this same day I have brought your* armies out of the land of Egypt. Therefore you* will observe this day throughout your* genealogy by an everlasting ordinance.
18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you* will eat unleavened bread, until the twenty-first day of the month at evening. 19 Seven days there will be no leaven found in your* houses, because whoever eats what is leavened, that soul will be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he is a traveler, or one who is born in the land. 20 You* will eat nothing leavened, in all your* habitations you* will eat unleavened bread.
VIN(i) 3 "Tell the whole community of Israel: ‘On the tenth day of this month each man must take a sheep for his family, one animal per household. 4 If a household is too small for a lamb, then it and its closest neighbor are to obtain one based on the number of individuals {— } dividing the lamb based on what each person can eat. 5 Your lamb is to be a year old male without blemish. You may take it from the sheep or from the goats. 6 "You will keep it until the fourteenth day of this month, and all the assembly of the community of Israel will slaughter it at twilight. 7 They're to take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat the lamb. 8 That very night they're to eat the meat, roasted over the fire, with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. 9 Don't eat any of it raw or boiled in water. Instead, roast it over the fire, with its head, legs, and internal organs. 10 And you must not leave any of it until morning; anything left from it until morning you must burn in the fire. 11 "'This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. You are to eat it hurriedly it's the LORD's Passover. 12 For on that night I will go through the land of Egypt, sending death on every first male child, of man and of beast, and judging all the gods of Egypt: I am the Lord. 13 "The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you live. When I see the blood I will pass over you. No plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. 14 And this day shall be for a memorial to you; and you shall keep it a feast to the Lord in your generations, with an everlasting observance. 15 "You will eat unleavened bread for seven days. The first day you shall remove leaven from your houses. Whoever eats anything leavened from the first day until the seventh day will be cut off from Israel. 16 And the first day is a holy convocation and the seventh day becomes a holy convocation to you; work not therein, except what every soul eat - only work that: 17 "And you will keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread, because on this very day I brought out your divisions from the land of Egypt, and you will keep this day for your generations as a lasting statute. 18 On the first day, on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, you will eat unleavened bread until the evening of the twenty-first day of the month. 19 For seven days yeast must not be found in your houses, because anyone eating food with yeast will be cut off from the community of Israel—whether an alien or a native of the land. 20 You will eat no food with yeast; in all of your dwellings you will eat unleavened bread."
Luther1545(i) 3 Saget der ganzen Gemeine Israel und sprechet: Am zehnten Tage dieses Monden nehme ein jeglicher ein Lamm, wo ein Hausvater ist, je ein Lamm zu einem Hause! 4 Wo ihrer aber in einem Hause zum Lamm zu wenig sind, so nehme er's und sein nächster Nachbar an seinem Hause, bis ihrer so viel wird, daß sie das Lamm aufessen mögen. 5 Ihr sollt aber ein solch Lamm nehmen, da kein Fehl an ist, ein Männlein und eines Jahrs alt; von den Lämmern und Ziegen sollt ihr's nehmen. 6 Und sollt es behalten bis auf den vierzehnten Tag des Monden. Und ein jegliches Häuflein im ganzen Israel soll es schlachten zwischen Abends. 7 Und sollt seines Bluts nehmen und beide Pfosten an der Tür und die oberste Schwelle damit bestreichen an den Häusern, da sie es innen essen. 8 Und sollt also Fleisch essen in derselben Nacht, am Feuer gebraten, und ungesäuert Brot, und sollt es mit bittern Salsen essen. 9 Ihr sollt es nicht roh essen, noch mit Wasser gesotten, sondern am Feuer gebraten, sein Haupt mit seinen Schenkeln und Eingeweide. 10 Und sollt nichts davon überlassen bis morgen; wo aber etwas überbleibet bis morgen, sollt ihr's mit Feuer verbrennen. 11 Also sollt ihr's aber essen: Um eure Lenden sollt ihr gegürtet sein und eure Schuhe an euren Füßen haben und Stäbe in euren Händen, und sollt es essen, als die hinwegeilen; denn es ist des HERRN Passah. 12 Denn ich will in derselbigen Nacht durch Ägyptenland gehen und alle Erstgeburt schlagen in Ägyptenland, beide unter Menschen und Vieh. Und will meine Strafe beweisen an allen Göttern der Ägypter, ich, der HERR. 13 Und das Blut soll euer Zeichen sein an den Häusern, darin ihr seid, daß, wenn ich das Blut sehe, vor euch übergehe, und euch nicht die Plage widerfahre, die euch verderbe, wenn ich Ägyptenland schlage. 14 Und sollt diesen Tag haben zum Gedächtnis und sollt ihn feiern dem HERRN zum Fest, ihr und alle eure Nachkommen, zur ewigen Weise. 15 Sieben Tage sollt ihr ungesäuert Brot essen; nämlich am ersten Tage sollt ihr aufhören mit gesäuertem Brot in euren Häusern. Wer gesäuert Brot isset vom ersten Tage an, bis auf den siebenten, des Seele soll ausgerottet werden von Israel. 16 Der erste Tag soll heilig sein, daß ihr zusammenkommet; und der siebente soll auch heilig sein, daß ihr zusammenkommet. Keine Arbeit sollt ihr drinnen tun, ohne was zur Speise gehöret für allerlei Seelen, dasselbe allein möget ihr für euch tun. 17 Und haltet ob dem ungesäuerten Brot, denn eben an demselben Tage habe ich euer Heer aus Ägyptenland geführet; darum sollt ihr diesen Tag halten und alle eure Nachkommen zur ewigen Weise. 18 Am vierzehnten Tage des ersten Monden, des Abends, sollt ihr ungesäuert Brot essen, bis an den einundzwanzigsten Tag des Monden an dem Abend, 19 daß man sieben Tage kein gesäuert Brot finde in euren Häusern. Denn wer gesäuert Brot isset, des Seele soll ausgerottet werden von der Gemeinde Israel, es sei ein Fremdling oder Einheimischer im Lande. 20 Darum so esset kein gesäuert Brot, sondern eitel ungesäuert Brot in allen euren Wohnungen.
  3 H5712 Saget der ganzen H3478 Gemeine Israel H559 und H6218 sprechet: Am zehnten H2320 Tage dieses Monden H3947 nehme H376 ein H7716 jeglicher ein Lamm H1004 , wo ein Hausvater H1696 ist H7716 , je ein Lamm H1004 zu einem Hause!
  4 H5315 Wo ihrer H1004 aber in einem Hause H7716 zum Lamm H4591 zu wenig H3947 sind, so nehme H376 er H1961 ‘s und sein H7138 nächster H7934 Nachbar H1004 an seinem Hause H3699 , bis ihrer so viel wird H6310 , daß H7716 sie das Lamm H400 aufessen mögen.
  5 H7716 Ihr sollt aber ein solch Lamm H3947 nehmen H8549 , da kein Fehl an ist H2145 , ein Männlein H1121 und eines Jahrs alt H3532 ; von den Lämmern H5795 und Ziegen sollt ihr‘s nehmen.
  6 H4931 Und sollt es behalten H6240 bis auf den vierzehnten H3117 Tag H2320 des Monden H3605 . Und ein jegliches H6951 Häuflein H5712 im ganzen H3478 Israel H7819 soll es schlachten H996 zwischen H6153 Abends .
  7 H1818 Und sollt seines Bluts H3947 nehmen H8147 und beide H4201 Pfosten H4947 an der Tür und die oberste Schwelle H5414 damit bestreichen H1004 an den Häusern H398 , da sie es innen essen .
  8 H1320 Und sollt also Fleisch H398 essen H3915 in derselben Nacht H784 , am Feuer H6748 gebraten H4682 , und ungesäuert Brot H398 , und sollt es mit bittern Salsen essen .
  9 H4995 Ihr sollt es nicht roh H398 essen H7130 , noch mit H4325 Wasser H1310 gesotten H784 , sondern am Feuer H6748 gebraten H7218 , sein Haupt H3767 mit seinen Schenkeln und Eingeweide.
  10 H1242 Und sollt nichts davon überlassen bis morgen H1242 ; wo aber etwas überbleibet bis morgen H784 , sollt ihr‘s mit Feuer H8313 verbrennen .
  11 H3602 Also H398 sollt ihr‘s aber essen H4975 : Um eure Lenden H2296 sollt ihr gegürtet sein H5275 und eure Schuhe H7272 an euren Füßen H4731 haben und Stäbe H3027 in euren Händen H398 , und sollt es essen H2649 , als die hinwegeilen H3068 ; denn es ist des HErrn H6453 Passah .
  12 H3915 Denn ich will in derselbigen Nacht H776 durch Ägyptenland H5674 gehen H776 und H1060 alle Erstgeburt H5221 schlagen H4714 in Ägyptenland H120 , beide unter Menschen H430 und H929 Vieh H8201 . Und will meine Strafe H6213 beweisen H4714 an allen Göttern der Ägypter H3068 , ich, der HErr .
  13 H776 Und das H1818 Blut H226 soll euer Zeichen H1004 sein an den Häusern H1818 , darin ihr seid, daß, wenn ich das Blut H7200 sehe H5063 , vor euch übergehe, und euch nicht die Plage H4889 widerfahre, die euch verderbe H4714 , wenn ich Ägyptenland H5221 schlage .
  14 H3117 Und sollt diesen Tag H2146 haben zum Gedächtnis H2287 und sollt ihn feiern H3068 dem HErrn H2282 zum Fest H1755 , ihr und alle eure Nachkommen H5769 , zur ewigen H2708 Weise .
  15 H7651 Sieben H3117 Tage H4682 sollt ihr ungesäuert Brot H398 essen H389 ; nämlich H7223 am ersten H3117 Tage H7673 sollt ihr aufhören H1004 mit gesäuertem Brot in euren Häusern H2557 . Wer gesäuert H7223 Brot isset vom ersten H3117 Tage H3117 an H7637 , bis auf den siebenten H5315 , des SeeLE H3772 soll H398 ausgerottet werden H3478 von Israel .
  16 H7223 Der erste H3117 Tag H6944 soll heilig H398 sein H3117 , daß ihr zusammenkommet; und H7637 der siebente H389 soll auch H6944 heilig H4399 sein, daß ihr zusammenkommet. Keine Arbeit H6213 sollt ihr drinnen tun H5315 , ohne was zur Speise gehöret für allerlei Seelen H6213 , dasselbe allein möget ihr für euch tun .
  17 H4682 Und haltet ob dem ungesäuerten Brot H6106 , denn eben an demselben H3117 Tage H6635 habe ich euer Heer H3318 aus H776 Ägyptenland H8104 geführet; darum sollt H3117 ihr diesen Tag H8104 halten H1755 und alle eure Nachkommen H5769 zur ewigen H2708 Weise .
  18 H702 Am vierzehnten H3117 Tage H7223 des ersten H2320 Monden H6153 , des Abends H4682 , sollt ihr ungesäuert Brot H398 essen H259 , bis an den einundzwanzigsten H3117 Tag H2320 des Monden H6153 an dem Abend,
  19 H7651 daß man sieben H3117 Tage H2556 kein gesäuert Brot H4672 finde H1004 in euren Häusern H5315 . Denn wer gesäuert Brot isset, des SeeLE H3772 soll H398 ausgerottet werden H5712 von der Gemeinde H3478 Israel H1616 , es sei ein Fremdling H249 oder Einheimischer H776 im Lande .
  20 H398 Darum so esset H2556 kein gesäuert Brot H398 , sondern H4682 eitel ungesäuert Brot H4186 in allen euren Wohnungen .
Luther1912(i) 3 Sagt der ganzen Gemeinde Israel und sprecht: Am zehnten Tage dieses Monats nehme ein jeglicher ein Lamm, wo ein Hausvater ist, je ein Lamm zu einem Haus. 4 Wo ihrer aber in einem Hause zu einem Lamm zu wenig sind, so nehme er's und sein nächster Nachbar an seinem Hause, bis ihrer so viel wird, daß sie das Lamm aufessen können. 5 Ihr sollt aber ein solches Lamm nehmen, daran kein Fehl ist, ein Männlein und ein Jahr alt; von den Schafen und Ziegen sollt ihr's nehmen 6 und sollt's behalten bis auf den vierzehnten Tag des Monats. Und ein jegliches Häuflein im ganzen Israel soll's schlachten gegen Abend. 7 Und sollt von seinem Blut nehmen und beide Pfosten der Tür und die obere Schwelle damit bestreichen an den Häusern, darin sie es essen. 8 Und sollt also das Fleisch essen in derselben Nacht, am Feuer gebraten, und ungesäuertes Brot, und sollt es mit bitteren Kräutern essen. 9 Ihr sollt's nicht roh essen noch mit Wasser gesotten, sondern am Feuer gebraten, sein Haupt mit seinen Schenkeln und Eingeweiden. 10 Und sollt nichts davon übriglassen bis morgen; wo aber etwas übrigbleibt bis morgen, sollt ihr's mit Feuer verbrennen. 11 Also sollt ihr's aber essen: Um eure Lenden sollt ihr gegürtet sein und eure Schuhe an den Füßen haben und Stäbe in euren Händen, und sollt's essen, als die hinwegeilen; denn es ist des HERRN Passah. 12 Denn ich will in derselben Nacht durch Ägyptenland gehen und alle Erstgeburt schlagen in Ägyptenland, unter den Menschen und unter dem Vieh, und will meine Strafe beweisen an allen Göttern der Ägypter, ich, der HERR. 13 Und das Blut soll euer Zeichen sein an den Häusern, darin ihr seid, daß, wenn ich das Blut sehe, an euch vorübergehe und euch nicht die Plage widerfahre, die euch verderbe, wenn ich Ägyptenland schlage. 14 Ihr sollt diesen Tag haben zum Gedächtnis und sollt ihn feiern dem HERRN zum Fest, ihr und alle eure Nachkommen, zur ewigen Weise. 15 Sieben Tage sollt ihr ungesäuertes Brot essen; nämlich am ersten Tage sollt ihr den Sauerteig aus euren Häusern tun. Wer gesäuertes Brot ißt vom ersten Tage an bis auf den siebenten, des Seele soll ausgerottet werden von Israel. 16 Der Tag soll heilig sein, daß ihr zusammenkommt; und der siebente soll auch heilig sein, daß ihr zusammenkommt. Keine Arbeit sollt ihr an dem tun; außer, was zur Speise gehört für allerlei Seelen, das allein mögt ihr für euch tun. 17 Und haltet das ungesäuerte Brot; denn eben an demselben Tage habe ich euer Heer aus Ägyptenland geführt; darum sollt ihr diesen Tag halten, ihr und alle eure Nachkommen, zur ewigen Weise. 18 Am vierzehnten Tage des ersten Monats, des Abends, sollt ihr ungesäuertes Brot essen bis an den einundzwanzigsten Tag des Monats an dem Abend, 19 daß man sieben Tage keinen Sauerteig finde in euren Häusern. Denn wer gesäuertes Brot ißt, des Seele soll ausgerottet werden aus der Gemeinde Israel, es sei ein Fremdling oder Einheimischer im Lande. 20 Darum so esset kein gesäuertes Brot, sondern eitel ungesäuertes Brot in allen euren Wohnungen.
  3 H1696 Saget H5712 der ganzen Gemeinde H3478 Israel H559 und sprecht H6218 : Am zehnten H2320 Tage dieses Monats H3947 nehme H376 ein jeglicher H7716 ein Lamm H1004 H1 , wo ein Hausvater H7716 ist, je ein Lamm H1004 zu einem Haus .
  4 H1961 Wo H1004 ihrer aber in einem Hause H7716 zu einem Lamm H4591 zu wenig H1961 sind H3947 , so nehme H7138 er’s und sein nächster H7934 Nachbar H1004 an seinem Hause H5315 H4373 , bis ihrer H3699 so viel H6310 wird, daß H376 sie H7716 das Lamm H400 aufessen können.
  5 H7716 Ihr sollt aber ein solches Lamm H3947 nehmen H8549 , daran kein Fehl H2145 ist, ein Männlein H1121 und ein H8141 Jahr H3532 alt; von den Schafen H5795 und Ziegen sollt ihr’s nehmen
  6 H4931 und sollt’s behalten H702 H6240 bis auf den H3117 Tag H2320 des Monats H3605 . Und ein jegliches H6951 Häuflein H5712 im ganzen H3478 Israel H7819 soll’s schlachten H996 gegen H6153 Abend .
  7 H3947 Und H1818 sollt von seinem Blut H3947 nehmen H8147 und beide H4201 Pfosten H4947 an der Tür und die obere Schwelle H5414 damit bestreichen H1004 an den Häusern H398 , darin sie es essen .
  8 H398 Und H1320 sollt also das Fleisch H398 essen H3915 in derselben Nacht H784 , am Feuer H6748 gebraten H4682 , und ungesäuertes Brot H4844 , und sollt es mit bitteren H398 Kräutern essen .
  9 H398 Ihr H4995 sollt’s nicht roh H398 essen H4325 noch mit Wasser H1311 H1310 gesotten H784 , sondern am Feuer H6748 gebraten H7218 , sein Haupt H3767 mit seinen Schenkeln H7130 und Eingeweiden .
  10 H3498 Und H3498 sollt nichts davon übriglassen H1242 bis morgen H3498 ; wo aber etwas übrigbleibt H1242 bis morgen H784 , sollt ihr’s mit Feuer H8313 verbrennen .
  11 H3602 Also H398 sollt ihr’s aber essen H4975 : Um eure Lenden H2296 sollt ihr gegürtet H5275 sein und eure Schuhe H7272 an euren Füßen H4731 haben und Stäbe H3027 in euren Händen H398 , und sollt’s essen H2649 , als die hinwegeilen H3068 ; denn es ist des HERRN H6453 Passah .
  12 H5674 Denn H3915 ich will in derselben Nacht H4714 H776 durch Ägyptenland H5674 gehen H1060 und alle Erstgeburt H5221 schlagen H4714 H776 in Ägyptenland H120 , unter den Menschen H929 und unter dem Vieh H8201 , und will meine Strafe H6213 beweisen H430 an allen Göttern H4714 der Ägypter H3068 , ich, der HERR .
  13 H1818 Und das Blut H226 soll euer Zeichen H1004 sein an den Häusern H7200 , darin ihr seid, daß, wenn H1818 ich das Blut H7200 sehe H6452 , ich an euch vorübergehe H5063 und euch nicht die Plage H4889 widerfahre, die euch verderbe H4714 H776 , wenn ich Ägyptenland H5221 schlage .
  14 H3117 Ihr sollt diesen Tag H2146 haben zum Gedächtnis H2287 und sollt ihn feiern H3068 dem HERRN H2282 zum Fest H1755 , ihr und alle eure Nachkommen H5769 , zur ewigen H2708 H2287 Weise .
  15 H7651 Sieben H3117 Tage H4682 sollt ihr ungesäuertes Brot H398 essen H389 ; nämlich H7223 am ersten H3117 Tage H7673 sollt H7603 ihr den Sauerteig H1004 aus euren Häusern H7673 tun H398 . Wer H2557 gesäuertes Brot H398 ißt H7223 vom ersten H3117 Tage H7637 H3117 an bis auf den siebenten H5315 , des Seele H3772 soll ausgerottet H3478 werden von Israel .
  16 H7223 Der erste H3117 Tag H6944 soll heilig H4744 sein, daß ihr zusammenkommt H7637 H3117 ; und der siebente H6944 soll auch heilig H4744 sein, daß ihr zusammenkommt H4399 . Keine Arbeit H6213 sollt ihr an dem tun H389 ; außer H398 , was zur Speise H5315 gehört für allerlei Seelen H6213 , das H6213 allein mögt ihr für euch tun .
  17 H8104 Und haltet H4682 das ungesäuerte Brot H6106 ; denn eben an demselben H3117 Tage H3318 habe H6635 ich euer Heer H4714 H776 aus Ägyptenland H3318 geführt H8104 ; darum H3117 sollt ihr diesen Tag H8104 halten H1755 , ihr und alle eure Nachkommen H5769 , zur ewigen H2708 Weise .
  18 H6240 H702 Am H3117 Tage H7223 des ersten H2320 Monats H6153 , des Abends H398 , sollt H4682 ihr ungesäuertes Brot H398 essen H259 H6242 bis an den H3117 Tag H2320 des Monats H6153 an dem Abend,
  19 H7651 daß man sieben H3117 Tage H7603 keinen Sauerteig H4672 finde H1004 in euren Häusern H398 . Denn wer H2556 gesäuertes Brot H398 ißt H5315 , des Seele H3772 soll ausgerottet H5712 werden aus der Gemeinde H3478 Israel H1616 , es sei ein Fremdling H249 oder Einheimischer H776 im Lande .
