Bible verses about "beauty of the earth" | new

Genesis 2:1-25

  1 H8064 Thus the heavens H776 and the earth H3615 [H8792] were finished, H6635 and all the host of them.
  2 H7637 And on the seventh H3117 day H430 God H3615 [H8762] ended H4399 his work H6213 [H8804] which he had made; H7673 [H8799] and he rested H7637 on the seventh H3117 day H4399 from all his work H6213 [H8804] which he had made.
  3 H430 And God H1288 [H8762] blessed H7637 the seventh H3117 day, H6942 [H8762] and sanctified H3588 it: because H7673 [H8804] that in it he had rested H4399 from all his work H430 which God H1254 [H8804] created H6213 [H8800] and made.
  4 H428 These H8435 are the generations H8064 of the heavens H776 and of the earth H1254 [H8736] when they were created, H3117 in the day H3068 that the LORD H430 God H6213 [H8800] made H776 the earth H8064 and the heavens,
  5 H7880 And every plant H7704 of the field H2962 before H776 it was in the earth, H6212 and every herb H7704 of the field H2962 before H6779 [H8799] it grew: H3588 for H3068 the LORD H430 God H3808 had not H4305 [H8689] caused it to rain H776 upon the earth, H369 and there was not H120 a man H5647 [H8800] to till H127 the soil.
  6 H5927 [H8799] But there went up H108 a mist H4480 from H776 the earth, H8248 [H8689] and watered H6440 the whole face H127 of the soil.
  7 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H3335 [H8799] formed H120 man H6083 of the dust H4480 of H127 the soil, H5301 [H8799] and blew H639 into his nostrils H5397 the breath H2416 of life; H120 and man H2416 became a living H5315 breath.
  8 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H5193 [H8799] planted H1588 a garden H6924 eastward H5731 in Eden; H8033 and there H7760 [H8799] he put H120 the man H834 whom H3335 [H8804] he had formed.
  9 H4480 And out H127 of the soil H6779 0 made H3068 the LORD H430 God H6779 [H8686] to grow H6086 every tree H2530 [H8737] that is desirable H4758 to the sight, H2896 and good H3978 for food; H6086 the tree H2416 of life H8432 also in the midst H1588 of the garden, H6086 and the tree H1847 of knowledge H2896 of good H7451 and evil.
  10 H5104 And a river H3318 [H8802] went out H5731 of Eden H8248 [H8687] to water H1588 the garden; H6504 [H8735] and from there it was parted, H702 and became into four H7218 heads.
  11 H8034 The name H259 of the first H6376 is Pison: H1931   H5437 [H8802] which goest around H776 the whole land H2341 of Havilah, H834 where H2091 there is gold;
  12 H2091 And the gold H1931 of that H776 land H2896 is good: H916 there is bdellium H7718 and the onyx H68 stone.
  13 H8034 And the name H8145 of the second H5104 river H1521 is Gihon: H5437 [H8802] the same that goest around H776 the whole land H3568 of Cush.
  14 H8034 And the name H7992 of the third H5104 river H2313 is Hiddekel: H1980 [H8802] which floweth toward H6926 the east H804 of Assyria. H7243 And the fourth H5104 river H6578 is Euphrates.
  15 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H3947 [H8799] took H120 the man, H3240 [H8686] and put him H1588 into the garden H5731 of Eden H5647 [H8800] to tend H8104 [H8800] it and to keep it.
  16 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H6680 [H8762] commanded H120 the man, H559 [H8800] saying, H6086 Of every tree H1588 of the garden H398 [H8800] thou mayest freely H398 [H8799] eat:
  17 H6086 But of the tree H1847 of the knowledge H2896 of good H7451 and evil, H398 [H8799] thou shalt not eat H3117 of it: for in the day H398 [H8800] that thou eatest H4191 [H8800] of it thou shalt surely H4191 [H8799] die.
  18 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H559 [H8799] said, H2896 It is not good H120 that the man H1961 [H8800] should be H6213 [H8799] alone; I will make H5828 him an help meet for him.
  19 H127 And out of the soil H3068 the LORD H430 God H3335 [H8799] formed H2416 every beast H7704 of the field, H5775 and every fowl H8064 of the heaven; H935 [H8686] and brought H120 them to Adam H7200 [H8800] to see H7121 [H8799] what he would call H120 them: and whatever Adam H7121 [H8799] called H2416 every living H5315 breath, H1931 that H8034 was its name.
  20 H120 And Adam H7121 [H8799] gave H8034 names H929 to all cattle, H5775 and to the fowls H8064 of the heaven, H2416 and to every beast H7704 of the field; H120 but for Adam H4672 [H8804] there was not found H5828 an help meet for him.
  21 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H5307 0 caused H8639 a deep sleep H5307 [H8686] to fall H121 upon Adam, H3462 [H8799] and he slept: H3947 [H8799] and he took H259 one H6763 of his ribs, H5462 [H8799] and closed up H1320 the flesh in its place;
  22 H6763 And the rib, H3068 which the LORD H430 God H3947 [H8804] had taken H120 from man, H1129 [H8799] he made H802 a woman, H935 [H8686] and brought H120 her to the man.
  23 H120 And Adam H559 [H8799] said, H2063 This H6471 is now H6106 bone H6106 of my bones, H1320 and flesh H1320 of my flesh: H2063 she H7121 [H8735] shall be called H802 Woman, H2063 because she H3947 [H8795] was taken H376 out of Man.
  24 H3651 Therefore H376 shall a man H5800 [H8799] leave H1 his father H517 and his mother, H1692 [H8804] and shall cleave H802 to his wife: H259 and they shall be one H1320 flesh.
  25 H8147 And they were both H6174 naked, H120 the man H802 and his wife, H954 [H8709] and were not pale.

