THE MODERN SPELLING TYNDALE/COVERDALE BIBLE® Old Testament Copyright © 2008 by SHAWN MCDONNELL New Testament Copyright © 2006 by SHAWN MCDONNELL God''s Word is free. Print rights: The copyright holder is pleased hereby to grant permission for the MODERN SPELLING TYNDALE/COVERDALE BIBLE® to be quoted or reprinted in its entirety without written permission with the following qualifications: (1) Absolutely no changes or alterations of any kind may be made to the text (2) quotations not to exceed 1,000 verses if contained in a commercial publication (3) reprints of the entire Bible (or any complete books of the Bible) may not be used in a commercial publication (4) reprints of the entire Bible (or any complete books of the Bible) must include this copyright notice in its entirety. For present purposes, a commercial publication is defined as any book, periodical, etc., for which money will be charged, regardless of the intended use for such money. Electronic rights: The MODERN SPELLING TYNDALE/COVERDALE BIBLE® may be reproduced and distributed electronically, posted on the Internet, included in Bible software, etc., without written permission with the following qualifications: (1) Absolutely no changes or alterations of any kind may be made to the text (2) any such electronic use is entirely non-commercial (3) any such electronic use must include this copyright notice in its entirety. Quotations from this Bible may be identified in written form with the abbreviation (MSTC)® in less formal documents, such as bulletins, newsletters, curriculum, media pieces, poster, transparencies, and where space is limited. A proper copyright credit line must appear on the title or copyright page of any commercial work quoting the MODERN SPELLING TYNDALE/COVERDALE BIBLE,® as follows: "Scriptures quoted from the MODERN SPELLING TYNDALE/COVERDALE BIBLE® copyright © 2008 by Shawn McDonnell, and free for all non-commercial use. Used By Permission." visit us online at
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