  20 H398 Darum so esset H2556 kein gesäuertes H398 Brot, sondern eitel H4682 ungesäuertes Brot H4186 in allen euren Wohnungen .
ELB1871(i) 3 Redet zu der ganzen Gemeinde Israel und sprechet: Am Zehnten dieses Monats, da nehme sich ein jeder ein Lamm für ein Vaterhaus, ein Lamm für ein Haus. 4 Und wenn das Haus nicht zahlreich genug ist für ein Lamm, so nehme er es und sein Nachbar, der nächste an seinem Hause, nach der Zahl der Seelen; einen jeden sollt ihr nach dem Maße seines Essens rechnen auf das Lamm. 5 Ein Lamm ohne Fehl sollt ihr haben, ein männliches, einjährig; von den Schafen oder von den Ziegen sollt ihr es nehmen. 6 Und ihr sollt es in Verwahrung haben bis auf den vierzehnten Tag dieses Monats; und die ganze Versammlung der Gemeinde Israel soll es schlachten zwischen den zwei Abenden. 7 Und sie sollen von dem Blute nehmen und es an die beiden Pfosten und an die Oberschwelle tun, an den Häusern, in welchen sie es essen. 8 Und sie sollen in selbiger Nacht das Fleisch essen, gebraten am Feuer, und ungesäuertes Brot; mit bitteren Kräutern sollen sie es essen. 9 Ihr sollt nichts roh davon essen und keineswegs im Wasser gesotten, sondern am Feuer gebraten: seinen Kopf samt seinen Schenkeln und samt seinem Eingeweide. 10 Und ihr sollt nichts davon übriglassen bis an den Morgen; und was davon bis an den Morgen übrigbleibt, sollt ihr mit Feuer verbrennen. 11 Und also sollt ihr es essen: Eure Lenden gegürtet, eure Schuhe an euren Füßen und euren Stab in eurer Hand; und ihr sollt es essen in Eile. Es ist das Passah Jehovas. 12 Und ich werde in dieser Nacht durch das Land Ägypten gehen und alle Erstgeburt im Lande Ägypten schlagen vom Menschen bis zum Vieh, und ich werde Gericht üben an allen Göttern Ägyptens, ich, Jehova. 13 Und das Blut soll euch zum Zeichen sein an den Häusern, worin ihr seid; und sehe ich das Blut, so werde ich an euch vorübergehen; und es wird keine Plage zum Verderben unter euch sein, wenn ich das Land Ägypten schlage. 14 Und dieser Tag soll euch zum Gedächtnis sein, und ihr sollt ihn feiern als Fest dem Jehova; als ewige Satzung bei euren Geschlechtern sollt ihr ihn feiern. 15 Sieben Tage sollt ihr Ungesäuertes essen; ja, am ersten Tage sollt ihr den Sauerteig aus euren Häusern wegtun; denn jeder, der Gesäuertes isset, von dem ersten Tage bis zu dem siebten Tage, selbige Seele soll ausgerottet werden aus Israel. 16 Und am ersten Tage soll euch eine heilige Versammlung und am siebten Tage eine heilige Versammlung sein; keinerlei Arbeit soll an ihnen getan werden; nur was von jeder Seele gegessen wird, das allein soll von euch bereitet werden. 17 Und so beobachtet das Fest der ungesäuerten Brote; denn an diesem selbigen Tage habe ich eure Heere aus dem Lande Ägypten herausgeführt. Und ihr sollt diesen Tag beobachten bei euren Geschlechtern als ewige Satzung. 18 Im ersten Monat, am 14. Tage des Monats, am Abend, sollt ihr Ungesäuertes essen bis zu dem 21. Tage des Monats, am Abend. 19 Sieben Tage soll kein Sauerteig in euren Häusern gefunden werden; denn jeder, der Gesäuertes isset, selbige Seele soll aus der Gemeinde Israel ausgerottet werden, er sei Fremdling oder Eingeborener des Landes. 20 Nichts Gesäuertes sollt ihr essen; in allen euren Wohnungen sollt ihr Ungesäuertes essen.
ELB1905(i) 3 Redet zu der ganzen Gemeinde Israel und sprechet: Am Zehnten dieses Monats, da nehme sich ein jeder ein Lamm für ein Eig. ein junges Schaf, od. eine junge Ziege Vaterhaus, ein Lamm für ein Haus. 4 Und wenn das Haus nicht zahlreich genug ist für ein Lamm, so nehme er es und sein Nachbar, der nächste an seinem Hause, nach der Zahl der Seelen; einen jeden sollt ihr nach dem Maße seines Essens rechnen auf das Lamm. 5 Ein Lamm ohne Fehl Eig. vollkommen, vollständig sollt ihr haben, ein männliches, einjährig; von den Schafen oder von den Ziegen sollt ihr es nehmen. 6 Und ihr sollt es in Verwahrung haben bis auf den vierzehnten Tag dieses Monats; und die ganze Versammlung der Gemeinde Israel soll es schlachten zwischen den zwei Abenden. Wahrscheinlich die Zeit zwischen dem Sonnenuntergang und der Nacht. Vergl. [5.Mose 16,6] 7 Und sie sollen von dem Blute nehmen und es an die beiden Pfosten und an die Oberschwelle tun, an den Häusern, in welchen sie es essen. 8 Und sie sollen in selbiger Nacht das Fleisch essen, gebraten am Feuer, und ungesäuertes Brot; mit bitteren Kräutern sollen sie es essen. 9 Ihr sollt nichts roh davon essen und keineswegs im Wasser gesotten, sondern am Feuer gebraten: seinen Kopf samt seinen Schenkeln und samt seinem Eingeweide. 10 Und ihr sollt nichts davon übriglassen bis an den Morgen; und was davon bis an den Morgen übrigbleibt, sollt ihr mit Feuer verbrennen. 11 Und also sollt ihr es essen: Eure Lenden gegürtet, eure Schuhe an euren Füßen und euren Stab in eurer Hand; und ihr sollt es essen in Eile. Es ist das Passah Vorübergehen; vergl. [V. 13] Jahwes. 12 Und ich werde in dieser Nacht durch das Land Ägypten gehen und alle Erstgeburt im Lande Ägypten schlagen vom Menschen bis zum Vieh, und ich werde Gericht üben an allen Göttern Ägyptens, ich, Jahwe. 13 Und das Blut soll euch zum Zeichen sein an den Häusern, worin ihr seid; und sehe ich das Blut, so werde ich an euch vorübergehen; und es wird keine Plage zum Verderben unter euch sein, wenn ich das Land Ägypten schlage. 14 Und dieser Tag soll euch zum Gedächtnis sein, und ihr sollt ihn feiern als Fest dem Jahwe; als ewige Satzung bei euren Geschlechtern W. nach euren Geschlechtern, dh. so viele ihrer sein werden sollt ihr ihn feiern. 15 Sieben Tage sollt ihr Ungesäuertes essen; ja, am ersten Tage sollt ihr den Sauerteig aus euren Häusern wegtun; denn jeder, der Gesäuertes isset, von dem ersten Tage bis zu dem siebten Tage, selbige Seele soll ausgerottet werden aus Israel. 16 Und am ersten Tage soll euch eine heilige Versammlung Eig. Berufung, Zusammenberufung; so auch nachher und am siebten Tage eine heilige Versammlung sein; keinerlei Arbeit soll an ihnen getan werden; nur was von jeder Seele gegessen wird, das allein soll von euch bereitet werden. 17 Und so beobachtet das Fest der ungesäuerten Brote; W. beobachtet die ungesäuerten Brote od. Kuchen denn an diesem selbigen Tage habe ich eure Heere aus dem Lande Ägypten herausgeführt. Und ihr sollt diesen Tag beobachten bei euren Geschlechtern als ewige Satzung. 18 Im ersten Monat, am vierzehnten Tage des Monats, am Abend, sollt ihr Ungesäuertes essen bis zu dem einundzwanzigsten Tage des Monats, am Abend. 19 Sieben Tage soll kein Sauerteig in euren Häusern gefunden werden; denn jeder, der Gesäuertes isset, selbige Seele soll aus der Gemeinde Israel ausgerottet werden, er sei Fremdling oder Eingeborener des Landes. 20 Nichts Gesäuertes sollt ihr essen; in allen euren Wohnungen sollt ihr Ungesäuertes essen.
  3 H1696 Redet H5712 zu der ganzen Gemeinde H3478 Israel H559 und H6218 sprechet: Am Zehnten H2320 dieses Monats H3947 , da nehme H376 sich ein H7716 jeder ein Lamm H1004 für H1 ein Vaterhaus H7716 , ein Lamm H1004 für ein Haus .
  4 H1004 Und wenn das Haus H3947 nicht zahlreich genug ist H376 für ein H7716 Lamm H1961 , so nehme er es und sein H7934 Nachbar H1004 , der nächste an seinem Hause H6310 , nach H5315 der Zahl der Seelen H7716 ; einen jeden sollt ihr nach dem Maße seines Essens rechnen auf das Lamm .
  5 H7716 Ein Lamm H8549 ohne Fehl H3532 sollt ihr haben, ein männliches, einjährig; von den Schafen H5795 oder von den Ziegen H3947 sollt ihr es nehmen .
  6 H3605 Und H6240 ihr sollt es in Verwahrung haben bis auf den vierzehnten H3117 Tag H2320 dieses Monats H6951 ; und die ganze Versammlung H5712 der Gemeinde H3478 Israel H7819 soll es schlachten H996 zwischen den zwei Abenden.
  7 H3947 Und sie sollen von dem Blute nehmen H8147 und es an die beiden H4201 Pfosten H4947 und an die Oberschwelle H5414 tun H1004 , an den Häusern H398 , in welchen sie es essen .
  8 H3915 Und sie sollen in selbiger Nacht H1320 das Fleisch H398 essen H6748 , gebraten H784 am Feuer H4682 , und ungesäuertes Brot H4844 ; mit bitteren H398 Kräutern sollen sie es essen .
  9 H4995 Ihr sollt nichts roh H398 davon essen H7130 und keineswegs im H4325 Wasser H1310 gesotten H784 , sondern am Feuer H6748 gebraten H7218 : seinen Kopf H3767 samt seinen Schenkeln und samt seinem Eingeweide.
  10 H3498 Und ihr sollt nichts davon übriglassen H1242 bis an den Morgen H1242 ; und was davon bis an den Morgen H3498 übrigbleibt H784 , sollt ihr mit Feuer H8313 verbrennen .
  11 H3602 Und also H398 sollt ihr es essen H4975 : Eure Lenden H5275 gegürtet, eure Schuhe H7272 an euren Füßen H4731 und euren Stab H3027 in eurer Hand H398 ; und ihr sollt es essen H2649 in Eile H6453 . Es ist das Passah H3068 Jehovas .
  12 H6213 Und H3915 ich werde in dieser Nacht H776 durch das Land H4714 Ägypten H5674 gehen H1060 und alle Erstgeburt H776 im Lande H4714 Ägypten H5221 schlagen H120 vom Menschen H929 bis zum Vieh H8201 , und ich werde Gericht H430 üben an allen Göttern H4714 Ägyptens H3068 , ich, Jehova .
  13 H1818 Und das Blut H226 soll euch zum Zeichen H1004 sein an den Häusern H7200 , worin ihr seid; und sehe H1818 ich das Blut H6452 , so werde ich an euch vorübergehen H5063 ; und es wird keine Plage H4889 zum Verderben H776 unter euch sein, wenn ich das Land H4714 Ägypten H5221 schlage .
  14 H3117 Und dieser Tag H2146 soll euch zum Gedächtnis H2287 sein, und ihr sollt ihn feiern H2282 als Fest H3068 dem Jehova H5769 ; als ewige H2708 Satzung H1755 bei euren Geschlechtern H2287 sollt ihr ihn feiern .
  15 H7651 Sieben H3117 Tage H4682 sollt ihr Ungesäuertes H398 essen H7223 ; ja, am ersten H3117 Tage H7603 sollt ihr den Sauerteig H1004 aus euren Häusern H2557 wegtun; denn jeder, der Gesäuertes H7223 isset, von dem ersten H3117 Tage H3117 bis zu dem siebten Tage H5315 , selbige Seele H3772 soll ausgerottet werden H3478 aus Israel .
  16 H7223 Und am ersten H3117 Tage H6944 soll euch eine heilige H3117 Versammlung und am siebten Tage H6944 eine heilige H4399 Versammlung sein; keinerlei Arbeit H6213 soll an ihnen getan H389 werden; nur H5315 was von jeder Seele H398 gegessen H6213 wird, das allein soll von euch bereitet werden.
  17 H4682 Und so beobachtet das Fest der ungesäuerten H6106 Brote; denn an diesem H3117 selbigen Tage H3318 habe ich eure Heere aus H776 dem Lande H4714 Ägypten H8104 herausgeführt. Und ihr H8104 sollt H3117 diesen Tag H1755 beobachten bei euren Geschlechtern H5769 als ewige H2708 Satzung .
  18 H7223 Im ersten H2320 Monat H702 , am vierzehnten H3117 Tage H2320 des Monats H6153 , am Abend H4682 , sollt ihr Ungesäuertes H398 essen H259 -H6242 -H3117 bis zu dem einundzwanzigsten H6153 Tage des Monats, am Abend .
  19 H7651 Sieben H3117 Tage H7603 soll kein Sauerteig H1004 in euren Häusern H4672 gefunden H3772 werden H2556 ; denn jeder, der Gesäuertes H5315 isset, selbige Seele H5712 soll aus der Gemeinde H3478 Israel H1616 ausgerottet werden, er sei Fremdling H776 oder Eingeborener des Landes .
  20 H2556 Nichts Gesäuertes H398 sollt ihr essen H4186 ; in allen euren Wohnungen H4682 sollt ihr Ungesäuertes H398 essen .
DSV(i) 3 Spreekt tot de ganse vergadering van Israël, zeggende: Aan den tienden dezer maand neme een iegelijk een lam, naar de huizen der vaderen, een lam voor een huis. 4 Maar indien een huis te klein is voor een lam, zo neme hij het en zijn nabuur, de naaste aan zijn huis, naar het getal der zielen, een iegelijk naar dat hij eten kan; gij zult rekening maken naar het lam. 5 Gij zult een volkomen lam hebben, een manneken, een jaar oud; van de schapen of van de geitenbokken zult gij het nemen. 6 En gij zult het in bewaring hebben tot den veertienden dag dezer maand; en de ganse gemeente der vergadering van Israël zal het slachten tussen twee avonden. 7 En zij zullen van het bloed nemen, en strijken het aan de beide zijposten, en aan den bovendorpel, aan de huizen, in welke zij het eten zullen. 8 En zij zullen het vlees eten in denzelfden nacht, aan het vuur gebraden, met ongezuurde broden; zij zullen het met bittere saus eten. 9 Gij zult daarvan niet rauw eten, ook geenszins in water gezoden; maar aan het vuur gebraden, zijn hoofd met zijn schenkelen en met zijn ingewand. 10 Gij zult daarvan ook niet laten overblijven tot den morgen; maar hetgeen daarvan overblijft tot den morgen, zult gij met vuur verbranden. 11 Aldus nu zult gij het eten: uw lenden zullen opgeschort zijn, uw schoenen aan uw voeten, en uw staf in uw hand; en gij zult het met haast eten; het is des HEEREN pascha. 12 Want Ik zal in dezen nacht door Egypteland gaan, en alle eerstgeborenen in Egypteland slaan, van de mensen af tot de beesten toe; en Ik zal gerichten oefenen aan al de goden der Egyptenaren, Ik, de HEERE! 13 En dat bloed zal ulieden tot een teken zijn aan de huizen, waarin gij zijt; wanneer Ik het bloed zie, zal Ik ulieden voorbijgaan; en er zal geen plaag onder ulieden ten verderve zijn, wanneer Ik Egypteland slaan zal. 14 En deze dag zal ulieden wezen ter gedachtenis, en gij zult hem den HEERE tot een feest vieren; gij zult hem vieren onder uw geslachten tot een eeuwige inzetting. 15 Zeven dagen zult gijlieden ongezuurde broden eten; maar aan den eersten dag zult gij het zuurdeeg wegdoen uit uw huizen; want wie het gedesemde eet, van den eersten dag af tot op den zevenden dag, diezelve ziel zal uitgeroeid worden uit Israël. 16 En op den eersten dag zal er een heilige verzameling zijn; ook zult gij een heilige verzameling hebben op den zevenden dag; er zal geen werk op denzelven gedaan worden; maar wat van iedere ziel gegeten zal worden, datzelve alleen mag van ulieden toegemaakt worden. 17 Zo onderhoudt dan de ongezuurde broden, dewijl Ik even aan denzelfden dag ulieder heiren uit Egypteland geleid zal hebben; daarom zult gij dezen dag houden, onder uw geslachten, tot een eeuwige inzetting. 18 In de eerste maand, aan den veertienden dag der maand, in den avond, zult gij ongezuurde broden eten, tot den een en twintigsten dag der maand, in den avond. 19 Dat er zeven dagen lang geen zuurdesem in uw huizen gevonden worde, want al wie het gedesemde eten zal, dezelve ziel zal uit de vergadering van Israël uitgeroeid worden, hij zij een vreemdeling of een ingeborene des lands. 20 Gij zult niets eten, dat gedesemd is; in al uw woningen zult gij ongezuurde broden eten.
  3 H1696 H8761 Spreekt H5712 tot de ganse vergadering H3478 van Israel H559 H8800 , zeggende H6218 : Aan den tienden H2320 dezer maand H3947 H8799 neme H376 een iegelijk H7716 een lam H1004 , naar de huizen H1 der vaderen H7716 , een lam H1004 voor een huis.
  4 H1004 Maar indien een huis H4591 H8799 te klein H1961 H8800 is H7716 voor een lam H3947 H8804 , zo neme hij H7934 het en zijn nabuur H7138 , de naaste H1004 aan zijn huis H4373 , naar het getal H5315 der zielen H376 , een iegelijk H6310 naar dat H400 hij eten H3699 H8799 kan; gij zult rekening maken H7716 naar het lam.
  5 H8549 Gij zult een volkomen H7716 lam H2145 hebben, een manneken H8141 , een jaar H1121 oud H3532 ; van de schapen H5795 of van de geitenbokken H3947 H8799 zult gij het nemen.
  6 H4931 En gij zult het in bewaring hebben H702 H6240 tot den veertienden H3117 dag H2320 dezer maand H3605 ; en de ganse H6951 gemeente H5712 der vergadering H3478 van Israel H7819 H8804 zal het slachten H996 tussen H6153 twee avonden.
  7 H1818 En zij zullen van het bloed H3947 H8804 nemen H5414 H8804 , en strijken H8147 het aan de beide H4201 zijposten H4947 , en aan den bovendorpel H1004 , aan de huizen H398 H8799 , in welke zij het eten zullen.
  8 H1320 En zij zullen het vlees H398 H8804 eten H3915 in denzelfden nacht H784 , aan het vuur H6748 gebraden H4682 , met ongezuurde broden H4844 ; zij zullen het met bittere H398 H8799 saus eten.
  9 H4995 Gij zult daarvan niet rauw H398 H8799 eten H4325 , ook geenszins in water H1310 H8794 H1311 gezoden H784 ; maar aan het vuur H6748 gebraden H7218 , zijn hoofd H3767 met zijn schenkelen H7130 en met zijn ingewand.
  10 H3498 H8686 Gij zult daarvan ook niet laten overblijven H1242 tot den morgen H3498 H8737 ; maar hetgeen daarvan overblijft H1242 tot den morgen H784 , zult gij met vuur H8313 H8799 verbranden.
  11 H3602 Aldus H398 H8799 nu zult gij het eten H4975 : uw lenden H2296 H8803 zullen opgeschort zijn H5275 , uw schoenen H7272 aan uw voeten H4731 , en uw staf H3027 in uw hand H2649 ; en gij zult het met haast H398 H8804 eten H3068 ; het is des HEEREN H6453 pascha.