Genesis 1:26-28

  26 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H6213 [H8799] Let us make H120 man H6754 in our image, H1823 after our likeness: H7287 [H8799] and let them have dominion H1710 over the fish H3220 of the sea, H5775 and over the fowl H8064 of the heaven, H929 and over the cattle, H776 and over all the earth, H7431 and over every creeping thing H7430 [H8802] that creepeth H776 upon the earth.
  27 H430 So God H1254 [H8799] created H120 man H6754 in his own image, H6754 in the image H430 of God H1254 [H8804] created H2145 he him; male H5347 and female H1254 [H8804] created he them.
  28 H430 And God H1288 [H8762] blessed H430 them, and God H559 [H8799] said H6509 [H8798] to them, Be fruitful, H7235 [H8798] and multiply, H4390 [H8798] and fill H776 the earth, H3533 [H8798] and subdue it: H7287 [H8798] and have dominion H1710 over the fish H3220 of the sea, H5775 and over the fowl H8064 of the heaven, H2416 and over every living thing H7430 [H8802] that moveth H776 upon the earth.

Genesis 1:1-31

  1 H7225 In the beginning H430 God H1254 H853 [H8804] created H8064 the heavens H853 and H776 the earth.
  2 H776 And the earth H1961 [H8804] was H8414 without form, H922 and void; H2822 and darkness H6440 was upon the face H8415 of the deep. H7307 And the Spirit H430 of God H7363 [H8764] moved H5921 upon H6440 the face H4325 of the waters.
  3 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H1961 [H8799] Let there be H216 light: H216 and there was light.
  4 H430 And God H7200 H853 [H8799] saw H216 the light, H3588 that H2896 it was good: H430 and God H914 H996 [H8686] divided H216 the light H996 from H2822 the darkness.
  5 H430 And God H7121 [H8799] called H216 the light H3117 Day, H2822 and the darkness H7121 [H8804] he called H3915 Night. H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H259 were the first H3117 day.
  6 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H7549 Let there be a firmament H8432 in the midst H4325 of the waters, H914 [H8688] and let it divide H4325 the waters H4325 from the waters.
  7 H430 And God H6213 [H8799] made H7549 the firmament, H914 [H8686] and divided H4325 the waters H834 which H8478 were under H7549 the firmament H4325 from the waters H834 which H5921 were above H7549 the firmament: H3651 and it was so.
  8 H430 And God H7121 [H8799] called H7549 the firmament H8064 Heaven. H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H8145 were the second H3117 day.
  9 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H4325 Let the waters H8064 under the heaven H6960 [H8735] be gathered together H413 into H259 one H4725 place, H3004 and let the dry H7200 [H8735] land appear: and it was so.
  10 H430 And God H7121 [H8799] called H3004 the dry H776 land Earth; H4723 and the gathering together H4325 of the waters H7121 [H8804] he called H3220 Seas: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  11 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H776 Let the earth H1876 [H8686] bring forth H1877 grass, H6212 the herb H2232 [H8688] yielding H2233 seed, H6529 and the fruit H6086 tree H6213 [H8802] yielding H6529 fruit H4327 after its kind, H834 whose H2233 seed H776 is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
  12 H776 And the earth H3318 [H8686] brought forth H1877 grass, H6212 and herb H2232 [H8688] yielding H2233 seed H4327 after its kind, H6086 and the tree H6213 [H8802] yielding H6529 fruit, H2233 whose seed H4327 was in itself, after its kind: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  13 H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H7992 were the third H3117 day.
  14 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H3974 Let there be lights H7549 in the firmament H8064 of the heaven H914 [H8687] to divide H3117 the day H3915 from the night; H226 and let them be for signs, H4150 and for seasons, H3117 and for days, H8141 and years:
  15 H3974 And let them be for lights H7549 in the firmament H8064 of the heaven H215 [H8687] to give light H776 upon the earth: and it was so.