  12 H3915 Want Ik zal in dezen nacht H776 H4714 door Egypteland H5674 H8804 gaan H1060 , en alle eerstgeborenen H776 H4714 in Egypteland H5221 H8689 slaan H120 , van de mensen H929 af tot de beesten H8201 toe; en Ik zal gerichten H6213 H8799 oefenen H430 aan al de goden H4714 der Egyptenaren H3068 , Ik, de HEERE!
  13 H1818 En dat bloed H226 zal ulieden tot een teken H1004 zijn aan de huizen H1818 , waarin gij zijt; wanneer Ik het bloed H7200 H8804 zie H6452 H8804 , zal Ik ulieden voorbijgaan H5063 ; en er zal geen plaag H4889 onder ulieden ten verderve H776 H4714 zijn, wanneer Ik Egypteland H5221 H8687 slaan zal.
  14 H3117 En deze dag H2146 zal ulieden wezen ter gedachtenis H3068 , en gij zult hem den HEERE H2282 tot een feest H2287 H8804 vieren H2287 H8799 ; gij zult hem vieren H1755 onder uw geslachten H5769 tot een eeuwige H2708 inzetting.
  15 H7651 Zeven H3117 dagen H4682 zult gijlieden ongezuurde broden H398 H8799 eten H389 ; maar H7223 aan den eersten H3117 dag H7603 zult gij het zuurdeeg H7673 H8686 wegdoen H1004 uit uw huizen H2557 ; want wie het gedesemde H398 H8802 eet H7223 , van den eersten H3117 dag H7637 af tot op den zevenden H3117 dag H5315 , diezelve ziel H3772 H8738 zal uitgeroeid worden H3478 uit Israel.
  16 H7223 En op den eersten H3117 dag H6944 zal er een heilige H4744 verzameling H6944 zijn; ook zult gij een heilige H4744 verzameling H7637 hebben op den zevenden H3117 dag H4399 ; er zal geen werk H6213 H8735 op denzelven gedaan worden H389 ; maar H5315 wat van iedere ziel H398 H8735 gegeten zal worden H6213 H8735 , datzelve alleen mag van ulieden toegemaakt worden.
  17 H8104 H8804 Zo onderhoudt H4682 dan de ongezuurde broden H6106 , dewijl Ik even aan denzelfden H3117 dag H6635 ulieder heiren H776 H4714 uit Egypteland H3318 H8689 geleid zal hebben H3117 ; daarom zult gij dezen dag H8104 H8804 houden H1755 , onder uw geslachten H5769 , tot een eeuwige H2708 inzetting.
  18 H7223 In de eerste H6240 H702 [maand], aan den veertienden H3117 dag H2320 der maand H6153 , in den avond H4682 , zult gij ongezuurde broden H398 H8799 eten H259 , tot den een H6242 en twintigsten H3117 dag H2320 der maand H6153 , in den avond.
  19 H7651 Dat er zeven H3117 dagen H7603 lang geen zuurdesem H1004 in uw huizen H4672 H8735 gevonden worde H2556 H8688 , want al wie het gedesemde H398 H8802 eten zal H5315 , dezelve ziel H5712 zal uit de vergadering H3478 van Israel H3772 H8738 uitgeroeid worden H1616 , hij zij een vreemdeling H249 of een ingeborene H776 des lands.
  20 H398 H8799 Gij zult niets eten H2556 H8688 , dat gedesemd is H4186 ; in al uw woningen H4682 zult gij ongezuurde broden H398 H8799 eten.
Giguet(i) 3 Parle à toute la synagogue des fils d’Israël, disant: Que le dixième jour de cette lune chacun de vous prenne une tête de son bétail dans sa maison paternelle; chacun une victime par maison. 4 Que ceux qui sont en leurs maisons trop peu nombreux pour consommer une victime, s’associent à leurs plus proches voisins, selon le nombre des âmes, afin de compléter le nombre nécessaire. 5 La victime sera sans tache, mâle et d’un an; vous la prendrez parmi les agneaux et les chevreaux. 6 Vous la garderez jusqu’au quatorzième jour de la lune, et sur le soir, chez tout le peuple des fils d’Israël, on l’égorgera. 7 Chacun prendra de son sang, et en mettra sur les deux montants de la porte et sur le seuil de la maison en laquelle il l’aura mangée. 8 Cette nuit-là on mangera les chairs rôties au feu; l’on mangera aussi des azymes avec des laitues amères. 9 Vous ne mangerez les chairs ni crues ni bouillies dans l’eau, mais seulement rôties au feu; vous mangerez la tête, les pieds et les viscères. 10 Que rien n’en reste au matin; vous ne broierez pas non plus les os; et ce qui resterait au matin, vous le consumerez par le feu. 11 Vous mangerez ainsi: les reins ceints, les sandales aux pieds, le bâton à la main, et vous mangerez à la hâte: c’est la pâque du Seigneur. 12 En cette nuit-là, je traverserai toute l’Égypte, je frapperai tout premier-né en la terre d’Égypte, depuis les hommes jusqu’aux bestiaux, et j’exercerai ma justice sur tous les dieux des Égyptiens, moi le Seigneur. 13 Alors, le sang sera pour vous un signe sur les maisons où vous demeurez; je verrai ce sang, et je vous sauverai, et il n’y aura point parmi vous de plaie qui broie, lorsque je frapperai la terre d’Égypte. 14 Ce jour-là vous sera en souvenir, et vous le fêterez comme la fête du Seigneur en toutes vos générations; vous le fêterez, c’est une loi éternelle. 15 Pendant sept jours vous mangerez des azymes, et à partir du premier, vous ferez disparaÎtre le levain de vos demeures, quiconque mangera du levain, du premier au septième jour, cette âme sera retranchée d’Israël. 16 Et le premier jour sera appelé saint, le septième jour aussi sera appelé saint par vous; vous ne ferez en ces deux jours aucune œuvre servile; vous ne ferez rien que ce qui se fait pour toute âme. 17 Et vous observerez ce précepte; car, en ce jour-là, je conduirai toute votre armée hors de Ia terre d’Égypte, et vous consacrerez ce jour-là, en toutes vos générations c’est une loi éternelle. 18 À partir du soir du quatorzième jour de la première lune, vous mangerez des azymes jusqu’au soir du vingt-unième jour de la lune. 19 Pendant sept jours qu’il ne se trouve pas de levain en vos demeures; quiconque mangera du pain levé, qu’il soit né dans le peuple ou étranger, cette âme sera retranchée du peuple d’Israël. 20 Vous ne mangerez pas de pain levé; dans toutes vos demeures, vous mangerez des azymes.
DarbyFR(i) 3 Parlez à toute l'assemblée d'Israël, disant: Au dixième jour de ce mois, vous prendrez chacun un agneau par maison de père, un agneau par maison. 4 Et si la maison est trop peu nombreuse pour un agneau, que lui et son voisin le plus rapproché de sa maison, le prennent, selon le nombre des âmes; vous compterez pour l'agneau d'après ce que chacun peut manger. 5 Vous aurez un agneau sans défaut, mâle, âgé d'un an; vous le prendrez d'entre les moutons ou d'entre les chèvres; 6 et vous le tiendrez en garde jusqu'au quatorzième jour de ce mois; et toute la congrégation de l'assemblée d'Israël égorgera entre les deux soirs. 7 Et ils prendront de son sang, et en mettront sur les deux poteaux et sur le linteau de la porte, aux maisons dans lesquelles ils le mangeront; 8 et ils en mangeront la chair cette nuit-là; ils la mangeront rôtie au feu avec des pains sans levain, et des herbes amères. 9 Vous n'en mangerez pas qui soit à demi cuit ou qui ait été cuit dans l'eau, mais rôti au feu: la tête, et les jambes, et l'intérieur. 10 Et vous n'en laisserez rien de reste jusqu'au matin; et ce qui en resterait jusqu'au matin, vous le brûlerez au feu. 11 Et vous le mangerez ainsi: vos reins ceints, vos sandales à vos pieds, et votre bâton en votre main; et vous le mangerez à la hâte. C'est la pâque de l'Éternel. 12 Et je passerai par le pays d'Égypte cette nuit-là, et je frapperai tout premier-né dans le pays d'Égypte, depuis l'homme jusqu'aux bêtes, et j'exercerai des jugements sur tous les dieux de l'Égypte. 13 Je suis l'Éternel. Et le sang vous sera pour signe sur les maisons où vous serez; et je verrai le sang, et je passerai par-dessus vous, et il n'y aura point de plaie à destruction au milieu de vous, quand je frapperai le pays d'Égypte. 14 Et ce jour-là vous sera en mémorial, et vous le célébrerez comme une fête à l'Éternel; vous le célébrerez en vos générations comme un statut perpétuel. 15 Pendant sept jours vous mangerez des pains sans levain: dès le premier jour, vous ôterez le levain de vos maisons; car quiconque mangera du pain levé, du premier jour au septième jour, cette âme-là sera retranchée d'Israël. 16 Et le premier jour vous aurez une sainte convocation, et le septième jour une sainte convocation; il ne se fera aucune oeuvre en ces jours-là; seulement ce que chacun mangera, cela seul se fera par vous. 17 Et vous garderez la fête des pains sans levain, car en ce même jour j'ai fait sortir vos armées du pays d'Égypte; et vous garderez ce jour-là en vos générations, comme un statut perpétuel. 18 Le premier mois, le quatorzième jour du mois, au soir, vous mangerez des pains sans levain, jusqu'au vingt et unième jour du mois, au soir. 19 Pendant sept jours il ne se trouvera point de levain dans vos maisons; car quiconque mangera de ce qui est levé, cette âme-là sera retranchée de l'assemblée d'Israël, étranger ou Israélite de naissance. 20 Vous ne mangerez rien de levé; dans toutes vos habitations vous mangerez des pains sans levain.
Martin(i) 3 Parlez à toute l'assemblée d'Israël, en disant : qu'au dixième jour de ce mois, chacun d'eux prenne un petit d'entre les brebis ou d'entre les chèvres, selon les familles des pères, un petit, dis-je, d'entre les brebis ou d'entre les chèvres, par famille. 4 Mais si la famille est moindre qu'il ne faut pour manger un petit d'entre les brebis ou d'entre les chèvres, qu'il prenne son voisin qui est près de sa maison, selon le nombre des personnes; vous compterez combien il en faudra pour manger un petit d'entre les brebis ou d'entre les chèvres, ayant égard à ce que chacun de vous peut manger. 5 Or le petit d'entre les brebis ou d'entre les chèvres sera sans tare, et sera un mâle, ayant un an; vous le prendrez d'entre les brebis, ou d'entre les chèvres. 6 Et vous le tiendrez en garde jusqu'au quatorzième jour de ce mois, et toute la congrégation de l'assemblée d'Israël l'égorgera entre les deux vêpres. 7 Et ils prendront de son sang, et le mettront sur les deux poteaux, et sur le linteau de la porte des maisons où ils le mangeront. 8 Et ils en mangeront la chair rôtie au feu cette nuit-là; et ils la mangeront avec des pains sans levain, et avec des herbes amères. 9 N'en mangez rien à demi cuit, ni qui ait été bouilli dans l'eau, mais qu'il soit rôti au feu, sa tête, ses jambes, et ses entrailles. 10 Et n'en laissez rien de reste jusques au matin, mais s'il en reste quelque chose jusqu'au matin, vous le brûlerez au feu. 11 Et vous le mangerez ainsi; vos reins seront ceints, vous aurez vos souliers en vos pieds, et votre bâton en votre main, et vous le mangerez à la hâte. C'est la Pâque de l'Eternel. 12 Car je passerai cette nuit-là par le pays d'Egypte, et je frapperai tout premier-né au pays d'Egypte, depuis les hommes jusques aux bêtes, et j'exercerai des jugements, sur tous les dieux de l'Egypte; je suis l'Eternel. 13 Et le sang vous sera pour signe sur les maisons dans lesquelles vous serez, car je verrai le sang, et je passerai par-dessus vous, et il n'y aura point de plaie à destruction parmi vous, quand je frapperai le pays d'Egypte. 14 Et ce jour-là vous sera en mémorial, et vous le célébrerez comme une fête solennelle à l'Eternel en vos âges; vous le célébrerez comme une fête solennelle, par ordonnance perpétuelle. 15 Vous mangerez pendant sept jours des pains sans levain, et dès le premier jour vous ôterez le levain de vos maisons; car quiconque mangera du pain levé, depuis le premier jour jusques au septième, cette personne-là sera retranchée d'Israël. 16 Au premier jour il y aura une sainte convocation, et il y aura de même au septième jour une sainte convocation; il ne se fera aucune oeuvre en ces jours-là; seulement on vous apprêtera à manger ce qu'il faudra pour chaque personne. 17 Vous prendrez donc garde aux pains sans levain; parce qu'en ce même jour j'aurai retiré vos bandes du pays d'Egypte; vous observerez donc ce jour-là en vos âges, par ordonnance perpétuelle. 18 Au premier mois, le quatorzième jour du mois au soir, vous mangerez des pains sans levain, jusqu'au vingt-unième jour du mois, au soir. 19 Il ne se trouvera point de levain dans vos maisons pendant sept jours; car quiconque mangera du pain levé, cette personne-là sera retranchée de rassemblée d'Israël, tant celui qui habite comme étranger, que celui qui est né au pays. 20 Vous ne mangerez point de pain levé; mais vous mangerez dans tous les lieux où vous demeurerez, des pains sans levain.
Segond(i) 3 Parlez à toute l'assemblée d'Israël, et dites: Le dixième jour de ce mois, on prendra un agneau pour chaque famille, un agneau pour chaque maison. 4 Si la maison est trop peu nombreuse pour un agneau, on le prendra avec son plus proche voisin, selon le nombre des personnes; vous compterez pour cet agneau d'après ce que chacun peut manger. 5 Ce sera un agneau sans défaut, mâle, âgé d'un an; vous pourrez prendre un agneau ou un chevreau. 6 Vous le garderez jusqu'au quatorzième jour de ce mois; et toute l'assemblée d'Israël l'immolera entre les deux soirs. 7 On prendra de son sang, et on en mettra sur les deux poteaux et sur le linteau de la porte des maisons où on le mangera. 8 Cette même nuit, on en mangera la chair, rôtie au feu; on la mangera avec des pains sans levain et des herbes amères. 9 Vous ne le mangerez point à demi cuit et bouilli dans l'eau; mais il sera rôti au feu, avec la tête, les jambes et l'intérieur. 10 Vous n'en laisserez rien jusqu'au matin; et, s'il en reste quelque chose le matin, vous le brûlerez au feu. 11 Quand vous le mangerez, vous aurez vos reins ceints, vos souliers aux pieds, et votre bâton à la main; et vous le mangerez à la hâte. C'est la Pâque de l'Eternel. 12 Cette nuit-là, je passerai dans le pays d'Egypte, et je frapperai tous les premiers-nés du pays d'Egypte, depuis les hommes jusqu'aux animaux, et j'exercerai des jugements contre tous les dieux de l'Egypte. Je suis l'Eternel. 13 Le sang vous servira de signe sur les maisons où vous serez; je verrai le sang, et je passerai par-dessus vous, et il n'y aura point de plaie qui vous détruise, quand je frapperai le pays d'Egypte. 14 Vous conserverez le souvenir de ce jour, et vous le célébrerez par une fête en l'honneur de l'Eternel; vous le célébrerez comme une loi perpétuelle pour vos descendants. 15 Pendant sept jours, vous mangerez des pains sans levain. Dès le premier jour, il n'y aura plus de levain dans vos maisons; car toute personne qui mangera du pain levé, du premier jour au septième jour, sera retranchée d'Israël. 16 Le premier jour, vous aurez une sainte convocation; et le septième jour, vous aurez une sainte convocation. On ne fera aucun travail ces jours-là; vous pourrez seulement préparer la nourriture de chaque personne. 17 Vous observerez la fête des pains sans levain, car c'est en ce jour même que j'aurai fait sortir vos armées du pays d'Egypte; vous observerez ce jour comme une loi perpétuelle pour vos descendants. 18 Le premier mois, le quatorzième jour du mois, au soir, vous mangerez des pains sans levain jusqu'au soir du vingt et unième jour. 19 Pendant sept jours, il ne se trouvera point de levain dans vos maisons; car toute personne qui mangera du pain levé sera retranchée de l'assemblée d'Israël, que ce soit un étranger ou un indigène. 20 Vous ne mangerez point de pain levé; dans toutes vos demeures, vous mangerez des pains sans levain.
  3 H1696 Parlez H8761   H5712 à toute l’assemblée H3478 d’Israël H559 , et dites H8800   H6218  : Le dixième H2320 jour de ce mois H376 , on H3947 prendra H8799   H7716 un agneau H1004 pour chaque famille H1   H7716 , un agneau H1004 pour chaque maison.
  4 H1004 Si la maison H1961 est H8800   H4591 trop peu nombreuse H8799   H7716 pour un agneau H3947 , on le prendra H8804   H7138 avec son plus proche H7934 voisin H1004 , H4373 selon le nombre H5315 des personnes H3699  ; vous compterez H8799   H7716 pour cet agneau H6310 d’après H376 ce que chacun H400 peut manger.
  5 H7716 Ce sera un agneau H8549 sans défaut H2145 , mâle H1121 , âgé H8141 d’un an H3947  ; vous pourrez prendre H8799   H3532 un agneau H5795 ou un chevreau.
  6 H4931 Vous le garderez H702 jusqu’au quatorzième H6240   H3117 jour H2320 de ce mois H3605  ; et toute H6951 l’assemblée H5712   H3478 d’Israël H7819 l’immolera H8804   H996 entre H6153 les deux soirs.
  7 H3947 On prendra H8804   H1818 de son sang H5414 , et on en mettra H8804   H8147 sur les deux H4201 poteaux H4947 et sur le linteau H1004 de la porte des maisons H398 où on le mangera H8799  .
  8 H3915 Cette même nuit H398 , on en mangera H8804   H1320 la chair H6748 , rôtie H784 au feu H398  ; on la mangera H8799   H4682 avec des pains sans levain H4844 et des herbes amères.
  9 H398 Vous ne le mangerez H8799   H4995 point à demi cuit H1310 et bouilli H8794   H1311   H4325 dans l’eau H6748  ; mais il sera rôti H784 au feu H7218 , avec la tête H3767 , les jambes H7130 et l’intérieur.
  10 H3498 Vous n’en laisserez H8686   H1242 rien jusqu’au matin H3498  ; et, s’il en reste H8737   H1242 quelque chose le matin H8313 , vous le brûlerez H8799   H784 au feu.
  11 H3602 Quand H398 vous le mangerez H8799   H4975 , vous aurez vos reins H2296 ceints H8803   H5275 , vos souliers H7272 aux pieds H4731 , et votre bâton H3027 à la main H398  ; et vous le mangerez H8804   H2649 à la hâte H6453 . C’est la Pâque H3068 de l’Eternel.
  12 H3915 Cette nuit-là H5674 , je passerai H8804   H776 dans le pays H4714 d’Egypte H5221 , et je frapperai H8689   H1060 tous les premiers-nés H776 du pays H4714 d’Egypte H120 , depuis les hommes H929 jusqu’aux animaux H6213 , et j’exercerai H8799   H8201 des jugements H430 contre tous les dieux H4714 de l’Egypte H3068 . Je suis l’Eternel.
  13 H1818 Le sang H226 vous servira de signe H1004 sur les maisons H7200 où vous serez ; je verrai H8804   H1818 le sang H6452 , et je passerai par-dessus H8804   H5063 vous, et il n’y aura point de plaie H4889 qui vous détruise H5221 , quand je frapperai H8687   H776 le pays H4714 d’Egypte.
  14 H2146 Vous conserverez le souvenir H3117 de ce jour H2287 , et vous le célébrerez H8804   H2282 par une fête H3068 en l’honneur de l’Eternel H2287  ; vous le célébrerez H8799   H2708 comme une loi H5769 perpétuelle H1755 pour vos descendants.
  15 H7651 Pendant sept H3117 jours H398 , vous mangerez H8799   H4682 des pains sans levain H389 . Dès H7223 le premier H3117 jour H7673 , il n’y aura plus H8686   H7603 de levain H1004 dans vos maisons H5315  ; car toute personne H398 qui mangera H8802   H2557 du pain levé H7223 , du premier H3117 jour H7637 au septième H3117 jour H3772 , sera retranchée H8738   H3478 d’Israël.
  16 H7223 Le premier H3117 jour H6944 , vous aurez une sainte H4744 convocation H7637  ; et le septième H3117 jour H6944 , vous aurez une sainte H4744 convocation H6213 . On ne fera H8735   H4399 aucun travail H389 ces jours-là ; vous pourrez seulement H6213 préparer H8735   H398 la nourriture H8735   H5315 de chaque personne.
  17 H8104 Vous observerez H8804   H4682 la fête des pains sans levain H3117 , car c’est en ce jour H6106 même H3318 que j’aurai fait sortir H8689   H6635 vos armées H776 du pays H4714 d’Egypte H8104  ; vous observerez H8804   H3117 ce jour H2708 comme une loi H5769 perpétuelle H1755 pour vos descendants.
  18 H7223 Le premier H6240 mois, le quatorzième H702   H3117 jour H2320 du mois H6153 , au soir H398 , vous mangerez H8799   H4682 des pains sans levain H6153 jusqu’au soir H6242 du vingt H259 et unième H3117 jour H2320  .
  19 H7651 Pendant sept H3117 jours H4672 , il ne se trouvera H8735   H7603 point de levain H1004 dans vos maisons H5315  ; car toute personne H398 qui mangera H8802   H2556 du pain levé H8688   H3772 sera retranchée H8738   H5712 de l’assemblée H3478 d’Israël H1616 , que ce soit un étranger H249 ou un indigène H776  .
  20 H398 Vous ne mangerez H8799   H2556 point de pain levé H8688   H4186  ; dans toutes vos demeures H398 , vous mangerez H8799   H4682 des pains sans levain.
SE(i) 3 Hablad a toda la congregación de Israel, diciendo: En el diez de este mes tómese cada uno un cordero por las familias de los padres, un cordero por familia; 4 mas si la familia fuere pequeña que no alcance a comer el cordero, entonces tomará a su vecino cercano de su casa, y según el número de las personas, cada uno conforme a su comer, echaréis la cuenta sobre el cordero. 5 El cordero será sin defecto, macho de un año; lo tomaréis de las ovejas o de las cabras; 6 y habéis de guardarlo hasta el día catorce de este mes; y lo inmolará toda la asamblea de la congregación del pueblo de Israel entre las dos tardes. 7 Y tomarán de la sangre, y pondrán en los dos postes y en el dintel de las casas en que lo han de comer. 8 Y aquella noche comerán la carne asada al fuego, y panes sin levadura; con hierbas amargas lo comerán. 9 Ninguna cosa comeréis de él cruda, ni cocida en agua, sino asada al fuego; su cabeza con sus pies y sus intestinos. 10 Ninguna cosa dejaréis de él hasta la mañana; y lo que habrá de quedar hasta la mañana, habéis de quemarlo en el fuego. 11 Y así habéis de comerlo: ceñidos vuestros lomos, vuestros zapatos en vuestros pies, y vuestro bordón en vuestra mano; y lo comeréis apresuradamente: ésta es la Pascua del SEÑOR. 12 Pues yo pasaré aquella noche por la tierra de Egipto, y heriré a todo primogénito en la tierra de Egipto, así en los hombres como en las bestias; y haré juicios en todos los dioses de Egipto. Yo soy el SEÑOR. 13 Y esta sangre os será por señal en las casas donde vosotros estéis; y cuando yo viere aquella sangre, pasaré por vosotros, y no habrá en vosotros plaga de mortandad, cuando heriré la tierra de Egipto. 14 Y este día os ha de ser en memoria, y habéis de celebrarlo como fiesta solemne al SEÑOR por vuestras edades; por estatuto perpetuo lo celebraréis. 15 Siete días comeréis panes sin levadura; y así el primer día haréis que no haya levadura en vuestras casas; porque cualquiera que comiere leudado desde el primer día hasta el séptimo, aquella alma será cortada de Israel. 16 El primer día os será santa convocación, y asimismo el séptimo día os será santa convocación; ninguna obra se hará en ellos, solamente lo que toda persona hubiere de comer, esto solamente se aderece para vosotros. 17 Y guardaréis la fiesta de los ázimos, porque en aquel mismo día saqué vuestros ejércitos de la tierra de Egipto; por tanto guardaréis este día por vuestras edades por costumbre perpetua. 18 En el mes primero, el día catorce del mes por la tarde, comeréis los panes sin levadura, hasta el veintiuno del mes por la tarde. 19 Por siete días no se hallará levadura en vuestras casas, porque cualquiera que comiere leudado, así extranjero como natural de la tierra, aquella alma será cortada de la congregación de Israel. 20 Ninguna cosa leudada comeréis; en todas vuestras habitaciones comeréis panes sin levadura.
ReinaValera(i) 3 Hablad á toda la congregación de Israel, diciendo: En el diez de aqueste mes tómese cada uno un cordero por las familias de los padres, un cordero por familia: 4 Mas si la familia fuere pequeña que no baste á comer el cordero, entonces tomará á su vecino inmediato á su casa, y según el número de las personas, cada uno conforme á su comer, echaréis la cuenta sobre el cordero. 5 El cordero será sin defecto, macho de un año: tomaréislo de las ovejas ó de las cabras: 6 Y habéis de guardarlo hasta el día catorce de este mes; y lo inmolará toda la congregación del pueblo de Israel entre las dos tardes. 7 Y tomarán de la sangre, y pondrán en los dos postes y en el dintel de las casas en que lo han de comer. 8 Y aquella noche comerán la carne asada al fuego, y panes sin levadura: con hierbas amargas lo comerán. 9 Ninguna cosa comeréis de él cruda, ni cocida en agua, sino asada al fuego; su cabeza con sus pies y sus intestinos. 10 Ninguna cosa dejaréis de él hasta la mañana; y lo que habrá quedado hasta la mañana, habéis de quemarlo en el fuego. 11 Y así habéis de comerlo: ceñidos vuestros lomos, vuestros zapatos en vuestros pies, y vuestro bordón en vuestra mano; y lo comeréis apresuradamente: es la Pascua de Jehová. 12 Pues yo pasaré aquella noche por la tierra de Egipto, y heriré á todo primogénito en la tierra de Egipto, así en los hombres como en las bestias: y haré juicios en todos los dioses de Egipto. YO JEHOVA. 13 Y la sangre os será por señal en las casas donde vosotros estéis; y veré la sangre, y pasaré de vosotros, y no habrá en vosotros plaga de mortandad, cuando heriré la tierra de Egipto. 14 Y este día os ha de ser en memoria, y habéis de celebrarlo como solemne á Jehová durante vuestras generaciones: por estatuto perpetuo lo celebraréis. 15 Siete días comeréis panes sin levadura; y así el primer día haréis que no haya levadura en vuestras casas: porque cualquiera que comiere leudado desde el primer día hasta el séptimo, aquella alma será cortada de Israel. 16 El primer día habrá santa convocación, y asimismo en el séptimo día tendréis una santa convocación: ninguna obra se hará en ellos, excepto solamente que aderecéis lo que cada cual hubiere de comer. 17 Y guardaréis la fiesta de los ázimos, porque en aqueste mismo día saqué vuestros ejércitos de la tierra de Egipto: por tanto guardaréis este día en vuestras generaciones por costumbre perpetua. 18 En el mes primero, el día catorce del mes por la tarde, comeréis los panes sin levadura, hasta el veintiuno del mes por la tarde. 19 Por siete días no se hallará levadura en vuestras casas, porque cualquiera que comiere leudado, así extranjero como natural del país, aquella alma será cortada de la congregación de Israel. 20 Ninguna cosa leudada comeréis; en todas vuestras habitaciones comeréis panes sin levadura.
JBS(i) 3 Hablad a toda la congregación de Israel, diciendo: En el día diez de este mes tómese cada uno un cordero por las familias de los padres, un cordero por familia; 4 mas si la familia fuere pequeña que no alcance a comer el cordero, entonces tomará a su vecino cercano de su casa, y según el número de las personas, cada uno conforme a su comer, echaréis la cuenta sobre el cordero. 5 El cordero será sin defecto, macho de un año; lo tomaréis de las ovejas o de las cabras; 6 y habéis de guardarlo hasta el día catorce de este mes; y lo inmolará toda la asamblea de la congregación del pueblo de Israel entre las dos tardes. 7 Y tomarán de la sangre, y pondrán en los dos postes y en el dintel de las casas en que lo han de comer. 8 Y aquella noche comerán la carne asada al fuego, y panes sin levadura; con hierbas amargas lo comerán. 9 Ninguna cosa comeréis de él cruda, ni cocida en agua, sino asada al fuego; su cabeza con sus pies y sus intestinos. 10 Ninguna cosa dejaréis de él hasta la mañana; y lo que quedare hasta la mañana, habéis de quemarlo en el fuego. 11 Y así habéis de comerlo: ceñidos vuestros lomos, vuestros zapatos en vuestros pies, y vuestro bordón en vuestra mano; y lo comeréis apresuradamente: ésta es la Pascua del SEÑOR. 12 Pues yo pasaré aquella noche por la tierra de Egipto, y heriré a todo primogénito en la tierra de Egipto, así en los hombres como en las bestias; y haré juicios en todos los dioses de Egipto. Yo soy el SEÑOR. 13 Y esta sangre os será por señal en las casas donde vosotros estéis; y cuando yo viere aquella sangre, pasaré por vosotros, y no habrá en vosotros plaga de mortandad, cuando hiera la tierra de Egipto. 14 Y este día os ha de ser en memoria, y habéis de celebrarlo como fiesta al SEÑOR por vuestras generaciones; por estatuto perpetuo lo celebraréis. 15 Siete días comeréis panes sin levadura; y así el primer día haréis que no haya levadura en vuestras casas; porque cualquiera que comiere leudado desde el primer día hasta el séptimo, aquella alma será cortada de Israel. 16 El primer día os será santa convocación, y asimismo el séptimo día os será santa convocación; ninguna obra se hará en ellos, solamente lo que toda persona hubiere de comer, esto solamente se aderece para vosotros. 17 Y guardaréis la fiesta de los ázimos, porque en aquel mismo día saqué vuestros ejércitos de la tierra de Egipto; por tanto guardaréis este día por vuestras edades por ordenanza perpetua. 18 En el mes primero, el día catorce del mes por la tarde, comeréis los panes sin levadura, hasta el veintiuno del mes por la tarde. 19 Por siete días no se hallará levadura en vuestras casas, porque cualquiera que comiere leudado, así extranjero como natural de la tierra, aquella alma será cortada de la congregación de Israel. 20 Ninguna cosa leudada comeréis; en todas vuestras habitaciones comeréis panes sin levadura.
Albanian(i) 3 I thoni gjithë asamblesë së Izraelit: "Ditën e dhjetë të këtij muaji, çdo burrë të marrë për vete një qengj, sipas madhësisë së familjes të të atit, një qengj për shtëpi. 4 Por në qoftë se shtëpia është tepër e vogël për një qengj, le të marrë një së bashku me fqinjin më të afërt, duke llogaritur numrin e personave; ju do të përcaktoni sasinë e qengjit të nevojshëm, në bazë të asaj që çdonjëri mund tëhajë. 5 Qengji juaj duhet të jetë pa të meta, mashkull, motak; mund të merrni një qengj ose një kec. 6 Do ta ruani deri në ditën e katërmbëdhjetë të këtij muaji, dhe tërë asambleja e popullit të Izraelit do ta therë atë në të ngrysur. 7 Pastaj do të marrin nga ai gjak dhe do ta vënë mbi dy shtalkat dhe mbi arkitraun e shtëpive ku do ta hanë. 8 Do të hanë mishin e pjekur në zjarr, po atë natë, do ta hanë atë me bukë pa maja dhe me barishte të hidhura. 9 Nuk do të hani fare mish të gjallë apo të zier në ujë, por të pjekur në zjarr me kokën, këmbët dhe të brendshmet. 10 Dhe nuk do të lini asnjë mbetje deri në mëngjes; dhe ç'të mbetet deri në mëngjes, do ta digjni në zjarr. 11 Do ta hani në këtë mënyrë: ijengjeshur, sandalembathur dhe me bastunin tuaj në dorë; do të hani me nxitim: se është Pashka e Zotit. 12 Atë natë unë do të kaloj nëpër vendin e Egjiptit dhe do të godas çdo të parëlindur në vendin e Egjiptit, qoftë njeri apo kafshë, dhe do t'i jap hakun gjithë perëndive të Egjiptit. Unë jam Zoti. 13 Dhe gjaku do të jetë për ju një shenjë mbi shtëpitë ku ndodheni; kur unë të shoh gjakun do të kaloj tutje dhe nuk do të ketë plagë mbi ju për t'ju zhdukur, kur të godas vendin e Egjiptit. 14 Ajo ditë do të jetë për ju një ditë për t'u mbajtur mend dhe ta kremtoni si festë kushtuar Zotit; do ta kremtoni nëpër kohëra si ligj të përjetshëm. 15 Për shtatë ditë do të hani bukë të ndorme. Ditën e parë do të kujdeseni të hiqni çdo maja nga shtëpitë tuaja, sepse kushdo që do të hajë bukë të mbrujtur, nga dita e parë deri në të shtatën, do të këputet nga Izraeli. 16 Ditën e parë do të keni një mbledhje të shenjtë, dhe një mbledhje të shenjtë edhe ditën e shtatë. Të mos bëhet asnjë punë ato ditë; të përgatitet vetëm ajo që do të hajë secili dhe asgjë tjetër. 17 Do të kremtoni, pra, festën e të ndormëve, sepse pikërisht në këtë ditë bëra të dalin radhët tuaja nga vendi i Egjiptit; do ta kremtoni, pra, këtë ditë nëpër kohëra si ligj të përjetshëm. 18 Gjatë muajit të parë, nga dita e katërmbëdhjetë e muajit, në mbrëmje, deri ditën e njëzetenjëtë, në mbrëmje, do të hani bukë të ndorme. 19 Për shtatë ditë të mos gjendet maja në shtëpitë tuaja, sepse kushdo që do të hajë diçka të mbrujtur, do të këputet nga asambleja e Izraelit, qoftë ai i huaj apo i lindur në vend. 20 Nuk do të hani asgjë të mbrujtur; në të gjitha banesat tuaja do të hani bukë të ndorme"".
RST(i) 3 Скажите всему обществу Израилевых: в десятый день сего месяца пусть возьмут себе каждый одного агнца по семействам, по агнцу на семейство; 4 а если семейство так мало, что не съест агнца, то пусть возьмет с соседом своим,ближайшим к дому своему, по числу душ: по той мере, сколько каждый съест, расчислитесь на агнца. 5 Агнец у вас должен быть без порока, мужеского пола, однолетний; возьмите его от овец, или от коз, 6 и пусть он хранится у вас до четырнадцатого дня сего месяца: тогда пусть заколет еговсе собрание общества Израильского вечером, 7 и пусть возьмут от крови его и помажут на обоих косяках и на перекладине дверей в домах, где будут есть его; 8 пусть съедят мясо его в сию самую ночь, испеченное на огне; с преснымхлебом и с горькими травами пусть съедят его; 9 не ешьте от него недопеченного, или сваренного в воде, но ешьте испеченное на огне, голову с ногами и внутренностями; 10 не оставляйте от него до утра; но оставшееся от него до утра сожгите на огне. 11 Ешьте же его так: пусть будут чресла ваши препоясаны, обувь ваша на ногах ваших и посохи ваши в руках ваших, и ешьте его с поспешностью: это –Пасха Господня. 12 А Я в сию самую ночь пройду по земле Египетской и поражу всякого первенца в земле Египетской, от человека до скота, и над всеми богами Египетскими произведу суд. Я Господь. 13 И будет у вас кровь знамением на домах, где вы находитесь, и увижу кровь и пройду мимо вас, и не будет между вами язвы губительной, когда буду поражать землю Египетскую. 14 И да будет вам день сей памятен, и празднуйте в оный праздник Господу во все роды ваши; как установление вечное празднуйте его. 15 Семь дней ешьте пресный хлеб; с самого первого дня уничтожьте квасное в домах ваших, ибо кто будет есть квасное с первого дня до седьмого дня, душа та истреблена будет из среды Израиля. 16 И в первый день да будет у вас священное собрание, и в седьмой день священное собрание: никакой работы не должно делать в них; только что есть каждому, одно то можно делать вам. 17 Наблюдайте опресноки, ибо в сей самый день Я вывел ополчения вашииз земли Египетской, и наблюдайте день сей в роды ваши, как установление вечное. 18 С четырнадцатого дня первого месяца, с вечера ешьте пресный хлеб до вечера двадцать первого дня того же месяца; 19 семь дней не должно быть закваски в домах ваших, ибо кто будет есть квасное, душа та истреблена будет из общества Израилевых – пришлец ли то, или природный житель земли той. 20 Ничего квасного не ешьте; во всяком местопребывании вашем ешьте пресный хлеб.