  16 H430 And God H6213 [H8799] made H8147 two H1419 great H3974 lights; H1419 the greater H3974 light H4475 to rule H3117 the day, H6996 and the lesser H3974 light H4475 to rule H3915 the night: H3556 -- the stars also.
  17 H430 And God H5414 [H8799] set H7549 them in the firmament H8064 of the heaven H215 [H8687] to give light H776 upon the earth,
  18 H4910 [H8800] And to rule H3117 over the day H3915 and over the night, H914 [H8687] and to divide H216 the light H2822 from the darkness: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  19 H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H7243 were the fourth H3117 day.
  20 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H4325 Let the waters H8317 [H8799] swarm H8318 the swarmers H5315 having a breath H2416 of life, H5775 and fowl H5774 [H8787] that may fly H5921 above H776 the earth H6440 in the open H7549 firmament H8064 of heaven.
  21 H430 And God H1254 [H8799] created H1419 great H8577 sea creatures, H2416 and every living H5315 breath H7430 [H8802] that moveth, H4325 which the waters H8317 [H8804] brought forth abundantly, H4327 after their kind, H3671 and every winged H5775 fowl H4327 after his kind: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  22 H430 And God H1288 [H8762] blessed H559 [H8800] them, saying, H6509 [H8798] Be fruitful, H7235 [H8798] and multiply, H4390 [H8798] and fill H4325 the waters H3220 in the seas, H5775 and let fowl H7235 [H8799] multiply H776 in the earth.
  23 H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H2549 were the fifth H3117 day.
  24 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H776 Let the earth H3318 [H8686] bring forth H2416 the living H5315 breath H4327 after his kind, H929 cattle, H7431 and creeping thing, H2416 and the beast H776 of the earth H4327 after his kind: and it was so.
  25 H430 And God H6213 [H8799] made H2416 the beast H776 of the earth H4327 after his kind, H929 and cattle H4327 after their kind, H7431 and every thing that creepeth H127 upon the soil H4327 after his kind: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  26 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H6213 [H8799] Let us make H120 man H6754 in our image, H1823 after our likeness: H7287 [H8799] and let them have dominion H1710 over the fish H3220 of the sea, H5775 and over the fowl H8064 of the heaven, H929 and over the cattle, H776 and over all the earth, H7431 and over every creeping thing H7430 [H8802] that creepeth H776 upon the earth.
  27 H430 So God H1254 [H8799] created H120 man H6754 in his own image, H6754 in the image H430 of God H1254 [H8804] created H2145 he him; male H5347 and female H1254 [H8804] created he them.
  28 H430 And God H1288 [H8762] blessed H430 them, and God H559 [H8799] said H6509 [H8798] to them, Be fruitful, H7235 [H8798] and multiply, H4390 [H8798] and fill H776 the earth, H3533 [H8798] and subdue it: H7287 [H8798] and have dominion H1710 over the fish H3220 of the sea, H5775 and over the fowl H8064 of the heaven, H2416 and over every living thing H7430 [H8802] that moveth H776 upon the earth.
  29 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H2009 Behold, H5414 [H8804] I have given H6212 you every herb H2232 [H8802] bearing H2233 seed, H6440 which is upon the face H776 of all the earth, H6086 and every tree, H6529 in which is the fruit H6086 of a tree H2232 [H8802] yielding H2233 seed; H1961 [H8799] to you it shall be H402 for food.
  30 H2416 And to every beast H776 of the earth, H5775 and to every fowl H8064 of the heaven, H7430 [H8802] and to every thing that creepeth H776 upon the earth, H5315 in which is breath H2416 of life, H3418 I have given every green H6212 herb H402 for food: and it was so.
  31 H430 And God H7200 [H8799] saw H834 every thing that H6213 [H8804] he had made, H3966 and, behold, it was very H2896 good. H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H8345 were the sixth H3117 day.