Arabic(i) 3 كلّما كل جماعة اسرائيل قائلين في العاشر من هذا الشهر يأخذون لهم كل واحد شاة بحسب بيوت الآباء شاة للبيت. 4 وان كان البيت صغيرا عن ان يكون كفوا لشاة يأخذ هو وجاره القريب من بيته بحسب عدد النفوس. كل واحد على حسب اكله تحسبون للشاة. 5 تكون لكم شاة صحيحة ذكرا ابن سنة. تأخذونه من الخرفان او من المواعز. 6 ويكون عندكم تحت الحفظ الى اليوم الرابع عشر من هذا الشهر. ثم يذبحه كل جمهور جماعة اسرائيل في العشية. 7 ويأخذون من الدم ويجعلونه على القائمتين والعتبة العليا في البيوت التي يأكلونه فيها. 8 ويأكلون اللحم تلك الليلة مشويا بالنار مع فطير. على اعشاب مرّة ياكلونه. 9 لا تأكلوا منه نيئا او طبيخا مطبوخا بالماء بل مشويا بالنار. راسه مع اكارعه وجوفه. 10 ولا تبقوا منه الى الصباح. والباقي منه الى الصباح تحرقونه بالنار. 11 وهكذا تأكلونه احقاؤكم مشدودة واحذيتكم في ارجلكم وعصيّكم في ايديكم. وتاكلونه بعجلة. هو فصح للرب. 12 فاني اجتاز في ارض مصر هذه الليلة واضرب كل بكر في ارض مصر من الناس والبهائم. واصنع احكاما بكل آلهة المصريين. انا الرب. 13 ويكون لكم الدم علامة على البيوت التي انتم فيها. فأرى الدم واعبر عنكم. فلا يكون عليكم ضربة للهلاك حين اضرب ارض مصر. 14 ويكون لكم هذا اليوم تذكارا فتعيّدونه عيدا للرب. في اجيالكم تعيّدونه فريضة ابدية 15 سبعة ايام تأكلون فطيرا. اليوم الاول تعزلون الخمير من بيوتكم. فان كل من اكل خميرا من اليوم الاول الى اليوم السابع تقطع تلك النفس من اسرائيل. 16 ويكون لكم في اليوم الاول محفل مقدس وفي اليوم السابع محفل مقدس. لا يعمل فيهما عمل ما الا ما تاكله كل نفس فذلك وحده يعمل منكم. 17 وتحفظون الفطير لاني في هذا اليوم عينه اخرجت اجنادكم من ارض مصر. فتحفظون هذا اليوم في اجيالكم فريضة ابدية. 18 في الشهر الاول في اليوم الرابع عشر من الشهر مساء تاكلون فطيرا الى اليوم الحادي والعشرين من الشهر مساء. 19 سبعة ايام لا يوجد خمير في بيوتكم. فان كل من اكل مختمرا تقطع تلك النفس من جماعة اسرائيل الغريب مع مولود الارض. 20 لا تأكلوا شيئا مختمرا في جميع مساكنكم تأكلون فطيرا
ArmenianEastern(i) 3 Դու խօսի՛ր իսրայէլացի ողջ ժողովրդի հետ ու ասա՛. «Այս ամսի տասներորդ օրը ամէն մարդ թող մի ոչխար առնի ըստ իր ընտանիքի՝ ամէն մի տան համար մէկ ոչխար: 4 Եթէ մի ընտանիքի անդամները այնքան քիչ են, որ չեն կարող մէկ ոչխար ուտել, ապա ընտանիքի մեծը, ըստ ընտանիքի թուի թող միանայ իր հարեւանի կամ ընկերոջ հետ, եւ իւրաքանչիւրը թող ստանայ ոչխարի համապատասխան բաժինը: 5 Ձեր այդ ոչխարը որեւէ պակասութիւն թող չունենայ, լինի արու, մէկ տարեկան ու անարատ: Այն կարող է գառ կամ ուլ լինել: 6 Այն կը պահէք մինչեւ այս ամսի տասնչորսերորդ օրը, եւ իսրայէլացիները այն թող մորթեն երեկոյեան: 7 Թող վերցնեն նրա արիւնից ու քսեն այն տան դռան սեմին երկու տեղ ու դռան շրջանակի վերեւը այն տան, ուր այն ուտելու են: 8 Այդ գիշեր թող ուտեն կրակի վրայ խորոված միսը, այն թող ուտեն բաղարջ հացով ու դառն խոտերով: 9 Դրանք հում կամ խաշած չուտէք, այլ՝ կրակի վրայ խորովելով: Կ՚ուտէք նաեւ ոչխարի գլուխը, ոտքերն ու փորոտիքը: 10 Առաւօտեան դրանից ոչինչ թող չմնայ: Ոչխարի ոսկորները մի՛ ջարդէք, այլ, ինչ որ աւելանայ դրանից, կրակով կ՚այրէք: 11 Եւ կ՚ուտէք այսպէս. ձեր գօտիները թող ձեր մէջքին լինեն, ձեր կօշիկները՝ ձեր ոտքերին, ձեր ցուպերը՝ ձեր ձեռքին: Արագ կ՚ուտէք, որովհետեւ Տիրոջ զատիկն է: 12 Այդ գիշեր ես պիտի անցնեմ Եգիպտացիների ամբողջ երկրով եւ պիտի պատուհասեմ Եգիպտացիների երկրի բոլոր արու առաջնածիններին՝ թէ՛ մարդկանց, թէ՛ անասունների: Եգիպտացիների բոլոր աստուածներից վրէժ պիտի լուծեմ, որովհետեւ ե՛ս եմ Տէրը: 13 Եւ նշուած արիւնը այն տների վրայ, ուր ուտելու էք, թող ձեզ նշան լինի: Ես, տեսնելով այդ արիւնը, պիտի խնայեմ ձեզ, եւ ձեր գլխին չեն իջնի մահաբեր այն հարուածները, որոնցով պիտի պատուհասեմ Եգիպտացիների երկիրը: 14 Այդ օրը ձեզ համար յիշարժան թող լինի, եւ դուք, իբրեւ Տիրոջ տօն, այդ օրը տօնեցէ՛ք սերնդէսերունդ: Դա, իբրեւ կարգ, յաւիտեան կը տօնէք»: 15 «Եօթը օր բաղարջ հաց կ՚ուտէք, առաջին իսկ օրից սկսած ձեր տնից կը վերացնէք թթխմորը: Բոլոր նրանք, ովքեր առաջին օրից մինչեւ եօթներորդ օրը թթխմորով հաց կ՚ուտեն, կը վերացուեն իսրայէլացիների միջից: 16 Առաջին օրը թող սուրբ հռչակուի: Ձեզ համար թող սուրբ լինի նաեւ նուիրական եօթներորդ օրը: Այդ օրերին ոչ մի աշխատանք չկատարէք, այլ կատարեցէք միայն այն, ինչ կապուած է իւրաքանչիւր մարդու անձնական կարիքների հետ: 17 Իմ այս պատուիրանները կը պահէք, որպէսզի այդ օրը ես ձեր ժողովրդին հանեմ Եգիպտացիների երկրից: Այդ օրը, իբրեւ կարգ, ձեր ժողովրդի մէջ կը նշէք յաւիտենապէս: 18 Առաջին ամսուայ տասնչորսերորդ օրուայ երեկոյից սկսած բաղարջ հաց կ՚ուտէք մինչեւ ամսի քսանմէկերորդ օրուայ երեկոն: 19 Եօթը օր ձեր տներում թթխմոր չպիտի լինի: Բոլոր նրանք, ովքեր թթխմորով հաց կ՚ուտեն, կը վերացուեն Իսրայէլի ժողովրդի միջից: 20 Ձեր երկիրն եկած եկուորներ լինեն թէ տեղաբնակներ, ոչ ոք թթխմորով հաց թող չուտի: Ձեր բոլոր բնակավայրերում բաղարջ հաց պիտի ուտէք»:
Bulgarian(i) 3 Говорете на цялото израилево общество и кажете: На десетия ден от месеца всеки да си вземе по едно агне за бащиния си дом, по едно агне за един дом. 4 Но ако в дома са малко за агнето, тогава нека го вземе с най-близкия до къщата му съсед според броя на душите; смятайте за агнето според онова, което всеки може да изяде. 5 Агнето ви да бъде без недостатък, едногодишно мъжко; от овцете или от козите да го вземете. 6 И да го пазите до четиринадесетия ден на същия месец; тогава цялото събрание на израилевото общество да го заколи привечер. 7 После да вземат от кръвта и да сложат на двата стълба и на горния праг на вратата на къщите, където ще го ядат. 8 През същата нощ да ядат месото, печено на огън; с безквасен хляб и с горчиви треви да го ядат. 9 Да не ядете от него сурово, нито варено във вода, а изпечено на огън, с главата му, краката му и вътрешностите му. 10 И да не оставите нищо от него до сутринта; ако остане нещо до сутринта, да го изгорите в огън. 11 Така да го ядете: препасани през кръста си, с обувките на краката си и тоягите в ръцете си. Да го ядете набързо, Пасха на ГОСПОДА е. 12 И в онази нощ Аз ще мина през египетската земя и ще поразя всяко първородно в египетската земя, от човек до животно; и ще извърша съд против всичките египетски богове. Аз съм ГОСПОД. 13 И кръвта ще ви бъде за знак на къщите, където сте, и когато видя кръвта, ще ви отмина, и язвата няма да бъде у вас, за да ви погуби, когато поразя египетската земя. 14 Онзи ден да ви бъде за спомен и да го пазите като празник на ГОСПОДА във всичките си поколения; вечна наредба да ви бъде да го празнувате. 15 Седем дни да ядете безквасен хляб. Още на първия ден да махнете кваса от къщите си, защото всеки, който яде квасно от първия ден до седмия ден, тази душа ще се изтреби от Израил. 16 На първия ден ще имате свято събрание и на седмия ден -- свято събрание. Никаква работа да не се върши в тях освен онова, което е нужно за ядене на всекиго; само това може да вършите. 17 И така, да пазите празника на безквасните хлябове, защото в същия този ден изведох войнствата ви от египетската земя. Затова ще ви бъде вечна наредба да пазите този ден във всичките си поколения. 18 От вечерта на четиринадесетия ден на първия месец до вечерта на двадесет и първия ден от месеца да ядете безквасни хлябове. 19 Седем дни да не се намира квас в къщите ви, защото всеки, който яде квасно, онази душа ще се изтреби от обществото на Израил, бил той пришълец, или местен жител. 20 Нищо квасно да не ядете; във всичките си жилища да ядете безквасни хлябове.
Croatian(i) 3 Ovo objavite svoj zajednici izraelskoj: Desetog dana ovoga mjeseca neka svatko za obitelj pribavi jedno živinče. Tako, jedno na obitelj. 4 Ako je obitelj premalena da ga potroši, neka se ona priključi svome susjedu, najbližoj kući, prema broju osoba. Podijelite živinče prema tome koliko koja osoba može pojesti. 5 Živinče neka bude bez mane, od jedne godine i muško. Možete izabrati bilo janje bilo kozle. 6 Čuvajte ga do četrnaestoga dana ovoga mjeseca. A onda neka ga sva izraelska zajednica zakolje kad se spusti suton. 7 Neka uzmu krvi i poškrope oba dovratnika i nadvratnik kuće u kojoj se bude blagovalo. 8 Meso, pečeno na vatri, neka se pojede te iste noći sa beskvasnim kruhom i gorkim zeljem. 9 Da ništa sirovo ili na vodi skuhano od njega niste jeli, nego na vatri pečeno: s glavom, nogama i ponutricom. 10 Ništa od njega ne smijete ostaviti za sutradan: što bi god do jutra ostalo, morate na vatri spaliti. 11 A ovako ga blagujte: opasanih bokova, s obućom na nogama i sa štapom u ruci. Jedite ga žurno: to je Jahvina pasha. 12 Te ću, naime, noći ja proći egipatskom zemljom i pobiti sve prvorođence u zemlji egipatskoj - i čovjeka i životinju. Ja, Jahve, kaznit ću i sva egipatska božanstva. 13 Krv neka označuje kuće u kojima vi budete. Gdje god spazim krv, proći ću vas; tako ćete vi izbjeći biču zatornomu kad se oborim na zemlju egipatsku." 14 "Taj dan neka vam bude spomen-dan. Slavite ga kao blagdan u čast Jahvi. Svetkujte ga po trajnoj uredbi od koljena do koljena. 15 Sedam dana jedite beskvasan kruh. Prvoga već dana uklonite kvasac iz svojih kuća. Jer, tko bi god od prvoga do sedmoga dana jeo ukvasan kruh, taj se ima iskorijeniti između Izraelaca. 16 Prvoga dana držite sveto zborovanje, a tako i sedmoga dana. Nikakva posla tih dana nemojte raditi. Jedino jelo, što kome treba, možete pripraviti. 17 Držite blagdan beskvasnog kruha! Toga sam, naime, dana izveo vaše čete iz zemlje egipatske. Držite zato taj dan kao blagdan od koljena do koljena: to je vječna naredba. 18 Od večeri četrnaestoga dana prvoga mjeseca pa do večeri dvadeset prvoga dana toga mjeseca jedite beskvasan kruh. 19 Sedam dana ne smije biti kvasca u vašim domovima. Tko bi god jeo bilo što ukvasano, taj neka se ukloni iz izraelske zajednice, bio stranac ili domorodac. 20 Ništa ukvasano ne smijete jesti: u svim svojim prebivalištima jedite nekvasan kruh."
BKR(i) 3 Mluvte ke všemu shromáždění Izraelskému, řkouce: Desátého dne měsíce tohoto vezmete sobě jeden každý beránka po čeledech, beránka na každý dům. 4 Byl-li by pak dům tak malý, že by s beránka býti nemohl, přivezme souseda svého, kterýž jest blízký domu jeho, podlé počtu duší; jeden každý počte tolik osob, kolikž by jich snísti mohlo beránka. 5 Beránka bez vady, samce ročního míti budete, kteréhož z ovcí aneb z koz vezmete. 6 A chovati ho budete až do čtrnáctého dne měsíce tohoto; a zabije ho všecko množství shromáždění Izraelského k večerou. 7 A vezmouce krve, pomaží obou veřejí a nade dveřmi u domů, v nichž jej jísti budou. 8 I budou jísti noci té maso pečené ohněm, s chleby přesnými; s bylinami hořkými jísti jej budou. 9 Nebudete jísti z něho nic surového ani v vodě vařeného, ale pečené ohněm, s hlavou jeho i s nohami a droby. 10 Nezanecháte z něho ničehož do jitra; pakli by co pozůstalo z něho až do jitra, ohněm spálíte. 11 Takto jej pak jísti budete: Bedra svá přepásaná míti budete, obuv svou na nohách svých a hůl svou v ruce své, a jísti budete s chvátáním; nebo Jití jest Hospodinovo. 12 V tu noc zajisté půjdu po zemi Egyptské, a budu bíti všecko prvorozené v zemi Egyptské, od člověka až do hovada, a nade všemi bohy Egyptskými učiním soud: Já Hospodin. 13 Krev pak ta na domích, v nichž budete, budeť vám na znamení; a když uzřím krev, pominu vás, a nebude mezi vámi rána zahubující, když bíti budu prvorozené v zemi Egyptské. 14 A budeť vám den ten na památku, a slaviti jej budete slavný Hospodinu po rodech svých; právem věčným slaviti jej budete. 15 Za sedm dní přesné chleby jísti budete, a hned prvního dne vyprázdníte kvas z domů vašich; nebo kdožkoli jedl by co kvašeného od prvního až do sedmého dne, vyhlazena bude duše ta z Izraele. 16 A v den první budeť shromáždění svaté; dne také sedmého shromáždění svaté míti budete. Žádného díla nebude děláno v nich; toliko čehož se užívá k jídlu od každého, to samo připraveno bude od vás. 17 A ostříhati budete přesnic, nebo v ten den vyvedl jsem vojska vaše z země Egyptské; protož zachovávati budete den ten po rodech svých právem věčným. 18 Prvního měsíce, čtrnáctého dne téhož měsíce, u večer jísti budete chleby přesné, až do dne jedenmecítmého téhož měsíce k večerou. 19 Za sedm dní nebude nalezeno kvasu v domích vašich; nebo kdo by koli jedl něco kvašeného, vyhlazena bude duše ta z shromáždění Izraelského, tak příchozí jako zrozený v zemi. 20 Nic kvašeného jísti nebudete, ale ve všech příbytcích vašich jísti budete chleby přesné.
Danish(i) 3 Paa den tiende Dag i denne Maaned, da skulle de tage sig hver et Lam for hvert Fædrene hus, eet Lam for hvert Hus. 4 Og dersom Huset ikke er talrigt nok til et Lam, da skal han og hans Nøo, som er næst ved hans Hus, tage et, efter Antallet paa Personerne; I skulle regne til et Lam, efter hvad enhver kan æde til. 5 Det shal være eder et lydeløst, eet Aar gammelt Vædderlam; I skulle tage det af Faarene eller af Gederne. 6 Og det skal være hos eder i Forvaring til den fjortende Dag i denne Maaned; og de skulle slagte det, hele Israels Menigheds Forsamling, imellem de tvende Aftener. 7 Og de skulle tage af Blodet og stryge paa begge Dørstolperne og paa det øverste Dørtre af Husene, i hvilke de æde det. 8 Og de skulle æde Kødet den samme Nat, stegt ved Ild, og med usyrede Brød til beske Urter skulle de æde det. 9 I skulle ikke æde noget deraf raat eller kogt i Vand, men stegt ved Ild, med dets Vand, men stegt ved Ild, med dets Hoved, med dets Skanker og med dets Indvolde. 10 Og I skulle ikke levne noget deraf til om Morgenen; men det, som levnes deraf til om Morgenen, skulle I opbrænde med Ild. 11 Og saaledes skulle I æde det: Eders Lænder skulle være ombundne, eders Sko paa eders Fødder og eders Kæp i eders Haand; og I skulle æde det med Hast; det er Paaske for HERREN. 12 Thi jeg vil gaa igennem Ægyptens Land den samme Nat og slaa alle før stefødte i Ægyptens Land, baade af Mennesker og Kvæg, og jeg vil holde Dom over alle Ægypternes Guder; jeg er HERREN. 13 Og Blodet skal være eder til et Tegn paa Husene, i hvilke I ere, og jeg vil se Blodet og gaa eder forbi; og der skal ingen Plage være iblandt edel til Fordærvelse, naar jeg slaar Ægyptens Land. 14 Og denne Dag skal være for eder til en Ihukommelse, og den skulle I højtideligholde som Højtid for HERREN; hos eders Efterkommere til en evig Skik skulle I højtideligholde den. 15 I skulle æde usyrede Brød syv Dage, paa den første Dag skulle I holde op at bruge Surdejg i eders Huse; thi hver den, som æder syret Brød fra den første Dag indtil den søende Dag, den Sjæl skal udryddes af Israel. 16 Og Paa den første Dag skal der være for eder en hellig Sammenkaldelse, og paa den syvende Dag en hellig Sammenkaldelse; der skal ikke gøres noget Arbejde paa dem, alene det, som skal ædes af hver Person, det alene maa tilberedes for eder. 17 Og I skulde holde de usyrede Brøds Højtid; thi paa den selvsamme Dag udførte jeg eders Hære af Ægyptens Land; derfor skulle I holde denne Dag hos eders Efterkommere til en evig Skik. 18 I den første Maaned paa den fjortende Dag i Maaneden, om Aftenen skulle I æde usyrede Brød, indtil den een og tyvende Dag i Maaneden om Aftenen. 19 Syv Dage skal der ikke findes Surdej og i eders Huse; thi hver den, som æder syret Brød, den Sjæl skal udryddes af Israels Menighed, hvad enten han er fremmed eller en indfødt i Landet. 20 Intet syret skulle I æde, I skulle æde usyrede Brød i alle eders Boliger.
CUV(i) 3 你 們 吩 咐 以 色 列 全 會 眾 說 : 本 月 初 十 日 , 各 人 要 按 著 父 家 取 羊 羔 , 一 家 一 隻 。 4 若 是 一 家 的 人 太 少 , 吃 不 了 一 隻 羊 羔 , 本 人 就 要 和 他 隔 壁 的 鄰 舍 共 取 一 隻 。 你 們 預 備 羊 羔 , 要 按 著 人 數 和 飯 量 計 算 。 5 要 無 殘 疾 、 一 歲 的 公 羊 羔 , 你 們 或 從 綿 羊 裡 取 , 或 從 山 羊 裡 取 , 都 可 以 。 6 要 留 到 本 月 十 四 日 , 在 黃 昏 的 時 候 , 以 色 列 全 會 眾 把 羊 羔 宰 了 。 7 各 家 要 取 點 血 , 塗 在 吃 羊 羔 的 房 屋 左 右 的 門 框 上 和 門 楣 上 。 8 當 夜 要 吃 羊 羔 的 肉 ; 用 火 烤 了 , 與 無 酵 餅 和 苦 菜 同 吃 。 9 不 可 吃 生 的 , 斷 不 可 吃 水 煮 的 , 要 帶 著 頭 、 腿 、 五 臟 , 用 火 烤 了 吃 。 10 不 可 剩 下 一 點 留 到 早 晨 ; 若 留 到 早 晨 , 要 用 火 燒 了 。 11 你 們 吃 羊 羔 當 腰 間 束 帶 , 腳 上 穿 鞋 , 手 中 拿 杖 , 趕 緊 的 吃 ; 這 是 耶 和 華 的 逾 越 節 。 12 因 為 那 夜 我 要 巡 行 埃 及 地 , 把 埃 及 地 一 切 頭 生 的 , 無 論 是 人 是 牲 畜 , 都 擊 殺 了 , 又 要 敗 壞 埃 及 一 切 的   神 。 我 是 耶 和 華 。 13 這 血 要 在 你 們 所 住 的 房 屋 上 作 記 號 ; 我 一 見 這 血 , 就 越 過 你 們 去 。 我 擊 殺 埃 及 地 頭 生 的 時 候 , 災 殃 必 不 臨 到 你 們 身 上 滅 你 們 。 14 你 們 要 紀 念 這 日 , 守 為 耶 和 華 的 節 , 作 為 你 們 世 世 代 代 永 遠 的 定 例 。 15 你 們 要 吃 無 酵 餅 七 日 。 頭 一 日 要 把 酵 從 你 們 各 家 中 除 去 ; 因 為 從 頭 一 日 起 , 到 第 七 日 為 止 , 凡 吃 有 酵 之 餅 的 , 必 從 以 色 列 中 剪 除 。 16 頭 一 日 你 們 當 有 聖 會 , 第 七 日 也 當 有 聖 會 。 這 兩 日 之 內 , 除 了 預 備 各 人 所 要 吃 的 以 外 , 無 論 何 工 都 不 可 做 。 17 你 們 要 守 無 酵 節 , 因 為 我 正 當 這 日 把 你 們 的 軍 隊 從 埃 及 地 領 出 來 。 所 以 , 你 們 要 守 這 日 , 作 為 世 世 代 代 永 遠 的 定 例 。 18 從 正 月 十 四 日 晚 上 , 直 到 二 十 一 日 晚 上 , 你 們 要 吃 無 酵 餅 。 19 在 你 們 各 家 中 , 七 日 之 內 不 可 有 酵 ; 因 為 凡 吃 有 酵 之 物 的 , 無 論 是 寄 居 的 , 是 本 地 的 , 必 從 以 色 列 的 會 中 剪 除 。 20 有 酵 的 物 , 你 們 都 不 可 吃 ; 在 你 們 一 切 住 處 要 吃 無 酵 餅 。
  3 H1696 你們吩咐 H3478 以色列 H5712 全會眾 H559 H2320 :本月 H6218 初十 H376 日,各人 H1004 要按著父 H1 H3947 H7716 羊羔 H1004 ,一家 H7716 一隻。
  4 H1004 若是一家的人 H4591 太少 H7716 ,吃不了一隻羊羔 H7138 ,本人就要和他隔壁 H7934 的鄰舍 H3947 共取 H7716 一隻。你們預備羊羔 H5315 ,要按著人 H4373 H400 和飯量 H3699 計算。
  5 H8549 要無殘疾 H1121 、一 H8141 H2145 的公 H7716 羊羔 H3532 ,你們或從綿羊 H3947 裡取 H5795 ,或從山羊裡取,都可以。
  6 H4931 要留 H2320 到本月 H702 H6240 十四 H3117 H996 ,在 H6153 黃昏 H3478 的時候,以色列 H3605 H6591 H5712 會眾 H7819 把羊羔宰了。
  7 H3947 各家要取 H1818 點血 H5414 ,塗在 H398 H1004 羊羔的房屋 H8147 左右 H4201 的門框 H4947 上和門楣上。
  8 H3915 當夜 H398 要吃 H1320 羊羔的肉 H784 ;用火 H6748 H4682 了,與無酵餅 H4844 和苦菜 H398 同吃。
  9 H398 不可吃 H4995 生的 H4325 ,斷不可吃水 H1310 H7218 的,要帶著頭 H3767 、腿 H7130 、五臟 H784 ,用火 H6748 烤了吃。
  10 H3498 不可剩下 H1242 一點留到早晨 H3498 ;若留 H1242 到早晨 H784 ,要用火 H8313 燒了。
  11 H398 你們吃 H4975 羊羔當腰間 H2296 束帶 H7272 ,腳上 H5275 穿鞋 H3027 ,手中 H4731 拿杖 H2649 ,趕緊 H398 的吃 H3068 ;這是耶和華的 H6453 逾越節。
  12 H3915 因為那夜 H5674 我要巡行 H4714 埃及 H776 H4714 ,把埃及 H776 H1060 一切頭生的 H120 ,無論是人 H929 是牲畜 H5221 ,都擊殺了 H6213 H8201 ,又要敗壞 H4714 埃及 H430 一切的 神 H3068 。我是耶和華。
  13 H1818 這血 H1004 要在你們所住的房屋 H226 上作記號 H7200 ;我一見 H1818 這血 H6452 ,就越過 H5221 你們去。我擊殺 H4714 埃及 H776 H5063 頭生的時候,災殃 H4889 必不臨到你們身上滅你們。
  14 H2146 你們要紀念 H3117 這日 H2287 ,守 H3068 為耶和華 H2282 的節 H1755 ,作為你們世世代代 H5769 永遠 H2708 的定例。
  15 H398 你們要吃 H4682 無酵餅 H7651 H3117 H7223 。頭一 H3117 H7603 要把酵 H1004 從你們各家 H7673 中除去 H7223 ;因為從頭一 H3772 H7637 起,到第七 H3117 H398 為止,凡吃 H2557 有酵之餅 H3478 的,必從以色列 H3772 中剪除。
  16 H7223 頭一 H3117 H6944 你們當有聖 H4744 H7637 ,第七 H3117 H6944 也當有聖 H4744 H389 。這兩日之內,除了 H5315 預備各人 H398 所要吃 H4399 的以外,無論何工 H6213 都不可做。
  17 H8104 你們要守 H4682 無酵 H6106 節,因為我正當 H3117 這日 H6635 把你們的軍隊 H4714 從埃及 H776 H3318 領出來 H8104 。所以,你們要守 H3117 這日 H1755 ,作為世世代代 H5769 永遠 H2708 的定例。
  18 H7223 從正 H2320 H6240 H702 十四 H3117 H6153 晚上 H6242 ,直到二十 H259 H3117 H6153 晚上 H398 ,你們要吃 H4682 無酵餅。
  19 H1004 在你們各家中 H7651 ,七 H3117 H4672 之內不可有 H7603 H398 ;因為凡吃 H2556 有酵之物 H1616 的,無論是寄居的 H776 ,是本地 H3478 的,必從以色列 H5712 的會 H3772 中剪除。
  20 H2556 有酵的物 H398 ,你們都不可吃 H4186 ;在你們一切住處 H398 要吃 H4682 無酵餅。
CUVS(i) 3 你 们 吩 咐 以 色 列 全 会 众 说 : 本 月 初 十 日 , 各 人 要 按 着 父 家 取 羊 羔 , 一 家 一 隻 。 4 若 是 一 家 的 人 太 少 , 吃 不 了 一 隻 羊 羔 , 本 人 就 要 和 他 隔 壁 的 邻 舍 共 取 一 隻 。 你 们 预 备 羊 羔 , 要 按 着 人 数 和 饭 量 计 算 。 5 要 无 残 疾 、 一 岁 的 公 羊 羔 , 你 们 或 从 绵 羊 里 取 , 或 从 山 羊 里 取 , 都 可 以 。 6 要 留 到 本 月 十 四 日 , 在 黄 昏 的 时 候 , 以 色 列 全 会 众 把 羊 羔 宰 了 。 7 各 家 要 取 点 血 , 涂 在 吃 羊 羔 的 房 屋 左 右 的 门 框 上 和 门 楣 上 。 8 当 夜 要 吃 羊 羔 的 肉 ; 用 火 烤 了 , 与 无 酵 饼 和 苦 菜 同 吃 。 9 不 可 吃 生 的 , 断 不 可 吃 水 煮 的 , 要 带 着 头 、 腿 、 五 脏 , 用 火 烤 了 吃 。 10 不 可 剩 下 一 点 留 到 早 晨 ; 若 留 到 早 晨 , 要 用 火 烧 了 。 11 你 们 吃 羊 羔 当 腰 间 束 带 , 脚 上 穿 鞋 , 手 中 拿 杖 , 赶 紧 的 吃 ; 这 是 耶 和 华 的 逾 越 节 。 12 因 为 那 夜 我 要 巡 行 埃 及 地 , 把 埃 及 地 一 切 头 生 的 , 无 论 是 人 是 牲 畜 , 都 击 杀 了 , 又 要 败 坏 埃 及 一 切 的   神 。 我 是 耶 和 华 。 13 这 血 要 在 你 们 所 住 的 房 屋 上 作 记 号 ; 我 一 见 这 血 , 就 越 过 你 们 去 。 我 击 杀 埃 及 地 头 生 的 时 候 , 灾 殃 必 不 临 到 你 们 身 上 灭 你 们 。 14 你 们 要 纪 念 这 日 , 守 为 耶 和 华 的 节 , 作 为 你 们 世 世 代 代 永 远 的 定 例 。 15 你 们 要 吃 无 酵 饼 七 日 。 头 一 日 要 把 酵 从 你 们 各 家 中 除 去 ; 因 为 从 头 一 日 起 , 到 第 七 日 为 止 , 凡 吃 冇 酵 之 饼 的 , 必 从 以 色 列 中 剪 除 。 16 头 一 日 你 们 当 冇 圣 会 , 第 七 日 也 当 冇 圣 会 。 这 两 日 之 内 , 除 了 预 备 各 人 所 要 吃 的 以 外 , 无 论 何 工 都 不 可 做 。 17 你 们 要 守 无 酵 节 , 因 为 我 正 当 这 日 把 你 们 的 军 队 从 埃 及 地 领 出 来 。 所 以 , 你 们 要 守 这 日 , 作 为 世 世 代 代 永 远 的 定 例 。 18 从 正 月 十 四 日 晚 上 , 直 到 二 十 一 日 晚 上 , 你 们 要 吃 无 酵 饼 。 19 在 你 们 各 家 中 , 七 日 之 内 不 可 冇 酵 ; 因 为 凡 吃 冇 酵 之 物 的 , 无 论 是 寄 居 的 , 是 本 地 的 , 必 从 以 色 列 的 会 中 剪 除 。 20 冇 酵 的 物 , 你 们 都 不 可 吃 ; 在 你 们 一 切 住 处 要 吃 无 酵 饼 。
  3 H1696 你们吩咐 H3478 以色列 H5712 全会众 H559 H2320 :本月 H6218 初十 H376 日,各人 H1004 要按着父 H1 H3947 H7716 羊羔 H1004 ,一家 H7716 一隻。
  4 H1004 若是一家的人 H4591 太少 H7716 ,吃不了一隻羊羔 H7138 ,本人就要和他隔壁 H7934 的邻舍 H3947 共取 H7716 一隻。你们预备羊羔 H5315 ,要按着人 H4373 H400 和饭量 H3699 计算。
  5 H8549 要无残疾 H1121 、一 H8141 H2145 的公 H7716 羊羔 H3532 ,你们或从绵羊 H3947 里取 H5795 ,或从山羊里取,都可以。
  6 H4931 要留 H2320 到本月 H702 H6240 十四 H3117 H996 ,在 H6153 黄昏 H3478 的时候,以色列 H3605 H6591 H5712 会众 H7819 把羊羔宰了。
  7 H3947 各家要取 H1818 点血 H5414 ,涂在 H398 H1004 羊羔的房屋 H8147 左右 H4201 的门框 H4947 上和门楣上。
  8 H3915 当夜 H398 要吃 H1320 羊羔的肉 H784 ;用火 H6748 H4682 了,与无酵饼 H4844 和苦菜 H398 同吃。
  9 H398 不可吃 H4995 生的 H4325 ,断不可吃水 H1310 H7218 的,要带着头 H3767 、腿 H7130 、五脏 H784 ,用火 H6748 烤了吃。
  10 H3498 不可剩下 H1242 一点留到早晨 H3498 ;若留 H1242 到早晨 H784 ,要用火 H8313 烧了。
  11 H398 你们吃 H4975 羊羔当腰间 H2296 束带 H7272 ,脚上 H5275 穿鞋 H3027 ,手中 H4731 拿杖 H2649 ,赶紧 H398 的吃 H3068 ;这是耶和华的 H6453 逾越节。
  12 H3915 因为那夜 H5674 我要巡行 H4714 埃及 H776 H4714 ,把埃及 H776 H1060 一切头生的 H120 ,无论是人 H929 是牲畜 H5221 ,都击杀了 H6213 H8201 ,又要败坏 H4714 埃及 H430 一切的 神 H3068 。我是耶和华。
  13 H1818 这血 H1004 要在你们所住的房屋 H226 上作记号 H7200 ;我一见 H1818 这血 H6452 ,就越过 H5221 你们去。我击杀 H4714 埃及 H776 H5063 头生的时候,灾殃 H4889 必不临到你们身上灭你们。
  14 H2146 你们要纪念 H3117 这日 H2287 ,守 H3068 为耶和华 H2282 的节 H1755 ,作为你们世世代代 H5769 永远 H2708 的定例。
  15 H398 你们要吃 H4682 无酵饼 H7651 H3117 H7223 。头一 H3117 H7603 要把酵 H1004 从你们各家 H7673 中除去 H7223 ;因为从头一 H3772 H7637 起,到第七 H3117 H398 为止,凡吃 H2557 有酵之饼 H3478 的,必从以色列 H3772 中剪除。
  16 H7223 头一 H3117 H6944 你们当有圣 H4744 H7637 ,第七 H3117 H6944 也当有圣 H4744 H389 。这两日之内,除了 H5315 预备各人 H398 所要吃 H4399 的以外,无论何工 H6213 都不可做。
  17 H8104 你们要守 H4682 无酵 H6106 节,因为我正当 H3117 这日 H6635 把你们的军队 H4714 从埃及 H776 H3318 领出来 H8104 。所以,你们要守 H3117 这日 H1755 ,作为世世代代 H5769 永远 H2708 的定例。
  18 H7223 从正 H2320 H6240 H702 十四 H3117 H6153 晚上 H6242 ,直到二十 H259 H3117 H6153 晚上 H398 ,你们要吃 H4682 无酵饼。
  19 H1004 在你们各家中 H7651 ,七 H3117 H4672 之内不可有 H7603 H398 ;因为凡吃 H2556 有酵之物 H1616 的,无论是寄居的 H776 ,是本地 H3478 的,必从以色列 H5712 的会 H3772 中剪除。
  20 H2556 有酵的物 H398 ,你们都不可吃 H4186 ;在你们一切住处 H398 要吃 H4682 无酵饼。
Esperanto(i) 3 Diru al la tuta komunumo de Izrael:En la deka tago de cxi tiu monato prenu al si sxafidon cxiu patro de familio, po unu sxafido por domo. 4 Kaj se en la domo estas tro malmulte da personoj por tuta sxafido, tiam li prenu kune kun sia najbaro plej proksima al lia domo; laux la nombro de la animoj, laux la kvanto de mangxado de cxiu, ili kalkulu sin por la sxafido. 5 La sxafido estu sendifekta, virseksa, havanta la agxon de unu jaro; el la sxafoj aux el la kaproj vi povas preni. 6 Konservu gxin gxis la dek-kvara tago de cxi tiu monato; kaj la tuta komunumo de Izrael bucxu gxin en la komenco de vespero. 7 Kaj ili prenu iom el la sango, kaj sxmiru sur ambaux fostoj kaj sur la supra sojlo de la domoj, en kiuj ili gxin mangxos. 8 Kaj ili mangxu la viandon en tiu nokto, rostitan sur fajro; kaj macojn kun maldolcxaj herboj ili mangxu. 9 Ne mangxu gxin duonkrudan, nek kuiritan en akvo, sed nur rostitan sur fajro kun gxiaj kapo, kruroj, kaj internajxoj. 10 Ne restigu iom el gxi gxis la mateno; kio restos el gxi gxis la mateno, tion bruligu per fajro. 11 Kaj tiele mangxu gxin; via lumbo estu zonita, viaj sxuoj sur viaj piedoj, kaj via bastono en via mano; kaj mangxu gxin rapidante; gxi estas Pasko de la Eternulo. 12 Kaj Mi trairos la landon Egiptan en tiu nokto, kaj Mi batos cxiun unuenaskiton en la lando Egipta, de la homoj gxis la brutoj; kaj super cxiuj dioj de Egiptujo Mi faros jugxon, Mi, la Eternulo. 13 Kaj la sango cxe vi estos signo sur la domoj, en kiuj vi trovigxas; kiam Mi vidos la sangon, Mi pasos preter vi, kaj ne estos inter vi la eksterma puno, kiam Mi batos la landon Egiptan. 14 Kaj tiu tago estu por vi memorajxo; kaj festu gxin kiel feston de la Eternulo en viaj generacioj, kiel legxon por eterne festu gxin. 15 Dum sep tagoj mangxu macojn; en la unua tago forigu la fermentajxon el viaj domoj; cxiu kiu mangxos fermentajxon de la unua tago gxis la sepa tago, ties animo estos ekstermita el Izrael. 16 Kaj en la unua tago faru al vi sanktan kunvenon, kaj en la sepa tago faru al vi sanktan kunvenon; nenia laboro estu farata en tiuj tagoj; nur kio estas necesa por mangxi por cxiu, nur tio sola povas esti farata de vi. 17 Kaj observu la ordonon pri la macoj, cxar gxuste en tiu tago Mi elkondukis viajn tacxmentojn el la lando Egipta; kaj observu tiun tagon en viaj generacioj kiel legxon eternan. 18 De post la vespero de la dek-kvara tago de la unua monato mangxu macojn gxis la vespero de la dudek-unua tago de la monato. 19 Dum sep tagoj fermentajxo ne trovigxu en viaj domoj; cxar kiu mangxos fermentajxon, ties animo ekstermigxos el la komunumo de Izrael, cxu li estas fremdulo, aux cxu li estas indigxeno de la lando. 20 Nenion fermentintan mangxu; en cxiuj viaj logxlokoj mangxu macojn.
Finnish(i) 3 Puhukaat koko Israelin seurakunnalle, sanoen: kymmenentenä päivänä tällä kuulla ottakaan itsekukin itsellensä karitsan, se joka perheen isäntä on, karitsan joka huoneelle; 4 Vaan jos yksi huone vähä on karitsaa syömään, niin ottakaan kylänsä miehen kanssansa, joka likin hänen huonettansa on, että niin monta tulis, kuin voisivat karitsan syödä. 5 Ja sen karitsan pitää teille oleman virheettömän ajastaikaisen oinaan. Karitsoista eli vohlista pitää teidän sen ottaman. 6 Ja sen teidän pitää tallella pitämän neljänteentoistakymmenenteen päivään asti tätä kuuta, ja koko Israelin kansan kokous pitää sen teurastaman kahden ehtoon välillä. 7 Ja heidän pitää ottaman verestä, ja sivuman molemmat pihtipielet ja huonetten ovenpäällisen, joissa he sitä syövät. 8 Ja heidän pitää sinä yönä syömän lihaa tulella paistettua ja happamatointa leipää; katkerain ruohoin kanssa pitää heidän sen syömän. 9 Ei teidän pidä sitä syömän uutena eikä vedellä keitettynä, mutta tulella paistettuna, pään, jalkain ja sisällysten kanssa. 10 Eikä teidän pidä jättämän mitään huomeneksi; ja jos jotakin jää huomeneksi, se tulella poltettakaan. 11 Mutta näin pitää teidän syömän sitä: teidän pitää oleman vyötetyt kupeista, ja kengät jalassanne, ja sauva kädessänne, ja pitää sen syömän niinkuin matkaan kiiruhtavaiset: se on Herran pääsiäinen. 12 Sillä minä käyn sinä yönä Egyptin maan lävitse, ja lyön kaikki esikoiset Egyptin maalla, ihmisistä karjaan asti, ja annan tulla minun rangaistukseni kaikkein Egyptiläisten epäjumalain päälle: Minä Herra. 13 Ja veren pitää oleman teille merkiksi huoneissanne, kussa te olette, että koska minä veren näen, niin minä menen teidän ohitsenne: ja ei pidä teille tuleman se rangaistus kadottamaan teitä, koska minä lyön Egyptin maata. 14 Ja tämä päivä pitää oleman teille muistoksi, ja teidän pitää sen pyhittämän juhlaksi Herralle: ijankaikkiseksi säädyksi teidän sukukunnissanne teidän sen pyhittämän pitää. 15 Seitsemän päivää pitää teidän syömän happamatointa leipää, nimittäin ensimäisenä päivänä pitää teidän paneman pois happaman leivän teidän huoneissanne: sillä jokainen kuin hapointa leipää syö ensimäisestä päivästä niin seitsemänteen päivään asti, hänen sielunsa pitää hukutettaman Israelista. 16 Ensimäisenä päivänä on teillä pyhä kokous, ja myös seitsemäntenä päivänä on teillä pyhä kokous. Ei yhtäkään työtä pidä tehtämän niinä päivinä, mutta vaivoin mitä ruaksi tarvitaan jokaiselle hengelle, se ainoastansa tehkäät. 17 Ja pitäkäät happamatoin leipä; sillä sinä päivänä olen minä teidän joukkonne johdattanut Egyptin maalta: ja teidän pitää pitämän tämän päivän teidän sukukunnissanne ijankaikkiseksi säädyksi. 18 Neljäntenätoistakymmenentenä päivänä ensimäisestä kuusta ehtoona pitää teidän syödä happamatointa leipää, hamaan ensimäiseen päivään asti kolmattakymmentä siitä kuusta, ehtoona. 19 Niin ettei seitsemänä päivänä löydetä hapointa leipää teidän huoneissanne; sillä jokainen joka hapointa leipää syö, hänen sielunsa pitää hukutettaman Israelin joukosta, joko hän muukalainen on eli omainen. 20 Sentähden älkäät ensinkään syökö hapointa leipää; vaan happamatointa leipää syökäät kaikissa teidän asuinsioissanne.