Psalms 24:1

  1 H776 The earth H3068 is the LORD'S, H4393 and all it containeth; H8398 the world, H3427 [H8802] and they that dwell in it.

Psalms 139:14

  14 H3034 [H8686] I will praise H3372 [H8737] thee; for I am fearfully H6395 [H8738] and wonderfully made: H6381 [H8737] marvellous H4639 are thy works; H5315 and that my breath H3966 well H3045 [H8802] knoweth

1 Corinthians 2:9

  9 G235 But G2531 as G1125 [G5769] it is written, G3739   G3788 Eye G1492 0 hath G3756 not G1492 [G5627] seen, G2532 G3756 nor G3775 ear G191 [G5656] heard, G2532 G3756 neither G305 [G5627] have entered G1909 into G2588 the heart G444 of man, G3739 the things which G2316 God G2090 [G5656] hath prepared G25 [G5723] for them that love G846 him.

Genesis 1:1

  1 H7225 In the beginning H430 God H1254 H853 [H8804] created H8064 the heavens H853 and H776 the earth.

Psalms 23:2-3

  2 H7257 [H8686] He maketh me to lie down H1877 in green H4999 pastures: H5095 [H8762] he leadeth H4496 me beside the still H4325 waters.
  3 H7725 [H8787] He restoreth H5315 my breath: H5148 [H8686] he leadeth H4570 me in the paths H6664 of righteousness H8034 for his name's sake.

Job 12:7-9

  7 H199 But H7592 [H8798] ask H929 now the beasts, H3384 [H8686] and they shall teach H5775 thee; and the fowls H8064 of the heaven, H5046 [H8686] and they shall tell thee:
  8 H7878 [H8798] Or speak H776 to the earth, H3384 [H8686] and it shall teach H1709 thee: and the fishes H3220 of the sea H5608 [H8762] shall declare to thee.
  9 H3045 [H8804] Who knoweth H3027 not in all these that the hand H3068 of the LORD H6213 [H8804] hath wrought this?

Isaiah 40:26

  26 H5375 [H8798] Lift up H5869 your eyes H4791 on high, H7200 [H8798] and behold H1254 [H8804] who hath created H3318 [H8688] these things, that bringeth out H6635 their host H4557 by number: H7121 [H8799] he calleth H8034 them all by names H7230 by the abundance H202 of his might, H533 for that he is strong H3581 in power; H376 not one H5737 [H8738] faileth.

Isaiah 65:17

  17 H1254 [H8802] For, behold, I create H2319 new H8064 heavens H2319 and a new H776 earth: H7223 and the former H2142 [H8735] shall not be remembered, H5927 [H8799] nor come H3820 into heart.

Psalms 50:2

  2 H6726 Out of Zion, H4359 the perfection H3308 of beauty, H430 God H3313 [H8689] hath shined.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

  11 H6213 [H8804] He hath made H3303 every thing beautiful H6256 in its time: H5414 [H8804] also he hath set H5769 the world H3820 in their heart, H1097 so that H120 no man H4672 [H8799] can find out H4639 the work H430 that God H6213 [H8804] maketh H7218 from the beginning H5490 to the end.