FinnishPR(i) 3 Puhukaa koko Israelin kansalle ja sanokaa: Tämän kuun kymmenentenä päivänä ottakoon kukin perheenisäntä itsellensä karitsan, yhden karitsan joka perhekuntaa kohti. 4 Mutta jos perhe on liian pieni koko karitsaa syömään, niin ottakoon lähimmän naapurinsa kanssa yhteisen karitsan, henkilöluvun mukaan. Karitsaa kohti laskekaa niin monta, että voivat sen syödä. 5 Ja karitsanne olkoon virheetön, vuoden vanha urospuoli; lampaista tai vuohista se ottakaa. 6 Ja pitäkää se tallella neljänteentoista päivään tätä kuuta; silloin Israelin koko seurakunta teurastakoon sen iltahämärässä. 7 Ja he ottakoot sen verta ja sivelkööt sillä molemmat pihtipielet ja ovenpäällisen niissä taloissa, joissa he sitä syövät. 8 Ja he syökööt lihan samana yönä; tulessa paistettuna, happamattoman leivän ja katkerain yrttien kanssa he sen syökööt. 9 Älkää syökö siitä mitään raakana tai vedessä keitettynä, vaan tulessa paistettuna päineen, jalkoineen ja sisälmyksineen. 10 Älkääkä jättäkö siitä mitään huomenaamuksi; mutta jos jotakin siitä jäisi huomenaamuksi, niin polttakaa se tulessa. 11 Ja syökää se näin: kupeet vyötettyinä, kengät jalassanne ja sauva kädessänne; ja syökää se kiiruusti. Tämä on pääsiäinen Herran kunniaksi. 12 Sillä minä kuljen sinä yönä kautta Egyptin maan ja surmaan kaikki esikoiset Egyptin maassa, sekä ihmiset että eläimet, ja panen toimeen rangaistustuomion, jonka minä olen langettanut kaikista Egyptin jumalista. Minä olen Herra. 13 Ja veri on oleva merkki, teille suojelukseksi, taloissa, joissa olette; sillä kun minä näen veren, niin minä menen teidän ohitsenne, eikä rangaistus ole tuhoava teitä, kun minä rankaisen Egyptin maata. 14 Ja tämä päivä olkoon teille muistopäivä, ja viettäkää sitä Herran juhlana; sukupolvesta sukupolveen viettäkää sitä ikuisena säädöksenä. 15 Seitsemän päivää syökää happamatonta leipää; jo ensimmäisenä päivänä korjatkaa pois hapan taikina taloistanne. Sillä jokainen, joka hapanta syö, ensimmäisestä päivästä seitsemänteen päivään asti, hävitettäköön Israelista. 16 Ensimmäisenä päivänä pitäkää pyhä kokous ja samoin myös seitsemäntenä päivänä pyhä kokous. Mitään työtä älköön tehtäkö niinä päivinä; ainoastaan se, mitä kukin tarvitsee ruuaksi, ainoastaan se valmistettakoon. 17 Ja pitäkää tätä happamattoman leivän juhlaa, sillä juuri sinä päivänä minä vein teidän joukkonne pois Egyptin maasta; sentähden pitäkää tätä päivää, sukupolvesta sukupolveen, ikuisena säädöksenä. 18 Ensimmäisessä kuussa, kuukauden neljäntenätoista päivänä, ehtoolla, syökää happamatonta leipää, ja niin tehkää aina saman kuun yhdennenkolmatta päivän ehtooseen asti. 19 Seitsemään päivään älköön hapanta taikinaa olko teidän taloissanne; sillä jokainen, joka hapanta leipää syö, hävitettäköön Israelin kansasta, olipa hän muukalainen tai maassasyntynyt. 20 Älkää syökö mitään hapanta, vaan syökää happamatonta leipää, missä asuttekin."
Haitian(i) 3 Pale tout moun pèp Izrayèl la. Di yo: sou dizyèm jou mwa sa a, n'a pran yon ti mouton pou chak fanmi, tande byen wi, yon ti mouton pou chak kay. 4 Si pa gen kont moun nan kay la pou manje tout ti mouton an, se pou yo mete tèt yo ansanm ak vwazinaj ki pi pre kay la. N'a kalkile kantite moun ki nesesè pou manje mouton an, sa chak moun ka manje. 5 Se pou ti bèt nou chwazi a yon timal ki gen ennan, epi ki pa gen ankenn enfimite, li te mèt mouton, li te mèt kabrit. 6 N'a gade l' apa jouk sou katòzyèm jou mwa a. Jou sa a, nan aswè, tout moun Izrayèl yo va touye ti bèt la anvan li fin fè nwa. 7 N'a pran ti gout nan san bèt la, n'a pase l' sou de chanbrann pòt kay la ansanm ak sou travès lento pòt la, nan kay kote n'ap manje ti bèt la. 8 Menm nwit sa a, n'a boukannen vyann lan. Apre sa, n'a manje l' avèk pen ki fèt san ledven epi ak fèy lanman. 9 Piga nou manje vyann lan ni manke kwit ni bouyi. Se boukannen pou nou boukannen l' tout ankè ak tout tonbe a. 10 Pa kite anyen pou denmen maten. Si rete rès, se pou nou boule l' nan dife. 11 Men ki jan pou nou ranje kò nou pou nou manje l': n'a mare ren nou, sapat nou nan pye nou, baton nou nan men nou. Se pou nou manje l' prese prese, paske se lè sa a Seyè a ap pase. 12 Jou lannwit sa a, m'ap pase nan tout peyi Lejip la, m'ap touye tout premye pitit gason ak tout premye pitit bèt yo ki nan peyi a. M'ap regle tout bondye peyi Lejip yo. Se mwen menm ki Seyè a. 13 San nou pase sou pòt yo va make kay kote nou ye a. Lè m'a wè san an, m'a sote kay nou. Konsa, lè m'ap frape peyi Lejip la, chatiman an p'ap tonbe sou nou tou. 14 Jou sa a, se yon jou pou nou pa janm bliye. Se pou nou fete l' tankou yon fèt pou Seyè a, chak lè lè a va rive. Se pou nou pase yon lwa pou nou toujou fete fèt sa a, nou menm ak tout pitit pitit nou yo. 15 Pandan sèt jou, se pou nou manje pen ki fèt san ledven. Depi premye jou nan mwa a, n'a wete tout ledven anndan lakay nou, paske depi premye jou a, rive sou setyèm jou a, si yon moun gen malè manje pen ki gen ledven ladan l', se pou yo disparèt li nan mitan pèp Izrayèl la. 16 Sou premye jou a ak sou setyèm jou a, n'a reyini pou nou lapriyè. Jou sa yo, nou p'ap fè ankenn travay. Manje ase n'a fè pou tout moun manje. 17 N'a toujou fete fèt pen san ledven an, paske se jou sa a mwen te fè tout lame moun nou yo soti kite peyi Lejip. N'a toujou fete fèt sa a, de pitit an pitit tankou yon lwa ki la pou tout tan. 18 Nan premye mwa a, depi katòzyèm jou a nan aswè rive jouk sou venteyenyèm jou a nan aswè tou, se pen san ledven pou nou manje. 19 Pandan sèt jou sa yo, p'ap gen ledven lakay nou paske nenpòt moun ki va gen malè manje pen ki gen ledven, yo gen pou yo disparèt li nan mitan pèp Izrayèl la, kit se yon etranje, kit se yonn nan nou. 20 Se pa pou nou manje pen ki gen ledven. Lakay nou, se pou tout moun manje pen san ledven.
Hungarian(i) 3 Szóljatok Izráel egész gyûlekezetének, mondván: E hónak tizedikén mindenki vegyen magának egy bárányt az atyáknak háza szerint, házanként egy bárányt. 4 Hogyha a háznép kevés a bárányhoz, akkor a házához közel való szomszédjával együtt vegyen a lelkek száma szerint; kit-kit ételéhez képest számítsatok a bárányhoz. 5 A bárány ép, hím, egy esztendõs legyen; a juhok közûl vagy a kecskék közûl vegyétek. 6 És legyen nálatok õrizet alatt e hónap tizennegyedik napjáig, és ölje meg Izráel községének egész gyülekezete estennen. 7 És vegyenek a vérbõl, és azokban a házakban, a hol azt megeszik, hintsenek a két ajtófélre és a szemöldökfára. 8 A húst pedig egyék meg azon éjjel, tûzön sütve, kovásztalan kenyérrel és keserû fûvekkel egyék meg azt. 9 Ne egyetek abból nyersen, vagy vízben fõtten, hanem tûzön sütve, a fejét, lábszáraival és belsejével együtt. 10 És ne hagyjatok belõle reggelre, vagy a mi megmarad belõle reggelre, tûzzel égessétek meg. 11 És ilyen módon egyétek azt meg: Derekaitokat felövezve, saruitok lábaitokon és pálczáitok kezetekben, és nagy sietséggel egyétek azt; mert az Úr páskhája az. 12 Mert általmégyek Égyiptom földén ezen éjszakán és megölök minden elsõszülöttet Égyiptom földén, az embertõl kezdve a baromig, és Égyiptom minden istene felett ítéletet tartok, én, az Úr. 13 És a vér jelül lesz néktek a házakon, a melyekben ti lesztek, s meglátom a vért és elmegyek mellettetek és nem lesz rajtatok a csapás veszedelmetekre, mikor megverem Égyiptom földét. 14 És legyen ez a nap néktek emlékezetül, és innepnek szenteljétek azt az Úrnak nemzetségrõl nemzetségre; örök rendtartás szerint ünnepeljétek azt. 15 Hét napig egyetek kovásztalan kenyeret; még az elsõ napon takarítsátok el a kovászt házaitokból, mert valaki kovászost ejéndik az elsõ naptól fogva a hetedik napig, az olyan lélek irtassék ki Izráelbõl. 16 Az elsõ napon pedig szent gyûléstek legyen és a hetedik napon is szent gyûléstek legyen; azokon semmi munkát ne tegyetek, egyedül csak a mi eledelére való minden embernek, azt el lehet készítenetek. 17 Megtartsátok a kovásztalan kenyér innepét; mert azon a napon hoztam ki a ti seregeiteket Égyiptom földérõl; tartsátok meg hát e napot nemzetségrõl nemzetségre, örök rendtartás szerint. 18 Az elsõ hónapban, a hónapnak tizennegyedik napján estve egyetek kovásztalan kenyeret, a hónap huszonegyedik napjának estvéjéig. 19 Hét napon át ne találtassék kovász a ti házaitokban; mert valaki kovászost ejéndik, az a lélek kiirtatik Izráel gyülekezetébõl, akár jövevény, akár az ország szülöttje legyen. 20 Semmi kovászost ne egyetek, minden lakóhelyeteken kovásztalan kenyeret egyetek.
Indonesian(i) 3 Sampaikanlah perintah ini kepada seluruh umat Israel: Pada tanggal sepuluh bulan ini, setiap orang lelaki harus memotong seekor anak domba untuk dimakan bersama keluarganya. 4 Kalau anggota keluarga itu terlalu sedikit untuk menghabiskan seekor anak domba, maka keluarga itu dan tetangganya yang terdekat boleh bersama-sama makan anak domba itu. Anak domba itu harus dibagi menurut jumlah orang yang makan. 5 Kamu boleh memilih domba atau kambing, tetapi harus yang jantan, berumur satu tahun, dan tidak ada cacatnya. 6 Kamu harus menyimpannya sampai tanggal empat belas. Pada hari itu, sorenya, seluruh umat Israel harus memotong anak domba itu. 7 Sedikit darahnya harus dioleskan pada kedua tiang pintu dan pada ambang atas pintu rumah tempat mereka memakannya. 8 Malam itu juga dagingnya harus dipanggang dan dimakan dengan sayur pahit dan roti tak beragi. 9 Anak domba itu harus dipanggang seluruhnya, lengkap dengan kepalanya, kakinya dan isi perutnya. Makanlah daging yang sudah dipanggang itu, jangan ada yang dimakan mentah atau direbus. 10 Jangan tinggalkan sedikit pun dari daging itu sampai pagi; kalau ada sisanya, harus dibakar sampai habis. 11 Pada waktu makan kamu harus sudah berpakaian lengkap untuk perjalanan, dengan sandal di kaki dan tongkat di tangan. Kamu harus makan cepat-cepat. Itulah perayaan Paskah untuk menghormati Aku, TUHAN. 12 Pada malam itu Aku akan menjelajahi seluruh tanah Mesir, dan membunuh setiap anak laki-laki yang sulung, baik manusia, maupun hewan. Aku akan menghukum semua ilah di Mesir, karena Akulah TUHAN. 13 Darah yang ada pada pintu rumahmu akan menjadi tanda dari rumah-rumah tempat tinggalmu. Kalau Aku melihat darah itu, kamu Kulewati dan tidak Kubinasakan pada waktu Aku menghukum Mesir. 14 Hari itu harus kamu peringati sebagai hari raya bagi TUHAN. Untuk seterusnya hari itu harus kamu rayakan setiap tahun." 15 TUHAN berkata, "Tujuh hari lamanya kamu tak boleh makan roti yang beragi. Pada hari pertama semua ragi harus dikeluarkan dari rumahmu, sebab kalau selama tujuh hari itu seseorang makan roti yang beragi, ia tidak boleh lagi dianggap anggota umat-Ku. 16 Pada hari yang pertama, dan juga pada hari yang ketujuh, kamu harus berkumpul untuk beribadat. Pada hari itu kamu tak boleh melakukan pekerjaan apa pun kecuali yang perlu untuk menyiapkan makanan. 17 Pada hari itu seluruh bangsamu Kubawa keluar dari Mesir. Sebab itu untuk seterusnya, setiap tahun, hari itu harus kamu peringati sebagai hari raya. 18 Dalam bulan pertama, mulai tanggal empat belas malam, sampai pada tanggal dua puluh satu malam, kamu tak boleh makan roti yang beragi. Selama tujuh hari itu semua ragi harus dikeluarkan dari rumahmu. Orang Israel atau orang asing yang selama perayaan itu makan roti yang beragi, tidak lagi dianggap anggota umat-Ku." 19 (12:18) 20 (12:18)
Italian(i) 3 Parlate a tutta la raunanza d’Israele, dicendo; Nel decimo giorno di questo mese, ciascuna casa di padre di famiglia prenda un agnello o un capretto; uno per casa. 4 Ma se la famiglia è minore che non conviene per mangiar quell’agnello o capretto, prendalo il padre della famiglia in compagnia del suo vicino, il più prossimo di casa sua, con un certo numero di persone, il quale voi conterete, facendo ragione su l’agnello o il capretto, secondo che ciascuno può mangiare. 5 Prendete quell’agnello o quel capretto, senza difetto, maschio, di un anno, d’infra le pecore, o d’infra le capre. 6 E tenetelo in guardia fino al quartodecimo giorno di questo mese; e allora tutta la raunanza della comunanza d’Israele lo scanni fra i due vespri. 7 E prendasene del sangue, e mettasene sopra i due stipiti, e sopra il limitar di sopra della porta, nelle case nelle quali si mangerà. 8 E mangisene quella stessa notte la carne arrostita al fuoco, con pani azzimi, e lattughe salvatiche. 9 Non mangiate nulla di esso crudo, o pur lesso nell’acqua; ma arrostito al fuoco, capo, gambe e interiora. 10 E non ne lasciate nulla di resto fino alla mattina; e ciò che sarà restato fino alla mattina, bruciatelo col fuoco. 11 Or mangiatelo in questa maniera: abbiate i lombi cinti, e i vostri calzamenti ne’ piedi, e il vostro bastone in mano, e mangiatelo in fretta. Esso è il Passaggio del Signore. 12 E quella notte io passerò per lo paese di Egitto, e percuoterò ogni primogenito nel paese di Egitto, così d’uomini come di animali; e farò ancora giudicii sopra tutti gl’iddii di Egitto. Io sono il Signore. 13 E quel sangue vi sarà per un segnale, nelle case nelle quali sarete; e quando io vedrò quel sangue, passerò oltre senza toccarvi; e non vi sarà fra voi alcuna piaga a distruzione, mentre io percuoterò il paese di Egitto. 14 E quel giorno vi sarà per una ricordanza, e voi lo celebrerete per festa solenne, al Signore; voi lo celebrerete per festa solenne, per istatuto perpetuo, per le vostre età. 15 Voi mangerete per sette giorni pani azzimi; anzi fin dal primo giorno farete che non vi sia alcun lievito nelle vostre case; perciocchè, se alcuno mangia cosa alcuna lievitata dal primo giorno fino al settimo, quella persona sarà ricisa d’Israele. 16 E nel primo giorno voi avrete santa raunanza; siavi parimente santa raunanza nel settimo giorno; non facciasi alcun’opera in que’ giorni; solo vi si apparecchi quel che ciascuna persona deve mangiare e non altro. 17 Osservate adunque l’osservanza de’ pani azzimi; perciocchè in quel giorno stesso io avrò tratte le vostre schiere fuor del paese di Egitto; perciò osservate quel giorno per le vostre età, per istatuto perpetuo. 18 Mangiate pani azzimi, dal quartodecimo giorno del primo mese al vespro, fino al ventunesimo giorno di esso mese al vespro. 19 Non trovisi alcun lievito nelle vostre case per sette giorni; perciocchè, se alcuno mangia cosa alcuna lievitata, quella persona sarà ricisa dalla raunanza d’Israele; forestiere, o natio del paese, ch’egli si sia. 20 Non mangiate nulla di lievitato; mangiate pani azzimi in tutte le vostre stanze.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 3 Parlate a tutta la raunanza d’Israele, e dite: Il decimo giorno di questo mese, prenda ognuno un agnello per famiglia, un agnello per casa; 4 e se la casa è troppo poco numerosa per un agnello, se ne prenda uno in comune col vicino di casa più prossimo, tenendo conto del numero delle persone; voi conterete ogni persona secondo quel che può mangiare dell’agnello. 5 Il vostro agnello sia senza difetto, maschio, dell’anno; potrete prendere un agnello o un capretto. 6 Lo serberete fino al quattordicesimo giorno di questo mese, e tutta la raunanza d’Israele, congregata, lo immolerà sull’imbrunire. 7 E si prenda del sangue d’esso, e si metta sui due stipiti e sull’architrave della porta delle case dove lo si mangerà. 8 E se ne mangi la carne in quella notte; si mangi arrostita al fuoco, con pane senza lievito e con dell’erbe amare. 9 Non ne mangiate niente di poco cotto o di lessato nell’acqua, ma sia arrostito al fuoco, con la testa, le gambe e le interiora. 10 E non ne lasciate nulla di resto fino alla mattina; e quel che ne sarà rimasto fino alla mattina, bruciatelo col fuoco. 11 E mangiatelo in questa maniera: coi vostri fianchi cinti, coi vostri calzari ai piedi e col vostro bastone in mano; e mangiatelo in fretta: è la Pasqua dell’Eterno. 12 Quella notte io passerò per il paese d’Egitto, e percoterò ogni primogenito nel paese d’Egitto, tanto degli uomini quanto degli animali, e farò giustizia di tutti gli dèi d’Egitto. Io sono l’Eterno. 13 E quel sangue vi servirà di segno sulle case dove sarete; e quand’io vedrò il sangue passerò oltre, e non vi sarà piaga su voi per distruggervi, quando percoterò il paese d’Egitto. 14 Quel giorno sarà per voi un giorno di ricordanza, e lo celebrerete come una festa in onore dell’Eterno; lo celebrerete d’età in età come una festa d’istituzione perpetua. 15 Per sette giorni mangerete pani azzimi. Fin dal primo giorno toglierete ogni lievito dalle vostre case; poiché, chiunque mangerà pane lievitato, dal primo giorno fino al settimo, sarà reciso da Israele. 16 E il primo giorno avrete una santa convocazione, e una santa convocazione il settimo giorno. Non si faccia alcun lavoro in que’ giorni; si prepari soltanto quel ch’è necessario a ciascuno per mangiare, e non altro. 17 Osservate dunque la festa degli azzimi; poiché in quel medesimo giorno io avrò tratto le vostre schiere dal paese d’Egitto; osservate dunque quel giorno d’età in età, come una istituzione perpetua. 18 Mangiate pani azzimi dalla sera del quattordicesimo giorno del mese, fino alla sera del ventunesimo giorno. 19 Per sette giorni non si trovi lievito nelle vostre case; perché chiunque mangerà qualcosa di lievitato, quel tale sarà reciso dalla raunanza d’Israele: sia egli forestiero o nativo del paese. 20 Non mangiate nulla di lievitato; in tutte le vostre dimore mangiate pani azzimi".