Romans 1:20

  20 G1063 For G517 the invisible things G846 of him G575 from G2937 the creation G2889 of the world G2529 [G5743] are clearly seen, G3539 [G5746] being comprehended G4161 by the things that are made, G5037 even G846 his G126 eternal G1411 power G2532 and G2305 Godhead; G1519 so G846 that they G1511 [G5750] are G379 without excuse:

Psalms 33:5

  5 H157 [H8802] He loveth H6666 righteousness H4941 and judgment: H776 the earth H4390 [H8804] is full H2617 of the mercy H3068 of the LORD.

Psalms 104:1-35

  1 H1288 [H8761] Bless H3068 the LORD, H5315 O my breath. H3068 O LORD H430 my God, H3966 thou art very H1431 [H8804] great; H3847 [H8804] thou art clothed H1935 with honour H1926 and majesty.
  2 H5844 [H8802] Who coverest H216 thyself with light H8008 as with a garment: H5186 [H8802] who stretchest out H8064 the heavens H3407 like a curtain:
  3 H7136 [H8764] Who layeth the beams H5944 of his chambers H4325 in the waters: H7760 [H8802] who maketh H5645 the clouds H7398 his chariot: H1980 [H8764] who walketh H3671 upon the wings H7307 of the wind:
  4 H6213 [H8802] Who maketh H7307 his spirits H4397 his messengers; H3857 [H8802] a flaming H784 fire H8334 [H8764] his ministers:
  5 H3245 [H8804] Who laid H4349 the foundations H776 of the earth, H4131 [H8735] that it should not be removed H5769 H5703 to the age.
  6 H3680 [H8765] Thou didst cover H8415 it with the deep H3830 as with a garment: H4325 the waters H5975 [H8799] stood H2022 above the mountains.
  7 H4480 At H1606 thy rebuke H5127 [H8799] they fled; H6963 at the voice H7482 of thy thunder H2648 [H8735] they hasted away.
  8 H5927 [H8799] They go up H2022 by the mountains; H3381 [H8799] they go down H1237 by the valleys H4725 to the place H2088 which H3245 [H8804] thou hast founded for them.
  9 H7760 [H8804] Thou hast set H1366 a bound H5674 [H8799] that they may not pass over; H7725 [H8799] that they turn not again H3680 [H8763] to cover H776 the earth.
  10 H7971 [H8764] He sendeth H4599 the springs H5158 into the valleys, H1980 [H8762] which run H2022 among the mountains.
  11 H8248 [H8686] They give drink H2416 to every beast H7704 of the field: H6501 the wild donkeys H7665 [H8799] quench H6772 their thirst.
  12 H5775 By them shall the fowls H8064 of the heaven H7931 [H8799] have their habitation, H5414 H6963 [H8799] which sing H996 among H6073 the branches.
  13 H8248 [H8688] He watereth H2022 the mountains H5944 from his chambers: H776 the earth H7646 [H8799] is satisfied H6529 with the fruit H4639 of thy works.
  14 H2682 He causeth the grass H6779 [H8688] to grow H929 for the cattle, H6212 and herb H5656 for the service H120 of man: H3318 [H8687] that he may bring forth H3899 food H776 out of the earth;
  15 H3196 And wine H8055 [H8762] that maketh glad H3824 the heart H582 of man, H8081 and oil H6440 to make his face H6670 [H8687] to shine, H3899 and bread H5582 [H8799] which strengtheneth H582 man's H3824 heart.
  16 H6086 The trees H3068 of the LORD H7646 [H8799] are full H730 of sap; the cedars H3844 of Lebanon, H5193 [H8804] which he hath planted;
  17 H6833 Where the birds H7077 [H8762] make their nests: H2624 as for the stork, H1265 the fir trees H1004 are her house.
  18 H1364 The high H2022 mountains H4268 are a refuge H3277 for the wild goats; H5553 and the rocks H8227 for the conies.
  19 H6213 [H8804] He appointeth H3394 the moon H4150 for seasons: H8121 the sun H3045 [H8804] knoweth H3996 his going down.
  20 H7896 [H8799] Thou makest H2822 darkness, H3915 and it is night: H2416 in which all the beasts H3293 of the forest H7430 [H8799] do creep forth.
  21 H3715 The young lions H7580 [H8802] roar H2964 after their prey, H1245 [H8763] and seek H400 their food H410 from God.
  22 H8121 The sun H2224 [H8799] ariseth, H622 [H8735] they withdraw, H7257 [H8799] and lay themselves down H4585 in their dens.
  23 H120 Man H3318 [H8799] goeth forth H6467 to his work H5656 and to his labour H6153 until the evening.
  24 H3068 O LORD, H7231 [H8804] how many H4639 are thy works! H2451 in wisdom H6213 [H8804] hast thou made H776 them all: the earth H4390 [H8804] is full H7075 of thy riches.
  25 H1419 So is this great H7342 H3027 and wide H3220 sea, H7431 in which are creeping things H4557 innumerable, H6996 both small H1419 and great H2416 beasts.
  26 H1980 [H8762] There go H591 the ships: H3882 there is that leviathan, H3335 [H8804] which thou hast made H7832 [H8763] to play in it.
  27 H7663 [H8762] These wait H5414 [H8800] all upon thee; that thou mayest give H400 them their food H6256 in due time.
  28 H5414 [H8799] That which thou givest H3950 [H8799] them they gather: H6605 [H8799] thou openest H3027 thine hand, H7646 [H8799] they are filled H2896 with good.
  29 H5641 [H8686] Thou hidest H6440 thy face, H926 [H8735] they are troubled: H622 [H8799] thou takest away H7307 their spirit, H1478 [H8799] they expire, H7725 [H8799] and return H6083 to their dust.
  30 H7971 [H8762] Thou sendest H7307 forth thy spirit, H1254 [H8735] they are created: H2318 [H8762] and thou renewest H6440 the face H127 of the soil.
  31 H3519 The glory H3068 of the LORD H5769 shall endure to the age: H3068 the LORD H8055 [H8799] shall rejoice H4639 in his works.
  32 H5027 [H8688] He looketh H776 on the earth, H7460 [H8799] and it trembleth: H5060 [H8799] he toucheth H2022 the mountains, H6225 [H8799] and they smoke.
  33 H9005 I H7891 [H8799] will sing H9005 to H3068 the LORD H9003 as long as H2416 I live: H9020 I H2167 [H8762] will sing H9005 to H9020 my H430 God H9003 while H9020 I have my H5750 being.
  34 H7879 My meditation H6149 [H8799] of him shall be sweet: H8055 [H8799] I will be glad H3068 in the LORD.
  35 H2400 Let sinners H8552 [H8735] be consumed H776 out of the earth, H7563 and let the wicked H1288 [H8761] be no more. Bless H3068 thou the LORD, H5315 O my breath. H1984 [H8761] Praise H3050 ye the LORD.