Korean(i) 3 너희는 이스라엘 회중에게 고하여 이르라 이 달 열흘에 너희 매인이 어린 양을 취할지니 각 가족대로 그 식구를 위하여 어린 양을 취하되 4 그 어린 양에 대하여 식구가 너무 적으면 그 집의 이웃과 함께 수를 따라서 하나를 취하며 각 사람의 식량을 따라서 너희 어린 양을 계산할 것이며 5 너희 어린 양은 흠 없고 일년 된 수컷으로 하되 양이나 염소 중에서 취하고 6 이달 십사일까지 간직하였다가 해질 때에 이스라엘 회중이 그 양을 잡고 7 양을 먹을 집 문 좌우 설주와 인방에 바르고 8 그 밤에 그 고기를 불에 구워 무교병과 쓴 나물과 아울러 먹되 9 날로나 물에 삶아서나 먹지 말고 그 머리와 정강이와 내장을 다 불에 구워 먹고 10 아침까지 남겨 두지 말며 아침까지 남은 것은 곧 소화하라 11 너희는 그것을 이렇게 먹을지니 허리에 띠를 띠고 발에 신을 신고 손에 지팡이를 잡고 급히 먹으라 ! 이것이 여호와의 유월절이니라 ! 12 내가 그 밤에 애굽 땅에 두루 다니며 사람과 짐승을 무론하고 애굽 나라 가운데 처음 난 것을 다 치고 애굽의 모든 신에게 벌을 내리리라 나는 여호와로라 ! 13 내가 애굽 땅을 칠 때에 그 피가 너희의 거하는 집에 있어서 너희를 위하여 표적이 될지라 내가 피를 볼때에 너희를 넘어가리니재앙이 너희에게 내려 멸하지 아니하리라 14 너희는 이 날을 기념하여 여호와의 절기를 삼아 영원한 규례로 대대에 지킬지니라 ! 15 너희는 칠일동안 무교병을 먹을지니 그 첫날에 누룩을 너희 집에서 제하라 ! 무릇 첫날부터 칠일까지 유교병을 먹는 자는 이스라엘에서 끊쳐지리라 16 너희에게 첫날에도 성회요 제 칠일에도 성회가 되리니 이 두 날에는 아무 일도 하지 말고 각인의 식물만 너희가 갖출 것이니라 17 너희는 무교절을 지키라 ! 이 날에 내가 너희 군대를 애굽 땅에서 인도하여 내었음이니라 그러므로 너희가 영원한 규례를 삼아 이 날을 대대로 지킬지라 ! 18 정월에 그 달 십사일 저녁부터 이십 일일 저녁까지 너희는 무교병을 먹을 것이요 19 칠일 동안은 누룩을 너희 집에 있지 않게 하라 무릇 유교물을 먹는 타국인이든지 본국에서 난 자든지 무론하고 이스라엘 회중에서 끊쳐지리니 20 너희는 아무 유교물이든지 먹지 말고 너희 모든 유하는 곳에서 무교병을 먹을지니라
Lithuanian(i) 3 Pasakykite visiems izraelitams, kad šito mėnesio dešimtąją dieną jie paimtų po avinėlį savo tėvų namams, po vieną avinėlį kiekvienai šeimai. 4 O jei šeima yra per maža avinėlį suvalgyti, tepaima kartu su savo artimiausiu kaimynu, kad susidarytų tiek asmenų, kiek gali suvalgyti avinėlį. 5 Avinėlis privalo būti be trūkumų, metinis patinėlis; paimsite jį iš avių ar ožkų. 6 Laikykite jį iki šio mėnesio keturioliktos dienos; kiekviena Izraelio tautos šeima turi jį papjauti tos dienos vakare. 7 Jo krauju patepkite abi durų staktas ir skersinį tų namų, kuriuose valgysite avinėlį. 8 Tą naktį valgykite mėsą, keptą ant ugnies, su nerauginta duona ir karčiomis žolėmis. 9 Jūs neturite jos valgyti žalios ar išvirtos vandenyje, tik keptą ugnyje, taip pat galvą, kojas ir vidurius. 10 Nieko iš jo nepalikite iki ryto. O kas paliks ligi ryto, tą sudeginkite. 11 Valgykite jį paskubomis, susijuosę strėnas, apsiavę, laikydami lazdą rankoje; tai Viešpaties Pascha. 12 Tą naktį pereisiu visą Egipto šalį ir išžudysiu visus pirmagimius, žmones ir gyvulius; ir visiems Egipto dievams įvykdysiu teismą. Aš­Viešpats! 13 O kraujas ant namų bus ženklas, kur jūs gyvenate. Pamatęs kraują, aplenksiu jus, kad Egipto šalies bausmė nepaliestų jūsų. 14 Ta diena tebūna jums atmintina diena; jūs privalote ją švęsti kaip šventę Viešpačiui per kartų kartas. 15 Septynias dienas valgysite neraugintą duoną. Jau pirmąją dieną pašalinkite raugą iš savo namų, nes kiekvienas, kuris valgys raugintą maistą nuo pirmosios iki septintosios dienos, bus išnaikintas iš Izraelio. 16 Pirmąją dieną susirinkite šventei, taip pat ir septintąją. Jokio darbo nevalia dirbti tomis dienomis, išskyrus tai, ko reikia kiekvieno žmogaus maistui. 17 Jūs švęsite Neraugintos duonos šventę per kartų kartas, nes tą dieną Aš išvedžiau jūsų pulkus iš Egipto šalies. 18 Pirmojo mėnesio keturioliktos dienos vakare pradėsite valgyti neraugintą duoną ir valgysite iki dvidešimt pirmosios dienos vakaro. 19 Septynias dienas nebus raugo jūsų namuose, nes kiekvienas, kuris valgys ką nors rauginto, bus išnaikintas iš Izraelio, ar jis būtų ateivis, ar vietinis gyventojas. 20 Nieko rauginto jūs nevalgysite. Savo namuose valgysite neraugintą duoną”.
PBG(i) 3 Rzeczcie do wszystkiego zgromadzenia Izraelskiego, mówiąc: Dziesiątego dnia miesiąca tego weźmie sobie każdy baranka według familii, baranka według domu. 4 A jeźliby mniejszy był dom niżeliby zjeść mogli baranka, tedy przybierze i sąsiada swego, który jest najbliższy domu jego, według liczby dusz, naliczywszy tyle osób, ileby ich zjeść mogło baranka. 5 Baranka zupełnego, samca rocznego, mieć będziecie; z owiec albo z kóz weźmiecie go. 6 I będziecie go chowali aż do czternastego dnia miesiąca tego; a zabije go wszystko zebranie zgromadzenia Izraelskiego między dwoma wieczorami. 7 I wezmą ze krwi jego, i pokropią obydwa podwoje i nadprożnik u domu; w którym go będą spożywać. 8 I będą jeść mięso onej nocy pieczone przy ogniu, i przaśniki, z zioły gorzkiemi będą go jeść. 9 Nie jedzcie z niego nic surowego, ani warzonego w wodzie, ale upieczone przy ogniu. Głowę jego z nogami jego, z wnętrznościami jego. 10 A nie zostanie z niego nic do jutra; a jeźliby co z niego do jutra zostało, ogniem spalicie. 11 Tak go tedy pożywać będziecie: Biodra swe przepaszecie, obuwie wasze będzie na nogach waszych, a laska wasza w ręce waszej, a jeść go będziecie spieszno, albowiem przejście jest Pańskie. 12 Gdyż przejdę przez ziemię Egipską tej nocy, i zabiję wszelkie pierworodne w ziemi Egipskiej, od człowieka aż do bydlęcia, i nad wszystkimi bogi Egipskimi wykonam sądy, Ja Pan. 13 A będzie wam ona krew na znak na domach, w których będziecie; bo ujrzawszy krew, minę was, że nie będzie u was plaga ku zatraceniu, gdy będę zabijał w ziemi Egipskiej. 14 A będzie wam ten dzień na pamiątkę; i będziecie go obchodzić za święto Panu w narodziech waszych; ustawą wieczną obchodzić go będziecie. 15 Przez siedem dni przaśniki jeść będziecie, a pierwszego dnia zaraz wypróżnicie kwas z domów waszych; bo ktobykolwiek jadł co kwaszonego od pierwszego dnia aż do dnia siódmego, wytracona będzie dusza ona z Izraela. 16 W tenże dzień pierwszy będzie zebranie święte, także dnia siódmego zgromadzenie święte mieć będziecie; żadnej roboty nie będziecie w nich czynić, oprócz tego, czego każdy do jedzenia używa, to samo gotować będziecie. 17 I będziecie przestrzegać przaśników; albowiem w ten dzień wywiodłem wojska wasze z ziemi Egipskiej; przetoż przestrzegać będziecie dnia tego w narodziech waszych ustawą wieczną. 18 Pierwszego miesiąca, czternastego dnia tegoż miesiąca, na wieczór jeść będziecie przaśniki aż do dnia dwudziestego pierwszego tegoż miesiąca na wieczór. 19 Przez siedem dni kwas niech się nie znajduje w domach waszych; bo ktobykolwiek jadł co kwaszonego, wytracona będzie dusza jego z zgromadzenia Izraelskiego, tak przychodzień, jako i zrodzony w ziemi. 20 Nic kwaszonego jeść nie będziecie; we wszystkich mieszkaniach waszych jeść będziecie przaśniki.
Portuguese(i) 3 Falai a toda a congregação de Israel, dizendo: Ao décimo dia deste mês tomará cada um para si um cordeiro, segundo as casas dos pais, um cordeiro para cada família. 4 Mas se a família for pequena demais para um cordeiro, tomá-lo-á juntamente com o vizinho mais próximo de sua casa, conforme o número de almas; conforme ao comer de cada um, fareis a conta para o cordeiro. 5 O cordeiro, ou cabrito, será sem defeito, macho de um ano, o qual tomareis das ovelhas ou das cabras, 6 e o guardareis até o décimo quarto dia deste mês; e toda a assembleia da congregação de Israel o matará à tardinha: 7 Tomarão do sangue, e pô-lo-ão em ambos os umbrais e na verga da porta, nas casas em que o comerem. 8 E naquela noite comerão a carne assada ao fogo, com pães ázimos; com ervas amargosas a comerão. 9 Não comereis dele cru, nem cozido em água, mas sim assado ao fogo; a sua cabeça com as suas pernas e com a sua fressura. 10 Nada dele deixareis até pela manhã; mas o que dele ficar até pela manhã, queimá-lo-eis no fogo. 11 Assim pois o comereis: Os vossos lombos cingidos, os vossos sapatos nos pés, e o vosso cajado na mão; e o comereis apressadamente; esta é a páscoa do Senhor. 12 Porque naquela noite passarei pela terra do Egipto, e ferirei todos os primogénitos na terra do Egipto, tanto dos homens como dos animais; e sobre todos os deuses do Egipto executarei juízos; eu sou o Senhor. 13 Mas o sangue vos será por sinal nas casas em que estiverdes; vendo eu o sangue, passarei por cima de vós, e não haverá entre vós praga para vos destruir, quando eu ferir a terra do Egipto. : 14 E este dia vos será por memorial, e celebrá-lo-eis por festa ao Senhor; através das vossas gerações o celebrareis por estatuto perpétuo. 15 Por sete dias comereis pães ázimos; logo ao primeiro dia tirareis o fermento das vossas casas, porque qualquer que comer pão levedado, entre o primeiro e o sétimo dia, esse será cortado de Israel. 16 E ao primeiro dia haverá uma santa convocação; também ao sétimo dia tereis uma santa convocação; neles não se fará trabalho algum, senão o que diz respeito ao que cada um houver de comer; somente isso poderá ser feito por vós. 17 Guardareis, pois, a festa dos pães ázimos, porque nesse mesmo dia tirei vossos exércitos da terra do Egipto; pelo que guardareis este dia através das vossas gerações por estatuto perpétuo. 18 No primeiro mês, aos catorze dias do mês, à tarde, comereis pães ázimos até vinte e um do mês à tarde. 19 Por sete dias não se ache fermento algum nas vossas casas; porque qualquer que comer pão levedado, esse será cortado da congregação de Israel, tanto o peregrino como o natural da terra. 20 Nenhuma coisa levedada comereis; em todas as vossas habitações comereis pães ázimos.
Norwegian(i) 3 Tal til hele Israels menighet og si: På den tiende dag i denne måned skal hver husfar ta sig ut et lam, et lam for hvert hus. 4 Men dersom huset er for lite til et lam, skal han og hans nærmeste nabo ta et lam sammen efter tallet på deres husfolk; efter hvad enhver eter, skal I regne folk på hvert lam. 5 Det skal være et lam uten lyte, av hankjønn, årsgammelt; et lam eller et kje kan I ta. 6 Og I skal gjemme det til den fjortende dag i denne måned; da skal hele Israels samlede menighet slakte det mellem de to aftenstunder*. / {* mellem solens nedgang og nattens frembrudd.} 7 Og de skal ta av blodet og stryke på begge dørstolpene og på det øverste dørtre på de hus hvor de eter det. 8 Og de skal ete kjøttet samme natt; stekt ved ild og med usyret brød og bitre urter skal de ete det. 9 I må ikke ete noget av det rått eller kokt i vann, men stekt ved ild, med hode, føtter og innvoller. 10 Og I skal ikke levne noget av det til om morgenen; er det noget igjen om morgenen, skal I brenne det op i ilden. 11 Og således skal I ete det: med ombundne lender, med sko på føttene og med stav i hånd, og I skal ete det i hast; det er påske* for Herren. / {* ordet påske betyr forbigang.} 12 For samme natt vil jeg gå igjennem Egyptens land og slå ihjel alt førstefødt i Egyptens land, både folk og fe, og over alle Egyptens guder vil jeg holde dom; jeg er Herren. 13 Og blodet på de hus som I er i, skal være til et tegn for eder; når jeg ser blodet, vil jeg gå eder forbi; og ikke skal noget slag ramme eder til ødeleggelse når jeg slår Egyptens land. 14 Og denne dag skal være en minnedag for eder, og I skal holde den som en høitid for Herren; det skal være en evig forskrift for eder å holde den, slekt efter slekt. 15 I syv dager skal I ete usyret brød. Straks på den første dag skal I ha all surdeig bort av eders hus; enhver som eter syret brød fra den første til den syvende dag, han skal utryddes av Israel. 16 Og på den første dag skal I holde en hellig sammenkomst, og likeså på den syvende dag en hellig sammenkomst. Intet arbeid skal gjøres nogen av de dager; bare den mat som enhver av eder trenger, må I lage til. 17 I skal holde de usyrede brøds høitid, for på denne samme dag førte jeg eders hærer ut av Egyptens land; derfor skal det være en evig forskrift for eder å holde denne dag, slekt efter slekt. 18 I den første måned, på den fjortende dag i måneden om aftenen skal I ete usyret brød, og det skal I gjøre helt til den enogtyvende dag om aftenen i samme måned. 19 I syv dager skal det ikke finnes surdeig i eders hus; enhver som eter syret brød, han skal utryddes av Israels menighet, enten han er en fremmed eller innfødt i landet. 20 Intet syret skal I ete, i alle hus skal I ete usyret brød.
Romanian(i) 3 Vorbiţi întregei adunări a lui Israel, şi spuneţi -i:,În ziua a zecea a acestei luni, fiecare om să ia un miel de fiecare familie, un miel de fiecare casă. 4 Dacă sînt prea puţini în casă pentru un miel, să -l ia cu vecinul lui cel mai de aproape, după numărul sufletelor; să faceţi socoteala cît poate mînca fiecare din mielul acesta. 5 Să fie un miel fără cusur, de parte bărbătească, de un an; veţi putea să luaţi un miel sau un ied. 6 Să -l păstraţi pînă în ziua a patrusprezecea a lunii acesteia; şi toată adunarea lui Israel să -l junghie seara. 7 Să ia din sîngele lui, şi să ungă amîndoi stîlpii uşii şi pragul de sus al caselor unde îl vor mînca. 8 Carnea s'o mănînce chiar în noaptea aceea, friptă la foc; şi anume s'o mănînce cu azimi şi cu verdeţuri amare. 9 Să nu -l mîncaţi crud sau fiert în apă; ci să fie fript la foc: atît capul, cît şi picioarele şi măruntaiele. 10 Să nu lăsaţi nimic din el pînă a doua zi dimineaţa; şi, dacă va rămînea ceva din el pe a doua zi dimineaţa, să -l ardeţi în foc. 11 Cînd îl veţi mînca, să aveţi mijlocul încins, încălţămintele în picioare, şi toiagul în mînă; şi să -l mîncaţi în grabă; căci sînt Paştele Domnului. 12 În noaptea aceea, Eu voi trece prin ţara Egiptului, şi voi lovi pe toţi întîii-născuţi din ţara Egiptului, dela oameni pînă la dobitoace; şi voi face judecată împrotiva tuturor zeilor Egiptului; Eu, Domnul. 13 Sîngele vă va sluji ca semn pe casele unde veţi fi. Eu voi vedea sîngele, şi voi trece pe lîngă voi, aşa că nu vă va nimici nici o urgie, atunci cînd voi lovi ţara Egiptului. 14 Şi pomenirea acestei zile s'o păstraţi, şi s'o prăznuiţi printr'o sărbătoare în cinstea Domnului; s'o prăznuiţi ca o lege vecinică pentru urmaşii voştri. 15 Timp de şapte zile, veţi mînca azimi. Din cea dintîi zi veţi scoate aluatul din casele voastre: căci oricine va mînca pîne dospită, din ziua întîi pînă în ziua a şaptea, va fi nimicit din Israel. 16 În ziua dintîi veţi avea o adunare de sărbătoare sfîntă; şi în ziua a şaptea, veţi avea o adunare de sărbătoare sfîntă. Să nu faceţi nici o muncă în zilele acelea; veţi putea numai să pregătiţi mîncarea fiecărui ins. 17 Să ţineţi sărbătoarea azimilor, căci chiar în ziua aceea voi scoate oştile voastre din ţara Egiptului; să ţineţi ziua aceea ca o lege vecinică pentru urmaşii voştri. 18 În luna întîi, din a patrusprezecea zi a lunii, seara, să mîncaţi azimi, pînă în seara zilei a douăzeci şi una a lunii. 19 Timp de şapte zile, să nu se găsească aluat în casele voastre; căci oricine va mînca pîne dospită, va fi nimicit din adunarea lui Israel, fie străin, fie băştinaş. 20 Să nu mîncaţi pîne dospită; ci, în toate locuinţele voastre, să mîncaţi azimi.``
Ukrainian(i) 3 Скажіть усій ізраїльській громаді, говорячи: У десятий день цього місяця нехай візьмуть собі кожен ягня за домом батьків, ягня на дім. 4 А коли буде той дім замалий, щоб з'їсти ягня, то нехай візьме він і найближчий до його дому сусід його за числом душ. Кожен згідно з їдою своєю полічиться на те ягня. 5 Ягня у вас нехай буде без вади, самець, однорічне. Візьміть його з овечок та з кіз. 6 І нехай буде воно для вас пильноване аж до чотирнадцятого дня цього місяця. І заколе його цілий збір Ізраїлевої громади на смерканні. 7 І нехай візьмуть тієї крови, і нехай покроплять на обидва бокові одвірки, і на одвірок верхній у тих домах, що будуть їсти його в них. 8 І нехай їдять тієї ночі те м'ясо, спечене на огні, та опрісноки. Нехай їдять його на гірких травах. 9 Не їжте з нього сирового та вареного, звареного в воді, бо до їди тільки спечене на огні, голова його з голінками його та з нутром його. 10 І не лишайте з нього нічого до ранку, а полишене з нього до ранку спаліть на огні. 11 А їсти його будете так: стегна ваші підперезані, взуття ваше на ногах ваших, а палиця ваша в руці вашій, і будете ви їсти його в поспіху. Пасха це для Господа! 12 І перейду Я тієї ночі в єгипетськім краї, і повбиваю в єгипетській землі кожного перворідного від людини аж до скотини. А над усіма єгипетськими богами вчиню Я суд. Я Господь! 13 І буде та кров вам знаком на тих домах, що там ви, і побачу ту кров, і обмину вас. І не буде між вами згубної порази, коли Я вбиватиму в єгипетськім краї. 14 І стане той день для вас пам'яткою, і будете святкувати його, як свято для Господа на всі роди ваші! Як постанову вічну будете святкувати його! 15 Сім днів будете їсти опрісноки. Але першого дня зробите, щоб не було квашеного в ваших домах, бо кожен, хто їстиме квашене, від дня першого аж до дня сьомого, то буде витята душа та з Ізраїля. 16 А першого дня будуть у вас священні збори, і сьомого дня священні збори. Жодна праця не буде робитися в них, тільки що їсти кожній душі, те єдине робитимете ви. 17 І ви будете додержувати опрісноків, бо саме того дня Я вивів війська ваші з єгипетського краю. І будете додержувати того дня в ваших родах, як постанови вічної. 18 Першого місяця, чотирнадцятого дня місяця будете їсти опрісноки аж до вечора дня двадцять першого того ж місяця. 19 Сім день квашене не буде знаходитися в ваших домах, бо кожен, хто їстиме квашене, то буде витята душа та з Ізраїльської громади, чи то серед приходьків, чи то тих, хто народився у краї. 20 Жодного квашеного не будете їсти в усіх ваших оселях, будете їсти опрісноки!