Genesis 1:31

  31 H430 And God H7200 [H8799] saw H834 every thing that H6213 [H8804] he had made, H3966 and, behold, it was very H2896 good. H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H8345 were the sixth H3117 day.

John 1:3

  3 G3956 All things G1096 [G5633] were made G1223 by G846 him; G2532 and G5565 without G846 him G1096 0 was G3761 not G1520 any thing G1096 [G5633] made G3739 that G1096 [G5754] was made.

Psalms 19:1

  1 H8064 The heavens H5608 [H8764] declare H3519 the glory H410 of God; H7549 and the firmament H5046 [H8688] showeth his H4639 H3027 handywork.

Colossians 1:16-17

  16 G3754 For G1722 by G846 him G2936 0 were G3956 all things G2936 [G5681] created, G1722 that are in G3772 heaven, G2532 and G1909 that are upon G1093 earth, G3707 visible G2532 and G517 invisible, G1535 whether G2362 thrones, G1535 or G2963 dominions, G1535 or G746 principalities, G1535 or G1849 authorities: G3956 all things G2936 [G5769] were created G1223 by G846 him, G2532 and G1519 for G846 him:
  17 G2532 And G846 he G2076 [G5748] is G4253 before G3956 all things, G2532 and G1722 by G846 him G3956 all things G4921 [G5758] stand together.

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